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发表于 2022-8-6 17:16:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Repeatability and reproducibility of microscopic examination of adhesive tape strip cytology slides for the quantification of Malassezia spp. in canine skin
翻译:林晓丹 校对:王帆
Background: The optimal microscopic magnification and number of optical fields of adhesive tape strip cytological slides that should be examined when searching for Malassezia yeasts on canine skin are unknown.
Objectives: To determine the optimal magnification and the minimum number of optical fields that should be examined to maximise intraobserver repeatability and interobserver reproducibility.
Materials and Methods: Seven experienced examiners counted, twice, the number of yeasts in 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 optical fields of 40 slides at ×400 and ×1000 magnification.
Results: The number of yeasts per unit surface area was significantly higher at ×1000 compared to ×400 magnification. Repeatability and reproducibility for counting the yeasts was very poor.
Conclusions and clinical relevance: Adhesive tape strip cytological slides should be examined microscopically for Malassezia spp. at ×1000 magnification. The repeatability of this examination for counting the yeasts is poor.
KEYWORDS cytology, Malassezia, repeatability, reproducibility

Yeasts of the genus Malassezia, especially M. pachydermatis, are members of the normal flora of canine skin, where they are usually present in low numbers. Increased population and/or development of hypersensitivity to their allergens commonly occur secondarily to other cutaneous or systemic diseases, and result in dermatitis that is typically manifested by pruritus, erythema, hyperpigmentation, scaling, crusting, lichenification and thickening of the skin.

In clinical practice, a suspicion of Malassezia dermatitis, in dogs with compatible clinical signs, usually is followed by microscopic examination of cytological slides. The same examination has been proposed for monitoring antifungal treatment, and this application may become more important in the future if drugresistant strains become widespread.Furthermore, trials on the efficacy of various treatments for canine Malassezia dermatitis have been based on the quantitative or semiquantitative microscopic examination of cytological slides. Adhesive tape strip is the most commonly used sampling technique. However, the optimal microscopic magnification, that may be either ×400 (high-power; HP) or ×1000 (oil immersion; OI),and the number of optical fields that should be examined have not been standardised, even though they may have a profound impact on the sensitivity, specificity, repeatability and reproducibility of the examination.
在临床实践中,怀疑马拉色菌皮肤病,通常是显微镜检查细胞压片检查。同样的检测也被提出用于监测抗真菌治疗,如果耐药菌株的种类更加广泛,这种应用在未来可能变得更加重要。此外,犬马拉色菌皮肤病各种治疗疗效的试验是基于细胞学压片的定量或半定量显微镜检查。胶带粘贴是最常用的取样技术。然而,最佳的显微镜放大倍数,可能是×400(高功率;HP)×1000(油浸;OI),和应该检查的光场的数量都还没有被标准化, 尽管它们可能对检查的敏感性、特异性、重复性和再现性有深远的影响。

The aim of this study was to find the optimal microscopic magnification and the minimum number of optical fields that should be examined to achieve the best possible intraobserver repeatability and interobserver reproducibility for the quantification of Malassezia spp. yeasts in adhesive tape strip cytological slides obtained from the skin of dogs suspect of having Malassezia dermatitis.

Examiners, adhesive tape strip cytological slides and microscope
A total of seven examiners participated in the study. They included one European College of Veterinary Dermatology board-certified first opinion veterinary dermatological practitioner (VD; Examiner 1) and six veterinarians with many years of experience in cutaneous cytology, including clinic staff members, PhD students and a dermatology intern (examiners 2–7).

The adhesive tape strip cytological slides that were used had been collected by the VD during the previous year and stored for the purposes of this study. They had been obtained during routine clinical work-up, using approximately 5cm long pieces of clear adhesive tape (Scotch Crystal Clear Tape, 3 M; Woodmead, South Africa), pressed 5–10 times onto the lesional skin of dogs suspected of Malassezia dermatitis, presenting pruritus and/or compatible skin lesions.The tape was stained with Diff-Quik1 (Merck; Darmstadt, Germany), using the fixative and both staining solutions, air-dried and pressed, with the sticky side down, onto a clean microscope slide. Before the beginning of the study, the VD checked all slides to ensure that they retained acceptable staining quality (i.e. intense basophilic staining of nuclear material) and none of them had to be discarded
所使用的胶带粘贴细胞学切片已由VD在前一年收集并存储,用于本研究的目的。它们是在常规临床检查中获得的,使用大约5厘米长的透明胶带,在表现为瘙痒和/并发皮肤病变,疑似马拉色菌皮肤病的皮肤病变上按压5-10次。胶带用Diff-Quik染色,使用固定剂和两种染色溶液,风干,粘面向下压在一个干净的显微镜载玻片上。 在研究开始前,VD检查了所有的玻片,以确保它们保持可接受的染色质量(即核物质的强嗜碱性染色),没有一个是必需被丢弃的。

All microscopic examinations were performed using the same microscope (ICS-KF2 Binocular Research Microscope, Carl Zeiss; Jena, Germany) with two ×10/18 eyepieces.

Training of the examiners
One week before the beginning of the study, the examiners attended a 60min training course that was run by the VD. Initially, a digital slide presentation was used to explain the aims and the design of the study, how to use the microscope, how to select optical fields (choosing optical fields with a moderate to high numbers of keratinocytes in monolayer located in the central area of the slide was advised because, during sampling, the centre of the adhesive tape was opposed to the skin lesion), how to identify Malassezia spp., and which are the common clinical manifestations of canine Malassezia dermatitis. This was followed a live demonstration of microscopic identification and counting of Malassezia spp., using a BX-40 microscope equipped with Altra 20 screenprojecting colour camera (Olympus; Tokyo, Japan).
在研究开始前一周,审查员参加了由VD举办的60 分钟培训课程。最初,我们使用数字幻灯片演示来解释研究的目的和设计,如何使用显微镜,如何选择光场(建议选择位于载玻片中心区域的单层中等到大量角质形成细胞的光场,因为在取样过程中,胶带的中心与皮肤病变区相对应),如何鉴别马拉色菌,还有犬马拉色菌皮肤病的常见临床表现。随后是对马拉色菌的显微镜鉴定和计数的现场演示,使用配备有Altra20屏幕投影彩色相机的BX-40显微镜。

Microscopic examination
From a collection of 100 adhesive tape strip cytological slides, 40 were selected randomly, and with their identity masked, they were numbered randomly from 1 to 40. Each examiner was randomised to examine these 40 slides either first at HP, then at OI, then again at HP and finally at OI, or in the reverse order. For each examiner, a period of at least 1week lapsed between the end of each examination round and the beginning of the next round. During the examination of each slide,the number of Malassezia spp. counted in the first 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 optical fields and the time spent was recorded.

Statistical methods
For all randomisations, a freely available random number generator software(https://www.gigacalculator.com/c ... umber-generator.php) was used, statistical analyses were performed in Spss 21 for Windows and the level of significance was set at 5%.
对于所有的随机化方法,都有一个免费提供的随机数生成器软件,在Windows Spss21中进行统计分析,显著性水平设置为5%

The distribution of all continuous variables was tested using the Lilliefors modification of the Kolmogorov– Smirnov test.
所有连续变量的分布均采用Kolmogorov– Smirnov修正的Lilliefors检验进行检验。

In order to compare the number of Malassezia spp. between the two microscopic magnifications, the number of yeasts at OI magnification was multiplied by 6.25 to correct for the smaller microscopic optical field surface area and this product was compared with the number of yeasts at HP magnification, separately for each examiner, for each of the number of optical fields examined (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50) and for each examination row (first or second). For these 70 comparisons, the distribution of the number of yeasts did not follow a normal distribution (p<0.001), and thus the related sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used.

For the evaluation of intraobserver repeatability, the difference between the two measurements of the number of Malassezia spp. for the same cytological slide, the same examiner, the same number of optical fields and the same magnification was calculated. None of the 70 datasets of differences followed the normal distribution (all p-values<0.001). Subsequently, the null hypothesis that the median of the differences (d) was zero, was tested using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and could not be rejected (p≥0.071) for 66 of 70 datasets. The standard deviation of the differences (SDdif) and the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) of the datasets were calculated and compared not only among the different number of optical fields at the same microscopic magnification, but also between the two microscopic magnifications for the same number of optical fields, using either a paired sample Student's t-test (normal distribution) or related sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test (non-normal distribution). The results were evaluated after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Finally, the differences of the two measurements were plotted against their mean, separately for each number of optical fields×microscopic magnification combination.

For the evaluation of the interobserver reproducibility, the difference between the measurements of the number of Malassezia spp. by each pair of examiners for the same cytological slide, at the same round, the same number of optical fields and the same magnification was calculated.

The time to examine the cytological slides and count Malassezia spp. was pooled for both examination rounds of all examiners. Because all datasets did not follow the normal distribution (all p-values<0.001) the median value of examination time was compared between the two microscopic magnifications for 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 optical fields using the Wilcoxon matchedpair signed-rank test.
所有审查员的细胞学切片检查和马拉色菌计数时间合并。由于所有数据集都不遵循正态分布(所有p值<0.001),使用Wilcoxon 符号秩检验对比10个、20个、30个、40个或50个光场在两种显微镜放大倍数下检查时间的中位数。
Owing to the retrospective use of adhesive tape strip cytological slides that had been obtained for routine diagnostic purposes, no ethical approval was necessary.Moreover, sampling was noninvasive, assuring limited animal distress.

The median value of the total number of Malassezia spp. corrected for the microscopic optical field surface area was significantly higher for OI compared to HP magnification, except for one examiner (Examiner 3) (see Table S1). For this examiner, in the first round of microscopic examinations there was no significant difference in the total number of Malassezia spp. irrespective of the number of optical fields examined (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50). In the second round there was no difference at 10 optical fields, the number of Malassezia spp. was higher for HP at 20 optical fields, and higher for OI at 30, 40 and 50 optical fields. Also, a systematic difference was found for the same examiner when counting Malassezia spp. in 10 (p = 0.033), 30 (p = 0.014), 40 (p = 0.008) and 50 (p = 0.004) HP fields. Therefore, Examiner 3 was considered an outlier and excluded from further analysis.
经显微镜光场表面积矫正后额马拉色菌总数的中位数,除了一名审查员(审查员3油镜数显著高于HP(见表S1)。在第一轮显微镜检查中,不管检测的光场数如何(1020304050)马拉色菌的总数无显著性差异。在第二轮试验中,在10个光场上,马拉色菌的数量没有差异。在20光场时高倍镜更高,在304050光场时油镜更高。此外,在计算马拉色菌时也发现了系统性差异。在高倍镜视野下10 (p = 0.033), 30 (p = 0.014), 40 (p = 0.008) and 50 (p = 0.004),因此,审查员3被认为是一个离群值,并被排除在进一步的分析之外。

Intraobserver repeatability
the SDdif and ICC of the differences between the two measurements of the number of Malassezia spp. for the same cytological slide, the same examiner, the same number of optical fields and the same magnification are presented on Table S2. When the results of the six examiners were pooled, the comparisons of SDdif and ICC among 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 optical fields at the same microscopic magnification (×400 or ×1000),there were no significant differences after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Figure 1; Table S3). Also, there were no differences in the comparisons between ×400 and ×1000 magnification for the same number of optical fields (Table S4). The plots of the differences of the two measurements against their mean showed a cone effect indicative of heteroscedasticity (Figure S1 that became more obvious when extreme values (means>100) were omitted (Figure 2). Thus, intraobserver repeatability was poor, independently of the number of optical fields and of the microscopic magnification, and it became poorer at higher yeast counts.

Interobserver reproducibility
The Lilliefors modification of the Kolmogorov– Smirnov test showed that the distribution of 300 of 300 (100%) datasets of differences between the measurements of the number of Malassezia spp. by each pair of examiners for the same cytological slide, the same round, the same number of optical fields and the same magnification, did not follow normal distribution (all p-values<0.001), denoting a systematic bias (i.e. for each pair, one examiner was systemically counting more Malassezia spp. than the other). Subsequently, interobserver reproducibility was not analysed further.
对Lilliefors修正的Kolmogorov - Smirnov检验表明,300个中有300个(100%)马拉色菌数量测量值的差异。由每一对审查员检查相同的细胞学切片,同样的圆,同样数量的光场和同样的放大倍数,都没有遵循正态分布(所有p-values<0.001),表示系统偏差(即对于每一对,一个审查员系统地计算更多的马拉色菌。比其他的要多)。随后,没有进一步分析观察者间的可重复性。

Examination time
The median time needed to count Malassezia spp. varied from 55s (10 OI fields) up to 296.5 s (50 HP fields) and it was significantly shorted for ×1000 compared to ×400 magnification, for each number of optical fields examined (Table S5).

There is no consensus on the optimal microscopic magnification when examining cytological slides for the presence and count of Malassezia yeasts. Although current World Association for Veterinary Dermatology guidelines state that it may be preferable to examine the slides at OI,and this magnification has been used more often in (semi-)quantitative cytological studies,there are some publications where HP has been employed. Malassezia cells do not always have the easily recognisable peanut shape that is associated with their monopolar budding, yet they also can appear as round or oval organisms.In this case they may be less easily recognised and/or differentiated from extraneous materials, such as pollens or stain precipitates, especially at a lower microscopic magnification and for inexperienced examiners. Furthermore, many yeast cells do not take up enough stain to be easily recognisable at HP magnification. The above may explain why the number of yeasts per cytological slide surface area was almost always significantly higher at the OI magnification. Subsequently, this magnification should be considered optimal, despite the obvious drawback of scrutinising smaller areas of the cytological slide after examining the same number of optical fields.

The number of the optical fields that are examined is expected to have a major impact on the results of adhesive tape strip cytology. On the one hand, the greater the number of optical fields, the higher the chance to find the yeasts, especially when their number is low. Also, yeasts are not uniformly distributed over the slide and, thus, quantitative results are expected to be more accurate after examination of as many as possible optical fields. On the other hand, the examination of many optical fields is time-consuming. Therefore, a compromise is needed to obtain accurate results after a reasonable examination time. In previous studies the number of OI fields examined was five, 10,15,20, 30 or 100. The results of this study show clearly that there is tremendous interobserver variability in the estimation of Malassezia numbers, even when 50 random OI fields are examined. This variability is reduced when cytological slides are examined by the same investigator, yet the intraobserver repeatability still was found to be very low to be considered acceptable, probably because different optical fields are examined at each examination run.Our finding may explain why no significant correlation of the number of Malassezia spp. per surface area of the skin was found between quantitative culture (detergent scrub technique) and adhesive tape strip cytology (after examination of 20 OI). Also, our results are in line with a previous study, where intraobserver repeatability and interobserver reproducibility were poor (6% overall reproducibility of yeast counts) when yeast numbers were measured quantitatively in 10 OI fields of impression smears that had been obtained from skin lesions of 20 dogs with superficial pyoderma and from the dorsum of five healthy dogs. Perhaps repeatability and reproducibility could be improved if >50 optical fields are examined, but in this case the test would become more time-consuming and less practical. For these reasons, microscopic examination of adhesive tape strip cytological slides should not be used for the quantification of Malassezia spp., especially when accuracy is highly important, as in therapeutic trials. Instead, quantitative culture (e.g. detergent scrub sampling followed by inoculation onto modified Dixon's agar), or accurate quantitative molecular tests should be employed for this purpose.
所检查的光场的数量预计将对胶带粘贴细胞学的结果有很大影响。一方面,光场的数量越多,找到酵母的机会就越高,特别是当它们的数量较低的时候。此外,酵母菌并不均匀地分布在载玻片上,因此,在检查尽可能多的光场后,定量结果有望更准确。另一方面,对许多光场的检查是耗时的。因此,在合理的检查时间后,需要妥协准确的结果,在以往的研究中,检测的油镜视野的数量为510152030或者100这项研究的结果清楚地表明,即使当50个随机油镜视野被检查时,在马拉色菌数量的估计中也存在巨大的观察者间差异。当由同一研究者检查细胞学切片时,这种可变性就减少了,然而,观察者内的可重复性仍然很低,因此被认为是可以接受的,这可能是因为在每次检查时都检查了不同的光场。我们的发现可能可以解释为什么没有显着的相关性的数字,每一皮肤表面积马拉色菌的比例为在定量培养(洗涤剂洗技术)和胶带细胞学(20个OI检查后)。此外,我们的研究结果与之前的研究结果一致, 从20只患有浅表性脓皮病的的皮肤病变5只健康的背部中获得的细胞学压片,当在10个油镜视野中定量测量酵母菌的数量时,观察者内的重复性和观察者间的现性较差(酵母菌计数的总重复性6%)。如果检查>50光场,也许重复性和再现性可以得到提高,但在这种情况下,测试将变得更耗时和更不实用。由于这些原因,胶带粘贴细胞学压片的显微镜检查不应用于马拉色菌的定量,特别是当准确性非常重要时,比如在治疗试验中。相反,应该采用定量培养(例如,洗涤剂擦洗取样,然后接种到改良的Dixon琼脂上)、或为此目的应采用准确的分子定量检测。

A previous study showed high intraobserver repeatability (86.2±5% agreement) and interobserver reproducibility (86.4±12.5%) when the presence and numbers of yeasts were evaluated by 60 examiners in 10 cytological slides.In that study, samples were obtained not only from dogs, but also from cats, and not only from skin, but also from ear canals; skin samples were obtained with the impression smear and not the adhesive tape strip technique; the microscopic magnification and the number of optical fields that were examined were not standardised; the number of Malassezia spp. was expressed on a semiquantitative scale (absent,occasional, low, large, massive amounts); two examinations of the same slide were considered to be in agreement if they differed by one grade (except if the grade was “absent”); and few smears had yeasts (the median value was zero) which is expected to artificially inflate the calculated repeatability and reproducibility. However, in another, more recent, study the intraobserver repeatability was excellent after microscopic examination of five OI fields, when using the same semiquantitative scale to estimate yeast numbers in adhesive tape strip cytological slides obtained from the skin of dogs and cats. Subsequently, and taking into consideration our results, this semiquantitative scale should be considered preferable over counting yeast numbers.

There are four shortcomings of the present study:
1.There is a lack of a gold standard to estimate the presence and number of yeasts (i.e. detergent scrub sampling followed by inoculation onto modified Dixon's agar)1,21 that would allow the evaluation of the accuracy of microscopic quantification. However, with such a tremendous intraobserver and interobserver variability, a poor accuracy, sensitivity and specificity is to be expected for most examiners, examination rounds and number of optical fields.
2.The examination did not continue beyond 50 OI fields which could improve intraobserver repeatability and interobserver reproducibility. However, as already mentioned, examination of more OI fields would render the test time-consuming and impractical.
3.The lack of examination of cytological slides obtained by different techniques, such as impression, scrape or swab smears that may have led to different results; and
4.The possible impact of differences among the examiners, in terms of their experience, visual acuity, motivation, and perhaps other factors, on the results. This may explain the lack of reliability of the results from Examiner 3, who had to be excluded from analysis mainly because of the systematic difference in Malassezia spp. counts between the first and second microscopic examination of 10, 30, 40 and 50 HP fields. However, visual inspection of the data (SDdif, ICC, plots) did not show an obvious difference between the VD and the remaining examiners, further supporting our hypothesis that the low intraobserver repeatability and interobserver reproducibility is an inherent characteristic of the microscopic examination of adhesive tape strip cytological slides for the quantification of Malassezia spp. in canine skin. It is most likely that this occurs because different optical fields are examined each time coupled with the nonuniform distribution of the yeasts on the slides.
The examination of adhesive tape strip cytological slides for presence of Malassezia spp. should be conducted at ×1000 magnification. Whilst this method is convenient for a rapid patient-side, semiquantitative assessment of cutaneous Malassezia spp. populations, the poor intraobserver repeatability and interobserver reproducibility indicates that this technique should not be used when accurate counts are required.


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