Clinical conditions can have subtle differentiations between species. Test yourself on cat and dog variations of otitis externa based on exclusive content from Plumb's Pro, a new point-of-care resource that delivers diagnosis and treatment information when and where you need it.
1:In which species has primary seborrhea oleosa been reported as a hereditary condition,leading to excessive amounts of waxy debris in the ears? 1:哪个物种的原发性脂溢性耵聍石被报道为一种遗传疾病,导致耳道中有大量耳垢碎屑?
A:Dog B:Cat
2:Aural and nasopharygeal polyps are common comorbid conditions with otitis externa in which species? 2:哪个物种的耳部息肉和鼻咽息肉是外耳炎常见的并发疾病?
A:Dog B:Cat
3:Regular and routine ear cleaning is a crucial part of therapeutic management of otitis externa in dogs or cats? 3:定期和常规的耳部清洁是治疗哪个物种(犬或猫)外耳炎的关键部分?
A:Dog B:Cat
4:In which species is cystadenomatosis is a common predisposing factor for otitis externa? 4:哪个种类的囊腺瘤病是外耳炎的常见易感因素?
A:Dog B:Cat
5:Compounded oil-based/lanolin-based/gel leave-in packing materials are available as treatments in the ear canal for several weeks to months in which species? 5:复方油剂/羊毛脂剂/凝胶填充材料可以用于哪个物种的持续数周至数月的耳道治疗?