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Cutaneous manifestations of infectious disease

作者:Katherine Backel and Christine Cain
翻译:何梦婷   校对王帆刘欣

Fungi – and associated cutaneous disease
This review focuses on systemic fungal disease. Similar to atypical bacterial disease, systemic fungal disease often causes non- healing wounds, nodules and draining tracts. Associated inflammation is typically pyogranulomatous to granulomatous. Clinical presentations can be similar and may require histopathologic or microbiologic diagnosis. Dermatophytosis will not be discussed in this context but is the most common cutaneous fungal infection in cats.

Cryptococcus and Aspergillus species
Cryptococcus species are dimorphic basidiomycetous fungi and the cause of the most common systemic mycosis of cats. There are at least 19 species described; of these, Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii cause the majority of disease. Infection typically occurs through inhalation of spores from environmental sources.C neoformans is found in soil contaminated with pigeon excrement or decaying plant material. C gattii is found ubiquitously in the environment.

Affected cats are typically young adults with access to the outdoors. However, approximately 25% of affected cats in the US are reported to be indoor-only. After inhalation, spores within the nasal cavity spread through the bloodstream to other tissues or ascend to the central nervous system through the cribriform plate. Cats can present with nasopharyngeal, central nervous system, ocular, cutaneous and/or systemic disease. While nasal cavity disease is most common (occur- ring in 40–90% of cases), cutaneous signs are reported in approximately half of cases, with the majority having signs localized to the nasal planum or bridge of the nose. Classically, single or multiple fluctuant to firm nodules present on the bridge of the nose, which may ulcerate or develop draining tracts (Figure 5a). Similar cutaneous lesions may present elsewhere as well. Sino-nasal/sino-orbital aspergillosis has been reported uncommonly, but with similar clinical signs, and may be included as a differential especially when facial deformation is noted. Affected patients commonly present with nasal discharge and sneezing. Exophthalmos and paranasal swelling is seen frequently in patients with sino-orbital disease, and draining tracts have been reported in patients with sinonasal disease.
猫通常是能够接触到户外的年轻。然而,大约25%的受影响的猫在美国被报告为仅室内生活。吸入后,鼻腔内的孢子通过血流扩散到其他组织或通过筛板上升到中枢神经系统。猫可出现鼻咽、中枢神经系统、眼部、皮肤和/或全身疾病。虽然鼻腔疾病是最常见的(发生环在40 - 90%的情况下),皮肤症状报告在大约一半的情况下,大多数病变局限面或鼻梁。典型的是,鼻梁上有一个或多个波动到坚硬的结节,可能溃疡或形成道(图5a)。类似的皮肤病变也可能出现在其他地方。中国曲霉菌病和眼眶曲霉菌病的报道并不多见,但临床症状相似,特别是在面部变形时,可作为一种鉴别。通常有鼻分泌物和喷嚏。在眼眶疾病的患猫中,眼球突出和鼻腔肿胀是常见的,而在鼻腔疾病的病中,也有瘘道的报告。

Diagnosis can be made by identifying the organism in cytologic or tissue samples. Cryptococci are non-staining pleomorphic yeast-like organisms, 4–15 μm in diameter. They show narrow-based budding and are surrounded by a refractory capsule (Figure 5b). In biopsy samples, these organisms can be identified using special stains (PAS, GMS or Fontana-Masson). Confirmatory culture should be performed using biopsy samples.Latex agglutination tests for capsular antigen in serum can be used to  identify affected cats and monitor response to therapy. Infected cats typically have high titers, though titers can vary greatly between patients. Cryptococcosis should, therefore, not be ruled out based on low or negative titers, which may occur in some patients with primary ocular or CNS disease.

Aspergillosis is typically diagnosed by identification of Aspergillus organisms on cytologic or histologic examination. Samples may be obtained using fine-needle aspiration or biopsy of the lesion. These findings must be confirmed by growth of the fungi in culture.

Suspicion of blastomycosis and histoplasmosis should increase in patients presenting with cutaneous lesions and other systemic signs.

Blastomyces and Histoplasma species
Blastomyces dermatitidis is a dimorphic fungus found as a soil contaminant in endemic areas (Southeastern USA, around the Great Lakes, and Ohio and Mississippi river valleys). Although disease is more common in dogs, infections are occasionally reported in cats from endemic areas. Respiratory, ocular and cutaneous signs are found most commonly, although neurologic signs, including mentation changes, ataxia and circling, are present in up to 41% of affected cats. Dermatologic lesions are nodules with or without draining tracts, and are most commonly reported on the head, limbs or trunk.

Histoplasma capsulatum is a dimorphic fungus found in nitrogen-rich soil (especially that contaminated by bat or bird excrement). It has been reported on almost all continents, but is endemic in the Midwestern and Southern United States. Histoplasmosis is more commonly reported in cats than blastomycosis.Cats most frequently present with respiratory (40%) and ocular signs (25%). The skin is infrequently affected but cutaneous nodules can occur.

Suspicion of blastomycosis and histoplasmosis should increase in patients presenting with cutaneous lesions and other systemic signs. The organisms may be detected on cytology or histopathology. Histoplasma species are often abundant in macrophages and are small (2–4 μm) round or oval bodies with a clear halo (Figure 6). Blastomycetes are thick walled, broad-based budding yeasts approximately 8–12 μm in diameter. In biopsy samples, organisms are best found using periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS) or Gomori’s methenamine silver (GMS) stain. Culture should only be performed in reference laboratories with appropriate facilities as the mycelial form in culture poses a risk for human infection. Antibody and antigen serum and urine testing has been utilized in cases of histoplasmosis and may be useful for monitoring clinical progression. Similarly, a urine antigen test is available and useful for diagnosis and monitoring of blastomycosis.However, since there may be cross-reactivity between systemic mycoses, these results should be interpreted carefully.

Sporothrix species
Sporotrichosis is caused by dimorphic saprophytic fungi within the Sporothrix schenckii complex (which include at least six species). Sporothrix species favor warm, humid climates and soil rich in decaying organic matter. Many mammals, including humans, are susceptible to infection. Cats are considered highly susceptible and may facilitate spread of the fungi in endemic areas. Large outbreaks in humans have been closely associated with disease in cats in Brazil. Sporothrix species infections occur worldwide, although the disease is considered endemic in Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, China, Japan, India and South Africa. The disease is uncommon in the United States and Europe, although sporadic outbreaks have occurred.

Young adult intact male outdoor cats with a history of fighting are at the highest risk of developing sporotrichosis. Infection occurs when fungi are inoculated into skin wounds or through inhalation of spores. Affected cats may display a wide spectrum of signs, ranging from subclinical to severe. The overwhelming majority of patients show cutaneous lesions, which appear as small papules or nodules that may ulcerate and drain. Large areas of ulceration and necrosis that expose underlying muscle and bone may also be seen (Figure 7a). Lesions are most common on the head (especially the nose) and limbs, although some cases show mucosal involvement.Evidence of dissemination has been reported in 50–70% of cats; lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, lymph nodes and/or testicles may be involved. Respiratory signs are the most common extracutaneous signs.

Diagnosis is based on identification of the organism in affected tissues or fungal culture. Cytologic analysis of exudate may reveal the presence of large numbers of organisms. Sporothrix species are cigar-shaped yeasts (4–6 x 5–9 μm) with narrow-based budding, often found within neutrophils and macrophages (Figure 7b).Organisms may be identified in close to 80% of cytologic samples and are typically abundant in biopsy samples as well (Figure 7c). Fungal culture (biopsy samples are preferred) can be performed to isolate the fungi. An ELISA for antibody against cell wall proteins, with a high sensitivity and specificity, has been developed but is not widely used.
诊断是基于发病组织或真菌培养物中发现出微生物。渗出液的细胞学分析可揭示大量微生物的存在。孢子丝菌属是雪茄状的酵母(4-6 x 5-9μm),具有窄基芽接,常见于中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞(图7b)。在接近80%的细胞学样本中可鉴定出有机体,并且通常在活检样本中也大量存在(图7c)。可进行真菌培养(首选活检样本)以分离真菌。酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)检测细胞壁蛋白抗体具有较高的灵敏度和特异性,但应用并不广泛。

Sporothrix species may be identified in close to 80% of cytologic samples from affected animals and are typically also abundant in biopsy samples.

Differentiating between systemic fungal infections
Other systemic fungal disease, especially cryptococcosis, may present in a very similar manner to sporotrichosis.Differentials should be prioritized based on history,geographical location and presence of other systemic signs. Since systemic fungal diseases may be quickly and easily diagnosed based on microscopic appearance of the organisms,cytology of exudates should always be performed first. When no fungal organisms are present, other differentials including other causes of nodules and draining tracts should be considered (see box on page1155).


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