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Update on Allergen Immunotherapy
作者:Ralf S. Mueller, DMV

•Allergen specific •Desensitization •Hyposensitization •Feline •Canine •Intralymphatic
•Allergen immunotherapy is the only specific therapy for a topic dermatitis in dogs and cats.
•Selection of allergens should be based on clinical history of the animal in conjunction with positive reactions on intradermal or serum testing.
•To optimize success, the protocol should be individualized to each patient; when adapting the dose and/or frequency during the treatment, most animals show a good to excellent response.
•Adverse effects include increased pruritus and very rarely anaphylactic reactions.
•Subcutaneous, intralymphatic, and oro-mucosal administration routes have been reported; the subcutaneous route is most frequently used.

Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is the only treatment of atopic dermatitis that is able to change the pathogenic mechanisms of the disease. By injecting relevant allergens, AIT aims at initiating an immune response that leads to activation of regulatory T cells and immunosuppressive cytokines with a subsequent improvement of clinical signs. In the past, the term allergen-specific immuno- therapy was used; but as AIT by definition contains specific allergens, AIT is as accurate and avoids stating the obvious. AIT has been used successfully in several animal species but is most commonly used in dogs. Data in cats are more limited. Initially, AIT was administered subcutaneously; but intra- lymphatic and sublingual or oral immunotherapy protocols have also been described.

For many years, intradermal testing was the gold standard for the identification of offending allergens in animals with atopic dermatitis. Today serum tests for allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) are also used, and the success rate of AIT seems to be the same when allergens are chosen based on skin testing compared with serum testing.1 Interassay and intraassay variability of serum testing has been evaluated in several studies, some of which showed a high reproducibility2; in others the reproducibility was much lower,3 emphasizing the need for independent evaluation of a testing method before it can be recommended. As healthy dogs show numerous positive reactions on both skin and serum tests,4,5 allergens should be chosen not only based on test results but also on clinical history. For example, if in a temperate climate an atopic dog shows severe pruritus all year round yet only has a strong reaction to birch pollen, this would not explain its clinical signs. Similarly, in a dog that exhibits clinical signs only in spring or summer and shows a strong positive reaction to house dust mites, it is unlikely the clinical signs are due to dust mites. Positive skin test or serum test results indicate sensitization against an allergen with subsequent IgE production, not necessarily clinically relevant hypersensitivity. Consequently, skin or serum test results are not suitable to make a diagnosis of environmental allergies in any species because of those false-positive reactions and should only be used with the aim to identify allergens suitable for AIT in animals that are diagnosed with atopic dermatitis based on history, clinical examination, and having ruled out differential diagnoses. Thus, pros and cons of AIT need to be discussed with the owners and AIT chosen as desired therapy before performing those tests. Subsequently, the results of either intradermal testing or testing for allergen-specific IgE should be interpreted in light of the clinical history of that particular patient; the allergens included in the treatment solution should be chosen based on this history.
多年来,皮内试验一直是异位性皮炎动物过敏原识别的金标准。目前也使用血清过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白E (IgE)检测,通过皮肤试验和血清试验选择过敏原后,AIT的成功率似乎是一样的1。几项研究中评估了血清检测批间分析和皮内分析的变化性,其中一些具有高重复性2;其他一些则重复性要低得多3,强调在推荐一种检测方法前,要对其进行独立评估。由于健康犬在皮肤和血清测试中都表现出大量的阳性反应45,所以选择过敏原不仅要根据测试结果,还要根据临床病史。例如,如果在温带气候中,一只异位性皮炎患犬全年都表现出严重的瘙痒,但只对桦树花粉有强烈的反应,这不能解释它的临床症状。同样,如果一只只在春季或夏季表现出临床症状,并且对屋尘螨表现出强烈的阳性反应,那它的临床症状也不太可能是由尘螨引起的。皮肤试验和血清学试验的阳性结果表明对随后产生IgE过敏原的过敏,不一定是与临床相关的过敏症。因此由于这些假阳性反应,皮内试验或血清学检测结果在任何物种上都不适合作为环境过敏的诊断,只能用于已根据病史、临床检查、并排除鉴别诊断确诊了异位性皮炎并适合AIT的动物,旨在识别过敏原。因此,需要与主人讨论AIT的利弊,并在选择AIT作为理想的治疗之前,进行这些检查。随后,应根据该特定患病动物的临床病史解释皮内测试或过敏原特异性IgE检测的结果;治疗方案中包含的过敏原应根据病史选择。

Most available information about the mechanism of action of AIT derives from studies with dogs and parallels what is seen in humans (Box 1). An increase in so-called blocking IgG antibodies was described in dogs undergoing immunotherapy6,7; but an actual binding and, thus, inactivation of offending allergens by those antibodies have not been demonstrated as of yet; it is not known whether production of those allergen-specific antibodies during AIT is correlated to a good clinical response. An increase in FoxP31 regulatory T cells and IL-10 and a decrease in allergen-specific IgE have been associated with successful immunotherapy in one study.8 In cats with experimental asthma that underwent rush immunotherapy (RIT) with CpG oligodeoxynucleotides, the percentage of eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) decreased significantly with immunotherapy; but the number of regulatory T cells in the peripheral blood and the concentration of IL-10 or interferon-gamma in the BALF did not change.9

ž IgG4↑
ž FoxP3+ CD4+ Treg↑
ž IL-10↑
ž IL-4↓
ž IgE↓

Traditionally, allergens in AIT of canine atopic dermatitis (as in other species) are injected subcutaneously during the induction period in gradually increasing volume and concentration over a few weeks to a few months depending on the protocol.10 Thereafter maintenance therapy is administered with the same amount of allergen extract every few weeks to once monthly for a period of several years. However, most dermatologists agree that the amount of allergen and the frequency of injections have to be adjusted to individual patients. If a dog shows increased pruritus directly after the injection, that then subsides again a few days later, the dose should be reduced at the next injection. If the pruritus improves after the injections but then in- creases again some time before the next allergen administration, a shorter interval be- tween injections is advisable. The final response should not be evaluated until 12 months after beginning AIT. Owners need to be made aware before choosing immunotherapy that it may take 1 year until maximal improvement has been achieved.
Patients on immunotherapy may need additional antipruritic medication during the first months of treatment. Essential fatty acids, antihistamines, lokivetmab, and shampoo therapy are unlikely to interfere with tolerance induction. However, the author prefers not to use glucocorticoids, cyclosporine, and oclacitinib as long-term therapy during the first year of AIT but rather as short treatment courses as needed.
Many studies evaluating subcutaneous AIT (SCIT) show an excellent response or a good improvement in approximately two-thirds of the dogs, independent of age, sex, breed, type of allergen, perennial or seasonal clinical signs, and high- or low-dose protocols (Table 1).1 The few studies evaluating RIT, oromucosal immunotherapy (OIT), and intralymphatic immunotherapy (ILIT) reported similar success rates.11–13 However, most studies included a small number of dogs and were case studies1; only a few studies were randomized and double blinded.12,14,15 Thus, the results need to be interpreted with caution; more studies are needed to determine factors optimizing treatment outcomes. In addition, dose-finding studies were performed only, rarely, in dogs; their results have not been conclusive.1,15,16
许多评估皮下AIT (SCIT)的研究显示,大约三分之二的犬治疗反应良好或极好,与年龄、性别、品种、过敏原类型、常年或季节性临床症状、高或低剂量方案无关(1)1。少量研究评估了RIT、口腔黏膜免疫治疗(OIT)和淋巴管内免疫治疗(ILIT)有相似的成功率11-13。然而,大多数研究中包含的犬数量少,并且是个例研究1;只有少数研究是随机和双盲的121415。因此,需要谨慎地解释结果;需要更多的研究来确定最佳治疗结果的因素。此外,仅在犬上进行过少量剂量研究;他们的结果还没有得出结论11516
Keppel et al,8 2008
Mueller & Bettenay,17 1996
Nuttall et al,18 1998
Schnabl et al,16 2006
Scott et al,19 1993
Zur et al,20 2002

With subcutaneous RIT, the induction period of several weeks to months is abbrevi- ated to 1 day and injections are given hourly. Dogs are continuously monitored clinically in a hospital setting. In human medicine, RIT is performed to achieve a more rapid improvement, particularly in patients with venom hypersensitivities, but is associated with a high rate of anaphylactoid reactions. In dogs, RIT is well tolerated and has mainly been associated with increased pruritus; more severe reactions have been extremely rare.12,21 The protocol in dogs includes a recommendation of an antihista- mine administration 1 or 2 hours before the injection of the allergen extract. In a double-blinded study, the maximum improvement in clinical signs was reached after 6.8 months with RIT compared with 9.2 months with classic immunotherapy; however, in this study the difference failed to reach statistical significance.12 RIT with alum- precipitated allergens has been reported with similar safety and success rates as RIT with aqueous allergens.22 RIT has also been reported in 4 cats,23 but this number is too small to make any conclusions about safety; efficacy was not reported in this case series.

Oral immunotherapy has been available in some countries for several years. In humans with sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), small amounts of allergens are administered and kept under the tongue for several minutes without swallowing; in oral immunotherapy, allergens are swallowed after oral administration. In dogs, a small amount of extract is applied between the lips and gums once to twice daily. Consequently, in animals, OIT is probably the better term. Improvement of clinical signs and a decrease in allergen-specific IgE were reported in a small number of dogs with this type of AIT.13 A larger clinical study a few years ago showed a reasonable success rate comparable with that seen with SCIT.24 In addition, dogs improved on OIT that had previously failed to improve on SCIT. Unfortunately, this study is not published. Further scientific studies are needed to evaluate optimal treatment protocols for this treatment option.

In humans, ILIT is associated with a prolonged improvement after 3 monthly injections and was reported to be safer and better tolerated than SCIT.25,26 In dogs, several studies have evaluated ILIT and reported it a safe treatment alternative to SCIT or OIT.11,27,28 A smaller amount of allergen extract (typically 0.1 mL) is injected in the sub- mandibular or popliteal lymph node monthly. Based on published data, prolonged improvement is only seen in a small number of dogs; most patients will need continuous intralymphatic or subcutaneous injections, especially when aqueous aller- gens are used.27 The author has seen some dogs improve on ILIT that previously failed to improve on SCIT. Short- and midterm adverse effects seem to be very rare.11,27,28 Long-term adverse effects of ILIT are not known, and further studies about long-term safety are particularly needed with alum-precipitated extracts.

Atopic dermatitis in cats is not well defined. There is evidence for causal involvement of allergens in cats with noninflammatory alopecia, severe head and neck pruritus, lesions of the eosinophilic granuloma complex, miliary dermatitis, and feline asthma.9,29 In cats with skin disease, few studies are published evaluating AIT; almost all of them evaluated SCIT in a small number of cats.1,29–31 All of those studies showed success rates similar to what is seen in dogs with atopic dermatitis. One study reported successful RIT in 4 cats.23 No studies have been published evaluating ILIT or SLIT in cats. More information is published about the treatment of cats with asthma sensitized to various allergens in a laboratory setting.32 Successful RIT with a decrease in eosinophil numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage has been reported even when the allergen used in the extract was either not the allergen the cats were sensitized to or not the only allergen the cats were sensitized to.33 When bacterial oligodeoxynucleotides were used as an adjuvant to RIT in those cats with experimental asthma, eosinophilic airway inflammation was also significantly alleviated. 9

Increased pruritus after allergen administration is the most common adverse effect seen with subcutaneous immunotherapy.1 In many cases, this can be alleviated by decreasing the volume of allergen extract injected. Other animals may benefit from the administration of an antihistamine 2 hours before allergen injection. In some cases, this may be due to adjuvants; in a double-blinded study 3 of 27 dogs treated with alum-precipitate allergens and 2 of 24 dogs treated with an alum-containing placebo showed generalized pruritus.14 Localized injection reactions may rarely be seen.1 In a small number of patients (<1%), systemic reactions may occur and include anxiety, depression, diarrhea, hyperactivity, sleepiness, urticaria/angioedema, vomiting, weakness, and very rarely collapse and anaphylaxis.1 For milder adverse effects, glucocorticoids or antihistamines may be administered; however, in patients with anaphylaxis, intravenous epinephrine is the treatment of choice.

AIT is a good treatment option for environmental allergy in dogs and cats. It is the only specific therapy and the only treatment reported to change the pathomechanisms of the disease. Subcutaneous immunotherapy combines a satisfactory success rate with a good safety profile. Anaphylactic reactions are rarely seen in animals. In addition to the subcutaneous administration of allergens, more recent routes of administration, such as intralymphatic and OIT, have been described. Pilot studies with different adjuvants, such as bacterial oligodeoxynucleotides,9,34,35 pullulan,36 or mannan,37 have been published; their use may further increase safety and efficacy. The first trials have reported the use of recombinant allergens.38 However, as most of the published studies are case series with often rather small numbers of animals included, more and larger randomized studies of immunotherapy are needed in a clinical setting to provide guidance on the optimal selection of allergens, adjuvants, dosing, success rate, and adverse effects of the various protocols of immunotherapy in dogs and cats.

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