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Canine pedal papilloma identification and management: a retrospective series of 44 cases
作者:Alexandra P. Gould, Kimberly S. Coyner, Ann M. Trimmer, Kathy Tater and Mark Rishniw
Background – Papillomavirus infections in dogs have a variety of manifestations and involve multiple viral genera. Canine pedal papillomas have been infrequently studied and reported in the literature.
Objective – To report the signalment, history, treatment and outcome of biopsy-confirmed cases of canine pedal papillomatosis, collected from veterinarians across the United States and Canada
Animals – Medical records from 44 dogs were submitted by North American veterinarians.
Methods and materials – Surveys were submitted through the Veterinary Information Network for biopsy-confirmed cases of canine pedal papillomatosis. Submissions included information on patient signalment, history, biopsy report, treatment and outcome.
Results – Forty-four cases were reviewed. The median age of presentation was four years old. Dogs most commonly presented with lameness and/or paw licking/chewing. Only one paw was affected in 35 cases, and front paws were more often affected than back paws. Twenty-eight dogs presented with one mass. Histopathological evaluation documented 33 cases of non-inverted papillomas and 11 cases of inverted papillomas. Thirty-four papillomas resolved in total; 25 resolved within three weeks after biopsy collection. Twenty-one dogs received no additional treatment and 15 of those cases resolved. Azithromycin was the most commonly reported treatment initiated after biopsy was collected.
Conclusions and clinical importance – The biological behaviour of canine pedal papillomas in this case series was similar to oral papillomas, and most lesions resolved with or without additional treatment. Further research is needed to better characterise the causative papillomavirus types and genera involved in the development of canine pedal papillomas.

Papillomaviruses are nonenveloped, double-stranded DNA viruses that most often spread through direct contact.Canine papillomavirus (CPV) infections have been associated with six syndromes: oral papillomas, venereal papillomas, exophytic cutaneous papillomas, cutaneous inverted papillomas, footpad papillomas and pigmented viral plaques. CPV infections also have been associated with the development of squamous cell carcinoma. Papillomas of the paw have been infrequently studied and most reports involve single cases. However, clinical experience has shown that papillomas of the paw are more commonly encountered than a literature search would suggest. In an informal records survey by a veterinary pathologist, pedal and digital papillomas were found to comprise 21.8% (513 of 2,355) of the total known anatomical site papillomas identified within a five year period from2015 to 2020 (D. Gardiner, personal communication).Therefore, the goal of this retrospective case series was to report the signalment, history, treatment and outcome of biopsy-confirmed cases of canine pedal papillomatosis, collected from veterinarians across North America.
乳头瘤病毒是无包膜的双链DNA病毒,最常通过直接接触传播。犬乳头瘤病毒(CPV)感染有六种综合征:口腔乳头状瘤、性病乳头状瘤、外生型皮肤乳头状瘤、皮肤内翻性乳头状瘤、爪垫乳头状瘤和色素性病毒斑块。CPV感染也与鳞状细胞癌的发展有关。爪部乳头状瘤很少被研究,大多数报告涉及单个病例。然而,临床经验表明,爪部乳头状瘤比文献搜索显示的更常见。在一项由兽医病理学家进行的非正式记录调查中,从2015年到2020年的五年间,足和趾部乳头状瘤占已知解剖部位乳头状瘤总数的21.8%(2355个中有513个)(D. Gardiner,个人通信)。因此,本回顾性病例分析的目的是报告从北美各地兽医收集的经活检确诊的犬足乳头状瘤病例的特征、病史、治疗和结果。

Methods and materials
Case selection        
Members of the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) were invited by community-wide E-mail to submit biopsy-confirmed cases of canine pedal papillomatosis. The open submission period lasted for six weeks, from January to February 2020. Participants were asked to provide patient signalment, case history and examination findings, biopsy report, treatment and outcome via the online data submission system (Appendix S1). Cases without histopathological confirmation of papillomatosis were excluded.

Histopathological evaluation
All biopsy reports were reviewed for specific diagnostic terminology and description of surgical margins.

Clinical management and prognosis
Data on signalment, history, clinical signs, treatment and outcome for each case were collected for analysis.

Statistical analysis
The data were analysed and reported as descriptive statistics. No inferential analysis was performed.

Forty-four cases were reviewed. Submitted cases spanned a 12 year period (2007–2019), and were submitted from both Canada (six cases) and the United States (38 cases). First-opinion veterinarians referred 12 of these cases to a specialist dermatologist; the remainder were diagnosed and treated by first-opinion veterinarians. Patient signalment and history Of the 30 breeds of dog represented in the submitted cases, four breeds (or types) accounted for 36% of the cases: pit bulls (six cases), Labrador retrievers (four cases), Labrador retriever mixes (three cases) and golden retrievers (three cases). Papillomas occurred in the remaining 26 breeds or mixed-breed dogs as single cases or pairs. The submitted cases included 18 males (two intact, 16 neutered) and 26 females (four intact, 22 spayed). Dogs were reported to have developed papillomas at a median age of four years old (range: ≤1 to 15 years,Table 1); 12 of 44 cases were one year old or less.

Of the 24 cases for which dog daycare or boarding history was known, five dogs attended a facility one week before presentation, five dogs attended one month before presentation, and six dogs attended two to three months before presentation. The remainder either did not attend a facility or had attended a facility more than seven months before presentation.

Thirty-four dogs had received no immunosuppressive medications within one month of presentation, four had received oclacitinib, two had received an unknown immunosuppressive medication, and one dog each had received corticosteroids, cyclosporine, trimeprazine tartrate with prednisolone, or a combination of both corticosteroids and oclacitinib. Of the 42 dogs with a reported medical history, 41 had no reported immunosuppressive conditions; one patient was diagnosed with epitheliotropic lymphoma concurrent with the papillomavirus diagnosis.

Clinical signs and examination
Dogs presented with a variety of clinical signs (Table 2) at initial examination. In nine dogs, masses were noted on examination without the owners describing signs at home. Of the 35 cases for which initial clinical signs were seen, 24 cases presented with at least two signs simultaneously, the most frequent of which were lameness and paw licking (12 cases).

Thirty-five dogs developed papillomas on only one paw; front paws were affected more often than hind paws (26 masses on the front paws, nine masses on the hind paws). In the remainder of cases, at least two paws were reported affected. Papillomas were distributed across multiple areas on the paw (Table 3), and almost always occurred on haired skin (43 cases). Ten dogs developed papillomas on the paw pads and two developed papillomas on the claw beds.

Twenty-eight dogs had only one pedal papilloma, two dogs had two papillomas, four dogs had three papillomas, one dog had five papillomas and seven dogs had more than five papillomas identified.

Six dogs were reported to have suspected papillomas at sites distant from the feet; one mass inside the mouth and one mass on the right hip were confirmed as papillomas by biopsy evaluation. The remaining four distant suspected papillomas were not biopsied.

Biopsy evaluation
Biopsies were collected less than one week after the mass was noted in 25 cases and between one and three weeks after mass identification in 13 cases. Five biopsies were taken between four and 12 weeks after mass identification. The timing of one biopsy collection was not reported. Twenty-seven dogs were receiving medication at the time of biopsy collection (Table 4)

Twenty-five biopsies were reported to be excisional, defined as the entire mass being removed. Nineteen biopsies were reported as incisional, defined as only part of the mass being removed. On histopathological reports, 21 cases were completely excised and 13 cases were incompletely excised. Of the cases with complete excision, 15 cases were a single papilloma, two cases were two papillomas and four cases had more than five papillomas. Two cases received additional surgery after the biopsy report was received. The extent of excision in the remaining 10 cases was either not reported or determined to be unclear by a pathologist.

The terminology of biopsy diagnosis was variable, with masses being identified as viral papilloma (19 cases), inverted papilloma (10 cases), viral squamous papilloma (eight cases), papilloma (four cases), exophytic viral papilloma (two cases), and inverted viral papilloma (one case). Inverted papillomas are classically defined as being umbilicated and lined with hyperplastic squamous epithelium, while exophytic papillomas contain multiple projections of thickened, heavily keratinised squamous epithelium. Biopsy descriptions all were consistent with exophytic or inverted papillomas when these terms were used in the dermatopathological diagnosis. Pathologists also reported koilocytes in 37 reports, intranuclear inclusion bodies in 29 reports and giant keratohyalin granules in 13 reports.

Papilloma treatment
Twenty-one patients received no additional treatment besides the confirmatory biopsy. Ten of these cases were reported completely excised, eight were incompletely excised and three were unknown. Of the remaining 23 cases that received treatment (Table 4), 11 cases were reported completely excised, five were incompletely excised and seven were unknown. No revision surgeries were reported for incompletely excised cases. Ten dogs began treatment before biopsy collection and less than one week after the mass was observed, six began treatment at the time of biopsy collection, and four began treatment after biopsy results were obtained. Two dogs started treatment one to three weeks after the mass was observed and before biopsy collection, and one dog began treatment four to six weeks after the mass was observed and before biopsy collection. Of the 19 dogs receiving treatment before receipt of biopsy results, three dogs’ treatments were altered after biopsy results were received.
21例患病动物除接受活检确诊外,未接受其他治疗。其中10例完全切除,8例不完全切除,3例未知。在其余23例接受治疗的病例中(表4),11例被报道完全切除,5例被报道不完全切除,7例未知。未完全切除的病例均未进行二次手术。10只在活检前观察到肿块后不到一周开始治疗,6只在活检时开始治疗,4只在活检结果出来后开始治疗。2只在观察到肿块1-3周后活检采样前开始治疗,1只在观察到肿块4 -6周后活检采样前开始治疗。在得到活检结果前接受治疗的19只中,有3只犬在得到活检结果后改变了治疗方法。

Thirty-four papillomas resolved (19 with medical therapy, 15 with no treatment beyond biopsy collection). Of these 34 cases, histopathologically 18 were considered completely excised, nine were incompletely excised, and seven were unknown. Of the nine resolved cases where excision was incomplete, four patients received additional medical treatment. Three received azithromycin and one received a topical antibiotic/steroid combination along with oral antibiotics and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.

The majority of all cases that resolved (25 cases), did so within three weeks following biopsy collection (Figure 1). Of the cases that resolved within three weeks, 15 were completely excised, eight were incompletely excised and two were unknown. Because the majority of dogs had only one papilloma, it was not possible to determine whether the number of papillomas affected the speed of resolution. Seven papillomas were reported at the time of data submission to have failed to resolve at any point and three papillomas had unknown outcomes.Follow-up contact was attempted for the clinicians with the unresolved cases and six veterinarians responded to report that the papillomas resolved after complete surgical excision.

Recurrence was reported in five cases (three at the same site only, one at the same and distant sites, and one at a distant site only), yet a confirmatory biopsy was collected in only one case. Two of the same-site recurrences originally were reported to be completely excised, as was the recurrence at the distant site. The recurrence at both the same and distant sites originally was reported as incompletely excised. Suspected same-site recurrence occurred within four months in all four cases.

Veterinarians treated three of the suspected recurrent cases. Topical imiquimod was used alone in one case, in combination with azithromycin and interferon alpha in another case, and the third case was treated with surgical excision via electrosurgery. Four of these suspected recurrent cases were reported resolved, and the outcome of one was unknown. Resolution took less than one week in one case, one to three weeks in two cases and >12 weeks in one case.

This study provides comprehensive information on a relatively large cohort of dogs with pedal papillomas. Data suggest that these papillomas may be more common than the literature would indicate, and that they often resolve relatively quickly with or without medical therapy.

Previous case reports of pedal papillomas have included dogs ranging in age from nine months to 11 years, and have encompassed multiple breeds including two beagles, one golden retriever, one Jack Russell terrier and one French bulldog. The median age of onset reported in this study (four years) is older than that reported for canine oral papillomas, and is similar to reports of other forms of papillomatosis.Even though pit bull terriers and Labrador retrievers or Labrador retriever mixes were the most commonly recorded dog breed in this study, this information should be regarded with caution because it was not possible to determine whether those breeds generally are over-represented in the dog population in North America.

Information on the patients’history at dog daycare and boarding facilities was requested because a previous case report suggested that oral papillomavirus spread through a daycare facility. No previous case reports of pedal papillomas have mentioned dog daycares or boarding in the patient history. Few dogs in this study were reported to have attended such a facility before diagnosis, so it is not possible to comment on community spread of pedal papillomas through boarding facilities.

Most of the dogs in this study were presented to their veterinarian with clinical signs that led to the discovery of the mass. Therefore, clinicians should examine the paws thoroughly for pedal masses in dogs that present with a history of lameness or paw licking.

Previous investigators have linked the development of papillomaviral lesions to immune suppression in dogs, including in one case report of pedal papillomatosis.However, this study did not support a strong association between immunosuppressive medications or comorbidities and the development of pedal papillomatosis. A single case report of 17 dogs with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency previously were reported to develop chronic cutaneous papillomavirus favouring the paws following bone marrow transplantation, and a subset of those cases transformed into squamous cell carcinomas.However, none of the papillomas in the present study were reported to undergo malignant transformation, suggesting that such a transformation appears to be uncommon.

Pedal papillomas in this study most often affected the haired skin of front paws. It has been hypothesised that papillomavirus infection could be associated with trauma, which could explain why the front paws were the preferred location of masses in this study. Dogs bear more weight on the front paws and the front paws also have more contact time with the ground, both of which can increase the likelihood of trauma.

The retrospective nature of this study and the widespread locations of submitting veterinarians resulted in multiple pathologists interpreting the biopsy samples.Because the method of reporting a papillomavirus diagnosis is not standardised, it was only possible to categorise the papillomas in this paper as either inverted (or endophytic) and noninverted (assumed to be exophytic) papillomas. The cases included in this study involved 11 inverted papillomas and 33 noninverted papillomas. Inverted papillomas on the feet have been reported previously in a low number of dogs.They also have been described elsewhere on the body, including on the abdomen and the ventral neck.Noninverted papillomas also have been reported previously on the feet.

All of the histopathological reports in this study included the basic descriptions and dermatopathological diagnoses consistent with exophytic or endophytic papillomas. Additional findings consistent with the diagnosis of papillomavirus infection include the presence of koilocytes, giant keratohyalin granules and intranuclear inclusion bodies. In 41 reports in this study, masses included characteristics specifically associated with papillomavirus infection. These findings contradict a prior claim that the viral origin of pedal papillomas has not been proven, yet further immunohistochemical analysis would be necessary to definitively confirm the presence of papillomavirus in the lesions.

Nearly half of the dogs in the study received no treatment for pedal papillomatosis after confirmatory biopsy was collected, and the lesions in most of these dogs resolved spontaneously. Spontaneous regression commonly is associated with multiple presentations of canine papillomavirus lesions. Regression in oral papillomavirus infections has been linked to the development of circulating antibodies against the L1 capsid protein of CPV1, so future research on pedal papillomas could include evaluation of resolving patients for similar antibodies.
在本研究中,近一半的犬在接受活检确诊后未接受任何治疗,这些犬的病变大多自行消退。自然消退通常与犬乳头瘤病毒病变的多重表现有关。口腔乳头状瘤病毒感染的消退与抗CPV1 L1衣壳蛋白的循环抗体的发展有关,因此对足乳头状瘤的未来研究可能包括评估患病动物是否有类似抗体。

Previously suggested treatments for papillomaviruses of varying body locations have included surgical excision, imiquimod, Type I interferons, azithromycin, cryotherapy, recombinant canine oral papillomavirus vaccines and autologous vaccination.

Of the treatments that have been recommended previously for papillomaviral lesions, azithromycin was most commonly used in this study. Complete surgical excision, as defined by the biopsy report, was reported in 21 dogs. Two recurrent papillomas were treated with topical imiquimod, although it was not prescribed for the initial lesions. It should be noted that, because many papillomas can resolve spontaneously, it is difficult to determine the efficacy of the antiviral treatments. Most papillomas resolved within three weeks following biopsy collection, which is consistent with the speed of resolution commonly reported for canine papillomatosis, including the two pedal papillomas reported previously.

A recent case report describes the repeated recurrence of pedal papillomas in a dog despite multiple excisions.10 This case series details the same-site recurrence of two pedal papillomas after complete surgical excision and one after incomplete excision, which is consistent with the recent case report. Although it is not possible to determine likelihood of recurrence from such a small sample size, the risk of same-site recurrence of pedal papillomas after excision should be considered when patients are treated for this condition.

This study has several shortcomings that should be noted. The paper was retrospective across multiple veterinary facilities and practitioners, so it was not possible to standardise the treatment regimen across dogs to determine which treatments would be most effective for pedal papillomas. The multiple-choice question format of the survey made it impossible to collect individualised descriptions of each papilloma, which could have contributed to understanding the general appearance of pedal papillomas in dogs. Additionally, as was noted previously, the fact that multiple pathologists read the included reports made it impossible to standardise the reporting criteria for the diagnosis of pedal papillomas. Recommendations for future studies would include a long-term prospective study designed to reach a statistically significant sample, conducted with specific criteria for treatment and ideally using a single pathologist or standardised histopathological descriptors, with confirmatory immunohistochemical stains. In addition, future investigation is needed to determine the types and genera of CPV associated with this form of papillomatosis in dogs.

This paper documents a case series of pedal papillomas in dogs and provides further information to support the viral origin and spontaneous resolution of pedal papillomas. In addition, this case series describes common presentations and treatments of pedal papillomas in dogs. Further research is needed to better characterise the behaviour and best treatment practices for this papillomaviral presentation.

Time of resolution(weeks)
Figure 1. Time to papilloma resolution following biopsy collection, distinguishing dogs receiving (dark bars) or not receiving (light bars) treatment after biopsy results


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