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Autoimmune diseases affecting skin melanocytes in dogs, cats and horses: vitiligo and the uveodermatological syndrome: a comprehensive review

作者:Heng L. Tham, Keith E. Linder and Thierry Olivry

翻译:侯宁 校对:王帆

The uveodermatological syndrome
The uveodermatological syndrome (UDS) is a canine entity that resembles the VKH disease in humans; in UDS, dogs develop severe bilateral granulomatous posterior or panuveitis with retinal detachments, disk edema and vitritis; these may or may not be accompanied with the tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo, meningitis, poliosis (patches of hair depigmentation or leukotrichia) and vitiligo seen in the human disease. Herein, we will review the available information published to date on the canine UDS, and where relevant, comparisons with the human homologue (VKH disease) are made. To the authors’ knowledge, UDS has not been reported in cats and horses.
Historical perspective
More than a century ago, in 1906, a medical resident from Switzerland by the name of Alfred Vogt published a case report entitled “Premature whitening of eyelashes and comments about the so-called sudden onset of this change”. His paper focused mainly on poliosis (patches of white hair) and only briefly described uveitis. Seventeen years later and nearly 6,000 miles away, Einosuke Harada, reported nine cases of “acute diffuse choroiditis” between 1923 and 1926, which later was called Harada’s disease. Twenty-three years later, another Japanese ophthalmologist, Yoshizo Koyanagi wrote a review article that described in detail a disease including severe uveitis, poliosis, alopecia and dysacusis.
一个多世纪以前,在1906年,一位来自瑞士名叫Alfred Vogt的住院医生发表了题为“睫毛过早发白和发生这种变化的评论”的病例报告。他的论文主要集中在白发病(斑块状白发)上,仅简要介绍了葡萄膜炎。十七年后,将近6000英里外的Einosuke Harada报告了1923年至1926年间的9例“急性弥漫性脉络膜炎”病例,后来被称为原田病。二十三年后,另一位日本眼科医生Yoshizo Koyanagi撰写了一篇回顾文章,详细描述了一种包括严重的葡萄膜炎、白发病、脱发和听力减退的疾病。

In 1939, the Vogt-Koyanagi (VK) syndrome was first proposed for the disease reported by Vogt and Koyanagi. Although the disease reported by Harada greatly resembled that of the VK syndrome, it was not until the late 1950s that the term Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome was used. In 2001, the term “disease” was finally selected by the International Committee on Nomenclature of VKH, but many papers published thereafter still used the term “syndrome”.

In animals, a disease resembling the VKH syndrome was first reported in 1977 –coincidentally also in Japan. It was not until 1985 that the term “uveodermatological syndrome - UDS” was introduced into the veterinary literature by Romatowski. This author argued that the term “canine VKH syndrome” was inaccurate because the dogs reported did not seem to exhibit any meningeal involvement, and thus did not fit the inclusion criteria of the then human VKH syndrome. It is possible, however, that such neurological signs might have been underdiagnosed. Since then, the terms UDS and VKH-like syndrome have been used interchangeably in the veterinary literature.

The exact etiology and pathogenesis of the VKH disease in humans remain unclear, but the general agreement is that it is an autoimmune disease that targets melanocytes or melanocyte-associated antigens (i.e., tyrosinase and gp100) with an increased susceptibility in populations with certain human leukocyte antigens (HLA). Indeed, several studies have shown a strong association of HLADRB1* 0405 and HLA-DQB1*0401 in patients with the VKH syndrome in China, Brazil, Korea and Saudi Arabia. Immunohistochemical studies have shown that 70% of the lesional lymphocytes were T cells and that the choroidal infiltrate was composed predominantly of helper T cells. Other studies showed that, in humans with this syndrome, tyrosinase peptide antigens are the target for autoimmune T cells. Altogether, these data support an autoimmune disease with cell-mediated immunity playing an important role in its pathogenesis.
人VKH的确切病因和发病机制仍不清楚,但普遍认为它是一种针对黑素细胞或黑素细胞相关抗原(即酪氨酸酶和gp100)的自体免疫性疾病,具有特定人类白细胞抗原(HLA)的人群的易感性增加。实际上,一些研究表明,在中国、巴西、韩国和沙特阿拉伯,VKH综合征患者中HLADRB1 * 0405和HLA-DQB1 * 0401抗原有很强的相关性。免疫组化研究表明,70%病变的淋巴细胞是T细胞,脉络膜的浸润主要是辅助T细胞。其他研究表明,在患有这种综合征的人中,酪氨酸酶肽抗原是自体免疫T细胞的目标。总之,这些数据表明在该病的发病机理中,细胞介导的自体免疫性疾病具有重要地位。

Interestingly, in some human patients, viral infections (i,e., the Epstein-Barr virus and the cytomegalovirus) have been hypothesized as possible triggering factors of this disease. This could be due to similarities between viral antigens and proteins from pigmented cells (molecular mimicry theory) . The role of antiretinal antibodies (ARAs) in the human VKH syndrome remains the matter of debate because the autoreactivity against retinal proteins seems to differ between acute and chronic disease and these antibodies could be a produced in response to the retinal damage. In addition to this syndrome, antiretinal antibodies have been also detected in other ocular diseases such as cancerassociated retinopathies, toxoplasmosis and age-related macular degeneration.

In animals, the UDS likely also has an autoimmune basis. In one study, the dog leukocyte haplotype (DLA)-DQA1*00201 occurred at a higher incidence in American Akitas with UDS compared with normal unaffected dogs of the same breed; there was a significantly higher relative risk and odds ratio for the development of UDS compared to other DLA class II alleles. The injection of peptides derived from tyrosinase-related protein into rats and in two Japanese Akitas resulted in clinical signs resembling those of the human VKH syndrome. Similarly to humans, ARAs were detected in one dog using an ELISA that utilized bovine retinal extract as an antigen source. In that study, the serum from an Akita was positive for ARAs with a titer ≥1:200 (normal reference interval titers was reported to be between 1:25 and 1:50). Interestingly, when the disease was stable, the ARA titer decreased to 1:25 but increased to 1:200 when a relapse occurred. Although, this observation suggests that ARA titers might correlate with disease activity, it is not known if ARAs are the cause or sequela of a previously-active disease.
在动物中,UDS也可能具有自体免疫基础。一项研究表明,犬的白细胞抗原(DLA)- DQA1 * 00201在患有UDS的美国秋田犬中发生率高于同一品种的正常犬;与其他DLA II类等位基因相比,UDS的患病风险和发病率也更高。将来自酪氨酸酶相关蛋白的肽注射到大鼠和两个日本秋田犬中,结果产生了类似于人VKH综合征的临床症状。与人类相似,利用牛视网膜提取物作为抗原进行ELISA试验,在一只犬中检测到ARAs。在该研究中,秋田犬抗ARA阳性,血清滴度≥1:200(据报道正常参考区间1:25-1:50)。有趣的是,当疾病稳定时,ARA滴度降至1:25,但在复发时增至1:200。虽然,这一观察结果表明ARA滴度可能与疾病活动有关,但尚不清楚ARAs是否是病因或是疾病的后遗症。

Incidence and prevalence
In several recent review papers, the prevalence of the human VKH disease in North America is reported to be between 1 and 4% of patients, but these papers cite an old study published in 1977 that reported VKH to represent 1% of patients affected with uveitis. Therefore, the “true” prevalence of the VKH disease may be much higher now due to better awareness and access to medical services and advancement in diagnostic procedures.

There are no available data to estimate the global or regional incidence or prevalence of the UDS in dogs. However, the canine UDS has a worldwide distribution and has been reported in dogs from Asia, Europe, South America and North America.

The human VKH disease predominantly affects people in their second-to-fifth decades of life, with a higher occurrence in female patients, but children as young as four-years-old also have been reported to be affected; it is more common in individuals with a pigmented skin.

In dogs, Akitas, Samoyeds and Siberian Huskies are breeds suspected to be predisposed to the UDS, but this syndrome has been reported in other breeds as well. There are 38 articles that can be grouped for the detailed analysis of 166 dogs with the UDS. Among these cases, 110 (66%) were Akitas, 14 (8%) were Siberian Huskies and five (3%) were Samoyeds; other breeds only made up less than 3% each of the total number of affected dogs reported to date. The age of onset of this disease varied between 7months and 13 years of age (median: 3 years, mean: 3.6 years) while the female-to-male ratio was 0.6, thus suggesting that males are affected nearly twice as often as female dogs.

Clinical signs
The human VKH disease is typically classified into four stages: prodromal, acute, chronic convalescent and chronic recurrent stages. The prodromal stage lasts from several days to a few weeks and it is characterized by flu-like symptoms such as headache, tinnitus, nausea, neck pain and back pain. The acute stage begins with the development of usually bilateral and posterior uveitis, and it is during this stage that the blurring of vision appears, and if untreated promptly, visual fields, color vision and central visual acuity can be compromised. The convalescent stage ensues several weeks-to-months after the acute stage, and it consists of signs of depigmentation of the uveal tissue and/or integument. Finally, in the chronic recurrent stage, a mild panuveitis with recurrent episodes of anterior uveitis occurs and this stage is considered the consequence of an inadequate or delayed treatment.

Revised diagnostic criteria (RDC) for human VKH have been proposed in 2001 to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge on the VKH disease and to support collaborative research efforts. These RDC divide the diagnosis of the VKH disease into three categories: complete, incomplete and probable. The first two categories are those needed to make a definitive diagnosis, whereas the probable VKH disease category, also referred to as “ocular VKH disease”, needs a continuous monitoring for the clinical signs that would confirm or refute the definitive diagnosis of this disease. Readers are referred to the article published by Read for more information on the clinical findings that determines the classification of human VKH disease into these three categories (Additional file 1: Table S1).

Out of 134 dogs with a spontaneously-occurring UDS in which information on the location of the first sign/lesion (eye versus skin) was available, 114 (85%) developed ophthalmic clinical signs before the onset, or at least the recognition, of skin lesions. Eleven dogs (8%) had cutaneous lesions that preceded ophthalmic signs, whereas, in nine dogs (9%), the ophthalmic and dermatological lesions developed concurrently, or in an undetermined order. The location of the first sign/lesions were not stated in the remaining 34 dogs. The median and mean time-lapse between the ocular signs and skin lesions were 12 and 20 weeks, respectively (range: 4 days to 3 years); most dogs (18/21; 86%) that initially had either the eye or skin affected eventually had the two organs eventually bearing lesions within 6 months of each other. In one dog, however, bilateral uveitis developed 10 months after the onset of skin lesions.
134只患有自发性UDS的犬中,发现了有关于原发症状/病变(眼睛vs皮肤)的位置信息,114只(85%)在发病前或至少在诊断皮肤病变时发现了眼部临床症状。11只(8%)犬在出现眼部症状之前出现皮肤病变,而在9只(9%)犬中,眼部和皮肤病变同时发生或不确定发生顺序。其余34只犬未给出原发病变部位。眼部症状和皮肤病变之间的中位时间间隔和平均时间间隔分别为12周和20周(范围:4天至3年);大多数(18/21; 86%)出现原发眼部或皮肤病变的犬最终在6个月内两个器官发生病变。然而,有一只犬在皮肤病变发生10个月后才出现双侧葡萄膜炎。

In canine cases where this information was retrievable, the most common presenting ocular signs was blindness or poor/decreased vision (38/68; 56%). This is similar to what was reported by Zarfoss where 26/46 dogs (57%) had bilateral blindness at the initial presentation . Other commonly seen ocular signs were uveitis (27/68; 40%) and conjunctivitis or “red eye” (12/68; 18%); it is not known if the dogs with uveitis had concurrent conjunctivitis, and if the conjunctivitis was associated with the UDS or a separate cause.

The most common skin lesions of canine UDS are leukoderma and/or leukotrichia, followed by erosions-ulcerations, alopecia, crust and erythema (Fig. 6). Other skin lesions reported have been a swelling of the nose, pruritus, hyperkeratosis of footpads and onychomadesis (loss of claws). It is interesting to note that the dog reported by Tachikawa developed onychomadesis 1 month after the initial onset of skin depigmentation, and ocular signs only developed 3 months after the first cutaneous lesions. In this dog, it is not known if the onychomadesis was associated with the UDS, was a separate disease (i.e., symmetric lupoid onychitis) that developed concurrently, or was a sequela to UDS due to antigen epitope spreading. Of note and to the authors’ knowledge, onychomadesis has not been reported in humans with the VKH disease.
UDS最常见的皮肤病变是白皮症/或白毛症,其次是糜烂-溃疡、脱毛、结痂和红斑(图6)。其他皮肤病变包括鼻子肿胀、瘙痒、爪垫过度角化和脱甲病(爪脱落)。有趣的是,据Tachikawa报道,犬在最初出现皮肤色素减退的1个月后出现脱甲病 3个月后出现眼部症状。在这只犬中,不知道脱甲病是否是与UDS相关,或仅是一种同时发生的单独疾病(如,对称性类狼疮样甲床炎),或由于抗原表位扩散而成为UDS的后遗症。值得注意的是,据作者所知,在患有VKH疾病的人中尚未报道过脱甲病。

Among 43 dogs in whom the distribution of skin lesions was reported, all (100%) exhibited lesions on the face or head (Fig. 6). The most common affected region on the face was the nasal planum (37/43; 86%), followed by the periorbital skin/ eyelids (32/43; 74%) and lips (28/43; 65%). Ten dogs (23%) had additional regions affected: the mouth/oral cavity, the footpads and/or the genitalia. Interestingly, all dogs (10/ 10; 100%) with genital (scrotum and/or prepuce) involvement were males. In the oral cavity, the most commonly affected region was the palate (4/10; 40%). In six dogs (14%), the lesions on the head/face progressed to generalized leukotrichia/ leukoderma. Depigmentation of the eyelashes was reported in six dogs (14%).
在报道了皮肤病变分布43只犬中,所有(100%)犬都有面部或头部病变(图6)。面部最常见的病变部位是鼻平面(37/43;86%),其次是眶周皮肤/眼睑(32/43; 74%)和嘴唇(28/43;65%)。10只犬(23%)有其他病变区域:嘴/口腔、爪垫和/或生殖器。有趣的是,所有出现生殖器(阴囊和/或包皮)病变的犬(10/10; 100%)都是雄性。在口腔中,最常发生病变的区域是上颚(4/10;40%)。在6只犬(14%)中,头部/面部的病变发展为全身性白毛症/白皮症6只犬(14%)发生睫毛色素减退。
Fig. 6 Canine uveodermatological syndrome. a chow-chow with bilateral uveitis and severe erosive dermatitis of the nasal planum, and philtrum (a), as well as lips and gingiva (b) (courtesy of Dr. E. Kuznetsova-Mendoza). c 8-year-old Siberian husky with periocular erythema, edema and erosions and, d acquired perioral vitiliginous depigmentation; this dog had uveitis 3 months before the cutaneous depigmentation (courtesy of L. Beco). e-f 2-year-old Akita inu with uveitis and mottled depigmentation, erythema, focal erosions and loss of the normal nasal planum architecture (courtesy of Dr. F. Banovic, case material NCSU)
6 犬葡萄膜皮肤病综合征。一只患有双眼葡萄膜炎和严重的鼻平面及鼻中隔(a),以及嘴唇和牙龈(b)糜烂性皮炎的松狮犬。C.8岁的哈士奇患有眼周红斑、水肿和糜烂,d.可见嘴周的白斑状色素减退;这只犬在出现皮肤色素减退的3个月前患有葡萄膜炎。e-f.出现葡萄膜炎和点状色素减退、糜烂、面部水肿和鼻平面结构缺失的 2岁秋田犬。

In all reported cases, the ocular and skin lesions were bilateral and symmetrical except for one dog with iris heterochromia in which uveitis only developed in the right eye with the brown iris; the unaffected left eye had a blue-colored iris.

Concurrent systemic signs were reported in six dogs, shortly before, or at the time when, the diagnosis of UDS was made. The following systemic signs were reported: lethargy, a left head tilt with a change in behavior, lethargy and cranial nerve II deficit, dysacusis, left head tilt and reduced appetite, and transient pica and depression. In these dogs, the underlying cause of these signs was not determined and therefore, it is not known if they were part of the UDS symptomatology or a concurrent but unrelated finding. One dog was diagnosed with polymyositis 3 years after the onset of uveitis and glaucoma.

If the RDC for the VKH disease in humans were applied to all the dogs in this review, most would have been categorized as having either an incomplete or a probable VKH disease. However, it is important to realize that neurological and/or auditory signs in dogs may not be easily observed by the owner or confirmed when presented to the veterinarian, as signs such as meningismus (i.e., the presence of meningeal signs characterized by headache and neck stiffness without actual inflammation of the meninges) and tinnitus (i.e., perception of sound in the absence of external acoustic stimulus) are difficult to confirm or rule-out in dogs and/or these might have resolved by the time of examination. Tinnitus or auto-acoustic emission has been reported in dogs and can be classified as subjective (i.e., noise only heard by the patient) or objective (i.e., noise that can be heard by others). While the presence of objective tinnitus in dogs very much rely on an astute owner or veterinarian, a subjective tinnitus can neither be proven nor dismissed. Additionally, it is extremely difficult to clinically differentiate meningismus from overt meningitis or meningoenchephalomyelitis in animals [J. Rossmeisl, personal communication]. Nevertheless, there is one case report of a dog with the UDS in whom subclinical involvement of the meninges, based on post-mortem findings, has been documented.Importantly, this dog had not exhibited any clinical signs of meningismus when alive. As a result, the human RDC classification system appears to be of limited use for canine cases. Additionally, it is not clear if the four stages of human VKH disease can be applied to the canine UDS due to an absence of, or a failure to identify prodromal signs. However, most dogs with the UDS exhibit both ocular and dermatological signs, when or soon after being presented to the veterinarian, meaning that they are to be categorized in the convalescent stage.

Three skin lesions listed in the RDC are alopecia, poliosis and vitiligo, and either one needs to be present to fulfill the criteria of human VKH with integumentary involvement. While vitiligo (leukoderma and/or leukotrichia) are the most common skin lesions of the canine UDS, the second most common ones are erosions and ulcerations. One possible reason why skin erosions and ulcers were not included (and therefore assumed to be very rare, if not nonexistent in the human VKH disease) might be due to an earlier diagnosis of this disease in humans, which results in an immediate and aggressive therapy that prevents the development of more advanced skin lesions such as painful erosions or ulcers.

Histologically, the canine UDS (Fig. 7a) is characterized by superficial perivascular inflammation that coalesces into a robust lichenoid pattern (i.e., a band-like below the epidermis) that includes macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells and a variable number of neutrophils. Macrophages are cited as a prominent feature but might not always be the dominant infiltrating cell type. The exocytosis of lymphocytes into the lower epidermis leads to a blurring of the dermo-epidermal junction, but basal keratinocyte injury and loss—a characteristic interface pattern—is limited or absent. There is partial-to-complete loss of melanocytes and, consequently, of epidermal pigmentation. The apoptosis of melanocytes is expected to occur but is rarely seen. Melanosomes (melanin granules) are spilled to the dermis and are found in melanophages (pigmentary incontinence) were they appear as a finely granular, dusted, cytoplasmic pigment (Fig. 7b). These fine granules have been cited to be a characteristic feature of this disease but the sensitivity and specificity of such microscopic lesion for the diagnosis of the canine UDS has not been proven. Coarsely-clumped pigment can also accompany fine pigment melanophagia. The dermal inflammation pattern is sometimes nodular and periadnexal, but it can be sparse in advanced disease stages. An epidermal hyperplasia is normally seen and can be accompanied by erosions, ulcers, neutrophil transmigration, patchy parakeratosis and/ or crust formation. Skin biopsies are indispensible to confirm the diagnosis and should be performed early in suspect cases because of the need to treat early in order to reduce the possibly of blindness. Multiple skin biopsies should be collected from the margins or lesions in areas of recent depigmentation, especially those with active inflammation that exhibit erythema and swelling, which can be subtle.

Fig. 7 Histopathology of canine uveodermatological syndrome. Skin biopsy from the face of a dog. a just below a partially depigmented epidermis, a band-like (lichenoid) dermal infiltrate is dominated by macrophages and lymphocytes with fewer plasma cells and neutrophils. Hematoxylin and eosin. 200X. b inset from image (a) above: lymphocytes (arrow heads) infiltrate the deep epidermis in low numbers and occasionally appear to surround melanocytes (i.e., “satellitosis”). Melanosomes are spilled into the dermis, where they appear as a fine granular, dust-like, appearance in macrophages (arrows). Hematoxylin and eosin. 400X
7 犬葡萄膜皮肤病综合征组织病理学。犬面部皮肤活检。在局部色素减退的表皮层下,大量巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞,以及少量浆细胞和中性粒细胞在真皮浸润,形成带状(苔藓样变)。HE染色,200倍b 上图的局部放大:表皮深层可见少量淋巴细胞(箭头)浸润,偶尔可见周围着黑色素细胞(如“卫星现象”)。色素小体漏出至真皮层,表现为细颗粒、尘土样,出现在巨噬细胞中(箭头)。HE染色,400 倍
Treatment and outcome
The early and high-dose administration of oral GCs is the mainstay of the VKH disease therapy in humans. Studies have shown that the treatment with high-dose GCs within 2 weeks of disease onset resulted in a shorter duration of steroid use, a higher chances of obtaining a complete remission and a shorter duration of disease. The length of systemic GC treatment should also be at least 6 months to reduce the risk of recurrence and severe vision loss, but there are no guidelines on the most effective tapering regimen. For patients with a chronic and recurrent disease, or for those who are intolerant to systemic GCs, immunosuppressive agents such as ciclosporin, azathioprine, methotrexate, chlorambucil, mycophenolate mofetil and cyclophosphamide can be used. Whether or not an adjunctive immunosuppressive agents should be employed as a first-line therapy remains a topic of discussion among VKH experts; results of several uncontrolled studies have suggested, however, that an initial multimodal immunosuppressive therapy resulted in a better visual outcome and control of inflammation compared to a monotherapy with GCs alone. Finally, topical GC and cycloplegic agents are indicated to reduce inflammation and pain and to prevent the appearance of synechiae (adhesions). The former can be administered either as ophthalmic drops, intravitreal or subtenon injections. In the human VKH disease, parameters such as the fine visual acuity, the development of cataract, glaucoma or pigmentary changes in the fundus are often used for the assessment on the effectiveness of a treatment protocol. However, there is no agreement on a set of clinical outcomes that would define a patient’s VKH disease as being in clinical remission (CR) or having had a treatment failure.

Similarly, there is no consensus on the definition of CR for the canine UDS, which is largely due to the heterogeneity and lack of standardization of case reports.For the purpose of this review, we will define CR as either one of the following:
1. an improvement or the re-establishment of vision in dogs presented with blindness, or,
2. an absence of development of new signs, or,
3. a lack of progression of lesions (ocular and skin) with resolution of existing ones.

A “failure of therapy” is defined as an inability to control the disease activity (i.e., a continuous development of new ocular signs or skin lesions, a progression/extension of old lesions, or a lack of improvement of ocular signs and/or skin lesions).

Altogether, detailed information about the treatment and outcome of the canine UDS can be inferred from 29 reports including 47 dogs. Another six dogs were either not treated, lost to follow-up or the information on the final outcome was incomplete.

Overall, the CR of UDS was obtained in 29/47 dogs (62%). The time-to-CR varied between 2 weeks to 10 months. A spontaneous remission of the UDS has not been reported so far. In dogs for whom follow-up information was available, eight experienced a relapse: clinical signs flared in five dogs when oral GCs were tapered and in three dogs, 3–5 months after treatment was stopped.

Treatment regimens have varied widely, and they included the following: GCs (oral, topical ophthalmic and/or subconjunctival), calcineurin inhibitors (ciclosporin or tacrolimus), azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil and mycophenolate mofetil. At the time when a CR was documented, 28/29 (97%) of dogs were treated with oral GCs, of which 18 were concurrently receiving topical ophthalmic, subconjunctival GC or topical ophthalmic calcineurin inhibitors; seven dogs (25%) were concurrently treated with azathioprine. Oral GC monotherapy resulted in a CR of signs in only 3/28 dogs (11%). In most dogs receiving oral GCs, the minimum dosage was 2 mg/kg/day with the dosage slightly lower (1-2mg/kg/day) in dogs treated concurrently with other immunosuppressants. Interestingly, of 18 dogs (38%) in which a disease CR was not achieved (failure of therapy), oral GCs with or without other immunosuppressant were used as treatment in 15 (83%). The treatment regimen was not stated in one dog that had both eyes enucleated.
治疗方案间的差异很大,其中包括:GCs(口服、眼部和/或结膜下外部给药)、钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂(环孢素或他克莫司)、硫唑嘌呤、环磷酰胺、苯丁酸氮芥和霉酚酸酯。在临床恢复时,28/29(97%)的犬使用口服GCs治疗,其中18只同时接受眼部、结膜下GC外部给药,或眼部外用神经钙蛋白抑制剂;七只犬(25%)同时服用硫唑嘌呤。口服GC单一疗法仅有3/28只犬(11%)出现CR。在接受口服GC治疗的大多数犬中,最小剂量为2mg / kg /天,联合其他免疫抑制剂治疗的犬的剂量略低(1-2mg / kg /天)。有趣的是,在未出现CR的18只犬(38%)中(治疗失败),15只(83%)犬接受口服GCs,联用或不联用其他免疫抑制剂。一只双眼眼球摘除的犬未给出其治疗方案。

There is no single treatment protocol that appeared to be associated with the obtention of a more rapid disease CR or a higher treatment success or failure rate. There are 19 case reports where information on the final treatment outcome and time lapsed between the initial onset of signs and the initiation of treatment after the diagnosis of UDS were available – a total of 29 dogs. Of these, 12/20 (60%) and 4/20 dogs (20%) in which CR was achieved, had been treated 1 month and 2–6months after the onset of clinical signs, respectively. This observation implies that initiating treatment within 1 month after the first clinical signs would result in a better outcome. This is supported by the outcome of 8/9 dogs (89%) in which treatment failed to induce CR that had been treated within 6 months of sign development. This observation is in contrast with the results obtained by Zarfoss et al. who reported that any use of immunosuppressive drugs, duration of signs prior to treatment and high daily doses of GC and azathioprine was not significantly associated with a better prognosis.

Implications for practice
Similarly to the human VKH disease, the diagnosis of the canine UDS needs to be made in the shortest time possible, thus allowing for the implementation of an immediate immunosuppressive treatment to prevent disease progression and the development of ocular complications, especially blindness. Because ocular lesions are the most common presenting sign in canine UDS, veterinarians should be extremely vigilant when presented with dogs with non-traumatic or non-infectious signs of conjunctivitis or uveitis, especially in predisposed breeds such as the Akita, Siberian Husky and Samoyed. A complete ophthalmological examination should be performed, and whenever faced with any doubt, the prompt referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist is recommended. On the other hand, dogs presented with only dermatological signs in which histopathology is consistent with a canine UDS, should also undergo a complete ophthalmological examination and continued ophthalmic monitoring even if ocular signs were not reported or if skin lesions were to respond to treatment.

Topical ophthalmic together with systemic GC should be the first-line therapy for the canine UDS, with the dose of oral GC started at 2 mg/kg/day or higher. Other immunosuppressive therapies, such as azathioprine or ciclosporin, should be added into the treatment regimen should GC therapy fail to induce the CR of signs.
全身性GC用药结合眼部GC用药是犬UDS的一线治疗方案,口服GC的起始剂量为2mg / kg /天或更高。如果GC治疗不能达到CR,则应在治疗方案中加入其他免疫抑制疗法,如硫唑嘌呤或环孢素。

Implications for research
Specific diagnostic criteria need to be established for the canine UDS. This requires the collaboration of veterinary ophthalmologists, dermatologists and neurologists.The presence or absence of neurological and/or auditory abnormalities in the canine UDS should be investigated further via ancillary test such spinal taps to determine if pleocytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid is present in dogs with this disease. Likewise, diagnostic tests that are more sensitive and can reliably detect tinnitus in dogs should be investigated. The ability to detect prodromal signs (if present) in dogs with the UDS would likely result in a better prognosis because treatment could be started sooner.
UDS需要建立特定的诊断标准。这需要兽医眼科医生、皮肤科医生和神经科医生的共同合作。 犬UDS中是否存在神经和/或听觉异常应通过辅助检查进行进一步研究,例如脊髓穿刺,以确定该病患犬是否存在脑脊液的细胞增多症。同样,应探索更为敏感且可靠的诊断手段已进行犬耳鸣的检测。如果可以识别UDS犬的前驱症状(如果存在)就可以更早开展治疗,也会得到更好的预后结果。

A validated scoring system or index for treatment response would be of value, as it would allow for a standardization of the reporting of treatment outcomes among publications, thus allowing for a better assessment and comparison of treatment efficacy. This, in turn, would facilitate the establishment of guidelines for the treatment and management of the canine UDS. With this, the usage of biologic agents with minimal adverse effects could then be explored as the future treatment for canine UDS.

Autoimmune diseases targeting melanocytes can manifest with a wide range of clinical signs. It remains a mystery as to why “attacks” on the same pigmented cells, the melanocytes, results in just depigmentation of the skin in some dogs or leads to a “catastrophic” effect on the eyes and/or skin in others. Until the exact etiology is known, the treatment of canine vitiligo should take into consideration the efficacy (or lack of ) of a particular therapy and weigh the adverse effects of treatment for this mostly cosmetic disease. On the other hand, the prompt implementation of an aggressive immunosuppression cannot be overemphasized for the treatment of canine UDS to prevent blindness in affected patients.


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