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耳部外部治疗-目前治疗选择、适应症和局限性(2016) ...










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Topical ear treatment – options, indications and limitations of current therapy





Topical otic products form an integral part of the overall management of otitis externa. With an ever increasing array of ear drops and cleaners to choose from, appropriate selection of therapy can be difficult. The investigation of all cases of otitis externa should consider primary and secondary causes and predisposing and perpetuating factors. This article considers topical therapy under these same broad headings and discusses, through literature review, the various properties of the components of the ear cleaning solutions and drops.





Whilst the management of otitis externa (OE) and otitis media (OM) involves more than just topical therapy, there is no doubt that unless appropriate topical ear cleaners and prescription ear drops are selected, ear disease will not resolve. Griffin has proposed a new classification of OE that divides the aetiology of the disease into primary and secondary causes (Tables 1 and 2 ) which are respectively diseases or infections that directly cause inflammation in the ear, and perpetuating or predisposing factors (Tables 3 and 4 ) which are agents or elements that contribute to ear disease . Based on this classification, the key steps in successful therapy of otitis are to diagnose and manage primary skin diseases affecting the ear, identify and treat secondary infections and then recognise any perpetuating or predisposing factors and manage them to prevent recurrence of disease. Rather than list and discuss all of the different available topical otic products this review will consider how topical therapy can best be used to manage each of these components of ear disease.





The most important causes of OE are listed in Table 1 . Allergy is the most common of the primary triggers and can account for up to 75% of all cases. If otitis is part of more generalised allergic skin disease then management of the ear disease can often be achieved using systemic drugs or with allergen-specific immunotherapy. In some dogs, allergy only affects the ears, or affects the ears more severely than other areas. In other cases, systemic medication is inadequate in controlling allergic otitis and additional therapy is needed. In such situations topical drugs can be used as the sole source of therapy or can be used to supplement other modalities such as allergen-specific immunotherapy. Treatment of secondary infection is important and will be dealt with under the appropriate sections below but the allergic reaction itself is best treated with anti-inflammatory therapy.



Topical anti-inflammatory therapy


Topical products containing either glucocorticoids or tacrolimus have been described as useful forms of anti-inflammatory therapy in dogs and cats for both allergic and immune-mediated disease. Licensed veterinary ear products containing glucocorticoids range from potent anti-inflammatory agents such as mometasone, hydrocortisone aceponate, fluocinolone, dexamethasone and betamethasone to moderately potent drugs such as triamcinolone acetonide and prednisolone . Almost without exception these glucocorticoids are found as components of compound products that also contain an antibiotic and an antiyeast drug. Glucocorticoid-only drops tend to be human products used off-license for dogs and cats. An exception is fluocinolone acetonide combined with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). DMSO has many potential effects, but in this preparation specifically acts as a drug delivery system to carry the corticosteroid into the skin and is particularly suited to treating hyperplastic ear conditions. In an attempt to use a veterinary corticosteroid-based product to treat allergic otitis, a recent study demonstrated that off-license use of a spray containing hydrocortisone aceponate, at a dose of three drops twice weekly, into atopic dogs’ ears, reduced the relapse rate of disease. Weak glucocorticoids such as 1% hydrocortisone are found in some countries as components of ear cleaning solutions where they are combined with other active ingredients such as Burow’s solution, acetic acid, boric acid, ketoconazole and ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid tromethamine (EDTA-Tris). The choice of an appropriate corticosteroid preparation should be based on a variety of factors, including the potency of the glucocorticoid that is required for therapy, the potency and concentration of the glucocorticoid in the topical preparation, the base that the glucocorticoid is in and the potential for systemic absorption of the drug relative to the animal ’ s general health and the length of course that is needed. Two studies looking at the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids in otitis showed that topical prednisolone produced a significant reduction in ear thickness and erythema but that when compared to dexamethasone, prednisolone was less effective in reducing pain,production of exudate, and odour. Many different studies have shown that topical otic glucocorticoids can be absorbed systemically to affect both adrenal and hepatic function tests . The study design and clinical finding for each investigation are outlined in Table 5 . Findings in all studies in normal dogs showed that dexamethasone- and triamcinolone-based otic preparations cause suppression of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) response, elevation in liver function tests and, for dexamethasone, suppression of thyroid function tests. Betamethasone appeared to produce fewer systemic affects than triamcinolone or dexamethasone . Only a single study has considered the systemic absorption of topical glucocorticoids in ears with OE. This study showed that no dogs showed signs of suppression of their ACTH response after 7 days of topical mometasone but that some dogs from the other treatment groups, betamethasone (9%), triamcinolone (17%) and dexamethasone (50%) did show suppression. The effect of the otic vehicle and glucocorticoid concentration on systemic absorption of glucocorticoid has also been assessed. This study describes a comparison of dexamethasone at two concentrations (0.1 and 0.01%) and in two different vehicles (propylene glycol and saline). After 2 weeks of twice-daily application of topical glucocorticoid all dogs receiving dexamethasone 0.01% in saline had normal ACTH stimulation tests and liver enzyme levels but 57% of dogs receiving the 0.1% solution in saline had signs of adrenal suppression and 66% of dogs receiving dexamethasone in propylene glycol showed signs of adrenal suppression, which, in some cases, was marked. The study elegantly demonstrated that adrenal suppression caused by otic dexamethasone is concentration- and possibly vehicle-dependent. Two studies investigating the effects of otic glucocorticoids on intradermal skin testing showed that 2 weeks of topical betamethasone or mometasone suppressed intradermal reactions in laboratory beagles and dogs with atopic otitis, respectively. However, a withdrawal period of only 7 days was found to be necessary for mometasone to allow recovery of intradermal reactivity. Tacrolimus is a macrolide lactone drug labelled for use in people with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. Recently tacrolimus ointment has been found to be effective in treating refractory non-infectious otitis in people. There are limited reports of its use in dogs and cats. One report has shown when a sterile olive oil-based 0.1% tacrolimus suspension was used in the ears of atopic beagles without OE that it produced no signs of adverse local reactions, development of OE, change in otic cytology, vestibular dysfunction or hearing loss. Topical 0.1% tacrolimus has also been used successfully to treat proliferative necrotising otitis in three adult cats. 



Topical acaricidal drugs


A number of different liquid aural preparations are licensed for the topical treatment of Otodectes cynotis in dogs and cat. Most products contain a recognised acaracide but a number of non-acaricidal products have been shown to be effective. These three studies investigated the efficacy of two different oil-based ear drops to kill O. cynotis . One product contained miconazole, polymyxin and prednisolone and the other contained diethanolamine fusidate, framycetin, nystatin and prednisolone. Both products were found to be highly effective. The authors of the reports concluded that although some of the component of the ear drops may have unknown acaricidal activities it was more likely that it was the oil base that created an incompatible environment in the ear for mite survival. Acaricides in licensed veterinary ear drops include ivermectin, milbemycin, monosulfiram, permethrin, piperonyl butoxide, pyrethrins and rotenone. With the exception of the avermectins (ivermectin, milbemycin) these drugs have a limited residual action and require regular re-application for at least 10 days, to ensure that all ova have hatched and that the newly emerged larvae are exposed to the drug. Thiabendazole has been shown to be effective in eliminating O . cynotis in dogs when used at a dose of 50 mg per ear for 7 days and has been shown to be effective as therapy when combined with dexamethasone and neomycin . An auricular ointment containing 10 mg/g of permethrin was shown to be an effective treatment for O . cynotis in cats in two studies. In the second study, it was found to be superior, in its improvements of clinical signs of OE, to a selamectin spot-on preparation.Off-licence use of topical ivermectin , fipronil and pyriproxyfen have also been described. A 1% ivermectin solution diluted 1:9 with propylene glycol was administered daily for 21 days to 32 affected cats. A complete response to therapy without any adverse reactions was recorded. In another study involving 35 dogs and 14 cats a single otic application of two drops of 10% solution of fipronil was effective in controlling O . cynotis without any adverse effects. A third study used four drops of a 10% solution of pyriproxyfen to a single ear of eight affected cats. Although the product controlled the mites it failed to prevent re-infestation at day 60. Demodectic OE is an uncommon primary trigger for ear disease. There are few reports in the literature of topical treatment protocols. Some authors have suggested similar treatment regimens with ivermectin to those used for O. cynotis. Other authors have suggested a mixture of amitraz at a concentration of 0.13% or 0.5% in liquid paraffin or mineral oil, applied topically every 3 days.

许多不同的液体耳药产品被批准外用治疗犬猫的耳螨。大多数产品含有公认的杀螨剂,但一些非杀螨产品已被证明有效。有三项研究调查了两种不同的油基滴耳剂杀耳螨功效。一种产品含有咪康唑、多粘菌素和泼尼松龙,另一种产品含有二乙醇胺、新霉素、制霉菌素和泼尼松龙。两种产品都被发现非常有效。该报告的作者得出结论,虽然滴耳液的某些成分可能没有杀螨活性,但更有可能是油基在耳部中创造了一个不适合螨虫生存的环境。批准的兽医滴耳剂中的杀螨剂包括伊维菌素、米尔贝肟、单硫脲、氯菊酯、胡椒酰丁氧酯、除虫菊酯和鱼藤酮。除了阿维菌素(伊维菌素、米尔贝肟)外,这些药物的残留作用有限,需要至少10天定期再次使用,以确保所有卵都已孵化,新幼虫暴露在药物中。噻苯咪唑,当使用剂量为50毫克每耳,使用7天时,可有效清除犬耳螨,并且联合地塞米松和新霉素也已证明有效。两项研究已证明一种含10 mg/g氯菊酯的耳用软膏可有效治疗猫耳螨。在第二项研究中,发现在改善OE临床症状方面优于塞拉菌素滴剂。也描述了外用伊维菌素、非泼罗尼和吡丙醚的非标签使用。将1%伊维菌素溶液与丙二醇1:9稀释,每日一次连用21天治疗32只患猫。记录治疗完全有效,且无不良反应。在另一项研究35只犬和14只猫,单一耳部外用两滴10%非泼罗尼溶液,可以有效控制耳螨,且无任何不良反应。第三项研究,8只患猫单耳使用四滴10%的吡丙醚溶液。虽然该产品控制了螨虫,但未能防止第60天的再次复发。蠕形螨性OE是耳病的一个不常见的原发诱因。文献中很少有外部治疗方案的报道。一些作者建议用伊维菌素治疗,类似于耳螨治疗方案。其他作者建议将浓度为0.13%或0.5%的双甲脒混合在液体石蜡油或矿物油中,每3天外用一次。




Infection is always secondary in cases of OE. Both bacterial and yeast infection can occur as a result of the inflammatory process created by the primary disease. Numerous papers have reported antibacterial and antiyeast activity of both ear cleaners and ear drops.



Topical products with antiyeast activity


Licensed veterinary products with medicinal claims to treat Malassezia , the most important yeast found in cases of otitis, contain either polyenes, azoles or allylamines. Most of these antiyeast drugs are combined with a corticosteroid and an antibiotic to form compound ear drops. The exception is a few veterinary products that contain only clotrimazole (1%) or miconazole (1%). Nystatin is the principal polyene antifungal found in veterinary ear drops. It works by binding to sterols in the fungal cell membrane, leading to changes in permeability and fungal death due to osmotic destruction. Nystatin is available as a combination ear product in both Europe and America. In Europe it is combined with framycetin, prednisolone and fusidic acid, in America it is combined with triamcinolone acetonide, neomycin and thiostepton. Azole antifungal drugs disrupt the biosynthesis of the ergosterol in the fungal cell wall. Topical azoles are available in ear products as imidazoles (clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole) or triazoles (itraconazole, posaconazole). All of the azoles have excellent in vitro activity against Malassezia species. Several studies which have used different methodologies have tried to establish the relative potency of the different azoles. One study suggested that itraconazole was the most potent followed by ketoconazole, miconazole and clotrimazole. However, another in vitro study suggested ketoconazole, itraconazole and terbinafine were equipotent. More recently a comparison of miconazole and clotrimazole suggested miconazole was the more potent. The triazole posaconazole was found to be more effective than three other antifungal drugs: miconazole, clotrimazole and nystatin when used to treat Malassezia infection in dogs. A study looking at a product combining marbofloxacin, clotrimazole and dexamethasone showed that although drops consisting of miconazole only treated the Malassezia as well as the combined drops, the dexamethasone-based product reduced signs of erythema, pruritus and wax production more effectively . Allylamines disrupt ergosterol biosynthesis and prevent fungal cell wall formation. Terbinafine is the most widely used product in this class and has recently become available as a long acting veterinary ear drop combined with betamethasone and florfenicol, licensed for once weekly aural application for two consecutive weeks per month. In America there is long-acting product containing florfenicol, terbinafine and mometasone which is licensed for once-monthly application. Many different antiseptic ear cleaners have been shown in vitro to have antiyeast activity. Several studies have looked at the in vitro activity of ear cleaning solutions against Malassezia pachydermatis. Whilst it is difficult to conclude the exact reason for the extent of in vitro activity of the ear cleaners tested because they varied widely in their ingredients, there are components of many of them with proven antiyeast activity. Ketoconazole as an azole has good activity against Malassezia reinforced by two ear cleaner studies. Parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX), a component of many ear cleaners, is also suggested to confer antiyeast activity. All of the cleaners in Mason ’ s study that contained PCMX had excellent or good anti- Malassezia activity. Isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol may also provide antimicrobial benefits. Organic acids such as lactic acid, salicylic acid, acetic acid, boric acid, oleic acid and citric acid are ingredients in many of the cleaners showing good antiyeast activity. Of these acids, salicylic and boric acid have been shown to have good antiyeast activity. Chlorhexidine at a concentration of 2 to 4% is an antiseptic with good activity against Malassezia as demonstrated by several shampoo studies. However, the low concentration of chlorhexidine in ear cleaners (0.15%) may reduce its antiMalassezia action.



Topical antibiotic products


There are numerous ear products containing antibiotics or disinfectants with antibacterial activity. The most common topical antibiotics are aminoglycosides (framycetin, gentamicin, neomycin); fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin, orbifloxacin); polymyxins (colistin sulphate, polymyxin B) fusidic acid, florfenicol and silver sulphadiazine.



Fusidic acid


Fusidic acid is a narrow spectrum bacteriostatic antimicrobial. Its principal mode of action is as an anti-staphylococcal antibiotic and has been shown to be useful against methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus. It also has good activity against Corynebacterium species, which is now recognised as a significant aural pathogen and anaerobes. It is an excellent empirical first choice for staphylococcal infections and is found in a combination product with framycetin, prednisolone and nystatin in Europe.





Aminoglycoside antibiotics are bactericidal and act on susceptible bacteria by binding to the 30s ribosomal subunit in the bacterial nucleus thereby inhibiting protein synthesis. Framycetin, neomycin and gentamicin are all found in licensed veterinary ear drops. Framycetin is a broad spectrum bactericidal drug with good activity against Staphylococcus species. It has been shown to be synergistic when used in vitro with fusidic acid. It also has good activity against many Gram-negative pathogens including Proteus species and some strains of Pseudomonas species. Framycetin is available in Europe as a combination product with fusidic acid, prednisolone and nystatin. Neomycin is the least potent of the veterinary aminoglycosides. It has good activity against Grampositive cocci but only very limited activity against Gram-negative bacteria. It is often recommended as a good first-line drug when cocci are found on otic cytology. Synergistic activity has been observed when EDTA-Tris plus neomycin were tested against Staphylococcus pseudintermedius , Proteus mirabilis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Neomycin is reported to be a common aural contact sensitizer in dogs, it is also recognised in humans as the most common topical antibiotic to cause contact allergy. The most recent of these publications showed that all neomycin-allergic patients are also allergic to framycetin and gentamicin. If the same is true in dogs, switching to another aminoglycoside is probably unwise if a reaction is seen to neomycin. Neomycin is found in four different topical products these are in combination with (1) hydrocortisone and polymyxin B; (2) triamcinolone acetonide, nystatin and thiostrepton; (3) isoflupredone, tetracaine hydrochloride and (4) dexamethasone with thiabendazole. Gentamicin has a good range of activity against both Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria. Numerous clinical studies have shown activity against Staphylococcus species; as well as Corynebacterium species; Proteus species, E . coli and Pseudomonas species. A wide range of veterinary commercial products are available containing gentamicin combined with a corticosteroid and, usually, an antifungal drug. Combinations include with betamethasone; mometasone furoate and clotrimazole; betamethasone and clotrimazole and hydrocortisone aceponate and miconazole. Other aminoglycosides that have been used as extra-label products include amikacin and tobramycin. Amikacin and tobramycin should, in the opinion of the author, only be used when dictated by culture and sensitivity and only when other drugs are unsuitable. Amikacin has excellent activity against Gram-positive otic pathogens Staphylococcus species and Corynebacterium species. It also has excellent activity against Gram-negative organisms Pseudomonas species. Injectable formulations of amikacin can be used as an off licence product diluted to a concentration of 30 to 50 mg/ mL in sterile saline or EDTA-Tris. Synergistic activity has been observed when EDTA-Tris plus amikacin were tested against S. pseudintermedius , P. mirabilis , P. aeruginosa and E . coli. Tobramycin is available as ophthalmic drops for human therapy which can be used extra-label in the ears of dogs and cats. Injectable solutions may be mixed with sterile saline or EDTA-Tris to concentrations of 8 mg/mL for otic use. The longterm stability of tobramycin and amikacin solution made up for off-licence usage is unknown. Both antibiotics are potentially ototoxic.

氨基糖苷类抗生素具有杀细菌作用,通过与细菌核中的30s核糖体亚基结合,从而抑制蛋白质合成,对易感细菌起作用。在批准兽医滴耳液中都可以找到新霉素b、新霉素和庆大霉素。新霉素b是一种广谱杀细菌药物,对葡萄球菌具有良好的抗菌活性。在体外与夫西地酸使用时,已显示出增效作用。它对许多革兰氏阴性病原体,包括变形杆菌种和一些假单胞菌种也有良好的活性。在欧洲可与夫西地酸、泼尼松龙和制霉菌素联合使用。新霉素是药效最低的兽药氨基糖苷类药物。它对革兰氏阳性球菌有良好的活性,但对革兰氏阴性细菌的活性非常有限。当在细胞学上发现球菌时,它通常被推荐作为一个良好的一线药物。EDTA-Tris加新霉素对假中间型葡萄球菌、奇异变形杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌和大肠杆菌均有增效作用。据报道,新霉素是一种常见的犬耳道接触性刺激药,在人医上也是最常见引起接触性过敏的外用抗生素。这些最新的出版物表明,所有新霉素过敏的患者也对新霉素b和庆大霉素过敏。如果在犬上也是如此,如果对新霉素有反应,那么改用另一种氨基糖苷类可能是不明智的。有四种不同的外用产品中含有新霉素,(1)与氢化可的松和多粘菌素B联用;(2)与曲安奈德、制霉菌素、硫代链球菌素联用;(3)异氟哌酮、盐酸丁卡因联用,(4)与地塞米松、噻苯咪唑联用。庆大霉素对革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌都有良好的活性范围。大量的临床研究显示对葡萄球菌的活性;以及棒状杆菌属、变形杆菌属、大肠杆菌和假单胞菌属有效。大量兽医商业化产品含有庆大霉素与皮质类固醇联用,通常也有抗真菌药物。联合用药包括倍他米松、糠酸莫米松、克霉唑;倍他米松和克霉唑,以及氢化可的松和咪康唑。其他被用作标签外产品的氨基糖苷类药物包括阿米卡星和妥布霉素。笔者认为,阿米卡星和妥布霉素应根据细菌培养和药敏试验,在其他药物不宜使用的情况下使用。阿米卡星对革兰氏阳性病原菌葡萄球菌和棒状杆菌有良好的抑制作用。对革兰氏阴性菌假单胞菌也有良好的活性。阿米卡星注射液可作为非批准产品在无菌生理盐水或EDTA-Tris中稀释至30-50mg/mL。EDTA-Tris加阿米卡星对假中间葡萄球菌、奇异假单胞菌、铜绿假单胞菌和大肠杆菌均有增效作用。妥布霉素是人医治疗用眼药水,可标签外用于犬猫耳道。其注射液可与无菌生理盐水或EDTA-Tris混合,浓度为8 mg/mL,用于耳部使用。妥布霉素和阿米卡星溶液的长期稳定性是未知的。这两种抗生素都有潜在的耳毒性。




Fluoroquinolones are bactericidal antibiotics that act by inhibiting bacterial DNA gyrase which prevents DNA supercoiling and synthesis. They have good activity against a wide range of bacteria, especially Gram-negative bacilli and Gram-positive rods (including Staphylococcus species but with variable activity against Streptococcus species. Ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin have all been shown to have good activity against Pseudomonas species in cases of OE which has led to the widespread use of these drugs as second or third line antibiotics in chronic, recurrent otitis especially in cases associated with P . aeruginosa . Unfortunately as a result of this increased usage, resistance of Pseudomonas species to fluoroquinolones is being reported more commonly and some studies have shown very high rates of resistance, in one case up to 87.5% of Pseudomonas species strains were not susceptible to enrofloxacin. Enrofloxacin is available as a veterinary ear drop combined with silver sulphadiazine in the USA. Marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin are widely available as otic drops. In some countries they are only obtainable under limited licence to restrict their usage. Veterinary products are available containing marbofloxacin combined with dexamethasone and clotrimazole and orbifloxacin combined with posaconazole and mometasone. Off-licence use of injectable fluoroquinolones mixed with sterile saline or EDTA-Tris have been employed where licensed veterinary products are not available or where they are deemed unsafe due to damage to the tympanic membrane (see section on otitis media). Injectable 2% enrofloxacin diluted 1:6 in water has been recommended. Other dilutions include a 1:3 dilution of 2% enrofloxacin or 1% marbofloxacin mixed with EDTA-Tris. A study investigating the stability of 0.9% enrofloxacin made up in different solutions, showed it had good chemical stability and antibacterial activity for 28 days made up in (1) sterile water; (2) EDTA-Tris ear cleaner (with and without 0.15% chlorhexidine); (3) 0.1% salicylic acid and 0.1% parachlorometaxlenol (with either 2.5% lactic acid or 0.5% EDTA).When ciprofloxacin is prescribed it is generally as extra-label usage of a human ophthalmic solution.

氟喹诺酮类抗生素是通过抑制细菌DNA旋回酶来抑制DNA超盘绕和合成的杀菌抗生素。它们对许多细菌具有良好的活性,特别是革兰氏阴性菌和革兰氏阳性杆状菌(包括葡萄球菌,但对链球菌具有不同的活性)。环丙沙星、恩诺沙星、马波沙星和奥比沙星都被证明对OE病例中的假单胞菌具有良好的活性,这导致这些药物被广泛用作慢性复发性耳炎的二线或三线抗生素,特别是与铜绿假单胞菌相关的病例。不幸的是,由于这种使用的增加,假单胞菌对氟喹诺酮类药物的耐药性越来越普遍,一些研究显示了非常高的耐药率,在一个案例中,高达87.5%的假单胞菌菌株对恩诺沙星不敏感。在美国,恩诺沙星可作为兽医滴耳剂与磺胺嘧啶银联合使用。马波沙星和奥比沙星作为耳滴药剂被广泛使用。在一些国家,只有在有限的许可下才能获得它们,以限制它们的使用。兽药中含有马波沙星联合地塞米松和克霉唑,奥比沙星联合泊沙康唑和莫米松。氟喹诺酮注射液与无菌生理盐水或EDTA-Tris混合标签外使用,适用于没有可用的批准的兽医产品或由于鼓膜损伤而被认为不安全的情况下(见中耳炎部分)。推荐2%恩诺沙星注射液与水1:6稀释。其他稀释剂包括2%恩诺沙星或1%马波沙星与EDTA-Tris1:3稀释混合。研究了0.9%恩诺沙星在不同溶液中的稳定性,表明其在(1)无菌水中(2) EDTA-Tris洗耳液(含或不含0.15%氯己定);(3) 0.1%水杨酸和0.1%对氯间二甲苯酚(或与2.5%乳酸或与0.5% EDTA),具有持续28天的良好的化学稳定性和抗细菌活性。当使用环丙沙星时,通常是人医眼药的标签外使用。;




Polymyxin B and colistin sulphate are polypeptide antibiotics that exert bactericidal effects by increasing permeability of the bacterial cell membrane via chelation of membrane phospholipid components leading to osmotic damage. Polymyxins have excellent activity against most Gram-negative bacilli. They appear to be less effective against Gram-positive bacteria unless combined with miconazole . Polymyxin B is widely available as a veterinary preparation combined with prednisolone and miconazole. Several veterinary publications have considered this product: an early Australian study demonstrated that it was superior to two different neomycin-corticosteroid preparations when relapse rates were considered for cases of otitis. More recent reports have shown that there is marked synergy of the two products for Gram-negative infection with E . coli and Pseudomonas species and although there was no demonstrable synergy the combination product also had good activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus species. A marbofloxacin, dexamethasone, clotrimazole veterinary preparation has been shown to be equivalent in its antibacterial and antiyeast activity to a polymyxin, miconazole, prednisolone product but superior in regard to pain relief and decrease in pus quantity and smell. These benefits may be attributed to the dexamethasone, a more potent corticosteroid in the comparative product. Colistin sulphate is not available as a veterinary preparation but extra-label use of human otic products is advocated by some clinicians .



Silver sulphadiazine


Silver exerts its antibacterial effects via impairment of DNA replication and bacterial cell wall damage, leading to osmotic change. The spectrum of activity of silver sulphadiazine includes many of the pathogens associated with otitis including methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococci and Pseudomonas species. A veterinary product containing 1% silver sulphadiazine with 0.5% enrofloxacin is available in the USA. Where silver sulphadiazine is not available as proprietary veterinary products 1% silver sulphadiazine cream can be diluted in EDTA-Tris. A recent study has shown that EDTA-Tris potentiates the activity of silver sulphadiazine against resistant strains of P. aeruginosa. A further study has shown that even if the cream is diluted 1 in 100 it will still exceed the MIC for P . aeruginosa when applied to the ear canal.





Florfenicol is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that works by inhibiting protein synthesis. Its spectrum of activity is similar to chloramphenicol. It has been shown to have good activity against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus species and Gram-negative bacteria Proteus species and Enterococcus species. It has very limited activity against Pseudomonas species. A retrospective study looking at the susceptibility of Corynebacterium species to a range of different antibiotics showed chloramphenicol had excellent activity against Corynebacterium species. It can be assumed that florfenicol will have similar efficacy. Florfenicol is available in two different long acting topical otic products. In one it is combined with betamethasone and terbinafine to be applied once a week for two consecutive weeks each month; in the other it is combined with terbinafine and mometasone for once monthly application.



Other antibiotics


Ticarcillin has been described as a useful therapy for OE complicated by P. aeruginosa. The protocol described by Nuttall in his paper suggests that a 6-g vial of ticarcillin is mixed with 12 mL of sterile diluent. This may be divided into 2 mL aliquots and frozen. The vials can be thawed and mixed with 40 mL of sterile saline which can be then frozen in 10 mL amounts to be thawed and used as needed. The stability and efficacy of the ticarcillin used in this way was investigated in a further study. This work indicated that storage of the ticarcillin stock solution at −20°C does not compromise efficacy for at least 12 months. In addition, the ticarcillin diluted in carrier vehicle Methopt remained stable for 28 days when stored at 4 or 24°C. Although ticarcillin is a useful drug for the therapy of multiply-resistant bacterial isolates its use should be reserved for cases where sensitivity has been undertaken and no other drug is deemed suitable. It should also be used with care if the ear drum is ruptured. Ticarcillin is unavailable in commercial products in America.



Topical ear cleaners with antibacterial activity


Many different ear cleaning solutions have been shown to have antibacterial activity. Antimicrobial activity of topical products may be due to the active ingredients or in some cases it is thought it may be due to the pH of the solution. One study suggested that ear cleaning solutions with a low pH were likely to have good antimicrobial properties. However, a more recent study identified an ear cleaning solution with a pH of 2.8 which had no antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas species suggesting that the acidity of a solution is not as important as once thought. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is known to have excellent antibacterial properties, is a common component of many ear cleaning solutions and is thought to contribute to the antibacterial properties of some products. Monosaccharides in ear cleaning solutions act as microbial adhesion-blocking carbohydrates and have been shown to have antibacterial effects. PCMX is a broad spectrum phenolic germicide that has antibacterial properties. Although it may have activity against Gram-positive organisms , it has an inconsistent activity in vitro against Pseudomonas species. Organic acids such as acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid and salicylic acid are ingredients in many of the cleaners showing good antibacterial activity. Acetic acid is known to have good activity against a wide range of bacteria. One study showed that 2 and 3% acetic acid used to treat otitis in humans had good in vitro activity against P. aeruginosa , Staphylococcus aureus and P. mirabilis . The anti-pseudomonas effect of acetic acid has been demonstrated in several subsequent veterinary studies. Citric acid has also been shown to have anti-pseudomonas activity . Lactic acid is known to disrupt the outer cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Several studies have shown that lactic acid, which is typically used at a concentration of 2.5% in veterinary ear cleaners, has excellent in vitro activity against not only Pseudomonas species but also Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus species . Burow ’ s solution, an aqueous solution of aluminium acetate, is topical product used commonly in the USA. It is found as a component of ear cleaning solutions. Although it has not been the subject of any veterinary trials it has been recognised for some time as an effective antibacterial therapy against Pseudomonas species, Staphylococcus species and Proteus species for otitis in people. Chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.15% is found in several European and American ear cleaning products and has good activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. Hypochlorous acid is a broad spectrum antimicrobial with a rapid action against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Its bactericidal action relies on disruption of the bacterial cell membrane. EDTA-Tris is an antimicrobial product that works by blocking the Pseudomonas efflux pump; disrupting the cell walls of Gramnegative bacteria by chelating metalions and rendering the bacterial cell more porous and by inhibiting the effects of ulcerating bacterial enzymes. Despite its mode of action, recent in vitro studies have shown that EDTA-Tris has, at best, weak antibacterial properties but has excellent antibioticand antiseptic-potentiating activity. Used as an otic flush 15 to 20 minutes prior to the addition of other antimicrobials it has strong potentiating effects with chlorhexidine, silver sulphadiazine , aminoglycosides , fluoroquinolones and chloramphenicol . One study investigating an ear-rinse containing EDTA-Tris and benzoyl alcohol showed that this product had good in vitro antibacterial activity, although the authors suggested that it may be the alcohol rather than the EDTA-Tris that produced the antibacterial effects.



Other topical products with antibacterial activity


Natural topical products have been investigated as potential alternatives to antibiotics. Most of the studies are in vitro and are not blinded or placebo-controlled, so all data should be interpreted with this knowledge. Propolis or bee glue is a resinous substance that honey bees collect from tree buds and sap flowers. One study found it had antimicrobial properties against both coagulase positive Staphylococcus species and M. pachydermatis from cases of OE. Beta-thujaplicin is an organic compound found in the essential oil of the Pacific red cedar tree. An in vitro investigation showed that it had activity against M. pachydermatis. An ethyl acetate leaf extract of Harungana madagascariensis Lam. Ex Poir (Hypericaceae) was assessed for activity against otic pathogens M. pachydermatis , S. pseudintermedius and Pseudomonas species. Results from the study suggest that the extract could be used as an antimicrobial preparation for OE. A recent open pilot study considered the efficacy of medical grade honey (MGH) in the management of canine OE. In vitro assays of the biocidal activity of MGH showed activity against all bacterial isolates including methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius . Dogs with otitis were prescribed MGH (1.0 mL daily per ear) until cure was achieved for a maximum of 21 days. Dogs were scored on the basis of swelling, erosion/ulceration and exudate to a maximum of 12. Dogs were deemed to be clinically cured if the score was reduced to 3 or below. On this basis 90% of dogs achieved a clinical cure at 21 days, although not all of them were cytologically normal at this time.

天然外用产品已被研究为抗生素的潜在替代品。大多数研究都是在体外进行的,不是盲法或安慰剂对照,所以所有的数据都应该在此基础上进行解释。蜂胶或蜂胶是一种树脂物质是蜜蜂从树芽和花液中采集的。一项研究发现,它对凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌和厚皮马拉色酵母菌导致的OE都有抗菌性能。β-欧侧柏酚是在太平洋红雪松树的精油中发现的一种有机化合物。体外实验表明,其对厚皮马拉色菌皮肤病有一定的抑制作用。评估了一种马达加斯加海参叶乙酸乙酯提取物Ex Poir(金丝桃科)对耳部病原菌厚皮马拉色酵母菌、假中间型葡萄球菌和假单胞菌的活性。研究结果表明,该提取物可作为OE的抗菌制剂。最近一项开放的试点研究考虑了医用级蜂蜜(MGH)在犬OE管理中的功效。体外生物杀灭活性测定显示MGH对包括耐甲氧西林假中间型葡萄球菌在内的所有细菌菌株都有活性。耳炎患犬使用MGH(每只耳部每天1.0 mL),直到治愈,时间最多21天。根据肿胀、糜烂/溃疡和分泌物对犬进行评分,评分最高为12分。如果得分降至3分或以下,则认为犬已被临床治愈。在此基础上,90%的犬在21天内实现了临床治愈,但此时并非所有犬的细胞学检查都正常。




Although predisposing factors do not cause otitis they need to be managed to promote resolution of disease and prevent recurrence of the problem. Conformation and environmental factors are some of the most important predisposing factors, together with inappropriate treatment choices. Although many of the veterinary ear cleaners have excellent antibacterial and antiyeast activity, their ability to effective clean and dry the ear is often overlooked. Hairy ear canals, stenotic ear canals and dogs with pendulous ears need to have their ears cleaned effectively. Where animals with predisposing conformational problems such as these have primary triggers such as allergy causing inflammation within the ear canal, the prudent use of antibacterial ear flushes can help reduce the risk of secondary infection. Effective ear cleaning is also important in to remove wax to allow penetration of other drugs and to be able to assess the integrity of the tympanic membrane.



Ceruminolytic ear cleaners


The ability to effective clean ears to remove wax is an important part of the treatment and then ongoing maintenance therapy for otitis. True ceruminolytics ear cleaners disrupt the integrity of cerumen by inducing lysis of the squames. They emulsify debris breaking it up and keep it in solution. Diocytl sodium sulphosuccinate (DOSS), calcium sulphosuccinate, urea or carbamide peroxide are potent ceruminolytics. Urea and carbamide peroxide are foaming agents that release oxygen in situ to help break up debris. There are numerous American and European ear cleaners that contain these ingredients. Ceruminosolvent ear cleaners are organic oils and solvents that soften and loosen cerumen. Examples of these are butylated hydroxytoluene, cocamidopropyl betaine, glycerine, lanolin, propylene glycol and squalene. Squalene is the most potent of these wax-removing agents and is found in several veterinary ear cleaners. Some cleaners have it present at low concentrations of 2% whilst other more potent ceruminosolvent cleaners have squalene at concentrations of 22 to 25%. A synthetic canine cerumen has been designed and used, in slightly varying formulations, in several studies to look at the ceruminolytic properties of different ear cleaners. In all cases, antiseptic ear cleaning solutions that contained components such as chlorhexidine, without a recognised ceruminolytic, showed a poor ability to remove wax. However, propylene glycol, glycerine and squalene-based products consistently performed well. In one study, a propylene glycol and glycerine ear cleaner appeared to be able to remove 90% of the synthetic cerumen from a test tube. No urea or carbamide peroxide cleaners were tested but cleaners containing DOSS appeared to be less successful at wax removal in these three in vitro studies. The author would generally recommend the use of a suitable ceruminolytic/ceruminosolvent cleaner for dogs with hirsute ears rather than plucking out the hair, which can cause microtrauma in the ear canal and predispose to infection.



Drying ear cleaners


Astringents dry the ear canal surface to prevent maceration. Drying agents are typically used after the ear has been cleaned with a ceruminolytic/ceruminosolvent product or are used prophylactically after water is introduced into the ear canal either by aqueous-based treatments, bathing or swimming. Astringents are usually isopropyl alcohol or an acid. Acids found in ear cleaners for this purpose include acetic acid, boric acid, benzoic acid and salicylic acid as well as aluminium acetate and silicon dioxide. In the USA, there are many different ear cleaning solutions designed specifically for their antiseptic astringent effects. In Europe drying agents are often incorporated into more general ear cleaning products.





Management of perpetuating factors is important to facilitate resolution of otitis. Chronic change is often inadequately addressed in cases of otitis and is a common reason for disease relapse. Where there is marked hyperplastic change of the walls of the canal and/or the glandular tissue within the wall, potent steroid treatment is needed to reverse these changes. A full discussion on the management of chronic changes in otitis is beyond the scope of this article. Some of the liquid bandages, ear packs and other “stay in place” otics, together with topical corticosteroids in ear drops, in aqueous solution in ear wicks or systemic corticosteroids are useful. OM is a common sequel to chronic OE and is another perpetuating factor that needs to be treated. Selection of topical therapy for cases of OM can be challenging because of the risk of ototoxicity. No topical products are licensed for the therapy of OM, so it is important that the attending clinician should select the safest possible product available (which may sometimes be a systemic drug) based on current knowledge. For a detailed description of the clinical signs and diagnosis of OM the reader is advised to consult more detailed texts. Propylene glycol is a solvent and penetration enhancer and is a common component of many different ear drops and cleaners. It has been shown in experimental studies to be ototoxic when instilled into the middle ear. Ear drops and cleaners containing propylene glycol should therefore be used with care if the ear drum cannot be seen. A study looking at four commercial ear cleaning solutions containing squalene, DOSS, carbamide peroxide and triethanolamine instilled into canine ears showed only the ear cleaner containing squalene produced no morphological or neurological changes. Antiseptic solutions show differing degrees of ototoxicity. Alcohol-based preparation of iodine and povidone iodine applied to the middle ear of guinea pigs produced cochlear and vestibular damage whereas aqueous solution of iodine produced no damage. Chlorhexidine at concentrations up to 0.2% appears to be safe as an irrigating solution in dogs. However, when combined with cetrimide in a commercial human antiseptic, it is otototoxic. In cats’ ears, solutions of chlorhexidine as dilute as 0.05% appear to cause cochlear, vestibular and mucosal damage. Ear cleaners containing chlorhexidine should therefore be avoided in cats. Anecdotal reports suggest that a 2 to 2.5% solution of acetic acid solution is safe in the face of a ruptured tympanic membrane. EDTA-Tris is a common component of many different otic cleaners, including several products where it is available as crystals to be reconstituted with sterile water. It has been widely promoted by many different sources as a safe and efficacious therapy, especially when combined with aqueous antibiotics, for Gram-negative OM. Many of the studies assessing the ototoxicity of antibiotics have been performed in guinea pigs and chinchillas and extrapolation of data between species can be misleading. Canine studies to assess the use of gentamicin in OM have shown no noticeable degree of cochlear or vestibular ototoxicity. Other topical aminoglycosides such as tobramycin, as well as the semi-synthetic penicillin ticarcillin, have been associated with severe hearing loss when used to treat OM. Aqueous solutions of fluoroquinolones including enrofloxacin and marbofloxacin appear to be safe when used in the canine middle ear. Conflicting information appears to be available regarding the use of topical azoles in cases of OM. Although some veterinarians consider antifungal drugs such as clotrimazole, miconazole, nystatin and tolnaftate safe in cases of OM based on studies in guinea pigs, the author has seen numerous cases of temporary deafness associated with ear drops containing clotrimazole and miconazole. Although this may be associated with other components of the drops she would caution against such products in cases of OM. Aqueous forms of dexamethasone and fluocinolone appear to be safe in the middle ear.

持久因素管理是促进耳炎恢复的重点。未彻底解决的耳炎会出现慢性改变,是疾病复发的一个常见的原因。当耳道壁和/或壁内的腺组织有明显的增生时,需要强效类固醇治疗来逆转这些变化。关于耳炎慢性变化的管理的充分讨论超出了本文的范围。一些液体绷带、耳包扎和其他“原地不动”的耳药,以及外用糖皮质激素滴耳液、耳芯水溶液或全身性糖皮质激素是有用的。OM是慢性OE的常见结果,是另一个需要治疗的持久因素。由于耳毒性的风险,对中耳炎病例选择外部治疗可能具有挑战性。没有批准治疗OM 的外用药,因此重要的是主治医生应该根据现有的知识选择最安全的可用产品(有时可能是全身性药物)。对于OM的临床症状和诊断的详细描述,建议读者查阅更详细的文本。丙二醇是一种溶剂和透皮剂,是许多不同滴耳剂和洗耳液的常见成分。实验研究表明,当注入中耳时,它具有耳毒性。因此,如果无法看到鼓膜,应小心使用含有丙二醇的滴耳剂和洗耳液。一项研究观察了四种含有角鲨烷、DOSS、过氧化脲和三乙醇胺的市售洗耳液注入犬耳,结果显示,只有含有角鲨烷的洗耳液没有产生形态学或神经学上的变化。抗菌溶液表现出不同程度的耳毒性。碘的醇基制剂和聚维酮碘对豚鼠中耳造成耳蜗和前庭损伤,而碘的水溶液对耳蜗和前庭无损伤。氯己定在浓度达到0.2%时作为犬的洗耳液似乎是安全的。然而,当与商用人医防腐剂西曲溴铵联用时,它具有耳毒性。在猫耳中,稀释至0.05%的氯己定溶液似乎会引起耳蜗、前庭和粘膜损伤。因此,猫应避免使用含有氯己定的洗耳液。坊间报道表明,在鼓膜破裂的情况下,2-2.5%的醋酸溶液是安全的。EDTA-Tris是许多不同的洗耳液的常见成分,包括几种产品,其中它可以以晶体形式与无菌水重新组合。是许多来源广泛应用的一种安全有效的治疗方法,特别是与水溶性抗生素联合使用时,用于治疗革兰氏阴性菌的OM。许多评估抗生素耳毒性的研究都是在豚鼠和龙猫上进行,在物种之间推断数据可能会产生误导。评估庆大霉素在犬中耳炎中使用研究显示,没有明显程度的耳蜗或前庭耳毒性。其他外用氨基糖苷类药物,如妥布霉素,以及半合成青霉素替卡西林,在用于治疗中耳炎时与严重的听力损失有关。氟喹诺酮类药物包括恩诺沙星和马波沙星的水溶液在犬中耳使用时似乎是安全的。相互矛盾的信息似乎是OM的病例外用唑类。虽然一些兽医认为根据对豚鼠的研究,抗真菌药物如克霉唑、咪康唑、制霉菌素和托萘酯对OM病例是安全的,但作者已经看到许多与含有克霉唑和咪康唑的滴耳剂有关的暂时性耳聋病例。虽然这可能与滴眼液的其他成分有关,但她要警告在OM病例中不要使用此类产品。地塞米松和氟喹诺酮的水剂型在中耳似乎是安全的。


Table 1 . Primary causes of otitis externa























Table 2 . Secondary causes of otitis













Table 3 . Important predisposing factors in otitis
















Table 4 . Important perpetuating factors in otitis
























Table 5 . A review of veterinary studies assessing systemic absorption of otic glucocorticoids
































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