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一项随机对照初步测试在奥拉替尼诱导治疗犬特应性皮炎期间使用四 ...










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A randomised controlled trial testing the reboundpreventing benefit of four days of prednisolone during the induction of oclacitinib therapy in dogs with atopic dermatitis


作者:Thierry Olivry| Viktorija Lokianskiene| Alejandro Blanco| Pablo Del Mestre| Kerstin Bergvall | Luc Beco





ackground: A rebound of pruritus occasionally occurs after oclacitinib dose reduction in dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD).

Objectives: To determine whether an initial 4-day course of prednisolone decreases the probability of a pruritus rebound after reducing the frequency of oclacitinib administration.

Animals: Forty dogs with mild-to-moderate AD lesions and moderate-tosevere pruritus.

Materials and Methods: Dogs were randomised to receive oclacitinib at 0.4–0.6 mg/kg twice daily for 14days then once daily, alone or with prednisolone at 0.5 mg/kg, orally, twice daily for the first 4days. Clinicians graded the Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index (CADESI)4 and 2D-investigator global assessment (IGA) before and after 28days; owners assessed the pruritis Visual Analog Scale (PVAS)10 and Owner Global Assessment of Treatment Efficacy (OGATE) on Day (D)0, D4, D14, D21 and D28. We considered a rebound any increase greater than one PVAS10 grade at D21 compared to D14.

Results: On D21, there were significantly fewer rebounds in the dogs receiving prednisolone (three of 20, 15%) compared to those given oclacitinib alone (nine of 20, 45%; Fisher's test, p = 0.041). Compared to oclacitinib mono-therapy, the concurrent administration of prednisolone for the first 4days led to significantly lower PVAS10 on D4 and D28, CADESI4 and 2D-IGA on D28, and OGATE on D21 and D28 (Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney U-tests). Adverse effects of therapy were minor, intermittent and self-resolving.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: The initial addition of 4days of prednisolone significantly decreased the probability of a rebound of pruritus 1week after oclacitinib dose reduction. This short concomitant glucocorticoid administration led to a higher skin lesion improvement and improved perception of treatment efficacy with minimal adverse effects.


背景: 特应性皮炎(AD)患犬在降低奥拉替尼剂量后,偶见瘙痒反弹。

目的: 确定初期使用4天泼尼松龙是否可降低奥拉替尼减少给药频率后瘙痒反弹的概率。

动物: 40只患有轻度至中度 AD病变和中度至重度瘙痒的犬。

材料和方法: 犬随机分配使用奥拉替尼0.4–0.6 mg/kg每日两次给药14天,随后每日一次给药,单药治疗组或者前4天联合口服泼尼松龙0.5 mg/kg每日两次给药组。临床医生在28天前后使用犬特应性皮炎程度和严重指数(CADESI)4和2D研究者整体评估 (IGA)进行分级;宠主在第(D)0、D4、D14、D21和 D28天使用瘙痒视觉模拟量表(PVAS)10和宠主版疗效整体评估(OGATE)进行评估。我们认为与 D14相比,D21时PVAS10等级增加大于1即为反弹。

结果: 在D21,接受泼尼松龙组的犬反弹率(3/20,15%)显著少于接受奥拉替尼单药组的犬 (9/20,45%)(Fisher检验,p = 0.041)。与奥拉替尼单药治疗相比,在前4天同时给予泼尼松龙,使D4和D28时PVAS10、D28时CADESI4和2D-IGA以及D21和D28时OGATE 显著降低(Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney U检验)。治疗的副作用为轻微、间歇发生和可自愈。





Oclacitinib (Apoquel, Zoetis) is a first-in-class, firstgeneration, nonselective-yet-Janus kinase (JAK)1-predominant, JAK inhibitor (JAKinib) approved for the treatment of canine allergic and atopic dermatitis (AD).Oclacitinib exhibits a remarkably rapid and potent antipruritic and antilesional effect in dogs with AD.



In three randomised-controlled trials (RCTs) enrolling dogs with AD or allergic dermatitis, the reduction of frequency of administration of oclacitinib after 2weeks (i.e. from twice daily to once daily) was associated with an unexpected—yet transient—increase in manifestation of pruritus. Such a ‘rebound phenomenon’, which appeared as a mean rise in Day (D)21 or D28 pruritus scores compared to those on D14, was unique to this clinical sign, as it was not observed with skin lesion assessments. A plausible hypothesis for this rebound is the recently published observation of an increase in the transcription of pruritogenic cytokines in allergic skin lesions—as compared with untreated mice—after the abrupt discontinuation of oclacitinib therapy. Such a theory is logical, as this JAKinib, at first, only blocks the intracellular signalling of JAKdependent cytokine receptors without inhibiting the production and release of pro-allergic cytokines by resident and inflammatory cells. Then, as a consequence of the short half-life of oclacitinib in dogs (about 4 h), any elevated skin levels of pruritogenic cytokines [e.g. interleukin (IL)-31] could result in the activation of sensory neurons and itch once the oclacitinib's administration is reduced to once a day. However, with the continuous administration of oclacitinib, the secretion of pro-allergic cytokines is expected to wane following the eventual deactivation of inflammatory and resident cells. The cytokine changes occurring in the skin in the first month of oclacitinib administration to dogs with AD have not been reported to confirm or refute the above theory as of yet.



Because one of the numerous anti-allergic effects of glucocorticoids is the inhibition of transcription of cytokine-encoding genes, the addition of steroids during the induction phase of oclacitinib therapy should prevent any increase in cytokine secretion, and thus, might reduce the probability of a rebound in pruritus.



The objective of this RCT was to test the hypothesis that a 4-day course of prednisolone at the onset of oclacitinib therapy reduces the proportion of atopic dogs exhibiting a rebound in pruritus, 1week after decreasing the frequency of administration of the drug. We also expected this early adjunctive glucocorticoid therapy, albeit short, to lead to a greater improvement in clinical signs and better perception of the benefit of oclacitinib therapy after 1month.



This trial is reported following the guidelines of the 2010 CONSORT statement (http://www.consort-statement.org; page last accessed 7 February 2022), with slight modifications in the order of sections to facilitate reading. The reporting of outcome measures includes those from the core outcome set proposed in the 2018 Core Outcome Set for Canine AD (COSCAD'18).

该试验是根据2010 CONSORT声明(http://www.consort-statement.org;最后访问的页面为2022年2月7日),为方便阅读,对章节顺序进行了轻微修改。结果指标的报告包括2018年犬AD核心结果集(COSCAD'18)中提出的核心结果集。






The two interventions prescribed herein (oclacitinib or prednisolone) were at dosages recommended in the 2015 Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Canine AD. Consequently, the protocol was considered to follow the best clinical practice standards. Nevertheless, we obtained consent from the owners to enrol their dogs in the study with the possible prescription of an off-label concurrent administration of the two drugs for 4days in one of the treatment groups.



Trial design


This trial was a 4-week long, open, parallel, 1:1 randomised trial comparing the efficacy of oclacitinib monotherapy to prednisolone and oclacitinib given together for the first 4days.




We aimed to enrol at least 40 dogs of any breed, sex and neuter status, aged 12months or older, with a minimum weight of 3.0 kg.


For selection, the following six criteria had to be met:

1.a diagnosis of AD made according to current standards (i.e. a clinical diagnosis with the exclusion of resembling dermatoses), and,

2.if a diagnosis of food-induced AD had been made following a standard restriction-provocation dietary trial, the atopic signs had to remain uncontrolled after feeding a diet not containing causative ingredients, and,

3.there was no evidence of active bacterial or yeast skin infections, and,

4.the dogs did not receive any oral glucocorticoid or oclacitinib, or allergy-interfering medications in the preceding 2weeks before selection, and

5.the atopic skin lesions were of at least mild severity [i.e. a Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index, 4th iteration (CADESI4) score>10], and,

6.the pruritus manifestations were of at least a moderate grade (i.e. a 10-grade pruritus Visual Analog Scale [PVAS10] score>3.5) in the preceding 24h.





Dogs were given one of two interventions. In the oclacitinib monotherapy (OM) group, they were treated with oclacitinib at the approved dosage of 0.4–0.6 mg/kg, twice daily for 14 days, then once daily for 14 days. In the prednisolone-oclacitinib group (PO), the dogs received oclacitinib as those in the OM group, and we also added prednisolone at the targeted dosage of 0.5±0.2 mg/kg twice daily for the first 4 days. Such a short duration of prednisolone was selected arbitrarily to decrease the risk of adverse events.

犬被给予两种处置中的一种。奥拉替尼单药治疗(OM)组,按批准剂量0.4-0.6 mg/kg给予奥拉替尼治疗,每日2次,连续14天,随后每日1次,连续14天。在泼尼松龙-奥拉替尼组(PO)中,奥拉替尼使用方法与OM组相同,同时联用泼尼松龙目标剂量0.5±0.2 mg/kg,每日2次,连续4天。随意选择如此短时间的使用泼尼松龙,目的是降低副作用风险。


During this trial, we permitted the use of topical antiseptics, topical ear antimicrobials without glucocorticoids, topical ear cleansers and allergen-specific immunotherapy, and only if the latter had been administered for more than one consecutive year without full control of atopic signs.



By contrast, we prohibited the concurrent use of anti-allergic drugs whose effects could alter the interpretation of the benefit of tested interventions. Forbidden drugs were as follows: topical, otic and oral glucocorticoids; topical and oral calcineurin inhibitors; injectable lokivetmab; topical and oral antihistamines; and any other medications known to have any anti-inflammatory or antipruritic effect. Finally, the dog's diet and oral supplements could not be changed for the 8weeks preceding and during this trial.





In this study, veterinarian investigators were asked to rate the skin lesions using two validated instruments. The CADESI4 was graded on D0, before starting treatment, and 4weeks later (D28). As two of the lesions of the CADESI4 (lichenification and alopecia) are insensitive to change during short-duration trials, we also extracted the erythema grade of the CADESI4 to report the CADESI4-E, as described previously. Likewise, clinicians also graded, on D0 and D28, their perception of the overall severity of AD skin lesions using the newly validated 2D-Investigator Global Assessment (IGA) scale.

在这项研究中,兽医研究人员被要求使用两种验证过的工具对皮肤病变进行评级。CADESI4在D0、开始治疗前和4周后(D28)进行评级。由于CADESI4的两个病变(苔藓化和脱毛)在短时间试验中对变化不敏感,我们也提取了CADESI4的发红等级来报告CADESI4-E,如前所述。同样地,临床医生也使用新验证的2D -调查员整体评估(IGA)量表,在D0和D28对AD皮肤病变的整体严重程度进行评分。


We also asked one of the owners (the same person at each visit) to assess the dog's manifestation of pruritus during the 24h preceding D0, D4, D14, D21 and D28 using the validated PVAS10 scale.



Likewise, on D4, D14, D21 and D28, we requested the same owner to rate their perception of the efficacy of treatment using the newly proposed Owner Global Assessment of Treatment Efficacy (OGATE).



The primary outcome measure was the proportion of dogs in each group that had a rebound of pruritus on D21, such a rebound being defined as a PVAS10 on D21 that was at least one grade superior to that on D14, the last day of the twice-daily administration of oclacitinib.



For secondary outcome measures, we compared, between groups:

1. the absolute PVAS10 values on D4, D14, D21 and D28

2. the absolute CADESI4 and CADESI4-E scores on D28

3. the proportion of dogs with a 2D-IGA of clear-toalmost clear (0 or 1) with at least a two-grade improvement from baseline scores on D28.



Finally, in addition to the outcome measures proposed above, we also reported those included in the COSCAD'18.



Safety evaluation


We recorded all adverse events during the study and separated those expected to be seen in dogs with AD (e.g. itch, erythema, skin or ear infections) and those that were unexpected.



Sample size


In an unpublished open pilot study performed by one of the authors (LB), eight of 13 dogs with AD (62%) given oclacitinib per the approved regimen exhibited a pruritus increase 1week after the frequency of administration of oclacitinib was reduced from twice to once daily. Using these pilot data and an online calculator (http://power andsamplesize.com, page last accessed 7 February 2022), we determined that if we enrolled 16 dogs per group, this study would have an 80% power to detect a significant two-thirds reduction in the proportion of dogs having a rebound if given prednisolone with oclacitinib (one-sided analysis, p = 0.05). To allow for the expected participant attrition during the trial, we planned to enrol 20 dogs per group.

在一项未发表的公开试点研究中,由作者之一(LB)进行的,13只AD犬中有8只(62%)在按批准的方案给予奥拉替尼后,在给药频率从每天两次减少到一次后的1周内瘙痒增加。使用这些试验数据和一个在线计算器(http://power andsamplesize.com,最后访问时间为2022年2月7日),我们确定,如果我们每组登记16只犬,本研究将有80%的能力检测到,在服用泼尼松龙和奥拉替尼时,出现反弹的犬的比例显著降低三分之二(片面分析,p = 0.05)。为了考虑试验期间预期的参与者减员,我们计划每组招募20只犬。


Randomisation and blinding


The dogs were randomised to be allocated in the OM or PO group using an online tool (www.random.org, page last accessed 14 February 2022) in a 1:1 ratio without blocks. While owners were made aware of our wish to compare two oclacitinib protocols, we did not specifically explain the expected effect of the addition of the prednisolone.



Statistical methods


PVAS10 values were analysed within each treatment group with nonparametric repeated-measures ANOVA (Friedman test) with Dunn's post-tests comparing each post-treatment value to its respective at baseline. Likewise, we compared before versus after CADESI4, CADESI4-E and 2D-IGA values using Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank tests. We used Wilcoxon– Mann–Whitney U-tests for continuous variables and Fisher's exact test for categorical data for betweengroup comparisons. As we had two unidirectional hypotheses (post-treatmentOM scores), all statistical calculations were performed as one-tailed analyses with p<0.05, using statistical software (Prism 7, GraphPad Software).

对每个治疗组的PVAS10值进行非参数重复测量方差分析(Friedman检验),Dunn后验将每个治疗后值与各自的基线值进行比较。同样,我们使用Wilcoxon匹配对符号秩检验比较CADESI4、CADESI4- e和2D-IGA值前后的差异。我们对连续变量使用Wilcoxon - Mann-Whitney u检验,对分类数据使用Fisher确切检验进行组间比较。由于我们有两个单向假设(治疗后tom评分),所有统计计算均采用单尾分析(p<0.05),使用统计软件(Prism 7, GraphPad software)。






The trial took place between the 24th of January 2019 and the 9th of February 2022. Forty-two dogs were selected and randomised, of which two did not come back for reevaluation, and 40 completed the 4-week trial. At the time of data curation, one subject (Dog 7; OM group) was noted to have a PVAS10 score inferior to that required per protocol, yet we kept its values for intent-to-treat analyses.

试验于2019年1月24日至2022年2月9日期间进行。选取了42只犬进行随机分组,其中2只没有复诊再评估,40只完成了为期4周的试验。在数据整理时,一个受试犬(Dog 7;OM组)的PVAS10评分低于每个方案的要求,但我们在意向治疗分析中保留了它的值。


Baseline data


Of these 40 dogs, 22 lived in Argentina, 11 in Lithuania, five in Sweden and two in Belgium. There were 14 cross-bred and 26 pure-bred dogs, including six French bulldogs, four West Highland white terriers, and four Labradors or golden retrievers. Signalment and baseline characteristics are summarised in Table 1, while details of all patients, per COSCAD'18 recommendations, are included in Table S1. Altogether, there were no significant differences between the OM and PO groups in sex balance, age or body weight at the time of enrolment.



As shown in Table 1, the two groups of dogs had similar ranges of baseline skin lesion [CADESI4, CADESI4-E (its erythema component) and 2D-IGA] and pruritus scores (PVAS10).

如表1所示,两组犬的基线皮肤病变[CADESI4、CADESI4- E(发红)和2D-IGA]和瘙痒评分(PVAS10)范围相似。


Numbers analysed


All 40 dogs received their originally assigned intervention, and all scores were used for intention-totreat analyses.





Manifestations of pruritus


Dogs from both OM and PO groups experienced a significant reduction in PVAS10 scores during this 4-week trial (Friedman's repeated-measure ANOVA, p<0.05; Figure 1a,b).

在为期4周的试验中,OM组和PO组的犬PVAS10评分均显著降低(Friedman重复测量方差分析,p<0.05;图1 a, b)。


In the OM group, nine of 20 dogs (45%) had experienced a rebound in pruritus (i.e. an increase of more than one PVAS10 grade) on D21 compared to D14, the point at which the administration of oclacitinib was reduced in frequency from twice to once daily. In atopic dogs concurrently given 4days of prednisolone, this proportion was significantly lower (three of 20, 15%; one-tailed Fisher's exact test, p = 0.041) at the same time point, than those receiving oclacitinib monotherapy. Consequently, the number-needed-to-treat (NNT), the rounded-up inverse of the difference in proportion between the two groups, was four. In other words, such a NNT means that one would have to treat four dogs with prednisolone to prevent one rebound compared to dogs treated with oclacitinib alone. When comparing pruritus scores between interventions at each reevaluation visit, the D4 and D28 values in the PO group were significantly lower than those in the OM group (Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney Utest, p = 0.003 and 0.041, respectively; Figure 2), as can be seen with the more homogeneous decline in PVAS10 on D4 in dogs that had received prednisolone (Figure 1a,b); differences in scores between groups were not significant at the other two post-treatment time points.

在OM组中,20只犬中有9只(45%)在D21与D14相比出现瘙痒反弹(即PVAS10等级增加一个以上),在D14时,奥拉替尼的给药频率从每天两次减少到一次。在同时给予泼尼松龙4天的特应性皮炎犬中,这一比例明显较低(3 / 20,15%;单尾Fisher确切检验,p = 0.041)优于接受奥拉替尼单药治疗的患犬。因此,需要治疗的数量(NNT),即两组之间的比例差异的汇总倒数,为4。换句话说,这样的NNT意味着,与只接受奥拉替尼治疗的犬相比,一个人必须用泼尼松龙治疗4只犬才能防止一次反弹。在比较处置组每次复诊再评估的瘙痒评分时,PO组的D4和D28值显著低于OM组(Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Utest, p = 0.003和0.041;图2),可以看出,接受泼尼松龙的犬在D4上PVAS10的下降更为均匀(图1a,b);在其他两个治疗后时间点,组间评分差异无统计学意义。


It is only on D4 that the proportion of dogs with normal-to-mild PVAS10 (PVAS10-N2M; COSCAD'18's outcome measure 2) was significantly—and almost twice—higher in the PO (17 of 20, 85%) than in the OM group (nine of 20, 45%; one-tailed Fisher's exact test, p = 0.009; Table 2).

只有在D4上,正常至轻度PVAS10 (PVAS10- n2m;COSCAD'18的预后指标2)在PO组(17 / 20,85%)明显高于OM组(9 / 20,45%;单尾Fisher确切检验,p = 0.009;表2)。


Skin lesions


CADESI4 and CADESI4-E were significantly lower on D28 compared to those at baseline in both treatment groups (Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank tests, p<0.0001).



While somewhat similar at baseline between groups (Table 1), CADESI4 and CADESI4-E were significantly lower in the PO than the OM group on D28 (Wilcoxon– Mann–Whitney U-test, p = 0.045 and 0.010, respectively; Figure 3a,b).

虽然两组间在基线时有些相似(表1),但在D28时,PO的CADESI4和CADESI4- E明显低于OM组(Wilcoxon - Mann-Whitney u检验,p = 0.045和0.010;图3 a, b)。


At the end of the study, the proportion of dogs with CADESI4 values in the range of normal dogs (CADESI4-N; COSCAD'18 outcome measure 1) was nearly twice higher in the PO (nine of 20, 45%) than in the OM group (five of 20, 25%), yet the difference in proportion between the two groups was not significant (p = 0.160; Table 2).

在研究结束时,具有CADESI4的犬的比例在正常犬的范围内(CADESI4- n;COSCAD'18结果指标1)PO组(9 / 20,45%)是OM组(5 / 20,25%)的近两倍,但两组间的比例差异不显著(p = 0.160;表2)。


While the 2D-IGA extent-and-severity skin lesion scores were identical at baseline (Table 1), on D28 they were significantly lower (Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney Utest, p = 0.001) in the PO [median (range): 2 (0–3)] than in the OM group [3 (0–3)]. However, at D28 the proportion of dogs with a 2D-IGA of clear-to-almost-clear (i.e. 0 or 1) and at least a two-grade improvement from baseline scores was twice higher (six of 20, 30%) in the PO than in the OM group (three of 20, 15%); this difference was not significant (p= 0.225), however.

虽然2D-IGA皮肤病变程度和严重程度评分在基线时是相同的(表1),但在第28天,PO组[中位数(范围):2(0-3)]明显低于OM组[3 (0-3)](Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Utest, p = 0.001)。然而,在D28时,2D-IGA为干净到几乎干净(即0或1)且比基线评分至少提高两级的PO组犬的比例(6 / 20,30%)比OM组(3 / 20,15%)高两倍;然而,这种差异并不显著(p= 0.225)。


Owners' global assessment of treatment efficacy


On D21 and D28, but not earlier, the OGATE scores were higher in the PO than the OM group (Wilcoxon–Mann– Whitney U-test, p = 0.002 and 0.006, respectively). A good-to-excellent treatment response (OGATE-G2E; COSCAD'18 outcome measure 3) was rated by owners of a significantly higher proportion of dogs in the PO than the OM group on both D21 and D28 (p = 0.016 and 0.011, respectively; Table 2).

D21和D28时,PO组OGATE评分高于OM组(Wilcoxon-Mann - Whitney U-test, p = 0.002和0.006),但不早于此。良好至极好的疗效(OGATE-G2E;在D21和D28两项测试中,PO组的犬犬比例显著高于OM组(p分别= 0.016和0.011;表2)。


Finally, as recommended in the COSCAD'18, we added, as an online supplementary material (Table S2), the number and percentage of dogs with CADESI4, CADESI4-E and PVAS10 values in the different categories of disease severity at each time point. Also included therein are the numbers and percentages of dogs with different OGATE scores over time.



Adverse events


Owners reported adverse events in one dog in the OM (vomiting) and five from the PO group [vomiting (two dog), diarrhoea (2), sleepiness (1) and polyuriapolydipsia (1)]. All adverse effects were minor, intermittent and spontaneously resolving; none necessitated symptomatic therapy or the interruption administration of oclacitinib or prednisolone. All adverse events are provided in Table S1.







In this 4-week trial, the concomitant administration of 4days of prednisolone at the initiation of treatment with oclacitinib led to a significant reduction in the frequency of rebounds of pruritus by two-thirds. Furthermore, we observed that, compared to monotherapy with this JAKinib, the initial addition of glucocorticoids resulted in a greater reduction of owner-rated pruritus on D4 and D28, veterinarian-evaluated skin lesion scores on D28, and owner's global evaluation of treatment efficacy on D21 and D28.



For this trial, we had defined, as rebound, an increase of at least one PVAS10 grade, 1week (i.e. D21) after reducing the frequency of administration of oclacitinib from twice to once daily (i.e. D14), per the approved use of this drug. Such a rebound threshold had been extrapolated from the average increase in PVAS10 values after dose reduction in three RCTs reporting the efficacy of oclacitinib in allergic dogs.



Given the mechanism of action of both drug classes, it is not surprising that a short course of glucocorticoids can contribute to the improvement with JAKinib therapy for canine pruritus. On the one hand, JAKinibs can have a rapid effect on itch reduction due to their immediate inhibition of intracellular signalling following the binding of pruritogenic cytokines to their cognate receptors on sensory neurons. On the other, in humans, chronic atopic skin lesions result from the complex interplay of resident and infiltrating cells that intercommunicate via countless mediators, cytokines and others, few of them using JAKinib-targetable JAK-associated receptors.In this situation, however, glucocorticoids inhibit the production of most of the pro-inflammatory mediators present in AD skin, thus resulting in a broad and rapid cellular deactivation and anti-allergic clinical benefit.



As mentioned above, the cessation of oclacitinib administration has been shown to increase the secretion of all measured cytokines [IL-31, TSLP and TNFalpha] in the skin of mice challenged with a T-helper 2 (Th2)-inducing contactant.In theory, in these mice, and probably in atopic dogs treated with oclacitinib, the temporary, concomitant administration of glucocorticoids at the time of JAKinib treatment induction should lead to an inhibition of cytokine gene transcription. As seen in our trial, the benefit of such an adjunctive therapy supports this hypothesis.

如前所述,停止给药已被证明能增加小鼠皮肤中所有测量到的细胞因子[IL-31, TSLP和TNFα]的分泌,这些细胞因子是由T辅助因子2 (Th2)诱导接触剂刺激的。理论上,在这些小鼠中,可能在用奥拉替尼治疗的特应性皮炎犬中,在JAKinib治疗诱导时临时同时给药糖皮质激素应该会导致细胞因子基因转录的抑制。在我们的试验中,这种辅助治疗的好处支持了这一假设。


While our study was underway, another small RCT compared the efficacy of oclacitinib with or without the concurrent application of a topical glucocorticoid spray (hydrocortisone aceponate, Cortavance, Virbac). In that trial, the PVAS10 increased significantly on D21 only in the group treated with oclacitinib and the placebo spray, and not in the group also receiving the topical hydrocortisone aceponate. Moreover, the simultaneous application of the topical glucocorticoid also led, as in our trial, to a significant reduction in skin lesion scores during the second half of that study as compared with the placebo control.Altogether, the results of both trials, albeit involving a small number of dogs, support the benefit of concurrent short-term glucocorticoid therapy while initiating treatment with oclacitinib. We alluded to such a possible benefit in a recent editorial in this journal.



Adverse effects


In this trial, we documented intermittent adverse events, which were more commonly seen in the PO than in the OM group. Outside the obvious polyuriapolydipsia (seen in one dog only) that can be attributed to the prednisolone, it is difficult to directly link the development of gastro-intestinal signs to either of the two drugs administered. Indeed, as shown in the first placebo-controlled trial of oclacitinib monotherapy in dogs with AD, vomiting and diarrhoea were seen equally in both treatment groups. In any case, all of these adverse events were mild, intermittent and spontaneously resolving, thus highlighting the minimal harm caused by oclacitinib or the dual therapy.





In this trial, the short duration and small number of dogs were a limitation. However, the significant difference between groups in the primary outcome measure supported the validity of the original power calculation. Another limitation was the lack of blinding and masking of the intervention. However, the pet owner who graded the PVAS10 used for the primary outcome measure had not been made aware beforehand of the possible reductive effect of prednisolone on itch rebound.





We believe that the results of this trial are generalisable to most dogs with AD, as we had a nearly equal representation of both genders, the ages at enrolment mirror those of dogs with AD needing treatment, their skin lesion scores reflected mild-to-severe lesions, and their PVAS10 moderate-to-severe itch.



Implications for practice and research


Altogether, the results of this trial suggest the likely superior benefit of adding a short course of glucocorticoids when starting oclacitinib therapy. This will result in a lower risk of itch rebound when reducing the frequency of administration of this JAKinib, an improvement in skin lesions, and a higher perception of treatment efficacy by the owner in the second half of the first month of treatment. We recommend the performance of additional trials to evaluate the benefit of sequential (glucocorticoids-then-oclacitinib) or possibly longer concomitant glucocorticoid regimens in dogs with moderate-to-severe skin lesions.






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