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发表于 2022-3-26 13:11:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease
作者:Linda J Vogelnest
翻译:何梦婷  校对:王帆

The cat with nodules and/or nodular swelling
Deeper skin diseases that produce nodules and nodular swelling generally fall into three main aetiological groups: infectious, inflammatory or neoplastic. Some lesional types and distributions may be more suggestive of certain diagnoses, but many nodular skin diseases appear similar. Optimal treatments, likelihood of systemic involvement and prognosis vary widely, and thus prompt confirmation of diagnosis is important.

Infectious disease
A broad range of infectious agents may produce nodular lesions. Some infectious causes, including staphylococcal bacteria (eg, deep pyoderma of the chin), remain localised. A number of primarily opportunistic pathogens also cause nodular skin disease in the cat, typically when traumatically implanted. Some have important systemic disease associations.

The most common feline mycobacterial infections present with slowly progressive, poorly demarcated, irregularly nodular lesions with punctate draining tracts, most typically in the caudal abdominal and inguinal areas. The infectious agents are saprophytic mycobacteria (eg, Mycobacterium fortuitum, Mycobacterium chelonae, Mycobacterium smegmatis) that are widely distributed in the environment, and grow readily in the laboratory. These mycobacteria most often cause localised cutaneous disease in immunocompetent hosts, but occasional dissemination occurs in immunocompromised patients.More rarely, mycobacteria restricted to certain geographic regions cause more discrete skin nodules, often with dissemination to other body organs.

Widespread dissemination in immunocompromised cats is typical with the classical‘ tuberculous’ mycobacteria (eg, Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium microti). These are obligate animal pathogens associated with severe zoonotic potential and, in the case of some environmental species, with more selective pathogenicity (eg, Mycobacterium avium complex in familial young Abyssinian and Somali cats, Mycobacterium genavense in old cats with longstanding FIV, and Mycobacterium visibile). Most cats with these mycobacterial infections have signs of systemic illness (respiratory, gastrointestinal) and lymphadenopathy in addition to typically discrete skin nodules, which may or may not ulcerate.

Feline leprosy is caused by fastidious mycobacteria that will not routinely grow on laboratory media (eg, Mycobacterium lepraemurium, M visibile). Infections are rare and most typical in healthy cats with outdoor exposure (often hunters). The reservoir of these mycobacteria is currently unknown; however, infection appears to be associated with rodent bites (M lepraemurium), or traumatic implantation (Candidatus ‘Mycobacterium tarwinense’, M visibile, Candidatus‘ Mycobacterium lepraefelis’). Infected cats may present with localised nodules (Candidatus‘M tarwinense’, M lepraemurium), or widespread nodules (Candidatus‘M lepraefelis’, M visibile) that occasionally progress to systemic disease.(See accompanying article on cutaneous manifestations of infectious disease for further discussion.)

诺卡氏菌是普遍存在的环境细菌腐生菌,通过皮肤伤口植入或吸入后,偶见导致免疫力低下猫感染 典型的表现是进行性不规则结节和典型点状瘘道,通常伴有肺部感染或大面积扩散。感染可能始于分散的脓肿,逐渐扩大。通常四肢,腹部腹侧和腹股沟区域患病,并且通常伴有淋巴结肿大。
Nocardian species are ubiquitous environmental bacterial saprophytes that very occasionally cause infection in immunocompromised cats, following implantation via skin wounds or inhalation. Progressive irregular nodules and punctate draining sinuses are typical, often with lung infection or widespread dissemination. Infections may start with discrete abscesses that gradually extend. The extremities, ventral abdomen and inguinal areas are typically affected, and lymphadenopathy is common.

Environmental fungi
There are multiple environmental fungi that will occasionally cause infections when skin penetration occurs. Although many infections remain localised, some fungal species with varying global distributions cause sporadic but serious disseminated infections in cats that may present as prominent nodular skin lesions. These more pathogenic fungal species include Cryptococcus species and Sporothrix species, found in their preferred environmental niches worldwide, and Blastomyces species, Histoplasma species and Coccidioides species that occur in very restricted geographical locations. Systemic involvement with these infections is common, with the respiratory tract, eyes and central nervous system most frequently affected. Skin nodules tend to occur on extremities (face, pinnae and feet).

Leishmaniosis in cats can present with nodules that may ulcerate, with or without other skin lesions that include alopecia, scaling, papules, erosions and ulceration. Many infections are disseminated. Toxoplasmosis in cats is very rare, usually associated with immunocompromise, and most frequently presents with systemic signs (malaise and fever, with or without respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological or ocular signs). Skin nodules occur rarely, are typically multiple and may ulcerate.

Any cat presenting with nodular skin disease, particularly with multiple lesions, has potential for systemic involvement.

Inflammatory disease
Some nodular lesions in cats are inflammatory in origin, including eosinophilic granulomas and plaques, which are very frequently associated with underlying hypersensitivity. Rare sterile inflammatory lesions may be associated with systemic disease.

Sterile panniculitis
Panniculitis is reported very occasionally in cats, associated with dietary imbalance (vitamin E deficiency with, for example, exclusively fish diets) and as a sterile idiopathic form, but may also be associated with pancreatitis or pancreatic neoplasia. Lesions in all forms are reported more frequently in the ventral abdominal or ventrolateral thorax regions; they appear as single or multiple irregularly nodular regions, with or without draining tracts, that are clinically in distinguishable from infectious causes of panniculitis including mycobacteria and Nocardia species.

Multiple pale yellow to pink plaques through to intact or ulcerated nodules occur rarely in cats with abnormalities in lipid metabolism, including hereditary hyperlipidaemia and diabetes mellitus. Lesions are most frequent on the head and distal extremities, and may be pruritic. One atypical idiopathic presentation has been described with more diffuse irregularly nodular yellowish regions in a normolipaemic cat.These lesions produce characteristic histopathology , and diagnosis of xanthoma from skin biopsies warrants systemic evaluation (Figure 11).

Figure 11 Multifocal erythemic plaques on the dorsal periocular areas, pinnae and forehead of a 1-year-old domestic shorthair cat with cutaneous xanthomas due to familial hypertriglyceridaemia

Neoplastic nodular skin lesions mimic infectious and inflammatory nodules. Although skin neoplasia in cats is more frequently malignant than in dogs, many forms are locally aggressive with a low risk of metastasis. Aggressive forms with a higher risk of metastasis include some mast cell tumours (Figure 12), malignant melanoma and histiocytic sarcomas.

Figure 12 Multifocal discrete nodules, some with focal crusting, in a 12-year-old domestic shorthair cat with histiocytic mast cell neoplasia.

Diagnostics: nodules and/or nodular swelling
所有出现结节性皮肤病的患猫,特别是表现为多性病变,都可能有全身性疾病。全面的体格检查,包括眼和口咽检查,对于其他器官疾病评估很重要。猫的孢子丝菌病是一种具有严重人畜共患病可能的疾病; 在可疑病例(例如,所有具有溃疡性结节性病变的猫,尤其是在流行地区),护理恰当很重要,以避免接触病变皮肤和渗出液。
Any cat presenting with nodular skin disease, particularly with multiple lesions, has potential for systemic involvement. Full physical examination, including ocular and oropharyngeal examinations, is important to screen for evidence of other organ disease. Sporotrichosis in cats is a disease with serious zoonotic potential; appropriate care is important to avoid contact with skin lesions and exudate in suspect cases (eg, any cat with ulcerative nodular lesions, but particularly in endemic areas).
Cytology via fine-needle aspiration is usually indicated for all nodular lesions prior to more invasive tests, and will sometimes confirm a diagnosis, and often provide valuable diagnostic and prognostic guidance. Multiple samples should be obtained from a range of lesions, sampling more peripherally in large lesions to avoid central areas of necrosis, and from any intact areas containing exudate. If cells are not obtained via aspiration, repeated needle fenestration (repositioning the needle tip multiple times within a mass) might provide higher yield. Sampling via swabs or impression smears from ulcerated regions or draining tracts provides less useful information due to non-specific inflammation and contaminant microbes. Utilising an experienced cytologist and providing clinical background will maximise diagnostic accuracy.
Granulomatous or pyogranulomatous inflammation is common with most of the infectious differentials, but will also occur with sterile inflammatory causes, and can complicate some neoplastic lesions. Some infectious organisms may be very sparse and/or require special stains to visualise (eg, mycobacteria, Nocardia species, Cryptococcus species). Aspirated samples may also be useful for microbial culture when organisms are plentiful or when exudate is obtainable from intact regions (eg, rapidly growing mycobacteria).
Many nodular presentations will require biopsy and histopathology for definitive diagnosis (Figure 13), and some infectious causes will require culture or molecular testing to confirm and/or identify infectious agents accurately and to species level. However, culture is not recommended for some species including Sporothrix, Blastomyces, Coccidiomyces and Histoplasma due to aerosol zoonotic risks. It may be valuable to collect two sterile biopsy samples (or portions of samples) for freezing (for PCR testing, specialist culture), and one sterile sample for refrigeration (for microbial culture), in addition to two to three samples in formalin for routine histopathology. This is particularly relevant when infectious diseases are suspected, although has been recommended for all cutaneous/ subcutaneous nodules, and for enlarged lymph nodes in cats.

13 12的患猫的胫骨外侧区域有部分脱毛和轻度局灶性结痂的结节。弥散性感染性病(分枝杆菌、真菌、原)是除肿瘤因外的首要考虑因素。肥大细胞分化不良、颗粒常规染色不易检出
Figure 13 Nodule with partial alopecia and mild focal crusting on the lateral tibial region of the cat pictured also in Figure 12. Disseminated infectious causes (mycobacteria, fungae, protozoa) were initial considerations in addition to neoplastic causes. The neoplastic mast cells were poorly differentiated and agranular, and not readily detected on routine staining.


< Skin can be an important marker of general health, and skin and haircoat changes can at times be the first indication of significant systemic disease.
< Any cat presenting with skin disease should have screening of both the history and physical examination for clues that are less consistent with common skin-restricted dermatoses and that may raise suspicion for systemic disease. These findings, together with the skin presentation, then guide the most appropriate additional diagnostics.
< Careful screening for dietary imbalance, risks of contagious infection and signs of systemic disease are important for the cat presenting with a dull, unkempt coat.
< Cytology and skin biopsies are often most important for both nodular and erosive to ulcerative presentations to distinguish between infectious, sterile and neoplastic causes, with their variable systemic disease associations.
< For the pruritic cat, although cutaneous hypersensitivities are very common, some secondary and primary infections may mimic allergic causes and be associated with underlying systemic illness. Thus, remaining alert for atypical presentations and cognisant of potential links of infection with underlying systemic disease is important.
< Possibly the most challenging dermatological presentation to correctly associate with systemic disease is the cat with variable combinations of alopecia, erythema, scaling and focal crusting; where hypersensititives, infections, autoimmune diseases and systemic diseases are all considerations. In this scenario, a broad knowledge of common dermatoses will help with recognition of less consistent historical or lesional clues to raise the profile of systemic diseases, and accurate cytology skills will help exclude common infectious causes. Both are key to more accurate assessment of the potential for underlying systemic disease.  


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