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发表于 2022-7-1 19:52:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Isotretinoin in the treatment of multiple benign pilomatrixomas in a mixed-breed dog
翻译:李远奎 校对:王帆

Abstract An 18-month-old cross-breed dog developed multiple skin nodules, which over 8 months had increased in size and number. Biopsy samples were submitted for histopathological examination and revealed multiple benign pilomatrixomas. The dog was treated with 1 mg/kg isotretinoin daily, which led to a stabilization of the size and number of the lesions. Attempts to lower the dosage to an every other day regimen led to an increase in the nodules’ size and number. Monthly complete blood count and chemistry tests and Schirmer tear tests were performed to monitor any adverse effects of the retinoid treatment. No adverse effects were noted. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of multiple pilomatrixomas arising in a young dog and successfully controlled with oral retinoids.
摘要18个月大的杂犬出现多处皮肤结节,超过8个月,结节的大小和数量均有所增加。活检采样进行组织病理学检查,发现多发性良性毛母质瘤。该犬每天使用1mg/kg的异维甲酸, 皮肤结节的大小和数量能保持稳定,试图将剂量降低到隔日一次进行治疗,结果结节的大小和数量增加。每月进行全血细胞计数、生化检查和泪液量测试,以监测维甲酸治疗的任何副作用。没有发现不良反应。据作者所知,这是第一个报道一个年轻的犬发生多发性毛母质瘤,并通过口服维甲酸得到有效控制。

Pilomatrixoma is an uncommon follicular tumour that is thought to arise from the matrical cells of the hair bulb and has been described in dogs, cats and human beings. In dogs, pilomatrixomas  account for about 1% of all cutaneous neoplasias, 3% of all epithelial skin tumours and 13–19% of all follicular tumours. Breed predisposition has been described, including Kerry blue terriers, soft-coated Wheaton terriers, Bouvier des Flandres, Bichon frise, standard poodle, Bedlington terriers and schnauzers. Tumours are usually solitary, although rarely multicentric cases have been observed. Therapy of pilomatrixoma is surgical excision, cryotherapy or observation without treatment. To the authors’ knowledge, no pharmacological therapy has ever been described for this tumour.
毛母质瘤是一种不常见毛囊肿瘤,被认为是由毛球的基质细胞产生的,在犬、猫和人上都有描述。在中,毛母质瘤约占所有皮肤肿瘤的1%, 占所有皮肤表皮肿瘤的3%,占所有毛囊肿瘤的13-19%具有品种倾向,包括凯利、软毛惠顿、法拉德斯牧牛犬、卷毛比熊犬、标准贵宾贝灵顿梗和雪纳瑞。肿瘤通常是独立的,但也罕有多中心病例报道。毛母质瘤的治疗是手术切除、冷冻或不治疗进行观察。据作者所知,从未对这种肿瘤进行过药理学治疗。

Retinoids are natural or synthetic derivatives of vitamin A used in dermatology for  the treatment of a variety of epidermal and follicular diseases. Isotretinoin, an isomer of retinic acid, was successfully used for the pharmacological therapy of multiple benign cutaneous adnexal tumours. The purpose of this case report is to describe a dog diagnosed with multiple benign pilomatrixomas medically managed with oral isotretinoin.

Case history
A 30-kg 2.5-year-old intact male collie–German shepherd cross dog was presented for dermatological evaluation with an 8-month history of multiple skin nodules. Some of these nodules had previously been excised by the referring veterinarian; however, histopathology was not performed. New nodules had developed over time. Mild pruritus was associated with ulceration of some of the lesions, and a 7-day course of enrofloxacin (unknown dosage) had not led to any improvement.

Clinical and histological findings
On general physical examination, the dog appeared in excellent health. On dermatological examination,intradermal or subcutaneous nodules of varying diameters (0.5–7cm) were observed. The lesions appeared round, well circumscribed, mobile, solid, and were not painful on palpation. They were located over the whole body, particularly on the head, neck and trunk (Figs 1–3).
全身体格检查中,这只犬表现得非常健康。在皮肤科检查中,观察到直径(0.5-7cm) 不等的皮内或皮下结节。病变呈圆形,界限清楚、游离的、硬触诊无疼痛。它们遍布全身,特别是头部、颈部和躯干(图1-3)。

Differential diagnoses included bacterial or fungal granulomas, multiple histiocytic proliferations, neoplasms arising from the hair follicole (e.g. trichoblastomas, pilomatrixomas), mast cell tumours, multicentric cutaneous lymphoma and other tumours. Complete blood counts and serum biochemical analyses were within normal limits. No abnormalities were detected on thoracic radiography. Bacterial and fungal cultures of material obtained from two nodules by fine-needle aspiration were performed and yielded no microorganisms. A cytological examination of samples obtained by fine-needle aspiration from several nodules showed a limited number of cells. In some samples, a moderate amount of amorphous keratin was observed.

Figure 1. A 7-cm large alopecic and ulcerated nodule on the right shoulder of a mixed-breed dog affected by multiple pilomatrixomas.
1: 一只患多发性毛母质瘤的杂交犬,右肩上有7厘米大的独立且溃疡结节。
Figure 2. A 0.7-cm large alopecic nodule on the upper right lip of a mixed-breed dog affected by multiple pilomatrixomas.
Figure 3. A 3-cm large alopecic and ulcerated nodule on the ventral neck of a mixed-breed dog affected by multiple pilomatrixomas.
Figure 4. Histopathology of pilomatrixoma: several intradermal cysts filled with amorphous keratin with ghost cells surrounded by a wall of epithelial cells with abrupt keratinization and matrical differentiation. H&E, *10.

Two nodules were excised under general anaesthesia and examined histologically. Samples were processed, sectioned and stained with H&E following standard procedures. In both, several cystic cavities full of keratin and lined by epithelium were observed (Fig. 4). The keratin within the cavities was an amorphous, matrical type, with ‘ghost cells’. The epithelial cells lining the cavities were small, rounded, basophilic in several layers, and characterized by ‘abrupt keratinization’ (absence of trichohyalin or keratohyalin granules). Both nodules were diagnostic of benign pilomatrixoma, were well circumscribed and completely excised.

Therapy and follow-up
The largest nodules were surgically excised. However, new nodules had continued to appear since the first examination, just 2 months prior to the surgical excision. In addition, the nodules that were present had steadily increased in size. Treatment options for this dog were repeated surgical excisions or pharmacological therapy. The latter was chosen by the owner and treatment with 1 mg/kg 1 per day of oral isotretinoin (Roaccutan®, Roche Spa, Milano, Italy) was initiated. Suggested dosages for retinoids in dogs range from 1 to 3 mg/kg-1 once or twice daily. A higher dose may have been more effective but was considered too expensive by the owner.
手术切除最大的结节。然而,自第一次检查以来,新结节继续出现,仅在手术切除前2个月。此外,存在的结节大小稳步增加。这只犬的治疗选择是反复手术切除或药物治疗。主人选择后者,并开始每天1mg/kg口服异维酸治疗。犬维甲酸的建议剂量范围为1-3 mg /kg,每日一次或两次较高剂量可能更有效,但主人认为过于昂贵。

Two months after the initiation of isotretinoin therapy, only one new small nodule had appeared and the tumours that were already present had not increased in size. At this point the dosage was decreased to 1 mg/kg-1 every other day. After 1 month of alternate day therapy, several new nodules had appeared and the nodules previously present had increased in size. The daily dosage regimen was re-introduced and lesions stopped increasing in size. No new lesions appeared for the following 6 months. Since initiating the therapy, complete blood counts and serum biochemical analyses (including liver enzymes, triglycerides and cholesterol) were monitored monthly. Results of these tests were always within normal limits. Schirmer tear tests were also performed monthly, and no abnormalities in tear production were noted. Currently the dog has nine small nodules, which have not increased in size since the beginning of the therapy (9 months ago).

In this report, a case of pilomatrixoma that responded to medical therapy with oral retinoids is described. Pilomatrixoma is a benign skin tumour arising from the matrix of the hair bulb. Usually, it occurs as a solitary, well-encapsulated, sometimes ulcerated dermal and/or subcutaneous nodule. In humans, this tumour occurs predominantly in children. In dogs, the age of onset for pilomatrixoma may be as young as 1 year, with an average age of onset of 6.5 years. The dog in this report was 1.5 years of age, younger than the average for the development of this disease. In humans, occasionally multiple lesions are reported and are considered inherited as an autosomal dominant condition. Because of the age of onset and wide distribution of lesions, a congenital or inherited defect is suspected. Currently, there is no published report in veterinary medicine to confirm this hypothesis.

Canine pilomatrixomas are usually 1–10 cm in diameter, frequently ulcerated, and show predilection for the neck, shoulders, back and tail. In our case, the nodules were 0.5 –7 cm in diameter and the larger ones were ulcerated. Lesions in this case were mainly located on the head, neck, thorax and back, in accordance with previous reports. Furthermore, the dog in this report had nodules noted on the lateral and medial aspect of the left foreleg. Interestingly in humans, the upper limbs, face and neck are considered predilection sites.

Cytological features of samples obtained by fine-needle aspiration from pilomatrixomas include high cellularity and numerous clusters of basaloid cells with evenly distributed chromatin and small distinct nucleoli surrounding sheets of ‘ghost cells’ (fully keratinized cells with a visible unstained nucleus). Amorphous keratinized material can also be observed. In our case, the cytological examination of samples obtained by fine-needle aspiration revealed the presence of amorphous keratin, but significant amounts of epithelial cells were not present. This may be because of the fact that the cytological sample was probably obtained from the centre of large cysts filled with keratin, which were present in the nodules sampled. The presence of amorphous keratin and the absence of significant amounts of other types of cells are suggestive of the diagnosis of a follicular tumour. These results support the exclusion of other differentials, such as round cell proliferations or inflammatory granulomas. This highlights the importance of performing a cytological examination of every skin nodule before its surgical excision.

Pilomatrixomas are histologically characterized by multiple cysts, formed by thick walls of small basophilic basaloid cells with abrupt keratinization that surround a central area of pink amorphous keratin with ‘ghost cells’. Calcification and granulomatous inflammation due to free keratin in the dermis are frequently seen. In our case, the histological findings of multiple cysts in the dermis, filled of amourphous keratin with ‘ghost cells’, were diagnostic of pilomatrixoma. Cysts were surrounded by a thick wall of epithelial basaloid cells with matrical differentiation, characterized by abrupt keratinization (absence of trichohyalin or keratohyalin granules). Calcification was not observed in any of the sections.

Malignant pilomatrixomas can be differentiated from benign pilomatrixomas on histopathology by a higher nuclear pleomorphism and atypia of cells and by the finding of lymphatic invasion of the tumour cells. Lymph node, lung, nervous system and bone metastases have been reported. Despite the wide lesion distribution and constant development of new lesions in this case, we did not consider the neoplasias in our dog to be malignant. Factors that support the diagnosis of benign pilomatrixoma include the lack of clinical and histological features of malignancy (e.g. distant metastases, cellular atypia or lymphatic invasion), young age of onset and prolonged survival (e.g. 1.5 years after the onset of the disease, the dog of this report is still alive and in excellent general health).

Most authors describe benign pilomatrixomas as solitary tumours and mention the rare occurrence of multiple neoplasias.To the authors’ knowledge, there is no published report of multicentric benign pilomatrixomas. One anecdotal report by Vercelli and Taraglio describes a case similar to ours. The authors reported an 8-year-old briard with a 2-year history of recurrent and multiple pilomatrixomas. The nodules were 1–8 cm in diameter, with variable ulceration, and without metastases to lymph nodes or lungs. The authors reported that 20% of the tumours recurred 3 months after surgical excision and that new nodules developed, leading the owner to opt for euthanasia.

Retinoids are natural or synthetic derivatives of vitamin A used in dermatology for the treatment of a variety of epidermal and follicular diseases. In human medicine, they are administered for diseases such as cystic acne, pityriasis, Darier disease, psoriasis and lamellar ichthiosys. In veterinary medicine, retinoids have been used for the treatment of feline chin acne, idiopathic nasal hyperkeratosis, ear margin dermatosis, acanthosis nigricans, schnauzer comedo syndrome, sebaceous adenitis, congenital lamellar ichthyosis, idiopathic seborrhea, multiple keratoacanthomas, squamous cell carcinoma and epitheliotropic lymphoma.Their mechanism of action is mediated by membrane, cytoplasmatic and nuclear receptors as they modulate mRNA, prostaglandins and protein synthesis. In addition, retinoids regulate the expression of keratins in the epithelial cell and formation of the cornified cell envelope. Retinoids thus have the ability to regulate proliferation, growth and differentiation of keratinocytes

Isotretinoin, an isomer of retinic acid, is effective in the treatment of primary defects of hair follicles and of sebaceous glands. It is used at the dosage of 1–3 mg/kg-1 every 12–24 h, and therapy is usually administered for 3 or 4 months until clinical remission is obtained. Frequently it is continued as maintenance therapy, at 50% of the original dose or less for life.
异维甲酸是一种维甲酸的异构体,在治疗毛囊和皮脂腺的原发性缺陷方面是有效的。使用剂量为1-3 mg /kg,12-24小时一次,并且通常治疗34个月,直到临床上获得缓解。它经常作为维持治疗继续使用,剂量为原来的50%或更少。

Isotretinoin has been successfully used for the pharmacological therapy of multiple benign cutaneous adnexal tumours, such as multiple intracutaneous cornifying epitheliomas (keratoacanthomas, ICE), inverted papilloma, sebaceous adenomas and epidermal cysts. For this reason, isotretinoin was chosen as pharmacological therapy of multiple benign pilomatrixomas. In this case, isotretinoin was effective in preventing new lesions from forming and the present nodules from progressing at the dosage of 1 mg/kg-1 per day. A complete remission of the lesions could not be achieved. The dosage of retinoids used in our dog was at the lower end of previously suggested doses, as a result of financial constraints. Possibly, a partial or complete clinical remission of the existing nodules could have been achieved with higher doses. However, in order to determine the efficacy of this treatment in stopping the progression of multiple benign pilomatrixomas, more cases would need to be evaluated. Of the seven dogs with ICE described by White and coworkers, only five were successfully treated with retinoids (isotretinoin or etretinate). One out of three dogs treated with isotretinoin responded well, whereas the others only partially responded.
异维甲酸已成功地用于多种良性皮肤附件肿瘤的药治疗,如多发性皮内角化上皮瘤(角化皮瘤,ICE)、反向乳头状瘤皮脂腺瘤表皮囊肿。因此,选择异维甲酸作为多发性良性毛母质瘤的药物治疗。在这个病例中,剂量为每日1mg/kg异维甲酸有效地防止新的病变形成和现有结节发展 病变不能完全治愈。我们的使用的维甲酸的剂量低于先前建议的剂量,这是由于经济限制。可能,更高的剂量可以实现现有结节局部或完全的临床缓解。 然而,为了确定这种治疗在阻止多发性良性毛母质瘤进展中的有效性,需要评估更多的病例。 怀特和同事描述的七只患有ICE中,5例用维甲酸(异维甲酸或A治疗成功。 三只接受异维甲酸治疗的中有一只效果良好,而其他只部分有效

Side effects of retinoids are common in human beings. These include cheilitis, xerosis, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, pruritus and facial dermatitis, thinning and loss of hair, palmoplantar scaling, sight alteration, high liver enzyme serum levels, bone pain, skeletal abnormalities, myopathies, abortion and teratogenic effects. In dogs, retinoids are usually well tolerated. The most frequent side effects in dogs include elevation of serum liver enzymes and serum lipids, and keratoconjunctivits sicca. For these reasons, it is useful to monitor liver enzymes and lipids and tear production with a Schirmer test on a monthly basis. No side effects of retinoid treatment were observed in this case.

We conclude that oral isotretinoin administration may be an effective treatment for the control of multiple benign pilomatrixomas. In this case report, retinoids appeared to prevent new nodule formation and the progression of existing lesions. It may thus be considered a possible alternative to repeated surgical excision of the lesions or euthanasia.


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