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兽医病理学诊断的挑战:一只犬瘙痒与混合细胞浸润(2023)-【一例 ...










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发表于 2024-2-3 20:14:06 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Diagnostic challenge in veterinary pathology: Pruritus in a dog with a mixed cellular infiltrate



作者:Andhika Putra , Justin Stilwell, Troy Mulder, and Frane Banovic




Clinical History


An 11-year-old, castrated male German Shepherd dog initially presented with a 9-month history of pruritus and multifocal erythematous skin lesions, alopecia, and mild weight loss. Skin lesions waxed and waned without complete resolution and newer lesions developed in other body regions. Erythematous macules and alopecia began on the ventral abdomen and progressed to the chest and dorsum. The patient received 0.27 mg/kg cetirizine (twice daily for 20 days), 22 mg/kg amoxicillin/clavulanic acid twice daily for 20 days, 0.5 mg/kg oclacitinib (once daily for 30 days), and 6 mg/kg ketoconazole (once daily for 21 days), in the prior 5 months without significant improvement. There had been no changes in the dog’s appetite or water intake. A complete blood cell count and a serum biochemistry profile performed 3 months prior to referral revealed no abnormalities and thyroid hormone T4 was within the normal reference range.

一只11岁已去势雄性德国牧羊犬,最初因瘙痒、多灶性发红、脱毛和轻度体重下降9个月就诊。皮肤病变时好时坏,未完全消退,身体其他部位出现新的皮肤病变。腹部开始出现发红和脱毛,并逐渐进展至胸部和背部。患犬在之前5个月内接受了0.27 mg/kg西替利嗪(每日2次,治疗20日)、22 mg/kg阿莫西林/克拉维酸(每日2次,治疗20日)、0.5 mg/kg奥拉替尼(每日1次,治疗30日)和6 mg/kg酮康唑(每日1次,治疗21日)治疗,但无显著改善。患犬的食欲和饮水量没有变化。转诊前3个月进行的全血细胞计数和血清生化检查未见异常,甲状腺激素T4在正常参考值范围内。


Gross Findings


The dog was bright, alert, and responsive on physical examination, with abnormalities limited to the integument. Dermatologic examination revealed multifocal to coalescing erythematous macules and patches, and plaques with scale, crust, and erosions to ulcers distributed along the neck, cranio-ventral and lateral thorax, abdomen, lower extremities, footpads, and preputial region (Fig. 1).



Differential Diagnosis


A neoplastic process such as cutaneous lymphoma was the primary differential diagnosis due to the history, age of onset, and clinical presentation. Generalized superficial pyoderma in conjunction with atopic dermatitis and pemphigus foliaceus were considered differential diagnoses. Both superficial pyoderma and pemphigus foliaceus skin lesions can be pruritic and show signs of erythema and crusting. Reactive histiocytosis was considered less likely as a differential diagnosis due to the lack of nodules.



Laboratory Findings


Skin cytology using Diff Quick stain revealed an accumulation of neutrophils and few corneocytes. There were no observed acantholytic keratinocytes or microorganisms. Four, 8-mm punch biopsies were obtained from the inguinal, neck, and cranio-ventral and lateral thoracic skin lesions; fixed in formalin; and processed for histological examination. Limited clinical history was received with biopsy submission.

皮肤细胞学使用Diff Quick染色显示中性粒细胞和少数角质形成细胞的聚积。未观察到棘层松解性角质形成细胞或微生物。对腹股沟、颈部、颅腹侧和胸侧皮肤病变进行8 mm打孔采样,共四块;用福尔马林固定;并进行组织学检查。有限的临床病史和活检提交。


Microscopic Findings


Microscopic findings included multifocal, poorly delineated, infiltrates of a mixed population of neutrophils, small mature lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes, eosinophils, and mast cells. Inflammation and edema expanded the superficial dermis and loosely surrounded adnexa superficially but did not extend into the subcutis (Fig. 2a). Depending on the section, the epidermis exhibited multifocal erosion, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, serocellular crusts, multifocal subcorneal pustules, and moderate hyperplasia (Fig. 2b, c). Apocrine glands were mildly ectatic (Fig. 2a, d). Special stains (Gram, Ziehl-Neelsen, Periodic-Acid-Schiff-Hematoxylin) did not reveal the presence of infectious agents.



An initial diagnosis of mixed, multifocal, superficial dermatitis was made based on the presence of a loosely organized, mixed inflammatory infiltrate multifocally present within the dermis. The primary differential diagnoses were allergic dermatitis with potential secondary bacterial infection, pemphigus foliaceus with secondary infection, though no acantholytic cells were identified, or another immune mediated process such as reactive histiocytosis, with an atypical histopathologic presentation.



Further Investigation and Diagnosis


Additional clinical history was discussed between the clinician and the pathologist after apparent discordance between clinical suspicion of a neoplastic process and histopathologic findings of mixed inflammation. Re-evaluation identified atypical, intermediate to large round cells initially interpreted as histiocytes scattered throughout the dermis and surrounding, but not infiltrating, adnexa (Fig. 2d). These round cells, amongst the dermal rarely infiltrated the overlying epidermis. The cells had distinct borders with low to moderate amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm; round to ovoid, central nuclei with open chromatin; and 1 or 2 prominent nucleoli (Fig. 2e). Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were mild to moderate with an occasionally high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and rare binucleated to multinucleated cells. The mitotic count for the atypical round cells was 4 per 2.37 mm2 with occasional bizarre mitoses. On immunohistochemistry, the atypical round cells exhibited weak to strong, membranous to cytoplasmic immunoreactivity to CD3 (Fig. 2f). The round cells were separated by mixed inflammatory populations, as previously described. Fewer, small mature lymphocytes within the neoplastic population exhibited strong, membranous immunoreactivity to CD20 and CD79.

在临床怀疑肿瘤过程和组织病理学发现混合性炎症之间明显不一致之后,临床医师和病理学家讨论了其他临床病史。重新评估发现了非典型的中间到大圆形细胞,最初解释为组织细胞散在分布于真皮层和周围,但没有浸润附件(图2d)。这些位于真皮之间的圆细胞很少浸润到上面的表皮。细胞边界清楚,胞质低至中等量嗜酸性;圆形到卵圆形,具有开放染色质的中央核;和1个或2个明显的核仁(图2e)。细胞不等和核不等轻至中度,偶见高核质比,罕见双核和多核细胞。不典型圆形细胞的有丝分裂象为4个/ 2.37 mm2,偶有奇怪的有丝分裂象。在免疫组织化学上,不典型圆形细胞对CD3表现出弱到强、细胞膜到细胞质的免疫反应性(图2f)。如前所述,利用混合炎症细胞群分离圆形细胞。少数成熟的小淋巴细胞对CD20和CD79有较强的细胞膜免疫反应性。


These findings indicated that both inflammatory and neoplastic processes might be involved. Therefore, a polymerase chain reaction for antigen receptor rearrangement (PARR) test1, (Veterinary Diagnostics, Davis, CA, USA) was pursued on paraffin-embedded sections to confirm the disease process and diagnosis. This test was performed in triplicate using primer sequences to canine T-cell receptor gamma TRG(A), TRG(B), and TRG(C) and analyzed using electrophoresis as previously reported.Sharp clonal spikes were identified in duplicate analysis for TRG(A), with no clonal spikes seen for TRG(B) or TRG(C).

这些结果表明炎症和肿瘤过程可能都参与其中。因此,我们在石蜡包埋切片上进行了抗原受体重排(PARR)聚合酶链反应检测,以确定疾病过程和诊断。该试验使用犬T细胞受体γ TRG(A), TRG(B)和TRG(C)的引物序列进行3个重复,并使用电泳分析。TRG(A)重复分析发现明显的克隆棘,TRG(B)和TRG(C)未发现克隆棘。




The heavily inflamed, mixed cellular infiltrate and significantly limited clinical history provided with the biopsy submission lead to an initial diagnosis of an inflammatory process. Communication of additional clinical history and suspicion of a neoplastic process between the clinicians and pathologists was necessary to reach the final diagnosis of canine inflamed, nonepitheliotrophic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (NE-CTCL). The diagnosis of inflamed NE-CTCL was supported by a combination of clinically distinctive, progressive, erythematous skin lesions in an aged dog, histopathologic findings of atypical CD3+ neoplastic round cells within a mixed inflammatory cell population, and a clonal PARR test revealing a sharp spike indicating monoclonal cell population.



Pruritus was a unique feature of the clinical presentation not previously associated with cases of inflamed NE-CTCL. Pruritus potentially augmented inflammation due to selftrauma. Pruritus is nonspecific and is commonly associated with allergic or immune-mediate dermatitis, which were suspected from initial interpretation of microscopic findings. Therefore, this case illustrates how skin lesions of inflamed NE-CTCL can be accompanied by pruritus and mimic other inflammatory dermatoses.



The neoplastic cells were initially considered histiocytes within a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate. The overall pattern of chronic, superficial pustular dermatitis was suggestive of allergic or immune-mediated dermatitis (pemphigus foliaceus) with secondary pyoderma or chronic surface trauma obscuring the primary process. Although amastigotes were not identified microscopically, the superficial distribution and heterogeneous inflammation were consistent with cutaneous leishmaniasis. These differentials were ruled out based on a lack of various key gross and microscopic findings and identification of the atypical round cells as CD3+, intermediate to large lymphocytes.



Histologically, typical cases of inflamed NE-CTCL are characterized by a homogenous dermal infiltrate of large, atypical and variably CD3+ lymphocyte population. However, the diagnosis of NE-CTCL can be challenging when a heterogeneous cell population is present, which most commonly involves histiocytes, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. In this case, additional inflammatory cells including large numbers of neutrophils, mast cells, and plasma cells, were present and obscured the neoplastic population. Histological differentiation between reactive histiocytosis and inflamed NE-CTCL can be challenging as both canine-reactive histiocytosis and inflamed NE-CTCL are characterized by heterogeneous inflammatory populations.5 Inflammatory and neoplastic conditions may contain low numbers of mitotic figures, though the presence of bizarre mitoses could indicate a neoplastic process. Using an immunohistochemical panel to differentiate histiocytes from poorly differentiated, intermediate to large lymphocytes and clonality testing may improve chances for detecting the neoplastic population in these cases.



Lymphocyte clonality assessment using PARR testing has been utilized to discern inflammation and inflamed NE-CTCL. Polymerase chain reaction for antigen receptor rearrangement testing detects clonal expansion of lymphocytes and is a highly sensitive and specific diagnostic tool for canine lymphoma, with around 90% sensitivity and specificity for most T-cell lymphomas. However, lymphocyte clonal proliferation in histopathological skin samples is not an exclusive hallmark of neoplasia and can be observed with other lymphocytic inflammatory skin diseases. Therefore, PARR testing as a single tool is not a standalone diagnostic test to diagnose malignancy, despite its high sensitivity and specificity, and PARR results should always be interpreted in the context of the clinical, histopathological, and immunophenotypic findings.



The prognosis for inflamed NE-CTCL is generally guarded to poor, with survival time ranging from 1 to 36 months after diagnosis. Dogs with NE-CTCL have longer overall survival times than dogs with epitheliotropic CTCL. At the time of this writing and 4 months after diagnosis, the owners of this dog elected not to pursue any therapy as the dog remained systemically healthy. However, the skin lesions are still present and new skin lesions are still developing.



Inflamed NE-CTCL represents a diagnostic challenge due to its histopathologic resemblance to inflammatory processes. Providing an adequate clinical history with descriptions and distributions of lesions, and suspected differential diagnoses with the biopsy submission is essential to making an accurate diagnosis. Even so, multiple methodologies may be required for diagnostic confirmation of inflamed NE-CTCL, including immunohistochemistry and PARR testing.




Figure 1. Erythematous macules and patches, and plaques with erosion, crust, and alopecia, cervical and thoracic skin, German Shepherd dog: (a) multifocal to coalescing erythematous macules and patches, and plaques with scaling, crusting, and ulcerations distributed along the neck and (b) higher magnification of similar lesions along the lateral thorax.




Figure 2. Inflamed, nonepitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma, skin, dog: (a) superficial infiltrates (arrows) expanding the dermis and apocrine gland ectasia (Hematoxylin and eosin [HE]). (b) Subcorneal pustules within the epidermis (arrow) and dermal expansion by edema, neoplastic round cells, and inflammation (HE). (c) Neoplastic round cells and mixed inflammation expand the dermis (HE). (d) Low numbers of inflammatory and neoplastic round cells surround, but do not invade, adnexal structures (HE). (e) Atypical round cells with mixed inflammation and occasional mitotic figures (arrows) (HE). (f) Membranous and cytoplasmic round cell immunolabeling of CD3.

图2。炎性非趋上皮性T细胞淋巴瘤,皮肤,犬:(a)真皮扩张的浅表浸润(箭头)和顶浆汗腺扩张(苏木精-伊红[HE]染色)。(b)表皮层角质层下脓疱(箭头)和由水肿、肿瘤性圆细胞和炎症引起的真皮扩张(HE)。(c)肿瘤性圆细胞和混合炎症使真皮层扩张(HE)。(d)附件结构(HE)周围有少量炎性和肿瘤性圆细胞,但不侵袭。(e)非典型圆形细胞混合炎症,偶见有丝分裂象(箭头)(HE)。(f) CD3免疫标记圆细胞膜和胞质。





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