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在患有中耳炎的犬,健康的犬还有患有慢性外耳炎的犬血浆C反应蛋 ...










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发表于 2024-8-16 23:42:32 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

Evaluation of plasma canine C-reactive protein concentrations in dogs with otitis media, healthy dogs and dogs with chronic otitis externa







Background:Otitis is characterised by inflammation of one or more of the structures of the ear. At present, to confirm or exclude otitis media (OM), it is most often necessary to perform a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging. Inflammation is an immune defence response found in many conditions that can be detected and tracked by measuring biological markers of inflammation as the Canine C-reactive protein (CRP).


Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine whether CRP measurement is useful as an adjunctive diagnostic tool in dogs with otitis and whether elevated concentrations correlated with disease severity/presence of OM.


Animals: Twenty-four client-owned dogs were recruited over 1 year.


Materials and Methods: The dogs were divided into three groups: chronic or recurrent otitis externa (CO), otitis media (OM) and H (healthy). The dogs with otitis underwent a CT scan of the head, measurement of the plasma CRP concentration and evaluation of a 0–3 Otitis Index Score 3 (OTIS3 score).


Results: No dog (0%) in group H had an increased CRP value, compared to 20% in the CO group (one of five dogs) and 23% in the OM group (3 of 13 dogs). Plasma CRP concentrations show a statistically significant positive relationship with the OTIS3 score (p=0.04).


Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: Plasma CRP concentration is not reliable as a discriminatory tool in cases of otitis, although there is a trend for elevation in cases with more severe disease. However, a larger study may provide a statistically more reliable correlation between the severity of OM and CRP concentrations.





canine C-reactive protein, OTIS3 score, otitis, otitis media





Otitis is characterised by inflammation of one of the structures of the ear: otitis externa (OE) in case of inflammation of the external canal, otitis media (OM) in case of inflammation of the tympanic membrane and the tympanic bulla, and otitis interna (OI) when the inner ear is affected.



These conditions are very common and sometimes progress with minimal or no clinical signs. In case of acute or chronic OE, clinical signs do not always indicate the presence or absence of OM.



Conventional radiographic examination can be used to obtain images compatible with OM (opacity indicating soft tissue or fluid in the tympanic bulla and/or thickening or lysis of the wall of the tympanic bulla). However, this diagnostic modality is not very sensitive, with between 25% and 40% false negatives, depending on the study.At present, to confirm or exclude OM, it is most often necessary to perform a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).These diagnostic modalities require general anaesthesia, expensive equipment and expose the animal to a non-negligible amount of X-rays during the CT scan, which may limit employment of these diagnostic tools.



Inflammation is an immune defence response seen in many conditions that can be detected and monitored by measuring biological markers of inflammation. A good marker is ideally one where the concentration increases in the initial phase of the inflammatory process and has a short half-life, allowing for accurate reflection of the inflammatory process and resolution. The increase in the marker should depend solely on the inflammatory response and should be significant compared to its normal plasma concentration. There are many markers of inflammation, with varying degrees of sensitivity and kinetics, which make it possible to detect an inflammatory syndrome and monitor its progression as well as the effectiveness of treatments.



Canine C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein representative of the acute phase of inflammation that is secreted as a result of tissue damage (sterile, infectious or neoplastic process) or postsurgery. It is an early and sensitive marker of an acute systemic inflammatory response in dogs. The increase in blood concentration occurs 5–6 h after the onset of the inflammatory process. The half-life is 18 h, and CRP reaches its maximum concentration within 2 days after the beginning of the initial inflammatory process, in experimental conditions. It can drop in <6 h once the inflammatory process has been resolved.Measurement of CRP concentration is used to monitor the progression of multiple internal diseases in dogs such as infectious processes (pyometra, peritonitis, babesiosis) and inflammatory diseases (polyarthritis, glomerulonephritis, pancreatitis, enteritis, meningoencephalomyelitis).

犬c反应蛋白(CRP)是一种代表炎症急性期的蛋白质,由组织损伤(无菌、感染或肿瘤过程)或术后分泌。它是犬的急性全身炎症反应的早期和敏感的标志物。血液浓度增加发生在炎症过程开始后5-6小时。在实验条件下,半衰期为18 h,CRP在初始炎症过程开始后2天内达到最大浓度。一旦炎症过程得到解决,6小时内就会下降。CRP浓度的测量用于监测犬的多种内科疾病的进展,如感染过程(子宫积脓、腹膜炎、巴贝斯虫病)和炎症性疾病(多性关节炎、肾小球肾炎、胰腺炎、肠炎、脑膜脑脊髓炎)。


The main objective of the study was to determine whether the measurement of CRP is a useful guidance tool (i) to support the diagnosis of OM and (ii) for assessment of severity, in cases of canine OM.



MATERIALS AND METHODS Recruitment and ethics

材料和方法 招募和行为准则

Client-owned dogs, weighing >2 kg and <50 kg, >6 months of age and <10 years of age, of any breeds and sex were recruited. Affected animals were recruited with clinical signs of OE (ear scratching, pinnal erythema, otic discharge, swelling of the ear canals), and when the clinician had requested a CT scan of the tympanic bullae owing to the chronicity of the OE, or the presence of neurological signs referable to OM/OI.



Healthy control dogs were enrolled in the study, recruited from the preventive medicine department, without any history of dermatological or otic disease and with a normal clinical examination.



The recruitment was performend in two sites [veterinary clinics in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois ((Haute-Savoie, France) and Saint-Priest (Rhone, France)] over a 12-month period.



A ‘Consent form’ and documents detailing the clinical study were given and signed by the owners of all recruited dogs (affected and nonaffected dogs). Each medical procedure carried out on the recruited animals was carried out in the same way as part of routine medical care.



Inclusion visit


• The recruited dogs did not receive any treatment in the 2weeks before the inclusion visit (Day 0).

• 被招募的犬在纳入就诊前2周(第0天)没有接受任何治疗。

• The healthy dogs underwent a physical, a conscious video-otoscopic examination (c-Mac; Karl Storz) 0–3 Otitis Index Scores 3 (OTIS3 score) and a plasma CRP measurement as part of a routine health blood test. Cytological evaluation was deemed unnecessary as the ears were normal and a CT scan was not performed owing to ethical considerations.

• 健康的犬接受了体格检查、有意识的视频耳镜检查进行0-3耳炎指数评分3(OTIS3评分)和血浆CRP测量,作为常规健康血液测试的一部分。细胞学评估被认为是不必要的,因为耳部是正常的,没有进行CT扫描。

• For each dog with otitis, a thorough anamnesis was recorded to determine the chronic and recurrent nature of the otitis and to detect possible concurrent diseases. These dogs underwent a general anaesthetic and video-otoscopic examination. The OTIS3 score was recorded at the initial visit with a score>4 consistent with otitis. For dogs with bilateral otitis, the retained score was the higher of the scores from each ear.

• 对于每只耳炎患犬,详细记录既往病史,以确定耳炎的慢性和复发性质,并发现可能的并发病。这些犬接受了全身麻醉和视频耳镜检查。首次就诊时记录OTIS3评分,>4评分与耳炎一致。对于双侧患有耳炎的犬,保留的得分较高。

• Cytological evaluation of the discharge present in the external ear canal was performed for each affected ear, introducing a swab into the vertical ear canal, and rolling it on a slide on a single layer. The slide was immediately coloured with a modified Wright's stain (RAL 555 kit), dipping it eight times in each colourant and was read with a Leika microscope at ×100 magnification, to determine the presence of neutrophils and microbial agents. In case of the presence of bacteria, a culture was performed.

• 对每个患耳的外耳道内的分泌物进行细胞学评估,将拭子引入垂直耳道,并将其在单层的载玻片上滚动。立即用改良的Wright染色剂(RAL 555试剂盒)对载玻片进行着色,在每种染色剂中浸泡8次,然后用×100放大的莱卡显微镜读取,以确定存在中性粒细胞和微生物。如果存在细菌,则进行培养。

• The presence of neurological signs referrable to middle/inner ear disease such as vestibular syndrome, nystagmus or facial paralysis was recorded at the initial examination.

• 在首诊时,记录了中耳/内耳疾病导致的神经系统症状,如前庭综合征、眼球震颤或面瘫。

• A CT scan was performed on all the dogs affected with otitis. The CT scans were read by diplomates specialising in imaging (VeDim; Veterinary Teleradiology). Otitis media was diagnosed when bone lysis or thickening of the bullae wall and/or soft tissue or fluid opacity in the tympanic bulla was observed.


• A blood sample was collected from all of the affected and nonaffected dogs into heparinised tubes. Plasma was separated by centrifugation at 1700g for 6min and kept at 20°C until analysis. Plasma CRP concentration was determined using the automatic analyser IDEXX Catalyst on sites, within 5min of the blood draw. IDEXX Catalyst includes a new ‘sandwich’-type enzyme immunoassay with gold nanoparticles designed to measure canine CRP in samples of heparinised plasma (heparin with lithium) or serum. The normal range is 0.1–10.0mg/dL (SI units: 1.0–100.0mg/L). CRP concentration was considered to be elevated when it was >10mg/L, based on the manufacturer's data sheet and another report.

•所有患病和未患病犬进行采血保存至肝素管中。血浆经1700g离心6 min分离,20 C保存至分析。使用自动分析仪IDEXX催化剂在抽血后5 min范围内测定血浆CRP浓度。IDEXX催化剂包括一种新的“三明治”型酶免疫分析法,用金纳米颗粒设计,用于测量肝素化血浆(肝素与锂)或血清样本中的犬CRP。正常范围为0.1–10.0mg/dL(SI单位:1.0–100.0mg/L)。根据制造商的数据表和另一份报告,当CRP浓度>10mg/L时,我们认为CRP浓度会升高。


In cases where elevated CRP concentration was detected, screening for a possible concurrent disease was carried out, based on various clinical and paraclinical examinations: rectal temperature, urinalysis, complete blood count, baseline biochemical work, albumin and total calcium measurement (determined using the automatic analysers IDEXX Catalyst and IDEXX Procyte on sites).



A ‘Treatment and tolerance follow-up’ document was distributed to all of the affected dogs' owners. This was completed daily, recording treatments, dose and time of administration.



Treatment of dogs with CO and OM


Medical management for the affected dogs was instituted based on clinical signs, results of cytological evaluation, culture and presence/absence of OM. Anti-inflammatory treatment and pain relief were prescribed as indicated.



Exclusion criteria


Any dogs with one or more concurrent inflammatory/neoplastic diseases listed in Table 1, diagnosed before the inclusion visit or during the study, were excluded.






TABLE 1 Conditions that increase CRP (exclusion criteria).






Usual additional examination





Babesiosis 巴贝西虫病





Bordetella bronchiseptica支气管败血性波氏杆菌


Escherichia 埃希氏菌 coli enterotoxaemia大肠杆菌肠毒素血症

Bacterial enteritis 细菌性肠炎


Demodex 蠕形螨

Abdominal ultrasound腹部超声

Blood smear, 血涂片


Serological investigation血清学检查

Rapid test,快速测试版

 blood biochemical investigation血液生化检查

CBC, 血常规

rapid test快速测试版

Radiography X线检查




Abdominal ultrasound腹部超声


hair removal拔毛检查





Intestinal inflammationIntestinal 细菌性肠炎


Gastric lesions胃部疾病


Degenerative valve disease退行性瓣膜病变

Degenerative arthritis关节炎

Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia自身免疫性溶血性贫血

cPL,胰腺炎快速测试版 abdominal ultrasound腹部超声

Blood biochemical investigation,血液生化检查

abdominal ultrasound腹部超声

Abdominal ultrasound X-ray腹部超声X线


From memory外伤病史



X-ray,X线 synovial puncture滑膜穿刺




Endocrine disorder


Cushing's syndrome库欣综合征


ACTH stimulation test,ACTH刺激试验 blood biochemical investigation血液生化检查

Blood biochemical investigation血液生化检查

Liver problems


Congenital portosystemic shunt先天性门体分流

Chronic hepatitis慢性肝炎

Dissecting lobular hepatitisHepatic abscess肝小叶性肝脓肿


Blood biochemical investigation, 血液生化检查

abdominal ultrasound腹部超声

Abdominal ultrasound腹部超声






Abdominal ultrasound,腹部超声 extended assessment进一步评估


Statistical analysis


The relationship between the CRP concentrations and the OTIS score was tested with a linear regression. The proportion of dogs with OM and abnormal CRP was reported with its 95% confidence interval (CI; 8.2%–50.3%). The confidence interval was computed following Wilson's method, with the software R 3.6.3. For the purpose of the analysis, the OTIS score was considered a continuous variable. Regression assumptions were assessed with the method of global validation of linear model assumptions.

CRP浓度与OTIS评分之间的关系采用线性回归检验。OM和CRP异常的比例为95%置信区间(CI;8.2%–50.3%)。置信区间采用Wilson方法计算,软件R 3.6.3。为了进行分析,OTIS评分被认为是一个连续变量。回归假设采用线性模型假设的全局验证方法评估回归假设。




Twenty-four dogs were recruited subsequent to the initial evaluation and imaging and divided into three groups:


• H (healthy control group): dogs without any clinical signs, n=6.


• CO (chronic OE): dogs with clinical signs of OE and a normal CT scan, n=5.


• OM: dogs with OE and OM, n=13.



The additional clinical and paraclinical examinations carried out during the inclusion visit are summarised in



Table 2. Results are reported in Table 3.






The mean age of the dogs was 5.68 years (range 10 months to 11 years), which varied by group: H, 4.5 years (1–9 years); CO, 6.2 years (1–9 years) and OM, 6 years (1–10 years). Thirteen breeds were represented and the breeds most represented in our population, especially in the CO and OM groups, were French bulldogs (37.5%) and cocker spaniels (8%). French bulldogs were over-represented compared with 5% at the general practice Hutins veterinary clinic (Haute-Savoie, France) and 7.9% in the OnlyVet hospital's clientele (Rhone, France). Cocker spaniels also were over-represented in our study compared to the representation rate of 1.1% at the Hutins veterinary clinic and 2.2% at the OnlyVet hospital. The distribution of the most represented breeds is summarised in Table 4.



CRP in the CO and OM groups


No dog (0%) in the H group had an increased CRP value >10mg/L, compared to 20% in the CO group (one in five dogs) and 23% in the OM group (3 in 13 dogs). For 23.1% of dogs with OM, the CRP was >10mg/L (95% CI: 8.2%, 50.3%; Figure 1).

H组中没有一只犬(0%)的CRP值>增加了10mg/L,而CO组为20%(1/5),OM组为23%(13只犬中有3只)。对于23.1%的OM犬,CRP为>10mg/L(95% CI: 8.2%,50.3%;图1)。


OTIS3 score


The mean OTIS3 score for the CO group was 7.4 (5–9), and for the OM group was 5.3 (1–11).



CRP concentrations show a statistically significant positive relationship with the OTIS3 score (p=0.04).



The mean increase in OTIS score for each increase in CRP of 1 unit was 0.17. The global validation of linear model assumptions did not detect any significant failure to meet the linear regression assumptions (Figure 2).



Criteria of severity


Calcification of the ear canal, osteitis of the tympanic bulla, neurological signs and suppurative otitis are considered to be criteria of severity. The average OTIS3 score for the CO group was 7.4 (5–9) and that for the OM group was 5.3 (1–11).



In the CO group, two dogs had suppurative OE and one dog had calcification of the external ear canal. In the OM group, five dogs had suppurative otitis, four dogs had calcification of the external ear canal and four dogs had osteitis of the tympanic bulla. Three dogs (CN20, CN22 and CN23) each presented at least two of these criteria of severity. CN06 had severe osteitis and osteolysis compatible with a tympanokeratoma, confirmed later by a TECABO.





CRP measurement


The results of our study show that the measurement of CRP is not a reliable supportive tool in the diagnosis of canine OM and cannot be used to discriminate between chronic OE and OM. However, there was a statistically positive correlation between the severity of otitis and plasma CRP concentrations. These findings may reflect the localisation of disease.



In the case of dog CN06 with a tympanokeratoma, the CT scan showed an opacity in the tympanic bulla, thickening of the walls, and marked signs of osteolysis. While it was expected that a severe local inflammatory process would increase the CRP value, the CRP value in this case was within the normal range. This can be explained by the fact that the inflammatory phenomenon is sufficiently localised so as not to cause an increase in the CRP value.



By contrast, dog CN24 was suffering from chronic erythematous OE with Malassezia, without clinical signs of severity, a bilateral OTIS3 score of 7 and the CRP value was increased to 24.1mg/L. Because Malassezia erythematous OE does not cause general inflammatory phenomena, the increased value of CRP may be explained by the localised inflammation of the ear canal.



These two examples illustrate the low probability of correlation between the CRP value and the diagnosis of OM.



Over-representation of French bulldogs


The population assessed in this study confirms the over-representation of the French bulldog breed in OM cases, a result observed in previous studies.



In the study by Love et al., the most represented breed was cocker spaniel. The 1995 Livre des Origines Françaises (LOF) statistics gives 606 French bulldogs and 2808 cocker spaniels registered versus 5911 and 6604 (respectively) in 2021.17 French bulldogs have significantly increased in popularity since the early 2000s, with an 875% increase in numbers between 2000 and 2021, compared with a 135% increase for the cocker spaniel. The popularity of the brachycephalic morphotype has resulted in genetic selection for certain diseases such as atopic dermatitis, anatomical conformation defects of the ear canal in this breed and predisposition to OE/OM.




Prevalence of OM


In our study, of 18 dogs with signs of otitis, 13 (72%) had OM. These results confirm a high rate of OM associated with chronic OE. This value is higher than those in the studies by Belmudes et  al., who reported a prevalence of tomodensitometry lesions of the middle ear of 32.9%, and by Love et al., who found a prevalence rate of 66%, yet lower than the rate of 82.6% in the study by Cole et al. However, this comparison should be viewed with caution. The recruitment in our study concerned dogs with chronic otitis and whose owners agreed to perform a CT scan at their expense in order to diagnose the presence or absence of OM. As a result, sampling favoured the selection of cases where there was high willingness of the owners to conduct examinations. This contrasts with the studies mentioned above which were either retrospective studies analysing data collected over a defined period in the dermatology department for reasons related to the ears, or funded studies in a university setting.



These results nonetheless clearly highlight the frequency of OM in chronic OE and should encourage systematic searching for this perpetuating factor and proposal of more appropriate management of chronic or recurrent otitis, especially in predisposed breeds.



Severity criteria (OTIS3, suppuration, osteitis)


It is interesting to examine the correlation between the CRP values and different severity criteria such as OTIS3 score, suppuration, signs of osteitis and calcification. The OTIS3 score is a lesion score for OE. This simple tool makes it possible to quantitatively assess the state of the lesional severity of the external ear canal. It comprises four items, all classified from 0 to 3: erythema, hyperplasia, discharge and ulcers, both in the vertical and the horizontal ear canals. The maximum score is 12, and a score of <4 is considered to reflect a healthy ear unless ulcers or hyperplasia are present.



The OTIS3 score directly measures the degree of severity of otitis and, therefore, inflammation. In our study, we found a statistically positive relationship between the highest OTIS3 score and the CRP value (p=0.04) indicating that CRP does reflect localised otic inflammation, particularly as the dogs had been screened for any adjunctive disease. Whether this has clinical relevance is debatable; the magnitude of the effect observed was small. Although dogs with a high CRP had a tendency to have high OTIS scores, many individuals with high OTIS scores had a low CRP. Furthermore, our results relied on a limited number of animals, and further studies based on more cases would be warranted to better evaluate the correlation found here. Moreover, the OTIS3 score can be difficult to evaluate properly in cases where the ears are painful, or in French bulldogs, where the horizontal ear canal is anatomically narrow. In our study, all the OTIS3 scores were determined during the general anaesthesia for the CT scan and video-otoscopy, resulting in a more reliable result.



In addition, OTIS scores should normally be treated as categories (ordinate) and not numerical, in the sense that they do not represent quantification with biologically equal steps between digits. A larger study may increase the significance of these results.





Plasma CRP concentration is not reliable as a discriminatory tool in cases of otitis, although there is a trend for elevation in cases with more severe disease. However, a larger study may provide a statistically more reliable correlation between OM severity and CRP levels. Our study confirms the usefulness of carrying out an extended imaging assessment such as a CT scan or MRI.



TABLE 2 Clinical and paraclinical examinations were carried out at initial inclusion visit by group.






Clinical examination 临床体格检查

C-reactive protein measurementc反应蛋白测定

OTIS3 scoreOTIS3分数

Ear cytological evaluation耳细胞学评价


Biochemical investigation生化生化检查




Calcium (Ca++)血清钙






Computed tomography scan计算机断层扫描,CT扫描


Abbreviations: CO, chronic otitis group; H, healthy group; OM, otitis media group; OTIS3, 0–3 Otitis Index Scores 3; •, presence.






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