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5只猫注射夫卢维单抗(止疼单抗)后的皮肤病变和临床结果 ...










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发表于 2024-1-5 20:55:07 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Cutaneous lesions and clinical outcomes in five cats after frunevetmab injections


Anjie Storrer , John T Mackie , Marcus N Gunew and Jeylan Aslan






Case series summary  This case series describes five cats with cutaneous adverse events after subcutaneous administration of frunevetmab, a felinised anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, including histopathological findings in one case. All cats displayed moderate to severe pruritus resulting in self-trauma to the neck and/or head, causing lesions ranging from superficial dermatitis to alopecia and ulcerations. There were no reactions at the injection sites. In one cat, clinical signs developed after the second frunevetmab dose the cat received, with no reaction noted after the first dose. For the remaining cats, clinical signs were observed after their first dose of frunevetmab. The onset of the first episode of pruritus and self-trauma was 3–18 days after the most recent frunevetmab injection. Three cats had one or more additional frunevetmab injections after the original adverse event and all had subsequent reactions. Subsequent reactions were either similar in time frame or occurred more rapidly, with similar or more severe pruritus compared with the original reactions. Treatments and outcomes varied between cases.

病例系列研究 描述了5只猫在皮下注射夫卢维单抗(一种猫的抗神经生长因子单克隆抗体)后出现皮肤不良事件,包括其中一例的组织病理学发现。所有猫都表现出中度至重度瘙痒,导致颈部和(或)头部自损,引起从浅表性皮肤病到脱毛和溃疡的皮肤病变。注射部位无反应。一只猫在接受第二次夫卢维单抗注射后出现了临床症状,在第一次注射后未观察到反应。对于剩余的猫,我们在它们注射第一次夫卢维单抗后有临床症状表现。首次瘙痒和自损发生在最近一次夫卢维单抗注射后3-18日。3只猫在最初的不良事件后注射1次或多次夫卢维单抗再注射,所有猫都有后续反应。与初始反应相比,后续反应要么在时间范围上相似,要么发生得更快,瘙痒程度相似或更严重。不同病例的治疗和结果不同。

Relevance and novel information  Frunevetmab is a novel, monthly injectable monoclonal antibody for the management of pain associated with osteoarthritis in cats. This is the first published report detailing the nature of cutaneous adverse events associated with this treatment, and the first report of the histopathological findings.

相关性和新信息 夫卢维单抗是一种新的、可每月注射的单克隆抗体,用于治疗猫骨关节炎相关疼痛。这是首次发表的报告,详细介绍了与这种治疗相关的皮肤不良事件的性质,以及组织病理学结果的第一份报告。


Keywords: Adverse event; frunevetmab; Solensia; dermatology; skin; idiopathic ulcerative dermatitis





Degenerative joint disease (DJD) is highly prevalent in senior cats, with one study reporting radiographic evidence of DJD in 90% of cats aged over 12 years. While chronic pain can be difficult to assess in cats, prospective studies have demonstrated improvements in mobility with analgesia. Most pharmacological analgesics require daily or multiple-times-per-day oral administration, which can be challenging for both cats and their owners, and has the potential for injury to the owner. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have traditionally been considered the mainstay for the management of chronic pain owing to osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs and cats. However, as OA and chronic kidney disease (CKD) can occur concurrently in up to 70% of feline cases, there is often a reluctance to prescribe longterm NSAIDs in older cats. While a recent review has indicated that this reluctance may not be fully justified, alternative medications may be sought due to the concern about renal toxicity.



A recent advance in the management of chronic pain in cats has been the development of a felinised anti-nerve growth factor (NGF) monoclonal antibody (mAb), frunevetmab (Solensia; Zoetis). NGF is a cytokine expressed at sites of inflammation, such as joints affected by DJD, and has been recognised as a major contributor to the generation, propagation and sensation of pain. NGF is also involved in nociceptor sensitisation, potentially resulting in hyperalgesia and/or allodynia. Frunevetmab blocks the activity of feline NGF and has been shown to be effective in reducing pain in cats diagnosed with DJD. Frunevetmab is the only anti-NGF mAb approved for use in cats in the USA and has recently been recommended as a first-tier medication for the treatment of OA pain in cats.

治疗猫慢性疼痛的最新进展是一种经猫的抗神经生长因子(NGF)单克隆抗体(mAb) 夫卢维单抗(索伦西亚)。NGF是一种细胞因子,在炎症部位表达,如DJD影响的关节,并被认为是疼痛产生、传播和感觉的主要贡献者。NGF也参与伤害感受器敏化,可能导致痛觉过敏和/或痛觉超敏。夫卢维单抗阻断猫NGF的活性,已被证明可有效减轻被诊断为DJD患猫的疼痛。夫卢维单抗是美国唯一批准用于猫的抗NGF的mAb,最近被推荐作为治疗猫OA疼痛的一线药物。


There is limited literature regarding the adverse events of frunevetmab administration. In two studies assessing efficacy, cutaneous adverse events were reported with significantly greater frequency in cats receiving frunevetmab vs placebo, and these findings are presented in the manufacturer’s prescribing information. In one study, 32/182 (18%) cats receiving frunevetmab developed skinrelated adverse events compared with 8/93 (9%) cats receiving placebo. Of the cats receiving frunevetmab, 11/182 (6%) had dermatitis and eczema, 10/182 (5.5%) had alopecia and 7/182 (3.8%) had pruritus, although it is unclear whether the cats had these conditions simultaneously and lesion distribution was not described. In another study, 16/85 (19%) cats receiving frunevetmab developed dermatitis/eczema, 4/85 (5%) had alopecia (distribution not stated) and pruritus was not reported. Again, it is unclear whether pruritus, alopecia and dermatitis occurred simultaneously. This latter study concluded that the adverse events were likely related to wearing an activity-monitoring collar. However, only 1/41 (2%) cats receiving placebo (also wearing collars) developed dermatitis/eczema and none had alopecia.



The current case series describes cutaneous adverse events after the administration of frunevetmab in one cat, including histopathological findings. It also describes four additional cats with cutaneous adverse events after the administration of frunevetmab, including the temporal course, distribution, severity, treatments and outcome.



Case series description


The principal case in this report (case 1), a 6.0 kg, 14-yearold, female spayed domestic shorthair, received a frunevetmab injection (7 mg) subcutaneously between the shoulder blades in September 2022 in Queensland, Australia. It was an indoor-only cat without access to other cats. Four weeks previously, the cat had received its first dose of frunevetmab, with no adverse reaction observed. The cat had no history of pruritic skin disease, although it had experienced a mild, transient, localised reaction to transdermal methimazole over 1 year before receiving frunevetmab. Nine days after the second frunevetmab injection, an area of ulceration was noted on the right ventrolateral neck. There was no reaction at the injection site. Concurrently, the cat was noted to be moderately pruritic, using its hindlimbs to scratch its neck and the right side of its face. Twelve days after the second frunevetmab injection (40 days after the cat’s first dose), the cat presented for investigation of the neck lesion. At this time, the neck lesion appeared ulcerated and moist with suspected secondary bacterial infection. No ectoparasites were macroscopically identified. Cytology from the right ear revealed cocci and occasional Malassezia organisms. Over the next 11 weeks after presentation, the cat was treated with multiple different medications, including multiple doses of long-acting parenteral antibiotics, oral and parenteral corticosteroids, topical antiseptic application and Elizabethan collars (Table 1). The pruritus and the severity of the lesion (area affected and extent of ulceration) appeared to wax and wane, with some temporary, moderate improvement in pruritus noted after the administration of corticosteroids. However, the lesion did not resolve, and the cat continued to periodically traumatise its right ventrolateral neck, causing the lesion to enlarge and worsen in appearance (Figure 1). Thirteen weeks after the second frunevetmab injection, a surface swab for bacterial culture and an incisional biopsy for histopathology were performed. Bacterial culture yielded a moderate growth of Staphylococcus felis (susceptible to all antimicrobials tested) and a light growth of the environmental organism Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (antimicrobial susceptibility testing was not performed).

本文的主要病例(病例1)是一只体重6.0 kg、14岁、已绝育雌性家养短毛猫,于2022年9月在澳大利亚昆士兰州肩胛骨之间注射夫卢维单抗皮下注射(7 mg)。猫只在室内活动,不能接触其他猫。4周前,这只猫注射第一次夫卢维单抗,未观察到不良反应。这只猫没有瘙痒性皮肤病的病史,但在接受夫卢维单抗治疗前1年多,它对透皮甲巯咪唑有过轻度、短暂、局部反应。第2次注射夫卢维单抗后9日,在右侧腹外侧颈部观察到溃疡区域。注射部位无反应。同时,观察到猫有中度瘙痒,用后肢搔抓颈部和右侧面部。第二次注射夫卢维单抗后12天(猫第一次注射后40天),猫来检查颈部病变。此时颈部病变出现溃疡,潮湿,疑似继发细菌感染。肉眼未见体外寄生虫。右耳细胞学检查显示球菌,偶见马拉色菌。在就诊后的11周内,我们对这只猫进行了多种不同的药物治疗,包括多剂量的长效肠外抗生素、口服和肠外糖皮质激素、外用抗菌药和伊丽莎白项圈(表1)。瘙痒和病变的严重程度(患病面积和溃疡程度)似乎有增有减,使用糖皮质激素后,瘙痒有一些暂时的中度改善。然而,病变未消退,猫右颈部腹外侧继续有周期性病变,导致病变增大,外观恶化(图1)。在第二次注射夫卢维单抗后13周,我们进行了表面拭子细菌培养和切开活检,以进行组织病理学检查。细菌培养显示猫葡萄球菌中度生长(对检测的所有抗菌药物敏感),而环境微生物嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌轻度生长(未进行抗菌药物敏感试验)。


Histopathology revealed epidermal ulceration overlain by a serocellular crust (Figure 2). Necrosis extended to the superficial dermis. Beneath the ulceration, the superficial dermis contained a relatively mild perivascular inflammatory infiltrate consisting of mainly neutrophils with low numbers of mononuclear cells and mast cells. There was minimal extension of inflammation into hair follicles at the junction of ulcerated and intact epidermis, and in one follicle, luminal keratin contained coccoid bacteria. Additional changes included minor superficial dermal fibroplasia. Deeper levels in the tissue block revealed a subcorneal pustule at the junction of ulcerated and intact epidermis. A periodic acid-schiff (PAS) stain did not reveal fungi.



After the incisional biopsy, further medications were trialled, including oral antibiotics and multiple doses of parenteral corticosteroids (Table 1). Again, pruritus improved only temporarily after corticosteroid doses and the skin lesion did not resolve. A total of 18.5 weeks after the second frunevetmab injection, owing to a lack of response to medical treatment, the neck lesion was surgically resected. Histopathology of the excised specimen revealed epidermal ulceration, superficial bacterial infection (cocci consistent with Staphylococcus species) and superficial dermal fibrosis and fibrovascular hyperplasia accompanied by relatively mild inflammation (Figures 3 and 4). Additional changes included patchy subcorneal pustules, and atrophy and loss of hair follicles. After excision of the lesion, the pruritus improved dramatically and the skin healed completely. The cat continued to demonstrate occasional, very mild pruritus, which was managed with subcutaneous dexamethasone injections for the first 2 months postoperatively. While the pruritus occurred spontaneously, the owner also described pruritus/muscle twitching being triggered by touch around the cat’s face/neck. At the time of submission of this manuscript (6 months after the excisional biopsy), no further skin lesions have developed. Furthermore, pruritus has now completely resolved and the cat has not required any medications for the past 4 months.



Additional cases of cutaneous adverse reactions to frunevetmab were identified by searching for reports on Veterinary Information Network message boards and via online veterinary dermatology forums. Three veterinarians contributed four additional cases (cases 2–5), with a total of nine adverse events documented between August 2022 and January 2023. The contributing veterinarians provided information via a questionnaire regarding signalment, clinical signs, cutaneous lesions, previous dermatological disease, treatments and outcome (Table 2). Two cats had three adverse reactions each, one cat had two reactions and one cat had one reaction. None of these additional cases had received a dose of frunevetmab without experiencing a cutaneous reaction. A previous history of skin disease was reported in case 3 (transient facial pruritus after administration of a behavioural supplement containing l-theanine, magnolia/phellodendron and whey protein concentrate) and case 5 (seasonal pruritus).



For these additional cases (cases 2–5), the cats were aged 8.5–14 years. Frunevetmab (7 mg) was administered subcutaneously, either between the shoulder blades or over the hip region for the management of OA pain. The adverse reactions began 3–18 days after the cats’ first frunevetmab injections. Clinical signs in all cases consisted of mild to severe pruritus of the neck and/or head, distant from the site of injection. Signs of self-trauma, including excoriation with crusting, occurred in all cases. Of the four cats, three (cases 2, 4 and 5) also developed alopecia in the regions of pruritus. Cases 2, 3 and 4 received subsequent doses of frunevetmab, which elicited further cutaneous reactions with similar or more severe pruritus occurring in the same time frame or more rapidly compared with prior reactions. Treatments varied among cases (Table 2). In the principal case (case 1), although corticosteroids were found to improve pruritus, surgical resection was the only treatment that resolved the skin lesion. In case 2, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, oral antihistamine and topical hydrocortisone did not appear to improve the clinical signs. After the third episode, pruritus resolved after oral prednisolone at a dose of 1 mg/kg q24h. In this case, prednisolone was continued in the long term at 1 mg/kg every second day as it improved the cat’s mobility. In case 3, severe pruritus after the second frunevetmab injection improved rapidly after the administration of oclacitinib (Apoquel; Zoetis) for 10 days. Specifically, pruritus resolved in less than 24 h, which compared favourably with the 26 days for resolution of pruritus after the cat’s first adverse reaction was treated with topical fatty acids and ceramide. After 10 days of treatment with oclacitinib, the medication was discontinued for 3 days before starting again due to the relapse of pruritus. Four days later, it was possible to discontinue the medication without any further pruritus. Case 4 did not receive any specific treatment and clinical signs resolved 4 weeks after the third adverse reaction. In case 5, prednisolone administered at 2.5 mg every third day for three doses did not improve pruritus. Nail trimming was believed to limit the damage caused by scratching, resulting in clinical resolution. In cases 2–5, resolution of clinical signs occurred within 2–6 weeks after the final dose of frunevetmab.

其他的病例(病例2-5)的猫年龄为8.5-14岁。肩胛骨之间或臀部上方皮下注射夫卢维单抗 (7 mg),用于治疗OA疼痛。猫首次注射夫卢维单抗后3-18 d开始出现不良反应。所有病例的临床症状均为远离注射部位的颈部和(或)头部轻度至重度瘙痒。所有病例均有自损性症状,包括抓痕和结痂。4只猫中,3只(病例2、4和5)也在瘙痒部位出现脱毛。病例2、3和4再次注射夫卢维单抗,引起了进一步的皮肤反应,瘙痒程度相似或更严重,与之前的反应发生的时间相同或更快。治疗方法因病例而异(表2)。在主要病例(病例1)中,虽然发现皮质类固醇可改善瘙痒,但手术切除是解决皮肤病变的唯一治疗方法。例2给予阿莫西林/克拉维酸、口服抗组胺药及外用氢化可的松治疗后,临床症状未见明显改善。第3次发作后,瘙痒在口服泼尼松龙(1 mg/kg,每24小时1次)后缓解。在这个病例中,由于泼尼松龙改善了猫的活动能力,因此以每次注射第二天1 mg/kg的剂量长期持续用药。病例3第2次注射夫卢维单抗后的重度瘙痒在使用奥拉替尼10天后得到改善。具体来说,瘙痒在24小时内消退,这与外用脂肪酸和神经酰胺治疗猫的第一次不良反应后的26天瘙痒消退相比,具有优势。奥拉替尼治疗10 天后,因瘙痒复发,停药3 d后再次开始用药。4天后可停药,无进一步瘙痒。病例4未做特殊处理,发生第3次不良反应后4周临床症状消失。在病例5中,每3日给药1次,每次2.5 mg,共给药3次的泼尼松龙未能改善瘙痒。修剪指甲被认为可以限制抓痕造成的损伤,从而达到临床缓解。在病例2-5中,临床症状在最后一剂夫卢维单抗给药后2-6周内消退。




This case series describes cutaneous adverse events in five cats after the administration of frunevetmab, including the histopathological findings in one cat. Pruritus/ self-trauma was a consistent feature, and it is suspected that skin lesions or alopecia were a consequence of selftrauma in all cases. Histopathology in case 1 demonstrated ulceration with superficial dermal fibrosis and neutrophilic inflammation. These findings could also be caused entirely by self-trauma with secondary superficial bacterial infection. There was no eosinophilic inflammation to specifically indicate a hypersensitivity reaction. The histological lesion had similarities to feline idiopathic ulcerative dermatitis (FIUD), a poorly understood condition associated with self-trauma. FIUD is characterised by a demarcated, crusted, non-healing ulcer that occurs most commonly on the dorsal neck or between the scapulae. Lesions have also been reported on the lateral neck and temporal areas. While some cases of FIUD have been shown to respond to glucocorticoids, topiramate, oclacitinib, surgical resection, bandaging/prevention of self-trauma or environmental enrichment, some authors regard the prognosis as guarded, as lesions may be refractory to medical treatment or may recur despite surgical resection. In the present case series, a range of responses was noted, from spontaneous resolution in case 4, to the principal case (case 1) in which the skin lesion was refractory to medical treatment and required surgical resection.



In FIUD, it has been speculated that cats self-traumatise due to hyperstimulation of nerve endings (neuropathic itch syndrome). It is believed that the face, interscapular and neck regions are predisposed to neuropathic itch, as they contain dense aggregates of sensory nerves and are also easily accessible for cats to scratch.As NGF acts on sensory afferent nerves, it is conceivable that some cats receiving frunevetmab could develop altered nerve sensation, leading them to self-traumatise. This would explain why the lesion distribution and histopathology are similar to FIUD. The human literature reports cases of paraesthesia, hyperaesthesia and a burning sensation in 5–10% of patients receiving anti-NGF mAbs. In these studies, most of the sensory abnormalities resolved within 1 month, although reports of persistent symptoms lasting up to 5 months have also been documented. The relatively transient nature of these symptoms has been speculated to be due to a temporary change in the sensitivity, or ‘tone’, of afferent nerve fibre populations. A temporary change in sensitivity could also explain why the clinical signs resolved without treatment in one case in the present report (case 4).



The pruritus exhibited by one cat (case 3) after its second reaction to frunevetmab resolved rapidly (within 12 h) after off-label treatment with oclacitinib, compared with its previous (first) reaction when only topical treatments were used. Oclacitinib is a Janus kinase inhibitor, which blocks JAK1-dependent cytokines involved in inflammation and pruritus. This medication is used in the treatment of canine atopic dermatitis and has experimentally been shown to reduce pruritus in 63% of cats if administered 1 h before an injection of IL-31, a pruritogenic cytokine. Oclacitinib has also been reported to be successful in the treatment of one case of refractory FIUD.



In the present case series, other treatments considered by veterinarians to improve the clinical course were surgical resection (1 case), subcutaneous dexamethasone (1 case), oral prednisolone (2 cases) and trimming the nails on the hindfeet to prevent further self-trauma (1 case). In case 1, other medical treatments were not trialled as the cat was not amenable to oral medications. Surgery resolved the lesion, although ongoing, very mild episodic pruritus continued for a further 2 months. Ongoing self-trauma and/or lesion recurrence has previously been documented in cases of FIUD treated with surgical resection.



Topiramate, an anticonvulsant medication, was administered in a reported case of refractory FIUD, leading to improvement within 2 weeks and resulting in longterm remission. While it is difficult to draw conclusions on potential therapeutic options in cats, treatments that are effective for FIUD may also prove effective for cutaneous reactions secondary to frunevetmab. Gabapentin or topiramate could be considered due to their inhibitory effects on neuronal excitability.Whether these medications could be administered concurrently with frunevetmab to reduce the severity of a cutaneous reaction in cats that have experienced prior episodes warrants further investigation.



As previously mentioned, an early study of the efficacy and safety of frunevetmab suggested that activitymonitoring collars were the cause of observed skin disorders, including dermatitis/eczema and alopecia. This assumption is also repeated in the manufacturer’s prescribing information. However, a significantly greater number of cats receiving frunevetmab were affected compared with those receiving placebo, despite all cats wearing the collars. In addition, none of the cats in the present case series had collars in place at the time of their frunevetmab administration or their subsequent cutaneous reactions. These findings suggest that the administration of frunevetmab results in an abnormal sensation around the neck, which collars may or may not exacerbate.



In the present case series, of the cats that received multiple frunevetmab injections, cutaneous adverse reactions were often evident more rapidly at subsequent injections. This could indicate a sensitisation component or a cumulative pharmacological effect. To determine whether this is a true pattern, larger, prospective studies are required.



It should be noted that all four of the veterinarians who contributed cases to this series continue to recommend frunevetmab for cats diagnosed with reduced mobility due to OA. They do, however, warn owners of possible cutaneous adverse events. For cats with a single episode of pruritus and traumatic skin lesions after frunevetmab, owners should be warned that subsequent injections may lead to repeat cutaneous reactions. For each cat, the risk of recurrent adverse events must be weighed against the clinical benefits of the drug.





This case series further characterises cutaneous adverse events that may occur after the administration of frunevetmab. We postulate that the mechanism is primarily hyperaesthesia/paraesthesia with neuropathic itch resulting in self-trauma, causing alopecia, ulceration and possible secondary bacterial infection. There is clinical and histological similarity to FIUD, as the lesions in these cases and FIUD appear to be fundamentally self-traumatic in nature. Larger studies including further histopathological evaluation are required to better understand the pathogenesis, guide treatment and anticipate the outcome.










Figure 1 Case 1: 16 weeks after the second frunevetmab injection (3 weeks after the incisional biopsy). There is a demarcated area of ulceration on the right ventrolateral neck




Figure 2 Case 1: incisional biopsy of skin 13 weeks after the second frunevetmab injection. There is epidermal ulceration that is overlain by a serocellular crust. Necrosis extends to the superficial dermis. Beneath the ulceration, the superficial dermis contains a relatively mild perivascular inflammatory infiltrate, consisting of mainly neutrophils. There is an abrupt transition to intact, hyperplastic epidermis. Haematoxylin and eosin, ×4




Figure 3 ×4 Case 1: excisional biopsy of skin 18.5 weeks after the second frunevetmab injection. There is a demarcated epidermal ulcer, the edge of which is overlain by a serocellular crust. Necrosis extends to the superficial dermis. Beneath the ulceration, the superficial dermis exhibits fibrosis and fibrovascular hyperplasia accompanied by relatively mild inflammation. Haematoxylin and eosin, ×4

图3 ×4病例1:第二次注射夫卢维单抗后18.5周皮肤切除活检。有边界的表皮溃疡,边缘覆盖有血清性结痂。坏死延伸至真皮表层。溃疡下方,真皮表层呈现纤维化和纤维血管增生,并伴有相对轻微的炎症。HE染色,×4



Figure 4 ×20 Case 1: excisional biopsy of skin 18.5 weeks after the second frunevetmab injection. The ulcerated area is overlain by a serocellular crust. Necrosis extends to the superficial dermis. Within the crust and necrotic debris, there are numerous clusters of coccoid bacteria. Haematoxylin and eosin, ×20

图4 ×20病例1:第二次注射夫卢维单抗后18.5周皮肤切除活检。溃疡区被血清性结痂覆盖。坏死延伸至真皮表层。在结痂和坏死的碎屑中,有大量的球菌。HE染色,×20




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