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发表于 2022-6-22 22:49:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Amycolatopsis spp. infection with correlative histopathological findings from the paw of a cat
This report describes the clinical presentation and diagnosis of a deep cutaneous Amycolatopsis spp. infection in a cat. Diagnosis was based on a combination of methods including culture, 16s rRNA sequencing and histopathological evaluation. Histopathological findings demonstrated unique melanin production. This report highlights the potential for infection by Actinomycetales beyond Nocardia and Actinomyces.

Deep cutaneous and subcutaneous infections of cats may be caused by atypical bacteria including Nocardia spp., Actinomyces spp. and Mycobacterium spp., and fungi. Lesions include chronic, nonhealing wounds and severely swollen tissues typical of cellulitis. Inoculation of atypical bacteria often is secondary to penetrating foreign bodies or bite wounds.Diagnostic tests include histopathological evaluation of the affected region and various laboratory cultures (i.e. aerobic, anaerobic, fungal and mycobacterial) or molecular diagnostic methods to identify a variety of potential pathogens.

A 3-year-old, castrated male domestic short hair cat was presented for evaluation of swollen paws on the left forelimb and hind limbs (Figure 1a & b). The cat had a two year history of progressive paronychia, nail loss and dermatitis first involving the second and fifth forelimb digits and subsequently ascending into the paw. Within a year, similar lesions were noted in the left hind limb. The cat had tested negative for feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukaemia virus (FIV/FELV SNAP ComboTest, Idexx Laboratories; Westbrook, MN, USA). Previous therapy had included cefovecin, tobramycin (topically) and itraconazole with no improvement. A six week course of oral doxycycline (10 mg/kg/day), completed two weeks before presentation, did not lead to clinical improvement; the owner perceived worsening of the swelling. Amputation was not feasible because of prior amputation of the right forelimb as a consequence of fracture.

Punch biopsy samples were collected from the digit and processed as described in Appendix S1 (Supporting information). Histopathological evaluation revealed dermal and subcutaneous coalescing nodular aggregates of pyogranulomatous inflammation including neutrophils, epithelioid macrophages and multinucleated giant cells centred around large black-brown pigmented granular bodies (Figure 2 a,b). Gram stain highlighted colonies of Gram-positive filamentous rods (Figure 2c); Ziehl–Neelsen modified acid fast and Grocott methenamine silver stains were negative. A Fontana–Masson stain for melanin was performed for which the pigment stained positive (Figure 2d). Von Kossa and Prussian blue stains for calcium and iron, respectively, were negative.

Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture, fungal culture and mycobacterial culture were performed. A Grampositive filamentous rod-shaped bacterium consistent with the histopathological sections was the only organism isolated. PCR for bacterial 16s rRNA gene was performed and sequenced. Comparison by BLAST in the NCBI blastn database (accessed 26/8/2021) of an 893 bp sequence (GenBank accession no. MZ945439) showed a 99.62% similarity to Amycolatopsis spp. (GenBank accession no. KJ572284.1). See Appendix S1 for further details of culture and molecular methodologies. Amycolatopsis is a Gram-positive member of the Actinomycetales related to Nocardia spp., Actinomyces spp. and Streptomyces spp.

To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of an infection caused by Amycolatopsis spp. In small companion animals. However, a study of Streptomyces spp. infections described a histologically similar inflammatory and pigment pattern in cats. Because there has been rapid expansion of the genetic characterisation of organisms within this genus, it is possible that reevaluation of previously reported Streptomyces spp. infection might reveal some Amycolatopsis spp. infections. Extracellular production of melanin is documented in members of the Streptomyces genus via secreted tyrosinases.The genus Amycolatopsis was first proposed in 1986 to differentiate nocardioform actinomycetes organisms that lack mycolic acid in their cell wall.One important member of this genus is A. orientalis which was the original source of the antimicrobial vancomycin; this group has been studied as agents of nocardioform placentitis (along with Crosiella equi) in mares.

There is no validated method for veterinary antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Amycolatopsis. Based on one study of minimum inhibitory concentrations of mare isolates, drugs of choice may include doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMS) and linezolid. Given the suspected clinical progression while receiving  doxycycline, TMS was selected for subsequent therapy. It is the authors’ strong opinion that linezolid use should be restricted in animals owing to its clinical importance in humans. Potentiated-sulfonamide drugs also are a mainstay of treatment for infections caused by the related Nocardia spp.The owner reported completing two weeks of therapy of oral TMS at 15 mg/kg twice daily before the owner stopped therapy when the cat was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF). The cat lived for approximately two more months before humane euthanasia was carried out as a consequence of perceived poor quality of life. No postmortem examination was performed and it is unknown whether the CHF and Amycolatopsis infection were linked. Infection with Amycolatopsis spp. and Streptomyces spp. may be rare in small animals. Notwithstanding, it is important for clinicians to be aware of actinomycetes beyond Nocardia and Actinomyces, that may lead to cutaneous infection.
目前尚无有效的对拟无枝酸菌的药敏试验方法。根据一项对母马分离株最低抑菌浓度的研究,选择的药物可能包括多西环素、甲氧苄啶-磺胺甲恶唑(TMS)和利奈唑胺。考虑到在接受多西环素治疗时怀疑有临床发展,我们选择TMS进行后续治疗。作者强烈认为,由于利奈唑胺在人类中的临床重要性,应限制其在动物中的使用。增强磺胺类药物也是治疗相关诺卡氏菌引起的感染的主要治疗方法。据主人报告,当猫被诊断患有充血性心力衰竭(CHF)时,在停止治疗之前,完成了为期两周的每日两次15 mg/kg的口服TMS治疗。这只猫又活了大约两个月,然后由于认为生活质量差而实施了人道安乐死。没有进行尸检,也不清楚CHF和拟无枝酸菌感染是否有关。拟无枝酸菌属和链霉菌属在小动物中可能很少见。尽管如此,重要的是,临床医生要了解诺卡氏菌属和放线菌属以外的放线菌,这可能导致皮肤感染。

Figure 1. a&b. Views of the severe swelling of the paw of a 3-year-old, castrated male domestic short hair cat following a two year course of paronychia and subsequent dermatitis, resulting from infection with Amycolatopsis spp.

Figure 2. Stained histopathological sections of a punch biopsy of haired skin from the dorsal left front foot of a 3-year old, castrated male domestic short hair cat with Amycolatopsis infection.
(a, b) Low and higher power views of the biopsy showing the surface is ulcerated and covered in a serocellular crust. The dermis and subcutis are effaced and expanded by coalescing nodular aggregates of pyogranulomatous inflammation surrounding pigmented bodies. Haematoxylin and eosin. c) Within these bodies are large colonies of Gram-positive, Ziehl–Nielson modified acid fast negative filamentous rods (Gram stain). d) The pigment is consistent with melanin and is present in peripheral epitheloid macrophages and multinucleated giant cells. (Fontana Masson stain).
2;一只3岁,雄性已去势家养短毛猫拟无枝酸菌感染的左前足部带毛皮肤穿刺活检的染色组织病理学切片。(a, b)活检低倍镜和高倍镜显示表面溃疡伴有血清性结痂。真皮和皮下组织因色素小体周围的化脓性肉芽肿性炎症聚集而消失和扩张。苏木精和伊红染色。c)在这些小体内有大量的革兰染色阳性,齐尼抗酸染色阴性的丝状杆菌(革兰染色)。d)该色素与黑色素一致,存在于外周上皮样巨噬细胞和多核巨细胞中。(氨银液染色剂)。


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