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发表于 2019-6-10 19:43:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Canine Perianal Fistulas
Clinical Presentation, Pathogenesis, and Management

作者:Christine L. Cain, DVM


•犬科 •肛周瘘 •肛门疖病 •德国牧羊犬 •免疫介导 •环孢素A
Canine  Perianal fistula  Anal furunculosis  German shepherd dog  Immune-mediated  Cyclosporin A
•Canine perianal fistulas are painful ulcers or sinus tracts that spontaneously occur in the skin around the anus and can be debilitating for affected dogs. 
•Middle-aged German shepherd dogs are most commonly affected and may have a genetic susceptibility, but other purebred and mixed-breed dogs also develop perianal fistulas. 
•Although anatomic factors were once believed to contribute to development, an immunemediated pathogenesis is now recognized. 
•Over the years, there has been a paradigm shift from surgical management to long-term medical management of canine perianal fistulas. 
•Immunomodulatory medications, in particular cyclosporin A with or without ketoconazole, are most commonly used for management of canine perianal fistulas.
Perianal fistulas, also known as anal furunculosis, are painful sinus tracts or ulcers that spontaneously occur in the skin around the anus (Fig. 1). German shepherd dogs are predisposed to developing perianal fistulas, but other purebred and mixed-breed dogs also are affected. Although development of perianal fistulas was once believed related to anatomic conformation, the condition is now recognized as immune mediated, although the pathogenesis has not been fully delineated. Likewise, although surgical intervention and correction of anatomic factors were once the mainstays of therapy, medical management is the current standard of care for dogs with perianal fistulas. This condition can be debilitating for affected dogs and can result in euthanasia if not effectively managed. Rapid and accurate diagnosis and aggressive medical therapy are key to successful management of canine perianal fistulas. This article reviews current knowledge regarding the clinical presentation, pathogenesis, and medical management of perianal fistulas.
Fig. 1. Multiple sinus tracts around the anus in a 7-year-old intact male German shepherd dog.
Dogs with perianal fistulas may present with a singleor multiple sinus tractsor ulcers in the skin around the anus. In some cases, ulcers may be large and deep or crateriform. Despite widespread use of the term, perianal fistula, in the veterinary medical literature, the cutaneous sinus tracts do not generally communicate with the rectal lumen (as is the case for humans with fistulizing Crohns disease). Due to the location and discomfort on examination, dog owners may not be aware of the lesions but may present their dog to the veterinarian due to associated clinical signs, such as licking around the anus, tenesmus, hematochezia, or mucopurulent discharge (Fig. 2). An association between perianal fistulas and colitis has been demonstrated, and some affected dogs also may have a history of soft or mucoid stools, diarrhea, and increased frequency of defecation.

Fig. 2. Perianal ulcer with mucopurulent exudate in an 8-year-old intact male German shepherd dog. This dog also presented with severe tenesmus.
German shepherd dogs are most commonly affected (reported to comprise more than 80% of the patient population4), but several other breeds, including the beagle, border collie, Australian shepherd, Irish setter, Chesapeake Bay retriever, Leonberger, Staffordshire bull terrier, and mixed-breed dogs, have also been reported to develop perianal fistulas. The author has also diagnosed perianal fistulas in an American Staffordshire terrier (Fig. 3), a Brittany spaniel, a soft-coated wheaten terrier, and mixed-breed dogs.

Fig. 3. Multiple perianal ulcers and sinus tracts in 6-year-old castrated male American Staffordshire terrier dog. This dog also had a history of chronic diarrhea and inflammatory bowel disease (colitis and proctitis) confirmed via endoscopic biopsies.
Perianal fistulas are typically adult onset. The age of onset can vary widely, from young adult to geriatric, although middle-aged dogs are most commonly affected. A definitive gender predisposition has not been demonstrated, although an increased risk in intact male German shepherd dogs compared with neutered male German shepherd dogs has been suggested.
Perianal fistulas are visually distinct and, in most cases, are diagnosed based on clinical presentation alone, especially in a German shepherd dog. An ulcerated perianal neoplasm (perianal adenoma or adenocarcinoma) and mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus (MCLE) are the primary rule-outs, but other conditions resulting in perianal draining tracts also should be considered. For example, glandular tissue left behind after an anal sacculectomy can result in chronic perianal draining tracts that can be misdiagnosed as perianal fistulas. German shepherd dogs are also predisposed to MCLE, and anal or perianal lesions are common in this condition. Perianal fistulas generally are clinically differentiated from MCLE. Perianal fistulas are typically sharply demarcated sinus tracts or crateriform ulcers, whereas MCLE is associated with more confluent erosions, ulcers, erythema, and crusts. For more information about canine MCLE, see Frane Banovics article, Canine Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus Newly Discovered Variants,in this issue.
Histopathology is rarely performed for diagnosis of canine perianal fistulas but can be considered in cases of unusual clinical presentation or in an uncommonly affected breed (such as a small breed dog). In humans with perianal fistulas due to Crohns disease, malignant transformation can occur and, although not well documented in dogs with perianal fistulas, could be a reason to prioritize histopathology in patients with chronic disease.
Histopathologic features of canine perianal fistulas include periadnexal inflammation with or without furunculosis, pronounced hidradenitis, periadnexal fibrosis, ulceration, and formation of epithelial-lined sinus tracts within the dermis. Inflammatory infiltrates, composed of neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages, may be noted within sinus tracts.4 Deeper lesions also may be associated with pyogranulomatous cellulitis and lymphoid follicles. If clinical differentiation of perianal fistulas from MCLE is difficult, skin biopsies for histopathology may be helpful. MCLE is characterized by a lymphocyte-rich interface dermatitis with evidence of basal cell damage. Colonic biopsies from dogs with perianal fistulas may demonstrate histopathologic evidence of colitis; 1 study found histopathologic changes consistent with a diagnosis of colitis in 9 of 18 dogs with perianal fistulas.
In addition to close examination of the perianal skin, the physical examination for dogs suspected of having perianal fistulas should include a rectal examination. Sedation may be required to accomplish this and is dependent on patient comfort level. All patients should be assessed for anal strictures, the anal sacs should be carefully palpated, and expression of the anal sacs should be attempted. Abnormalities of the anal sacs, including impaction, difficult expression, or rupture, may occur in patients with perianal fistulas and are usually secondary to inflammation and fibrosis in the region of the anal sac ducts. The author has encountered perianal fistulas and a concurrent apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the anal sac in the same patient (a middle-aged German shepherd dog). This patient presented with a mildly enlarged, firm, and nonexpressible anal sac that did not markedly change despite resolution of the perianal fistulas with medical therapy.
The predisposition to development of perianal fistulas in German shepherd dogs was initially believed related to anatomic conformation. Several conformational features were speculated to contribute to the development of perianal fistulas, including low tail carriage encouraging fecal retention and an increased density of perianal apocrine sweat glands. The low tail carriage was believed to produce a warm, humid environment, leading to chronic inflammation and secondary infection of perianal and anal glands with fecal flora. The occurrence of perianal fistulas in other dog breeds without low tail carriage, as well as the lack of a clinical response to antimicrobial therapy alone, led investigators to question this anatomic conformation theory.
逐渐地,浮现出犬肛周瘘发病机制是免疫介导性的可能。一项犬肛周瘘免疫学情况的早期研究调查,证明33只犬中有9只在植酸原刺激下淋巴细胞增殖反应迟钝。病变消退后,9只犬中有4只淋巴细胞增殖反应恢复正常。基于这一结果,研究人员认为淋巴细胞增殖反应的抑制可能是继发于肛周瘘的后天异常。最近的研究表明肛周瘘很可能是由局部T细胞介导的炎症反应引起的。这一观点得到了研究的支持,研究表明,与对照组相比,肛周瘘患犬病变皮肤的血管周围有CD3+T淋巴细胞聚集,以及相关T细胞的表达增加,特别1T辅助细胞相关的细胞因子mRNA表达增加。已证实在环孢素A治疗后,皮肤病变中的白细胞介素(IL)-2表达也有所下降。1T辅助细胞巨噬细胞异常活化也被认为在肛周瘘中起着重要作用。一项研究发现,与对照组相比,肛周瘘患犬的皮肤病变中基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)-9MMP-13 mRNA表达增加。MMP -9MMP13由活化的巨噬细胞产生,并且参与伤口愈合的早期阶段,主要通过下调细胞外基质。本研究的研究人员提出,损伤的伤口愈合,特别是不能在伤口早期修复,可能在顽固性溃疡和窦道中发挥作用。同样,MMP的上调可能在人的窦道性克罗恩病的发病机制中起重要作用,病被认为与犬肛周瘘有关
Gradually, a probable immune-mediated pathogenesis for canine perianal fistulas emerged. An early study investigating the immunologic status of dogs with perianal fistulas demonstrated a blunted lymphocyte proliferation response following stimulation with phytomitogens in 9 of 33 dogs with active disease. After lesion resolution, the lymphocyte proliferation response normalized in 4 of 9 dogs. Based on this result, the investigators suggested that the suppression of the lymphocyte proliferation response may be an acquired abnormality secondary to perianal fistulas. More recent work has demonstrated that perianal fistulas likely develop as a consequence of local T-cellmediated inflammation. This is supported by studies demonstrating perivascular aggregates of CD3+ T lymphocytes within lesional skin of dogs with perianal fistulas as well as increased expression of T-cellassociated, in particular type 1 helper T-cellassociated cytokine mRNA in lesional skin of affected dogs compared with controls. A decrease in expression of interleukin (IL)-2 in lesional skin after cyclosporin A therapy has also been demonstrated. Abnormal macrophage activation by type 1 helper T cells has also been suggested to play a role in the development of perianal fistulas. One study found increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase(MMP)-9 and MMP-13 mRNA in lesional skin from dogs with perianal fistulas compared with controls. MMP-9 and MMP13 are produced by activated macrophages and are involved in the early stages of wound healing, primarily by degradation of the extracellular matrix. The investigators of this study proposed that impaired wound healing, in particular failure to initiate wound repair, may play a role in the persistence of ulcers and sinus tracts. Similarly, upregulation of MMPs may play a role in the pathogenesis of human fistulizing Crohns disease, which is proposed to be a correlate of canine perianal fistulas.
A dysfunctional immune response to microbes in the anal and perianal regions also has been proposed to contribute to the pathogenesis of canine perianal fistulas. One culturebased study performed in 1988 from tissue samples collected at the time of surgical fistula excision showed that Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus sp, β-hemolytic streptococci,  and Proteus mirabilis were isolated most frequently. The investigators concluded that the bacterial isolates likely represented contaminants and that microbial infection did not play a primary role in the development of perianal fistulas. In 2008, House and colleagues investigated mRNA expression and function of several pattern recognition receptors in vitro using monocyte/macrophages derived from the blood of dogs with perianal fistulas. They found evidence of a decreased response in the NOD2 pattern recognition receptor of macrophage/monocytes derived from dogs with perianal fistulas after stimulation with microbial pathogen-associated molecular patterns compared with controls. This result suggests a possible innate immunodeficiency in dogs with perianal fistulas. Dogs with perianal fistulas were also shown to have increased antistaphylococcal IgG compared with normal dogs and a dysregulated T-cellmediated response to cutaneousor fecal microbial antigens in dogs with perianal fistulas has been proposed.
Since these studies were performed in the late 1990s and early 2000s, there has been an increasing focus in the medical community on characterization of microbial populations (the microbiome) via nonculture-based methods and on the complex interplay between shifts in microbial populations and the promotion of disease. Shifts in the cutaneous and/or intestinal microbiome have been proposed to contribute to the development of hidradenitis suppurativa (also proposed as a human correlate of canine perianal fistulas), although this link has not been well established. Intestinal dysbiosis has been well described in association with inflammatory bowel disease in humans, and manipulation of the intestinal microbial flora via fecal transplantation may be effective at ameliorating the clinical signs of Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis in humans. To explore the role that cutaneous and intestinal microbial populations may play in canine perianal fistulas, the author and colleagues have completed a longitudinal evaluation of the cutaneous and rectal microbiome in German shepherd dogs with perianal fistulas, both prior to and while receiving immunomodulatory therapy with cyclosporin A and ketoconazole (the study was funded by an internal grant from the Penn Vet Center for Host-Microbial Interactions, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Clinically normal German shepherd dogs were sampled as a control population; data analysis currently is in progress.
An adverse food reaction has been reported for some dogs with perianal fistulas. One study of adverse food reactions in dogs with dermatologic signs reported a significant association between perianal fistulas and adverse food reaction, but only 4 dogs with perianal fistulas were included and all were German shepherd dogs. Three studies reported a positive clinical response to a novel protein diet in dogs with perianal fistulas; in 1 study,a fish and potato diet was fed longterm after surgical excision of sinustracts and bilateral anal sacculectomy. In the second study, dogs were fed an exclusive venison and potato or fish and potato diet but also received metronidazole initially as well as topical tacrolimus 0.1% ointment and a tapering course of oral prednisone for 16 weeks. In the third study, dogs were fed a commercially available lamb and rice or vegetarian diet but concurrently received a tapering course of oral prednisone at an initial immunosuppressive dose. Although the author regularly recommends an elimination diet trial using a prescription novel protein or hydrolyzed protein diet as part of the diagnostic work-up for dogs with perianal fistulas, it is unclear from the available literature how many dogs may achieve long-term disease remission with dietary control alone.
德国牧羊犬品种与肛周瘘的紧密联系表明其遗传易感性。一些研究探索了德国牧羊犬患病的潜在遗传风险因素。在英国和芬兰的德国牧羊犬种群中发现,IIMHC等位基因DLA-DRB1*00101与肛周瘘风险增加之间存在联系纯合DLA-DRB1*00101等位基因的可能在年轻时(小于8)发生肛周瘘。主要组织相容复合体(MHC) II分子参与抗原呈递和T细胞活化因此,与MHC等位基因的关联进一步支持这种疾病的T细胞介导的发病机制。全基因组关联研究21只患病德国牧羊犬和25只未患病德国牧羊犬,随后英国和芬兰的患病和未患病德国牧羊犬相关潜在单核苷酸多态性基因分型发现可能ADAMTS16 CTNND2基因区域相关CTNND2基因区域也与人克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎有关,提示人炎性肠病和犬肛周的潜在共同发病机制。另一项研究调查了德国牧羊犬肛周瘘几种模式识别受体的编码基因。该研究未能识别任何与肛瘘相关的模式识别受体单核苷酸多态性编码基因,但与其他犬种相比,德国牧羊犬(患病的和未患病的)呈现限制性模式识别受体基因型。德国牧羊犬的限制性模式识别受体基因型可能影响该品种的先天免疫功能
The strong association of perianal fistulas with the German shepherd breed suggests a genetic susceptibility. A few studies have explored potential genetic risk factors for the disease in German shepherd dogs. An association between the class II MHC allele DLA-DRB1*00101 and increased risk of development of perianal fistulas has been found in populations of German shepherd dogs from the United Kingdom and Finland. Dogs homozygous for the DLA-DRB1*00101 allele may develop perianal fistulas earlier in life (at <8 years of age). Class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are involved in antigen presentation and T-cell activation; thus, an association with an MHC allele further supports a T-cellmediated pathogenesis for this disease. A genome-wide association study of 21 affected German shepherd dogs and 25 unaffected German shepherd dogs, followed by genotyping of potentially associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in cohorts of affected and unaffected German shepherd dogs in the United Kingdom and Finland, found a potential association with the ADAMTS16 and CTNND2 gene regions. The CTNND2 gene region also has been associated with human Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis, suggesting a potential shared pathogenesis for human inflammatory bowel disease and canine perianal fistulas. Another study investigated genes encoding for several pattern recognition receptors in German shepherd dogs with perianal fistulas. This study failed to identify any single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes encoding for pattern recognition receptors associated with perianal fistulas but did show restricted pattern recognition receptor genotypes in German shepherd dogs (both affected and unaffected) versus other dog breeds. The restricted pattern recognition receptor genotypes in German shepherd dogs may influence innate immune function in this breed.
Two human conditions, hidradenitis suppurativa and fistulizing Crohns disease, have been proposed as correlates of canine perianal fistulas. Like perianal fistulas in dogs, both of these conditions are painful and debilitating and can have a negative impact on quality of life of patients. Management of both of these conditions is challenging: no universally effective therapy has been identified and relapses are common.
化脓性汗腺炎主要在皱褶皮肤处(腋窝、腹股沟、肛周和乳房处) 出现结节、脓肿、窦道、疤痕化脓性汗腺炎最初被认为犬肛周瘘潜在相关,因为组织病理学特征相似,包括疖病、汗腺炎和形成上皮排列的窦道。化脓性汗腺炎的发病机制尚未完全阐明,但可能是一种具有遗传易感性的免疫性疾病。皮肤或肠道微生物群的改变可能在发病机制中起作用。危险因素包括肥胖、吸烟、代谢综合征、激素影响和糖尿病与炎性肠病也有关联。化脓性汗腺炎的药物管理包括使用局部或全身使用抗菌素(抗炎和/或免疫特性调节的潜在帮助比直接针对微生物更大)、维A酸、全身或局部使用皮质类固醇、细胞因子定向治疗(肿瘤坏死因子抑制剂[TNF]IL-1)
Hidradenitis suppurativa is associated with nodules, abscesses, sinus tracts, and scarring, primarily in intertriginous regions (axilla, groin, perianal region, and mammary region).Hidradenitis suppurativa was initially proposed as a potential correlate of canine perianal fistulas because of similar histopathologic features, including furunculosis, hidradenitis, and formation of epithelial-lined sinus tracts. The pathogenesis of hidradenitis suppurativa has not been fully elucidated, but it is likely an immunemediated condition with a genetic susceptibility. Alterations in cutaneous or intestinal microbiota may play a role in the pathogenesis. Risk factors include obesity, smoking, metabolic syndrome, hormonal influences, and diabetes mellitus; an association with inflammatory bowel disease has also been suggested. Medical management of hidradenitis suppurativa involves use of topical or systemic antimicrobials (potentially helpful for anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory properties more so than direct targeting of microbes), retinoids, systemic or intralesional corticosteroids, and cytokine-directed therapies (inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor [TNF] or IL-1).
Perianal manifestations of Crohns disease are common, estimated to affect 25% to 33% of Crohns disease patients. Perianal fistulas are more common in patients with colonic or rectal disease and may be simple (a fistulous tract with a single external opening) or complex (multiple fistulous tracts, perianal abscesses, or anal/rectal stricture). Unlike the typical disease in dogs, these are true fistulas that communicate with the intestinal lumen. The pathogenesis of perianal fistulas in Crohns disease is not fully understood but has been shown to involve epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and up-regulation of MMPs and proinflammatory cytokines. Genetic susceptibility, as well as alterations in the cutaneous and/or intestinal microbiota, may play a role in development of perianal fistulas in humans. Like canine perianal fistulas, there has been a shift in management of fistulizing Crohns disease from primarily surgical intervention to incorporation of medical therapies. Successful management of fistulizing Crohns disease usually necessitates multimodal surgical and medical approaches. To date, the most efficacious medical therapies are cytokine-directed therapies (inhibitors of TNF or IL-12/IL-23), intrafistula mesenchymal stem cell injections, and adjunctive antimicrobials (although antimicrobials alone are not effective for resolution of fistulas).
Both hidradenitis suppurativa and fistulizing Crohns disease share clinical features with canine perianal fistulas. Similarities in the pathogenesis of hidradenitis suppurativa and Crohns disease have been demonstrated,in particular in filtration of diseased tissue by type 17 T helper cells. Future studies should focuson better characterization of the underlying etiology of these 3 conditions and may help direct the development of future therapies, such as antibodies targeting specific cytokines, for perianal fistulas in dogs.
A comprehensive review of surgical management of canine perianal fistulas is beyond the scope of this article. With the increasing recognition of an immune-mediated pathogenesis for the disease, there was a corresponding shift in standard-of-care from surgical intervention to medical management. Several surgical procedures have been described, including en bloc surgical excision (usually performed together with bilateral anal sacculectomy) followed by surgical reconstruction, laser excision, cryosurgery, and amputation at the tail base.One study reported good control of perianal fistulas using a combination of immunomodulatory therapy with prednisone and azathioprine or cyclosporin A with or without ketoconazole followed by surgical excision of remaining sinus tracts, bilateral anal sacculectomy, and cryptectomy. Another study reported a complete response (lack of visible sinus tracts or ulcers) in 29 of 33 dogs after en bloc surgical resection of perianal fistulas, bilateral anal sacculectomy, and diet change to a fish and potato diet. Six of these 29 dogs continued to exhibit clinical signs, such as perianal licking, tenesmus, diarrhea, or constipation. Potential complications of surgical repair of perianal fistulas include dehiscence, lesion recurrence (reported in more than 50% of dogs in one study), likely related to the failure to control the underlying immune-mediated inflammation, fecal incontinence, and anal stricture.
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Injections                              
Injections of mesenchymal stem cells, administered directly into fistulas, have been shown effective for humans with fistulizing Crohns disease.1 Mesenchymal stem cells have immunomodulatory activity, such as decreasing proliferation and activation of T lymphocytes and dendritic cells and increasing production of T-regulatory cells. The efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell injections for canine perianal fistulas has been reported for a small number of dogs by Ferrer and colleagues. Six dogs with perianal fistulas that had failed therapy with cyclosporin A at standard dosing for a minimum of 6 months of administration were enrolled in an open-label trial and received a single injection of human embryonic stem cellderived mesenchymal stem cells within perianal lesions. The dogs were followed for 6 months postinjection; all dogs had resolution of sinus tracts or ulcers by 3 months after injection of stem cells. Two dogs had recurrence of perianal fistulas by 6 months postinjection.10 Although mesenchymal stem cell injections are a promising treatment option for canine perianal fistulas, additional controlled studies are needed to apply these results to larger populations of affected dogs as well as to determine the optimal frequency of injections.
Antimicrobials alone do not seem effective for management of perianal fistulas in dogs. In the authors experience, many dogs are treated with antimicrobials at the time of onset of clinical signs of perianal fistulas but continue to experience disease progression. A few studies have reported use of metronidazole in combination with other therapies (azathioprine, tacrolimus ointment, prednisone, and novel protein diet) for treatment of dogs with perianal fistulas. In addition to activity against anaerobic bacteria and protozoa, metronidazole may also have anti-inflammatory activity, including promotion of T-regulatory cell differentiation. This anti-inflammatory activity may aid in treatment of immune-mediated diseases, but the efficacy of metronidazole alone for treatment of perianal fistulas is unknown at this time.
Immunomodulatory Agents                                          
Several immunomodulatory agents have been reported as treatments for canine perianal fistulas, including oral prednisone (at initial immunosuppressive doses), azathioprine, cyclosporin A (alone or in combination with ketoconazole), topical tacrolimus, and mycophenolate mofetil. The best evidence of efficacy is for calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporin A and tacrolimus); these are discussed later. In 1 study of German shepherd dogs with perianal fistulas treated with a tapering course of oral prednisone (at an initial immunosuppressive dose of 2 mg/kg/d) and a commercially available novel protein diet for up to 16 weeks, complete lesion resolution was noted in 9 of 27 dogs (33.3%). Due to the need for ongoing administration of immunomodulatory agents for management, as well as the risk of side effects with long-term administration of corticosteroids, the author does not typically use corticosteroids for management of canine perianal fistulas. In another study by Harkin and colleagues, 14 dogs with perianal fistulas were treated with azathioprine alone. After 16 weeks of therapy, 8 of 14 dogs (57%) achieved complete resolution of lesions. To the authors knowledge, there is only a single report of the use of mycophenolate mofetil for the management of perianal fistulas in the veterinary literature; this dog was treated for 4 weeks without improvement in lesions.
Calcineurin Inhibitors (Cyclosporin A and Tacrolimus)
Cyclosporin A and tacrolimus are immunomodulatory agents that work by binding to the intracellular protein cyclophilin-1, which inhibits calcineurin. This inhibition of calcineurin prevents the dephosphorylation of nuclear factor of activated T cells and subsequent production of proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-2. Decreased production of IL-2 leads to decreased growth and activation of T lymphocytes.
Several studies have supported the efficacy of cyclosporin A for treatment of canine perianal fistulas, including randomized and controlled clinical trials. In a randomized clinical trial comparing cyclosporin A with a placebo in German shepherd dogs with perianal fistulas, complete lesion resolution was reported in 17 of 20 dogs (85%) receiving cyclosporin A after 16 weeks of treatment. Mean total surface area and depth of lesions improved by 78% and 62%, respectively, after 4 weeks of therapy in dogs receiving cyclosporin A.
环孢素A治疗犬肛周瘘的剂量差异很大,从每24小时1.5 mg/kg到每12小时10 mg/kg不等。总的来说,较高的剂量效果好,但所有都没有接受相同剂量的环孢素A治疗(服用修饰环孢素A),并且有些病例环孢素A与食物一起服用。改良或微乳化环孢素A制剂在犬体内具有较好的生物利用度,应在所有情况下优先使用。体内环孢素A的生物利用度也会因食物的存在而降低,最好空腹服用(例如:餐前或餐后2小时)
Cyclosporin A doses investigated for treatment of canine perianal fistulas vary widelyfrom 1.5 mg/kg every 24 hours to 10 mg/kg every 12 hours. In general, higher doses were associated with improved outcome, but all dogs were not treated with the same formulation of Cyclosporin A (some received nonmodified cyclosporin A) and cyclosporin A was administered with food in some cases. Modified or microemulsified formulations of cyclosporin A have superior bioavailability in dogs and should be used preferentially in all cases. Bioavailability of cyclosporin A in dogs is also reduced by the presence of food and it is best administered on an empty stomach (ie, 2 hours prior to or after a meal).
环孢素A价格高,特别是在高剂量或更大的犬,可能因此受限酮康唑联合环孢素A可抑制肝细胞色素P450微酶对环孢素A的代谢,通过抑制肠道p糖蛋白提高生物利用度(从而减少环孢素A向肠腔的转运)这两种药联合药可使环孢素A的生物利用度提高75%或更多,这取决于酮康唑的剂量,并可使环孢素的剂量减少。环孢素A(剂量的1-5.5毫克/公斤/)联合酮康唑(剂量为5.1-11毫克/公斤/)在临床试验中被证实有效,病变全都得到缓解,治疗1693%的犬有效, 治疗310100%犬有效,治疗67%平均复周期在13.9周。
The cost of cyclosporin A, particularly at higher doses or for larger dogs, may be prohibitive. Administration of cyclosporin A with ketoconazole can inhibit metabolism of cyclosporin A by hepatic cytochrome P450 microenzymes as well as improve bioavailability via inhibition of intestinal P-glycoprotein (thus decreasing transport of cyclosporin A to the intestinal lumen). Coadministration of the 2 drugs can improve cyclosporin A bioavailability by 75% or more, depending on the ketoconazole dose, and allow cyclosporin A dose reduction. The combination of cyclosporin A (at doses of 1 mg/kg/d to 5.5 mg/kg/d) and ketoconazole (at doses of 5.1 mg/kg/d to 11 mg/kg/d) was shown effective in clinical trials with complete lesion resolution in 93% of dogs in 16 weeks, 100% of dogs in 3 to 10 weeks, and 67% of dogs with a mean time to resolution of 13.9 weeks.
作者经常使用初始剂量为2 mg/kg/d4 mg/kg/d的环孢素A和初始剂量为5 mg/kg/d10 mg/kg/d的酮康唑联合治疗犬肛周瘘。当停止免疫调节治疗时,可发生复发。因此,在病变完全消退后(通常需要8-12周的治疗),作者缓慢地将环孢素A和酮康唑的有效剂量和剂量频率降低到最低。作者没有对这些患者进行常规的环孢素A血药浓度监测,因为环孢素A血药浓度与临床反应相关性不强
The author regularly uses the combination of cyclosporin A at initial doses of 2 mg/kg/d to 4 mg/kg/d and ketoconazole at initial doses of 5 mg/kg/d to 10 mg/kg/d for treating perianal fistulas in dogs. Relapses can occur when immunomodulatory therapy is discontinued.For this reason, after complete resolution of lesions (which generally requires 812 weeks of therapy), the author slowly tapers cyclosporin A and ketoconazole to the lowest effective dosing and dose frequency. The author does not routinely perform cyclosporin A blood level monitoring in these patients because cyclosporin A blood levels do not correlate well with clinical response.
Tacrolimus 0.1% ointment has also been shown effective for treatment of canine perianal fistulas, although randomized controlled clinical trials have not been performed. In 1 report of 10 dogs treated with tacrolimus, 0.1% ointment applied to the perianal skin twice daily for 16 weeks, 5 dogs achieved complete resolution of lesions. Tacrolimus is more appropriate for topical application than cyclosporin A because of its smaller molecular weight, leading to improved absorption through the epidermis. Because of the discomfort that may be associated with application, the author most commonly recommends topical tacrolimus ointment for dogs with mild lesions or for dogs with more severe lesions after complete or partial resolution with oral cyclosporin A (most often in combination with ketoconazole). Some dogs may be transitioned to topical tacrolimus ointment alone for maintenance to prevent relapses of perianal fistulas (Fig. 4).
Other Considerations for Medical Management
急性肛周瘘患犬会疼痛,尤其是排便时。应该考虑使用粪便软化剂,并且有些病例可能需要灌肠,以缓解里急后重。疼痛管理应优先考虑有活动性病变的犬,但在制定疼痛管理计划时,应考虑使用阿片类激动剂等止痛剂可能导致便秘的情况。一些肛周瘘患犬会因为持续的疾病、肛门狭窄等并发症的发展或长期的管理费用而被安乐死。因此,犬肛周瘘的早期诊断和积极的医疗管理是关键。根据作者的经验,对慢性病变患者的管理可能更具挑战性,这些患者可能更难以接受药物治疗。未来的研究应该关注更好阐述这个疾病的遗传和免疫发病机理,评估影响和主人的生活质量(Chiara Noli同本杂志文章《皮肤病患宠及其主人生活质量评估),和开发有针对性的药物治疗。
Dogs with active perianal fistulas can be painful, particularly on defecation. Stool softeners should be considered, and, in some cases, enemas may be necessary to ease tenesmus. Analgesia should be prioritized for dogs with active lesions but the potential for constipation with use of some analgesics, such as opioid agonists, should be considered when formulating a pain management plan. Some dogs with perianal fistulas are euthanized due to unremitting disease, development of complications such as anal stricture, or expense of long-term management. For these reasons, early diagnosis and aggressive medical management of canine perianal fistulas are key. In the authors experience, management of patients with chronic lesions can be more challenging and these patients can be more refractory to medical therapy. Future studies should focus on better characterizing the genetics and immunopathogenesis of this disease, assessing quality of life of affected dogs and their owners (see Chiara Nolis article, Assessing Quality of Life for Pets with Dermatologic Disease and their Owners,in this issue), and developing targeted medical therapies.

41 7岁德国牧羊犬肛周窦道痊愈口服环孢素A和酮康唑治疗,使其达到病变改善,然后改0.1%他克莫司软膏。应用他克莫司软膏后,临床症状持续缓解12个多月。
Fig. 4. Complete resolution of perianal sinus tracts in the 7-year-old German shepherd dog picturedin Fig. 1. This dog was treated withoral cyclosporin A and ketoconazole to the point of lesion resolution,then transitioned to topical tacrolimus 0.1% ointment.Clinical remission has been maintained for more than 12 months with application of tacrolimus ointment.


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