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Otoscopic evaluation of the ear canal

作者:Lynette K.Cole
翻译:郑江涛 校对:王帆

The most common ear disease of the dog and cat is otitis externa, which may be present in 10% to 20% of the canine population and 2% to 10% of the feline population . Common clinical signs of otitis externa are head shaking and scratching the ears. Some animals show few clinical signs until the otitis is severe, however. When evaluating a patient with otitis externa, it is important to determine the primary cause as well as the predisposing and perpetuating factors of the otitis so as to manage the otitis properly. The first diagnostic procedure that should be performed on a patient with a complaint of otitis externa is an otoscopic examination.

Anatomy of the ear
Knowledge of the normal structures in the ear canal and their appearance otoscopically is essential to interpret abnormal findings. Therefore, a complete otic examination should be performed on every patient that is anesthetized so as to become comfortable with the morphology of the ear canal and the location of the tympanic membrane.

The pinna has vastly different conformations in the dog depending on breed, although there is little variation in the cat. The size and shape of the auricular cartilage determine the appearance of the pinna. The auricular cartilage of the pinna is covered by skin. The cartilage is thin at the apex of the pinna and then thickens at its proximal end, where it is rolled into the form of a tube. The anthelix is a low transverse ridge located on the medial wall of the initial proximal part of the ear canal. The tragus, an irregular quadrangular plate of cartilage, forms the lateral boundary of the initial portion of the ear canal just opposite to the anthelix. The antitragus is a thin elongated piece of cartilage caudal to the tragus and separated from it by the incisura intertragica (intertragic incisure). Distal to the antitragus is the cutaneous marginal pouch. Rostral to the tragus is the medial crus of the helix, which is separated from the tragus by the tragohelicine incisure (Fig. 1). The inner pinna has a decreasing amount of hair from the distal to proximal part. A few fine hairs are found at the entrance to the ear canal .

Fig. 1. Anatomic features of the right external ear of the dog. M, medial; L, lateral.

Ear canal
The vertical ear canal begins at the level of the tragus, antitragus, and anthelix. The vertical ear canal runs for about 1 inch, extending ventrally and slightly rostrally before taking a medial turn and forming the horizontal ear canal. The horizontal ear canal is composed of auricular cartilage. At the base of the horizontal ear canal, there is a separate band of cartilage, the annular cartilage. The deeper portion of the annular cartilage of the horizontal ear canal is connected with the osseous external acoustic meatus by fibrous connective tissue. This arrangement of separate rings of cartilage gives the external ear flexibility.

The ear canal is lined by skin, which contains sebaceous glands, ceruminous glands (modified apocrine glands), and hair follicles. These adnexal structures are more numerous in the vertical ear canal than in the horizontal ear canal of the dog. Hair follicle density in the horizontal ear canal of normal Greyhounds and mixed-breed dogs decreases from the distal to proximal portion of the canal, whereas there is no significant difference in the apocrine or sebaceous glands along the length of the horizontal ear canal.

Tympanic membrane
The tympanic membrane separates the external ear canal from the middle ear. It is a semitransparent membrane that is thin in the center and thicker at the periphery. The normal tympanic membrane is concave. It is divided into two sections, the small upper pars flaccida and the larger lower pars tensa. The pars flaccida is the pink, small, loosely attached region forming the upper quadrant of the tympanic membrane, which contains small blood vessels (Fig. 2). In some dogs, the pars flaccida (or a structure in the region of the pars flaccida) may appear prominent and bulging (Fig. 3). One opinion is that this bulging region is edematous tissue hanging down from the dorsal wall of the horizontal ear canal adjacent to the tympanic membrane and is an early change associated with an underlying hypersensitivity disorder. The pars tensa occupies the remainder of the membrane. It is a thin, tough, pearl-gray structure with radiating strands. The pars tensa is attached firmly to the surrounding bone by a fibrocartilaginous ring. This fibrocartilaginous ring, known as the annulus fibrocartilaginous, is attached to the osseous ring of the external acoustic meatus by fibrous tissue. The manubrium of the malleus attaches to the medial surface of the tympanic membrane. The outline of the manubrium of the malleus, the stria mallearis, may be visualized when the tympanic membrane is viewed externally (see Fig. 2). In the dog, the manubrium has a hook that points rostrally.

Fig. 2. Normal canine tympanic membrane. A, pars flaccida; B, pars tensa; C, stria mallearis.

Fig. 3. Tympanic membrane of a dog illustrating a prominent pars flaccida (or a structure in the region of the pars flaccida) A, pars flaccida.

Performing the otoscopic examination
A complete otoscopic examination should be performed on every animal with otitis externa. The examination is performed either with a handheld otoscope or a video otoscope. Both ears should be examined even if a unilateral otitis externa is suspected. In some instances, a mild otitis that has been overshadowed by disease in the opposite ear may be present in the ‘‘unaffected’’ ear. If both ears are affected, examination of the less severely affected ear should be performed first. The otoscopic cone should be changed between the examination of each ear if a handheld otoscope is used, or the video otoscope should be wiped clean between the examination of each ear with a gauze sponge moistened with isopropyl alcohol. The ear should be assessed for inflammation, exudate, stenosis, and proliferation.

The otoscopic examination can be quite frustrating for the veterinarian presented with an animal with otitis. A proper otoscopic examination requires adequate restraint. Animals with painful ears may require sedation or general anesthesia so as to perform a complete otoscopic examination. In addition, some animals may require an ear flush before an examination is possible. If the ears are erythematous, proliferative, stenotic, or ulcerated, administration of topical or systemic glucocorticoids for 2 to 3 weeks is necessary to decrease the inflammation and pain so as to properly examine the ears.

To evaluate the ear, the tip of the cone of the otoscope or the video otoscope should be placed at the intertragic incisure (Fig. 4). To visualize the entire length of the ear canal and the tympanic membrane, the external ear canal needs to be gently extended into a straight line by grasping the ear pinna and pulling it up and outward while inserting the otoscope. The otoscope is then advanced into the horizontal ear canal as the canal is straightened.

Fig. 4. Position of the video otoscope at the intertragic incisure of the right ear.

Video otoscopy
The uses and indications of the video otoscope in veterinary medicine have recently been reviewed. The video otoscope has several advantages over the handheld otoscope. First and foremost, the superior optics of the video otoscope provide a high degree of magnification, allowing greater visualization and detailed resolution of the ear canal and tympanic membrane. The magnified image on the monitor is far superior to the view obtained through a handheld otoscope. The intense light source brightly illuminates the ear, aiding in the visualization of the structures in the ear canal. The light is positioned at the tip of the endoscopic otoscope rather than at the base of the cone as with the handheld otoscope. This eliminates the problem of blocking or shadowing the visual field when instruments or catheters are introduced into the ear. When using the video otoscope on the patient in the examination room, the client is able to visualize the ear and participate in the evaluation of the ear disease, which may result in increased client compliance to use the prescribed medications, allow appropriate diagnostics to be performed, and return for scheduled re-evaluations. The video otoscope may also be used in the sedated or anesthetized patient for ear flushing procedures. Through the working channel on the endoscopic otoscope, under direct visualization, the ears can be flushed; foreign objects, debris, or parasites may be retrieved with grasping forceps; biopsies may be obtained with biopsy forceps; and a myringotomy may be performed with a tomcat catheter. With an attachable double-port adapter available on some units, suction and saline may be used simultaneously to clean the ear completely while continually visualizing the ear canal and tympanic membrane. This allows one to visualize any small tears in the tympanic membrane, which would be noted as bubbles emerging from the tear. This is not possible with the handheld otoscope, because the light reflects off the fluid and prevents visualization. Images of the ear canal and tympanic membrane before, during, and after any procedure may be captured for printing or downloading onto a compact disk for the medical record. Thus, at subsequent re-evaluations, the condition of the ear may be reviewed using these images. One disadvantage is that the diameter of the tip of the endoscopic otoscope sometimes makes it difficult to use in cats, small dogs, or stenosed ear canals. The handheld otoscope’s smallest diameter cone also has these disadvantages, however.

The video otoscope is inserted into the ear canal as described previously, with the tip of the endoscopic otoscope positioned at the intertragic incisure. The examiner next looks at the monitor while extending the pinna and passing the endoscopic otoscope into the horizontal ear canal. It is important to standardize the orientation of the video otoscope in relation to the position of the animal to maintain consistency for evaluation of the ear canal and tympanic membrane. If the orientation is incorrect, it is difficult to recognize abnormalities in the ear.

Handheld otoscopic equipment
The handheld otoscope (Welch Allyn, Skaneateles, New York) consists of a 3.5-V otoscope head, handle, and polypropylene specula. The 3.5-V otoscope head is available as a pneumatic or operating head. Both are equipped with a halogen lamp with fiberoptic illumination; however, the pneumatic otoscope head has a rotating lens with ultraseal, whereas the operating otoscope head has an open system with a rotatable lens and speculum. The rechargeable handle contains either a nickel-cadmium battery or lithium ion battery. The lithium ion battery is half the weight of the nickel-cadmium battery and does not need to be discharged between charging cycles. The polypropylene specula in the appropriate length for a canine ear are available in 4-, 5-, 7-, and 9-mm diameters, whereas there are short specula for a small feline ear in 2.5- and 3-mm diameters. All may be autoclaved, boiled, or cleaned with standard germicides.
手持耳镜由3.5-V耳镜头、手柄和聚丙烯镜组成。3.5 V耳镜头可用作气动或操作头。两者都配有带光纤照明的卤素灯;然而,气动耳镜头具有旋转透镜,而手术耳镜头部具有带有可旋转透镜和窥器的开放系统。可充电手柄包含镍镉电池或锂离子电池。锂离子电池的重量是镍镉电池的一半,并且不需要在充电周期之间放电。适合犬耳的聚丙烯锥形头有4、5、7和9毫米直径,而适合小猫耳的锥形头有2.5和3毫米直径。所有这些都可以高压灭菌、煮沸或用标准杀菌剂清洗。

Video otoscopic equipment
There are currently two manufacturers of veterinary video otoscopes. Karl Storz Veterinary Endoscopy-America (Goleta, California) produces the Karl Storz Video Otoendoscope system. The otoendoscope is a straightforward telescope of 0 with a length of 8.5 cm, tip diameter of 5 mm, and 2-mm working channel, which is fully immersible and ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilizable. The Vetcam XL camera is a digital single-chip camera of high resolution with automatic exposure control, automatic white balance, and a fully soakable lens and camera head. The standard coupler on the camera is adaptable to all major rigid and flexible endoscopes, allowing for expandability into other forms of endoscopy. Camera and light source upgrades as well as longer telescopes are available for those interested in expanding into other disciplines of endoscopy and for visualization of the tympanic bulla, respectively. MedRx (Seminole, Florida) produces the Video VetScope. The MedRx VetProbe is a telescopic probe of 0 with a length of 7 cm, tip diameter of 4.75 mm, and a 2-mm working channel, which is fully immersible, ETO gas sterilizable, and autoclavable. The MedRx Digital camera is a single-chip videocamera of high resolution with a white balance control button and automatic iris. An additional endocoupler and adapter are available to adapt to rigid and flexible endoscopes. The working channel available on both the video otoscopes allows the passage of 5-French or smaller catheters, endoscopic forceps, and video otoscopic-compatible curettes.
目前有两家兽医视频耳镜制造商。Karl Storz美国兽医内窥镜生产Karl Storz视频耳内镜系统。耳内窥镜是一种简单的望远镜,长度为8.5厘米,尖端直径为5毫米,工作通道为2毫米,可完全浸入水中,并可用环氧乙烷(ETO)消毒。VetCam XL相机是一款高分辨率的数字单芯片相机,具有自动曝光控制、自动白平衡以及完全可浸泡的镜头和摄像头。摄像机上的标准耦合器适用于所有主要的刚性和柔性内窥镜,允许扩展到其他形式的内窥镜。相机和光源的升级以及更长的望远镜可用于那些有兴趣扩展到内窥镜检查的其他学科和鼓泡的可视化。分别是MEDRX生产视频VETSCOPE。MedRx VetProbe是一种长度为7 cm、尖端直径为4.75 mm、工作通道为2 mm的伸缩式探头,该工作通道是完全可浸入的、可用ETO气体消毒的并且可高压灭菌的。MedRx数码相机是一款高分辨率的单芯片摄像机,配有白平衡控制按钮和自动光圈。额外的内窥耦合器和适配器可用于适应刚性和柔性内窥镜。两个视频耳镜上可用的工作通道允许5-French或更小的导管、内窥镜钳和视频耳镜兼容的刮匙通过。

Evaluation of the ear canal and tympanic membrane
Normal appearance of the ear canal and tympanic membrane
The normal ear canal is light pink and smooth and contains minimal exudate. The diameter of the opening of the vertical ear canal varies based on breed, but the diameter of the normal vertical ear canal where it apposes the horizontal portion is 5 to 10 mm . Hair may be present in the ear canal, and in some dogs, a tuft of hair is present in front of the tympanic membrane.

The normal tympanic membrane is translucent, and the stria mallearis should be visible as described previously. Using the handheld otoscope, complete visualization of the tympanic membrane and the stria mallearis, even in the normal ear, is not possible without rotation of the otoscope dorsally and rostrally. Using the video otoscope solves this problem, however, because the entire tympanic membrane is visible, illuminated, and magnified.

Abnormal appearance of the ear canal and tympanic membrane When evaluating the ear, one should note the condition of the ear canal (eg, erythema, stenosis, proliferation, ulceration); look for any foreign bodies or masses; note the presence, consistency, and color of any exudate; and evaluate the patency of the tympanic membrane.

Inflammation as a result of any primary cause of otitis externa can result in edema and erythema. The swelling caused by the edema appears clinically as stenosis of the ear canal. Histopathologically, the epidermis is hyperplastic. There is gross enlargement and hypersecretion of sebaceous glands. A mixed infiltration of inflammatory cells migrates into the epidermis and dermis. In the early stages of otitis externa, intervention with anti-inflammatory drugs is important to stop the progression of the proliferative changes in the ear canal. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as oral and topical glucocorticoids, are indicated to reduce the inflammation and for pain control. If glucocorticoids are contraindicated in a patient, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications may be used.

With persistence of the ear disease, clinically, the ear canal continues to close down. Histopathologically, the sebaceous glands degenerate, become devoid of any cellular lining, fill with a colloidal cellular mass, and became elongated. The cord-like glands have little secretory activity. The apocrine sweat glands become enlarged and appear as sac-like structures filled with colloidal cellular debris. The openings of the ducts become plugged with keratin and secretory material. The dilated apocrine glands displace superficial sebaceous glands. In some cases, the apocrine glands atrophy and degenerate. There are aggregates of inflammatory cells in the epidermis and deeper layers of the dermis. The subcutaneous tissues thicken, resulting in occlusion of the external auditory canal. Clinically, there are variable degrees of nodular proliferation (Fig. 5). With time, the continued inflammation can lead to calcification and ossification of the auditory cartilages and fibrosis. A recent study documented that the changes that occur in the external ear canal in chronic otitis may be breed related, with moderate to severe hyperplasia and dilation of the apocrine glands occurring in more than 70% of Cocker Spaniels, whereas these changes were present in only 31% of the other breeds evaluated. Once these severe changes have occurred, it is usually not possible to resolve them even with antiinflammatory drugs; in many cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

Fig. 5. Glandular proliferation of the vertical and horizontal ear canal of a dog.

Ulcerations of the ear canal are uncommon; when present, they are usually associated with a gram-negative bacterial infection, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inappropriate cleaning of the ear canal with cotton-tipped applicators, especially in an infected ear, can also result in ulcerations. If the ear is infected, oral and topical treatment is determined based on otic cytology and bacterial culture and susceptibility testing (C/S). In addition, glucocorticoids may be necessary to decrease the pain and inflammation associated with the ulcerations. Topical ear cleaners containing alcohol should be avoided until the ulcers begin to heal.

An animal with a tumor in the ear canal may present with clinical signs similar to any patient with chronic otitis externa. Any tumor in the ear canal needs to be biopsied for identification. This may be accomplished using alligator forceps through the handheld otoscope, although it is best performed using the biopsy forceps through the working channel on the video otoscope under guided visualization. In some instances, there is a secondary infection, and the exudate may inhibit visualization of the mass. It may be necessary to clean the ear before the examination. Depending on the amount of exudate, the animal may need to be anesthetized and endotracheally intubated to clean the ear completely. Once the ear canal is clean and a tumor is identified, a biopsy may be obtained. Tumors of the ear canal can arise from any of the structures of the ear canal, such as the squamous epithelium, glandular structures, and mesenchymal tissues. The tumors may be benign or malignant. The most common tumor found in the ear canal of the dog and cat is a ceruminous gland tumor. There is a greater tendency for malignancy and aggressive biologic behavior of these tumors in the cat than in the dog. Other tumors of the ear canal include squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 6), papillomas, sebaceous gland tumors, and mast cell tumors. There are nonneoplastic diseases that can mimic tumors of the ear canal, including hyperplasia of the ceruminous glands, inflammatory polyps, ceruminal gland cysts, and nodular hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland.

Fig. 6. Using video otoscopy, a mass was discovered at the junction of the vertical and horizontal ear canal in a 13-year-old Golden Retriever with a 4-month history of a unilateral recurrent Pseudomonas aeruginosa otitis externa. Histopathologically, the mass was identified as a squamous cell carcinoma.

Foreign bodies can cause an acute, painful, unilateral otitis externa. Rarely, they may cause a bilateral otitis externa. Some of the more common foreign bodies include plant awns, impacted wax, and concreted otic preparations. The animal should be placed under general anesthesia to remove foreign bodies, especially if they are in close proximity to the tympanic membrane. With the aid of the video otoscope, grass awns may be removed using the grasping forceps through the working channel on the otoendoscope. Impacted wax and otic concretions should be dissolved with a ceruminolytic agent and then gently flushed out of the ear canal. In some instances, a curette is used to dislodge the obstruction. A curette is available with the video otoscope for this purpose and can be inserted through the working channel.

During the otoscopic examination, excessive amounts of exudate in the ear should be noted. The consistency, color, and amount of exudate should be recorded. One may get some clue as to the infective organism by the character of the exudate; however, cytologic evaluation of the exudate should always be performed to confirm the presence of these organisms. Depending on the organism(s) identified cytologically, bacterial C/S may be indicated.

In most cases of chronic otitis externa, the tympanic membrane is difficult, if not impossible, to visualize otoscopically on the initial examination. Otic flushing is necessary to clean the ear so as to allow visualization of the tympanic membrane. If the ear canals are ulcerated or stenotic, however, administration of oral and topical glucocorticoids for 2 to 3 weeks is needed to decrease the inflammation and open the ear canals to allow for a proper ear flush. For a deep ear flush, the animal should be endotracheally intubated and placed under general anesthesia. In this way, if a myringotomy is required or if the tympanic membrane is ruptured, the airway is protected to avoid aspiration of any fluid that may pass from the middle ear into the oral pharyngeal region via the Eustachian tube. In dogs with acute otitis externa, the incidence of otitis media is only 16% , whereas in dogs with chronic otitis externa, up to 88.9% may have concurrent otitis media. An intact tympanic membrane does not rule out otitis media and may be found in up to 72.5% of the ears of dogs with otitis media. In addition to allowing visualization of the tympanic membrane, the ear flush removes exudate that is irritating, masking a foreign body or tumor, serving as a nidus for infection, or capable of inactivating medications (eg, gentamicin, polymyxin B).

If the tympanic membrane is ruptured, the animal has otitis media. Samples should be obtained from the middle ear for bacterial C/S and cytology. Using a handheld otoscope, a sterile otoscopic cone is inserted into the horizontal ear canal and a sterile swab (Calgiswab; Hardwood Products Company LLC, Guilford, ME) is passed into the middle ear cavity. The first swab is used for C/S. A second swab is passed into the middle ear cavity for cytologic analysis. If the video otoscope is used, an open-ended 3.5-French tomcat catheter attached to a 12-mL syringe is placed through the working channel of the endoscopic otoscope. One milliliter of sterile saline is flushed into the middle ear cavity and aspirated back. The fluid is then cultured. A second sample is obtained for cytologic evaluation. The middle ear is flushed repeatedly with saline using an open-ended 3.5-French tomcat catheter attached to a 12-mL syringe passed through an otoscopic cone or through the working channel on the endoscopic otoscope to remove any ear cleanser from the middle ear completely so as to reduce the chance of ototoxicity.

If the tympanic membrane is abnormal (eg, hemorrhagic, bulging, opaque, brown, gray), a myringotomy should be performed to obtain samples for bacterial C/S and cytology and to allow flushing and drainage of the middle ear cavity. The myringotomy may be performed using either the handheld otoscope or the video otoscope. The video otoscope allows continual visualization and accurate positioning for the myringotomy procedure. The incision into the tympanic membrane can be made using an open-ended tomcat catheter, spinal needle, or Calgiswab. The choice is based on the type of otoscope used as well as personal preference. It is important to make the myringotomy incision in the caudoventral portion of the pars tensa (Fig. 7) to avoid damaging the delicate structures in the middle ear, such as the middle ear ossicles or the promontory. Using a handheld otoscope, an otoscopic cone is inserted into the horizontal ear canal and the tympanic membrane is visualized. Using a sterile Calgiswab, an incision is made blindly into the caudoventral quadrant of the pars tensa. The swab used for the myringotomy incision is submitted for bacterial C/S. A second swab is inserted into the original incision, and the sample obtained is used for cytologic analysis. If the video otoscope is used to perform the myringotomy, an open-ended 3.5-French tomcat catheter is placed through the working channel of the endoscopic otoscope, and under direct visualization, the tomcat catheter is used to make the incision into the caudoventral quadrant of the pars tensa. One milliliter of sterile saline is flushed into the middle ear cavity and aspirated back using a 12-mL syringe attached to the tomcat catheter. The fluid is then cultured. A second sample is obtained for cytologic evaluation. Once the samples have been obtained, the middle ear is flushed gently with saline through the tomcat catheter until the fluid aspirated back is clear.
如果鼓膜异常(如出血、凸起、不透明、褐色、灰色),应进行鼓膜切开术,以获取细菌C/S和细胞学样本,并对中耳腔进行冲洗和引流。鼓膜切开术可使用手持式耳镜或视频耳镜进行。视频耳镜允许鼓膜切开术手术的连续可视化和精确定位。鼓膜中的切口可以使用末端开口的公猫导尿管形成、脊椎针,或Calgiswab。根据使用的耳镜类型以及个人喜好进行选择。重要的是在鼓膜紧张部的尾腹部分进行鼓膜切开术(图7)避免损伤中耳的精细结构,如中耳听小骨或隆突。使用手持耳镜,将耳镜头插入水平耳道并观察鼓膜。使用无菌CALGISWAB,在紧张部的尾腹象限盲切。提交用于鼓膜切开术切口的拭子以检测细菌C/S。将第二个拭子插入原来的切口中,并将获得的样本用于细胞学分析。如果使用视频耳镜进行鼓膜切开术,通过内窥镜耳镜的工作通道放置开口3.5-French 公猫导尿管,在直接观察下,使用公猫导尿管在紧张部的尾腹象限进行切口。将1毫升无菌盐水冲入中耳腔,并用连接在公猫导尿管上的12毫升注射器吸回。然后培养该液体。获得第二个样品用于细胞学检查。一旦获得样本,通过公猫导尿管用盐水轻轻冲洗中耳,直到吸回的液体变干净。

The normal tympanum has been shown experimentally to heal in 21 to 35 days. Therefore, if the ear is kept free from infection after the myringotomy procedure or if the membrane was already ruptured, the tympanic membrane should heal. Possible complications of ear flushing and myringotomy are Horner’s syndrome, facial nerve paralysis, vestibular disturbances, and deafness. Owners should understand these complications and sign a consent form before the procedure.

Fig. 7. Proper position for performing a myringotomy using an open-ended tomcat catheter. The incision is made into the caudoventral quadrant of the pars tensa. The dog’s right tympanic membrane is pictured. R, rostral; C, caudal; D, dorsal; V, ventral.

Assessment of the ear canal
Once the ear canal has been evaluated otoscopically, samples obtained for otic cytology and C/S, the ear flushed, and a myringotomy performed (if necessary), it is important to address the primary causes as well as predisposing and perpetuating factors associated with the otitis. Additional diagnostics may be required to determine these causes and factors. Specific treatment for any infections should be implemented immediately. Potentially ototoxic medications should be avoided if possible in cases of otitis media.

Otoscopic evaluation of the external ear canal and tympanic membrane is the first diagnostic procedure that should be performed in animals presented with otitis externa. It is important to become familiar with the normal structures of the ear to identify any abnormalities. The video otoscope greatly enhances visualization of these structures as well as aiding in retrieval of foreign bodies, biopsy of masses, and performance of a myringotomy. In some cases, a complete otoscopic examination is not possible on the first visit, and the animal may require anti-inflammatory medications or otic flushing to visualize the entire ear canal as well as the tympanic membrane. The purpose of the otoscopic examination is to address the otitis by evaluating the condition of the ear, looking for any masses or foreign bodies; noting the presence, consistency, and color of any exudate; and evaluating the patency of the tympanic membrane. Once a complete otic evaluation has been performed, additional diagnostics as well as a treatment plan can be formulated.


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