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Local treatment for canine anal sacculitis: A retrospective study of 33 dogs


作者:Annette Lundberg | Sandra N. Koch | Sheila M.F. Torres





Background: Little information has been published regarding treatment of canine anal sacculitis (AS).

Objectives: Primary objective: determine the outcomes of AS local treatment at the referral dermatology service of the authors' institution. Secondary objective: determine signalment, body condition score (BCS), stool quality and comorbidities associated with AS.

Animals: Thirty-three dogs with AS presented to the referral dermatology service between 1 January 2010 and 31 March 2021.

Materials and methods: An electronic medical record search was conducted. Information regarding sex, breed, age at disease onset, weight, BCS, stool quality, comorbidities, treatment and treatment outcome were collected. Treatment outcome was categorised as “resolved clinically”, “clinical signs resolved per owner”, “did not complete treatment” or “failed”. Dogs were excluded if seen by another service, not treated for AS, or if perianal sinuses (fistulae), anal sac masses, or anal sac abscesses were identified.

Results: Nineteen dogs were male and 14 female. Twenty-four breeds were included. Average age at disease onset was 4.4years. Average BCS was 5.8 of 9. Stool quality was “poor” in seven of 33 and normal in 23 of 33 cases. Atopic dermatitis was the most common comorbidity (12 of 33). Treatment typically consisted of anal sac flushing with saline followed by infusion using a commercially available steroid/antibiotic/antifungal ointment. Treatment was repeated on average 2.9 times. Resolution of AS was obtained in 24 of 33 cases, clinical signs resolved per owner in four of 33, five of 33 cases did not complete treatment, and no cases failed treatment.

Conclusions and clinical relevance: Local treatment with flushing and infusion is effective for treating AS in dogs.

KEYWORDS anal sac, anal sacculitis, canine, dog


背景-关于犬肛门囊炎 (AS) 治疗的已发表信息很少。

目的-主要目的:确定作者所在皮肤科转诊机构的AS 局部治疗效果。次要目的:确定与AS相关的特征、体况评分 (BCS)、粪便质量和并发疾病。


材料和方法-进行电子病历检索。收集了关于性别、品种、发病年龄、体重、BCS、粪便质量、并发疾病、治疗和治疗效果的信息。治疗结果分类为“临床症状消退”、“宠主认为临床症状消退”、“未完成治疗”或“失败”。如果犬因其他原因就诊, 未接受AS治疗,或者如果发现肛周瘘(瘘道)、肛门囊肿块或肛门囊脓肿,则将其排除。

结果-19只犬为雄性,14只为雌性。包括24个品种。发病时的平均年龄为4.4岁。平均 BCS为5.8/9。33例中7例粪便质量“差”,23例正常。特应性皮炎是最常见的并发疾病 (12/33)。治疗通常包括用生理盐水冲洗肛门囊,然后使用市售类固醇/抗生素/抗真菌软膏灌注。平均重复治疗2.9次。24/33个病例的AS得到缓解,4/33个病例宠主认为临床症状缓解,5/33个病例未完成治疗,没有病例治疗失败。






Non-neoplastic anal sac disease (NASD) is common in dogs with an incidence ranging from 2% to 15.7%. A large epidemiological study reported a prevalence of 4.4% in nonreferral small animal hospitals. Non-neoplastic anal sac disease can include impaction, inflammation with or without infection (also termed sacculitis), and abscessation. These conditions are seen as a continuum and differentiation between the individual conditions is poorly defined. The common criteria for diagnosis are: (i) impaction, defined as overfilling and distention of the anal sac; (ii) anal sacculitis (AS), defined as inflammation of the sac lining with or without infection; and (iii) anal sac abscessation, which is when the walls of the anal sac are compromised due to infection, leading to localised cellulitis and eventually draining tracts. Anal sacculitis accounts for approximately 12% of all forms of NASD.



For such a common disease, surprisingly little evidence-based information exists regarding risk factors and medical treatment of AS. Anal sacculitis is typically considered secondary to an underlying condition or risk factor. Occasionally, it is considered idiopathic. Risk factors including stool quality, diet type and changes, obesity, skin disease and breed have been proposed. Fibre-rich diets have been investigated for the treatment and prevention of NASD and treatment of AS with oral antibiotics has been discussed previously. Antibiotic resistance requires that systemic antibiotics be used judiciously. Treatment via anal sac flushing and infusion with a topical antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory also has been described; the protocol and described outcomes are largely anecdotal.



This study was conducted to provide additional information on the features of AS in dogs and to validate the authors' perceived success with their anal sac flush and infusion protocol. The primary objective of this retrospective study was to determine the outcomes of local treatment for AS. A secondary objective was to determine signalment, body condition score (BCS), stool quality and comorbidities of dogs with AS.





Computerised medical records from the authors' institution were searched electronically between 1 January 2010 and 31 March 2021 using the drop-down diagnosis of “anal sacculitis” or “infection - anal sac” and species as “canine”. Clinical diagnosis was made based on the presence of clinical signs associated with AS (licking/ chewing the perianal region, scooting, blood in the stool, or leaking anal sacs). Diffuse thickening of the anal sac wall; haemorrhagic or purulent discharge during anal sac expression; and/or the presence of a larger than expected number of inflammatory cells, erythrocytes, large numbers of coccoid bacteria, intraneutrophilic bacteria, or yeast on cytological evaluation were subjectively used to support the diagnosis of AS. Gross appearance of anal sac contents and cytological composition were not used for diagnosis without corresponding clinical signs as both can be highly variable in clinically normal canine anal sacs. Dogs were excluded if (i) AS was diagnosed and treated by another service at the authors' institution as diagnostic criteria and treatment were not always consistent with that of the referral dermatology service, (ii) they were not treated for the disease, and (iii) they had one of the following conditions: perianal sinuses (fistulae), anal sac masses or anal sac abscesses – in such cases the AS was considered secondary.

2010年1月1日至2021年3月31日期间,作者所在机构的电脑化医疗记录通过电子搜索,使用下拉诊断“肛门囊炎”或“感染-肛门囊”,物种为“犬”。临床诊断基于与AS相关的临床症状(舔舐/啃咬肛周区域、摩擦肛门、便血、或肛门囊漏)。肛门囊壁弥漫性增厚;肛门囊显露时出血或脓性分泌物;和/或在细胞学评估中出现比预期数量更多的炎症细胞、红细胞、大量球菌、中性粒细胞内细菌、酵母菌,这些主观上被用于支持AS的诊断。在没有相应的临床症状的情况下,肛门囊内容物的大体外观和细胞学成分不能用于诊断,因为这两者在临床上正常的犬肛门囊中是高度多变的。如果有以下情况,患犬将排除研究(i) AS是由作者所在机构的另一服务机构诊断和治疗的,因为诊断标准和治疗方法并不总是与转诊皮肤科服务机构的治疗方法一致,(ii)它们没有接受该疾病的治疗,以及(iii)它们有以下情况之一:肛周窦(瘘管)、肛门囊肿物或肛门囊脓肿——在这种情况下,AS被认为是继发的。


The following epidemiological data were retrieved from the patients' medical records: sex, breed, age at disease onset reported by owners, age at presentation, weight and BCS. In addition, stool quality reported by the owners at the time of presentation and comorbidities were collected. The following data were retrieved based on treatment before presentation at the authors' referral dermatology service: systemic antibiotics and glucocorticoid prescribed for the condition, other systemic medications, information regarding anal sac flush and/or infusions, and frequency of anal sac expression(s). The following data were collected based on treatment by the authors' referral dermatology service: perianal topical treatment prescribed at initial appointment, systemic treatment prescribed at initial appointment, anal sac flushing material, infusion medication, number of anal sac treatments, interval between treatments, and treatment outcomes.



Treatment outcome was classified as “resolved clinically” if resolution of AS clinical signs was confirmed by the clinician along with reported resolution of clinical signs by the owner; “clinical signs resolved per owner” if clinical signs were reported resolved by phone conversion with the dog's owner without confirmation of clinical resolution; “did not complete treatment” if the owner elected not to return as per recommendation or no communication with the owner was documented after the last treatment; and “failed” if AS did not resolve after six infusions performed in hospital.



Statistical methods


Descriptive statistics (mean, minimum, maximum, percentage) were performed on the information collected using Excel (Microsoft; Redmond, WA, USA).





There were 218 dogs diagnosed with “anal sacculitis” or “infection - anal sac” at the authors' institution during the study period. Of these, only 57 were patients of the referral dermatology service. Dogs were excluded for the following reasons: AS was treated by a different service (10), presence of perianal sinuses (fistulae) (eight), no treatment was performed for AS (three), presence of anal sac neoplasia (one), anal sac abscess (one), and infusions performed at home by the dog's owner (one). A total of 33 dogs met the study inclusion criteria.





There were 3,731 dogs seen by the authors' referral dermatology service between 1 January 2010 and 31 March 2021. Based on the evaluated period, the incidence of AS was 1.5%.



Signalment, weight and BCS


Fourteen of 33 (42.4%) dogs were neutered males, 14 of 33 (42.4%) were neutered females and five of 33 (15.2%) were intact male dogs. There were 24 breeds (or mixes thereof) retrieved in this study. The average age at disease onset reported by owners was 4.4years old (range=0.4–11.1years) and the average age at presentation to the authors' referral dermatology service was 5.2years old (0.7–11.3years). The average weight of the dogs was 25.6kg (3.1–52.2kg). The average BCS based on a scale of 1–9 was 5.8 (4–9). For this grading scale, a BCS of 4–5 was considered ideal.16 These findings are detailed in Table 1. Stool quality and comorbidities Stool quality was considered “poor” in seven (21.2%) cases. This included cases with diarrhoea (three), soft stool (two) and loose stool (two). Stool quality was considered normal in 23 (69.7%) cases and was not recorded in three (9.1%) cases. This was based on a subjective assessment made by owners and clinicians. Patients with AS were recorded as having a total of 33 comorbidities. The most common comorbidity recorded was atopic dermatitis (AD), present in 12 (36.4%) cases. No comorbidities were recorded in nine (27.3%) cases. A complete list of stool quality and comorbidities is included in Table 1.

33只犬中14只(42.4%)为已去势公犬,14只(42.4%)为已绝育母犬,5只(15.2%)为未去势公犬。在本研究中检索到24个品种(或其杂交品种)。宠主报告的发病平均年龄为4.4岁(范围为0.4- 11.1岁),就诊于作者转诊皮肤科服务的平均年龄为5.2岁(0.7- 11.3岁)。平均体重为25.6公斤(3.1-52.2公斤)。根据1-9的评分标准,平均BCS为5.8(4-9)。对于这个评分表,BCS为4-5被认为是理想的这些研究结果详见表1。7例(21.2%)患犬认为粪便质量“差”。这包括腹泻病例(3例)、软便病例(2例)和稀便病例(2例)。23例(69.7%)粪便质量正常,3例(9.1%)无粪便记录。这是基于宠主和临床医生的主观评估。有记录的AS患犬共有33种并发疾病。最常见的并发疾病记录是特应性皮炎(AD),存在12例(36.4%)。9例(27.3%)无并发疾病记录。粪便质量和并发疾病的完整列表见表1。


Treatment and outcomes


Eighteen of 33 (54.5%) dogs received systemic antibiotics for AS before presentation to the referral dermatology service. Of these dogs, five (27.8%) received a single course of a single antibiotic, three (16.7%) received multiple courses of a single antibiotic, nine (50.0%) received multiple courses of multiple antibiotics and one (5.6%) received systemic antibiotics but the type(s) were not recorded. Flushing and/or infusions had been performed before referral in eight (24.2%) dogs. Treatments prior to presentation are reported in Table 2.



At the initial referral service appointment, unilateral treatment was performed in six (18.2%) dogs, bilateral in 26 (78.8%) dogs, and laterality was not recorded in one (3.0%) dog. Apart from one case of unilateral disease which was treated bilaterally and one case where the affected side was not specifically recorded, side of disease and treatment corresponded directly. Although the AS treatment protocols were not standardised among the clinicians, generally it was similar and included: (i) expression of the anal sac using a gloved, lubricated finger; (ii) evaluation of the anal sac content for abnormalities (blood and/or purulent material) followed by cytological examination; (iii) gentle insertion of a lubricated Tom Cat catheter [3.5 French ×5½ inch (14cm)], cut approximately in half at a right angle, into the anal sac opening and through the anal sac duct; (iv) attachment of a 6mL syringe to the catheter and flushing the anal sac until the fluid obtained on expression ran clear; and (v) infusion of the anal sac using the same catheter with a commercially available steroid, antibiotic, and antifungal otic ointment until the anal sac was felt to be full and the product began to come out of the sac. The procedure was repeated until resolution of clinical signs, usually at two week intervals. Sedation to facilitate the treatment was performed according to each patient's needs. The flushing fluid was sterile saline in 27 (81.8%) cases and was not recorded in six (18.2%) cases. An ointment containing gentamicin, mometasone, and clotrimazole was used for infusion in 24 (72.7%) dogs, and an ointment containing nystatin, neomycin, thiostrepton and triamcinolone was used in nine (27.3%) dogs. In one dog, an ointment containing nystatin, neomycin, thiostrepton and triamcinolone was used initially, and then was switched to an in-hospital compounded solution of 1mL ticarcillin clavulanate 3.1g and 0.5mL dexamethasone 4mg/mL based on culture and susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.



Anal sacculitis resolved clinically in 24 of 33 (72.7%) cases; clinical signs resolved per owner without clinical confirmation in four of 33 (12.1%) cases and five of 33 (15.2%) cases did not complete treatment. No cases met the criteria for failed treatment.



For the 28 dogs that completed treatment, the average number of flushings and infusions was 2.9 (1–6). The average interval between flushings and infusions was 16.8days (5–80days) and the median was 14days. The type of infused medication did not appear to have affected the treatment outcome. Three (10.7%) of the 28 dogs experienced recurrence of AS. Two of these dogs were categorised as “resolved clinically”. The recurrence happened at an interval of 85days for one and 445days for the other. For both dogs, factors contributing to the development of AS were unknown. Another dog was categorised as “clinical signs resolved per owner” and experienced recurrence at 345days. This dog later was diagnosed with seasonal AD which the attending clinician believed contributed to the development of AS. All three dogs who experienced recurrence responded well to a second round of treatment. Treatment and outcomes for each dog are summarised in Table 3.



At the initial appointment, topical perianal treatment was prescribed in 14 (42.4%) cases and new systemic medications were prescribed in seven (21.2%) cases. No systemic medications were prescribed in 19 (57.6%) cases. In five (15.2%) cases, medications for comorbidities were continued. The perianal abnormalities identified on physical examination, topical treatment and systemic treatment are detailed in Table 3.





This is the first retrospective study to report the success rate of local treatment of AS in dogs. Based on these results local treatment of AS is considered an effective alternative to oral antibiotic therapy. Using this approach, 72.7% of the cases achieved complete clinical resolution and an additional 12.1% had resolution of clinical signs as indicated by the owner. A previous prospective study found that one local infusion of 80% aqueous phenol solution following flushing with 0.9% saline solution was effective at resolving 100% of cases of AS for up to 60days. While encouraging for the successful treatment of AS with local therapy, that study was limited by lack of detail about diagnosis and resolution, as well as having a small number of cases in each treatment category. Another study reported an estimated 60% success rate with oral antibiotics with or without flushing of the anal sacs. However, that study did not describe the number of dogs that received oral antibiotics alone, the number of dogs that received flushing of the anal sacs, and the total number of dogs that experienced resolution. Unfortunately, this lack of information impedes comparing the current study findings with this report.



In another more detailed study, NASD led to systemic antibiotic use in 1% of dogs in first-opinion practices in the UK, a similar rate to pyoderma. Over half of the dogs included in the current study had a history of systemic antibiotics prescribed for AS. Of these, 52.6% had multiple courses of multiple different antibiotics prescribed, and still required further treatment, indicating that AS may be a significant area of concern for unnecessary use of systemic antibiotics. The use of topical therapy alone could greatly improve antibiotic stewardship.



The incidence of AS identified in this study was lower than identified in previous studies. This discrepancy may be explained by the fact that previous studies evaluated the combined occurrence of NSAD in small animal practice, while this study only investigated AS in a specialty referral practice. One study identified a high incidence of AS of 12.5% in a combination of three veterinary practices in England and Australia. This may indicate a geographical difference, a changing incidence over time, and/or a difference between the patient populations of a general practice and referral dermatology service.



Several factors including stool quality, diet type and changes, BCS, skin disease, and breed have been suggested to lead to the development of AS.However, few studies investigating the aetiology of this condition exist. Of the comorbidities identified in this study, AD was the most frequent. This is consistent with the view that perianal inflammation and self-trauma, which occur with allergic skin disease, may contribute to anal sac duct stenosis, leading to impaction and sacculitis. Owing to the retrospective nature and limited number of dogs included in this study, the relationship between AS and the comorbidities identified could not be determined. Although a small percentage of dogs experienced recurrence, these recurrences may illustrate that the local treatment of AS addresses the condition and not the underlying cause. Therefore, further studies should focus on investigating the predisposing causes and risk factors for AS.



A previous study identified 75% of cases of AS as having a history of diarrhoea seven to 21days before onset of clinical signs of AS.Diarrhoea was typically mild and self-limiting within one to two days. Sixty percent of dogs in that study ate an all-meat diet and had poorly formed stool. A further 15% were regularly fed chop bones and had a history of rectal impaction. The current study suggests that stool quality plays a smaller role in the development of AS, with only 20.6% of dogs having poor stool quality at the time of presentation. The difference could be explained by the fact that all except two dogs in this study were primarily fed commercially available dog food. It also is possible that some incidences of poor stool quality may have resolved by the time of presentation and were not recorded in the medical records. Increased BCS also has been reported to be implicated in the development of AS. In the current study, the average BCS was 5.8 on a 9 point scale. Of dogs for whom body condition score was recorded, 54.8% were overweight with a BCS >6 and 9.7% were obese with a BCS of 8–9. Nearly half of the dogs had an ideal BCS of 4–5, so no conclusions can be drawn about the role of obesity in the formation of AS.

此前的一项研究发现,75%的AS病例在出现AS临床症状前7至21天有腹泻史。腹泻通常是轻微的,在一到两天内可以自行控制。在这项研究中,60%的犬只吃肉,粪便不成形。另外15%的患犬定期进食碎骨并有直肠嵌塞的病史。目前的研究表明,粪便质量在AS的发展中扮演的角色较小,只有20.6%的犬在出现粪便质量较差时。这种差异可以用以下事实来解释:在这项研究中,除了两只犬外,所有的犬都主要喂食了市售的犬粮。也有可能是一些粪便质量差的情况在就诊时已经解决,而没有记录在医疗记录中。据报道,增加的BCS也与AS的发展有关。在目前的研究中,平均BCS为5.8(满分9分)。在记录体况评分的犬中,54.8%的犬超重,BCS>6, 9.7%的犬肥胖,BCS为8-9。近一半的犬的理想BCS为4-5,因此无法得出关于肥胖在AS形成中的作用的结论。


The primary limitations of this study are its retrospective nature and lack of standardisation of therapy. In some cases not all subjects of interest were recorded. Despite some differences in the treatment protocol, the recommendations were fairly consistent based on the clinical experience of the authors.



This study indicates that flushing and infusion using a steroid/antimicrobial topical medication is an effective treatment for AS. This offers an alternative to oral antibiotic therapy for this condition, aiding in antibiotic stewardship. Further investigation into this much neglected area of study is needed including aetiology, risk factors, prevention and prospective investigation of local AS treatment. Evaluation of the outcome of anal sac flushing without infusion and infusions with topical steroid with and without topical antibiotics are areas worthy of future study.




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