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发表于 2022-6-1 21:46:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Multiple follicular abnormalities in a 1-year old cat consistent with basaloid follicular hamartomas
作者:Fabien Moog, Veronique Demorieux, Nicolas Gaide, Marie O. Semin, Jerome Abadie, Maria Zacharopoulou , Lucrecija Marinovic , Maxence Delverdier, Frederique Degorce-Rubiales  and Marie C. Cadiergues

Background–In humans, basaloid follicular hamartomas are benign follicular tumours, that can be solitary or multiple, in which case they show autosomal dominant inheritance.
Hypothesis/Objectives–This study describes clinical and histopathological findings observed in a young cat, which could be consistent with basaloid follicular hamartomas.
Case description – Multiple follicular abnormalities, consistent with cutaneous diffuse basaloid follicular hamartomas, were observed in skin samples from a one-year old neutered domestic short hair cat. Clinical signs were diffuse symmetrical alopecia with exaggerated skin markings (ventral abdomen, thorax and medial aspects of the limbs) and intense follicular-centred thickening (face and feet). Microscopic lesions were characterised by multiple proliferative follicular abnormalities in all samples. The epidermis showed a very irregular surface with the follicles filled with variably pigmented keratin.The epithelial walls of the follicles had multiple small hyperplastic basaloid cells foci. In the superficial dermis under the epidermis and around the follicles, fibroblastic spindleshaped mesenchymal cells with a homogeneous moderate density were present in the collagenous connective tissue. The interfollicular epidermis was also abnormal with multiple small proliferating trichoblastic foci originating from the basal layer. RNA scope testing for feline papillomavirus was negative.
Conclusions and clinical relevance – This case report provides the first evidence of clinical and histopathological findings of multiple follicular abnormalities, consistent with cutaneous diffuse basaloid follicular hamartomas in a cat.

In humans, basaloid follicular hamartomas are benign follicular tumours that can be solitary or multiple, in which latter case they show autosomal dominant inheritance. In animals, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no cases have been reported. This study describes clinical and histopathological findings observed in a young cat, which could be consistent with basaloid follicular hamartomas.

Case report
A 1-year old neutered domestic short hair cat was referred for a pruritic and alopecic diffuse dermatitis of a few weeks’ duration. Previous systemic antibiotic and glucocorticoid therapies had little to no effect. A fungal culture had returned negative.

On admission, the general physical examination revealed no abnormalities apart from a depressed demeanour (Figure 1a). Diffuse symmetrical alopecia affected mainly the ventral abdomen and thorax as well as the medial aspects of all four limbs. The skin markings were exaggerated with a pronounced loss of elasticity (Figure 1b). Diffuse and mild erythema with focal hyperpigmented areas was observed (Figure 1b). The face and the feet were alopecic and severely thickened (Figure 1c). On close examination, the thickening seemed to be follicular-centred (Figure 1d,e).

A complete serum biochemical analysis and complete blood count showed all values within normal limits. The cat tested negative for feline immunodeficiency virus/feline leukaemia virus. Microscopic lesions, in three 6 mm skin biopsy specimens from the face, were characterised by multiple proliferative follicular abnormalities in all samples. The epidermis showed a very irregular surface with the follicles filled with variably pigmented keratin (Figure 2a,b). The epithelial walls of the follicles had multiple small hyperplastic basaloid cell foci (Figure 2c). In the superficial dermis under the epidermis and around the follicles, fibroblastic spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells with a homogeneous moderate density were present in the collagenous connective tissue (Figure 2d). The interfollicular epidermis also was abnormal with multiple small proliferating trichoblastic foci originating from the basal layer. The sebaceous glands and epitrichial sweat glands were normal. RNAscope assay was assessed using a 13ZZ probe named V-FPV-E6-E72 and RNAscope 2.5 HD Assay RED according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (Bio-techne SAS; Noyal-Chatillon-surSeiche, France) with a protease incubation time of 15 min. A probe to the bacterial gene dihydrodipicolinate reductase (dapB) served as the negative control, as well as normal skin; cutaneous viral plaques/squamous cell carcinoma and mucosal papilloma on feline cases served as positive controls. In situ hybridisation tested negative for Felis catus papillomavirus 2 (FcaPV-2) E6 and E7 gene transcription (Figure 3a–e).
完整的血清生化分析和全血细胞计数显示所有值均在正常范围内。猫的猫免疫缺陷病毒/猫白血病病毒检测呈阴性。3例面部6mm皮肤活检样本的显微病变均表现为多发性增生性毛囊异常。表皮表面非常不规则,毛囊充满不同颜色的角质(图2a,b)。毛囊表皮细胞壁有多个小的基底样增生细胞病灶(图2c)。在表皮下和毛囊周围的真皮表层,胶原结缔组织中存在均匀中等密度的纺锤形间充质细胞(图2d)。毛囊间表皮细胞也异常,有多个起源于基底层的小增殖毛母细胞灶。皮脂腺和上皮汗腺正常。使用13ZZ的V-FPV-E6-E72探针和RNAscope 2.5 HD assay RED根据制造商的建议,蛋白酶孵育时间为15分钟。阴性对照为细菌基因二氢二吡啶羧酸还原酶(dapB)探针,以及正常皮肤;猫的皮肤病毒斑块/鳞状细胞癌和粘膜乳头状瘤作为阳性对照。原位杂交检测猫乳头瘤病毒2 (FcaPV-2) E6和E7基因转录阴性(图3a e)。

The cat was euthanised owing to poor quality of life. Necropsy did not reveal any gross or microscopic abnormalities of any other organs apart from strikingly thickened fascia and articular capsules of the hips and shoulders. Their microscopic examination revealed only severe fibrous hyperplasia; additional skin biopsies obtained from the head, thorax and abdomen showed similar results as before.

The final clinicopathological diagnosis was cutaneous diffuse basaloid follicular hamartomas.

Cutaneous hamartomas (nevi) are circumscribed developmental defects of the skin, characterised by hyperplasia of one or more skin components. They are uncommon in dogs and cats and may be congenital or not. Their exact mechanism of formation is unknown.

In humans, basaloid follicular hamartomas were previously often diagnosed as trichoepitheliomas or basal cell carcinomas. They can be hereditary, in which case they are generalised or localised, or nonhereditary with solitary, localised or multiple lesions. The generalised basaloid follicular hamartoma syndrome subtype carries an autosomal inherited pattern and affected patients show additional lesions such as milium cysts, comedones, alopecia or hypotrichosis. It is generally associated with an autoimmune disease. Multiple basaloid follicular hamartomas associated with myasthenia gravis and diffuse alopecia form the Brown–Crounse syndrome. However, some reported cases of multiple basaloid follicular hamartomas failed to demonstrate an autosomal dominance inheritance and the causative gene is unknown. The pathophysiological aetiology of the lesion has been suggested to be an abortive growth of secondary hair germs, with differentiation occurring only in the upper part of the follicle. Basaloid follicular hamartomas are morphologically similar to infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma and immunoreactivity with cytokeratin 20 is similar, which makes some authors consider both lesions to be identical. However, the anastomoses and strands of basaloid cells are localised in the dermis opposed to the infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma, which may involve the subcutaneous fat and skeletal muscle. In both lesions, the strands are embedded in a loose, fibrous stroma. Moreover, mitoses and single cell necrosis are rare while a high number of these are more consistent with basal cell carcinoma.

In this feline case, the main diagnostic pitfalls are papillomavirus-induced lesions (viral plaques), trichoepitheliomas and basal cell carcinomas. Recent evidence suggests that FcaPV-2 is the predominant cause of feline viral plaques/Bowenoid in situ carcinomas, although FcaPV3, FcaPV4 and FcaPV5 also may cause development of lesions. Viral plaques typically present as multiple pigmented or nonpigmented, nonpruritic lesions commonly on face, head and neck. Histologically, there is mild to moderate epidermal and infundibular hyperplasia that may progress to dysplasia and atypia in Bowenoid in situ carcinomas. The RNAscope assay used here enabled the involvement of FcaPV-2 in the lesions to be excluded. Trichoepitheliomas are thought to originate from keratinocytes differentiating toward all three segments of the hair follicle. They are polymorphic tumours as their histological appearance depends on their origin (follicular sheath or hair matrix) and degree of differentiation. Malignant transformation is uncommon and lesions tend to be solitary. Basal cell carcinomas in cats are common, solitary, well-circumscribed, firm and round small tumours that have metastasis potential. They originate from pluripotential epithelial cells in the basal layer and adnexa. Histologically, they appear as multiple basaloid cells aggregates within a stroma bed and mitotic abnormalities are common, while the mitotic activity is variable.

In humans, when not associated with a systemic disease, the prognosis of basaloid follicular hamartomas is good and the issue is mainly cosmetic provided that no suspicious changes arise. Retinoids have been used to decrease the size of lesions in generalised conditions and various excision therapies are available.

In this feline case, no equivalence or specific reason for the thickened fascia and articular capsules were found and there was no evidence of another systemic disease. The fibroblastic spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells which were observed in the dermis of the cat are not reported in human cases. A potential link between the abnormalities of the dermal connective tissue and fascia/articular capsules is unclear. Information about the siblings and parents of this case was not available and no genetic testing could be done, making it impossible to hypothesise a familial/inherited condition.

This case report provides the first evidence of clinical and histopathological findings, including negative RNAscope testing for feline papillomavirus, of multiple follicular abnormalities, consistent with cutaneous diffuse basaloid follicular hamartomas in a cat.

Figure 1. Clinical findings of a 1-year-old cat with basaloid follicular hamartomas. The cat had a depressed demeanour (a), extensive symmetrical alopecia on the ventral abdomen with erythema, focal hyperpigmentation and excessive skin markings with loss of elasticity (b). The face was alopecic and severely thickened (c). Close examination of the face (d) and around the footpads (e) reveals follicular-centred thickening.
Figure 2. Histopathological findings in skin biopsy samples taken from the face of a 1-year-old cat with basaloid follicular hamartomas. (a) Hyperplastic epidermis with a very irregular surface (haematoxylin & eosin, 940). (b) Multiple small hyperplastic trichoblastic foci of basaloid cells originating from the epithelial wall of the follicles and the basal layer of epidermis; follicles filled with variably pigmented keratin (H&E, 100倍). (c) Epithelial walls of the follicles with multiple small hyperplastic basaloid cells foci (H&E, x400). (d) Homogeneous and moderate density of fibroblastic spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells in the dermis (H&E, x400).
2。从患有基底细胞样毛囊错构瘤的1岁猫面部采样的皮肤活检样本的组织病理学发现。(a)表面不规则的表皮层增生(苏木精+伊红,40倍)。(b)起源于毛囊表皮细胞壁和表皮基底层的多灶性的毛母细胞增生灶;毛囊充满不同程度的有色素的角质(HE, 100倍)。(c)毛囊表皮细胞壁有多个基底细胞样小增生灶(HE, 400倍)。(d)真皮纤维母细胞纺锤状间充质细胞均匀、中等密度(HE, 400倍)。
Figure 3. In situ hybridisation for Felis catus papillomavirus 2 (FcaPV-2) E6 and E7. (a) Negative control – normal skin, cat, bacterial gene dihydrodipicolinate reductase (dapB) served as the negative probe control: absence of hybridisation signals. (b) Negative control – normal skin, cat: absence of hybridisation signals. (c) Positive control – cutaneous viral plaque and in situ squamous cell carcinoma, cat: strong, diffuse, hybridisation signals are evident within keratinocyte nuclei in upper layers of the epidermis. (d) Positive control – mucosal papilloma, cat: dot-like signals are evident within the cell cytoplasm. (e) Tested sample – cutaneous diffuse basaloid follicular hamartomas, cat: absence of hybridisation signals. x200.
3。猫乳头瘤病毒2 (FcaPV-2) E6和E7的原位杂交。(a)阴性对照正常皮肤、猫、细菌基因二氢二吡啶羧酸还原酶(dapB)作为阴性探针对照:杂交信号缺失。(b)阴性对照正常皮肤,猫:无杂交信号。(c)阳性对照皮肤病毒斑块和原位鳞状细胞癌,cat:在表皮上层角质形成细胞核内明显可见强烈的、弥漫性的、杂交信号。(d)阳性对照粘膜乳头状瘤,cat:细胞质内可见明显的点样信号。(e)检测样品皮肤弥漫性基底细胞样毛囊错构瘤,猫:缺乏杂交信号。x200。


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