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Histological and dermatoscopic description of sphynx cat skin


作者:David W. Genovese, Tammy L. Johnson, Ken E. Lamb and Wallace D. Gram



Background -Histological and hair coat abnormalities of the alopecic sphynx cat have not been described in detail. The hairless allele (hr) in sphynx cats represents a mutation in the gene for keratin 71, a protein expressed in the inner root sheath of humans and mice.

Hypothesis/Objectives -To describe the histological and dermatoscopic abnormalities of sphynx cat skin.

Animals-Skin biopsies were collected from 14 sphynx cats and five cats with normal coats. Dermatoscopic examinations were performed on 11 sphynx cats and six additional control cats.

Methods - Vertical and horizontal sections of skin biopsy samples from sphynx and control cats were reviewed. Dermatoscopic images were compared between sphynx and control cats.

Results - Sphynx cat hair follicles were often small, curved and kinked and demonstrated infundibular hyperkeratosis and dilatation. Changes in the inner root sheath of sphynx cats included a poorly defined Henle’s layer in addition to vacuolar-like changes and eosinophilic globules in Huxley’s layer. Dermal papillae in sphynx cat anagen bulbs lacked the normal flame shape and were surrounded by epithelial cells arranged in a disorderly manner. The degree of follicular abnormalities varied between follicles. Follicular density was similar for both sphynx cats and control animals. Sphynx cat hair shafts were misshapen, smaller in diameter and rarely medullated. Dermatoscopy revealed similar hair coat density in sphynx and control cats.

Conclusions and clinical importance - Sphynx cats demonstrated hair follicle dysplasia, with abnormal shaft production but without a decrease in follicle quantity. Abnormalities in sphynx cat follicles are similar to those inmurine KRT71 mutants and suggest abnormal hair shaft keratinization.











The term ‘alopecia’ can be used to indicate a decrease in the number, length or diameter of hair shafts. Congenital alopecia in domestic animals is caused by a reduction in hair follicle quantity or quality, with the latter divided into the following two arbitrary categories: hair follicle dysplasia caused by defects in follicular development with morphological abnormalities and hair follicle dysplasia with defects in shaft formation where the follicles appear normal. The sphynx (Canadian sphynx) cat is a congenitally alopecic breed that originated in Canada in the 1960s. Sphynx cats are not completely hairless and have been described as having few, fine, down-like hairs, with tufts of hair located on the ears, muzzle, tail, feet and scrotum and with oily or greasy skin. They are more likely than most other cat breeds to harbour cutaneous Malassezia species of yeast. The Devon rex-breed was used in perpetuating the sphynx-breed, and a very close genetic relationship exists between the two breeds.



The sphynx hairless allele (hr) is autosomal recessive and represents a mutation in the keratin 71 gene, KRT71. Keratin 71 is a type II keratin expressed through-out the inner root sheath (IRS) in mice and humans;the location of keratin 71 protein expression has not been confirmed in cats. The IRS is vital in moulding the hair shaft,  and mutations in KRT71 have been associated with abnormal hair shafts as well as histological abnormalities including an abnormal IRS and curved/twisted hair follicles. Mutations in KRT71 have also been identified in dogs, mice, rats and humans.



The authors are unaware, to the best of their knowledge, of previous prospective studies that have described sphynx cat skin histologically, although there are reports presenting histological findings from the occasional sphynx cat skin sample presented to diagnostic laboratories. These findings included small and curved follicles that were mostly in anagen, with hair shafts of decreased diameter that were noted rarely to penetrate the epidermis. Authors of an earlier study reported hairs of abnormal diameter that lacked a well-formed bulb on trichoscopic evaluation in the sphynx cat. The goals of the present study were to systematically to describe the histological abnormalities of sphynx cat skin and to report dermatoscopic findings of sphynx cats.



Materials and methods


All cats were client owned, and informed owner consent was obtained prior to any procedures. All procedures were performed solely as part of this investigation. Skin biopsy samples were collected from the lateral or dorsolateral thorax of 14 sphynx cats using a 6 mm biopsy punch instrument. From six of the 14 sphynx cats, samples were also collected from other sites, namely lumbar skin (five cats), leg (one cat) and pinnae (one cat). Local anaesthesia (lidocaine hydrochloride; Med-Pharmex, Pomona, CA, USA) was used in all cats except for one cat that was euthanized (for unrelated reasons)immediately prior to sample collection. If necessary, sedation was carried out with either dexmedetomidine (Dexdomitor; Orion Corporation, Espoo, Finland) or a combination of diazepam (Diazepam; Hospira, Lake Forest, IL, USA) and ketamine (Ketathesia; Butler Animal Health Supply, Dublin, OH, USA). Skin biopsy samples were collected from the lateral thorax of five domestic short hair cats with grossly normal coats that were euthanized for reasons unrelated to the skin. Wedge biopsies were taken from two of these cats, and a 6 mm skin biopsy punch was used in the other three cats. Dermatological examinations were performed on 13 of the 14 sphynx cats.

所有猫均为家养猫,在任何操作前均获得主人的知情同意书。调查中的所有外科手术操作仅进行一次。使用6 mm活检打孔器从14只斯芬克斯猫的外侧或胸部背外侧采集皮肤活检样本。14只斯芬克斯猫中的6只,还从其他部位采集了样本,即腰部皮肤(5只猫)、腿部(1只猫)和耳廓(1只猫)。除1只猫在采样前即时进行了安乐死(出于不相关原因)外,所有猫均使用局部麻醉(盐酸利多卡因)。必要时,使用右美托咪定或地西泮(地西泮)和氯胺酮联合给药进行镇静。从5只被毛基本正常的家养短毛猫的侧胸皮肤采集活检样本,这些猫因与皮肤无关的原因被安乐死。其中2只猫进行楔形取样,另外3只猫采用6 mm皮肤活检打孔器采样。对14只斯芬克斯猫中的13只进行了皮肤镜检查。


Tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. They were trimmed, processed and embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5 μm and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Whole slide images were created with Philips Ultra Fast Scanner (Royal Phillips, the Netherlands) and viewed with Philips Image Management System (IMS) for automated digital slides (version; Royal Phillips). Scanned images were viewable from 1 to 100 digital zoom. All measurements were made with IMS embedded measurement tools. The only exception was one of the horizontal sections from a control cat, which was viewed using the eSlideShare online viewing system (Aperio; Leica Biosystems, Wetzlar, Germany). For the control cats whose samples were collected via wedge biopsy, a section similar in size to the 6 mm punch biopsy with proper orientation was chosen for evaluation. Anagen bulb width measurements were taken from the lateral thorax or dorsolateral thorax in the vertical (transverse) section (range of four to 20 anagen bulbs counted per cat). The diameter of 100 hair shafts was measured using horizontal sections. All hair shafts were measured from a follicle group before moving on to another follicle group, and this was continued until 100 shaft diameters had been measured. The presence or absence of a medulla was noted for each hair shaft counted.

将组织在10%中性福尔马林中固定,修剪处理后并进行石蜡包埋,进行5 μm切片并用苏木精和伊红染色。使用Philips Ultra快速扫描仪创建全切片图像,并使用Philips图像管理系统(IMS)查看自动数字切片。扫描图像可从1倍到100倍数字变焦查看。所有测量均使用IMS嵌入式测量工具进行。唯一的例外是对照猫的水平部分之一,使用eSlideShare在线查看系统查看。对于通过楔形活检采集样本的对照猫,选择大小与正确定向的6 mm钻取活检相似的切片进行评价。在垂直(横向)切片中,从外侧胸部或背外侧胸部进行生长期毛球宽度测量(每只猫计数4-20个生长期毛球的范围)。采用水平切面测量100个毛干的直径。在移至另一个毛囊组之前,测量毛囊组的所有毛干,并持续至测量100个毛干直径。对于计数的每个毛干,记录是否存在髓质。


The hair follicle cycle stage was determined for over 100 follicles for each cat (range 101-120) in a horizontal section below the level of the isthmus. Only anagen and telogen follicles were included. Anagen follicles were characterized by the presence of an IRS and telogen follicles by trichilemmal keratinization; telogen follicles were further characterized as haired telogen or kenogen (hairless telogen). The number of follicles per follicle group was also noted in a horizontal section (range of 10-23 follicle groups counted per cat). In order to calculate follicular density, all follicles within a defined area of the histological section were counted in a horizontal section (follicular density = number of hair follicles in histological section/area of histological section).

在峡部水平以下的水平切片中,确定每只猫超过100个毛囊(范围101-120)的毛囊周期阶段。仅包括生长期和休止期毛囊。生长期毛囊的特征是存在IRS和通过毛膜角化的休止期毛囊;休止期毛囊进一步的特征是有毛休止期或kenogen(无毛休止期)。在水平切片中也记录了每个毛囊组的毛囊数量(每只猫计数10-23个毛囊组的范围)。为了计算毛囊密度,在水平切片中对组织切片规定区域内的所有毛囊进行计数(毛囊密度 = 组织切片中的毛囊数量/组织切片面积)。


Dermatoscopic examinations were performed on 11 of the 14 sphynx cats enrolled and also on six control cats with normal coats (these were different from the control cats that had skin biopsies collected). Prior to evaluation, the control cats had their hair clipped with a 0.25 mm clipper blade. The sphynx cats were not clipped prior to dermatoscopic examination. The images were taken with a digital dermatoscope (Firefly DE300; FireflyGlobal, Belmont, MA, USA) and viewed on a computer screen via a USB connection and software programme (FireFlyPro; FireflyGlobal).

对入组的14只斯芬克斯猫中的11只以及6只被毛正常的对照猫(与采集皮肤活检的对照猫不同)进行了皮肤镜检查。评价前,用0.25 mm剪毛器剃除对照猫的被毛。在皮肤镜检查前未对斯芬克斯猫剃毛。使用电子皮肤镜(Firefly DE300;FireflyGlobal,Belmont,MA,USA)拍摄图像,并通过USB连接和软件程序(FireFlyPro;FireflyGlobal)在计算机屏幕上查看。


Statistical analysis


Error residuals were analysed and deemed normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilks test). To accommodate for the subject measurement variation when multiple measurements per subject were recorded, a nested effect ANOVA (subject within group) was performed when appropriate. The nested effect ANOVA treated subject as a random effect to determine mean differences between sphynx and control cats. Post hoc mean differences were established using Tukey’s adjustment. All analyses were considered significant at P < 0.05 and were carried out using SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).

分析误差残差并认为其呈正态分布(Shapiro-Wilks检验)。为适应每例受试者多次测量时的受试者测量变异,适当时进行嵌套效应ANOVA(组内受试者)。巢式效应ANOVA将受试者视为随机效应,以确定斯芬克斯猫和对照猫之间的平均差异。使用Tukey调整确定事后平均差异。认为所有分析均具有显著性(P < 0.05),并使用SAS 9.3(SAS Institute Inc.,Cary,NC,USA)进行。






Sphynx cats


Seven of the 14 sphynx cats were male (two intact) and seven female (two intact). Ages ranged from 6 months to 11 years, with a mean age of 4.3 years (median 4 years). Vertical or transverse sections (used for anagen bulb width measurements) were available for 13 of the 14 sphynx cats [seven female (two intact) and six male (two intact); mean age of 3.6 years], while horizontal sections were available for eight [five female (two intact) and three male neutered; mean age of 4.3 years]. The mean age of the 11 sphynx cats [six females (two intact) and five neutered males] used for dermatoscopy was 4.5 years (range 2-10 years; median 3 years).



All sphynx cats had no gross dermatological lesions at the biopsy sites except for diffuse alopecia. Fine, short hairs were visible with unaided vision at most normally haired body sites. Most hairs were very short, but typically longest on the muzzle, ears and tail, where they approached a length of 1 cm in some cats. Whiskers were sparse, short and fine when present. Eye-lashes were not seen in any sphynx cats. Brown adherent debris was visible on the skin and nails, except on cats that had been bathed recently. The debris was often fine and diffuse, but larger clumps (up to~2-3 mm) were also present.

除弥漫性脱毛外,所有斯芬克斯猫活检部位均无皮肤病变。在大多数正常毛发的身体部位,肉眼可见细短毛发。大多数毛发非常短,但通常在鼻口部、耳朵和尾部最长,在一些猫中接近1 cm的长度。胡须稀疏,短而细。在任何斯芬克斯猫中均未观察到眼睫毛。皮肤和指甲上可见棕色粘附碎片,最近洗澡的猫除外。碎片通常较细且弥散,但也存在较大的团块(高达~2-3 mm)。


Control cats


Five control cats were used for skin biopsy samples from the lateral thorax and six different cats were used as controls for dermatoscopic examinations. Four of the five control cats used for biopsy samples were neutered males and the other was a spayed female. The average age was 8 years (range 5-12 years; median 7 years). Vertical or transverse sections (used for anagen bulb measurements) were available for three control cats [ages 5(spayed female), 7 (spayed female) and 12 years (spayed female)], while horizontal sections were also available for three cats (all neutered males; ages 5, 6 and 9 years). Amongst the six cats used as controls for the dermatoscopic examinations, four were spayed females and two neutered males. The age range for these six cats was 13 months to 8 years, with a mean age of 4.2 years (median 4 years). Skin lesions were absent in all control cats.



Histological findings from 14 sphynx cats


Histological findings for all sphynx cats were similar at all sites, with the exception of mild perivascular inflammation that was present in the thoracic samples from two cats. The inflammation was lymphocytic and mastocytic in one cat, while it was lymphocytic, mastocytic and eosinophilic in the other. The inflammation did not affect analysis of adnexal structures.





Epidermal changes were mild, with some sphynx cats exhibiting regional epidermal hyperplasia (up to six layers thick) and orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis.



Hair follicles


Sphynx cats had a compound follicular arrangement comparable to control cats, with a central primary follicle, lateral primary follicles and secondary follicles (Figure 1). Follicular density appeared similar to normal cats, subjectively (see below for quantification of follicular density). Normal follicular arrangement, with a bulb, isthmus and infundibulum, was maintained in the sphynx cats. At low-magnification, abnormalities appeared mild, though a decrease in follicular profile size and abnormal follicular shape could sometimes be appreciated. Sphynx follicles were often bent (Figure 2), curved (Figure 3) and occasionally followed a tortuous path, with multiple changes in direction (Figure 3). The degree of curvature and bending varied between follicles. Some follicles appeared normal and others exhibited severe abnormalities.Subjectively, many follicles appeared decreased in size (Figure 2).



The IRSs of sphynx cats were more abundant than those of control cats and of nonuniform width. Variable and occasionally pronounced clear to pale basophilic vacuolar type changes and irregularly shaped eosinophilic globular foci were present in Huxley’s layer (Figures 4 and 5). The latter had similar tinctorial staining qualities, but were significantly larger than the trichohyalin granules present in the normal cats (some normal trichohyalin granules were also seen in the sphynx cats). Henle’s layer of the sphynx IRS was not as well defined as it was in the control cats (Figures 4 and 5). Anagen bulbs were decreased in size in sphynx cats (see below for anagen bulb width measurements). There was a loss of the normal flame-shaped dermal papillae in the sphynx cat anagen bulbs as well as a loss of the orderly columnar epithelial cell arrangement surrounding the dermal papillae (Figure 6). There was a relative increase in dermal papillae cellularity, with a corresponding loss in relative size of the extracellular matrix. The severities of IRS and anagen bulb abnormalities varied between individual follicles but were almost uniformly present. Infundibular dilatation was commonly present and accompanied by moderate infundibular hyperkeratosis.

斯芬克斯猫的IRSs比对照猫更丰富,宽度不均匀。赫胥黎氏(Huxley)层中存在不同且偶尔明显的透明至淡嗜碱性空泡样病变和形状不规则的嗜酸性细胞视野(图4和图5)。后者具有相似的着色染色质量,但显著大于正常猫中存在的毛透明蛋白颗粒(在斯芬克斯猫中也观察到一些正常的毛透明蛋白颗粒)。斯芬克斯猫 IRS的亨勒(Henle)层不如对照猫明确(图4和5)。斯芬克斯猫的生长期毛球尺寸减小(生长期毛球宽度测量见下文)。斯芬克斯猫生长期毛球中正常的火焰状真皮乳头缺失以及真皮乳头周围有序的柱状上皮细胞结构缺失(图6)。真皮乳头细胞结构相对增加,细胞外基质相对大小相应损失。IRS和生长期毛球异常的严重程度因单个毛囊而异,但几乎一致存在。通常存在漏斗部扩张,并伴有中度漏斗部角化过度。


Hair shafts


Hair shafts were present in most follicular lumens [though in sphynx cats hairless telogen (kenogen) was more prevalent; see below] and infundibula, but were small and often misshapen, with curves and bends, often undulating and wavy, with nonuniform diameter. In cross-section, hair shafts often exhibited ‘jagged’ edges rather than a round or oval outline. Hair shafts were sometimes abnormally oriented within the hair follicle. Subjectively, there was a decrease in the number of medullated hair shafts in sphynx cats compared with normal cats (see below for measured percentages of medullated hairs).



Sebaceous glands, sweat glands and arrector pili muscles 



No significant abnormalities were noted in sweat glands, arrector pili muscles or sebaceous glands.



Histological findings from five cats with normal coat


No histological abnormalities were noted.



Anagen bulb width measurements


Anagen bulb diameter measurements were significantly decreased (P < 0.0001) for sphynx cats (n = 13) when compared with the three control cats. Least-squares mean diameters were 58.87 and 74.58 μm, respectively.

与3只对照猫相比,斯芬克斯猫(n = 13)的生长期毛球直径测量值显著降低(P < 0.0001)。最小平方平均直径分别为58.87和74.58 μm。


Hair shaft diameter measurements


Hair shaft diameter measurements were significantly decreased (P < 0.0006) for sphynx cats (n = 8) when compared with control cats (n = 3). Least-squares mean diameters were 14.86 and 19.27 μm, respectively.

与对照猫(n = 3)相比,斯芬克斯猫(n = 8)的毛干直径测量值显著降低(P < 0.0006)。最小平方平均直径分别为14.86和19.27 μm。


Medullated hair shafts


The percentage of hair shafts that were medullated was significantly lower (P < 0.0001) for sphynx cats (n = 8) compared with control cats (n = 3). Percentages of hair shafts that were medullated were 3.7 and 39%, respectively.

与对照猫(n = 3)相比,斯芬克斯猫(n = 8)的有髓质毛干百分比显著较低(P < 0.0001)。有髓质毛干百分比分别为3.7%和39%。


Anagen and telogen follicles


The mean percentage of anagen follicles was significantly greater (P < 0.0001) and mean percentage of telogen [haired telogen plus kenogen (hairless telogen)] follicles significantly lower (P < 0.0001) in sphynx cats (n = 8) compared with control cats (n = 3). For sphynx cats, 76.89% was the mean percentage of follicles in anagen and 23.11% the mean percentage in telogen compared with 34.88 and 65.12%, respectively, for control cats. Sphynx cats had a significantly greater (P < 0.0001) mean percentage of telogen hairs that were in kenogen compared with control cats; mean percentages in kenogen were 60.07 and 11.21%, respectively.

与对照猫(n = 3)相比,斯芬克斯猫(n = 8)的生长期毛囊平均百分比显著较高(P < 0.0001),休止期[有毛休止期加kenogen(无毛休止期)]毛囊平均百分比显著较低(P < 0.0001)。对于斯芬克斯猫,76.89%是生长期毛囊的平均百分比,23.11%是休止期毛囊的平均百分比,而对照猫分别为34.88%和65.12%。与对照猫相比,斯芬克斯猫处于无毛休止期的休止期毛发平均百分比显著更高(P < 0.0001);无毛休止期的平均百分比分别为60.07和11.21%。


Follicle group size


The number of follicles per follicle group was not signifi-cantly different (P = 0.9114) between sphynx cats (n = 8) and control cats (n = 3). The least-squares mean number of follicles per group was 17.90 and 17.68, respectively.

斯芬克斯猫(n = 8)和对照猫(n = 3)之间每个毛囊组的毛囊数量无显著差异(P = 0.9114)。每组毛囊的最小平方平均值分别为17.90和17.68。


Hair follicle density measurements


Hair follicle density was not significantly different (P = 0.4658) between sphynx cats (n = 8) and control cats (n = 3). The least-squares mean density was 71.83 and 80.91 follicles mm-2, respectively.

毛囊密度在斯芬克斯猫(n = 8)和对照猫(n = 3)之间无显著差异(P = 0.4658)。最小平方平均密度分别为71.83和80.91个毛囊mm-2。


Dermatoscopic examinations


Many sphynx hairs were clearly seen protruding from follicular ostia and were reduced in diameter compared with control cats (Figure 7). Sphynx hairs were often curved, and kinks could occasionally be seen (Figure 7). Individual hairs could not be counted and thus numerical hair coat density was not assessed. However, coat density appeared similar for sphynx and control cats (Figure 7).





To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to describe the histology of the alopecic sphynx cat systematically. Sphynx cats were shown to have compound follicle groups similar to normal cats with a similar number of follicles per group. Consistent with the limited descriptions of sphynx cat skin biopsies submitted to diagnostic laboratories, small, curved, bent follicles and hair shafts of decreased diameter were found in our study. The presence of small, abnormal anagen bulbs as also consistent with a prior study that identified poorly formed anagen bulbs on trichoscopic evaluation in sphynx cats, though our present study was better able to characterize the anagen bulb abnormalities.



Previous reports suggesting that sphynx follicles may rarely penetrate the epidermis and that most follicular infundibula are empty differ from our findings. Previous anecdotal reports that sphynx cat skin is often covered with brown adherent debris were confirmed in this study. Further studies would be needed to identify the composition of this material. Our study expanded on the hair shaft abnormalities previously identified in sphynx cats and confirmed decreased diameter and a decreased number of medullated hair shafts. Histological hair follicle density was similar in sphynx cats compared with normal cats. Previous reporting had suggested that most sphynx follicles are in anagen, and our study confirmed a predominance of anagen follicles. Abnormalities of the IRS in sphynx cats were reported for the first time in this study.



While hair coat density appeared similar between sphynx and normal cats, we were unable to count individual follicles on our dermatoscopic images. There was an increased percentage of follicles in kenogen in sphynx cats, and it is possible that some of the abnormal sphynx cat hair shafts did not reach the epidermis, both of which could decrease coat density. However, dermatoscopy revealed many hair shafts protruding from follicular ostia, suggesting that the hairless appearance is not due to a lack of hairs but rather to the short and fine nature of the hairs. The presence of hair shafts protruding from follicular ostia does not preclude the use of the term ‘alopecia’, which, as mentioned previously, can also be used to describe hair shafts of decreased length or diameter.



A mutation in KRT71 has been identified in other cat breeds, such as the Devon rex and Selkirk rex, whose phenotypes differ from the sphynx cat. Most of the α-helical domain, vital to dimerization of type I and type II keratins, is deleted in the sphynx mutation, resulting in a drastically altered keratin 71 protein, with complete loss of function, possibly predisposing the hair to break-age. In the Devonrex, the α-helical domain is also affected, but some function is probably retained. The Don sphynx, a Russian breed of alopecic cat with a similar phenotype to the sphynx cat, has been shown to lack a KRT7120 mutation. A mutation in LPAR6 is responsible for the abnormal coat of the Cornish rex. Histological comparisons between any of these breeds and sphynx cats have not been performed.



A KRT71 mutation is responsible for a case of autosomal dominant woolly hair in a human family. People with woolly hair syndrome are characterized by fine and curly hair on the head, but they are not as severely alopecic as sphynx cats. Abnormalities in sphynx cats parallel some of those seen in murine KRT71 mutants. Hair shafts from laboratory rodents homozygous for an autosomal dominant KRT71 mutation, Rex (Re), are decreased in diameter, and these rats are also alopecic. Histological descriptions exist for the following KRT71 mutations in mice: (Ca) Caracul, Rco3, Rco12 and Rco13, and histological similarities to sphynx cats include curved/bent follicles and IRS abnormalities, such as nonuniform diameter and areas of abnormal or incomplete staining that are likely to represent abnormal keratinization. Hair shaft changes, including curves and kinks, are also similar between the mouse mutants and sphynx cats. Of the mouse KRT71 mutants, sphynx cats may be most similar to RCO3 mutants, which also exhibit alopecia though not as extensive as sphynx cats. Recessive inheritance is exhibited by both RCO3 mice and sphynx cats, whereas the other murine KRT71 mutations are dominant. The mutation in RCO3 mice results in complete absence of the α-helical domain, and the sphynx KRT71 mutation also deletes most of the α-helical domain, which is likely to result in abnormal/incomplete IRS keratinization.



The present study is limited by numerous factors, including small sample sizes for both the sphynx and control cats. Owing to the small sample size, factors that can impact follicle activity and density, such as photoperiod and age, were not accounted for in our analysis. However, all sphynx cats had anagen-dominant hair cycles (including a 10-year-old cat that had 80% anagen follicles) and all control cats had telogen-dominant cycles. Furthermore, the mean age of both dermatoscopy groups (sphynx and control cats) was very similar. Most cats were sampled only from the thorax; though the few biopsies taken from other sites were similar histologically,more samples from other sites may have revealed differences.



Immunohistochemical studies identified an abnormal distribution of keratin 71 in mouse KRT71 mutants, and scanning electron microscopy was also used to view hair shafts of Rex rodents and RCO12 and RCO13 mice. These techniques would be useful to confirm abnormal KRT71 expression, better describe follicular changes and better characterize the hair shafts of sphynx cats, but were beyond the scope of our study. Immunohistochemical techniques to identify the location of the keratin 71 protein in both normal cats and sphynx cats could elucidate potential differences in KRT71 expression between the sphynx cat and other species/breeds and reveal why coat and hair shaft changes are more severe in sphynx cats. Furthermore, follicular changes varied amongst sphynx cat follicles, with some appearing almost normal and others having severe abnormalities; immunohistochemical staining could identify differences in keratin 71 distribution between mildly and severely affected follicles.



Significant histological changes in the IRS of sphynx cats suggest that the sphynx KRT71 mutation does lead to abnormal protein expression in the IRS. Trichohyalin granules of the IRS play a vital role in hair shaft keratinization, and it is possible that the eosinophilic foci of the sphynx cat IRS represent abnormal trichohyalin granules. There were also occasional prominent, variably clear to pale, basophilic vacuolar-like changes observed in Huxley’s layer, though the exact cellular location of the change (intracellular versus extracellular) and nature of the swelling cannot be determined based on routine haematoxylin and eosin staining and light microscopy. Electron microscopy would be required for further detailed characterization of IRS changes. Abnormal anagen bulb morphology, an anagen-dominant hair cycle and an increase in kenogen follicles were also noted in sphynx cats. It is unclear whether the KRT71 mutation is involved in these abnormalities. Hair cycling is primarily regulated by follicular dermal papillae, and the abnormal morphology of the dermal papillae in sphynx cats may impact hair follicle cycling.



In summary, our findings suggest that sphynx cats suffer from follicular dysplasia and production of abnormal hair shafts, without a decrease in the quantity of follicles. Many abnormal hair shafts are produced that protrude from follicular ostia but do not reach normal length. The presented histological findings of the sphynx cat IRS are similar to those of murine KRT71 mutants, suggesting abnormal hair shaft keratinization and implying that keratin 71 plays a vital role in hair shaft formation in cats. Further studies are needed to understand KRT71 expression and function in cats better and to explain the anagen-dominant hair cycle of sphynx cats.




Figure 1. Compound follicle group from the lateral thorax of a sphynx cat. Note the large central primary follicle (large arrow) and associated lateral primary (small arrows) and secondary follicles.Most of the follicles are in anagen. Haematoxylin and eosin staining,

horizontal sectioning.



Figure 2. Typical follicles from a sphynx cats demonstrating slight bends (arrows) and a subjective decrease in follicular size (compare with sweat gland, marked with an arrowhead). Haematoxylin and eosin staining.




Figure 3. (a,b) Two severely abnormal sphynx cat follicles with multiple directional changes. (c) Severely curved sphynx cat follicle. Haematoxylin and eosin staining.




Figure 4. Anagen follicle from a domestic short hair cat with a normal coat (a) and a sphynx cat (b). Note the differences in the inner root sheath (asterisks); the sphynx inner root sheath (b) is of nonuniform diameter, lacks a well-defined outer (Henle’s) layer (arrows), and contains large irregularly shaped eosinophilic foci as well as multiple clear vacuolar-type changes within Huxley’s layer. Haematoxylin and eosin staining.



Figure 5. Hair follicles from a domestic short hair cat with a normal coat (a) and a sphynx cat (b). Differences in the inner root sheath (asterisks) between the sphynx and normal cat similar to those in Figure 4 are demonstrated in cross-section. In addition to the clear vacuolar change, there are also irregular pale basophilic vacuolar-type changes prominent in the sphynx inner root sheath. Haematoxylin

and eosin staining, horizontal sectioning.



Figure 6. Anagen bulbs from a normal cat (a) and sphynx cats (b–d). Note the flame-shaped dermal papillae (marked with an asterisk) of the normal cat and the orderly columnar epithelial cells surrounding the dermal papillae. The flame shape of the dermal papillae (asterisk) and surrounding orderly epithelial cell arrangement are lost to varying degrees in the anagen bulbs of sphynx cats (b–d). Haematoxylin and eosin staining.



Figure 7. Dermatoscopic images (5 mm 9 5 mm) from lateral thorax of cats with normal coats (a,b) and sphynx cats (c–f). The coat density for both sphynx cats and cats with normal coats appears similar. Sphynx cat hairs appear fine, and some are curved or kinked (two kinked hairs are marked with white arrows). Brown adherent debris can be seen on the sphynx cat skin (marked with black arrows). Cats with normal coats (a,b) were shaved with a 0.25 mm clipper blade.

图7.正常皮毛的猫(a,b)和斯芬克斯猫(c–f)侧胸的皮肤镜图像(5 mm 95 mm)。斯芬克斯猫和具有正常皮毛的猫的毛发密度几乎相似。斯芬克斯猫毛外观细小,有的弯曲或蜷缩(两根蜷缩的毛用白色箭头标记)。在斯芬克斯猫皮肤上可见棕色粘附碎片(用黑色箭头标记)。用0.25 mm剃刀头对具有正常毛发(a、b)的猫进行剃毛。







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