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Recent Advancements in the Control of Cat Fleas

作者:Michael K. Rust


5.Chemical Treatments
Several reviews have covered the development and efficacy of various therapies to control cat fleas. In recent years, the research and development focus has been on treating the pet, rapidly killing adult fleas, and preventing the flea life cycle from maintaining itself.

Spinosad is an insecticidal compound derived from natural products from the fermentation of the bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa. Given orally to dogs, it provides >95% kill of C. f. felis for several months. Spinetoram, an analogue of spinosad, is even more active than spinosad. A laboratory study with dogs indicated that 30–60 mg/kg of spinetoram provided excellent kill of adult fleas for 2–3 months. In a laboratory and field study conducted in Europe, topical application of spinetoram to cats provided 99.1% reductions of C. f. felis at day 60 whereas fipronil + methoprene provided a 92.3% reduction. Topical applications of spinetoram provided 96% reductions through day 37, providing about the same speed of activity against adult fleas as imidacloprid and fipronil + methoprene.
多杀菌素是一种杀虫剂,从中刺糖多胞菌提取的细菌天然发酵产物。犬口服,可以持续数月杀死>95%的猫栉首蚤。乙基多杀菌素是多杀菌素的类似物,比多杀菌素更活跃。实验结果表明,30-60 mg/kg的乙基多杀菌素对跳蚤成虫的杀灭效果良好,可维持2-3个月。在欧洲进行的一项实验室和临床研究中,猫外用乙基多杀菌素可在第60天减少99.1%的猫栉首蚤,而非泼罗尼+甲氧普烯可减少92.3%。外用乙基多杀菌素可在第37天降低96%,对跳蚤成虫的活性与吡虫啉+非泼罗尼+甲氧普烯相同。

5.2Insect Growth Regulators
The use of insect growth regulators (IGRs), such as methoprene and pyriproxyfen to inhibit egg hatching and larval development in the environment, and oral applications of lufenuron to interfere with egg viability, have played important roles in developing our understanding of successful cat flea pest management. Combination treatments with adulticides and IGRs interrupted the flea life cycle and controlled fleas inside residences.Other IGRs, such as chlorfluazuron and dicyclanil (0.78 and 0.3 ppm lethal concentration [LC95] in larval rearing medium), are as active as methoprene and pyriproxyfen against cat fleas, and may be promising candidates. Interestingly, pyriproxyfen synergized the activity of methoprene against larval cat fleas with a combination of pyriproxyfen:methoprene (10:1) being twice as active (LC50 0.20 ppm in larval rearing medium) as either methoprene or pyriproxyfen alone. The synergism permitted lower concentrations of each IGR to be applied and still be effective.
使用昆虫生长调节剂(IGRs),如甲氧普烯和吡丙醚能抑制环境中的卵孵化和幼虫发育,以及口服氯芬奴隆能干扰卵的生存能力,在我们已知的能成功治理猫跳蚤方法中发挥重要作用。杀虫剂和IGR联用可阻断跳蚤生命周期,控制跳蚤在居住环境内的活动。其他IGR,如氟啶脲和环虫腈(幼虫致死浓度为0.780.3 ppm [LC95])抑制猫跳蚤的活性与甲氧普烯和吡丙醚相同,可能有望作为候选。有趣的是,当吡丙醚与甲氧普烯联用时,甲氧普烯(10:1)的活性(LC50 0.20 ppm)是甲氧普烯和吡丙醚单独作用的两倍。这种协同作用允许使用低浓度IGR,且仍然有效。

The combination of imidacloprid and methoprene and imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen were synergistic against larval fleas. Some combinations of fipronil and methoprene or fipronil and pyriproxyfen were synergistic, but in some cases, they were antagonistic. Synergistic combinations allow the concentrations of the adulticide and IGR to be reduced, and still provide the same activity as higher concentrations of the adulticides alone. In a laboratory study, cats topically treated with fipronil + methoprene + pyriproxyfen were allowed to contact carpets. Pieces of carpet were removed and provisioned with flea rearing medium and cat flea eggs. The plugs of treated carpets prevented 86–98% egg development over a 15-week period, effectively interrupting the life cycle.

In 2013, a spot-on to treat dogs containing fipronil and novaluron was registered. To date there are no published results concerning its efficacy.

An exciting new class of insecticides, the isoxazolines, was registered in 2014 and emerged on the ectoparasiticide market in 2015. Isoxazolines are potent inhibitors of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated channels and affect l-glutamate-gated chloride channels to a lesser extent. They are second-generation non-competitive antagonists of GABA receptors. Isoxazolines circumvent resistance by attacking new binding regions on the chloride channels. No cross-resistance exists with other non-competitive antagonists, such as fipronil or the macrocyclic lactones such as abamectin and emamectin benzoate. Enough differences between insect and mammalian receptors occur to make them selective to insects, and Acari, and excellent candidates as ectoparasiticides. The toxic effects may also extend to Crustacea, as lotilaner was shown to be a powerful antagonist GABA chloride channel of sea lice. Laboratory studies and field trials of new isoxazoline compounds, and combination products published prior to 2017 have been reviewed by Rust. To date afoxolaner, fluralaner, lotilaner, and sarolaner are commercialized.

In addition to killing adult cat fleas, the isoxazolines also kill mites, ticks, lice, triatomine bugs, mosquitoes, biting flies, and sea lice. Some endoparasites also appear to be affected. This remarkable breadth of activity against Insecta, Arachnida, and Crustacea will revolutionize the control of endo and ectoparasites on cats and dogs. In a study in Sicily and southern Italy, a topical treatment of fipronil + permethrin and an oral dose of afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime was provided to each dog. In addition to killing fleas and ticks, the combination treatment provided a broad spectrum of protection against Anaplasma spp., Borrelia spp., Ehrlichia spp., and dog heartworm.

The Project Lake Survey of veterinarians and dog owners regarding their experiences with isoxazoline products indicated that 48.2% of the 2751 respondents had used them. Of the 1768 positive respondents, 66.6% indicated that the dogs had responded with adverse events to the treatment ranging from hair loss to death. As the authors indicate, there are a number of limitations in evaluating voluntary survey data. Palmieri et al. write, “However, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicine Agency) AE (adverse event) reports and Project Lake Survey evidence consistently demonstrate in three separate, distinct data sets that the neurotoxicity is not arthropod-specific, and that post-marketing serious AE are much higher than in the IND (Investigational New Drug) submission studies.” Clearly, additional investigations and surveys are warranted.

Afoxolaner first appeared on the market in 2014 as an oral chewable dose for dogs. A chronology of the development of afoxolaner for dogs is provided by Letendre et al.. In addition, afoxolaner also was topically active against fleas and ticks. In a laboratory study with cats, a single oral dose of afoxolaner provided 100% kill of adult fleas within 48 h and 99.5 and 95% reductions for 42 and 63 days, respectively. In a laboratory study, the number of fleas on dogs orally dosed with afoxolaner was reduced by 100% for at least 22 days. An oral dose of afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime to naturally infested dogs provided ≥96.1% reductions of fleas at day 30. In a field trial with 37 naturally infested dogs in Tampa FL, USA, dogs were provided an oral dose of afoxolaner. Within 7 days, there was a 93% reduction in the number of fleas counted on the dogs and a 99.9% reduction at 30 days. There was a 100% reduction in the number of adult fleas emerging within the residences at 60 days.

In a laboratory study, there was 100% kill of the tick Haemaphysalis elliptica on dogs treated with afoxolaner, and it protected them from contracting Babesia rossi. In a laboratory study with dogs, fipronil + permethrin spot-on provided faster knockdown and greater repellency of ticks that did an oral application of afoxolaner. Both treatments provided >90% anti-attachment of Rhipicephalus sanguineus for at least 14 days. An oral dose of afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime provided ≥94.4% reductions of ticks on naturally infested dogs at day 30.

In a simulated home environment, where natural environmental infestations could reinfest pets, a single topical application of fluralaner provided nearly 100% reductions of fleas on cats and dogs for 12 weeks. In a laboratory study with cats infested with a field isolate of C. f. felis not controlled by fipronil, a spot-on application of fluralaner + moxidectin provided nearly 100% control for the entire 93-day study, whereas a topical application of fipronil + methoprene provided from 65.6 to 30.6% reductions over the same period. In a laboratory study with short haired cats, a single topical application of fluralaner or three topical applications monthly of selamectin + sarolaner provided >94.6% kill of adult cat fleas for 90 days.

Topical fluralaner applied to naturally infested cats from 18 different veterinary clinics across 11 USA states provided 99.0% reduction of C. f. felis at week 12. Topical applications of fipronil + methoprene provided a 75.4% reduction. In a similar study with dogs, topically applied fluralaner and fipronil + methoprene provided 99.9 and 93.0% reductions of cat fleas at week 12. A single topical application of fluralaner to naturally infested cats provided 100% reductions of C. f. felis for up to 84 days.

In a large study with 707 cats from 332 households in Germany and Spain, a single spot-on application of fluralaner + moxidectin on cats provided 97 and 98% reductions in ticks and fleas, respectively, throughout the 12-week study. A topical fipronil applied for three consecutive months provided 74.5% reductions at 12 weeks.

An oral dose of lotilaner given to dogs provided 100% kill of adult fleas within 24 h. There was a 98.5% reduction in the number of eggs laid at 24 h and no eggs were laid any period afterwards. When the dogs were challenged with adult fleas, there was a 100% kill for 30 days. An oral dose of lotilaner to cats with an existing C. f. felis infestation provided 100% kill within 24 h. In a second study, 97.4% of the fleas were killed within 8 h. When cats were challenged with adult cat fleas, lotilaner provided 98.6% kill for at least 35 days.
给犬口服洛蒂拉纳,24 h100%杀灭跳蚤成虫,24 h产卵量减少98.5%,此后无卵产。当用跳蚤成虫来感染犬时,可实现100%的杀死率,并维持30天。在第二项研究中,97.4%的跳蚤在8小时内被杀。当猫感染猫跳蚤时,洛蒂拉纳杀灭率为98.6%,持续时间至少为35天。

Several studies have been conducted to determine the speed at which fleas are killed by lotilaner. In a laboratory study with dogs with existing infestations of C. f. felis, lotilaner provided 64 and 99.6% reductions in the number of fleas counted at 2 and 8 h, respectively. An oral dose of lotilaner to dogs provided 89.9% kill of existing cat flea infestations at 4 h and 100% kill at 12 h. When treated, dogs were challenged with adult fleas for up to 35 days, there was >97% kill at 4 h.

Client-owned dogs from 10 veterinary clinics in the USA were dosed with lotilaner or afoxolaner. Lotilaner reduced the number of fleas by 99.3, 99.9, and 100% at 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively. Afoxolaner provided 98.3, 99.8, and 99.8% reductions at 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively. On day 90, all the dogs dosed with lotilaner were flea free and 93% of dogs were flea free when treated with afoxolaner.

In a laboratory study, an oral dose of lotilaner to dogs provide 100% kill of Ixodes ricinus within 8 h. Treatment provided protection for 35 days. Similarly, in laboratory studies with four common species of ticks, an oral dose of lotilaner provided greater than 98% efficacy against Dermacentor variabilis, R. sanguineus, Amblyomma americanum, and Ixodes scapularis for at least 4 weeks. Similarly, a single oral dose of lotilaner to dogs provided >98% efficacy against I. ricinus, R. sanguineus, and Dermacentor reticulatus for at least 35 days. In a laboratory study, a single oral dose of lotilaner provided >97% reduction in the number of Haemaphysalis longicornis attached to dogs at 48 h.

The development of sarolaner and supporting studies are discussed by Woods and McTier. Sarolaner was about 10 times more toxic to C. f. felis than afoxolaner or fluralaner in membrane feeding studies. Oral doses of sarolaner provided 100% reduction in the number of fleas retrieved from dogs for up to 35 days. The activity of sarolaner was not negatively affected by the dieldrin resistant mutation at CfRDL-S285 channel. In a laboratory study with dogs, topical applications of sarolaner to dogs provided 100 and 87% kill of fleas at day 1 and 28, respectively, after a six-hour challenge. The treatment with fipronil + methoprene + pyriproxyfen provided 88.8 and 83% reductions of fleas at days 1 and 28, respectively.

In a field study in USA, 479 dogs in 293 households were given oral doses of sarolaner or spinosad monthly for 3 consecutive months. At day 90, sarolaner and spinosad provided 99.9 and 99.8% reduction in the number of fleas on dogs, respectively. In a field study conducted in west Central Florida, 26 dogs were orally dosed with sarolaner or a spinosad chewable. Both treatments provided >99% reduction of fleas for at least 60 days. The number of fleas trapped in the structures was reduced by 100% in sarolaner and 99.8% in the spinosad treated dogs.

The combination of selamectin + sarolaner topically applied to cats in Europe provided a 99.4% reduction in flea counts at day 90. A comparative treatment of imidacloprid + moxidectin provided a 96.3% reduction in the number of cat fleas. In another study, topical application of selamectin + sarolaner provided a 99.8% reduction of C. f. felis at day 90. Clinical signs of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) were reduced in 86.7 to 100% of the cats. A topical treatment of imidacloprid + moxidectin provided 95.5% reductions in the number of fleas counted at day 90 and 66.7 to 100% reduction in clinical signs of FAD. In a field study in Japan, 67 cats were topically treated with selamectin + sarolaner or fipronil + methoprene. The selamectin + sarolaner provided 99.5 and 99.9% reduction in numbers of fleas on the cats at days 14 and 30, respectively. Fipronil + methoprene provided 97.6 and 98.6% at days 14 and 30, respectively. In Australia, 104 cats were enrolled in clinical studies. A topical application of selamectin + sarolaner for 3 consecutive months provided 98, 100, and 100% control of cat fleas at days 30, 60, and 90, respectively.

In a laboratory study with dogs, an oral dose of sarolaner provided 86.2 and 96.5% reductions in Ixodes holocyclus at 8 and 12 h, respectively whereas an oral dose of afoxolaner provided 21.3 and 85.0% reductions at 8 and 12 h, respectively. When treated dogs were challenged at day 35, sarolaner and afoxolaner provided 65.2 and 21.0% efficacy at 12 h, respectively. Oral doses of sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel to laboratory dogs provided 99.7% reductions in C. f. felis for at least 35 days with no eggs being laid during the 35 days. The treatment began killing fleas within 4 h and all the fleas were dead at 8 h. When moxidectin and pyrantel were applied to dogs, they had no effect on fleas.

A clinical field trial of 150 dogs dosed with sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided a 99.0% reduction in cat flea counts at day 30 and a 99.7% reduction at day 60. Clinical signs of FAD declined from 45.7 to 6.9%. Similarly, in a field study with dogs in Europe and the USA, an oral dose of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided ≥97.9% reductions in flea counts at day 30. In a large multi-location study in the USA, oral doses of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided 99.0 and 99.7% at days 30 and 60, respectively.

In laboratory studies on dogs, an oral dose of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided 98.9% kill of existing infestations of the five most common ticks in the USA. At day 28, >88% kill was achieved 48 h after exposing the ticks to the treated dogs. In a laboratory test, an oral dose of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided 100% efficacy of existing infestations of African yellow dog ticks, H. elliptica, on dogs and weekly re-infestations for 35 days. Similarly, sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided 100% efficacy for 21 days against H. longicornis and ≥97.4% efficacy for 35 days. In another study, sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided 99.4% kill of black legged tick I. scapularis at 24 h and provided a 94.2% reduction of ticks for at least 28 days.
在对犬进行的实验室研究中,口服沙罗拉纳+莫昔克丁+噻吩嘧啶可杀灭美国五种最常见的蜱虫,杀灭率为98.9%。第28天,治疗犬感染蜱虫48 h后,杀灭率>88%。在实验室试验(每周一次再感染持续35天)中,口服沙罗拉纳+莫昔克丁+噻吩嘧啶对感染非洲黄蜱(椭圆血蜱)患犬有效率100%。同样,沙罗拉纳+莫昔克丁+噻吩嘧啶对长角血蜱的杀灭率为100%持续21天,有效率≥97.4%持续35天。在另一项研究中,沙罗拉纳+莫西丁素+噻吩嘧啶在24 h时对黑腿蜱(肩突硬蜱)的杀灭率为99.4%,杀灭率为94.2%,持续28天。

In a field study in Japan, 67 cats were topically treated with selamectin + sarolaner or fipronil + methoprene. Selamectin + sarolaner provided 97.5 and 97.7% reductions of the number of the tick H. longicornis at days 14 and 30, respectively. Fipronil + methoprene provided 91.5 and 93.4% reduction in ticks at days 14 and 30. In a field study with naturally infested dogs, and an oral dose of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel provided ≥94.8% reduction of ticks at 30 days. An oral dose of afoxolaner +milbemycin oxime provided ≥94.4% reduction in the number of ticks at day 30. The ticks included in the test were I. ricinus, Ixodes hexagonus, R. sanguineus, and D. reticulatus.
在日本的一项临床研究中,67只猫外用了赛拉菌素+沙罗拉纳或非泼罗尼+甲氧普烯。赛拉菌素+沙罗拉纳可使长角血蜱数量在第14天和第30天分别减少97.597.7%。非泼罗尼+甲氧普烯在第14天和第30天分别降低了91.593.4%。在一项对自然感染的犬进行的临床研究中,口服沙罗拉纳+莫昔克丁+噻吩嘧啶 三十天内蜱虫减少了94.8%。口服阿福拉纳+米尔贝肟30天内蜱虫减少94.4%。试验蜱虫包括蓖麻硬蜱、六角硬蜱、红扇头蜱和网状蜱。

5.3.5Additional Uses
The label directions and control claims for each of the isoxazoline insecticides registered vary. In addition to controlling fleas and ticks, isoxazolines in combination with endoparasiticides (i.e., macrocyclic lactones) allow the broader spectrum to intestinal nematodes and heartworm.

In a recent review, the use of isoxazolines to control Demodex mites in dogs was concluded to be effective, with few adverse side effects. Oral doses of afoxolaner or afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime to dogs provided 98.1% reduction in the number of Demodex mites at day 84. At day 84, 62.5% of the dogs were considered mite free. Skin lesions and pruritus were significantly reduced in the treated dogs. In another study, a single oral dose of afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime to dogs provided >95% reduction in the number of Demodex mites by day 28. The most significant decreases in mites and lesions occurred during the first 7 days. In a study of healthy dogs with populations of Demodex mites, cutaneous populations of Demodex over the 90-day period were not affected by a treatment of fluralaner or afoxolaner. It was suggested that isoxazoline treatments may not completely eliminate Demodex mites, but only return them to a more natural population level.

An oral dose of afoxolaner to dogs provided 99.4% reduction of ear mites Otodectes cynotis at day 28. Topical applications of fluralaner to cats provided 100% control of the ear mite by day 7 and provided protection for at least 84 days. A single application of selamectin + sarolaner provided 94.4% reduction of O. cynotis within 30 days compared with a 72% reduction when treated with imidacloprid + moxidectin. An oral dose of afoxolaner to cats naturally infested with ear mites provided 100% efficacy for at least 35 days.
口服阿福拉纳可在第28天减少99.4%的耳螨。猫外用氟雷拉纳在第7天可100%控制耳螨,并提供至少84天的保护。单次使用赛拉菌素+沙罗拉纳在30天内可使耳螨降低94.4%,而使用吡虫啉+ 莫昔克丁可降低72%。自然感染耳螨患猫口服一次阿福拉纳有效率100%,持续35天。

Oral doses of afoxolaner or afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime provided >98% reduction in the number of Sarcoptes mites from skin scrapings from dogs for 2 months. An oral dose of afoxolaner or fluralaner to dogs provided 100% kill of the bug Triatoma infestans (a principal vector of Chagas disease) for 51 days. Less blood was consumed by bugs feeding on dogs treated with afoxolaner than fluralaner for some unknown reason.

Yellow-fever mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, were allowed to feed on dogs dosed with afoxolaner. Mosquitoes readily fed on the dogs indicating that the treatment was not repellent. At 24 h after feeding, 98 and 75.3% of the female mosquitoes were killed when exposed to dogs on day 2 and 29 after the dogs were dosed, respectively.

The use of systemic insecticides to control phlebotomine fly vectors has been reviewed by Gomez and Picado. The flies are responsible for transmission of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis. An oral dose of fluralaner to dogs provided 60–80% mortality of phlebotomine flies for 30 days, but moxidectin, spinosad, and afoxolaner did not increase mortality of the flies. In a laboratory study, dogs dosed with afoxolaner provided 100, 95.9 and 75.5% mortality of Phlebotomus perniciosus within 48 h after feeding. Flies fed on both treated and untreated dogs and the afoxolaner was not repellent.

An indirect effect of treating pets with isoxazolines is the prevention of dog tapeworm transmission by infected adult fleas. An oral dose of afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime provided indirect protection to dogs from ingesting adult cat fleas infected with cysticercoid larvae of Dipylidium caninum. Topical or oral fluralaner treatments prevented dogs from acquiring dog tapeworm.

An oral dose of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel or afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime to dogs naturally infected with ascarid nematodes and hookworms provided >99% reduction of fecal egg counts. A topical dose of selamectin + sarolaner prevented the development of feline heartworm Dirofilaria immitis in cats.

Dogs naturally infested with canine screwworm myiasis were treated with five different insecticides or drugs. Nitenpyram killed all fly larvae within 6 h, and spinosad + milbemycin oxime killed them within 7 h. Within 24 h, all fly larvae were killed with afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime. There was a synergism between spinosad and milbemycin oxime.
用五种不同的杀虫剂或药物治疗自然感染的犬蝇蛆病。烯啶虫胺在6 h内杀死所有苍蝇幼虫,多杀菌素+米尔贝肟在7 h内杀死所有苍蝇幼虫,阿福拉纳+米尔贝肟在24 h内杀死所有苍蝇幼虫。多杀菌素与米尔贝肟有协同作用。

The rapid prevention of adult flea feeding has been shown to be important in reducing the effects of FAD. Fluralaner and afoxolaner both provided dramatic improvement of FAD in dogs. Similarly, a topical application of fluralaner decreased all the FAD signs on cats beginning at day 7 and continuing until day 84. An oral dose of fluralaner resolved 90% of 20 cases of FAD at day 84 and 94% of 16 cases at day 168. FAD symptoms were dramatically reduced in dogs treated with sarolaner or spinosad at day 90. Oral applications of sarolaner or spinosad provided 62–67% reduction in FAD as measured by the Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index-4 scale. Spinetoram was better at reducing FAD compared with the fipronil + methoprene treatment. The topical application of fluralaner provided significant reduction in clinical signs of FAD in cats. Oral doses of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel or afoxolaner + milbemycin oxime dramatically reduced the symptoms of FAD in naturally infested dogs within 30 days. In a multiple location study in the USA, an oral dose of sarolaner + moxidectin + pyrantel or afoxolaner dramatically reduced the clinical signs of FAD with dogs.

The use of pet collars has been popular for decades even though there was little published evidence that they controlled flea populations on pets. However, collars containing 10% imidacloprid + 4.5% flumethrin provide effective control of fleas for up to 8 months. In vitro lab studies have shown that the combination of imidacloprid and flumethrin synergizes their toxicity against fleas and ticks. Collars containing imidacloprid + flumethrin provided a 100% reduction in flea numbers on dogs at days 120 and 210, whereas deltamethrin collars provided only 76.7 and 66.7% reduction at days 120 and 210, respectively. The use of an imidacloprid + flumethrin collar on cats on the Isles of Lipari and Vulcano reduced flea infestations by 79.4, 100, and 93.6% at 210, 270, and 360 days, respectively.

In addition to controlling fleas and ticks, collars containing either imidacloprid + flumethrin or deltamethrin, provided 88.3 and 61.8% efficacy in preventing the transmission of Leishmania infantum by phlebotomine sand flies. In a study with cats, the imidacloprid + flumethrin collar prevented 75% of feline Leishmania infection. In another study, imidacloprid + flumethrin collars provided a preventive effect of 71.5% in the transmission of Bartonella in cats. The collar provides an effective measure to reduce the risks of both diseases.


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