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Management of Otic and Nasopharyngeal, and Nasal Polyps in Cats and Dogs
作者:Valentina Greci, DVM, PhDa, *, Carlo Maria Mortellaro, DVM

Polyps  Aural  Otic  Nasopharyngeal  Nasal  Cat  Dog

Feline inflammatory polyps are benign growths, which usually arise from the tympanic cavity or the eustachian tube.  
Diagnosis is based on clinical signs, diagnostic imaging, and histopathology; both minimally invasive and surgical techniques for polyp removal are effective.  
Feline nasal hamartomas are benign lesions that arise from the native tissues of the nasal cavity; despite their expansile behavior, they have a good prognosis after surgical or endoscopic removal.  
Inflammatory polyps are extremely rare in dogs; different polypoid-like masses have been described in the middle ear and nasal cavity in dogs, but these lesions likely have a different tissue origin than cats, and the outcome after removal is less consistently successful.

Feline inflammatory polyps (FIPs) are the most common nonneoplastic pedunculated growths found in the ear canal or nasopharynx in cats. They are presumed to originate from the epithelial lining of the tympanic bulla (aural inflammatory polyps) or the auditory tube. When they originate from the auditory tube, they can grow into the tympanic cavity (middle ear polyps) or the nasopharynx (nasopharyngeal polyps) or, less frequently, in both directions. Bilateral polyps have been reported but are uncommon.

The cause of FIPs is still debated. It is unclear whether polyps are congenital in origin, or a response to an inflammatory process from chronic viral infection,or a consequence of chronic middle ear and/or upper respiratory inflammation.

FIPs consist of a core of loosely arranged fibrovascular tissue covered by a stratified squamous or columnar epithelium. Inflammatory cells, primarily lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages, are present within the stroma and are especially dense in the submucosal areas of the tissue. The mucosa is commonly ulcerated.

Presumptive diagnosis of FIPs is based on history and physical examination, supported by imaging and endoscopic evaluation, and is confirmed by histopathological examination of biopsy samples.

FIPs usually occur in young cats with an average age of 1.5 years, although they have been reported in cats of all ages. The authors have diagnosed FIPs in Maine coon siblings and in 2 Maine coon cats from the same bloodline but from different environmental settings. There is some suggestion that because FIPs have been diagnosed in siblings, they may have a congenital origin. FIPs in Maine coon cats might be inherited or congenital, or they might have a genetic predisposition to this condition.

Clinical signs are usually progressive and chronic in nature. Aural inflammatory polyps usually result in chronic otitis externa, with cats most often exhibiting head shaking and otorrhea. Otic discharge can vary from waxy to purulent in nature. When the polyp is visible within the ear canal, it has already protruded through a ruptured eardrum, and otitis media is frequently present. Neurologic alterations, such as Horner syndrome, head tilt, ataxia, nystagmus, circling, and facial paralysis, may also be observed with middle and inner ear involvement. The most common clinical signs in cats with nasopharyngeal polyps are nasal discharge, stertorous breathing, reverse sneezing, and sneezing.

Other signs and related conditions associated with inflammatory polyps, such as dysphagia, megaesophagus, regurgitation, pulmonary hypertension, polyp abscess, submandibular swelling, suppurative meningoencephalitis, and severe dyspnea, have been rarely reported.

Aural polyps can be seen on both conventional and video-otoscopy. In some cats, aural polyps can be directly seen protruding directly from the external ear canal.

Nasopharyngeal polyps can be confirmed on digital palpation of the nasopharynx, rostral traction of the soft palate, or retrograde rhinoscopy. Secondary otitis media is frequently present with nasopharyngeal polyps, because the mass occludes the auditory tube, resulting in mucous accumulation in the tympanic cavity.

Conventional radiology
Radiographs can be used to identify a soft tissue mass in the nasopharynx and to evaluate loss of the air contrast of the external ear canal and thickening of the tympanic bullae; when these signs are present, they are specific for the diagnosis of middle ear disease.Nasopharyngeal polyps are usually observed on a standard lateral projection or obliqued lateral projections (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Pharyngeal soft tissue density in 30 lateral view of a cat with a nasopharyngeal polyp (black arrows).

In cats, the tympanic cavity is unequally divided into 2 compartments by a thin bony septum, giving it a double-chambered appearance. On plain radiographs, the best images to view the tympanic bullae are right and left lateral oblique and the rostrocaudal projections. In these views, normal bullae appear as thin-walled, air-filled rounded structures at the base of the skull (Fig. 2). The rostrocaudal projections are particularly useful to evaluate both the tympanic bullae and the horizontal ear canals. Dorsoventral and ventrodorsal projections are less diagnostic due to partial superimposition of the petrous temporal bone over the bullae.

Fig. 2. Radiographic appearance of a normal ear canal and middle ear in cats: (A) 30 left lateral, (B) rostro 10 ventrocaudodorsal, (C) rostroventral-caudodorsal open mouth views.
2。一只猫正常耳道和中耳的x线片:(A) 30度左侧位(B) 吻部10度腹侧尾背侧,(C) 头腹侧-尾背侧开口影像。

Radiographic changes that are often evident in cats with otic polyps include loss of air contrast in the ear canal and/or the tympanic bulla, tympanic bone thickening, and the presence of a soft tissue mass in the pharynx or ear canal; sclerosis noted within the petrous bone may suggest otitis interna (Fig. 3). Some cats with FIPs have normal plain radiographs; the diagnosis of FIPs in these instances is often substantiated with endoscopic examination or advanced imaging modalities.

Fig. 3. Different radiographic appearances of middle ear polyps in cats: (A) loss of air contrast within the bulla and the ear canal and mild thickening of the right bulla contour; (B) mild bulla enlargement, severe thickening of the bulla contour and septum, erosion of the petrous bone, loss of air contrast within the right bulla and the ear canal.

Computed tomography
Computed tomography (CT) allows cross-sectional imaging of the external, middle, and internal parts of the ear and nasopharynx. Skull positioning should be precise to allow comparison of symmetry; CT imaging has the advantage of allowing image reformatting in various planes, eliminating superimposition of surrounding boney structures. In addition, CT imaging shows good soft tissue contrast resolution.

CT allows evaluation of fluid or tissue within the external and/or the tympanic cavity, changes in the tympanic bulla contour, presence/absence of bony proliferation, and/ or evidence of osteolysis. Thin slicing provides great anatomic detail of middle ear and inner ear structures. CT is more specific in localizing the affected osseous bulla and earlier detection of small masses of both the tympanic cavity and the nasopharynx. Therefore, because of these advantages, CT imaging is superior to conventional radiography and thus allows more specific prognosis and treatment planning for cats with suspected tympanic masses.

On CT, FIPs typically appear as an oval homogenous space-occupying dense structure with well-defined borders and hard rim enhancement (Fig. 4). More aggressive infections and neoplastic conditions often exhibit both osteoproliferative and lytic lesions of the tympanic bulla. On contrast CT images, these aggressive conditions exhibit marked contrast medium enhancement compared with FIPs in cats.

Fig. 4. CT appearance of FIPs. (A) Bone tissue window (BTW): the middle ear cavity and ipsilateral ear canal are filled with a homogenous soft tissue dense structure. (B) BTW: a soft tissue density is partially filling the nasopharynx, and there is ipsilateral eustachian tube enlargement (black arrow). (C, D) STW after contrast medium administration in the same cat: the lesion appears as an oval homogenous space-occupying soft tissue dense structure with well-defined borders and contrast rim enhancement. (Courtesy of [C and D] Dr Simone Borgonovo, Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milano, Italia.)
4。FIPs的CT表现。(A)骨组织窗(BTW):中耳腔及同侧耳道内充满均匀的软组织密度结构。(B)BTW:鼻咽部分区域软组织密度,同侧咽鼓管扩张(黑色箭头)。(C, D)同一只猫注射造影剂后的STW:病变表现为椭圆形均匀占位性软组织密度结构,边界清楚,造影剂边缘增强。

Only a few reports mention the use of MRI in the diagnosis of feline ear diseases. Similar to cats with FIPs, other inflammatory middle ear diseases are often characterized by contrast enhancement along the inner margin of the tympanic bulla due to the presence of vascularized tissue lining this region. Unless osteoproliferative and/or lytic changes are evident in the tympanic bulla, it can be difficult to differentiate an inflammatory polyp from inflammatory tissue from otitis media, or early neoplastic conditions within the tympanic cavity.However, MRI is indicated in cats presenting with concurrent peripheral nerve and central nervous system disease to better evaluate the inner ear and surrounding neural structures when more aggressive lesions are suspected.

When evaluating cats with FIPs, both ear canals and nasopharynx should be examined with endoscopy.

The presence of thick waxy cerumen or purulent exudate is often noted on otoscopy. After ear canal cleaning, aural polyps usually appear as pink pale to reddish rounded, sometimes multi lobulated or ulcerated masses in the ear canal or within the tympanic cavity (Fig. 5). When a mass is observed that does not appear as an FIP, fine-needle biopsy or pinch biopsy may be indicated first to achieve a definitive diagnosis, and for appropriate treatment planning (see Fig. 5D).

Fig. 5. Different endoscopic appearances of aural inflammatory polyps: (A) polyp protruding behind the tympanum; (B) polyp protruding through a ruptured tympanum, portion of the tympanum is still visible on the right; (C) multilobulated ulcerated polyp; (D) oval pink highly vascularized polyp, given the aspect the mass was biopsied for final diagnosis.

A thickened opaque or bulging eardrum on the contralateral side is often seen due to impairment of auditory tube drainage secondary to nasopharyngeal inflammation or pressure from the nasopharyngeal polyp. If a small polyp arising just behind a bulging tympanum is suspected, a myringotomy can be performed to explore the tympanic cavity (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Otoscopic views of a cat with an aural inflammatory polyp. (A) Severe tympanum bulging is shown before myringotomy; (B) a small middle ear polyp is evident after myringotomy.

Nasopharyngeal polyps can be seen endoscopically or by rostrally displacing the soft palate with a hooked instrument such as a spay hook (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Visualization of a nasopharyngeal polyp after rostral retraction of the soft palate.

Both minimally invasive and traditional surgical techniques have been described to remove FIPs.

Minimally invasive approach
Traction/avulsion of polyps Traction/avulsion is the simplest form of treatment, without requiring specialized equipment. The polyp is generally grasped with a toothed grasping forceps (curved clamp, Allis, or alligator forceps), and removed by firm traction with rotation until the polyp detaches at the stalk.

Aural polyps are removed by positioning the cat in lateral recumbency after routine preparation of the ear. Removal of multilobulated polyps can be difficult because they tend to rupture and bleed from the cut surface of the mass; repeated grasping and pulling may be necessary to debulk the mass. In this instance, a portion of the stalk remnant may remain, which increases the risk of polyp recurrence. Increased exposure can be obtained by performing a lateral ear canal resection, but this is rarely necessary.

Nasopharyngeal polyps are removed by placing the cat in dorsal recumbency; the polyp can be visualized by application of digital pressure on the rostral soft palate, displacing the mass caudally, or by retracting the palate rostrally with a spay hook or preplaced stay sutures in the terminal aspect of the soft palate (Fig. 8). Additional exposure can be achieved by performing a direct incision through the soft palate midline directly over the polyp, but this is rarely necessary. If a staphylotomy is elected, attempt to leave the distal 5 mm of the palate intact to help avoid incisional dehiscence after surgery. Retracting the edges of the incision with stay sutures can help provide additional exposure. The soft palate is repaired in 2 layers with absorbable suture.

Fig. 8. Traction-avulsion removal of a nasopharyngeal polyp. (A) Nasopharyngeal exposure can be obtained by use of anatomic forceps/clamp or gentle traction by stay sutures (shown). (B) The polyp is then grasped and pulled with hemostatic forceps until the stalk detaches. (C) A 3-cm oval, pale pink nasopharyngeal polyp with stalk attached.

Minor to moderate hemorrhage is expected following these traction/avulsion of nasopharyngeal polyps, but the bleeding generally stops spontaneously, or after applying dorsal pressure to the palatine area for several minutes.

Endoscopic removal of polyps Recently a per-endoscopic transtympanic traction (PTT) removal technique has been described. After cleaning the ear and positioning the patient in lateral recumbency, the polyp is grasped under direct endoscopic visualization with an endoscopic forceps and pulled with a rotating movement until the polyp is detached.

After removal, soft tissue or remnants of the polyp “footprint” within the tympanic cavity are curetted under direct endoscopic visualization with a Volkmann spoon or otologic spoon (Fig. 9). When necessary, the septum that separates the feline double-chambered tympanic cavity is removed using a pinch biopsy forceps under endoscopic visualization. Hemorrhage is usually mild, and it is easily controlled by flushing with sterile refrigerated 0.9% NaCl solution.
去除,鼓室内软组织或残余息肉中的“痕迹”,使用Volkmann刮勺或耳科勺直接内窥镜刮除(图9)。必要时,在内窥镜下,使用活检钳把猫隔开两个鼓室的鼓室中隔夹除。出血通常较轻,用无菌冷藏的0.9% NaCl溶液冲洗即可止血。

Fig. 9. Step-by-step endoscopic images of PTT procedure: (A) grasping of the polyp in tympanic cavity via endoscope; (B) appearance after polyp removal with remnant tissue in upper right region of tympanic cavity; (C) use of an otologic spoon during endoscopic curettage; (D) bone surface of tympanic cavity after endoscopic curettage of remaining soft tissue remnants

Laser ablation of polyps Carbon dioxide laser ablation of polyps is another promising technique for aural polyp removal. This technique is performed under visualization with a video-otoscope. A special rigid laser tip, 120 mm long, is placed through the 2-mm working channel of a dedicated video-otoscope. Smaller polyps can be debulked by direct laser vaporization of the polyp; charred tissue is then removed by irrigation. This laser procedure is repeated until the stalk of the polyp is no longer visualized.

With larger polyps, the tip of the laser is pushed into the tympanic cavity along the floor of the horizontal ear canal under the polyp mass; laser energy is then applied to vaporize the entire polyp, or it can be partially removed to facilitate traction removal. Afterward, the laser tip is placed into the bulla cavity toward the residual stalk, and laser energy is applied until the stalk is no longer visible.

Open surgical removal
Ventral bulla osteotomy (VBO) has been proposed by veterinary surgeons as the treatment of choice for FIPs because of the high incidence of concurrent middle ear involvement. Because the cat has a double-chambered tympanic cavity, VBO allows full exploration of both chambers by breeching the septum that separates the 2 compartments.

Some investigators suggest VBO even in the absence of radiographic middle ear involvement; some other investigators recommend VBO to improve the outcome and reduce the risk of recurrence in cats affected only by nasopharyngeal polyp. Prospective clinical trials with randomized minimally invasive versus open surgical treatment of FIPs are needed to help determine the best approach for cats with FIPs.

Cats presenting with a nasopharyngeal or aural polyp may show signs of middle ear disease even with no radiographic evidence of an ear polyp or otitis media; these signs are thought to occur because of inflammation secondary to pressure changes and mucous accumulation within the tympanic cavity. This condition usually resolves after minimally invasive techniques of polyp removal and postoperative corticosteroid administration. In these cases, open surgical removal has been questioned, and minimally invasive approaches are recommended for polyp removal. VBO is more invasive and has higher morbidity than traction/avulsion with or without lateral ear canal resection or incision of the soft palate or PTT.

According to the authors’ experience, VBO should be considered only when polyps recur more than twice in a short period after traction avulsion through a minimally invasive approach.

VBO may be indicated in cats that have mild to moderate stenosis of the horizontal ear canal. This stenosis would limit curettage of the mucosa lining the tympanic cavity via PTT or after lateral ear canal resection.

Total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy (TECALBO) is usually indicated for more invasive ear conditions; however, few chronic cases of FIPs might show severe stenosis of the horizontal ear canal or adhesions to the ear wall canal, thus not enabling extirpation of the polyp. For these cases, TECALBO might represent the best surgical technique.

Complications and polyp recurrence among different techniques after polyp removal Regardless of the polyp removal technique, postoperative complications, such as Horner syndrome, vestibular syndrome, facial nerve paralysis, chronic otitis media, and interna, can occur; these complications can be temporary or permanent.

Minimally invasive approaches for polyp removal are preferred because complications are less common than with open surgical approaches. Horner syndrome was less frequent in cats treated by PTT (8%) than in cats treated by VBO (57%–95%) or by traction alone (43%). In some cats treated by VBO, Horner syndrome can be permanent. Temporary and permanent facial nerve paralysis has been reported with VBO and TECALBO, but not with traction alone or PTT.

Otitis media is frequently associated with FIPS; postoperative antibiotic therapy should be administered to treat concurrent and prevent secondary otitis media, and the antibiotics should be chosen based on culture and susceptibility tests. Chronic otitis media can be a long-term complication after polyp removal. In a series of cats treated by PTT, 2 cats (5.4%) had ongoing chronic otitis media as a long-term complication. The frequency of otitis media after polyp removal in other case series has not been well recorded.

Polyp recurrence has been reported to occur from 19 days to 46 months postoperatively with all the techniques mentioned to remove FIPs.Recurrence in cats treated by simple traction was frequent when there was evidence of middle ear radiographic involvement. The percentage of recurrence for PTT (13.5%) reported is lower than the ones reported for traction alone (33%–57%) and similar to the percentages reported for VBO (0%–33%). The lower recurrence rate reported for VBO and PTT is due to the more complete extirpation of the mucosa lining the tympanic cavity compared with simple traction.

Recurrence rate for simple traction might be reduced by curetting the mucosa lining the tympanic cavity with an otologic spoon after traction avulsion of polyps. Polyp recurrence and postoperative complication rates following laser ablation have not been reported.

Inflammatory polyps of the nasal turbinates was a terminology used to describe a different polypoid-like benign growth of the nasal cavity in cats, which was once considered to be a rare manifestation of nasopharyngeal polyps. However, it has been recently reported that the histopathological appearance of these lesions resembles the human chondromesenchymal hamartoma characterized by fibrovascular tissue lined by a stratified squamous or ciliated columnar epithelium and bony cartilage structures without signs of atypia and erythrocytes-filled spaces.

Feline nasal chondromesenchymal hamartomas (FNCMH) should be considered a separate entity, because they arise from the native tissue of the nasal cavities rather than the eustachian tube or tympanic cavity.

The condition, originally thought to be encountered more often in Italy, was once thought to be related to genetic or environmental factor. The disease is now rarely diagnosed. Sporadic cases have been reported in the United States, and one case was cited in the United Kingdom.

The disease is usually diagnosed in young cats without any known breed predisposition. Cats present with progressive stertorous breathing, sneezing, open-mouth breathing, serous nasal discharge, epiphora, and epistaxis. In severe cases, cats have sinonasal deformation or a mass lesion protruding from the nostrils.

Radiographic studies typically demonstrate soft tissue opacification of the nasal cavity, turbinate lysis, and radiolucent areas, corresponding to cystic spaces within the lesion. CT features of FNCMH are shown in Fig. 10. Turbinate and bone loss is likely to be secondary to compression atrophy given the expansile but noninfiltrative behavior of these masses.

Fig. 10. CT aspects of FNCMH: (A) BTW at the level of temporomandibular joint: a soft tissue dense mass is shown filling the nasopharynx and right sinonasal cavities, and partially filling the left sinonasal cavities; turbinate loss and rarefaction are also visible; (B) STW after contrast medium administration: note the patchy contrast enhancement.

Endoscopically, the lesion appears as a multilobulated pink to bluish lesion occupying the nasopharynx and the nasal cavities; pinch biopsies collected endoscopically must be submitted for histopathological examination to achieve a definite diagnosis.

Although spontaneous regression has been reported as well as response to corticosteroid treatment, it has been recommended that these masses be removed, endoscopically, or for more extensive lesions, by rhinotomy, to facilitate complete excision.

Despite the potential expansile and seemingly destructive behavior of chondromesenchymal hamartomas, this disease usually has a good prognosis, and recurrence after treatment has been rarely reported.

Canine ear and nasopharyngeal polyps are rare and generally unilateral, but few have been reported bilaterally.

Clinicians must be aware that the definition of inflammatory polyp represents a macroscopic description of a pedunculated to grossly lobulated lesion that histologically is considered benign.

Macroscopic evidence of a polypoid-like lesion in the nasopharynx or in the ear in dogs likely is different in character than typical inflammatory polyps in cats.

The definition of inflammatory polyp should be restricted to those lesions that resemble the feline and human counterpart as described for the well-known otic and nasopharyngeal inflammatory polyps and should not comprise keratinizing epithelium.

Aural polyps
Inflammatory polyps arising from the ear canal wall can be removed with the narrow attachment by simple traction (Fig. 11), or they can be removed with surgical excision; they might recur as described in cats.

Fig. 11. Endoscopic appearance of an inflammatory aural polyp (black arrows) in a 5-yearold female spayed Belgian shepherd presenting with chronic otitis externa.

Canine aural polyps should not be confused with ceruminous gland adenomas; adenomas might grossly look like a polypoid growth, but they cannot be removed by traction because they have a broad attachment to the ear canal skin.

In dogs, cholesterol granulomas, cholesteatomas, and proliferative otitis media can be mistaken for polyps, so histologic confirmation before contemplating mass removal is important.

Clinical presentation is usually characterized by otorrhea, ear scratching, and head shaking, and clinical signs of otitis media/interna are frequently present; diagnostic imaging also differs from FIPs (Figs. 12 and 13). Treatment and prognosis depend on histologic diagnosis (Fig. 14); however, surgical removal via VBO or TECALBO is often necessary.
Fig. 12. CT imaging of canine middle ear polypoid-like lesions. (A) BTW: the right bulla is slightly enlarged and filled with a soft tissue density in the tympanic cavity; moderate thickening and mottled lysis of the bulla, erosion of the petrous bone, and temporal-mandibular joint thickening are visible. The left bulla is filled by the same soft tissue density; note the mild thickening of the bulla contour and minimal petrous bone erosion. There is bilateral loss of air contrast of the ear canal. (B) Soft tissue window (STW) after contrast medium administration (acma): minimal contrast enhancement is bilateral. The dog was diagnosed with bilateral cholesteatoma. (C) BTW: a soft tissue density is filling the right tympanic cavity and protruding into the ear canal; mild enlargement of the tympanic bulla, mild thickening of the bulla contour, and loss of air contrast of the horizontal ear canal are also visible.(D) STW acma: heterogenous contrast enhancement. The dog was diagnosed with cholesterol granuloma. (E) BTW: loss of air contrast in the left tympanic cavity and ear canal, thickening and calcification of the external ear canal; loss of air contrast of the right external ear. (F) STW acma: minimal contrast enhancement of the left external ear canal. The dog was diagnosed with chronic otitis externa and chronic left otitis media.
12。犬中耳息肉样病变的CT表现。(A)BTW:右侧鼓泡稍大,鼓室内充满软组织密度;可见鼓泡中度增厚和斑点状溶解,颞骨岩部骨侵蚀,颞下颌关节增厚。左侧鼓泡被相同密度的软组织填充;注意鼓泡轮廓轻度增厚和轻微的颞骨岩部骨侵蚀。双侧耳道空气对比消失(B)注射造影剂(acma)后软组织窗(STW):双侧轻度对比增强。这只犬被诊断为双侧胆脂瘤。(C)BTW:软组织密度填充右侧鼓室,并向耳道突出;鼓泡轻度增大,鼓泡轮廓轻度增厚,水平耳道空气对比减弱。(D) STW acma:非均匀增强。这只犬被诊断出患有胆固醇肉芽肿。(E)BTW:左鼓室、耳道空气对比消失,外耳道增厚、钙化;右外耳气对比消失(F) STW acma:左外耳道轻度增强。犬被诊断为慢性外耳炎和慢性左侧中耳炎。
Fig. 13. Polypoid-likelesion of the middle ear cavity of dogs. (A,B) Cholesteatomas: pearly lesion to pink oval mass protruding from the middle ear. (C) Cholesterol granuloma: pink bluish oval lesion protruding from the middle ear cavity. (D) Otitis media: mass lesion filling the middle ear cavity
Fig. 14. Microscopic appearance of (A) cholesteatoma: presence of a hyperplastic and hyperkeratotic keratinizing squamous epithelium lining a cystic cavity filled with keratin debris and resting on a dense fibrous stroma (hematoxylin and eosin [H&E],*100). (B) Cholesterol granuloma: fibroconnective tissue, subepithelial inflammatory infiltration, areas of hemorrhages, and cholesterol cleft (H&E,*100). (C) Otitis media: fibrovascular tissue with subepithelial inflammatory infiltration lined by a simple epithelium (H&E,*100). (Courtesy of Dr Chiara Giudice, Universita` Veterinaria di Milano, Milano, Italia.)
14。显微镜(A)胆脂瘤:存在增生和过度角化的角质化鳞状上皮细胞,囊腔内充满角蛋白碎片,位于致密的纤维基质上(苏木精和伊红[H&E],100倍放大)。(B)胆固醇肉芽肿:纤维结缔组织,上皮细胞下炎性浸润,出血区,胆固醇裂隙(H&E, 100倍放大)。(C)中耳炎:纤维小管组织中有上皮细胞下的炎性浸润,内衬单层上皮细胞(H&E,100倍放大)。

Nasal and nasopharyngeal polyps
Canine nasal and nasopharyngeal polyps that histologically resemble the feline and human inflammatory polyps should be treated as described for inflammatory polyps in cats. Different nasal hamartomas have been described in dogs, which macroscopically look like a polypoid mass. Histopathologically, they are characterized by connective tissue with inflammatory cells infiltrates, and they do not show any evidence of neoplasia and are thought to arise from native tissue of the nasopharyngeal cavities.

CT appearance of the reported cases of canine polyps resembles nasal hamartomas. Treatment planning depends on the definitive diagnosis; endoscopic or surgical intervention may be considered and full excision is often curative.

Recently, neoplastic transformation of adenomatoidchondro-osseous nasal hamartoma has been described in humans; therefore, prompt diagnosis and treatment should be considered to avoid possible neoplastic transformation of a chronic benign disease.


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