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Ear cleaning: the UK and US perspective

Ear cleaning helps maintain the normal otic environment and is important in the treatment of otitis. Over cleaning, however, may trigger otitis through maceration of the epidermal lining. Simple manual cleaning is useful for routine cleansing but doesn’t remove tightly adherent debris. Bulb syringes are more vigorous but may damage the ear in inexperienced hands. Devices using mains water pressure or dental machines are also available. Thorough cleaning of the ear canals and middle ear cavity can only be achieved by retrograde flushing using specially adapted catheters, feeding tubes or video otoscopes under anaesthesia. Myringotomy, inspection and cleaning of the middle should be performed if the tympanic membrane appears abnormal. There are a wide variety of cleaning fluids available. Ceruminolytics soften and dissolve cerumen to facilitate cleaning. Surfactants emulsify debris, breaking it up and keeping it in solution. Astringents dry the ear canal surface, preventing maceration. Maintaining a low pH and incorporating antimicrobial agents can inhibit microbial proliferation and glucocorticoids can be used to reduce inflammation. Adverse effects and contraindications following ear cleaning can include maceration, contact reactions, otitis media, ear canal avulsion, vestibular syndrome, Horner’s syndrome, facial nerve paralysis and deafness. Care should be exercised in selecting cleaning fluids if the tympanic membranes are ruptured.

Keywords: ear cleaning, flushing, otitis.

When performed well ear cleaning helps maintain the normal otic environment and is important in the treatment of otitis. Done badly it at best hinders resolution and at worst can trigger recurrent inflammation. A wide range of cleansing preparations and techniques is described. Not all are applicable to every ear and inappropriate use can make matters worse. In this article we discuss the rationale behind ear cleaning and how to get the best results from different agents and techniques.

The most prominent part of the external ear in terrestrial mammals is the cartilaginous pinna. The dorsal or convex surface is continuous with the haired skin of the head while the glabrous ventral or concave surface is continuous with the vertical and horizontal ear canals at the external ear or auditory orifice. The vertical ear canal travels ventrally and slightly rostrally before making a medial turn. The horizontal ear canal is separated from the middle ear by the tympanic membrane (Fig. 1). This is a concave, semitransparent membrane,which thickens towards its periphery. It is divided into two sections: the small dorsal pars flaccida and the larger ventral pars tensa. The pars flaccida is the pink, small, loosely attached upper quadrant of the tympanic membrane that contains small blood vessels. The pars tensa is a thin, tough, pearl grey structure with radiating strands that forms the rest of the membrane. The manubrium of the malleus attaches to the medial surface of the tympanic membrane forming a white Cshaped structure, the stria mallearis. Canine ear canals are typically 5–10 cm in length and 0.5–1.0 cm in diameter, although stenosis often occurs in chronic otitis externa. The authors also find that some dog breeds such as shar-peis, bulldogs, bull terriers and cocker spaniels can have narrow ear canals.
陆生哺乳动物外耳最突出的部分是耳廓软骨。耳廓背侧或凸面与头部有毛皮肤连续,而无毛的腹侧或凹面与外耳或听孔的垂直和水平耳道连续。垂直耳道在内侧转弯前向腹侧和稍微向口侧移动。水平耳道由鼓膜与中耳分开(图1)。鼓膜是一种凹的半透明膜,周围增厚。鼓膜分为两个部分:小的背侧松弛部和大的腹侧紧张部。松弛部是粉红色的、小的、松散的位于鼓膜上半部,包含小血管。紧张部是一种薄的、坚韧的、珍珠灰色的散射线结构,占据鼓膜剩余部分。锤骨柄附着于鼓膜的内侧表面,形成一个白色的c形结构,即锤纹。犬的耳道一般长5 - 10厘米,直径0.5 - 1.0厘米,但慢性外耳炎常发生狭窄。作者还发现,一些犬种,如沙皮犬、斗牛犬、牛头㹴和可卡犬的耳道可能很窄。

The middle ear cavity is housed within the bony tympanic bulla and is normally air filled. The canine tympanic bulla is divided into dorsal and ventral compartments by an incomplete bony shelf; in cats they are completely separate. It contains the auditory ossicles, their associated ligaments, muscles and nerves, and communicates with the inner ear via the round and oval windows. The Eustachian or auditory tube connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx. The sympathetic nerve passes through the periosteum of the ventral bulla.

The concave surface of the pinna and the ear canals are lined with glabrous skin except in hirsute breeds such as poodles, Bichon frise, terriers, etc. The dermis is rich in sebaceous and apocrine or ceruminous glands. Cerumen is a complex mixture of exfoliated cells, waxes, oils, free fatty acids, esters, immunoglobulins and proteins and forms a protective and antimicrobial barrier. Debris entering the ear canal is trapped and removed with the cerumen. This is facilitated by the lateral (outward) migration of the stratum corneum.

It is not usually necessary to clean healthy ears. Excessive cleaning can predispose to infections by increasing humidity and macerating the ear canal lining. Ear cleaning can, however, be beneficial in seborrhoeic ears with excessive cerumen production or in hairy, stenotic or pendulous ears where the flow of cerumen may be impeded.

Excess hairs can be periodically removed to improve access to the ear canal. Neither author, however, recommends hair removal unless absolutely necessary as frequent depilation may result in inflammation and recurrent otitis. It is also painful and should be performed under sedation or anaesthesia; dogs may otherwise become resistant to ear treatment. Depilatory creams are not often used in the ear canals and should be avoided as they are potential irritants and sensitisers.

Effective ear cleaning is an essential part of any treatment regime because it aids treatment and speeds resolution by removing:
• exudates and debris that obstruct the ear canals preventing a through diagnostic evaluation and medications contacting the ear canal epithelium;
• purulent material and inflammatory debris that can protect microorganisms and inactivate some antimicrobial medications such as gentamicin and polymyxin B;
• small foreign bodies, microorganisms, toxins and other inflammatory compounds, degenerate and damaged cells, which can act as foci for infection and inflammation.

Manual cleansing
The ear canals can be simply cleaned by introducing the cleaning fluid directly into the ear and massaging the ear canals, working debris to the surface. This does not remove tightly adherent or deep material and is best reserved for routine cleansing. A clear demonstration of the technique will help ensure effective cleaning by the owners. In general, owners should not clean the ear more frequently than every 48 h as there is a risk of maceration and infection if done too often. One of the authors (LC) has nevertheless used astringent cleaners such as Epi-Otic® (Virbac, Carros, France) daily (for cleaning) to twice daily (for its antimicrobial effect) with no adverse effects. Owners can clean directly visible parts of the ear with cotton wool or tips but deeper insertion risks leaving foreign material behind and irritating the ear canals.

Bulb syringes
Bulb syringes consist of a hollow plastic or rubber sphere and a variably sized nozzle. The bulb is filled with cleaning fluid, the nozzle gently inserted into the vertical ear canal and the fluid squeezed in under light pressure. It is important to leave a gap between the nozzle and the wall of the ear canal; the pressure can otherwise rupture the tympanic membrane. The fluid dislodges and washes out any debris. Bulb syringing is an effective technique that can be used in either conscious or sedated animals. Caution must be taken to avoid aspiration when using large volumes of fluid in heavily sedated animals, however. Using cuffed endotracheal tubes in anaesthetized animals reduces the risk of aspiration (see ear flushing below). Bulb syringes can be used by competent owners but it is important to fully explain and demonstrate the technique to avoid any problems.

Ear flushing
Ear flushing (Fig. 2a,b) is appropriate when the entire ear canal and/or the middle ear need thorough cleaning. If the ear canals are hyperplastic or ulcerated, 2– 3 weeks of topical and/or systemic glucocorticoids (prednisone or prednisolone 1–2 mg kg−1 orally q24 h, then taper) should be administered before performing ear flushing. Deep ear flushing should be performed under anaesthesia to prevent head shaking and damage to the ear canal. Cuffed endotracheal tubes will minimize the risk of aspiration. If the tympanic membrane is ruptured fluid will disappear from the ear canal and may flow from the nose, or mouth. The operator should wear gloves, facemask and eye protection to avoid infection from contaminated aerosols,especially if Pseudomonas is present. Swabs from the horizontal ear canal and middle ear cavity should be obtained for cytology and bacterial culture and sensitivity prior to flushing the ear.

One method of ear flushing is performed with a three-way tap or stopcock connected to a syringe, fluid supply and a urinary catheter, tomcat catheter or feeding tube of the appropriate length and diameter. The catheter tip is placed adjacent to the tympanic membrane or, if the tympanic membrane is ruptured, into the middle ear under visualization through an operating otoscope. It is important to angle the tip ventrally to avoid the sensitive structures in the dorsal part of the middle ear cavity. The ear canals and middle ear are alternately flushed and aspirated until completely clean. Finally, an astringent can be used to dry the ear canal. Retrograde flushing using this technique is very effective at removing deep material and is the only effective way to clean the middle ear.

Tightly adherent debris can be removed by initially soaking the ear canal for 10 min with a ceruminolytic ear cleanser. One of the authors (LC) prefers PanOtic® (Pfizer Inc., New York, USA). Flushing with sterile isotonic saline using a bulb syringe will remove larger fragments of debris from the ear canal. Flushing is then continued using an 8-French polypropylene urinary catheter attached to a 12 ml syringe as above to remove the remaining exudate and debris allowing visualization of the tympanic membrane with an otoscope or video otoscope (see below).

If the tympanic membrane is ruptured, repeated flushing of the middle ear should be performed to remove the ear cleanser, as some ceruminolytic agents may be ototoxic.

Samples for cytology and bacterial culture and sensitivity should also be obtained from the middle ear cavity using either a hand-held otoscope or a video otoscope. Using a hand-held otoscope, a sterile otoscopic cone is inserted into the horizontal ear canal and a sterile swab (Calgiswab®; Hardwood Products Company LP, Guildford, MN, USA) is passed into the middle ear cavity, avoiding the sensitive structures in the dorsal part of the middle ear cavity. The first swab is used for culture and sensitivity; the second for cytology. Using a video otoscope, an open-ended 3.5- French tomcat catheter attached to a 12 ml syringe is placed through the port of the video otoscope. One millilitre of sterile saline is flushed into the middle ear cavity and aspirated for culture.

If the tympanic membrane is intact but appears abnormal and otitis media is suspected a myringotomy (the deliberate rupture of the tympanic membrane) should be performed to obtain samples for cytology, culture and sensitivity and to flush the middle ear cavity. Using a standard otoscope, an incision is made in the caudoventral quadrant of the tympanic membrane with the Calgiswab® as described above. If using a video otoscope an open-ended 3.5-French tomcat catheter is used to make the incision. One author (TN) prefers to use a sterile spinal needle to make the initial incision. Experimentally ruptured normal tympanic membranes heal in 21–35 days. If the ear is kept free from infection following myringotomy the tympanic membrane should therefore heal well.

Water Pik®
A Water Pik® (Waterpik Technologies Inc., USA) is dental machine attachment that directs a pulsatile flow of water into the ear to dislodge and remove debris. The fluid must be aspirated from the ear afterwards, which is facilitated by the use of a suction apparatus. It is effective in cleaning the external ear canals, but somewhat less satisfactory at cleaning the middle ear.Excessive water pressure may also damage the tympanic membrane.
Water Pik®是一种牙科器械,可以辅助使水流脉冲式流入耳道,以排出和清除碎片。随后必须用吸引泵从耳中吸出液体。此设备对清洁外耳道很有效,但对清洁中耳就不太满意了。过高的水压也可能损害鼓膜。

The Auriflush® (Schering Plough Animal Health) (Fig. 3a,b) system is driven by tap (faucet) water although other cleaning fluids can be added. It has a trigger-operated nozzle that allows simultaneous flushing and aspiration of the canal. It can be used in conscious, sedated or anaesthetized animals, although it does not clean as deeply as catheter flushing and it is difficult to aspirate fluid with an animal in lateral recumbancy due to gravity. The size of the nozzle may make it difficult to use in small dogs and cats. Contributors to a recent Vetderm listserv discussion were divided as to its usefulness, which may reflect the type of cases seen by individual centres. One of the authors (TN) finds the Auriflush® very useful for routine cleansing but prefers catheter flushing for thorough cleaning of the ear canals.
Auriflush® 洗耳器(图3a,b),虽然由水龙头(水龙头)驱动,但也可以添加其他洗耳液。它有一个触发器操作的喷嘴,可以同时冲洗和抽吸。它可以用于清醒、镇静或麻醉的动物,虽然它不像导管冲洗那样深入清洁,而且由于重力的原因,动物在侧卧状态下很难吸出液体。喷嘴的大小可能使它难以在小型犬和猫使用。最近Vetderm listserv讨论的参与者对它的有效性意见不一,这可能反映了各个中心看到的病例类型。其中一名作者(TN)发现Auriflush对于常规清洁非常有用,但更喜欢导管冲洗来彻底清洁耳道。

Video otoscopes
The Karl Storz (Tuttlingen, Germany) video otoendoscope® and the MedRx (Largo, FL, USA) video otoscope® allow real-time imaging of the ear canals. The magnified image on the monitor is far superior to the view through a hand-held otoscope. Still images can be analysed to plan procedures or explain the condition of the ear canal to the owners. This is of enormous help in convincing some owners of the need for more aggressive treatment regimes. The video otoscope has ports for flushing and aspiration, which allows effective cleaning of the ear canal. Instruments, such as biopsy forceps, grasping forceps, etc., allow the operator to dislodge stubborn debris, remove ceruminoliths (see below) or take biopsies. The port also allows one to perform a visually guided myringotomy. The system is an excellent tool for imaging the external ear and tympanic membrane, cleaning the external ear canal and performing myringotomies. One disadvantage, however, is that the size of the otoscope head sometimes makes it difficult to use in cats, small dogs or stenosed ear canals.
Karl Storz视频耳内窥镜和MedRx视频耳内窥镜可以对耳道进行实时成像。显示器上的放大图像远远优于通过手持耳镜看到的图像。静态图像可以分析,以制定操作计划或向宠主解释耳道的情况。这对于说服一些宠主需要更积极的治疗方案有很大的帮助。视频耳镜有冲洗和抽吸通道,可以有效地清洁耳道。使用活检钳、抓钳等器械,操作者可以取出顽固的碎片、去除耵聍石(见下文)或进行活检。该通道还允许可视化进行鼓膜切开术。该设备是一个极好的外耳和鼓膜成像、清洁外耳道和执行鼓膜切开术工具。然而,耳镜头的大小有时使其难以用于猫、小犬或狭窄的耳道。

Removing ceruminoliths
Ceruminoliths are concretions of cerumen, cornified material, hair, topical medications and other debris that accumulate following chronic otitis and subsequent failure of epidermal migration. They act as irritant foreign bodies and foci for infection. Ceruminoliths that are resistant to conservative cleaning methods should be removed under sedation or anaesthesia. They can be grasped using forceps through an operating or video otoscope or broken up with ceruminolytics and flushed out. Ear curettes or loops are very handy at removing adherent material but should be used under general anaesthesia to avoid damaging the ear canal or tympanic membrane. The loop is introduced into the ear through an operating otoscope and gently hooked over the obstruction. Drawing the edge outwards along the epidermal surface removes the obstruction. Alligator forceps are also useful, especially for cornified plugs, hairs and foreign bodies, but it may be difficult to open their jaws sufficiently in narrow ears.

Contraindications and side effects
Damage leading to vestibular syndrome, facial nerve paralysis, Horner’s syndrome or deafness is a potential concern when ear cleaning, particularly when using more aggressive techniques. It is also possible that vigorous struggling may lead to avulsion injuries of the ear canal in unsedated animals. In practice, however, the risk appears to be small. In one series of 105 dogs assessed by brainstem auditory-evoked responses, no deficits were seen after cleaning, although it is the authors’ impression that side effects are more common in cats. The relative safety of these techniques, however,does rely on their skilful application and it is prudent to obtain informed consent prior to ear flushing.

The first maxim to consider when selecting a fluid is ‘do no harm’ (Table 1). Most cleansing is achieved by physically displacing material. It makes sense, therefore, to use nothing more potent than water or saline in most circumstances. Water or saline are particularly appropriate for cases with ruptured tympanic membranes as many other compounds are potentially ototoxic. Ceruminolytics, however, may be needed occasionally to dissolve ceruminous exudates.

Ceruminolytics, surfactants and foaming agents
Ceruminolytics are organic oils and solvents (e.g. propylene glycol, lanolin, glycerine, squalane, butylated hydroxytoluene, cocamidopropyl betaine and mineral oils) commonly included in ear cleaners to soften and dissolve cerumen. They are of most use in mildly waxy or dirty ears and are relatively safe for routine at-home cleaning if the tympanic membrane is intact. They are also used to soften impacted or dry debris prior to ear flushing or other cleaning techniques in the sedated or anaesthetized animal. It is, however, questionable if they are of much benefit in ears with a purulent discharge.

Ceruminolytic surfactants are effective with both ceruminous and purulent debris. Surfactants help expedite the cleaning process by emulsifying debris, breaking it up and keeping it in solution. Some detergents can be irritating, particularly to the middle ear mucosa, and are contraindicated if the tympanic membrane is ruptured. Useful surfactants include dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DSS or docusate), calcium sulfosuccinate and other detergents.

Foaming agents such as urea and carbamide peroxides release oxygen in situ. This helps disperse debris and aerates the ear canals. The foaming action causes anxiety in some animals though.

Astringents or drying agents
Astringents dry the ear canal surface, to prevent maceration. They are often combined with ceruminolytics and surfactants in cleaning/drying products, but can also be used separately after ear cleaning or prophylactically after bathing or swimming in dogs that are prone to otitis. Using ear plugs can result in maceration, irritation or a foreign body in the ear canals.

Commonly employed astringents include isopropyl alcohol, boric acid, benzoic acid, salicylic acid, sulfur, aluminium acetate and silicon dioxide. Acetic acid (2.0–5.0%) is an effective astringent and antimicrobial and is the preferred choice of one author (TN) in ears with ruptured tympanic membranes or where a contact sensitivity is suspected. A 2–2.5% solution is achieved by diluting distilled malt (or white) vinegar (few impurities; acetic acid content usually 5–8%) with saline or distilled water. Sulfur is astringent, antimicrobial, keratolytic and keratoplastic. Salicylic acid is keratoplastic at low concentrations and keratolytic at higher concentrations (above 2%). It is also bacteriostatic. These qualities may be of use in seborrhoeic and proliferative ears.
常用的收敛剂包括异丙醇、硼酸、苯甲酸、水杨酸、硫、醋酸铝和二氧化硅。醋酸(2.0-5.0%)是一种有效的收敛剂和抗菌剂,是一位作者(TN)对鼓膜破裂或怀疑接触致敏的耳部的首选。使用盐水或蒸馏水稀释蒸馏麦芽(或白)醋(少量杂质;醋酸含量通常为5 -8%)得到2-2.5%溶液。硫是收敛、抗菌、角质溶解和角质形成剂。水杨酸在低浓度时可促进角质形成,在高浓度时(高于2%)可促进角质溶解。它也是抑菌剂。这些特性可能对脂溢性耳部和增生性耳部有用。

Antimicrobial agents
Antimicrobial compounds are frequently incorporated in ear cleaners to retard microbial proliferation. An ear cleaner containing parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX) (Epi-Otic®) has potent in vitro and in vivo activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus intermedius and Malassezia pachydermatis. Chlorhexidine (1–3%) is also active against Staphylococcus intermedius and Malassezia pachydermatis, but is less active against Pseudomonas. Solutions that maintain a low pH (e.g. Micro Pearls Advantage Advanced pHormula Ear Cleanser; EVSCO, Buena, NJ, USA) are also antimicrobial.
抗菌成份经常被加入到洗耳液中,以阻止微生物的增殖。一种含有对氯间二甲苯酚(PCMX) (Epi-Otic)的洗耳液,在体外和体内对铜绿假单胞菌、中间型葡萄球菌和厚皮马拉色菌有抑制活性。氯己定(1-3%)对中间型葡萄球菌和厚皮马拉色菌也有活性,但对假单胞菌的活性较低。维持低pH值也能抗菌。

Anti-inflammatory compounds
Anti-inflammatory compounds present in some solutions can help prevent recurrent otitis associated with inflammatory diseases. Glucocorticoid solutions can also be used in conjunction with or added to ear cleaning fluids. Side effects are less common than with systemic therapy, but hypothalamic–pituitary– adrenal axis suppression, local cutaneous atrophy and immunosuppression can still occur. One should initially use more potent drugs (such as betamethasone and dexamethasone) followed by a switch to infrequent use of less potent drugs (such as prednisolone and hydrocortisone) for maintenance.

Contraindications and side effects
Some cleaning fluids may provoke inflammatory reactions, especially if introduced into the middle ear. Experimental inoculation of propylene glycol, DSS, carbamide peroxide and triethanolamine initiated inflammatory changes to the middle ear mucosa of normal dogs and guinea pigs, whereas squalane had no effect. Chlorhexidine is often regarded as ototoxic although experimental infusion at a concentration of 0.05% into normal canine ears caused no ill effects, whereas infusion of a 2% solution did cause ototoxicity. In these experiments, however, the compounds were directly inoculated into normal bullae without flushing and the effect in inflamed ears when combined with other cleaning techniques is unknown. In a study designed to simulate a clinical situation no vestibular or cochlear abnormalities were seen when 0.2% chlorhexidine was placed in the external ear canal of dogs with ruptured tympanic membranes. Nevertheless, in the absence of firm information about the integrity of the tympanic membranes caution should be exercised.

A number of ingredients in ear cleaning fluids are potential contact sensitisers and/or irritants. One of the authors (TN) has seen several cases of chronic otitis with contact dermatitis to various proprietary ear cleaners and topical medications. Because these contain a variety of ingredients, it is often difficult to determine the offending substance. It is also unclear if this was a primary cause of the otitis or became a perpetuating factor after resolution of the initial problem; inflammation and breakdown of the normal epidermal barrier may enhance the risk of subsequent sensitization and/or irritation. Switching to a saline or a saline/ vinegar solution was curative in each case.

In some instances, excessive topical therapy results in maceration of the lining of the ear canal. Clinically, this appears as an accumulation of white ceruminous debris in the ear canal. Cytologically, there is no infection, only desquamated epithelial cells with occasional mature, nondegenerate neutrophils. Treatment is directed at discontinuation of topical medications.

Most proprietary ear medications contain a variety of ingredients. Choosing the most appropriate product is akin to selecting a shampoo. The product and technique of choice very much depends on the individual patient and they may change as treatment progresses. It is of crucial importance to fully evaluate the primary, predisposing and perpetuating factors that contribute to the burden of disease in each patient. This information can then used to select the compounds that will counter these problems. Only then can the clinician choose between the wide array of products available. Proper application of the appropriate technique is vital; this again will change as the condition evolves. Ongoing training and support will also help clients maintain ear-cleaning regimes that will be effective in resolving otitis and preventing recurrence.

Figure 1. Normal tympanic membrane viewed through a video otoscope (image courtesy of MedRx Inc.).
Figure 2. (a, b) Ear flushing kit: operating otoscope, urinary catheter, 3-way tap, 10 mL syringe, intravenous infusion or giving set and 0.9% saline prior to use. Ear flush under way in a dog.
2。(a, b)耳部冲洗设备:手术耳镜、导尿管、三通阀、10ml注射器、静脉输液器,备用的0.9%生理盐水。一只犬使用此方法进行耳部冲洗。
Figure 3. (a, b) Auriflush system: main housing attached to a shower pipe. Trigger operated nozzle being used to clean the ears of a sedated dog with ceruminous otitis externa.
3。(a, b)Auriflush设备:主机连接淋浴水管。扳机操作的喷嘴,用于清洁患有耵聍性外耳炎的已镇静的患犬。


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