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Cutaneous lupus erythematosus in dogs: a comprehensive review

作者:Thierry Olivry , Keith E. Linder and Frane Banovic

翻译:辛蕾  校对:王帆

Lupus-specific skin diseases
The salient features of lupus-systemic skin diseases in dogs are summarized in Table 1.

Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
Vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus
Historical perspective
First recognized in the late 1960s, hidradenitis suppurativawas a unique skin disease described in Collies, Shetland sheepdogs and their crosses. Since the early 1980s, the disease mentioned above was suspected to represent, in fact, bullous pemphigoid or erythema multiforme in these breeds. In 1995, an "idiopathic ulcerative dermatosis of Collies and Shetland sheepdogs" was individualized as a separate entity that was initially linked to juvenile dermatomyositis, also seen in these breeds. In 2001, Jackson and Olivry separated this ulcerative dermatosis from dermatomyositis based on clinical and histological grounds, and the denomination of VCLE was then coined.In 2004, the same authors reported the detection of circulating anti-Ro autoantibodies in dogs with VCLE,and they highlighted the similarity of this canine disease with human SCLE.

Incidence and prevalence
At this time, there is insufficient information on canine VCLE to appropriately assess the incidence and prevalence of this disease in dogs. However, this entity has been diagnosed in several countries and continents over the last five decades.

The clinical characteristics of canine VCLE can be inferred from six reports including 25 dogs. Among these cases, there were 11 Shetland sheepdogs and their crosses(44%), seven (rough) collies (28%) and seven pure- or cross-bred border collies (28%). The female-to-male ratio was 0.9 and the age of onset varied between 2.0 and 11.0 years of age (median 5.5 years). That VCLE has been recognized almost entirely in collie-related breeds suggests the existence of a strong genetic predisposition, but the genetics of this disease have not yet been elucidated.

Clinical signs
Dogs with VCLE present with erythema and flaccid vesicles that slough to leave erosions and ulcers; these predominate on glabrous skin of the abdomen, axillae, groin and medial thighs. Skin lesions exhibit a unique sharp-edged annular, polycyclic or serpiginous pattern (Fig. 2a-d). There is accompanying ulceration of mucocutaneous junctions (Fig. 2e,f), concave pinnae and oral cavity in some patients, but these nonventral lesions are usually minor in extent and severity . The secondary bacterial colonization of erosive/ulcerative lesions is common. Altogether, these lesions resemble those of the vesicular variant of human SCLE. Pruritus manifestations are usually absent, except, perhaps, for a licking of eroded lesions .
In eight of 11 (73%) dogs with VCLE, clinical signs were reported to first arise in the summer. In three cases where this information was available, lesions recurred during summer months. Systemic signs are typically not seen in dogs with VCLE, though one dog was reported with weakness and lethargy with associated electromyographic changes interpreted as myositis. There are normally no relevant hematology and clinical biochemistry changes.

The main dermatosis with clinical signs VCLE is erythema multiforme and its variants.

In canine VCLE, a lymphocyte cell-rich interface dermatitis is associated with prominent basal keratinocyte vacuolation,apoptosis and loss, which is often sufficient to cause intrabasal clefts and epidermal vesiculation, typical of the disease(Fig. 3a-c). Basal cell apoptosis is reported to be as high as 16 apoptotic basal cells per 1 mm of epidermis utilizing immunohistochemical detection methods. Hair follicle infundibula have a similar lymphocytic interface and mural folliculitis. Pigment dispersal to dermal macrophages(pigmentary incontinence) is often not a feature or is very mild, likely due to breed coat coloration and the tendency for lesions to occur in poorly- or non-pigmented skin. The thickening of the basement membrane zone and superficial dermal fibrosis are uncommon, which is attributable to the subacute nature of the disease, but they can occur in persistent lesions (Fig. 3d). Cell-rich lesions dominate biopsies but very mild lymphocytic dermal infiltrates or even cell-poor areas of lesions can occur that lack a subepidermal, band-like (lichenoid), dermal infiltrate of lymphocytes(Fig. 3c).Cell-poor areas of lesions can lead to confusion with juvenile dermatomyositis, which is seen often in the same breeds. Dermatomyositis presents with lesions of ischemic dermatopathy (i.e. cell-poor interface dermatitis and ischemic follicular atrophy), but cell-poor VCLE lesions have more lymphocyte exocytosis into the basal epidermal layer, with lymphocytic satellitosis of apoptotic basal keratinocytes. If the intrabasal level of epidermal clefts is not recognized (Fig. 3b), then vesiculation can be confused with subepidermal autoimmune blistering skin diseases such as mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP), bullous pemphigoid (BP) and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita(EBA). The prominence of basal apoptosis and intrabasal epidermal vesiculation, when present, supports the histological diagnosis of VCLE over that of other variants of CCLE, but this distinction is difficult for more chronic lesions and is best done clinically, as for all forms of canine CLE. Occasionally superficial epidermal apoptosis with lymphocytic satellitosis might erroneously suggest the diagnosis of erythema multiforme and its morphologically related conditions. Neutrophilic inflammation is common in lesions that progress to ulcers and support the development of secondary bacterial infection.

In one of the two largest case series, detailed information on mononuclear cell immunophenotyping was reported. T-lymphocytes expressing CD3 were found in epidermal sections of all 11 dogs examined. In two of these dogs with VCLE, the phenotype of skin-infiltrating leukocytes was similar: approximately 25 to 50% of epidermal leukocytes were T-lymphocytes expressing the alpha-beta T-cell receptor, CD3 and CD8; less commonly, epitheliotropic lymphocytes expressed CD4. The other epithelial leukocytes were identified as CD1-positive Langerhans cells. In the superficial dermis, infiltrating cells consisted of an approximately equal population of alpha-beta T-lymphocytes expressing CD4 or CD8-alpha and CD1-positive dermal dendritic cells. Rare CD21-positive B-lymphocytes were detected in the superficial dermis. In contrast, gamma-delta T-cells were not identified in either the epidermis or dermis. Basal keratinocytes expressed high levels of ICAM-1 and low levels of class II major histocompatibility complex molecules signifying their activated state. In this study,apoptotic keratinocytes were observed in the basal epidermis of seven of the 12 dogs evaluated (58%).

Direct immunofluorescence Direct immunofluorescence revealed the presence of IgG at the basement membrane zone in 7/14 (50%) dogs with VCLE. The deposition of IgG around blood vessels was observed in 13/14 dogs (93%). Finally, cytoplasmic basal keratinocyte IgG was detected in 6/14 subjects (43%); the deposition of activated complement was not seen .
直接免疫荧光法 直接免疫荧光显示在14只患有水疱型皮肤红斑狼疮的犬中有7只(50%)在基底膜区域存在lgG,有13只(93%)观察到lgG在血管周沉积,最后有6只(43%)检测到细胞质基底角质细胞lgG;未见活化的补体沉积。
                                                                                                                                      Indirect immunofluorescence Indirect immunofluorescence did not reveal anti-basement membrane circulating IgG autoantibodies in the serum of five dogs with VCLE. Similarly circulating antinuclear IgG autoantibodies were not detected in the serum of any of 11 dogs with VCLE using human Hep2 cells as a substrate .
间接免疫荧光法 间接免疫荧光在五只患有水疱型皮肤红斑狼疮的犬血清中不显示抗基底膜循环lgG自身抗体。以人Hep2细胞为底物,在11只患有水疱型皮肤红斑狼疮的犬血清中未发现类似的循环抗核lgG自身抗体。

Immunoblotting and ELISA Using Hep2 cell extracts,immunoblotting permitted the detection of autoantibodies against soluble nuclear antigens in 9/11 tested sera (82%). When an ELISA was performed with purified human soluble nuclear antigens, the serum from 8/11 dogs with VCLE (73%) was found to have IgG autoantibodies that bound to these antigens. Antibodies were found to target Ro/SSA (45% of dogs), La/SSB (45%), Sm/RNP (45%), Scl70(36%), Jo-1 (36%) and Sm-SnRNP (18%) . Overall, and as seen in humans with SCLE, most dogs with VCLE (6/11;55%) were found to have IgG antibodies that targeted Ro/SSA and/or La/SSB antigens .
免疫印迹法和酶联免疫吸附测定 使用Hep2细胞提取物,免疫印迹法可以在9/1182%)的检测血清中发现抗可溶性核抗原的自身抗体。当用纯化人的可溶性核抗原进行ELISA时,8/1173%)的患有水疱型皮肤红斑狼疮犬的血清中被发现具有与这些抗原结合的lgG自身抗体。发现抗体靶向Ro/SSA (45%的犬)La/SSB (45%),Sm/RNP (45%)Scl70(36%)Jo-1 (36%)Sm-SnRNP (18%)。总体来说,正如在患有亚急性皮肤红斑狼疮的人类中所看到的,大多数患有水疱型皮肤红斑狼疮的犬(6/1155%)发现具有针对Ro/SSA/La/SSB抗原的lgG抗体。

Treatment and outcome
As VCLE is induced and/or worsened by UV light, sun avoidance should be implemented immediately after a diagnosis is made. The first case series provided detailed information on the post-treatment outcome in 11 dogs with VCLE . In six of these dogs (55%), clinical signs resolved with the oral administration of prednisone at low immunosuppressive dosages (2 mg/kg/day), which were tapered according to treatment response. In three dogs(27%), azathioprine (at about 2 mg/kg/day) was added to the treatment regimen due to the insufficient reduction of lesions with glucocorticoids. Finally, the response to pentoxifylline (initially prescribed due to the then erroneous inclusion of VCLE in the dermatomyositis spectrum) was reported as poor in four dogs (36%). In this case study of 11 dogs, one (9%) died of unknown cause, and three (27%) were euthanized at the owners request due to poor response to treatment. In the remaining seven dogs (64%), a complete or sub-complete remission of signs was achieved with glucocorticoids alone or in combination with azathioprine . Lesions have also been shown to respond to the immunosuppressant mycophenolate mofetil in one rough collie with VCLE, as the introduction of this drug led to the complete remission of skin lesions after the discontinuation of oral glucocorticoids.
More recently, the benefit of calcineurin inhibitors, which had been previously reported in two dogs with VCLE, was confirmed in 11 additional patients . In all dogs, treatment was initiated with sun avoidance, oral glucocorticoids and oral ciclosporin at a median dosage of 5.5 mg/kg/day. A complete remission of skin lesions occurred in 8/11 dogs (73%) within one to two months of starting treatment. In two dogs (18%), lesion remission was achieved by increasing the dose of ciclosporin and adding topical 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. While relapses of clinical signs were common when the dosage of ciclosporin was lowered, the long-term remission of signs was possible with calcineurin inhibitors, either alone or in combination. These observations suggest that calcineurin inhibitors might be the drug category of choice to treat canine VCLE.

Fig. 2 Clinical characteristics of canine vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
a, b, c: erythematous macules progress to annular-to-polycyclic lesions with central flaccid vesiculation and peripheral erythema; skin lesions predominate on the ventral abdomen, medial thighs and axillae.
d: with chronicity, ulceration can become more prominent.
e, f: erosions at mucocutaneous junctions can be seen in some dogs

Fig. 3 Histopathology of canine vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
a: cell-rich, lymphocytic interface dermatitis is present. Marked basal keratinocyte apoptosis has caused a secondary cleft (vesiculation) through the epidermal basal cell layer, which is typical of the disease. 100X
(b):inset box from image a, lymphocytes infiltrate the basal layer and are associated with basal cell vacuolation, apoptosis, loss and disorganization at the cleft margin. 200X
(c): dermal lymphocytic inflammation can be mild, lacking a clear subepidermal band-like (lichenoid) pattern, but lymphocytes are still observed in the basal epidermal layer in association with basal cell loss. 200X
(d): chronic lesions can develop epidermal hyperplasia, a prominent dermal infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells and thickening of the basement membrane zone. 200X


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