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发表于 2022-6-1 21:14:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sterile neutrophilic dermatitis in a cat associated with atopical plant-derived oil flea preventative   
A 4-year-old, female spayed, domestic short hair cat presented with an acute eruption of pustules and bullous plaques after application of a plant-based, essential oil flea preventative. Histopathological evaluation of biopsies revealed severe neutrophilic infiltrate within the dermis and culture was negative. The cat’s skin lesions responded rapidly to glucocorticoid monotherapy.

Sterile neutrophilic dermatoses are a group of rare diseases in humans characterised by neutrophilic dermal infiltration. Three well-described forms exist: Sweet’s syndrome, pyoderma gangrenosum and superficial amicrobial pustulosis.Similar cases are rare in animals and reported more generally as sterile neutrophilic dermatitis with comparisons to Sweet’s syndrome and pyoderma gangrenosum. Here, we describe sterile neutrophilic dermatitis in a cat that developed after application of a topical plant-based, essential oil flea preventative. There is only one previous report in a cat, for which a culture was not performed, and treatment included an antimicrobial.

Case report   
A 4-year-old, female spayed, domestic short hair cat presented for acute fever, lethargy and skin lesions. Eight days previously, the owner applied an over-the-counter topical flea preventative (Pet Armor naturals, Sergeant’s Pet Care Products; Omaha, NE, USA) consisting of peppermint oil, clove oil, lemongrass oil, canola oil, vanillin and citric acid. Clinical signs and lesions started six days after application.

Examination revealed multifocal ulcerations and crusts on the lips and pinna. There were many pustules, some coalescing to form larger bullous plaque-like lesions, leading to ulcerations on the ventral abdomen extending into the thoracic region and medial thighs (Figure 1a). The area of application (dorsal neck) was unaffected. These lesions appeared painful. Paronychia was present on all four paws. The cat was lethargic and pyrexic (104°F). Significant laboratory abnormalities included a mild left shift and bilirubinaemia (see Supporting information,Table S1).

Thoracic radiographs and abdominal ultrasound were unremarkable. Cytological findings from lesions on the ventrum, nailbed and pinna were similar: neutrophilic inflammation without bacteria or acantholytic cells. Deep skin scrapings revealed no ectoparasites. Aerobic bacterial culture from a pustule revealed no growth.

Under sedation, three punch biopsies were collected from the ventral abdomen. On histopathological examination, there was a neutrophilic dermatitis ranging from mild interstitial and dense perifollicular infiltrates of neutrophils to formation of large pools of neutrophils resembling abscesses. Neutrophils also infiltrated follicular epithelium and multifocally formed small pustules. In addition, there was moderate-to-severe oedema and, in more severely affected specimens, mild scattered haemorrhage. No ulceration, infectious agents or acantholytic cells were observed. A Luna stain was performed to confirm that the infiltrating granulocytes were not eosinophils (Figure 2). Immunohistochemical investigation for calicivirus detected no antigen.

While histopathological results were pending, an autoimmune disease was suspected based on clinical features and cytological findings. During hospitalization,the cat was started on dexamethasone, 0.28 mg/kg,intravenously once daily. By the next morning, skin lesions were improved, and the fever had resolved (Figure 1b). The cat was more active and no longer appeared to be in pain. A bath with an oatmeal shampoo (DermAllay, Dechra; Overland Park, KS, USA) was performed as a result of the possible topical reaction. The cat was discharged on prednisolone, 0.94 mg/kg orally twice daily. A diagnosis of sterile neutrophilic dermatitis was made based on the combination of clinical features, histopathological results, negative culture and response to corticosteroids.
虽然组织病理学结果有待确定,但根据临床特征和细胞学结果怀疑自体免疫性疾病。住院期间,猫开始接受地塞米松,0.28 mg/kg,静脉注射,每日一次。次日早晨皮肤病变好转,发热已消退(图1b)。患猫有活力,似乎不再疼痛。由于可能的外用药反应,使用燕麦香波洗澡。猫出院后口服泼尼松龙0.94 mg/kg,每日两次。根据临床特征、组织病理学结果、培养阴性及对皮质类固醇的反应,诊断为无菌性中性粒细胞皮炎。

At recheck, 11 days after discharge, skin lesions had mostly resolved (Figure 1c). The cat had no skin lesions 54 days after discharge. Prednisolone was eventually tapered and discontinued, without new lesions appearing(follow-up of 237 days).

Figure 1. Skin lesions on the ventrum of a cat with a sterile neutrophilic dermatitis.
(a) Pustules and bullous plaque-like lesions were present upon presentation of the case. (b) Decreased erythema and size of lesions was noted one day after initiation of therapy. (c) Eleven days after discharge from the hospital, only residual erythema, scaling and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation remained.

This report describes a neutrophilic dermatitis in a cat that, based on lack of bacterial growth on culture and rapid response to steroids without a systemic antimicrobial, supports a sterile process. While the exact cause cannot be determined definitively, the topical flea prevention was a suspected trigger because clinical signs had started shortly (six days) after application. Once lesions had resolved they did not recur, which further suggests an association. Adverse events associated with plant essential oils have been reported, particularly agitation and hypersalivation in cats, yet a similar cutaneous reaction has not been described previously.

The predominant bullous plaque lesions were unusual for a neutrophilic dermatitis. A case reported previously had primarily necrotic and ulcerative lesions,although the lesions noted in our case may represent a different stage of disease progression. Similar lesions have not been noted in dogs with neutrophilic dermatitis. Instead, common clinical manifestations include generalised erythroderma, macules, papules, wheals and ulcerations. Pustular and bullous lesions are more typical of pemphigus foliaceus, which was a major differential for our case and can be drug-induced. Paronychia and crusts, as noted in our case, also can present with pemphigus foliaceus.However, no acantholytic cells were present on cytological or histopathological evaluation, and there was no recurrence after the glucocorticoid was discontinued,making pemphigus foliaceus unlikely. These lesions are thought to have been late-stage changes of the pustular and bullous lesions. The fever and predominantly neutrophilic infiltrate in the superficial and mid-dermis share similarities to Sweet’s syndrome in humans. However,large abscess-like accumulations of neutrophils are more comparable to pyoderma gangrenosum in dogs.

Overall, this report highlights a unique combination of clinical lesions with a putative topical compound as the trigger. Sterile neutrophilic dermatoses – other than pemphigus foliaceus – are rare in cats.
Figure 2. Photomicrographs of skin biopsy samples acquired from the ventral abdomen of a cat with sterile neutrophilic dermatitis.
(a) In some regions, large numbers of neutrophils infiltrated the interstitium of superficial to mid-dermis and tracked around follicles. Haematoxylin & eosin. (b) In other regions, the superficial dermis was expanded by oedema, and neutrophils formed dense pools resembling an abscess within the dermis. H&E. (c) Higher magnification of (a) showing infiltration of the follicular epithelium and formation of small pustules. H&E. (d) Higher magnification of (b) showing neutrophils mixed with mild to moderate haemorrhage and few histiocytes. H&E. (e) Luna-stained section demonstrating that the predominant granular leukocyte population was not stained, supporting that these are neutrophils. Only rare eosinophils were observed (arrow). (f) Higher magnification of (e).


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