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发表于 2022-2-13 10:17:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The influence of sample processing time on the performance of Microsporum canis cultures in cats

作者:Aline E. Santana, Fabio P. Sellera, Kilder D. Filgueira,Carlos P. Taborda and Archivaldo Reche-Junior


Background – Fungal culture is widely used as a diagnostic tool for detecting dermatophytosis. However, the presence of fungal contaminants can influence the culture’s performance and compromise the diagnosis.
Objective – To verify whether the sample processing time can affect the performance of fungal culture for the diagnosis of Microsporum canis infection in cats.
Animals – Forty Persian cats.
Methods and materials – Hair and scale samples were collected by combing the coat using a 5 x 5 cm sterile polyester carpet. The carpets were assigned randomly to four groups based on time point of processing samples after collection (i.e. used for culture on a selective agar medium for dermatophytes): Group 1: 8 h (n = 10); Group 2: 24 h (n = 10); Group 3: 48 h (n = 10); and Group 4: 72 h (n = 10). Cultures were compared regarding the degree of fungal invasion by either M. canis or nondermatophytic contaminant moulds (NDM).
Results – Processing samples after 24 h of storage resulted in increased isolation rates of NDM and decreased isolation rates of M. canis. Samples processed after 48 h and 72 h presented more than half of the plates with a high degree of fungal contamination (i.e. NDM occupying ≥50% of the total fungal mass). However, samples processed after 8 h and 24 h presented a lower degree (P < 0.05) of NDM plate invasion and higher recovery rates of M. canis when compared to samples processed after 48 h and 72 h.
Conclusions and clinical importance – Delayed processing time is closely associated with the overgrowth of contaminants and with lower recovery rates of M. canis.
背景真菌培养被广泛用作检测皮肤癣菌病的诊断工具。然而, 真菌污染物的存在可能影响培养基的表现并影响诊断。
动物 – 40只波斯猫。
方法和材料使用5x5cm无菌聚酯材料采集毛发和屑样本。根据采集后处理样本的时间点 (即用于皮肤癣菌选择性琼脂培养基培养) , 将样本随机分为4: 1, 8 h(n = 10); 2, 24 h(n = 10); 3, 48 h(n = 10);4, 72 h(n = 10)。比较犬小孢子菌或非皮肤癣菌的污染霉菌(NDM) 在培养基中的真菌侵袭程度。
结果储存 > 24 h后处理样导致NDM分离率增加, 而犬小孢子菌分离率降低。48h72h后处理的样显示超过一半的平皿真菌污染程度高 (NDM≥50%的真菌总质量) 。然而, 48h72h后处理的样本相比, 8h24h后处理的样本呈现较低程度(P < 0.05)NDM平皿侵袭和较高的犬小孢子菌生长率。

Dermatophytosis is a contagious and zoonotic dermatomycosis of cats. Currently, several diagnostic techniques are available to confirm clinical suspicion, and the fungal culture remains one of the most employed diagnostic tools. Additionally, culture allows the identification of fungal species involved and helps to monitor the response to antifungal therapy.

The accuracy of fungal culture can be influenced by several factors, such as sampling method and culture media, as well as proper inoculation on the agar plates.Although no previous studies have specifically reported the influence of the sample processing time on the performance of the dermatophyte cultures, a general recommendation is that clinical samples ideally should be processed immediately after sampling to prevent over growth of contaminants. The presence of fungal or bacterial contaminants can lead to a misleading result by suppressing the growth of or masking the presence of the targeted pathogen.Consequently, this kind of contamination can substantially affect the final diagnosis and compromise treatment.

In this study, we performed an investigation to verify whether the sample processing time can affect the performance of fungal culture for the diagnosis of Microsporum canis infection in cats.

Methods and materials
This study was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of our Institute. The owners signed an informed consent before inclusion.

The study included 40 Persian cats (22 males, 18 females) ranging in age from three to 10 years, coming from the same cattery. All cats presented multifocal alopecia and scaling. The animals had no prior history of treatment with antifungals in the 20 days before sample collection.

Skin and hair sampling
Hair and scales were collected by combing the coat with a 5cm x 5cm sterile polyester carpet square according to the modified Mariat et al collection method.
根据改良的Mariat等人的采集方法,用5cm x 5cm的正方形无菌聚酯材料梳理被毛收集毛发和皮屑。

Before use, the carpets were cut in squares, individually wrapped and autoclaved for 20min at 122°C. Then, the collection was performed by gently rubbing the cats for approximately 2min from the head and neck to the dorsum, trunk, ventrum, limbs and tail. After collection, all of the carpet squares were individually wrapped in the original aluminum foil, placed in individual plastic bags, and submitted to a mycology reference laboratory. The samples were kept at room temperature until being processed.
使用前,将材料剪成正方形,单独包裹并在122 ℃下高压灭菌20 min。然后,从猫的头颈部至背部、躯干、腹侧、四肢和尾部轻轻摩擦约2 min进行采集。采集后,将所有方形材料单独包裹在原始铝箔中,置于单个塑料袋中,并提交至真菌学参考实验室。样本在室温下保存直至处理。

Fungal culture
The carpet samples were randomly assigned to four groups (10 for each group). Samples were processed after 8h (Group 1), 24h(Group 2), 48h (Group 3) and 72h (Group 4) of storage. All carpets were inoculated on agarose plates (Mycosel Agar, Becton Dickinson; Sparks, MD, USA) by gently pressing once onto the plate surface for 10 s. Fungal cultures were incubated at 25°C for 15 days after which plate photographs were taken. Identification of dermatophytes and nondermatophytic contaminant moulds (NDM) was performed using morphological keys (colony colour and texture, type of conidia).
将材料样本随机分为4组(每组10只)。在储存8 h(组1)、24 h(组2)、48 h(组3)和72 h(组4)后处理样本。将所有地毯接种于琼脂平皿上,在平皿表面轻轻按压10 s。真菌培养物在25 ℃下培养15天,然后对平皿进行拍照。使用形态学关键词(菌落颜色和质地、分生孢子类型)鉴定皮肤癣菌和非皮肤癣菌污染霉菌(NDM)

Comparison of groups
Groups were compared using the following parameters: (i) number of plates with M. canis; (ii) number of plates with NDM; (iii) degree of M. canis invasion; and (iv) degree of NDM invasion.

The fungal invasion by either M. canis or NDM was calculated using the open-source IMAGEJ software (National Institutes of Health; Bethesda, MD, USA; https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/). Briefly, the program analysed all of the fungal plate images and quantified the pixels corresponding to the relative surface occupied by M. canis and NDM.

The degree of fungal contamination and the impact of NDM on ease of visualising M. canis colonies were rated using a modified semi-quantitative scoring system proposed previously.This uses four degrees of contamination as follows: Low, <10% NDM contribution to the fungal invasion of the plate, very easy visualisation of M. canis colonies; Moderate, 20–40% NDM, easy visualisation; High, 50–60% NDM, difficult visualisation; Very high, 80-90% NDM, very difficult visualisation.
使用先前提出的改良半定量评分系统对真菌污染程度和NDM对犬小孢子菌菌落可视化难易度的影响进行评级。这使用了四种污染程度,如下所示:低,< 10%NDM平皿真菌侵袭的作用,非常容易观察犬小孢子菌菌落;中等,20-40%NDM,容易观察;高,50-60%NDM,难以观察;非常高,80-90%NDM,非常难以观察。

Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with PRISM v8 (Graphpad Inc.; San Diego, CA, USA) and a P-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparison post-test was used to compare fungal invasion of the plate by M. canis and NDM. Descriptive statistics (median and range) also were used to summarise the data.
统计分析使用PRISM v8Graphpad Inc.San DiegoCAUSA),P< 0.05被视为具有统计学意义。采用KruskalWallis检验与Dunns多重比较试验后比较犬小孢子菌和NDM对平皿的真菌侵袭情况。描述性统计量(中位数和范围)也被用来总结数据。

Fungal culture
A total of 40 fungal cultures were performed. Microsporum canis was found in 100% of cultures analysed. Fungal contamination was identified in 35 of 40 (87.5%)plates with different degrees of invasion. Examples of culture plates with contaminant moulds are shown in Figure 1. The results of fungal invasion by either M. canis or NDM are summarised in Table 1. Individual plate results can be found in Table S1 and individual images are presented in Supporting information Figure S1.

When comparing the contribution to the fungal invasion of the plate by M. canis, we found a significantly higher plate invasion in Group 1 when compared to groups 2, 3 and 4; (all P < 0.05). No difference was found between plates of groups 3 and 4 (P > 0.05).
当比较犬小孢子菌对平皿真菌侵袭的作用时,我们发现第1组的平皿侵袭显著高于第234组;(所有P < 0.05)。组3和组4平皿之间未发现差异(P > 0.05)

Regarding the presence of fungal contaminants (NDM), a lower plate invasion was found in Group 1 when compared to groups 2, 3 and 4; (all P < 0.05). A lower NDM invasion was found in Group 2 when compared to Group 3 (P < 0.05). No difference was found between groups 3 and 4 (P > 0.05). NDM isolated were Alternaria sp., Aspergillus sp. and Cladosporium sp. Interestingly, Cladosporium sp., a melanised fungi, was found only in Group 4.
关于真菌污染物(NDM)的存在,与组234相比,组1平皿侵袭较低;(所有P < 0.05)。与第3组相比,第2组的NDM侵袭较低(P < 0.05)。组3和组4之间未发现差异(P > 0.05)。分离的NDM为链格孢属、曲霉菌属和枝孢属。有趣的是,仅在第4组中发现了一种黑化真菌枝孢霉属。

Group 1 displayed a greater ease of visualisation of M. canis colonies than the other groups as a result of the low degree of fungal contamination. However, more than half of the plates from groups 3 and 4 presented a high degree of fungal contamination, with difficult visualisation of M. canis colonies.

In this study, we investigated whether sample processing time can influence the performance of M. canis culture. Our findings demonstrated that delayed processing time is associated with the overgrowth of fungal contaminants and with lower rates of M. canis on agarose plates. At least half of the samples processed after 8 h resulted in pure culture of M. canis (not showing the presence of fungal contaminants). However, more than half of samples processed after 48 h and 72 h showed plates with a high degree of fungal contamination (i.e. NDM occupying ≥50% of the total fungal mass). Significantly higher recovery rates of M. canis were found in cultures of samples processed after 8h and 24h. Overall, these results indicate that delayed processing of samples may affect the performance of M. canis as a consequence of contaminant overgrowth.
本研究中,我们研究了样本处理时间能否影响犬小孢子菌培养的性能。我们的发现表明,延迟处理时间与真菌污染物的过度生长和琼脂平皿上犬小孢子菌的检出率低有关。8 h后处理的样本中至少有一半得到犬小孢子菌的纯培养物(未显示存在真菌污染物)。然而,在48h72h后处理的样本中超过一半显示出具有高度真菌污染的平皿(即NDM占总真菌50%)。在8h24h后处理的样培养物中发现犬小孢子菌的检出率显著提高。总之,这些结果表明,由于污染物过度生长,样本处理延迟可能影响犬小孢子菌的生长。

Despite the fact that all Petri dishes contained solid growth media supplemented with cycloheximide, an inhibitor of a wide range of nondermatophyte moulds and yeasts, contaminant moulds were found in 35 (87.5%) plates. These findings are consistent with previous studies that showed that NDM can grow in selective media containing cycloheximide.

The NDM fungal contaminant genera included Alternaria, Aspergillus and Cladosporium. Although these are considered to be environmental fungi, a recent study based on next-generation sequencing demonstrated that these genera could be found colonising the skin of cats. Moreover, previous studies that investigated feline skin microbial communities using culture-dependent methods also isolated these genera. Thus, it can be hypothesised that the NDM isolated in this study did not come from the environment and, rather, from the skin of the sampled animals. Additionally, all clinical samples remained individually wrapped until they were processed into culture media to minimise the risk of contamination by environmental micro-organisms. Interestingly, the genus Cladosporium was found only in samples processed over 72h. Nine of 10 plates of this group exhibited this melanised fungus. We propose that this fungus already was colonising the skin microbiota and its overgrowth led to the suppression of other fungi; Cladosporium is characterised by rapid growth with easy spread over plates that can suppress slow-growing fungi such as M. canis.

Fungal contamination also was identified in sample plates processed after 8h and 24h, yet the degree of NDM contamination did not compromise the identification of M. canis. Thus, the high yield of M. canis found in these plates led to a proper visualisation and identification of this dermatophyte species. These findings might be valuable to veterinary clinicians that need to ship samples of suspected cases of dermatophytosis to off-site testing laboratories.

It is accepted currently that dermatophytes can remain viable within skin samples for a long time,1yet the present study points out that delayed processing of samples may make the isolation and identification of M. canis challenging, especially for nonexperts. In particular, prolonged storage can favour the development of NDM that may suppress the growth of M. canis. It follows that dermatological samples, while not as perishable as other biological samples (e.g. blood, urine), should be processed within a brief time window when performing cultures for M. canis. The last consideration is that re-culturing generally is recommended in the case of heavily contaminated plates, which delays the diagnostic workflow further.

A limitation of the present study is that samples were collected from different animals, which could harbour different fungal loads of both M. canis and NDM. Although we attempted to reduce this bias by selecting cats from the same cattery and with a similar lesion pattern, we recognise that further studies will be necessary to validate our findings. It also would be interesting to verify whether our conclusions apply to other types of samplings (e.g. skin scrapings, toothbrush technique) and infections by other dermatophyte species.

In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the influence of sample processing time on the performance of M. canis cultures in cats. The results reported here suggest that sample processing time is an important parameter and should be considered to optimise the recovery of M. canis on culture plates.

Figure 1. Examples of dermatophyte cultures obtained after 15 days of incubation, showing different degrees of nondermatophytic mould (NDM) contamination.
(a) 8 h after collection, fungal culture presents a low degree of contamination (NDM occupying <10% of overall fungal mass). (b) 24 h after collection, moderate degree of contamination (NDM 20–40% of overall fungal mass). (c) 48 h after collection, very high degree of contamination (NDM 80–90% of overall fungal mass). (d) 72 h after collection, very high degree of contamination (NDM 80–90% of overall fungal mass). Fungal identification: BLACK * = NDM; RED * = Microsporum canis; GREEN * = melanised NDM.


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