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发表于 2020-12-28 20:30:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 王帆 于 2020-12-28 20:29 编辑

Streptococcal Infection in Dogs: A Retrospective Study of 393 Cases
G. Lamm1 , A. C. Ferguson1 , T. W. Lehenbauer2 , and B. C. Love1

Of the 24 fetal and neonatal dogs cultured, 15 (62.5%) had streptococcal septicemia that resulted in abortion or neonatal death. Gross lesions were minimal. Histologically, colonies of cocci distended vascular lumina in multiple organs (Figs. 1, 2). Inflammation and necrosis of the vascular wall and surrounding tissues was also seen. Placentitis was noted in 2 cases. Interestingly, septicemia was not diagnosed in dogs between 1 week and 1 year of age. Streptococcal infection was associated with septicemia in 13 dogs older than 1 year. Endocarditis and encephalitis were sequela of streptococcal septicemia in adult dogs. In cases of endocarditis, the wall of the affected valve was irregularly thickened and mottled dark red (Fig. 3). Histologically, the valve was markedly expanded by fibrin, cellular debris, and numerous neutrophils (Fig. 4). Neutrophils and fibrin adhered to the surface. In cases of encephalitis, numerous neutrophils mixed with fibrin and fewer macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells markedly expanded the meninges and Virchow–Robin space.The inflammation was focally severe, forming space-occupying lesions that effaced the neuropil and penetrated the ventricles (Figs. 5, 6).

Pulmonary streptococcal infection appeared as bronchopneumonia or a hemorrhagic form. Bronchopneumonia was associated with streptococcal infection in 7 neonates and 17 dogs older than 1 week of age. Affected dogs developed severe pneumonia characterized by pulmonary consolidation (Fig. 7). Histologically, numerous neutrophils flooded the bronchial, bronchiolar, and alveolar spaces, obliterating the adjacent architecture (Fig. 8). In more severely affected areas, the neutrophils were admixed with necrotic cellular debris and fibrin. Microcolonies of cocci were frequent. The hemorrhagic form was associated with streptococcal infection in 2 dogs between 1 and 8 years of age. Affected dogs had dark red, wet, rubbery lungs that oozed copious blood on section. Histologically, alveolar spaces were flooded with erythrocytes and variable numbers of neutrophils admixed with fibrin. Colonies of cocci were rarely present within capillaries or pneumonic parenchyma.

Streptococcus was isolated from 32 of the 187 samples of skin or hair. Associated dermatitis was documented in only 29 of these dogs, all of which were > 1 year of age. Only 2 had necrotizing fasciitis. Grossly, dogs with necrotizing fasciitis had regionally extensive alopecia. The affected epidermis was moist, red, and occasionally ulcerated (Fig. 9). Underlying dermis and subcutis were effaced by cavitations filled with clumped, red to brown material. Histologically, there was liquefactive necrosis of the dermis and subcutis (Fig. 10). Hemorrhage was common, as was infiltration by numerous neutrophils with fibrin and cellular debris. The presence of bacterial microcolonies was variable. Regional vasculitis was also seen (Fig. 11). Necrotizing fasciitis resulted in secondary septicemia and toxic shock–like syndrome in 1 dog, which had infarcts in multiple organs, including the tongue, spleen, and kidney (Fig. 12).

Streptococcus species were isolated from 5 of 22 liver or bile samples: 1 such isolate was from a dog with hepatitis; 2 were from dogs with septicemia; in the other 3 cases, no disease process was identified in the report.

Streptococcus was isolated from 54 of the 196 ear swabs from dogs. The significance of streptococcal infection in the development of otitis in these dogs is not known, because clinical information or samples for histopathology were not provided. Isolation of other organisms, such as Pseudomonas spp, Malassezia spp, and Proteus spp, was considered to be clinically significant in most cases of otitis.

Streptococcus was isolated from 122 of 244 samples of the gastrointestinal tract or feces. Of these 122 dogs, enteritis was documented in 73. However, it is unlikely that streptococcal infection was a primary cause of enteritis in any of these dogs. Overgrowth of streptococcal organisms may have followed infection with a primary intestinal pathogen, such as canine parvovirus 2, Clostridium spp, Salmonella spp, and/or b-hemolytic Escherichia coli. Canine parvovirus 2 infection was the most common primary infection in dogs in this study.

Species of Streptococcus were isolated from 10 of 35 male reproductive tract samples, 5 of 23 ocular or periocular samples, 26 of 804 urine or lower urinary tract samples, and 2 of 12 kidney samples. However, isolation was not associated with disease in any of these cases, because of incomplete clinical histories or lack of samples for histologic examination. Streptococcus spp were not isolated from any of the 7 mammary tissue or milk samples from dogs with mastitis.

Figure 1. Liver; neonatal dog with streptococcal septicemia; dog No. 1. Microcolonies of bacterial cocci fill the sinusoids (arrows). The surrounding hepatocytes are degenerate and necrotic (arrowheads). HE. Inset: High magnification of bacterial microcolonies. Figure 2. Lung; neonatal dog with streptococcal septicemia; dog No. 1. Bacterial cocci distend alveolar capillaries (arrows). The surrounding architecture is obscured by cellular debris and fibrin. HE. Figure 3. Heart; streptococcal valvular endocarditis in an adult dog; dog No. 2. The aortic valve and left atrioventricular valve are markedly thickened and irregular (arrows). The inflammation extends to the underlying septum, resulting in a communication between the left and right ventricles. Figure 4. Heart; streptococcal valvular endocarditis in an adult dog; dog No. 2. The valvular architecture is effaced by neutrophils mixed with cellular debris and fibrin (arrow). HE. Inset: High magnification of bacterial microcolonies in cellular debris. Figure 5. Brain; streptococcal encephalitis in an adult dog; dog No. 3. Numerous neutrophils are mixed with fibrin and cellular debris. HE. Figure 6. Brain; streptococcal ventriculitis in an adult dog; dog No. 3. Neutrophils, macrophages, and cellular debris flood the ventricle and surround microcolonies of bacterial cocci (arrow). The arrowhead marks the ependymal lining. HE.

Figure 7. Lung; streptococcal pneumonia in a puppy; dog No. 4. Extensive pulmonary consolidation appears as coalescing dark red areas in all lobes. Figure 8. Lung; streptococcal bronchopneumonia in a puppy; dog No. 5. Bacterial cocci are mixed with fibrin, macrophages, and cellular debris in alveolar spaces (arrow). A basophilic intranuclear (adenoviral) inclusion (large arrowhead) and eosinophilic cytoplasmic (canine distemper viral) inclusions (small arrowheads) are in macrophages and bronchiolar epithelial cells. HE. Figure 9. Haired skin; streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis in an adult dog; dog No. 2. Affected skin is erythemic with alopecia, ulceration, and dark blue patches of hemorrhagic necrosis. Figure 10. Panniculus; streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis in an adult dog; dog No. 2. There is necrosis of the subcutis with hemorrhage and bacterial colonies (arrow). The asterisk marks a large central cavity in the panniculus. HE. Inset: Higher magnification of the bacterial microcolonies. Figure 11. Panniculus; streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis in an adult dog; dog No. 2. There is inflammation within the wall of a vessel. HE. Figure 12. Tongue; streptococcal toxic shock–like syndrome in an adult dog; dog No. 2. Note the infarct along the lateral margin (arrow).


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