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发表于 2022-3-26 13:12:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease
作者:Linda J Vogelnest
翻译:何梦婷  校对:王帆

The cat with alopecia, erythema, scaling and/or focal crusting
Skin disease with prominent alopecia, erythema and/or scaling is among the most common cutaneous presentations in cats, and is associated with a wide range of differentials. Mild focal crusting may be present, and variable pruritus (absent/unapparent to severe). Hypersensitivities (see ‘the cat with pruritus’ later) are common causes of this presentation( Figure 2), along with a range of primary and secondary skin infections including those caused by dermatophytes, external parasites( Demodex, Otodectes, Cheyletiella) and secondary bacteria or Malassezia species. Pemphigus foliaceus, the most common autoimmune dermatosis in cats,is another consideration for crusting presentations. Systemic diseases may produce alopecic, erythemic, scaly and/or focally crusted skin lesions, and some distinct presentations are recognised.

Figure 2 Fairly well-demarcated area of alopecia, erythema and focal crusting on the dorsal neck of a Himalayan cat with atopic dermatitis

Secondary bacterial pyoderma and Malassezia species dermatitis
Bacterial pyoderma is now recognised as a common secondary skin disease in cats, particularly with underlying hypersensitivitybut is also associated with immunosuppression from systemic disease or from drug therapies.Limited assessment of non-allergic disease associations is published to date, but pyoderma in cats is likely to occur with a broad range of naturally occurring or iatrogenically induced immunosuppressive conditions. As in dogs, bacterial pyoderma in cats may present with a wide variety of skin lesions, including alopecia, erythema, scaling, papules, crusted papules (miliary dermatitis), erosions, ulceration and crusting. Distribution is usually multifocal, with the face (Figure 3), neck, ventral trunk and limbs being commonly affected areas.Deep pyoderma occurs rarely in cats, presenting as nodular and draining lesions.

Figure 3 Asymmetrical well-demarcated region of alopecia, erythema and mild focal crusting involving the dorsal nasal planum and adjacent facial skin, due to secondary bacterial pyoderma in a domestic shorthair cat

Malassezia dermatitis is less common in cats than bacterial pyoderma. Although early reports suggested a greater association with systemic diseases, including feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection, thymoma and paraneoplastic alopecia, Malassezia infection is now also well recognised with underlying hypersensitivities. It can present with localised, multifocal or occasionally generalised areas of alopecia, erythema, greasy adherent brown scaling, and red-brown skin discolouration. The face, chin, pinnae, ventral neck, ventral trunk, interdigital areas and claw folds are the more commonly affected sites.

With both infections, pruritus may be produced independently of the underlying disease. Initial antimicrobial therapies are important to resolve many established secondary infections, and management of the underlying problem is crucial to ongoing control.

Skin disease with prominent alopecia, erythema and/or scaling is among the most common cutaneous presentations in cats.

Demodicosis (Demodex cati)
猫经典蠕形螨病是毛囊内猫蠕形螨,在猫中很罕见。然而,它是潜在的全身性疾病或药物治疗引起免疫抑制的特征,在糖尿病、FIV、猫白血病病毒(FeLV)感染、系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)、猫血支原体感染、肾上腺皮质功能亢进和全身或外用吸入性(氟替卡松)类固醇治疗中已有报道。 相比之下,戈托依蠕形螨是最近才出现的蠕形螨,引起非典型的蠕形螨病表现。与一些没有免疫抑制的健康猫接触,会引起传染性瘙痒性皮肤病。
Classical demodicosis, associated with the follicular mite Demodex cati, is rare in cats. However, it is a hallmark for immunosuppression from underlying systemic disease or drug therapies, and has been reported with diabetes mellitus, FIV , feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) infection, systemic lupus erythematosus( SLE), Mycoplasma haemofelis infection, hyperadrenocorticism, and systemic or topical inhalant (fluticasone) steroid therapy.In contrast, Demodex gatoi is a more recently emerging demodex mite that causes an atypical presentation of demodicosis, producing contagious pruritic dermatitis in some exposed healthy cats without concurrent immuno-suppression.

Demodicosis from D cati often presents with localised regions of well-demarcated alopecia (Figure 4), but generalised disease also occurs. Pruritus is typically mild to absent. The skin disease is usually readily responsive to miticidal therapy, and relatively inconsequential in many cats, with the underlying disease raising more concern.   

4 猫蠕形螨导致的蠕形螨病引起的鼻平面旁不对称边界清晰的脱毛区。背侧小面积糜烂是皮肤刮片检查导致的。
Figure 4 Well-demarcated asymmetrical region of alopecia beside the nasal planum due to demodicosis (Demodex cati). The small area of erosion dorsally was produced during skin scraping

Paraneoplastic presentations
Exfoliative dermatosis associated with thymoma

Generalised scaling and patchy alopecia, with or without erythema, is reported rarely in cats with thymoma. Scaling is typically prominent, often in large white flakes. Skin changes may precede systemic signs of lethargy, anorexia and weight loss.Pruritus is usually absent, although mild pruritus associated with concurrent Malassezia dermatitis is reported. Histopathology from skin biopsies may provide supportive evidence (interface dermatitis); however, similar clinical and histological findings are reported to be unassociated with thymoma.

Resolution of skin lesions has occurred with successful surgical excision of tumours, and in the absence of radio graphic evidence of thymoma is reported with glucocorticoid and/or ciclosporin therapy (multiple cases) or spontaneously (one cat).

Paraneoplastic alopecia
猫副肿瘤性脱毛被认为是一种独特的皮肤表现,通常老年猫患病> 10岁)。猫表现出明显的脱毛,皮肤特征平坦光亮(图5)。不易梳理的脱毛区域可能有附着的棕色皮屑。脱毛通常会在数周内迅速发展,从腹部开始,逐渐到腿部和面部,大量毛发脱落(图6)。背部通常正常,但毛发可能变暗变稀疏。
Feline paraneoplastic alopecia is recognised as a unique cutaneous presentation, typically affecting older cats (>10 years). Cats present with prominent alopecia and characteristic smooth shiny skin (Figure 5). Less readily groomed alopecic regions may have adherent brown scale. The alopecia is typically rapidly progressive over a few weeks, with loss of large clumps of hair, starting from the ventrum and progressing to the legs and face (Figure 6). The dorsum is normally spared, but hair may be dull and thinning.

Figure 5 Extensive smooth, shiny, complete alopecia on the ventral body, limbs and head of a cat with paraneoplastic alopecia

6一只副肿瘤性脱毛患猫 (a)边界不清的脱毛区,位于面部吻侧和眼周区域,伴鼻平面局灶性稀疏而有光泽的皮肤和唇部吻侧糜烂。(b)前肢的部分至完全脱毛和皮肤局部有光泽。
Figure 6 Paraneoplastic alopecia in a cat. (a) Poorly demarcated region of alopecia involving the rostral face and periocular areas, with focal thinner shiny skin on the nasal planum and erosions on the rostral lips. (b) Partial to complete alopecia and focal characteristic shiny skin on the front feet.

This presentation is most frequently associated with pancreatic carcinoma, but has also been reported with hepatic neoplasias (bile duct carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatosplenic plasma cell tumour) and, in one case, with metastasizing intestinal carcinoma.The majority of cats have metastatic disease, often involving the liver. The pathogenesis of the skin changes is unknown. The prognosis is guarded; many cats die or are euthanased within 8 weeks of developing alopecia.

Characteristic changes (follicular atrophy with miniaturisation of hair bulbs, compact orthokeratotic and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis) are frequently present on histopathology from skin biopsies; however, evaluation of systemic disease is often more prudent.  

Other paraneoplastic presentations
Over 30 non-cancerous dermatoses associated with internal malignancy are recognised in humans, and presentations not classical for currently described veterinary syndromes occur sporadically in cats (and dogs). Alopecia in various forms is a common change, although a variety of lesions may occur, and pruritus may be present or absent. Unexplained or atypical alopecia and/or dermatitis, especially in an older or systemically unwell cat, could be a manifestation of internal neoplasia.

利什曼病在全国流行地区通常发生的人和犬中。 尽管猫感染不太常见,但人们越来越认识到,猫可能在流行病学中起重要作用。皮肤改变包括丘疹、结节、溃疡和结痂,但也会出现轻微红斑、脱毛和皮屑。头部似乎是最易患病部位。
Leishmaniosis occurs commonly in humans and dogs in endemic regions of the world. Although feline infections are less common, they are increasingly recognised, and cats may play an important epidemiological role. Skin changes include papules, nodules, ulceration and crusting, but more subtle erythema, alopecia and scaling presentations also occur. The head appears to be the most affected region.

Diagnosis and treatment is often complex, and although successful management of feline cases is reported, prevention strategies are favoured in endemic regions. (See accompanying article on cutaneous manifestations of infectious disease for further discussion.)

Systemic lupus erythematosus
Scant case reports and anecdotal descriptions of feline SLE recount variable, typically subtle skin lesions, including scaling, alopecia, erosions and crusting. As with SLE in other species, cats may present with malaise, pyrexia, reduced appetite and variable signs of associated systemic (renal, neuromuscular, haematopoietic and/or ocular) disease. Skin histopathology may provide supportive evidence of interface dermatitis, and diagnosis is reliant on sufficient consistent evidence of multi-organ disease.

FeLV-associated giant cell dermatitis
A very rare scaling, alopecic and crusting dermatitis, with some pruritus, is reported associated with FeLV infection. The head is generally affected (pinnae, preauricular, perioral), along with variable involvement of feet, footpads and other mucocutaneous areas. Histopathology changes in skin biopsies reveal characteristic ballooning of epidermal and follicular epithelial cells (giant cells). FeLV infection in a cat with unexplained, poorly responsive or atypical pruritic dermatitis may raise suspicion for this differential. (See accompanying article on cutaneous manifestations of infections disease for further discussion.)

Early recognition of some skin presentations as markers of systemic disease aids optimal patient outcomes.

Diagnostics: alopecia, erythema, scaling and/or focal crusting
Many differentials are possible for this skin disease presentation in cats, with hypersensitivities and some infectious dermatoses (dermatophytosis, secondary bacterial and yeast infections) most common. Knowledge of key features and/or tests required to diagnose hypersensitivities and infectious dermatoses, along with recognition of clues that increase the likelihood of the less common causes such as underlying systemic disease, are pivotal to accurate and early diagnosis with this presentation.
Lesion distribution may raise suspicion for certain diseases; for example, pinnal, footpad, nipple and facial lesions raise suspicion for pemphigus foliaceus, while pinnal, facial and asymmetrical lesions raise suspicion for dermatophytosis. Skin surface cytology is the most useful single test for quickly and accurately identifying superficial bacterial and yeast infections, although response to appropriate treatment trials (eg, antibiotic or antifungal therapies alone) may also confirm a diagnosis. Fur mites, Otodectes species and D gatoi are often readily detected on adhesive tape impressions and/or superficial skin scrapings, although will sometimes be sparse and difficult to detect. Deep skin scrapings should reliably detect D cati.Scale and debris from coat combings may be examined using faecal flotation solution to help detect sparse mites (eg, Cheyletiella).
All infectious causes of skin disease may occur as a consequence of immunosuppression. Thus screening for the likely source of infection, and considering the likelihood of underlying immunocompromise in that scenario, is important with any infectious dermatosis.
Skin biopsies are often not helpful for the cat presenting with alopecia, erythema, scaling and/or focal crusting, as they are not clearly diagnostic for hypersensitivities, or usually necessary or completely sensitive for infectious differentials. Although they are important for diagnosis of some dermatoses (eg, pemphigus foliaceus) and may provide helpful histopathology for some systemic diseases (eg, paraneoplastic alopecia), evaluation of general health (eg, laboratory blood and urine testing, body imaging) is often prudent prior to considering skin biopsies for this presentation.


Commonly indicated skin diagnostics for this presentation
< Superficial skin scraping (D gatoi, Cheyletiella, Otodectes)
< Deep skin scraping (D cati)
< Tape impressions (bacterial pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis, dermatophytosis, Cheyletiella)
< Trichogram (dermatophytosis)
< Fungal culture (if suggested by history, possible exposure or lesional clues [eg, pinnae, asymmetry])

Cutaneous horns
皮角(圆锥形或圆柱状的角蛋白)很罕见,虽然常在爪垫有报道,但在鼻平面和眼睑也偶见 它们可能与FeLV感染(多发性皮角)有关,或可能仅构成局部皮肤病(单个或多个,由乳头状瘤病毒、光化性角化病、原位鳞状细胞癌、鳞状细胞癌、角化棘皮瘤引起)。有皮角的猫必须筛查FeLV疾病。
Cutaneous horns –conical or cylindrical collections of keratin –are rare, and most often reported on the footpads, although they occasionally arise on the nasal planum or eyelids. They may be associated with FeLV infection (multiple horns), or may constitute localised cutaneous disease only (single or multiple, due to papillomavirus, actinic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma [SCC] in situ, SCC, keratinising acanthoma). Screening for FeLV status is warranted in cats presenting with cutaneous horns.

Hepatocutaneous syndrome (necrolytic migratory erythema, metabolic epidermal necrosis)
A cutaneous presentation of liver or pancreatic disease occurs sporadically in dogs, and one case has been reported in a cat.This cat presented with painful crusting and excessive scaling of footpads, characteristic of the syndrome in the dog. There were concurrent signs of systemic illness (weakness, anorexia, vomiting). A glucagon-producing hepatic carcinoma was detected.

Drug reactions
A wide range of cutaneous drug reactions are sporadically reported in cats, including urticaria/angioedema, erythema with or without scaling, maculopapular lesions, nodules, skin atrophy and self-trauma lesions from pruritus. Many different drugs have been implicated, including antibiotics (β-lactams, sulphonamides), antifungals (griseofulvin), topical medications (skin and ear) and prophylactic vaccines. Systemic signs including malaise, pyrexia and anorexia may be evident. Recent drug administration is a valuable part of clinical history summation for any patient presenting with skin disease, particularly when the presentation is not typical for recognised diseases. Definitive diagnosis of a drug reaction requires withdrawal and provocation testing, which is problematic for severe presentations.

Recent drug administration is a valuable part of clinical history summation for a cat with skin disease, particularly with atypical presentations.


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