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Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy
What Do We Know so Far?
Rosanne E. Jepson, BVSc, MVetMed, PhD, FHEA, MRCVSa,*,
Jacqueline M. Cardwell, MA, VetMB, MScVetEd, PhD, FHEA, MRCVSb,
Stefano Cortellini, DMV, MVetMed, FHEA, MRCVSa,
Laura Holm, BVM&S, CertSAM, MRCVSc,
Kim Stevens, PhD, MScAgric, PGCAPb, David Walker, MRCVSc
•CRGV • Thrombotic microangiopathy  •Alabama rot  •Acute kidney injury  •Skin lesion
•Cutaneous renal glomerular vasculopathy is a condition resulting in thrombotic microangiopathy recognized with apparently increasing prevalence in the United Kingdom since 2012. 
•An infectious cause has not been identified to date. 
•Clinical progression of cases usually involves identification of ulcerated skin lesions, typically affecting the distal limb and progression to oligoanuric acute kidney injury. However, subclinical manifestations of this condition with less severely affected individuals are thought to occur.  •Mortalities for dogs that develop oligoanuric acute renal failure are very high, although a limited number of dogs have been reported to survive with intensive supportive care.
Cutaneous renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) or the condition that has colloquially been termed Alabama rothas been recognized with apparently increasing frequency in the United Kingdom since 2012. The etiopathogenesis of this condition remains incompletely understood. Despite speculation and preliminary infectious disease testing of confirmed cases, an infectious cause has not been identified. However, the chronology of presentation, diagnostic testing, and small sample size are limiting factors. The condition has gained much attention because of the high mortality reported in dogs that develop oligoanuric acute renal failure associated with CRGV. Lack of a definitive antemortem diagnostic test and reliance on renal histopathology for confirmation of this condition mean that the true prevalence and incidence of CRGV within the canine population remains unknown. Continued work is required to better understand the epidemiology of CRGV and to explore individual, genetic, environmental, or infectious associations that underpin the risk of dogs developing CRGV. Ultimately it is likely that only through a better understanding of the pathogenesis of CRGV, that diagnostic tests can be developed that may facilitate early diagnosis and intervention that improves survival.
Conditions compatible with CRGV were first reported in the veterinary literature in greyhounds from the United States in the late 1980s. These cases were variably associated with both skin lesions and acute kidney injury (AKI), and an underlying cause was not identified. Since 2012, a form of CRGV has been recognized in the United Kingdom. It is unclear whether the cause for these UK cases is the same as historical cases, but the clinical progression of cases and histopathologic manifestations are similar. Dogs that develop CRGV commonly present with ulcerated skin lesions, with development of AKI a median of 4 days after skin lesions are noted.The presence of skin lesions is rarely reported in dogs, with other causes of AKI making the clinical presentation of dogs with CRGV unique. The common feature of all dogs with CRGV is the histopathologic finding of thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) in renal tissue. Differential diagnoses for TMA in dogs include CRGV but also hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). HUS has previously been reported in 5 dogs, including several different breeds, such as the Yorkshire terrier, miniature poodle, Labrador retriever, and German shepherd dog. Of the HUS cases reported in the literature, skin lesions were not reported.
TMA is a term used to describe a pathologic process that includes endothelial damage and thrombosis within the microvasculature, with high stress leading to platelet aggregation, a consumptive thrombocytopenia, and red cell shearing, resulting in a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. These features lead to ischemia and infarction, which particularly affect the kidney. TMA is a histopathologic diagnosis, and features of this are identified in several specific clinical conditions, including HUS, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (a-HUS), and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). TMA may be associated with underlying conditions, such as malignancy, administration of chemotherapy and other drugs, transplantation, sepsis, and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
HUS in humans is triggered by infectious organisms and/or their toxins, for example, shiga toxinproducing bacteria (eg, Escherichia coli [STEC] and Shigella dysenteriae type 1) or infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcal HUS). However, in some individuals, HUS is not infection or toxin triggered and is therefore referred to as atypical(a-HUS). In human patients with STEC-HUS, renal failure is commonly associated with prodromal hemorrhagic diarrhea and is most commonly recognized in children. In this condition, shiga toxin binds with high affinity to globotriaosylceramide 3 receptors expressed on glomerular endothelial cells. Injury to the glomerular endothelium precipitates a prothrombotic cascade leading to microthrombi formation. Diagnostic investigations in these patients typically include fecal culture and evaluation for E coli endotoxin antibodies (immunoglobulin M).
非感染相关的触发因素,包括遗传或获得的风险因素,有缺陷的调节替代补体途径(AP),在a- HUS的发病机制中发挥作用。a-HUS的临床特征与其他TMA病因难以区分,以肾损伤为主。据报道,多达25%最终确诊为a-HUS者之前有腹泻病史AP补体失调是由于缺乏或功能受损的调节蛋白或C3转化酶活性过高而导致补体活化失控。虽然微血栓形成的确切机制尚不明确,但推测肾小球内皮细胞可能特别容易受到补体失调的影响。家族发病可以定认为此病遗传,这在大约50%60%a-HUS患者中已确定。遗传变异已在补体调节因子(H因子I因子CD46血栓调节蛋白)补体活化因子(C3B因子)中得以确定。获得自身抗体产生H抑制因子可能产生a-HUS相似的表现型,和不含有诱发基因变异的H 因子。血浆中C3的低浓度与a- HUS的诊断一致,但既没有特异性也敏感,因为H补体因子中最常见的变异导致循环中C3H因子浓度正常。因此,对人a- HUS的诊断通常基于免疫和基因检测结合。当一名人患者出现与a- HUS相容的临床症状时,最初的调查将包括评估补体浓度(C3C4H因子和I因子)、突变筛查(CFHCF1CD46C3CFBTHBDDGKE),以及检测因子H自身抗体。
Noninfection-associated triggers, including genetic or acquired risk factors for defective regulation of the alternative complement pathway (AP), play a role in the pathogenesis of a-HUS. Clinical features of a-HUS can be indistinguishable from other causes of TMA, with renal involvement predominating. Prodromal diarrhea is reported in up to 25% of patients ultimately considered to have a-HUS. AP complement dysregulation involves uncontrolled complement activation as a result of deficient or functionally impaired regulatory proteins or hyperactive C3 convertase components. It is hypothesized that the glomerular endothelium may be particularly susceptible to complement dysregulation, although the exact mechanism by which microthrombi formation ensues is not fully elucidated. Identification of familial associations leads to the recognition of genetic predispositions, which are identified in approximately 50% to 60% of individuals with a-HUS. These genetic variants have been identified in complement regulators (factor H, factor I, CD46, and thrombomodulin) and complement activators (C3 and factor B). Acquired autoantibody production against factor H may also give a similar a-HUS phenotype, both with and without predisposing genetic variability in factor H. Low plasma concentrations of C3 are consistent with a diagnosis of a-HUS but are neither specific nor sensitive, given the most common variants in complement factor H result in normal circulating C3 and factor H concentrations. Diagnosis of a-HUS in humans is therefore usually based on a combination of immunologic and genetic testing. When a human patient presents with clinical signs compatible with a-HUS, initial investigations will include assessment of complement concentrations (C3, C4, factor H, and factor I), mutation screening (CFH, CF1, CD46, C3, CFB, THBD, and DGKE), and detection of factor H autoantibodies.
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura     
TTP是一种罕见的TMA,通常与ADAMTS13的后天缺陷或基因突变有关。ADAMTS13von Willebrand 因子 (vWF)的裂解蛋白。vWF用于原发性止血、促进血小板聚集和内皮损伤部位血栓形成。在健康状态下,受剪切应力的影响,ADAMTS13vWF逐渐降解为较小的循环形式。自20世纪80年代以来,人们已经知道TTPvWF的高血栓性超大型多聚体之间存在关联,直到后来才认识到这是由于ADAMTS13缺乏或缺乏功能所致。虽然已经报道了ADAMTS13基因突变,但这些突变只占TTP病例的少数,而ADAMTS13缺陷更常见的原因是后天抑制自身抗体。TTP需要非常低的ADAMTS13活性,通常低于正常蛋白酶活性的5%10%。然而,在个体中,如果TTP与同时存在的TMA危险因素同时存在,例如脓毒症、恶性肿瘤或移植,则ADAMTS13活性可能不会被显著抑制,因此ADAMTS13的量化并不是一个完美的诊断测试。
TTP is an uncommon TMA, which has been most commonly associated with acquired deficiency or genetic mutations in ADAMTS13. ADAMTS13 is the cleaving protein of von Willebrand factor (vWF). vWF is required for primary hemostasis, facilitating platelet aggregation, and thrombus formation at sites of endothelial injury. In health, vWF is gradually degraded into progressively smaller circulating forms by ADAMTS13 with the influence of shear stress. Since the 1980s, it has been known that there is an association between TTP and highly thrombogenic ultralargemultimers of vWF, which was only later recognized to be due to deficiency or lack of functionality of ADAMTS13. Although genetic mutations in ADAMTS13 have been reported, these account for the minority of TTP cases, and it is more common for ADAMTS13 deficiency to be the result of an acquired inhibitory autoantibody. Very low ADAMTS13 activities are required for TTP, typically less than 5% to 10% of normal protease activity. However, in individuals where TTP is present in conjunction with coexisting TMA risk factors, for example, sepsis, malignancy, or transplantation, then ADAMTS13 activity may not be markedly suppressed, so that quantification of ADAMTS13 is not a perfect diagnostic test.
有趣的是,这三种情况都有不同的外显率。例如,据报道,一些遗传性TTP患者直到20岁以上该疾病才表现出;并非所有感染STEC的患者都会出现STEC- hus,只有40% - 50%的已识别CFH、膜辅因子蛋白和CFI突变携带者会出现疾病。因此,TMA的发病机制是复杂的和多因素的,遗传易感性、环境因素和其他疾病条件之间的相互作用决定了一个人临床是否出疾病表。在人中,为了区分TMA的病因,通常需要对病史进行广泛调查,并结合先进的免疫学和遗传学诊断测试。
Interestingly, all 3 conditions have variable penetrance. For example, it is reported that some patients with hereditary forms of TTP do not manifest the disease until greater than 20 years of age; not all patients infected with STEC will develop STEC-HUS, and only 40% to 50% of carriers of the recognized CFH, membrane cofactor protein, and CFI mutations will manifest disease. The pathogenesis of TMA is therefore complex and multifactorial, with interplay between genetic predispositions, environmental factors, and other disease conditions determining whether an individual clinically manifests a disease phenotype. In humans, extensive exploration of clinical history, combined with advanced immunologic and genetic diagnostic testing, is usually required in order to differentiate between causes of TMA.
许多不同品种的犬(>25,数据由Anderson Moores兽医专家有限公司提供)都被鉴定出患有CRGV,这与美国的数据形成了鲜明对比,在美国,这种疾病似乎只影响灵缇赛犬。
Many different breeds of dog (>25, data courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd) have been identified with CRGV, which is in contrast to American data, where the disease appeared to affect only racing greyhounds.
确诊为CRGV的犬最初会被送到兽医那里评估皮肤病变,包括四肢(77%)、机体(20%)、面部/口鼻(7%)和舌头(4%)有时也会出现全身症状(1),但很少在皮肤病变发生前注意到(1%的病例;n = 102,数据由安德森摩尔兽医专家有限公司提供)
Dogs diagnosed with CRGV are initially presented to veterinarians for assessment of skin lesions, affecting the limbs (77%), body (20%), face/muzzle (7%), and tongue (4%). Systemic signs are also sometimes present (Table 1), but rarely noted before the development of skin lesions (1% of cases; n = 102, data courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd).
皮肤病变外观变化多样,小到表面擦伤(0.5 cm),大到大面积的全层溃疡和坏死(>30 cm),周围有挫伤和水肿。病变通常为圆形和红斑。随后发生中央坏死和溃疡。影响手指的病变常表现为类似爪部皮炎或甲沟炎。口腔病变通常影响舌头为圆形糜烂/溃疡,而影响嘴周的病变可表现为糜烂/溃疡或水。面部病变通常与急性湿性皮炎相似(1)
Skin lesion appearance is variable, ranging from small, superficial abrasions (0.5 cm), to large areas of full-thickness ulceration and necrosis (>30 cm), with surrounding bruising and edema. Lesions are commonly circular and erythematous. Central necrosis and ulceration develop subsequently. Lesions affecting digits frequently appear similar to pododermatitis or paronychia. Oral cavity lesions generally affect the tongue as circular erosions/ulcers, whereas lesions affecting the muzzle can be erosive/ulcerative or vesicular in appearance. Facial lesions commonly appear similar to acute moist dermatitis (Fig. 1).
CRGV可能导致没有全身症状的皮肤病变,而一些犬会发展成AKI,可能出现或不出现氮质血症。目前,在英国,氮质血症和非氮质血症的CRGV的相对比例仍然未知,因为病例报告的自愿性和难以获得最终的尸检诊断。一个病例分析(n = 160)报告74%为非氮质血症。但是,这些患犬确诊方法是完全依赖于临床症状和专家意见。在另一个病例分析(n = 12)中,通过光学和电子显微镜对有氮质血症和无氮质血症病例进行了肾组织病理学检查,并证实所有犬均存在肾小球TMA无氮质血症组的变化比氮质血症组更轻,范围更广。在另一份报告(n = 18)中,56%的患者出现氮质血症44%的患者无氮质血症,但所有病例的确诊方法均由专家根据临床症状、血液和尿液检测结果得出,没有皮肤或肾脏组织病理学。
CRGV may cause skin lesions without systemic illness, whereas some dogs develop AKI that may or may not lead to azotemia. Currently, in the United Kingdom, the relative proportion of azotemic versus nonazotemic CRGV remains unknown, because of the voluntary nature of case reporting and the difficulties in achieving a definitive antemortem diagnosis. One case series (n = 160 dogs) reported that 74% were nonazotemic; however, diagnosis in these canine patients relied solely on clinical signs and expert opinion. In a further case series (n = 12), renal histopathology was performed in both azotemic and nonazotemic cases, via light and electron microscopy, and confirmed the presence of glomerular TMA in all dogs. The changes observed in the nonazotemic group were less severe and widespread than in the azotemic group. In another report (n = 18), 56% developed azotemia, whereas 44% remained nonazotemic, but diagnosis for all cases was reached by expert opinion based on clinical signs, blood and urine test results, without dermal or renal histopathology.
CRGV分为非氮质血症组或氮质血症组可能过于简单。美国最大的病例分析(n = 160)1报道了以下4种可能出现的临床表现:
4. 皮肤病变后出现氮质血症。(在英国很少见;102宗个案中的1%;未发表数据,2018,安德森摩尔兽医专家有限公司)
Classification of CRGV into either nonazotemic or azotemic groups may be overly simplistic. The largest case series from the United States (n = 160)1 reported the following 4 possible clinical manifestations:
1Skin lesions with no systemic signs, remaining nonazotemic (a population potentially seen in the United Kingdom)
2Pyrexia and skin lesions, followed rapidly by azotemic AKI (this presentation appears to account for a low number of confirmed UK cases [19% of 102 cases; unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd])
3Skin lesions with development of azotemic AKI within 10 days (60% of 102 cases; unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd)
4Azotemia before development of skin lesions (which appears rare in the United Kingdom; 1% of 102 cases; unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd)
In the United Kingdom, in 3% of dogs, azotemic AKI was detected more than 10 days after development of skin lesions (11, 20, and 21 days later). This finding could suggest that another, delayed, clinical manifestation of azotemic CRGV exists; however, it is also possible that these cases developed AKI before biochemistry and urinalysis was performed.
Approach to Suspected Cases and Clinicopathologic Findings   
Antemortem diagnosis of CRGV can be challenging. There is no single, noninvasive diagnostic test available with high sensitivity and specificity. 
•Renal histopathology: Demonstration of TMA on renal histopathology is considered the reference standard for diagnosis. Fibrinoid necrosis and thrombosis, affecting the glomerular arterioles, are the most commonly reported findings with congestion of the glomerular tufts, and tubular degeneration and necrosis also reported. Unfortunately, given the relative contraindication for renal biopsyin dogs at risk of, or diagnosed with,AKI and sometimes thrombocytopenia, this is usually obtained postmortem with retrospective confirmation of CRGV. 
•When presented with a dog for evaluation of skin lesions, which could be compatible with CRGV, baseline complete blood cell count, biochemistry, and urinalysis should be performed to assess for abnormalities, which may further suggest CRGV. This also provides a baseline for ongoing monitoring. The frequency and duration of monitoring for development of AKI will depend on many factors, including the level of clinical concern, owner preferences, dog temperament, and any financial considerations. 
•Complete blood cell count: This is normally unremarkable in dogs suspected to have nonazotemic CRGV, whereas most cases that develop AKI (95%) have some combination of neutrophilia, nonregenerative anemia or preregenerative anemia, or thrombocytopenia (Table2).In these cases, blood smear examination may identify evidence of microangiopathic hemolysis(Burr cells, acanthocytes,or schistocytes:38% of 13 cases,Holm and colleagues;29% of 7 cases,Carpenter and colleagues; 78% of 9 cases, Cowan and colleagues). 
•生化检查:在疑似非氮质血症性CRGV病例中,血清生化分析一般不显著。但血清肝酶轻度升高(51/102丙氨酸氨基转移酶[ALT]中间值50 m/L,范围35-117;参考范围<25 m/L)。在AKI患犬中,87%96%期的生化检查出现血清尿素氮/或肌酐浓度异常。氮质血症最常发生在皮肤病变出现3(n=102,范围:3天前至21天后)。其他异常生化指标包括高磷血症高胆红素血清肝酶升高血清肌酶轻度升高和轻度低白蛋白血症(3)。犬胰脂肪酶结果异常。(14中占79%,未发表数据,2018,由安德森摩尔兽医专家)
•Biochemistry: Serum biochemical analysis is generally unremarkable in suspected nonazotemic CRGV cases; however, mildly elevated serum liver enzyme activity has been identified (51/102 cases, median alanine aminotransferase [ALT] activity 50 m/L, range 35117; reference range <25 m/L). Of the dogs developing AKI, 87% to 96% have abnormal serum urea and/or creatinine concentrations at the time of initial biochemistry. Azotemia has most frequently been documented 3 days after the development of skin lesions (n = 102, range: 3 days before to 21 days later). Other biochemical abnormalities include hyperphosphatemia, hyperbilirubinemia, elevated serum liver enzyme activity, mildly elevated serum muscle enzyme activity, and mild hypoalbuminemia (Table 3). Abnormal canine pancreatic lipase results have also been identified (79% of 14 cases, unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd). 
•国际肾脏爱好协会(IRIS) AKI分级:IRIS分级有助于记录AKI的严重程度,但尚未显示对CRGV病例的预后有显著意义。英国CRGV病例(n = 102) IRIS AKI分级的中间值为III级,范围包括I- V
•International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) AKI grading: IRIS grading can be helpful to document severity of AKI but has not yet been shown to be prognostically significant for CRGV cases. Median IRIS AKI grade for UK CRGV cases (n = 102) was III, range I--V.
•尿液分析:虽然有轻度蛋白尿的报道,但在非氮质血症病例中通常并不显著(6例非氮质血症病例中有2例尿蛋白/肌酐比值(UP:Cr) >1.0, Cowan及其同事;13中有14%的病例UP:Cr中位值0.85,范围0.56-1.14,参考范围<0.5,Holm,Walker)在氮质血症病例中通常是异常的,这与由于各种病因导致的AKI患犬相似,包括蛋白尿(n = 5: Cr 1.19 - -7.0,Cowan及其同事; n = 102,UP:Cr平均值为3.42 范围1.81 - -7.64,参考< 0.5)血尿/血红蛋白尿(95%)、糖尿(32%),以及颗粒管型或透明管型(n = 102)
•Urinalysis: This is generally unremarkable in nonazotemic cases, although mild proteinuria has been reported (2 of 6 nonazotemic cases had Urine protein to creatinine ratio (UP:Cr) >1.0, Cowan and colleagues; 14% of 13 cases had elevated UP:Cr, median value 0.85, range 0.561.14, reference range <0.5, Holm and Walker). Commonly identified abnormalities in azotemic cases are similar to those seen in dogs with AKI of any cause and include proteinuria (n = 5, UP:Cr 1.197.0, Cowan and colleagues;n= 102, median UP:Cr 3.42, range 1.817.64, reference <0.5), hematuria/hemoglobinuria (95%), glycosuria (32%), and granular or hyaline casts (n = 102). 
•Oligoanuria: Reduced or absent urine production is common in dogs with CRGV that developed AKI (urine output data available for 61 of 102 cases revealed 70% were oliguric or anuric (30/61 oliguric and 13/61 anuric; unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd; 8 of 10 azotemic cases were oliguric or anuric; Cowan and colleagues). The authors are aware of 9 cases suspected to have had CRGV, which developed severe AKI (median IRIS grade III; range IIV), but recovered with intensive management. Urine output data were available for 7 of these cases: 3 had normal urine output,4 were oliguric, and none were anuric (unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd). 
•Abdominal ultrasonography: In azotemic dogs, abdominal ultrasonography is useful to further assess renal architecture and exclude other postrenal causes of azotemia. Findings tend to be largely unremarkable in CRGV cases. Hyperechoic renal cortices are sometimes identified (approximately one-third of cases; unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd), and some dogs have small-volume abdominal effusions (because of hemorrhage or volume overloading). 
•Dermal histopathology: Skin biopsy, with dermal histopathology, may help to confirm the diagnosis and can be considered for suspected cases. However, it commonly reveals nonspecific, ischemic changes, including ulceration of the epidermis with coagulative necrosis of the subjacent dermis. In just more than one-third of cases with dermal histopathology performed as part of a postmortem examination (39% of 89 cases, unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd), fibrinoid necrosis and thrombosis were identified in the small dermal arterioles, demonstrating a TMA process, supporting the diagnosis of CRGV.
At this time, the cause of CRGV remains unknown. When CRGV was first recognized in greyhounds in the 1980s and 1990s, it was postulated that it was associated with the ingestion of uncooked ground beef, and STEC strains have been isolated more frequently from the feces of greyhounds with CRGV than from healthy greyhounds. However, STEC strains were not isolated from all greyhounds diagnosed with CRGV.
在最大的CRGV患犬病例分析中,对7只犬进行粪便培养,产生大肠杆菌。但是,在所有犬中大肠杆菌毒力基因(eaeAstx 12LT1ST12)的多重聚合酶链反应(pcr)均为阴性。虽然志贺毒素已在不同物种中得以鉴定,但在HUS被鉴定,并且用荧光原位杂交FISH;n = 6)和PCR (n = 4)两种方法检查英国CRGV犬肾组织志贺毒素均为阴性。未能识别毒素或致病菌的原因可能包括以前使用过抗生素、样品处理不当或样品采集较晚。在人中,大肠杆菌重新产生毒素高度依赖于腹泻开始后6天内的粪便培养。
In the largest case series of dogs with CRGV to date, fecal culture was performed in 7 dogs and yielded E coli. However, multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) for E coli virulence genes (eaeA, stx 1 and 2, LT1, and ST1 and 2) were negative in all of these dogs. Although shiga toxin has been identified in various species, it has not been identified in dogs with HUS, and both fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH; n = 6) and PCR (n = 4) for shiga toxin on renal tissue in the UK CRGV dogs were negative. Reasons for failing to identify toxin, or causative bacteria, may have included previous antibiotic administration, inappropriate sample handling, or late collection of samples. In humans, recovery of toxin producing E coli is highly dependent on fecal culture being performed within 6 days of the onset of diarrhea.
Other gram-negative bacteria, including Rickettsia rickettsii and the leptospirae, were postulated as causative agents in greyhounds; however, serology did not yield a definitive diagnosis.Leptospirosis was considered possible and has been explored further, although renal histopathology in dogs with leptospirosis would not be compatible with CRGV. Leptospirosis microscopic agglutination testing was performed in 15 cases. Ten dogs had negative titers, obtained a median of 3 days (18 days) after the development of systemic signsbut without available convalescent titers. Five dogs had positive titers, albeit at a low concentration (1:1001:800), and all of these dogs had been vaccinated less than 1 year before testing. Although vaccinal titers often decline by 4 months after vaccination, they can sometimes persist for longer, leading to false positive results. In addition, only single titers greater than 1:1600 are considered significant for indicating infection in vaccinated dogs. FISH and Leptospira PCR have been performed in low numbers of dogs confirmed to have CRGV, but have yielded discordant results.
在英国病例分析中,通过对新鲜肾组织(n = 2)、肝脏(n = 1)和淋巴结(n = 1)进行随机核酸扩增,进行病毒宏基因组学研究。所有结果均为阴性,并且组织病理学检查未发现任何组织存在病毒细胞病变效应(细胞质包涵体)。脾脏组织(n = 4)、血液(n = 3)进行PCR检测犬圆环病毒,使用FISH检测肾组织(n = 6)所有结果均为阴性。病毒宏基因组学的阴性结果并不完全排除病毒原因。这些结果可能表明病毒复制量较低,或者该病毒与用于序列比对的已知病毒关系过远,或者使用的样本太过自溶,无法保存该病毒。
In the UK case series, viral metagenomics was performed on fresh kidney tissue (n = 2), liver (n = 1), and lymph node (n = 1), by random nucleic acid amplification. All results were negative, and histopathologically there was no evidence of viral cytopathic effect (cytoplasmic inclusion bodies) in any of the tissues examined. PCR for canine circovirus was also performed on splenic tissue (n = 4) and blood (n = 3), and FISH was performed on renal tissue (n = 6); all results were negative. Negative results for viral metagenomics do not completely exclude a viral cause. These results could indicate that virus was present in low copy numbers, or that the virus was too remotely related to known viruses used for sequence alignment, or that the sample used was too autolyzed to preserve the virus.
Renal tissue from 2 dogs was submitted to 2 separate laboratories, with both laboratories receiving identical samples for evaluation with a broad spectrum set of 16S ribosomal RNAdirected probes. One laboratory identified a clear 16S band in the tissue of 1 dog and a faint band in the other, and Staphylococcaceae were identified in both samples; however, this was thought to be the result of contamination with commensal skin bacteria. Urine and renal tissue culture results were negative in both dogs. The second laboratory only identified leptospires in both samples.
在英国病例分析中还考虑了其他几个原因。疏螺旋体属PCR (n=5)和血清学(n=2)为阴性,肾脏重金属浓度(n=3);铅、砷和镉)均低于报道的参考区间。一名自然历史博物馆的植物学家,发病前几周曾访问过一只患犬经过的伦敦某地,,且不认为CRGV病因或诱因与植物种类有关。(大卫沃克2018,个人意见)。唯一一种在英国有很长的历史真菌,被认为不太可能是这种新出现的疾病的病因。在6只尿液毒理学检测中,有5只呈阴性。1只犬检出戊乙二醇(微量)。棕色隐士蜘蛛叮咬被认为是一个可能的病因,叮咬引发坏死性皮炎,随后出现血管炎和肾坏死,但这种蜘蛛不是英国特有物种,并且在英国蛛形纲动物毒液中毒与此病季节性无关。在7通过组织病理学确诊的病例尿液中没有发现蓖麻碱(未发表数据,2018年,由安德森摩尔兽医专家有限公司提供)
Several other causes were considered in the UK case series; Borrelia PCR (n = 5) and serology (n 5=2) were negative, and renal heavy metal concentrations (n =3; lead, arsenic and cadmium) were below reported reference intervals in all 3. A botanist from the Natural History Museum, London visited one of the sites that an affected dog had walked over the weeks before developing disease, and no plant species observed were considered likely to be either causal or a cofactor in the development of CRGV (David Walker, 2018, personal communication). The only fungi identified have a long history in the United Kingdom and were considered unlikely to be the cause of this emerging disease. Urine toxicology was negative in 5 of 6 dogs tested. Pentaethylene glycol (trace) was detected in 1 dog. A brown recluse spider bite was considered a possible cause with a bite eliciting a pattern of necrotizing dermatitis with subsequent vasculitis and necrosis in the kidney, but this spider is not endemic in the United Kingdom and arachnid envenomation would not correlate with the seasonality of the disease in the United Kingdom. No evidence of ricinine was found in the urine of 7 histopathologically confirmed cases (unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd).
2012年,英国首次报告了犬CRGV的病例,虽然最初的数字非常低(n = 3),但每年报告的病例频率呈稳步上升趋势,尽管偶尔会出现同比变化。英国CRGV的暴发模式符合一种新出现疾病的定义。然而,这并不意味着这种疾病在英国完全不为人知,因为由于2012年之前英国的发病率非常低,所以它可能根本没有被认识到。
The first known cases of CRGV in UK dogs were reported in 2012, and although initial numbers were very low (n = 3), the annual frequency of reported cases showed a steady increase, albeit exhibiting occasional year-on-year variation. The outbreak pattern of CRGV in the United Kingdom is in accord with the definition of a newly emerging disease. However, that does not mean that the disease was completely unknown in the United Kingdom, because it may simply not have been recognized, owing to a very low incidence in the population before 2012.
Breed Risk Factors                        
此前非英国研究表明,CRGV主要与灵缇犬有关,有一个病例报道了德国的一只大丹犬。但是,201211月至20175,将101诊断CRGV的患犬 ,与来自英国VetCompass数据库446453只犬的总数相比(VetCompass 2014),诊断CRGV的灵缇犬的比例没有明显升高(优势比[OR]1.65,P =0.629),相反与该疾病有关的有多个品种。一般来说,猎(OR值为10.68,P<0.001)枪猎(OR值为9.69,P<0.001)和牧养犬(OR值为3.50,P=0.046)被诊断为CRGV的风险最高,而玩具则没有出现在病例中。与杂交犬相比,品种犬出现CRGV病例的比例更高,包括平毛猎犬(OR值为84.48)、匈牙利猎犬(OR值为40.98)、曼彻斯特梗(OR值为41.41)、沙克犬(OR值为27.46)惠比特犬(OR值为22.43)、英国史宾格猎犬(OR值为11.41)长毛牧羊犬(OR值为10.85)发病率较低的品种有斯塔福斗牛(OR值为0.50)、德国牧羊犬(OR值为0.45)和杰克罗素梗(OR值为0.37)母犬CRGV(OR值为1.51)以及绝育(OR值为3.36)更有可能被诊断出
Previous non-UK studies have suggested that CRGV is associated primarily with greyhounds, with a single case reported in a great Dane in Germany. However, a comparison of 101 dogs diagnosed with CRGV between November 2012 and May 2017, with a denominator population of 446,453 UK dogs from the VetCompass database (VetCompass 2014), reported that greyhounds did not have a significantly higher odds of CRGV diagnosis (odds ratio [OR] 1.65, P =0.629) and that the disease was instead associated with multiple breeds. In general, hounds (OR 10.68, P<.001), gundogs (OR 9.69, P<.001), and pastoral dogs (OR 3.50, P 5 .046) had the highest risk of being diagnosed with CRGV, whereas toy dogs were absent from the case population. Compared with crossbreds, specific breeds with increased odds of being a CRGV case included the flat-coated retriever (OR 84.48), Hungarian Vizsla (OR 40.98), Manchester terrier (OR 41.41), Saluki (OR 27.46), Whippet (OR 22.43), English springer spaniel (OR 11.41), and bearded collie (OR 10.85). Breeds with decreased odds of being a case were the Staffordshire bull terrier (OR 0.50), German shepherd dog (OR 0.45), and Jack Russell terrier (OR 0.37). Female dogs were more likely to be diagnosed with CRGV (OR 1.51), as were neutered dogs (OR 3.36).
Spatiotemporal Distribution in the United Kingdom   
英国CRGV的特点是每年爆发一次,表现出明显的季节性模式。2012年至2017年间,90%以上的病例发生在11月至5月之间,Kuldorff的季节性扫描统计数据显示,12月至4月期间存在一个显著的时间间期(P =0.001;金姆·史蒂文斯,2018,未出版作品,2018)。一般来说,夏季报告的病例数量可忽略不计
CRGV in the United Kingdom has been characterized by annual outbreaks, which display a distinct seasonal pattern. More than 90% of cases between 2012 and 2017 occurred between November and May, and Kuldorffs seasonal scan statistics identified a significant temporal cluster from December to April (P =0.001; Kim Stevens, 2018, unpublished work, 2018). In general, negligible numbers of cases are reported during the summer months.
病例数量从2012年的3例逐渐增加到2017/2018“时期”的60例以上。英格兰南部海岸的新林区是该病最初起源,尽管随后在英格兰南部和西部的大部分地区都发现了病例。然而,英格兰东部地区相对来说没有这种疾病,因此被预测为低风险地区。小的、局部的时空集中性表现该病病例数显著高于英国其他地区,20132月和3月之间在新林区(P = 0.004)20141月和4月之间在曼彻斯特(P = 0.087)得以确定,但是在这些区域似乎是一过性的,因为他们不是每年都这么明显。事实上,无论是2016年还是2017/2018时期,新林区都没有病例报告。有趣的是,在20154月至20175月期间,新林区以东地区报告的CRGV病例比例显著低于英国其他地区(P =0.002)
The number of cases has increased incrementally from 3 in 2012 to greater than 60 in the 2017/2018 season.The New Forest region on Englands southern coast was the initial focus of the disease, although cases have subsequently been identified across most of southern and western England. The eastern half of England, however, has remained relatively free of the disease and is consequently predicted to be a low-risk region. Small, localized spatiotemporal clusters exhibiting significantly higher proportions of cases than the rest of the United Kingdom were identified between February and March 2013 in the New Forest area (P =0.004) and between January and April 2014 in Manchester (P =0.087), although these clusters appeared to be transient, because they were not apparent every year. In fact, no cases were reported from the New Forest area in either 2016 or the 2017/2018 season.Interestingly, between April 2015 and May 2017, the area immediately to the east of the New Forest reported a significantly lower proportion of CRGV cases (P =0.002) than the rest of the United Kingdom.
Agroecological Risk Factors                        
A boosted regression tree model identified habitat, specifically, woodlands and lowland dry heath communities, as the variable with the highest relative contribution to CRGV occurrence (20.3%). However, UK woodlands are highly diverse, each characterized by different types of trees, and largely influenced by geology, soils, climate, and history, making it difficult to identify a potential source of the disease. Pastures were the habitat least associated with CRGV occurrence, suggesting it is unlikely CRGV is the result of a livestock-related pathogen to which dogs are exposed while walking across pastures. In addition to associations with specific habitat types, increasing relative probability of CRGV presence was associated with increasing mean maximum temperatures in winter, spring, and autumn, increasing mean rainfall in winter and spring, and increasing mean temperature in spring. Stevens and colleagues suggest that appropriate climatic conditions on their own appear to be insufficient for CRGV occurrence; the concomitant presence of suitable habitats appears to be essential, citing the fact that Wales and most of southwest England, where the disease has yet to gain any noticeable foothold, are dominated by pastures.
On the basis of the current understanding of CRGV, management is as for many dogs with AKI. Treatment goals are aimed at limiting further renal damage and enhancing cellular recovery.Correction of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders, achieving and maintaining normotension, and establishing/maintaining urine flow are the most important aspects of therapy. Readers are directed to review articles for more specific information on the optimal medical management of AKI.
高血压是AKI常见的一种并发症。在AKI发病时,CRGV犬的血压中间值为176mm Hg(范围是102-280mm Hg)如果收缩压大于180mm Hg,或有证据表明末梢器官损害,应予以治疗。
Hypertension is a common complication of AKI. The median blood pressure in dogs with CRGV was 176 mm Hg (range 102280 mm Hg) at the time of onset of AKI. Treatment is indicated if systolic blood pressure is greater than 180 mm Hg or if there is evidence of end-organdamage.
Immunomodulatory and Antiplatelet Therapy  
治疗人TMA依赖于潜在病因。血浆疗法、抗生素治疗、单克隆志贺毒素抗体和肾移植已被用于治疗STEC-HUS。一种重组的抗c5抗体(eculizumab)是人A - hus的治疗选择。据报道,一只CRGV患犬用免疫抑制疗法治疗无效。单克隆抗体治疗CRGV的疗效还有待评估。
Management of human TMAs is dependent on the underlying cause. Plasma therapy, antibiotic administration, monoclonal shiga toxin antibodies, and renal transplantation have been used in STEC-HUS. A recombinant, anti-C5 antibody (eculizumab) is the treatment of choice for human a-HUS. One dog with CRGV was reportedly ineffectively managed with immunosuppressive therapy. The efficacy of monoclonal antibody therapy has yet to be evaluated in CRGV.
Antiplatelet therapy seems like a potential therapeutic consideration, given the etiopathogenesis of CRGV. Aspirin was part of the standard treatment protocol in the 2 largest studies of plasma exchange in TTP, and there have been reports of sudden deterioration and death among patients with TTP during recovery, when not taking platelet inhibitors. Antiplatelet agents are usually not recommended for patients with TTP when bleeding is observed or when they also have severe thrombocytopenia. Low-dose aspirin is recommended by the British Committee for Standards in Hematology for patients with TTP with platelet counts greater than 50,000 per cubic millimeter. Clopidogrel has been associated with the development of TTP. Therefore, although there is no reported association with TTP in dogs, aspirin therapy may be preferred to clopidogrel.
Wound Management                    
Skin lesions in CRGV should be appropriately managed once the dog is clinically stable; sedation or anesthesia should be avoided for wound management unless deemed absolutely necessary, but analgesia should be provided, taking into account potentially compromised renal function. Debridement is rarely needed for lesions that develop in CRGV. Samples for cytology and bacteriology should be collected, ideally before topical or systemic antimicrobial therapy is initiated. Even if microorganisms are isolated from a lesion, the initiation of systemic antimicrobial treatment is contraindicated if there are no clinical signs that indicate infection. If antimicrobial use is deemed appropriate, drug selection should initially be based on the most likely pathogen and their prevailing susceptibility patterns. Once the results of bacterial culture and sensitivity testing are available, the antimicrobial should be switched to the narrowest spectrum possible. A sterile dressing should be applied to provide a physical barrier to prevent contamination and infection and to maintain a wound environment that accelerates wound healing.
In many subtypes of TMA in people, the severity of the disease and underlying cause are not easily treatable. Renal replacement therapy (RRT) offers ongoing support to reduce azotemia and maintain an appropriate fluid status and acid-base and electrolyte imbalance in patients with severely reduced kidney function, while awaiting either resolution of the AKI or renal transplantation.
RRT已被用于出现严重AKI导致少尿的CRGV患犬,并允许治疗时间延长至数周。然而,在缺乏特异性治疗的情况下,这种单独的治疗方法并没有被证明在改善严重肾损伤患者的生存率方面有效(Rosanne Jepson, 2019, personal communication)。到目前为止,还没有报告使用RRT超过几周的;目前还不清楚长期提供RRT是否可以使CRGV引起的肾脏损害完全恢复。
RRT has been used in dogs with CRGV with severe AKI resulting in oligoanuria and has allowed for treatment to be extended for a few weeks. However, this therapy alone, in the absence of specific treatments, has not been shown to be effective in improving survival in cases with severe renal damage (Rosanne Jepson, 2019, personal communication). To date, there are no reports of the use of RRT beyond a few weeks in dogs; it is currently unknown whether providing RRT over a longer period may allow full recovery of the renal lesions induced by CRGV.
Given the high mortality associated with certain types of TMA in people, research efforts have been focused on mediating the dysregulation of the immune system associated with these conditions. Implementation of alternative treatments has been necessary to target the activation of the complement system occurring in a-HUS or the presence of anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies in TTP, as previously described in this review.
一种新的免疫调节剂,依库丽单抗(Eculizumab),一种与C5结合的单克隆抗体,阻碍其水解和随后补体通路的激活,与传统的免疫抑制疗法相比,在治疗A - hus方面已被证明是有效的。这种疗法目前被高度推荐用于甲型溶血性尿毒综合征患者,但对兽医患者来说成本过高,而且没有证据表明它对CRGV犬有疗效。
A novel immune modulator, Eculizumab, a monoclonal antibody that binds to C5, impeding its hydrolysis and the subsequent activation of the complement pathway, has proven successful in treating a-HUS compared with traditional immunosuppressive treatment. This therapy, which is currently highly recommended in people with a-HUS, is cost-prohibitive for veterinary patients, and there is no evidence for its efficacy in dogs with CRGV.
在抗adamts13自身抗体患者中,治疗性血浆置换(TPE,也称为血浆置换)已成功地提高生存率。这种疗法包括在体外循环中转移血液,通过过滤或离心血液去除血浆,然后用健康献血者的同种异体血浆替换。该疗法去除自身抗体,取代ADAMTS-13,并减少凝血系统的进一步激活,从而限制临床症状的进展。目前的人指南建议每次循环交换1.5倍的血浆容量,每天重复,直到血小板数量恢复正常。因为这个疗法已被证明有效的TTP,导致大幅提高生存如果在疾病的早期阶段进行,最近的一个病例分析研究描述了使用TPE 6严重CRGV的犬.虽然2严重AKI的犬在报告中幸存下来,它仍然是未知的,如果这种疗法优于保守治疗,因为不受控制的研究设计。此外,如果在早期和较长时间内进行治疗,这种疗法通常对TTP患者有效,但本研究中描述的已经处于疾病的晚期,总共只接受了12次治疗;因此,目前还不清楚如果在疾病早期应用这种疗法是否有用。
In people with anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies, therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE, also known as plasmapheresis) has been successful in improving survival rates. This therapy consists of diverting blood in an extracorporeal circuit and removing plasma, either by filtration or by centrifugation of the blood, and then replacing it with allogenic plasma from healthy donors. This therapy removes autoantibodies, replaces ADAMTS-13, and reduces further activation of the coagulation system, thus limiting the progression of clinical signs. Current human guidelines advise the exchange of 1.5 times the plasma volume for each cycle, repeated every day until platelet numbers normalize. Because this therapy has been proven effective in people with TTP, leading to a substantial increase in survival if performed in an early phase of the disease, a recent case series study described the use of TPE in 6 dogs with severe CRGV. Although 2 dogs with severe AKI in the report survived, it still remains unknown if this therapy is superior to conservative management because of the uncontrolled study design. In addition, this therapy is usually effective in people with TTP if performed early and for extended periods, but dogs described in this study were already in an advanced stage of the disease and only received 1 or 2 treatments in total; hence, it remains unclear if this therapy could be useful if applied earlier in the disease.
Previous reports suggest that the prognosis for dogs with nonazotemic CRGV is excellent. In the United States, dogs presenting with lethargy, pyrexia, and skin lesions, with rapid development of AKI, also appeared to have a fair prognosis with intensive management (25/30 survived). Dogs that developed azotemia before skin lesions were also reported to recover fully (7/7 survived). This finding is in contrast with the 100% mortality observed when dogs developed AKI within 10 days of the appearance of skin lesions, which is similar to the experience in the United Kingdom, and also to later experiences in the United States, where most dogs that developed significant azotemia were euthanized (100% of azotemic cases, Cowan and colleagues; 83% of azotemic cases, Holm and colleagues4; 92% of azotemic cases, Holm and Walker).
在英国病例中,从出现皮肤病变发展到安乐死的平均时间为5(n = 102;范围1-31天,未发表数据,2018年,安德森摩尔兽医专家有限公司)。安乐死的原因包括药物难以治疗的无尿(n = 29)、进行性氮质血症(n = 25)、认为预后不良(n = 15)癫痫发作(n = 4)、出现疑似急性肺损伤/急性呼吸窘迫综合征(n = 4)费用限制 (n = 4)、进行性贫血(n = 2)、疑似DIC(n = 2)疑似败血症(n = 2)。另2死亡,13例安乐死的原因并没有说明。如果采取加强治疗管理,某些病例的预后可能会更好,但尚不明确
For UK cases, the median time from the development of skin lesions to euthanasia was 5 days (n = 102; range 131 days, unpublished data, 2018, courtesy of Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists Ltd). Reasons for euthanasia included oligoanuria refractory to medical management (n = 29), progressive azotemia (n = 25), perceived poor prognosis (n = 15), development of seizures (n = 4), development of suspected acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome (n = 4), financial constraints (n = 4), progressive anemia (n = 2), suspected DIC (n = 2), and suspected sepsis (n = 2). A further 2 dogs died, and the reason for euthanasia was not stated for 13 cases. It is possible that prognosis for some cases could have been more favorable if more intensive management had been pursued, but this is unknown.
作者注意到少数疑似病例(n = 3)出现IRISI级的AKI,静脉输液治疗±速尿效果良好,恢复正常。这些病例要么出现血清肌酐升高(>26.4 mmol/L,高于基础值,但仍在参考范围内),要么出现少尿(尿量<1 mL/kg/h)。同样,在没有肾脏组织病理学的情况下,很难确诊,这阻碍了在英国更好地了解犬CRGV的真实预后。存活下来的少数严重氮质血症疑似病例可能表明,经适当的加强治疗,伴有AKICRGV并非是致命的。
The authors are aware of a small number of suspected cases (n = 3) that developed IRIS grade I AKI, which responded well to intravenous fluid therapy ± furosemide and recovered uneventfully. These cases either developed an increase in serum creatinine concentration (>26.4 mmol/L above baseline, while remaining within the reference range) or oliguria (urine output <1 mL/kg/h). Again, the difficulty of confirming the diagnosis without renal histopathology has hampered efforts to better understand the true prognosis for CRGV in dogs in the United Kingdom. The small number of suspected cases with severe azotemia that survived could suggest that CRGV with AKI is not invariably fatal with appropriate intensive management.
CRGV is an emerging disease in the United Kingdom, but the cause and any association with an infectious agent remains uncertain at this time. A population of nonazotemic dogs with CRGV exists, and for such cases, prognosis may be good. For the population of dogs that develop azotemia, and particularly oligoanuric AKI, the prognosis can be guarded, but intensive medical therapy is indicated in these cases because successful outcomes have been achieved. At this stage, further work must focus on the underlying infectious triggers and immune dysregulation, which have been associated with similar TMA conditions in humans, in order to determine whether risk factors can be identified for the canine population.

1CRGV患犬的典型皮肤病变。(A) CRGV犬指间皮肤病变(B) CRGV犬的进行性溃疡性皮肤病变
Fig. 1. Typical skin lesions identified in dogs with CRGV. (A) Interdigital skin lesion identified in dog with CRGV. (B) Progressive ulcerated skin lesions identified in dog with CRGV.


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