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伴侣动物食物不良反应的批判性评价话题(9):食物过敏的犬和猫在食 ...










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发表于 2024-5-25 23:50:50 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (9): time to flare of cutaneous signs after a dietary challenge in dogs and cats with food allergies


Thierry Olivry and Ralf S. Mueller





Background: At this time, elimination diets followed by oral food challenges (OFCs) represent the “gold standard” for diagnosing skin-manifesting food allergies (FA) in dogs and cats. Regrettably, there is no clear consensus on how long one should wait for clinical signs to flare after an OFC before diagnosing or ruling-out a FA in a dog or a cat.

Results: We searched two databases on October 23, 2019 to look for specific information on the time for a flare of clinical signs to occur during OFCs after elimination diets in dogs and cats with skin-manifesting FAs. Altogether, we reviewed the study results of nine papers that included 234 dogs and four articles containing data from 83 cats. As multiple OFCs could be done in the same patient and not all animals included were subjected to an OFC, we were able to compile 315 and 72 times to flare (TTF) after an OFC in dogs and cats, respectively. When regrouping all cases together, about 9% of dogs and 27% of cats exhibited a flare of clinical signs in the first day after an OFC; 21% of dogs and 29% of cats had such relapse by the end of the second day. The time needed for 50 and 90% of dogs to exhibit a deterioration of clinical signs (TTF50 and TTF90) was 5 and 14, respectively; in cats, these times were 4 and 7 days, respectively. By 14 days after an OFC, nearly all food-allergic patients from both species had had a relapse of clinical signs. These results are limited by the likely under-reporting of flares that occur on the first day immediately following an OFC, the time in which IgE-mediated acute allergic reactions typically develop.

Conclusion: Veterinary clinicians performing an OFC need to wait for 14 and 7 days for more than 90% of dogs and cats with a skin-manifesting FA to have a flare of clinical signs, respectively.

Keywords: Food allergy, Oral food challenge, Oral provocation, Relapse








Cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFRs), which are likely to represent food allergies (FAs) of immunologic origin, have a reported median prevalence of between 20 and 30% of pruritic, allergic or atopic dogs and half that in cats. As, to date, we could not identify any published article reporting dogs and cats with non-immune CAFRs, we will use the term FA thereafter. In the canine and feline species, FAs exhibit a wide range of manifestations that are limited to the skin or the gut or that affect both organs (reviewed in. As FAs are not diagnosed reliably using laboratory procedures or in vivo tests, clinicians are left recommending the performance of lengthy elimination diets that involve the feeding of previously-uneaten ingredients or diets with sufficiently hydrolyzed protein sources. By 8 weeks after starting such an elimination diet, the clinical signs of FA abate in over 90% of dogs and cats with FAs. After documenting a marked improvement of clinical signs or a return to normalcy, ultimately confirming the diagnosis of FA will need the elicitation of a clinical flare after feeding the original diet, often followed by a subsequent abatement of signs with a further feeding of the elimination diet. A provocation test with single ingredients can be performed subsequently to identify those responsible for the allergic reaction. At this time, however, there is no clear consensus on how long veterinarians should wait before deciding that, because of a lack of recurrence of signs, a patient could be deemed non-allergic to the newly-fed item. Finding the shortest duration of time needed to rule-out an allergy to a (full) diet or its ingredients is of importance to help increase the owner’s compliance with this notoriously lengthy process, especially when performing sequential challenges to individual food components.

皮肤不良食物反应(CAFR)很可能代表免疫来源的食物过敏(FA),据报道,瘙痒、过敏或特异反应的犬的平均患病率在20 - 30%之间,猫的患病率为一半。因为,到目前为止,我们还没有发现任何发表的文章报道猫犬患有非免疫CAFR,我们将在以后使用FA这个术语。在犬和猫中,FA表现范围广泛,局限于皮肤或肠道,或影响两种器官。由于FA不能通过实验室程序或体内试验得到可靠的诊断,临床医生只能建议采用长时间的食物排查,包括喂食以前未食用的成分或含有充分水解蛋白来源的饮食。在开始这种食物排查8周后,90%以上患有FA的犬和猫的FA临床症状减轻。在记录到临床症状有显著改善或恢复正常后,最终确认FA的诊断需要在喂食旧饮食后引起临床症状的爆发,通常随后症状会减弱,然后再喂食物排查。随后可以进行单一成分的激发试验,以确定哪些成分引起了过敏反应。然而,目前还没有明确的共识,兽医应该等多久才能决定,因为没有复发症状,可以认为患病动物对新喂养的食物不过敏。寻找排除对(完全)饮食或其成分过敏所需的最短时间是很重要的,这有助于增加宠主遵守这一众所周知的漫长过程,特别是在对单个食物成分进行连续激发时。


Clinical scenario


A two-year-old male castrated Labrador retriever has a one-year history of chronic recurrent diarrhea and skin lesions consistent with atopic dermatitis. It is fed a salmon and potato-based commercial diet, and you thus suspect that it suffers from an allergy to this diet. You initiated an 8-week-long elimination diet with an extensive hydrolysate-containing diet, and cutaneous and digestive signs rapidly decreased in frequency and severity before eventually disappearing. The reintroduction of the salmon-and-potato diet resulted in a flare of signs within the first day. After signs abated again with the hydrolyzed diet, you confirmed a FA and you decided to identify which ingredient(s) caused this flare. You thus decided to first add salmon to the hydrolyzed diet. After 1 week, this dog was still is free of symptoms. You wonder if this short challenge duration was sufficient to rule-out a salmon allergy in this dog before proceeding with a second oral provocation with potatoes.



Structured question


In a dog or a cat with a skin-manifesting FA, what is the time needed for clinical signs to flare after an oral food challenge (OFC) with an ingredient to which it is allergic?



Search strategy


We searched the Web of Science Core Collection and CAB Abstract databases on October 23, 2019, with the following sensitive Boolean query string: (dog or dogs or canine or cat or cats or feline) and (food* or diet*) and (allerg* or hypersens*) not (human* or child*). There were no restrictions for publication dates or languages. We did not search conference abstracts or include review papers because of our need for original patient data. Finally, we scanned the bibliography of each selected article as well as those of previously-published critically-appraised topics on CAFRs in dogs and cats for additional references.

我们于2019年10月23日搜索了Web of Science Core Collection和CAB Abstract数据库,使用以下敏感的布尔查询字符串:(犬或犬或犬或猫或猫或猫)和(食物*或饮食*)和(过敏*或hypersens*)而不是(人类*或儿童*)。对出版日期或语言没有限制。我们没有搜索会议摘要或包括综述论文,因为我们需要原始的患病动物数据。最后,我们浏览了每一篇选定文章的参考书目,以及先前发表的关于猫犬CAFR的经过严格评估的主题,以获得额外的参考。


Identified evidence


Our query of the Web of Science and CAB Abstracts databases identified 489 and 877 articles, respectively. Among these, we searched for papers that reported specific information on the time for a flare of clinical signs to occur during the OFCs that followed elimination diets in dogs and cats with skin-manifesting FAs. For the purpose of this study, we considered OFCs made both with the original diet and its composing ingredients. Thus, we selected nine and two papers relevant to dogs and cats with FAs, respectively. After scanning the bibliography of these articles and those of the previously published critically-appraised topics on CAFRs of companion animals, we identified three additional papers. We subsequently eliminated one report whose cases had been included in a second article published 2 years later. Ultimately, the total number of articles selected was 13 of whom 11 were large case series or clinical trials and the other two were case reports of one animal each. All but two studies involved dogs and cats with spontaneously-arising FAs occurring in a natural home environment, the last two were from dogs with spontaneous FAs who lived in a university-based laboratory animal facility.

我们查询了Web of Science和CAB Abstracts数据库,分别发现了489和877篇文章。在这些研究中,我们搜索了报告了在有皮肤FAs的犬和猫的排除饮食之后,OFC期间出现大量临床症状的具体信息的论文。为了研究的目的,我们考虑了用旧饮食及其组成成分制成的OFC。因此,我们分别选择了9篇和2篇与犬和猫FA相关的论文。在浏览了这些文章的参考书目以及之前发表的关于伴侣动物CAFR的评论性主题的参考书目后,我们确定了另外三篇论文。我们随后删除了一篇两年后发表的第二篇文章中包含的病例报告。最终选择的文章总数为13篇,其中11篇为大型病例系列或临床试验,2篇为病例报告,每只动物1例。除了两项研究外,所有的研究都涉及在自然的家庭环境中自发产生FA的犬和猫,最后两项研究来自生活在大学实验室动物设施中自发产生FA的犬。


The patients included in the studies had a worldwide distribution, as five articles reported data from pets seen in the USA two articles contained cases from the United Kingdom and France and there was one article from the Netherlands, Japan and Australia. The last paper included dogs from Switzerland and the USA. The studies spanned nearly 30 years, as they were published between 1990 and 2019.



Evaluation of evidence


Altogether, we reviewed the study results of nine papers that included 234 dogs and four articles containing data from 83 cats. As multiple OFCs could be done in the same patient or not all animals included were subjected to an OFC, we were able to compile 315 and 72 times to flare (TTF) after an OFC in dogs and cats, respectively. The full details are available in the Supplementary Tables 1 (dogs) and 2 (cats).



There was some variation in the reporting of TTF in the different studies. While the case reports and three of the large case series specifically mentioned the TTF after OFCs in individual days, all other papers included TTF data in ranges two to sevenday long.



When regrouping all cases together, the TTF after OFCs are depicted in Fig. 1. About 9% of dogs and 27% of cats exhibited a flare of clinical signs on the first day after an OFC; 21% of dogs and 29% of cats had such relapse by the end of the second day. The time needed for half of the dogs and cats to exhibit a deterioration of clinical signs (TTF50) was 5 and 4 days, respectively. Similarly, the TTF80 was 7 days for both species, and the TTF90 was 14 and 7 days for dogs and cats, respectively. By 14 days after an OFC, nearly all food-allergic patients from both species had had a relapse of clinical signs.

将所有案例重新组合在一起时,OFC后的TTF如图1所示。约9%的犬和27%的猫在有OFC后的第一天表现出明显的临床症状;21%的犬和29%的猫在第二天结束时复发。半数犬和猫出现临床症状恶化(TTF50)所需时间分别为5天和4天。两种动物的TTF80均为7 d,犬和猫的TTF90分别为14和7 d。在OFC后的14天,几乎所有来自两个物种的食物过敏患病动物的临床症状都复发了。


Two factors limit our interpretation of the data: 1) there was only a small number of animals (especially cats) with observations reported in the first day that follows an OFC, and, 2) several studies only included the TTF data in durations encompassing several days. Both factors likely led to an underreporting of TTF in the first hours or day after an OFC, the time when IgE-mediated acute allergic reactions typically are recognized.



Conclusion and implication for practitioners


Veterinary clinicians performing an OFC need to wait for 14 and 7 days for more than 90% of dogs and cats with a skin-manifesting FA to have a flare of clinical signs (either skin lesions or pruritus), respectively. Despite the limitations highlighted above, the relatively low number of dogs and cats exhibiting a flare of cutaneous signs on the first day after an OFC suggest that, in these species, FAs might have more often a cell- rather than IgE-mediated pathogenesis. This hypothesis could be one of the factors behind the low accuracy of foodspecific IgE serological tests.



Future research needs


Studies need to better document the flares that occur on the first day--especially in the first hours--after an OFC to establish the specific percentage of dogs and cats likely to have IgE-mediated FAs. Furthermore, as none of the papers reviewed herein provided sufficient details on the protocol of OFCs, there is a critical research need for the establishment of a standard OFC regimen with both commercial or homemade diets or single ingredients. In particular, the quantity of food provided, the type of diet (raw, cooked, a mix thereof) and the need, or lack thereof, for an escalating quantity and/or frequency of administration need to be investigated and harmonized.




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