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Canine dermatitis on contacting grass leaf: A case series - Mason - 2023 - Veterinary Dermatology - Wiley Online Library

Canine dermatitis on contacting grass leaf: A case series


Kenneth Mason| Merja Ruutu




Background: Pruritus is a common clinical sign in dogs for which owners seek veterinary attention. Its diagnosis and treatment are often a source of frustration for the owner and veterinarian. Contact dermatitis is rarely considered, even when lesions are located only on the skin. This report describes the immediate reaction to grass leaf material after skin exposure, with similarities to human protein contact dermatitis.

Hypothesis/Objective: To describe the history, clinical findings, diagnostic methods, and characteristics of an undescribed canine pruritic dermatitis that is clinically distinct from canine atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis.

Animals: Eighteen pet dogs living in Australia were referred for unresolved pruritic dermatitis.

Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis of clinical records from patients with pruritic dermatitis after contacting grass leaves. Findings on skin testing, isolation, challenge, and description of skin lesions are described.

Results: Dogs had an inflammatory and pruritic dermatitis affecting the ventral chest, anterior-medial thighs and distal limb, areas that had been in contact with grass, which dogs instinctively avoided. Erythema and erythematous macules and papules were characteristic in the affected skin, inducing coat loss, and thickened pigmented skin. Isolating the dogs from grass resolved their clinical signs and pruritus returned within hours of contact with causative grass.

Conclusion and Clinical Importance: A literature review revealed that this canine dermatitis was similar to human protein contact dermatitis. The impact may be enormous for the treatment of dogs having this disease because the treatment path differs from the therapeutic options of common canine pruritic skin disorders, including the possibility of cure by avoidance.



背景: 瘙痒是犬中常见的临床症状,犬宠主为此寻求兽医帮助。其诊断和治疗常令犬主和兽医感到挫败。很少考虑接触性皮肤病,即使病变仅位于皮肤。本报告描述了皮肤暴露后对草叶材料的即时反应,与人类蛋白质接触性皮肤病相似。

假设/目的: 描述临床上与犬特应性皮肤病和接触性皮肤病不同的未识别的犬瘙痒性皮肤病,其病史、临床结果、诊断方法和特征。

动物: 18只宠物犬因未消退的瘙痒性皮肤病被转诊。

材料与方法: 本回顾性分析接触草叶后瘙痒性皮肤病病患。提供了涉及皮肤试验、隔离、激发和皮肤病变描述的临床记录。

结果: 在本研究中,犬出现炎症和瘙痒性皮肤病,波及腹侧胸部、大腿前内侧和远端肢体(与草接触的区域),犬本能地避免了这些区域。皮肤发红和红色斑疹、丘疹是发病皮肤的特征,诱发被毛脱落,色素沉着,皮肤增厚。将犬从草中分离,其临 床症状消退,瘙痒在接触致病草数小时内复发。

结论和临床重要性: 文献综述显示该犬皮肤病与人蛋白接触性皮肤病相似。对患有该疾病的犬的治疗影响巨大,因为治疗路径与犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗选择不同,包括通过避开过敏原即可治愈。




Pruritic dermatitis is a common canine condition presented to veterinarians. Pruritus may arise from various causes, including allergies, parasites, infections, sometimes neoplasia and other miscellaneous diseases. Canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is one of the most diagnosed causes of pruritic dermatitis, and there are several recognised criteria for diagnosis.



Contact dermatitis is a less common cause of pruritus and is described as an inflammatory, noninfectious skin disease that occurs when relevant substances contact the skin. Human contact dermatitis is primarily an occupational skin disease with a reported annual incidence of 0.5–1.9 per 1000 workers. It can occur in all species, although it is considered rare in the dog.



Classic contact allergic dermatitis is a cell-mediated type IV immunopathological process caused by small chemicals called haptens (e.g. nickel, chromium and drugs such as neomycin) that is incapable of triggering an allergic reaction alone. Haptens need to bind to skin proteins for sensitisation to occur. The veterinary literature considers contact allergy as a disease with a cell-mediated immunopathogenesis.



Conversely, protein contact dermatitis (PCD) in humans was first reported by Hjorth in 1976 and referred to an allergic skin reaction triggered by proteins of either animal or insect origin. The allergens are proteolytic enzymes that induce urticarial and vesicular eruptions on contact with the skin.Immediate prick- or scratch-test results are positive in PCD, whereas patch test results are variable. Current evidence indicates immunoglobulin (Ig)E formation to a protein allergen is the pathomechanism.



Risk factors for developing PCD may include a history of atopy, chronic irritant dermatitis, and occupation or hobby involving exposure to protein allergens. PCD is associated with IgE-mediated reaction to proteins, particularly in certain occupations, such as bakers, veterinarians and meat workers. However, it is difficult to distinguish clinically from other causes of contact dermatitis.



The current study describes 18 dogs with an atopic-like disease that resembles PCD reported in humans and called canine grass dermatitis (CGD) in this paper. This report summarises the anamnesis, clinical findings, and skin allergen tests of 18 dogs with pruritus and inflamed skin associated with the contact to grass leaves. The authors believe this may be a new and unreported skin disease of dogs.





Source of data


The clinical records of the first author's veterinary dermatological service were searched for details of dogs diagnosed with contact allergy to grass leaf from 2001 to 2019. Patients were selected after considering all diagnostic alternatives. This is a retrospective study and owner consent thus was not required. Owners gave their consent to use the photos for educational purposes.



Diagnostic criteria


All cases had to fulfil the following diagnostic criteria:


1. An inflammatory skin disease that is pruritic.

2. Clinical signs of atopic dermatitis (AD) or atopic-like dermatitis, with intradermal skin test (IDT) weak or negative for common aeroallergens.

3. Negative cytological results for pathogen overgrowth on skin and if available, histopathological results inconsistent with cAD.

4. Resolution of clinical signs and pruritus (70%–100%) after bathing with non-medicated shampoo (to remove allergens) and isolation from any plant material (with access to aeroallergens permitted) for ≤48h.

5. At challenge (re-exposure) via contact to grass, reappearance of all clinical signs within 24h (generally within few hours).

6. Immediate (within 20min) positive crude scratch test (cST) to grass from the garden or place associated with signs.





5. 接触草后,24小时内(一般在几小时内)再次出现所有临床症状。

6. 对花园或有症状地方的草进行粗提取物划痕试验(cST)立即(20分钟内)阳性。


Skin testing


Two skin allergen tests were performed on each dog, as follows:


1. A cST using a crude extract from plants the animal was exposed to and could physically contact. Initially, the senior author visited the house gardens to collect plant samples. Later, the pet owners were advised to present garden grasses that the dog avoided or was in contact with. These were washed in tap water, blotted dry with a new paper hand towel, and then macerated in cold phenol saline (Greer Laboratories) at approximately 1:20 using a mortar and pestle (Figure S1).

1. 一种使用动物接触过并能接触到的植物粗提取物的cST。最初,资深作者参观了房屋花园,收集植物样本。随后,研究人员建议宠物宠主拿出犬避免接触或接触的花园草。在自来水中清洗,用新的纸巾吸干,然后用研钵和杵在大约1:20的冷苯酚盐水(Greer实验室)中浸泡(图S1)。


2. An IDT containing environmental allergens (Greer) with a panel of pollens and environmental allergens was prepared every 14days and stored and applied as per the manufacturer's instructions. The allergens used were common in the local environment. Each dog was sedated using medetomidine (30μg/kg intravenously or intramuscularly) and supplemented with mask inhalation of isoflurane if required for the test.

2. 使用一组花粉环境过敏原(Greer)进行IDT,环境过敏原每14天制备一次,并按照制造商的说明存储和应用。所使用的过敏原在当地环境中很常见。每只犬均给予美托咪定(30μg/kg静脉注射或肌注)镇静,根据试验需要面罩吸入异氟醚维持。


After IDT reading, the cST proceeded with plants and grass leaf extract that had soaked undisturbed for 1 h. The epidermis was scratched with a 25G needle sufficiently gently to avoid bleeding and the plant extract, phenol saline, or histamine was applied on individual scratches. The cST results were recorded at 20min and a raised line on skin covered with material was considered a positive result. Owners then were given a test map identifying the IDT and cST sites and asked to photograph and record any visible reaction for the next 2days. A Queensland Government botanist identified the plants used in the scratch test collected during house visits. Examples pressed in newspaper and laminated then were used to help identify plant material provided by pet owners.



Histopathological evaluation


Tissue was taken by biopsy from Case 7, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed routinely, and embedded in wax block from which 5μm sections were cut and stained in haematoxylin & eosin.





A total of 18 dogs fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for grass dermatitis. They were of various breeds, sexes (8 male, 10 female), and most were short-haired (Table 1). The average age of onset for clinical signs was 9.4 months, and the average age at presentation to a clinic was 3years. Affected dogs exhibited constant scratching, licking and chewing of the feet and head area (lesional area). Dogs living outside and confined to a grassy garden commonly had more severe lesions. Most (11 of 18) of the owners had noticed dogs avoiding certain lawn areas, and two dogs showed improvements when not in their usual home environment. Clinical signs were not seasonally correlated.



All dogs had a careful assessment to rule out any other diagnosis, including ectoparasites, food allergies, flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), cAD and irritant dermatitis. Lesions predominantly occurred on the skin that touched the ground, such as the ventral chest, abdomen, anterior-medial tarsus, and carpus. A ‘waterline’ effect frequently occurs (Figure 1) on slab-sided dogs, where ventral erythema occurs on skin that contacts the grass when the dog lies down. Primary lesions were erythema, macules and papules with secondary alopecia, hyperpigmentation and lichenification. The skin lesions' distribution was on the ventral abdomen, ventral chest and anterior-medial thigh (Figure 2). Some dogs had lesions in the interdigital skin folds that had been in contact with the grass, yet the protected groove showed no clinical signs (Figure 3a). Lesions occurred at the posterior carpus, tarsus and lateral distal hind limb (Figure 3). The facial area lesions concentrated on the muzzle, posterior aspect of the erect ear and concave hairless side of the non-erect ear occurring on dogs kept outside that could not avoid grass (Figure 4).



The IDT was weak or negative in these dogs for common aeroallergens (pollens of trees, grasses and weeds), yet frequently positive to house dust mites (HDM). The scratch test using plants from the dog's environment showed positive and negative results for various plants. Dogs reacted primarily to plants in their immediate environment, mainly carpet grass (Axonopus compressus), Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum), paspalum (Paspalum notatum) and different plants in the family Commelinaceae, commonly called wandering trad or spiderwort (Tradescantia zebrina, Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia spathacea, Callisia fragrans and Callisia repens) (Table S1). The reactions to the cST were positive within 20min, and most subsided simultaneously as IDT reactions. However, owners reported an occasional persistence at 24–36h and none at 48h.



After the initial in-clinic assessment, dogs returned home with instructions to owners to bathe dogs with a nonmedicated shampoo, isolate them from any garden plants and retain access to aeroallergens and insects. The isolation area commonly was the house and or veranda and various cemented or tiled enclosures. Improvement during isolation was the final confirmation of contact dermatitis. The pruritus and erythema resolved within 12h, and papules and macules within 24–36h.



Isolated dogs were challenged when allowed back on grass wet with dew (in the morning). All the dogs flared within the same day, most in a few hours. The exact time of challenge to return of pruritus was not assessed in most cases because of pet owners being at work or fulfilling other commitments; however, two owners reported pruritus return after 2 and 6 h, respectively.



A 7-month-old husky (Case 15) showed lesions in typical areas on presentation and after confinement for several months without medication on a fenced tiled pool area revealed dramatic improvement (Figure S2).



Histopathological results revealed intraepidermal pustules with eosinophils in spongiotic epidermal hyperplasia and lymphocyte exocytosis. The superficial dermis was diffusely infiltrated with a mixture of eosinophils and lymphocytes and centred on vessels (Figure 5).





This study revealed 18 dogs with intense pruritus and erythematous papular and macular lesions found in dogs with AD or contact dermatitis. Pruritus and erythematous lesions resolved while exposure to aeroallergens and HDM and excluded grass. When challenged by returning to the wet grass, there was a consistent recurrence of pruritus and, soon after, erythematous lesions. Although the exact timing for the reappearance of clinical signs was hard to evaluate since most owners did not stay with the dog, the pruritus and erythema had recurred by 12h.



A search of the literature revealed that the disease in dogs resembles protein contact dermatitis in humans. The pathogenesis of human protein contact dermatitis is still primarily unknown; however, it is suspected to involve type I and type IV hypersensitivity reactions or late-type I reactions.Experimental models of protein contact dermatitis show IgE and eosinophil involvement.



The dogs responded positively to cST and isolation from the garden grass and flared quickly after re-challenging. This, and the eosinophils in the histological findings, was supportive of an IgE-mediated pathology, as in human PCD. One dog developed anaphylaxis after the cST, identical to the case of anaphylaxis against the garden plant material, Callisia fragrans recorded previously.



Many pet owners spontaneously commented that their pet hated getting their feet wet or avoided wet grass. Subsequently, avoiding damp grass or getting wet feet became a routine question on all pruritic dermatitis questionnaires. This unusual phobia of avoiding wet grass was positively related to contact with the allergic grass.



Plant allergens often are in a plant's pollen. This was not the case in the 18 canine cases described here since dogs had access to aeroallergens when isolated from the grass. The allergen was suspected in the leaf and became available to the dog's skin when wet. The human literature reports several cases that show immediate contact reactions against plant leaf material (including grass leaf) and the blood tests show IgE against the offending material. There also are documented human cases of immediate reactions against grass leaf, yet IgE was not assessed in those cases.



The cST used in these dogs was helpful; however, the concentration of the allergen accessing the skin was uncontrolled, making the interpretation difficult. This is a limitation in this retrospective study, as is the owner-produced grass samples being insufficient for identification. However, dogs showed no reactions at the cST site at 48h, indicating that the pathology was unlikely type IV in these cases. A further limitation in the study is that in most cases, it was left to the owners' discretion to assess redness on the skin, although a photograph also was provided.



Dogs in this study developed pruritus and lesions in the areas that were in contact with the grass. As shown, the axillae and the feet-deep furrows were clear of erythema, indicating that the lesions were caused by contact with an allergen. This pattern was unlike pollen allergies where erythema also occurs in these crevices. The histological results were different to that of dog with cAD, which typically is mononuclear and perivascular centred. A ventral papular lesion biopsy revealed large epidermal eosinophilic pustules and diffuse dermal inflammation dominated by eosinophils perivascularly and within the vascular wall. Similar histopathological findings have been published on the biopsy of skin treated with plant leaf material. Canine atopy histological evaluation often is complicated by secondary infection; however, the findings without secondary infections are mainly lymphocytes, rarely eosinophils. More biopsy case material will be needed to confirm the findings from this single example.



Grasses have hairs that irritate and may cause dermatitis. It could be argued that these can be a cause of an irritant dermatitis or may be the site of a potential allergen that caused the dermatitis in the 18 dogs of this report. However, cST reaction revealed an immediate type of allergic reaction and in some cases a late reaction within 24h that resolved by 48h, and anaphylaxis in one of 18 cases, all of which is consistent with an immediate type immune IgE allergy.



The limitations of this study are those inherent in the human aspects of clinical medicine. That is bias, memory and clinical acumen. The accuracy and reliability of plant identification have limitations related to pet owner selection and sample condition, which often is insufficient for accurate identification. Common names usually cover several species. The 18 cases and thus sample size was limited for subgroup analyses, such as predisposition of the breed, age and coat length. The pathophysiological proposals in the discussion require a laboratory-based investigation, including the IgE reactivity to grass leaf material, for further verification. This study included dogs with the broadest and most complete data, yet there were many others where, for example, histopathological findings supported the single case here. To confirm these findings, more studies are needed that would include a complete set of assays including recording challenge time, IgE reactivity against plant leaf material, and biopsies.



To conclude, this report describes a novel disease in dogs caused by an allergen in grass leaf and not grass pollen. This novel canine dermatitis pathogenesis resembles human protein contact dermatitis. Reports of PCD in dogs presented to veterinarians has not been published previously. The 18 dogs herein have a negative to irrelevant IDT, and lesions include erythema, macules, papules, secondary alopecia, hyperpigmentation and lichenification. The most striking difference to cAD is the distinct occurrence of lesions in areas that are in contact with the ground. Patients have positive immediate cST results against common garden grasses, when bathed and isolated from garden grass, show quick resolution of clinical signs, and flare when challenged back on the grass. Affected dogs show reluctance to walk on the grass when wet. Further studies are needed to confirm this finding and investigate the pathogenesis in greater detail.




FIGURE 1 Lesion distribution in dogs with contact dermatitis to grass. (a,b) Waterline effect at lateral slab chest; barrel-chested dogs have a patch of lesions where the chest contacts the grass (c,d)




FIGURE 2 Primary lesions of erythema, macules, papules, (b, c, d) and secondary alopecia (a,c,d) hyperpigmentation and lichenification (a). Distribution typically is on the ventral abdomen, ventral chest and anterior-medial thigh

图2原发病变皮肤发红、斑点、丘疹(b, c,d)和继发性脱毛(a,c,d)色素沉着和苔藓化(a)。典型分布在腹部腹侧、胸部腹侧和大腿前-内侧。






FIGURE 3 Ventral paw interdigital skin fold touching grass is affected, and groove protected from grass shows no lesions or erythema (a). Classical posterior carpus (b) and tarsus (d) lesions are shown in areas contacting grass. Lateral distal hind limb (c) also is affected.





FIGURE 4 Lesions often are distributed in ears and muzzle. Photos show most common sites of lesions at ventral chin muzzle (a), muzzle (b), posterior of erect ear (c) and concave hairless side of the non-erect ear (d). These lesions tend to be on dogs that cannot avoid the grass










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