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Hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme variant in 17 dogs


Frane Banovic | Thierry Olivry | Barbara Artlet | Emily Rothstein | Luc Beco | Monika Linek | Sonja Zabel | Jeanine Peters-Kennedy | Monika Welle | Rebecca Wilkes | Michaela Austel | Keith Linder





Background: A new canine subgroup defined as ‘old-dog’ or ‘hyperkeratotic’ erythema multiforme (HKEM) with marked hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis has been proposed without any detailed description of larger case series.

Objectives: We report herein the signalment, clinical signs, treatment outcome, and histopathological and immunological findings in 17 dogs with HKEM.

Animals: Inclusion criteria were the presence of (i) scaly skin lesions with or without crusting; and (ii) microscopic lesions typical of EM (i.e. a panepidermal cytotoxic lymphocytic dermatitis with or without basal keratinocyte apoptosis); and (iii) microscopic ortho- and/or parakeratotic hyperkeratosis affecting the interfollicular epidermis.

Materials and Methods: Clinical questionnaires and skin biopsies were reviewed. Polymerase chain reactions for epidermotropic viruses and direct immunofluorescence were performed.

Results: Various breeds were affected with an over-representation of males in their mid-to-late adulthood (median age 9years). Generalised skin lesions included multifocal-to-coalescing, linear and annular macules and plaques with erythema and adherent firm crusting. Microscopic lesions were specific for EM and featured prominent superficial epidermal apoptosis with lymphocytic satellitosis and parakeratosis. No drug triggers were identified. Polymerase chain reactions for canine herpesvirus polymerase gene, canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus were negative in all HKEM and canine erosive EM (15 dogs) biopsies. Lesions failed to respond to oral and/or topical antimicrobials. Complete remission of signs was achieved in 9 of 17 dogs (53%) using immunosuppressive regimens.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme (HKEM) is a chronic, persistent and clinically distinctive erythema multiforme (EM) variant that differs from ‘classic’ vesiculobullous erosive-to-ulcerative EM in dogs.

KEYWORDS dog, erythema multiforme, hyperkeratotic



背景: 提出了定义为“老年犬”和“角化过度”多形红斑 (HKEM) 伴明显角化过度和角化不全的新亚组,未对更大的犬病例系列进行任何详细描述。

目的: 我们在此报告了17只HKEM犬的特征、临床症状、治疗结果以及组织病理学和免疫学结果。

动物: 入选标准为存在:(i) 皮屑性病变伴或不伴结痂;和 (ii)EM的典型显微镜下病变(即全表皮层细胞毒性淋巴细胞性皮炎伴或不伴基底角质形成细胞的细胞凋亡);和 (iii) 影响毛囊间表皮的显微镜下角化过度和/或角化不全。

材料和方法: 审查临床问卷和皮肤活检。对亲表皮病毒进行聚合酶链反应和直接免疫荧光检测。

结果: 各种品种都会患病,成年中后期(中位年龄9岁)公犬比例过高。全身性皮肤病变包括多灶性至融合、线性和环形的斑点和斑块,伴皮肤发红和粘附紧密的结痂。显微镜下具有EM特异性病变,以明显的表皮浅层细胞凋亡,伴淋巴细胞卫星现象和角化不全为特征。未发现药物触发因素。犬疱疹病毒聚合酶基因、犬细小病毒和犬瘟热病毒的聚合酶链反应在所有 HKEM 和犬糜烂型EM(15只犬)活检中均为阴性。病变经口服和(或)外用抗菌药治疗无效。使用免疫抑制方案时,9/17只犬 (53%) 的症状完全缓解。

结论和临床相关性: HKEM是一种慢性、持续性和临床上独特的EM亚型,不同于犬的“经典”水疱大疱性糜烂至溃疡性EM。





Erythema multiforme (EM) is an acute immune-mediated disorder that affects the skin and/or mucous membranes, including the oral cavity. In humans, EM represents a blistering and ulcerative skin disease characterised by target or iris lesions distributed symmetrically on the extremities and trunk; EM is divided into minor (EMm) and major (EMM) forms based on the degree of mucosal involvement and the presence of systemic signs in the latter. The proposed pathomechanism involves T cells activated by antigen (viral, drug)-loaded epithelial cells, which will result in the destruction of antigen-expressing keratinocytes.



Historically, the diagnosis of EM in veterinary medicine has been driven primarily by histopathological observation of transepidermal cytotoxic lymphocytic dermatitis with cell death occurring in suprabasal and basal epidermal layers. The tendency to equate the ‘tissue reaction pattern’ directly with the disease of EM has resulted in a clinically heterogeneous group of disorders being diagnosed as EM.



Canine EMm and EMM, characterised clinically by vesiculobullous, erosive-to-ulcerative skin lesions, resemble, to some degree, their human EM counterparts,yet a new canine subgroup described as ‘old-dog’ or ‘hyperkeratotic’ EM (HKEM) has been proposed without any detailed clinical descriptions. This form of canine EM also is considered idiopathic and is persistent with marked hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis on microscopic examination.

犬EMm和EMM的临床特征为水疱大疱性、糜烂性至溃疡性皮肤病变,在某种程度上与人类EM相似,但有人提出了一个新的犬类亚群,称为“老年犬”或“角化过度”EM (HKEM),但没有任何详细的临床描述。这种形式的犬EM也被认为是特发性的,在显微镜检查下表现为明显的角化过度和角化不全。


The purpose of this study is to describe the history, clinical features, histopathological and immunopathological findings, and treatment outcome of 17 dogs with skin lesions of canine EM with marked microscopic hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis.





Case selection


Cases were identified through an Email request sent to the Vetderm list (vetderm@lists.ncsu.edu). Dogs of any age, sex or breed were included if they presented with (i) scaly skin lesions with or without crusting; and (ii) microscopic lesions typical of EM (i.e. a panepidermal cytotoxic lymphocytic dermatitis with apoptotic keratinocytes predominantly in suprabasal epidermal layers with or without observation of basal keratinocyte apoptosis); and (iii) microscopic ortho- and/or parakeratotic hyperkeratosis affecting the interfollicular epidermis.

病例是通过发送到Vetderm列表(vetderm@lists.ncsu.edu)的电子邮件请求确定的。任何年龄、性别或品种的犬,如果它们出现(i)皮屑皮肤病变,有或没有结痂;和(ii) 镜检可见EM典型病变(即:表皮全层细胞毒性淋巴细胞性皮炎,伴有主要位于基底上表皮层的角质形成细胞的细胞凋亡,有或没有基底层角质形成细胞的细胞凋亡);和(iii)镜检可见毛囊内表皮层的正角化性和/或角化不全性角化过度。


Dogs with macular, vesiculobullous, typical or atypical target skin lesions and histopathological findings of cytotoxic lymphocytic interface dermatitis with keratinocyte apoptosis occurring throughout multiple epidermal layers suggestive of ‘classic’ EMm and EMM were not considered for inclusion.



Histopathological and immunopathological investigation


Haematoxylin and eosin-stained histological sections of biopsies of haired skin (17 of 17 cases) and oral mucosa (1 of 17 cases) were reviewed, and lesions were identified and scored subjectively utilising a standard severity scale (see Appendix S1). Direct immunofluorescence (IF) on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded skin sections for lupus band test (LBT) was performed as described previously.



DNA extraction and PCR for canine herpesvirus polymerase gene, parvovirus and distemper virus


Polymerase chain reactions for canine herpesvirus polymerase (pol) gene, canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus were performed on DNA isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) skin tissues from each hyperkeratotic EM dog in this study, and from FFPE blocks of 15 previously published canine erosive EM patients; positive viral FFPE tissues and viral cultures served as controls (see Appendix S1).



Clinical management and prognosis


Data on signalment, history (including any possible triggers), clinical signs (e.g. time to development of lesions, lesion type and distribution), therapeutic management (e.g. on previous, initial and maintenance immunosuppressive therapy) and treatment outcome for each case were collected from the referring veterinaries and analysed.





Seventeen dogs met the inclusion criteria; selected dogs included 16 pure-bred and one cross-bred dog (Table  S1). Two of our cases previously were published as short case reports. There was an over-representation of males (male: female ratio of 2.4), with most dogs being either spayed or neutered (13 of 17; 76%). Odds ratios for breed, sex or age predispositions for the development of hyperkeratotic EM could not be estimated, as the subjects were from various North and South American, or European countries, and a control population therefore was not available.



The age of onset of skin lesions varied between one and 15years (median 9years; mean 8.5years); most dogs (15 of 17; 88%) began exhibiting noticeable lesions in mid-adulthood (i.e. aged five or older).



Clinical summary


Before the initial visit to the referral clinician, skin lesions were present between 2 and 12months (median 4months), and there was no history of skin lesions waxing and waning or resolving spontaneously. The most common lesions reported by the owners were erythematous, hyperkeratotic and crusting dermatitis; these usually were first noticed on the trunk, abdomen and ear pinnae.



According to our inclusion criteria, skin lesions included multifocal-to-coalescing, linear and annular macules and plaques with erythema and firm adherent crusting (Figures 1 and 2). These lesions often were overlaid with hyperpigmented, dark-coloured or haemorrhagic adherent material (9 of 17 dogs; Figure 1), whereas other dogs exhibited skin lesions covered by predominantly thick adherent yellow waxy-to-greasy material (8 of 17 dogs; Figure 2).



Upon presentation to the referral clinician, all dogs had lesions on the trunk and ventral abdomen. Lesions also were present on the ear pinnae and head in 16 of 17 cases (94%), respectively, while axillae and distal limbs were affected in 13 (76%) and 14 (82%) dogs, respectively. Mild footpad hyperkeratosis was observed at the margin of the paw pads in three dogs (18%). Sixteen dogs (94%) exhibited mucocutaneous lesions on or around the genitalia, lips, anal area and oral cavity (Figure 3).



No systemic signs were observed in any dog, apart from recurrent lethargy in 8 of 17 dogs (47%). Four dogs (Dogs 3, 4, 15 and 17) had a history of mild allergic skin disease. By contrast, two dogs developed hyperkeratotic EM skin lesions 4–7months into treatment for immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (Dog 14) and arthritis (Dog 2), respectively. Pruritus and pain at the lesion site were reported in 14 (82%) and 12 dogs (70%), respectively.



A complete blood count revealed mild leucocytosis in two dogs. Serum biochemical values were within reference intervals in 11 dogs, while urinalysis results were unremarkable in all dogs. Two dogs had elevated alkaline phosphatase activity and vacuolated hepatopathy on ultrasound examination, probably as a result of the previous administration of methylprednisolone (Dog 6) and prednisone/azathioprine (Dog 2) by the primary veterinary surgeon.



Impression cytological examination revealed degenerate neutrophils and numerous cocci in three dogs (Dogs 1, 3 and 14), which were identified as meticillin susceptible Staphylococcus pseudintermedius by aerobic bacterial culture. One to three courses of systemic antibiotics (e.g. cefpodoxime, cephalexin, marbofloxacin, doxycycline and enrofloxacin) for 14–28days in conjunction with topical antimicrobials were initially provided to 15 of 17 dogs without clinical improvement, and with the new HKEM skin lesions development during the antimicrobial administration. Fungal culture was negative in seven dogs (Dogs 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 13).



There was no clear association with the administration of a drug, vaccine or nutraceutical, nor any history of preceding infections in any dog included herein. Dog 2 developed HKEM during the 4month azathioprine treatment, while Dog 15 received meloxicam 4weeks before the onset of HKEM lesions. The discontinuation of both drugs (azathioprine, meloxicam) did not resolve or improve HKEM skin lesions; any association between HKEM and these drugs remains unconfirmed.



Histopathological findings


Raised plaques contained epidermal hyperkeratosis and a panepidermal cytotoxic dermatitis, both of which were inclusion criteria. Hyperkeratosis (Figure 4) ranged from mild to marked and was due to parakeratosis (16 of 17; 94%) often intermixed with orthokeratosis (12 of 17; 71%) in laminated-to-compact patterns. Epidermal and infundibular hyperplasia mainly were moderate-to marked and regular-to-irregular. Epidermal spongiosis was mild and uncommon (four of 17; 23%).



The cytotoxic dermatitis reaction pattern (Figure 4) occurred in areas of epidermal hyperplasia. Here, apoptosis of suprabasal epidermal keratinocytes was typically marked and occurred with apoptosis of basal layer keratinocytes (17 of 17; 100%), which usually was mild, yet was moderate in four cases and marked in one. Clustering of suprabasal epidermal apoptosis occurred commonly (Figure 4). Many cases had small zones of epidermal atrophy (12 of 17; 71%), including the architectural collapse of epidermal layering. Epidermal hydropic degeneration (14 of 17; 82%) often occurred in areas of apoptosis, and mainly was mild. Lymphocyte exocytosis (16 of 17; 94%) and satellitosis of apoptosis (16 of 17; 94%) were moderate-to-marked in nearly all cases. Interestingly, while lymphocytes dominated in the epidermis in all cases, histiocytes were obvious in over half of the patients and sometimes were numerous as satelliting cells (Figure 4). Apoptotic keratinocytes and satelliting leucocytes often were entrapped in the stratum corneum, usually layered with parakeratosis (Figure 4).



A lymphocytic interface dermatitis reaction pattern (17 of 17; 100%) was mostly mild-to-moderate, while a lichenoid band (16 of 17; 94%) ranged from mild to marked and often was patchy. Despite basal cell cytotoxicity, basal layer mitotic cells were common (16 of 17; 94%) and ranged from mild to marked. Pigmentary incontinence (12 of 13; 92%) was mild, and only sometimes moderate. Basement membrane zone thickening (13 of 17; 76%) was multifocal, patchy, and ranged from mild to marked (Figure 4). Neither dermal fibrosis nor granulation tissue were features. Erosions mostly were absent and, when present, were typically part of a suppurative crusting dermatitis, with or without surface bacterial colonies, which were interpreted to be secondary.



Additional inflammatory patterns were present, and adnexal changes were common and mirrored epidermal changes—see details in Appendix S2.



Immunopathological findings


Direct IF was performed on paraffin-embedded skin sections from 14 of 17 dogs. A positive LBT was found in seven of 14 (50%) dogs with the anti-immunoglobulin (Ig)G and in one dog (5%) with anti-IgA and IgM. None of the dogs showed positive direct IF for C3. The detection of serum antinuclear antibodies (ANA) was negative in the three dogs tested.



Polymerase chain reaction for canine herpes (pol)-, distemper and parvovirus


Polymerase chain reaction amplification was performed successfully on each positive-control specimen with the corresponding viral PCR primers; negative controls produced no viral amplicons. No viral amplification was observed for canine herpesvirus (pol), distemper virus and parvovirus in FFPE samples of 16 of 17 HKEM and 15 dogs with erosive EM.



Treatment outcome


Information on treatment outcomes was available for all dogs. Spontaneous disappearance of clinical signs was not seen in any patient, and skin lesions had failed to resolve completely after discontinuing oral antibiotics and topical antimicrobials that were provided initially to 15 of 17 dogs. Dogs in which a meticillin-susceptible S. pseudintermedius was cultured were provided with appropriate systemic antibiotics and topical antimicrobial chlorhexidine products for several weeks. Immunomodulating treatment regimens varied widely. Thirteen dogs were treated initially with systemic glucocorticoids alone (3 of 17) or in conjunction with oral azathioprine (1 of 17), mycophenolate mofetil (1 of 17) and ciclosporin (8 of 17); four dogs received ciclosporin or oclacitinib monotherapy. Systemic glucocorticoid monotherapy with prednisone/prednisolone (1.5–2.5 mg/kg once daily) induced a partial improvement of 75% (Dogs 3 and 12) to complete remission (Dog 11); both dogs with partial improvement were lost to follow-up after 30–40days while Dog 11 was maintained on tapered dosage for 7months before being lost to follow-up.

所有的犬都有治疗结果记录。所有患犬都没有出现临床症状自发性消退,17例犬中有15例初期停用口服抗生素和外用抗菌素后,皮肤病变没有出现恢复。对培养结果为有甲氧西林敏感的假中间型葡萄球菌的犬给予适当的全身性抗生素和外用氯己定抗菌产品数周。免疫调节治疗方案差异很大。13例犬最初单独使用全身糖皮质激素(3/17),或联合口服硫唑嘌呤(1/17)、霉酚酸酯(1/17)和环孢素(8/17)治疗。4例犬接受环孢素或奥拉替尼单药治疗。使用泼尼松/泼尼松龙糖皮质激素单药治疗(1.5-2.5 mg/kg,每日一次),达到75%的部分改善(犬3和犬12)到完全缓解(犬11)。所有部分缓解患犬均在30-40天后失访,犬11在逐渐减量7个月后失访。


Oral glucocorticoids (1–2 mg/kg/day for 2–4weeks and then tapered) in conjunction with ciclosporin (5– 10 mg/kg once daily) induced complete remission (Dogs 4, 5, 15 and 16; Figure 5) and mild-to-partial improvement (Dogs 1, 7, 10 and 14) in skin lesions of four dogs each. Two dogs (1 and 14) with mild improvement on ciclosporin/glucocorticoids were switched to oral oclacitinib (Dog 1, 0.6 mg/kg twice daily; Dog 14, 1 mg/ kg twice daily) and complete remission was observed after 12 (Dog 1) and six (Dog 14) weeks, respectively.

口服糖皮质激素(1-2 mg/kg/天,持续2 - 4周,然后逐渐减少),联合环孢素(5 - 10 mg/kg,每日一次),使4例犬完全缓解(犬4,5,15和16;图5),4例犬轻度到部分改善(犬1、7、10和14)。2例犬环孢素/糖皮质激素有轻度改善(1和14),替换成口服奥拉替尼(犬1,0.6 mg/kg,每天两次;犬14,1毫克/公斤,每天两次),分别在12周(犬1)和6周(犬14)后达到完全恢复。


Dog 2 was continued on azathioprine and prednisone from previous therapy for immune-mediated arthritis yet showed only mild improvement; it was euthanised owing to the poor quality of life (QoL). Oral mycophenolate mofetil (10 mg/kg twice daily) in Dog 17 achieved a complete remission at 3months of therapy with glucocorticoids discontinued after the initial 6weeks; however, the patient was lost to follow-up 4months later.



Two dogs initiated on oral ciclosporin alone (5 mg/kg once daily) for two (Dog 9) and eight (Dog 6) months achieved complete and partial remission, respectively. Initial monotherapy with oral oclacitinib (0.6 mg/kg twice daily) in Dog 8 and Dog 13 for 14 and 42days, respectively, resulted in minimal clinical improvement. Clinical improvement was observed after the switch to systemic glucocorticoids, yet as a consequence of the severe glucocorticoid adverse effects and poor QoL, both dogs were humanely euthanised.

两例犬开始单独口服环孢素(5毫克/公斤,每天一次),持续2个月,达到完全恢复(犬9),持续8个月,达到部分恢复(犬6)。犬8和犬13初期口服奥拉替尼单药治疗(0.6 mg/kg,每天两次)分别持续14天和42天,临床改善甚微。在改用全身性糖皮质激素后,观察到临床改善,但由于严重的糖皮质激素副作用和生活质量差,两只犬都进行了人道安乐死。


The median time to complete remission in nine of 17 dogs was 2.5 months (range 6–28weeks). In cases where treatment was discontinued or tapered (nine of 17 dogs; 52%), two dogs (of nine) remained lesion-free without any treatment, while skin lesions returned in seven of nine patients (77%); signs eventually disappeared after re-inducing treatment.

17例犬中有9例完全恢复的中位时间为2.5个月(范围6 - 28周)。在停止治疗或逐渐减少治疗的病例中(9/17;52%),其中两例犬(9例)在没有任何治疗的情况下保持无病变,而9例犬中有7例(77%)皮肤病变复发。在重新诱导治疗后,症状最终消失。




Although there are extensive case series descriptions of dogs with erosive vesiculobullous EM, there are only two case reports of dogs with an apparent hyperkeratotic variant of this disease. Herein, we describe the signalment, clinical signs, treatment outcomes, microscopic and immunopathological characteristics of 17 dogs with HKEM.



The age of onset of HKEM was variable, with most dogs exhibiting their first skin lesions in mid- to late adulthood, two-thirds developing lesions after 8years of age. The late age of onset in some dogs may explain why some authors initially proposed the terminology of ‘old-dog’ EM.



Skin lesions of HKEM featured multifocal-to-coalescing, linear and annular macules and plaques with erythema and adherent firm crusting. In most patients, HKEM skin lesions were generalised and commonly affected sites included the trunk, abdomen, mucocutaneous junctions and concave pinnae. Generalised discoid lupus erythematosus (GDLE) was considered a close mimic of HKEM, yet in the latter skin lesions were more proliferative, without the scarring and skin atrophy observed in the former. Moreover, the prominent suprabasal apoptosis in conjunction with lymphocytic satellitosis observed in HKEM-type reaction patterns is only rarely observed in GDLE.



Necrolytic migratory erythema (NME) is an erosive, hyperkeratotic and crusting disease commonly affecting footpads (96% of patients), mucocutaneous junctions and pressure points (e.g. elbow and hocks), with histopathological features of epidermal hyperplasia, severe parakeratotic hyperkeratosis and diffuse intracellular (vacuolar change) and extracellular oedema in the mid-epidermal layers. Some dogs with NME show keratinocyte apoptosis in different epidermal layers on histopathological examination; the aetiology and significance of the phenomenon are currently unknown. In the dogs with HKEM in this report, mild footpad involvement was limited to the margin and serum biochemistry values were within the reference interval, which, together with the HKEM clinical and microscopic features, excluded NME.



The exact pathomechanism of human and canine EM remains incompletely understood, yet pathogenetic mechanisms of CD8+ lymphocytic cytotoxic responses against keratinocytes are shared in both diseases. In humans, acute self-limited EM typically is precipitated by viral infections, most commonly via DNA particles containing herpes simplex virus DNA pol gene expressed in lesional keratinocytes. The inciting factor of persistent EM, characterised by the widespread and continuous presence of EM skin lesions, remains unknown in many patients. Trigger factors for the development of canine EM in most cases are unknown. The development of erosive-to-ulcerative canine EM typically has been associated with the administration of various drugs. However, this association was most often unproven or speculative in most cases and some dogs with ‘drug-induced EM’ might have had, instead, drug-induced Stevens–Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis. Finally, EM in some dogs can arise without known drug exposure (e.g. ‘idiopathic’ EM).

人类和犬EM的确切发病机制仍不完全清楚,但CD8+淋巴细胞对角质形成细胞的细胞毒性反应的发病机制在这两种疾病中是相同的。在人类中,急性自限性EM通常是由病毒感染引起的,最常见的是通过含有单纯性疱疹病毒DNA pol基因的DNA颗粒在病变角质形成细胞中表达。EM的持续性刺激因素,其特征是广泛和持续存在的EM皮肤病变,在许多患者中仍然未知。大多数犬EM病例发展的触发因素是未知的。糜烂性至溃疡性犬EM的发展通常与各种药物使用有关。然而,在大多数病例中,这种关联通常是未经证实的或推测的,一些患有“药物诱发性EM”的犬可能患有药物诱发性Stevens-Johnson综合征或中毒性表皮坏死松解症。最后,某些EM患犬的可以在没有已知药物使用的情况下发病(例如“特发性”EM)。


In a few dogs, EM was reported to be associated with canine parvovirus. Interestingly, the ‘cytopathic’ epidermal infection with the development of viral inclusion bodies in keratinocytes suggests that these dogs suffered from mucosal and cutaneous parvovirosis rather than virus-associated EM, in which virions are not produced at the site of EM skin lesions. In the present study, there was no viral amplification observed for canine herpesvirus (pol), distemper virus and parvovirus in samples from HKEM and erosive EM samples. A single case report implicated a nutraceutical product as the causative agent for HKEM lesions. By contrast, our study could not confirm the association between HKEM cases and a drug.



Treatment modalities for EM should focus on addressing the aetiology, eliminating possible trigger factors and when needed, administering immunosuppressive medications to resolve dysregulated immune responses. There have been no clinical trials evaluating treatments of canine EM variants, and a spontaneous resolution of signs was not seen in any of our dogs with HKEM. In human EM skin lesions, T-lymphocyte/natural killer cell cytotoxicity and Janus kinase (JAK)-signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signalling were highly upregulated pathways in a recent transcriptome study. In the present report, various immunomodulatory drugs that target innate immune, lymphocyte responses and JAK–STAT pathways, such as glucocorticoids, ciclosporin, oclacitinib, mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine, were used initially to treat dogs with HKEM.



Ciclosporin, a calcineurin inhibitor, blocks T-cell infiltration, activation, and the subsequent release of inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, interferon (IFN)-γ and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α.  In this study, the complete remission of HKEM skin lesions followed treatment with ciclosporin (along with a short course of glucocorticoids at its onset in some dogs) in half of the dogs (5 of 10) given this drug.



Oclacitinib, a JAK inhibitor with preferential affinity to JAK1,successfully induced a complete remission in half (two of four) dogs with HKEM. In humans, the oral JAK inhibitors upadacitinib and tofacitinib led to a marked improvement in four patients affected with persistent EM. The effectiveness of JAK inhibitors in EM is likely to be related to their inhibition of interferon-γ (JAK1/2), IL-15 (JAK1/3) and type I interferons (JAK1/ TYK2); however, the precise mechanism of action of JAK inhibitors in human and canine EM warrants further investigations.

奥拉替尼是一种对JAK1具有优先亲和力的JAK抑制剂,在半数用药的HKEM患犬(2/4)中成功达到完全缓解。在人类中,口服JAK抑制剂乌帕替尼和托法替尼可显著改善4例反复性EM患者的症状。JAK抑制剂在EM中的有效性可能与其抑制干扰素-γ (JAK1/2)、IL-15 (JAK1/3)和I型干扰素(JAK1/ TYK2)有关,然而,JAK抑制剂在人类和犬EM中的确切作用机制值得进一步研究。


In conclusion, we report herein 17, predominantly male, dogs with a unique proliferative clinical phenotype of EM characterised by persistent and continuous skin lesions without identifiable viral infection or drug triggers, which we propose to name HKEM. In these dogs, skin lesions appear to respond to a wide range of immunosuppressive regimens, yet many patients experienced relapses upon the tapering of drug dosages. Our limited outcome data suggest that ciclosporin and oclacitinib should be considered as potentially effective therapeutic options for canine HKEM. Further investigations evaluating the pathogenesis of HKEM and responses to medications at the molecular level are warranted.




FIGURE 1 Initial clinical presentation of dogs with hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme (HKEM). (a–c) Multifocal-to-coalescing, linear and annular hyperpigmented macules, papules and plaques with erythema and adherent, firm dark-coloured (a,b) to haemorrhagic (c) crusting affecting the ventral abdomen and inguinal areas in Dogs 2 and 5.

图1角化过度型多形红斑(HKEM)患犬的初期临床表现。(a -c) 2号和5号犬腹部腹侧和腹股沟区的多灶性至聚集的线状和环形色素沉着斑点、丘疹和斑块,伴皮肤发红和粘附紧密的深色(a,b)至出血性(c)结痂。




FIGURE 2 Initial clinical presentation of dogs with hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme (HKEM). (a) Proliferative multifocal and coalescing erythematous plaques with thick adherent waxy-to-greasy material affecting the ventral abdomen and inguinal areas of Dog 15. (b,c) Close up of the multifocal erythematous plaques with severe, yellow, thick adherent material in Dog 1 (c) and Dog 15 (b).





FIGURE 3 Initial clinical presentation of dogs with hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme (HKEM). (a,c) Proliferative coalescing erythematous and eroded plaques with thick adherent waxy-to-greasy material affecting inguinal, perigenital and perianal areas in Dog 15. (b) Hyperpigmented multifocal to coalescing macules and plaques with adherent scaling and crusting affecting the concave pinnae and pinna margin in Dog 5.





FIGURE 4 Histopathological presentation of epidermal and mucosal changes in canine hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme (HKEM). (a) The margin of a plaque is present that is composed largely of epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis. ×10. (b) [Inset from (a)] Marked parakeratotic epidermal (asterisks) and infundibular (arrows) hyperkeratosis is present over irregular epidermal and infundibular hyperplasia. A moderate band-like (lichenoid) infiltrate of inflammation is just below the epidermis. ×20. (c) Orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis (arrow) is present occasionally without parakeratosis in a few biopsies. ×10. (d) Higher magnification image shows parakeratosis (asterisk) over epidermal hyperplasia that contains prominent apoptosis (arrows) of keratinocytes at all epidermal levels. Lymphocytic exocytosis and satellitosis of apoptotic cells are marked. The dermis (‘D’) contains numerous lymphocytes and fewer plasma cells in the bandlike (lichenoid) infiltrate below the epidermis. ×40. (e) Apoptotic keratinocytes are individual or grouped, and lymphocytic satellitosis is accompanied by a prominent number of histiocytes (arrows) in some cases. Apoptotic keratinocytes (arrowheads), along with satelliting leucocytes, are carried into the stratum corneum in high numbers in parakeratotic areas. ×40. (f) A markedly thickened basement membrane zone (arrows) is present along with lymphocytic interface dermatitis, seen as jumbling and loss of basal keratinocytes with lymphocyte infiltrate. ×40. (g) Mucosal epithelium contains apoptosis (arrows) at all mucosal epithelial levels with prominent lymphocytic exocytosis and satellitosis. ×40. Haematoxylin and eosin.












FIGURE 5 Clinical presentation of Dog 15 with HKEM before (a) and after treatment at Day 95 (b) with combined/concurrent glucocorticoids and ciclosporin; glucocorticoids were discontinued after 35days and the patient achieved complete remission with only daily ciclosporin.

图5 15号HKEM患犬在治疗前(a)和治疗第95天(b)的临床表现,联合使用/同时使用糖皮质激素和环孢素。治疗35天后停用糖皮质激素,患犬仅每日使用一次环孢素即可达到完全缓解。





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