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Malassezia otitis unresponsive to primary care: outcome in 59 dogs
作者:Johann M. Boone , Ross Bond , Anette Loeffler , Ewan A. Ferguson and Anke Hendricks

Background – Otitis externa (OE) is a common disorder in dogs. Infection by the commensal yeast, Malassezia pachydermatis, may result in chronic disease that does not respond to standard primary care. Chronic infectious OE may be associated with otitis media (OM).
Hypothesis/Objective – To report medical management, clinical outcomes and frequency of middle ear involvement, in dogs with Malassezia otitis unresponsive to primary care.
Animals – Fifty-nine dogs from one referral veterinary hospital from January 2007 to September 2018.
Methods and materials – Retrospective analysis of medical records of dogs referred with chronic otitis and treated for Malassezia otitis at a referral veterinary hospital.
Results – Chronic Malassezia OE was treated successfully in 91% of ears, in 87% of these cases with one ear flush intervention. Median time-to-resolution was 27 days after ear flush intervention. Neither duration of otitis, presence of neutrophils in aural discharge nor administration of oral itraconazole affected clinical outcome. Malassezia OM occurred concurrently in 17% of ears.
Conclusions and clinical relevance – These findings assist clinicians and carers of affected dogs in decisionmaking, by documenting that most cases of canine Malassezia otitis that have not resolved with standard primary care, can be treated successfully with a well-staged and intense medical treatment plan. Malassezia OM should be suspected to occur concurrently in around a fifth of affected ears.

背景 – 外耳炎(OE)是犬的常见疾病。被共生酵母菌——厚皮马拉色菌感染, 对初级常规治疗无效, 可能导致慢性疾病。慢性感染性OE可能导致中耳炎(OM)。
假设/目的 – 报告对初级常规治疗无效的马拉色菌耳炎患犬的医疗管理、临床效果和中耳炎发病率。
动物 – 2007年1月至2018年9月, 一家转诊兽医医院的59只犬。
方法和材料 – 转诊的治疗过马拉色菌耳炎的慢性耳炎患犬, 回顾性分析其在转诊兽医医院接受治疗的病历。
结果 – 成功治疗了慢性马拉色菌OE中91%的耳朵, 其中87%的病例进行了单耳冲洗干预。中位消退时间为27天。耳炎期间耳分泌物中存在中性粒细胞或口服伊曲康唑均不影响临床效果。17%的耳朵同时发生马拉色菌OM。
结论和临床相关性 – 初级常规治疗无效的犬马拉色菌耳炎病例, 经过合理分期和有力的药物治疗计划,大部分得以成功治疗, 这些记录发现有助于临床医生和护理者对病犬做更好的决策。应怀疑约五分之一的患耳并发马拉色菌OM。

Otitis externa (OE) is a common diagnosis in dogs and accounts for ≤10% of all canine disorders recorded by primary-care veterinary practitioners in the UK. It is a disorder with significant impact on health-related welfare in dogs. Otitis externa develops as a result of predisposing, primary, secondary and perpetuating factors. Although allergic skin disease is a common primary cause of OE in dogs, secondary infection (bacterial or fungal) is usually the reason dogs are presented for veterinary attention.

Malassezia pachydermatis has long been recognised as a commensal yeast in the ear of dogs and may be associated with OE. In primary-care practice, most cases of Malassezia OE (MalOE) are thought to respond to therapy with combination products authorised for the topical treatment of infectious OE. However, the authors regularly encounter cases of chronic (persistent or recurrent) otitis in their canine referral caseload, with Malassezia as the only identifiable pathogen, based on cytological results from aural discharge alone or in combination with negative aerobic or anaerobic bacterial culture. As the sole pathogen, Malassezia has been identified in 8% and 26% of OE cases.

In such cases, there is a need not only to address the infectious cause, but also to identify and manage predisposing, primary and perpetuating factors such as stenosis of the ear canal, accumulation of debris and middle ear disease. Otitis media (OM) is most commonly thought to occur in dogs when infection extends into the middle ear from the ear canal via a defect in the tympanic membrane, and has been reported to occur in as many as 80% of cases with chronic bacterial OE. Whilst Malassezia is not as well-recognised a cause of OM, several studies have isolated yeast microbes from the middle ear of dogs with OM. Malassezia was reported to be the sole pathogen in five of 22 dogs with OM.

The aim of this retrospective case series was to broaden recognition of the role of Malassezia in chronic otitis in dogs, to assist primary care clinicians and carers of affected dogs with management decisions by summarising treatment and clinical outcomes in MalOE cases treated at a referral veterinary hospital, and to report the frequency of concurrent Malassezia OM.

Methods and materials
Study population
Dogs with chronic ear disease were identified by searching the practice management system of a large veterinary referral and teaching hospital (Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, UK) for dogs referred to the dermatology service, having had an otoscopic examination and ear flush procedure under general anaesthesia, and a computed tomography (CT) scan, between 1 January 2007 and 10 September 2018. A parallel search of the hospital’s patient record system for the terms “otitis” and “Malassezia” over the same period was conducted using the Veterinary Animal Surveillance System interface.For all dogs identified in both searches, records then were searched individually to select patients meeting the following inclusion criteria: (i) duration of ear disease episode of at least two months; (ii) having undergone at least one (video)otoscopy-guided ear examination, irrigation and sampling procedure under anaesthesia (designated ear flush intervention, EFI; the day of the first recorded ear flush was then designated EFI1); (iii) having had a CT scan of the ears within four weeks of EFI1; (iv) having had at least one re-examination within six weeks of EFI1; and (v) having a recorded diagnosis of otitis with Malassezia infection or overgrowth (henceforth referred to as Malassezia otitis) in at least one ear canal at EFI1. A diagnosis of Malassezia otitis was accepted if there was additionally a record of: (vi) cytological evidence of Malassezia yeasts in aural discharge at EFI1 judged clinically relevant by the attending clinician; and (vii) absence of bacteria on cytological evaluation or culture of aural discharge at EFI1 and the visit immediately preceding EFI1.
通过搜索大型兽医转诊和教学医院(英国皇后动物医院)的临床管理系统,2007年1月1日至2018年9月10日转诊到皮肤科就诊的确诊为慢性耳病的患犬,这些犬进行全身麻醉下耳镜检查和耳道冲洗。此外,还利用“兽医监视系统”界面,在医院的患者记录系统中同时搜索了同一时期的“耳炎”和“马拉色菌”。对于在两次搜索中发现的所有犬只,然后分别搜索记录,以选择符合以下纳入标准的患犬:(i)耳病发作持续时间至少2个月;(ii)在麻醉下接受过至少一次(视频)耳镜引导下的耳道检查、冲洗和采(耳道冲洗洗操作缩写EFI;首次记录的耳道冲洗日期缩写EFI1);(iii)在EFI1发生后四周内,曾接受耳部CT扫描;(iv)在EFI1后六周内至少复查一次;(v)在EFI1有至少一个耳道确诊有马拉色菌感染或过度增殖(之后称为马拉色菌耳炎)。如果有以下记录,则确诊为马拉色菌耳炎:(vi)由主治医生判断EFI1时耳分泌物细胞学检查中马拉色酵母菌具有临床相关性;(vii) EFI1和EFI1之前的就诊记录中在耳分泌物细胞学检查或细菌培养中未发现细菌。

For comparison of signalment data, a denominator population of chronic otitis cases was generated by identifying dogs seen at the referral hospital during the same period, with ”otitis” (VetCompass), having undergone a (video)otoscopy and CT scan and that did not otherwise match the study criteria.

Data extraction and definitions
Data extracted from EFI1 and the visit preceding EFI1 case records included: signalment, age at onset of ear disease, duration of presenting episode of ear disease, CT findings and status of ear disease. Data extracted from subsequent visits included: number of EFI, status of ear disease, oral medicines prescribed, topical products prescribed, date of first documented absence of infection or overgrowth and date of the last visit (relevant to that episode of ear disease).

Otitis status at EFI1 was recorded as either MalOE or “MalOE with concurrent Malassezia OM” (MalOE/OM). Diagnosis of MalOE was assigned based upon recorded diagnosis of OE and an absence of middle ear pathological findings on CT imaging. A diagnosis of MalOE/OM required cytological detection of yeast microbes within debris aspirated directly from the middle ear, in the presence or absence of soft tissue attenuating material in the middle ear on CT imaging. If MalOE was associated with bacterial or sterile OM in the same ear, this ear was excluded from the study.

Medications administered before or after EFI1 were categorised as oral medicines (anti-inflammatory, antifungal or antibacterial) or topical products (medicinal ear drops and other ear solutions). Medicinal drops were further categorised as combination products (containing an antifungal, glucocorticoid and antibacterial agent), antifungalonly or glucocorticoid-only products.

Resolution of MalOE was based on recorded clinician judgement in combination with either cytological absence or paucity of microbes.Time-to-resolution was calculated from the date of EFI1 until the date of the visit first documenting resolution. Ears in which resolution was not documented before or at the last recorded visit, were considered treatment failures. The study end was the date of the visit at which resolution was first documented or the date of the last relevant visit with the dermatology service.

Statistical analysis
Pure-bred dogs were grouped by breed clades showing >50% bootstrap support, based on the breed cladogram of Parker et al. 2017.Data were analysed in SPSS v26 (SPSS Inc.; Chicago, IL, USA). The normality of data distribution was tested using the Shapiro–Wilk test. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to evaluate correlation between duration of ear disease and median time-to-resolution in MalOE cases. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated for risk factors for diagnosis of MalOE/OM and clinical outcomes in MalOE cases. Confidence levels were set at 95% and the chosen level of significance was P < 0.05.
根据Parker等人2017的品种分类图,根据显示>50%辅助程序支持的品种分类对纯种犬进行分组。使用SPSS v26进行数据分析。数据分布正态性采用Shapiro Wilk检验。在MalOE病例中,用Spearman秩相关系数评价耳病持续时间与中位时间-分辨率之间的相关性。计算MalOE/OM诊断的危险因素和MalOE病例的临床结局的优势比(OR)。置信标准设置为95%,选择的显著性水平为P<0.05。

Fifty-nine dogs met the inclusion criteria and contributed 82 ears with Malassezia otitis to the study. Figure 1 summarises the case inclusion process at the dog and ear levels, and reasons for exclusion.

Signalment and ear disease history
Table 1 summarises signalment, age at onset of ear disease and duration of the presenting otitis episode of the study population. Breed clade data are further detailed in Supporting information, Table S1. In the denominator population (n = 306), the retriever (33 of 306, 11%) and spaniel (72 of 306, 24%) clades were highly represented; however, retrievers had over three-fold greater odds of matching the study criteria [OR 3.4, confidence interval (CI) 1.7,6.5; P = 0.0002). The sex and neuter status profile (Table 1) was similar to the denominator population.
1总结了研究对象的临床症状、耳病发病年龄和耳炎发作持续时间。品种分类数据详见补充信息表S1。在分母数据(n = 306)中,寻回犬(33/306,11%)和猎(72/306,24%)具有很高的代表性;然而,寻回犬符合研究标准的几率高出三倍以上[OR 3.4,置信区间(CI) 1.7,6.5;P = 0.0002)。性别和绝育情况概况(表1)与分母数据相似。

Otitis status
Of the 59 study dogs with a recorded diagnosis of Malassezia otitis in at least one ear, 34 (58%; CI 45%,69%) had bilateral disease irrespective of the type of infection in the contralateral ear, and 25 (42%; CI 31%,55%) had unilateral ear disease. Of the 34 dogs with bilateral ear disease, 23 of 34 had Malassezia otitis diagnosed in both ears (n = 46 ears) and 11 of 34 dogs had Malassezia otitis diagnosed in only one ear (n = 11 ears), with bacterial or mixed (bacterial plus Malassezia) infection in the contralateral ear. Overall, 23 dogs contributed both ears to the study and 36 dogs contributed one ear to the study (Figure 1).
59例至少有一只耳朵被诊断为马拉色菌耳炎的研究中,不论对侧耳部感染类型如何,34例(58%;CI 45%,69%)双耳患病,25例(42%;CI 31%,55%)单耳患病。双耳患病的34例中,23例双耳诊断为马拉色菌耳炎(n = 46只)和11例单耳诊断马拉色菌耳炎(n = 11只),另一患耳伴有细菌或混合菌感染(细菌+马拉色菌)。总的来说,23例犬双耳纳入研究36例犬单耳纳入研究(图1)。

Fifty of 59 dogs with Malassezia otitis had a diagnosis of MalOE only, eight of 59 dogs had MalOE/OM, and one of 59 dogs had MalOE in one ear and MalOE/OM in the contralateral ear. In ears diagnosed with MalOE at EFI1, the tympanic membrane was recorded as partially visible or not visible in eight of 68 ears, opaque/thickened in 19 of 68 ears, and having a bulging pars flaccida in four of 68 ears and a small tear in one of 68 ears.
59例马拉色菌耳炎患犬中有50例诊断为仅MalOE, 59例犬中有8例MalOE/OM, 59例犬中有1例有一只耳是MalOE和对侧耳是MalOE/OM。确诊MalOE在EFI1时,68只耳中8只耳鼓膜记录部分可见或不可见,19只耳记录不透明/增厚,4只耳记录鼓膜松弛部凸出,1只耳记录鼓膜有小裂缝。

Nine of 59 dogs had at least one ear with MalOE/OM and contributed 14 of 82 (17%; CI 10%,27%) ears with MalOE/OM to the study. Of the nine dogs with middle ear disease, five had bilateral MalOE/OM, three had bacterial, mixed-microbial or sterile OM in the contralateral ear and one dog had MalOE in the contralateral ear (Table S2).
59例犬中有9例至少有一只耳有MalOE/OM, 在研究的82只耳中占14只耳(17%;CI 10%,27%)是MalOE/OM。在9只患犬有中耳炎5只患犬为双侧MalOE/OM, 3只患犬为对侧耳细菌性、混合菌性或无菌性OM, 1只患犬为对侧耳MalOE(表S2)。

During either the visit preceding EFI1 or EFI1, neutrophils were identified in aural discharge in 24 of 68 (35%) ears with MalOE and four of nine ears with MalOE/ OM.
EFI1或EFI1之前的就诊中,68只(35%)MalOE患耳24只患耳9只MalOE/ OM患耳中有4只患耳耳分泌物中发现了中性粒细胞。

Duration of ear disease of seven months or more (OR 1.68, CI 0.43,6.65; P = 0.23) and identification of neutrophils in aural discharge (OR 0.73, CI 0.21,2.59; P = 0.31) did not affect the odds of being diagnosed with MalOE/OM.
耳病持续时间7个月以上(or 1.68, CI 0.43,6.65;P = 0.23)和耳分泌物中中性粒细胞的鉴定(OR 0.73, CI 0.21,2.59;P = 0.31)不影响MalOE/OM的诊断几率。

Foreign bodies or mass lesions were not identified in any of the ears included in the study. Of those 51 dogs diagnosed with MalOE, 22 (43%; CI 30%,57%) dogs had pruritus or erythema at sites distant to the pinnae recorded at presentation or during the study.
研究中未发现任何耳朵有异物或肿块。在确诊MalOE的51只患犬中,有22只(43%;(CI 30%,57%)患犬在出现症状时或在研究过程中,出现在耳廓远端部位有瘙痒或红斑症状。

Medication and ear flush interventions
Median duration of time from first presentation at the hospital to EFI1 was 17 days (range 0–77 days). Table 2a summarises oral medicines and Table 2b medicinal ear drops prescribed to study dogs.

Before EFI1, 46 of 59 (78%) dogs received oral (methyl)prednisolone: either an average dose of 0.8 mg/ kg prednisolone once daily (range 0.32 to 1.17 mg/kg/day) or a comparable dose of methylprednisolone. Four of 59 (7%) dogs received oral itraconazole and 23 of 82 (28%) ears received topical antifungal treatment.
EFI1之前,59只犬中有46只(78%)接受口服(甲基)泼尼松龙:或平均剂量0.8 mg/kg泼尼松龙每天一次(范围0.32至1.17 mg/kg/天),或同等剂量的甲基泼尼松龙59只犬中有4只(7%)接受了口服伊曲康唑治疗,82只耳中有23只耳(28%)接受了外用抗真菌治疗。

Owing to the low number of dogs with MalOE/OM, interventions for this group are not specifically reported here.

Forty-six dogs (60 of 68 ears, 88%) with MalOE underwent one EFI, four dogs (six of 68 ears, 9%) underwent two EFIs and one dog (two of 68 ears, 3%) underwent three EFIs by the study end. Repeat EFIs were performed in cases where there was cytological evidence of persistent infection or accumulation of debris following EFI1, indicating lack of resolution. The duration was 28–91 days between the first and second EFI (four dogs), and 36 days between the second and third EFI (one dog).
在研究结束时,46只MalOE犬(68只犬中的60只,88%)接受了一次EFI, 4只犬(68只犬中的6只,9%)接受了两次EFI, 1只犬(68只犬中的2只,3%)接受了3次EFI。在EFI1后,如果细胞学检查显示持续感染或耳垢堆积,表明没有治愈,则进行重复EFI。第1-2次EFI(4只)持续时间为28-91天,第2-3次EFI(1只)持续时间为36天。

After EFI1, most dogs with MalOE still received an oral glucocorticoid and less than a third received oral itraconazole; however, almost all MalOE ears (64 of 68, 94%) received topical antifungal treatment. Combination ear drops were prescribed most commonly.
在EFI1后,大多数MalOE的犬仍然接受口服糖皮质激素,不到三分之一的犬接受口服伊曲康唑;然而,几乎所有MalOE耳朵(64 / 68,94%)接受外用抗真菌治疗。最常用的处方是复方滴耳剂。

Two dogs (three MalOE ears) received no topical antifungal therapy at any time yet did receive oral itraconazole: one had a suspected contact dermatitis to topical products and one would not tolerate topical therapy. Resolution of infection in those ears occurred at days 13, 27 and 27 of treatment post-EFI1. One dog (one MalOE ear) received no antifungal treatment and instead received oral prednisolone and an ear cleaning product after removal of a ceruminolith at EFI1.

Topical ear solutions other than medicinal ear drops (generally referred to as “ear cleaning products”) were used in just over half (35 of 68, 51%) of the ears with MalOE at some point during treatment; owing to the diversity of products and treatment protocols, these are not reported further.

Treatment outcomes for Malassezia otitis externa cases
As a consequence of low numbers of MalOE/OM ears in this study, clinical outcomes and risk factors are reported for MalOE ears only. Table S2 lists the number of EFI and treatment outcomes for ears diagnosed with MalOE/OM.

Sixty-two of 68 (91%) ears diagnosed with MalOE had a successful outcome with resolution of infection. At the time of resolution, 57 of 62 (92%) MalOE ears had no cytological evidence of yeast microbes and five of 62 (8%) had yeast numbers reported as “rare” (two of five), “rare/consistent with normal” (two of five) and “few/consistent with normal” (one of five) by the clinician. Neutrophils were recorded in five of 62 of ears at the time of clinical resolution, in the absence of yeast microbes.

Median time-to-resolution was 27 days (range 7– 178 days) in MalOE cases. Of 62 of 68 MalOE ears with a successful outcome, 54 of 62 (87%) resolved after only one EFI. Seven of 62 MalOE ears were recorded to have infection resolved within two weeks of EFI1. In only two of these ears was the total treatment time, from the visit preceding EFI1 to resolution, less than four weeks (13 and 17 days, respectively). Of the six of 68 (9%) MalOE ears with an unsuccessful outcome, two ears were referred for surgical intervention and four ears were lost to follow-up.
MalOE病例中位时间为27天(范围7 - 178天)。68例MalOE耳中62例成功治愈54例(87%)在一次EFI后治愈62只MalOE耳中有7只在EFI1治疗后两周内感染治愈。在这些耳朵中只有两个是总治疗时间,从EFI1之前就诊到治愈,不到4周(分别为13天和17天)。68例MalOE耳中有6例(9%)治疗失败,其中2例接受手术治疗,4例未复诊。

There was no significant correlation between duration of ear disease and median time-to-resolution (rs = 0.19). The presence of neutrophils in aural discharge (OR 0.51, CI 0.10,2.76; P = 0.22) and prescription of itraconazole (OR 0.88, CI 0.15,5.25; P = 0.45) did not affect the odds of having a successful outcome in ears with MalOE.
耳病持续时间与治愈时间中位值之间没有显著相关性(rs = 0.19)。耳分泌物中存在中性粒细胞(OR 0.51, CI 0.10,2.76;P = 0.22)和口服伊曲康唑(OR 0.88, CI 0.15,5.25;P = 0.45),不影响MalOE患耳成功治疗的几率。

In 1964, Spruell wrote that “The incidence of otitis externa is so high, and the distribution so widespread, that the spate of attention the problem has received during the last 10 years is fully justified”.Almost 60 years later, despite the development of multiple new ear products, this statement is still valid. Intervention trials with topical therapeutics for unspecified OE have reported success rates between 65% and 81%. The potential for chronic disease is highlighted by a report that 24% of dogs presenting for otitis had one or multiple recurrences following initial treatment with topical combination products. Reasons for incomplete or lack of resolution, or recurrence of otitis after a course of treatment, are likely to variably reflect treatment-related (effectiveness, frequency, duration and compliance) and ear disease-related (predisposing, primary, secondary and perpetuating) factors that can be difficult to address, particularly within the confines of a busy primary care practice environment.

Although Malassezia frequently is found in combination with bacteria in canine OE, the present study was deliberately limited to treatment of otitis cases unresponsive to primary care and associated with Malassezia infection/overgrowth in the cytological absence of bacteria, to provide a preliminary clinical practice benchmark for this more defined clinical subset.

This case series demonstrates that most (91%) cases of chronic Malassezia OE in dogs, unresponsive to primary care treatment, can be treated successfully with a medical treatment plan, typically within four weeks (median 27 days) of one (87%) ear flush intervention. In the few cases where resolution of infection occurred faster, it is possible that significant response occurred before the scheduled ear flush or the previous treatment history was inaccurate.

A notable feature of this case series was that medical management protocols routinely consisted of an initial two- to three-week treatment period before EFI1, during which time most dogs received oral prednisolone and no topical or oral antifungal treatment. Early therapy was concentrated more on reversing soft tissue changes secondary to inflammation than specifically addressing the Malassezia overgrowth/infection. This also may be explained by low clinician confidence in a topical mode of delivery due to ear canal occlusion/stenosis or patient aversion to treatment or therapeutic caution until the extent of ear pathological findings and type of infection were known. After EFI1, prescription of antifungal ear drops to most dogs indicates that impediments to topical therapy were deemed less significant at that point.
该病例分析的一个显著特征是,药物管理方案通常包括EFI1之前的2 - 3周初始治疗期,在此期间,大多数犬只接受口服泼尼松龙,而不接受外用或口服抗真菌治疗。早期治疗更多地集中于扭转炎症继发的软组织变化,而不是专门处理马拉色菌过度增殖/感染。这也可以解释为,在了解耳部病理结果和感染类型之前,由于耳道闭塞/狭窄或患犬治疗不配合或谨慎治疗,临床医生对外用药形式缺乏信心。在EFI1之后,对大多数犬使用抗真菌耳滴剂表明,此时外部治疗好像不那么有难度。

By comparison, less than a third of cases were prescribed oral itraconazole after a diagnosis of MalOE, perhaps as a result of clinician concerns over the ability of the drug to achieve effective concentrations in the ear canal. The addition of oral itraconazole to the treatment regimen, however, did not affect overall odds of treatment success in these MalOE cases. A successful outcome also was recorded for two dogs with MalOE prescribed oral itraconazole in the absence of antifungal ear drops. However, there is limited benefit in drawing conclusions from such low treatment numbers.

The management priority for the cases in this series at the time of entering the authors’ care was the chronic ear pathological findings. Oral glucocorticoids (or ciclosporin) and topical glucocorticoids used to reverse ear pathological findings can also be expected to have controlled primary inflammatory (allergic) ear disease, where present, and thus contributed to treatment success. In the authors’ practice, resolution of chronic MalOE typically is followed by measures to identify and address primary causes of otitis, and other strategies to prevent recurrence of infections. This aspect of ear disease management was not within the remit of this study, yet it was noted that nearly half of the dogs showed evidence of an allergic phenotype during their ear disease management. This is within the lower range of figures reported previously, and likely to represent an underestimate as a consequence of masking of signs during treatment. There is a current lack of (detailed) evidence on the effects of the nature of primary ear disease and of preventive management strategies on the long-term outcome of canine otitis.

Otitis cases in this study are unlikely to represent the wider population of dogs with chronic Malassezia otitis, in view of selection bias inherent to a referral service and for dogs generally amenable to home treatment. However, in terms of age profile and unilateral versus bilateral otitis presentation, the cases in this study match other studies of chronic otitis and also field studies that have not specifically enrolled chronic cases.

Together, spaniel and retriever breeds accounted for over half of the affected dogs in this study and also those in the hospital denominator population with otitis, similar to recent findings from a European otitis treatment intervention study.However, retrievers had over three times the odds of matching the study criteria, perhaps reflecting a relative predisposition to Malassezia otitis over other types of ear infections within this breed clade or higher odds of retrievers over spaniels being diagnosed with allergic skin disease.

In around one fifth of affected ears in this study, concurrent Malassezia OM was diagnosed based upon otoscopic findings and sampling of middle ear content. This procedure carries the potential for iatrogenic contamination of yeast from the ear canal into the tympanic cavity and thereupon false diagnosis of MalOE/OM. The frequency of MalOE/OM in the present study, however, is comparable to reports of OM diagnosed in dogs with undefined, chronic OE using CT and MRI imaging. However, both imaging modalities may fail to diagnose cases of early OM when there are only minor pathological findings in the tympanic cavity. It is notable that only four of 14 ears judged by the clinician to have MalOE/OM in this study, based on video-otoscopy and bulla lavage, had evidence of soft tissue attenuating material in the tympanic bulla on CT imaging. Integrity of the tympanic membrane was not a reliable indicator for status of middle ear disease (as proposed by Cole in 1998) and neither was absence of neurological signs or duration of ear disease. It would seem that a multimodal diagnostic approach may be required to investigate the involvement of the middle ear in cases of chronic otitis.

This retrospective study documents a high success rate in the resolution of cases of chronic canine Malassezia OE, previously unresponsive to primary care, with a well-staged and intense medical treatment plan. It further shows that clinicians should suspect concurrent Malassezia OM in around a fifth of affected ears.


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