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Infections of the subcutis and skin of dogs caused by rapidly growing mycobacteria


Nine dogs with panniculitis due to rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) were examined over 17 years. Dogs were two to 15 years; five were male, four were female. All were obese or in good condition. Antecedent injury, typically a dog bite or vehicular trauma, could be identified in some patients, while one bitch had hyperadrenocorticism. Infections involved different locations, although the cervicothoracic region, dorsum or flank were most often affected. Patients were systemically well, apart from one dog with pyrexia and two with pain or lameness. Cytology demonstrated pyogranulomatous inflammation, but in only one case was it possible to see acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in smears. Histology demonstrated chronic active pyogranulomatous panniculitis and dermatitis; AFB could be detected in only four specimens. Culture of aspirates or resected tissues demonstrated RGM in all cases, comprising six Mycobacterium smegmatis group and three Mycobacterium fortuitum group isolates. Resection of infected tissues, perioperative injectable antimicrobials and long courses of oral antimicrobials chosen according to susceptibility data generally effected a cure, although some cases recurred.

Mycobacteria are aerobic, non-motile Gram-positive rods that have a cell wall rich in mycolic acids and mycosides as their distinguishing feature . These lipids are responsible for many characteristic features of the genus, including the retention of carbol fuchsin stain following acid and/or alcohol treatment (acid-fastness), the ability to withstand drying, and the capacity to survive and multiply within phagocytes . A feature of mycobacterial disease is the associated inflammatory response, which is generally granulomatous or pyogranulomatous, as might be expected for an infection in which antigen-specific cell-mediated immunity is required to activate macrophages to deal effectively with bacteria capable of intracellular survival. Although pyogranulomatous inflammation is a feature of disease associated with saprophytic mycobacteria , a similar picture may be evident in infections associated with other bacteria that have high lipid contents (for example, Corynebacterium, Nocardia and Rhodococcus species), fungal infections and foreign body reactions.

Rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) are a heterogeneous group of organisms that produce visible colonies on synthetic media within seven days when cultured at 24 to 45° C . They are distributed ubiquitously in nature and can be commonly isolated from soil, dirt and bodies of water, including tap water .Bacteria in this group include the Mycobacterium fortuitum group (including Mycobacterium fortuitum, Mycobacterium peregrinum and the third biovariant complex), the Mycobacterium chelonae/abscessus group (including Mycobacterium chelonae and Mycobacterium abscessus), the Mycobacterium smegmatis group (including Mycobacterium smegmatis sensu stricto,Mycobacterium goodii and Mycobacterium wolinskyi), and a variety of other nonpigmented RGM including Mycobacterium phlei and Mycobacterium thermoresistibile. The taxonomy of this group has recently been revised.
快速生长分枝杆菌(RGM)是一组异质性微生物,当在24-45 ℃下培养时,在合成培养基上7天内产生可见菌落。它们在自然界中广泛分布,通常可从土壤、污垢和水中分离,包括自来水。该组细菌包括偶发分枝杆菌组(包括偶发分枝杆菌、外来分枝杆菌和第3种生物变种复合)、龟分枝杆菌/脓肿分枝杆菌组(包括龟分枝杆菌和脓肿分枝杆菌)、耻垢分枝杆菌组(包括狭义耻垢分枝杆菌、古地分枝杆菌和沃林斯基分枝杆菌)以及多种其他无色素RGM,包括草分枝杆菌和耐热分枝杆菌。最近对该组的分类方法进行了修订。

In both humans and animals, RGM are strongly linked with localised infections of immunocompetent hosts. This is because they are well adapted to a saprophytic existence and inherently have low virulence for mammals. Thus, they do not produce disease unless a breakdown in normal defence barriers allows them to enter a favourable tissue environment. Once introduced, RGM are generally constrained by a vigorous immunological response which may or may not eradicate them from the host’stissues, but is effective enough to prevent haematogenous or lymphatic spread.Disseminated disease may be caused by RGM, but only in immunocompromised individuals.

RGM produce three different syndromes in dogs: mycobacterial panniculitis, lobar pneumonia and disseminated infections.Mycobacterial panniculitis refers to a clinical syndrome characterised by chronic infection of the subcutis and skin with RGM. This condition is quite common in Australian cats and a series of 49 cases has been reported. In contrast, far fewer canine cases have been documented and the authors were able to locate only 10 cases (all from the USA) in electronic databases.

RGM may replicate in tissues if introduced through a breach in the skin in sufficient numbers and under suitable conditions. This typically follows penetrating injury, especially when the wound is contaminated by dirt or soil. Preference of RGM for fat is a key factor in the pathogenesis and results in the tendency for disease to occur in obese individuals and in tissues rich in lipids, such as the subcutaneous panniculus and especially the inguinal fat pad of cats. Experimental infections cannot be induced readily in subjects that do not have appreciable subcutaneous fat .Likewise, experimental infection of ovine mammary glands requires instillation of oil in addition to organisms to induce mastitis.

The same phenomenon accounts for situations where these organisms give rise to human infections; for example, in athletes injected with drugs in oil-based vehicles from contaminated vials, as a complication of lipoid pneumonia and following augmentation mammoplasty, liposuction and sternotomy. Initial reports suggested that mycobacterial panniculitis was more common in warm humid climates, but recent studies have recorded disease in temperate regions including Canada, Finland  and Germany. Also, causal organisms have been cultivated from Japanese soil samples . In Australia, M smegmatis accounts for the majority of feline cases, whereas it is a much less common cause of equivalent infections in humans, in which M fortuitum infections predominate.

In cats, infections generally start in the inguinal region, usually following environmental contamination of cat-fight injuries, such as raking wounds inflicted by the hind claws. The infection may spread to contiguous subcutaneous tissues of the ventral and lateral abdominal wall and perineum. Penetrating injuries caused by sticks and metallic objects, as well as vehicular trauma, may cause these infections, as might contaminated bite injuries.Feline infections are characterised by an indurated subcutaneous lesion adherent to the overlying skin, that becomes denuded of hair and develops numerous punctate fistulae which discharge a watery exudate. Fistulae are intermingled with focal purple depressions that correspond to thinning of the epidermis over an accumulation of pus. If the lesion is confused with an anaerobic cat bite abscess, treatment, consisting of lancing, drainage and oral lactams,is typically followed by dehiscence and development of a non-healing wound.

Some cats with severe infections develop constitutional signs, yet others remain well despite extensive disease.Occasional cats develop the hypercalcaemia of granulomatous disease, although this is rarely, if ever, symptomatic. The problem usually remains localised to the skin and subcutis. Adjacent structures such as the abdominal wall can be affected eventually, but spread to internal organs or lymph nodes is very rare.Similar infections have been reported in captive marsupial carnivores.

Few reports document the clinical course, diagnosis and management of dogs with mycobacterial panniculitis, although a recent study identified key clinicopathological findings in such cases. This paper presents clinical and laboratory findings in nine dogs with RGM infections and compares the syndrome in canine and feline patients.
Nine dogs were included in the study (Table 1), representing cases which had been encountered between 1985 and 2002. Private practitioners had initially managed the dogs. In five cases (four from Perth and one from Sydney), the animal was subsequently examined and treated at a university teaching hospital. The remaining cases were managed entirely by the primary clinician, but with laboratory support and/or advice from one of the authors.

Dogs ranged in age from two to 15 years. Five dogs were male and four were female. A variety of breeds was represented including purebreeds and crossbreeds, large and small dogs, and dogs with a variety of body conformations. Four were said to be in good condition, four were considered obese and one had pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. In cases where a good history was available, an antecedent penetrating injury had been witnessed, typically a dog bite (four cases) or vehicular trauma (one case).Wounds were situated in a variety of locations, although the cervicothoracic region, dorsum or flank were most commonly affected. Lesions consisted of nodules, multiple draining sinus tracts and subcutaneous swelling or oedema (Figs 1 to 5). Most animals were systemically well, apart from one animal that had pyrexia and two that experienced pain or lameness.

FIG 1. A five-year-old spayed female keeshond (case 4) with Mycobacterium smegmatis infection of the subcutis of the lateral thoracic region. Note the subcutaneous oedema (prominent ventrally) and draining sinus tract.Ultrasonography was used to locate and aspirate a specimen of purulent fluid for cytological examination and culture.

FIG 2. An eight-year-old, neutered male Labrador (case 5) with extensive Mycobacterium smegmatis infection of the withers and lateral thorax after radical resection of infected subcutaneous adipose tissue.(A) Right-sided view. (B) Left-sided view.

FIG 3. A 15-year-old, male Australian cattle dog (case 6) with Mycobacterium fortuitum infection of the right thoracic wall, after en bloc resection of infected tissues and placement of a latex drain.

FIG 4. A four-year-old, Staffordshire bull terrier bitch (case 3) with Mycobacterium smegmatis infection of the left lateral cervical region.(A) Attempted surgical debridement by the referring veterinarian resulted in wound dehiscence.(B) Close-up view.

FIG 5. A 10-year-old, male terrier crossbreed (case 7) with Mycobacterium fortuitum infection of the left lateral thigh region.Note the numerous punctate, draining sinus tracts surrounding the primary lesion.

Specimen collection, cytology and histology
The diagnosis was made by aspirating pus or obtaining deep tissue samples for cytology, histology or culture. In cats, pus obtained from aspirates of affected tissues through intact skin (following disinfection of the skin surface) provided the best laboratory specimens.Such a sample was obtained using ultrasound guidance in one of the nine dogs.However, samples collected by private practitioners were typically large, surgically resected tissue specimens.

Portions of these biopsies were triturated in brain heart infusion broth or similar liquid media using a sterile pestle and mortar. Smears of the resulting homogenate or aspirates from infected tissues were stained using Diff-Quik, Burke’s modification of the Gram stain and a modified acid-fast procedure (decolourising with 5 percent sulphuric acid for three to five minutes). Histological sections were embedded in paraffin, processed routinely and stained using haematoxylin and eosin, Brown and Brenn (in some cases) and Ziehl-Neelsen stains, and were evaluated using light microscopy.

Bacteriology and strain identification
Tissue homogenates and aspirates of pus were streaked onto duplicate 5 percent sheep blood agar plates and a mycobacterial medium, such as Lowenstein-Jensen medium or 1 percent Ogawa egg yolk medium, and incubated aerobically at 37°C and 25°C, respectively. In cases where samples were submitted to a private laboratory, specimens were sometimes inoculated into the appropriate BACTEC bottle and cultured at 37°C in a BACTEC 9000 automated liquid culture system (Becton Dickinson Biosciences). Blood agar plates were incubated for seven to 10 days, while solid media were incubated for up to six weeks.
将组织匀浆和脓液抽吸物划线重复接种到5%羊血琼脂平板和分枝杆菌培养基上,如罗氏培养基或1%小川蛋黄培养基,分别在37℃和25℃有氧培养。样本提交至私人实验室的病例,有时将样本接种至合适的快速培养瓶中,并在37℃下于BACTEC 9000自动液体培养系统中培养。血液琼脂平板培养7-10天,而固体培养基培养长达6周。

Where only contaminated specimens were available, tissue homogenates were sometimes treated with 4 per cent sodium hydroxide followed by neutralisation with dilute hydrochloric acid, prior to inoculation onto media. Another method used to selectively separate RGM from contaminant flora, such as Staphylococcus intermedius, was primary isolation around a β-lactam susceptibility disc, applied to the plate after inoculation.

Strain identification was confirmed at a mycobacteria reference laboratory (either Queensland Health Pathology Services or Western Australian Centre for Pathology and Medical Research), following primary isolation. Identification took into account some or all of the following phenotypic features: organism morphology in ZiehlNeelsen-stained smears of growth taken from Lowenstein-Jensen medium; colonial morphology (rough or smooth); pigmentation in the dark and light; degree of acid-fastness; rate of growth at room temperature and 37°C; ability to grow at 42°C and 52°C; arylsulphatase activity; iron uptake; p-amino salicylic acid degradation; nitrate reduction; β-galactosidase activity; acid production from carbohydrates (glucose, inositol and mannitol); utilisation of compounds (glucose, fructose, inositol, mannitol and citrate) as the sole carbon source; tolerance to 5 per cent sodium chloride in Lowenstein-Jensen medium; and susceptibility to polymyxin B, trimethoprim and tobramycin . In two cases, the isolates (M goodii and M fortuitum) were further identified using direct sequence determination of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified using PCR.

Isolates were included as being in the M fortuitum group if they grew in less than seven days at 28°C and 37°C; produced rough, non-pigmented colonies; had a positive three-day arylsulphatase reaction; were positive for iron uptake; reduced nitrate; and showed susceptibility to polymyxin B but not trimethoprim.M fortuitum group isolates were divided into species according to their utilisation of mannitol, inositol and citrate as sole sources of carbon for growth. The M fortuitum group was differentiated from the M chelonae/abscessus group based on biochemical differences and susceptibility to polymyxin B (M fortuitum group sensitive, M chelonae/abscessus group resistant).

Isolates were included in the M smegmatis group if they grew well at 43°C but not at 52°C, were positive for iron uptake and had a negative three-day arylsulphatase reaction. Colonies of M smegmatis obtained from clinical material were typically smooth and not immediately pigmented, although a late-developing yellow-to-orange pigmentation was seen in many isolates. M smegmatis isolates generally had a characteristic antibiogram, with susceptibility to a wide range of agents including ethambutol, tetracyclines, sulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, gentamicin and fluoroquinolones, but often not clarithromycin.

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates was determined using a disc diffusion method. Typically isolates were tested against discs containing amoxycillin/clavulanic acid (20/10;30 µg), trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole (1·25/23·75; 25 µg), clarithromycin (30 µg), tobramycin (10 µg), amikacin (30 µg), gentamicin (10 µg), ciprofloxacin (5 µg), enrofloxacin (5 µg),cefoxitin (30 µg), minocycline (30 µg), doxycycline (30 µg), sulphamethoxazole (250 µg), polymyxin B (300 µg) and trimethoprim (5 µg). Some antibiotics were included to determine therapeutic agents, while others were used to provide phenotypic information for taxonomic purposes.

Suspensions of each organism in saline or nutrient broth were inoculated onto Mueller Hinton II agar (BBL) supplemented with a 1:10 dilution of oleic acid, albumin, dextrose, catalase (OAFC; Becton Dickinson) or sensitivity agar (Isosensitest agar; Oxoid) and incubated at 37°C.Results were recorded after incubation for 48 and 72 hours.

Because of the long period over which cases were accrued, the range and number of agents tested was not consistent. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for clarithromycin was determined to guide therapy in one dog (case 7) using the E-test method (AB Biodisk).
由于病例累积周期较长,试验药物的范围和数量不一致。使用E-试验方法(AB Biodisk)测定克拉霉素的最小抑菌浓度(MIC),以指导一只犬治疗(病例7)

A mycobacterial aetiology was not initially suspected in any animal, with veterinarians considering other explanations for lesions, such as a foreign body reaction to plant material (grass awns, sticks). Most cases were managed by attempted surgical excision, suturing and a routine course of antimicrobial therapy.This approach led to persistence of clinical signs, wound breakdown or primary intention healing followed some time later by recrudescent infection. A definitive  diagnosis was obtained subsequently by either demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in ultrasound-guided needle aspirates (one case), Ziehl-Neelsen-stained histological sections (four cases), or by positive culture from aspirates (one case) or tissue specimens collected at surgery (nine cases).

Cytological evaluation invariably demonstrated pyogranulomatous inflammation, but only in one case was it possible to visualise acid-fast bacilli in smears. In this instance, an exhaustive search was required and organisms were only weakly acid-fast. Histological findings were similar in all cases, consisting of chronic active pyogranulomatous panniculitis and dermatitis. Acid-fast bacilli were generally hard or impossible to find in ZiehlNeelsen-stained sections. They were visualised in four of eight cases where tissue was available for histological examination and were situated in cleared spaces, likely to be lipid vacuoles (Fig 6), or intracellularly within macrophages.

Moderate to heavy growth of pinpoint, smooth or rough, non-haemolytic colonies was usually observed after two to three days’ incubation on sheep blood agar at 37°C. Of the nine isolates, six were of the M smegmatis group (including one M goodii strain) and three were of the M fortuitum group. M smegmatis group isolates accounted for all four cases from Western Australia and two of the five cases from New South Wales.Susceptibility data for the isolates are shown in Table 2.

Definitive treatment was attempted in each dog and typically consisted of radical resection of all grossly affected tissues, suturing of the resulting defect and administration of antimicrobials, based on susceptibility testing, for periods ranging from six weeks to six months. Given the extent and severity of the disease process in most of the dogs, it was considered that adequate levels of antimicrobials were unlikely to be achieved throughout all involved tissues without surgical resection.Thus, the best chance for a successful longterm outcome was to remove as much infected tissue as possible following preliminary antimicrobial therapy, and target residual foci of infection with high concentrations of antibiotics during and after surgery.

The experience and expertise of the surgeon varied from case to case, as did the choice of pre-, peri- and postoperative antimicrobials. Typically, a very large portion (up to 10*12 cm) of infected subcutis required excision and the resulting tissue deficits necessitated the use of latex or closed suction drains to evacuate the remaining dead space. Complex reconstructive techniques were not required because of the availability of mobile healthy skin nearby. A variety of antimicrobials were used according to factors such as time of treatment (fluoroquinolones were not available in Australia in 1985), clinicians’ preference, perceived response to therapy, susceptibility data and cost considerations. A large number of combinations were used, with different drugs being used sequentially and sometimes simultaneously. Antimicrobials available in injectable formulations (gentamicin, trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole and enrofloxacin) tended to be used perioperatively and in the early postoperative period, while long-term therapy utilised agents that could be given orally.
外科医生的经验和专业知识因病例而异,术前、围手术期和术后抗菌剂的选择也各不相同。通常,需要切除很大一部分(高达10*12 cm)的感染皮下组织,产生的组织缺损必须使用乳胶或封闭抽吸引流管以排空剩余的死腔。不需要复杂的皮瓣重建技术,因为附近有可移动的健康皮肤。根据治疗时间(1985年在澳大利亚无法获得氟喹诺酮类药物)、临床医生的偏好、对治疗的感知反应、药敏数据和成本考虑等因素使用了多种抗菌剂。使用了大量的联合用药,不同的药物依次使用,有时同时使用。可注射制剂中的可用抗菌剂(庆大霉素、甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲恶唑和恩诺沙星)倾向于在围手术期和术后早期使用,而长期治疗使用可口服给药的药物。

Most patients responded favourably to therapy. Dogs were generally uncomfortable for several days following surgery, often requiring pain relief using either opiates or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Wounds generally healed by first or, occasionally, second intention without untoward sequelae. Six cases were thought to be cured, one recurred and two were lost to follow-up.

FIG 6. Ziehl-Neelsen-stained histological section of a biopsy specimen from a dog
with mycobacterial panniculitis due to Mycobacterium smegmatis. Note the cluster
of acid-fast bacilli in an extracellular cleared space, which is likely to be a lipid vacuole.

FIG 7. Ultrasonogram of a focus of suppurative inflammation in the subcutis of the forearm of one of the authors (R. M.) caused by a Mycobacterium marinum infection.
Ultrasound-guided needle aspirates provided an ideal specimen for culture.
7.作者之一(R. M.)的前臂皮下组织化脓性炎症病灶超声图(由海洋分枝杆菌感染引起)。
This paper records the largest series of dogs with mycobacterial panniculitis reported so far in the literature. Most previous reports document one or two cases, with the exception of Jang and Hirsh’s study that included five dogs with RGM panniculitis. Taken together with the present cases, it is clear that mycobacterial panniculitis in dogs has a number of characteristic features. There are similarities with, but also differences from, the equivalent feline condition.

Clinicians should suspect RGM infections when presented with patients with chronic non-healing wounds which are unresponsive to drainage and conventional antibiotic therapy. As Jang and Hirsh have suggested, the difficulty in making a diagnosis in a timely manner is probably responsible, in part, for the chronicity, severity and refractoriness of these infections.

Lesions typically consist of firm to fluctuant subcutaneous swellings or nodules,which ulcerate, drain and spread centrifugally, with the development of new ‘satellite’ lesions at the edges of older lesions.Some cases behave differently and instead spread widely through the subcutis to produce multifocal lesions through the subcutaneous panniculus (case 9). Lesions tend to be neither painful nor pruritic, and are generally located in regions subjected to bite wounds or injections, such as the neck, shoulders, flank or dorsum. There is typically a prior history of penetrating injury; for example, a bite wound or veterinary intervention such as injection (especially from multi-use vials) or previous surgery.

Microscopic examination shows pyogranulomatous inflammation with neutrophils gathered in small foci (microabscesses) or forming thin rims around cleared spaces (lipid vacuoles), granulomatous inflammation including giant cells and granulation tissue beneath the inflamed area. Cytological examination shows that organisms stain poorly or not at all with Gram or a Romanowsky-type stain such as DiffQuik, and even modified acidfast stains are unreliable at demonstrating acid-fast bacilli in smears.

Speckled structures or non-staining ‘ghosts’, corresponding to poorly staining or non-staining bacilli, have been observed in smears stained with Romanowsky-type stains , but are much harder to appreciate than in cases with Mycobacterium avium infections or leproid granulomas. Similarly, acid-fast bacilli can be difficult or impossible to find in paraffin-embedded histological specimens, even using stains such as ZiehlNeelsen, Fite’s or Kinyoun’s, and it has been theorised that some aspect of fixation affects organisms’ ability to take up or retain the stain. Thus, early diagnosis is best achieved by culture of appropriate specimens.

Experience with feline cases suggests that needle aspirates of fluid from intact nodules or subcutaneous swellings provide the best specimens with which to make a diagnosis. Obviously, intact overlying skin should be disinfected prior to obtaining the aspirate to preclude the isolation of saprophytic bacteria residing on the skin surface. It may be necessary to relocate the needle in the subcutaneous space while applying constant negative pressure until a pocket of purulent material is encountered. Alternatively, high definition ultrasonography can be used to find locations suitable for aspiration (Fig 7).

Purulent fluid should be submitted to the laboratory for culture or inoculated immediately into a commercially prepared  mycobacteria culture bottle. As positive primary culture takes two to four days, with an additional two- to four-day period for susceptibility testing, the initial choice of antimicrobials must be guided by retrospective susceptibility data.

In Australia, M smegmatis and M fortuitum group infections are encountered in canine patients with mycobacterial panniculitis, whereas in southern USA M fortuitum and M chelonae/abscessus infections predominate, accounting for seven and four, respectively, of the 11 cases recorded in the literature. The over-representation of M smegmatis cases in Australia is statistically significant (P<0·01; Fisher’s exact test). The reasons why M smegmatis group infections are common in Australian dogs while M chelonae/abscessus infections are rare are unclear, although differences in soil types and climate are likely to play a part. Based on the Australian data presented here, the breakdown of M smegmatis and M fortuitum group infections is similar in dogs and cats in a given geographical area.

It is hard to make definitive treatment recommendations based on the management of only a limited number of cases.Thus, advice is drawn in part from experience gained treating feline and human patients with RGM infections, as well as findings reported here and in previous publications. When a tentative diagnosis of an RGM infection is made, it is desirable to immediately start treatment with an agent likely to be effective against the causal organism. As M smegmatis and M fortuitum infections both occur in Australia, doxycycline (5 to 10 mg/kg, orally twice daily) or a fluoroquinolone (for example, enrofloxacin, 5 to 15 mg/kg, daily) are cost-effective empirical choices.In the USA, clarithromycin (10 to 15 mg/kg, orally twice daily) is probably the drug of choice because M fortuitum and M chelonae isolates are predominant.
仅根据有限数量的病例管理很难提出明确的治疗建议。因此,部分治疗建议来自RGM感染的猫和人的经验,以及本文和既往文献中报告的结果。在初步诊断为RGM感染时,最好立即开始使用可能对病原微生物有效的药物进行治疗。由于耻垢分枝杆菌和偶发分枝杆菌感染均发生在澳大利亚,多西环素(5-10 mg/kg,口服,每日两次)或氟喹诺酮(例如恩诺沙星,5-15 mg/kg,每日一次)是经济有效的经验性选择。在美国,克拉霉素(10-15 mg/kg,口服,每日2次)很可能是首选药物,因为偶发分枝杆菌和龟分枝杆菌分离株是主要的分离株

Recent recommendations for treating RGM infections in human patients emphasise that mycobacteria may develop resistance to quinolones during therapy.Thus, it may be prudent to use quinolones strategically after surgical debulking or to only use them in conjunction with another agent, thereby reducing the likelihood of resistance developing. Such considerations are less applicable to doxycycline or clarithromycin as mutational resistance to these drugs is less likely to develop. For this reason, many veterinary dermatologists in Australia use combination therapy with doxycycline and a quinolone from the outset, as in case 9.

Once susceptibility data become available, the optimal drug(s) are selected. The response in vivo to an agent known to be effective in vitro can then be assessed. In general, it is necessary to use as high a dose as possible of antimicrobials when treating these infections, because affected subcutaneous tissues are not well perfused and considerable diffusion barriers hinder antibiotics reaching organisms in fat, despite adequate blood levels. Treatment should commence using standard dose rates. Subsequently, the dosage should be increased over several weeks until adverse side effects (inappetence and vomiting) suggest the need for a slight dose reduction, and/or a favourable clinical response is observed.

Some cases treated in a preliminary fashion using orally administered agents respond to such an extent that surgery becomes unnecessary. These cases can thus be cured using medicinal therapy alone, although treatment for up to 12 months may be needed. In general, cases that resolve without additional surgery involve a lesser depth of tissues than cases that later require operative debridement. However, many cases are so severe that only limited improvement can be achieved with antimicrobial therapy alone and surgery is required to effect a cure.Because it is not possible to predict which cases will require debridement, the authors’ current recommendation is to start therapy using one or a combination of agents known to be effective in the laboratory, increase drug dosages progressively and then reassess the patient periodically to decide if continued improvement is occurring or if surgery is necessary. Preliminary antimicrobial therapy is beneficial because it reduces the quantity of tissue requiring resection and minimises the possibility of wound dehiscence.

If surgery is required, a drug which is effective against the causal strain and that can be given by injection, such as gentamicin, should be administered intraoperatively (2 mg/kg every eight hours or 6 mg/kg every 24 hours, intravenously or subcutaneously) and in the early postoperative period (typically for three to five days). Gentamicin is a good choice because it is bactericidal, inexpensive and displays good activity against likely mycobacterial isolates. Amikacin would be equally or more effective, although substantially more expensive. The critical surgical consideration is to remove as much abnormal subcutaneous tissue as possible, typically necessitating the resection of very large portions of infected adipose tissue. Affected tissues should ideally be removed en bloc but in many cases there is such extensive panniculitis that this is not feasible. Advanced cases with extensive lesions ideally require the skill of an experienced surgeon to reconstruct the resulting tissue deficit without undue tension, although this requirement is less than that for the equivalent surgery in cats. The large amount of dead space created by debridement requires judicious use of latex or closed suction drains for several days postoperatively。
如果需要手术,应该在术中和术后早期(通常是3-5天)给予能够有效对抗致病菌株并且可以通过注射给药的药物,例如庆大霉素(每8小时一次,2 mg/kg,或者每24小时一次,6 mg/kg,静脉注射或者皮下注射)。庆大霉素是一种良好的选择,因为其具有杀菌性,价格低廉,并且对可能的分枝杆菌分离株表现出良好的活性。阿米卡星同样有效或更有效,但价格明显更高。关键的手术考虑是切除尽可能多的异常皮下组织,通常必须切除大部分感染的脂肪组织。理想情况下应将患病组织整块切除,但在许多病例中存在如此大面积的脂膜炎,以至于不可行。在理想情况下,具有大面积病变的晚期病例需要有经验的外科医师在不过度张力的情况下重建导致的组织缺损的技术,但该要求低于在猫中进行的等同手术。清创术造成的大量死腔需要在术后几天合理地使用乳胶或封闭抽吸的引流管。

Following surgery, drugs of greatest theoretical efficacy are used as soon as oral dosing is possible so that residual bacteria at the wound margins are targeted by high levels of effective agent(s), thereby facilitating primary intention healing. M smegmatis group isolates are susceptible to a wide range of agents well suited to treating chronic infections, whereas M fortuitum isolates generally demonstrate resistance to one or several drugs. The authors have no experience with M chelonae isolates, but human data indicates they are resistant to all common antimicrobials available for oral dosing, apart from clarithromycin. Because of cost considerations and other practicalities, the choice generally comes down to one or a combination of a fluoroquinolone, doxycycline or clarithromycin.

In Australia, fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin and orbifloxacin) and doxycycline are considered the agents of choice because M smegmatis and M fortuitum strains cause most infections. Quinolones are bactericidal, penetrate well into tissues (including fat) and are concentrated in polymorphs and macrophages, but are contraindicated in young growing animals.

Doxycycline has a cost advantage over quinolones, is equally well suited to longterm oral therapy and has similar efficacy, in the authors’ experience. Doxycycline monohydrate is the tetracycline of choice in small animal patients, being well tolerated orally, present in a readily available form (Vibravet tablets; Pfizer Australia, Doximed; Ratiopharm) and having good lipid solubility. The monohydrate salt is not freely available in the USA, which is problematic because other doxycycline salts are more irritant, causing vomiting through irritation of the stomach or, worse, ulceration of the oesophagus. For this reason, doxycycline should be either given immediately before meals or be followed by a small amount of liquid by mouth.

Clarithromycin is a macrolide derivative with an extended spectrum of activity and prolonged pharmacokinetics. It has proved extremely useful in treating mycobacterial infections in humans, including those caused by RGM, and in dogs with refractory leproid granulomas. Its major disadvantages are high cost (an issue in large canine patients) and a high proportion of M smegmatis group  isolates’ resistance to the drug.

The propensity of mycobacteria to develop resistance during treatment is well known, although this phenomenon is less problematic for RGM than Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M avium and Mycobacterium leprae. Development of resistance is most likely for quinolones, probably because of selection of pre-existing mutants. There is insufficient information to recommend routine combination therapy, although such therapy may be prudent. The possibility of resistance developing during quinolone therapy should be considered in cases where an initially favourable response is not sustained.

The total duration of therapy should be in the order of three to six months. Drugs should be administered for at least one to two months after affected tissues look and feel completely normal.Some cases in this series treated in the 1980s were given sulphamethoxazole/ trimethoprim combinations or tetracyclines, but the human and veterinary literature suggests that these agents are less effective than contemporary agents. In occasional refractory cases, clofazimine, cefoxitin or amikacin may be used for monotherapy or in conjunction with other agents. Cefoxitin and amikacin can only be given by injection.Several new oral agents for treating refractory RGM infections have become available recently, including gatifloxacin and linezolid. Gatifloxacin has greater efficacy than older quinolones against M fortuitum and M chelonae isolates. Although these agents hold great promise for refractory mycobacterial infections, their high cost currently precludes routine use, especially in large dogs.

Canine mycobacterial panniculitis is an eminently treatable disease. Diagnosis is not problematic, so long as the practitioner maintains a high index of suspicion for a mycobacterial aetiology. The prognosis is favourable, even in cases with severe chronic disease. Treatment involves long courses of antimicrobials chosen on the basis of susceptibility testing, often combined with extensive debridement and wound reconstruction. The comment by Fox and others that ‘in general, the clinical response in dogs is more rapid and more complete than in cats’ could well be true. Importantly, the routine prophylactic use of doxycycline following treatment of penetrating injuries in obese dogs (and cats) may help prevent the development of these infections.

Since submission of this paper, the authors have been involved with two further canine patients with subcutaneous RGM infections. Both dogs were from New South Wales (Sydney and Coffs Harbour), and both were M smegmatis group infections.


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