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犬特应性皮炎的皮肤屏障、皮肤微生物群和宿主防御肽的最新进展-2 ...










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发表于 2024-2-5 21:38:49 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Update on the skin barrier, cutaneous microbiome and host defence peptides in canine atopic dermatitis



作者:Domenico Santoro | Manolis Saridomichelakis | Melissa Eisenschenk | Chie Tamamoto-Mochizuki | Patrick Hensel | Cherie Pucheu-Haston | for the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA)




Abstract 摘要

Background: Canine atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex inflammatory skin disease associated with cutaneous microbiome, immunological and skin barrier alterations. This review summarises the current evidence on skin barrier defects and on cutaneous microbiome dysfunction in canine AD.


Objective: To this aim, online citation databases, abstracts and proceedings from international meetings on skin barrier and cutaneous microbiome published between 2015 and 2023 were reviewed.

目的:为此,我们查阅了 2015 年至 2023 年间发表的有关皮肤屏障和皮肤微生物组的在线引文数据库、摘要和国际会议论文集。

Results: Since the last update on the pathogenesis of canine AD, published by the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals in 2015, 49 articles have been published on skin barrier function, cutaneous/aural innate immunity and the cutaneous/aural microbiome in atopic dogs. Skin barrier dysfunction and cutaneous microbial dysbiosis are essential players in the pathogenesis of canine AD. It is still unclear if such alterations are primary or secondary to cutaneous inflammation, although some evidence supports their primary involvement in the pathogenesis of canine AD.

结果:自国际动物过敏性疾病委员会于 2015 年发布关于犬过敏性疾病发病机制的最新进展以来,已发表了 49 篇关于AD患犬皮肤屏障功能、皮肤/耳道先天性免疫和皮肤/耳道微生物组的文章。皮肤屏障功能障碍和皮肤微生物菌群失调是犬过敏性疾病发病机制中的重要因素。尽管有证据表明皮肤屏障功能障碍和皮肤微生物菌群失调在犬过敏性疾病的发病机制中起着主要作用,但目前还不清楚这种改变是原发性的还是继发性的皮肤炎症。

Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: Although many studies have been published since 2015, the understanding of the cutaneous host–microbe interaction is still unclear, as is the role that cutaneous dysbiosis plays in the development and/or worsening of canine AD. More studies are needed aiming to design new therapeutic approaches to restore the skin barrier, to increase and optimise the cutaneous natural defences, and to rebalance the cutaneous microbiome.



ceramides, cutaneous dysbiosis, filaggrin, host defence peptides





Canine atopic dermatitis (AD) is a hereditary, generally pruritic and predominantly T-cell-driven inflammatory skin disease involving interplay between skin barrier abnormalities, allergen sensitisation and microbial dysbiosis. In 2015, the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA) published a series of articles highlighting the most up-to-date information on the pathogenesis of AD. Since then, many articles have been published on the skin barrier structure, innate immunity and cutaneous and aural microbiome alterations in atopic dogs. These publications are reviewed in this article along with a brief review of the previous literature on these topics. For more detailed information on the previous literature, the reader should refer to the ICADA pathogenesis articles published in 2015.



Alterations of the skin barrier function are attracting significant interest in veterinary and human dermatology. In the previous edition of this review series, published in 2015, it was made clear that skin barrier dysfunction, along with immunological alterations, represent the core of the pathogenesis of canine AD. Whether skin barrier dysfunction is a primary defect and/or appears secondarily to cutaneous inflammation was, and still is, open to debate. Since that publication, more research has been published on the differences between atopic and healthy canine skin suggesting some primary defects of the barrier, at least in some dogs with AD. Unfortunately, very few studies have compared skin barrier function between AD and other inflammatory, nonallergic skin conditions to determine if these alterations are intrinsic to canine AD or instead the result of a nonspecific cutaneous inflammatory response.



The aim of this review was to report updates from research published on skin barrier integrity, host–microbe interaction, as well as the cutaneous and aural microbiome in dogs with AD.





A literature search for studies on canine AD published between 2015 and 2023 was conducted using PubMed (pubmed.gov), Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), CAB Abstracts (EBSCOhost Research Databases) and CAB Abstracts Archive (EBSCOhost Research Databases). Restrictions (date or language) were not enforced for the article search. Published abstracts from the annual meetings of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology/European College of Veterinary Dermatology, American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology/ American College of Veterinary Dermatology and the World Congresses of Veterinary Dermatology between 2015 and 2023 were included. A total of 49 articles were selected and summarised below.





Most research on skin barrier function in dogs has been performed using indirect measures of skin integrity (e.g. trans epiderma water loss [TEWL]), or assessing the epidermal ceramide content or the presence of filaggrin in atopic skin.1 The TEWL has been the parameter most commonly used to indirectly and atraumatically assess the functionality of the skin barrier. However, this methodology has significant limitations being affected by multiple environmental factors (e.g. room temperature and humidity) as per manufacturers' indications. Recently, it has been demonstrated that some TEWL instruments have high inter- and intraobserver variability (VapoMeter; Delfin Technologies Ltd). Such instruments also may not be able to detect alterations in mildly affected dogs, and the reported values may not correlate with the severity of clinical signs in subsets of dogs with AD.2 Larger studies using accurate and precise instruments are needed to verify the results reported previously.

大多数关于犬的皮肤屏障功能的研究都是通过对皮肤完整性的间接测量(例如,经皮失水率[TEWL]),或评估表皮神经酰胺含量或特应性皮肤中丝聚合蛋白的存在。 TEWL是间接和非创伤性评估皮肤屏障功能最常用的参数。然而,根据制造商的指示,这种方法有显著的限制,但会受到多种环境因素(如室温和湿度)的影响。最近,有研究表明,一些TEWL仪器具有很高的观察者间和观察者内差异性。这种仪器也可能无法检测轻度感染犬的变化,并且报告的值可能与AD犬亚群的临床症状的严重程度无关。需要使用精确精确的仪器进行更大规模的研究来验证以前报道的结果。


Since the last series of ICADA updates on the pathogenesis of canine AD, no methodologies able to directly assess the skin barrier integrity have been optimised in either humans or in dogs. TEWL assessment remains the most widely used method. Owing to the variability of this methodology, other techniques have been investigated. A pilot study showed that the use of the Corneometer (Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH) to assess skin hydration and of the pH meter (Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH) for the measurement of the cutaneous pH had more reliable results with a lower inter- and intraobserver variability compared to the VapoMeter (Delfin Technologies Ltd).2 In the same study, the authors showed that the Colorimeter (Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH), to assess the degree of erythema and the pH meter were able to detect significant differences in nonlesional atopic skin when compared to healthy skin. These results may suggest a lower sensitivity for the VapoMeter when compared to the other instruments. Because of increased sensitivity and reliability of newer instruments, the concurrent assessment of cutaneous pH, hydration, erythema and TEWL versus just the evaluation of TEWL alone has been the preferred noninvasive approach to assess skin barrier integrity in dogs. Using these methods, newer studies tried to correlate the degree of skin barrier dysfunction with the clinical severity of AD. A recent study assessed the skin microbiome and cutaneous barrier integrity in atopic dogs during and after a flare. The authors showed that the TEWL (as measured with a TEWA-meter; Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH) positively correlated with the clinical severity of the disease,3 while there was a negative correlation between pH (via the pH meter) and severity of the clinical signs.





Keratinocytes, representing the major cell type forming the epidermis, are embedded in the cement of a well-organised lipid layer that covers each corneocyte and functions as a seal between cells. As part of the lipid component of the skin barrier, ceramides have been intensively investigated over the years. Their amount, spatial organisation and diversity are essential for the integrity of the skin barrier. Most of the studies on ceramides were done in the first decade of the twenty-first century. These studies showed that, in both humans and dogs, a significant reduction in ceramide amount and/or types is present in lesional and nonlesional skin of atopic patients when compared to healthy skin. Such reduction in ceramide composition has been attributed, in part, to the inflammatory response triggered by allergen exposure in sensitised individuals. The ceramides most frequently found to be altered in AD, when compared to healthy controls, include ceramide 1/CER[EOS], ceramide 9/CER[EOP] and ceramide CER[NP].These findings were demonstrated in both experimentally sensitised and naturally affected5 atopic dogs.



A recent small study in 2018 which investigated the relative abundance of each ceramide, the total lipid content and the stratum corneum (SC) organisation in healthy and atopic dogs challenged previous results. In particular, the authors showed that the SC of atopic dogs is characterised by a hexagonal lipid packing instead of the classic orthorhombic packing characterising the lamellar organisation of lipids in healthy skin. This alteration was accompanied by a decrease in the relative abundance of free fatty acids (and not of ceramides or cholesterol) in atopic compared to healthy skin. Neither relative abundance of several ceramide subclasses nor total ceramide content differed between atopic and healthy skin. However, a decreased ratio of CER[NS] C44/C34 was seen in atopic skin. The ratio of CER[NS] C44/C34 showed a nonlinear negative correlation with the clinical severity of AD.

2018年的一项小型研究调查了健康和AD患犬中每种神经酰胺的相对丰度、总脂质含量和角质层(SC)组织,对之前的结果提出了质疑。特别是,作者指出,AD患犬的SC的特征是六角形脂质堆积,而不是健康皮肤的脂质层状组织经典的正交晶体堆积。与健康皮肤相比,特应性皮肤中这种改变伴随着游离脂肪酸(而不是神经酰胺或胆固醇)的相对丰度的下降。在特应性皮肤和健康皮肤之间,几种神经酰胺亚类的相对丰度和总神经酰胺含量都没有差异。然而,在特应性皮肤中,CER[NS] C44/C34的比例下降。CER[NS] C44/C34的比值与AD的临床严重程度呈非线性负相关。


In summary, not many new studies have been published evaluating the ceramide composition in the SC of atopic dogs. However, although small in size (only three healthy and five atopic dogs were included), the study by Chermprapai et al. opened a new perspective on the potential involvement of lipid disturbances in the pathogenesis of canine AD. The importance of this study resides in the concept that the spatial organisation and carbon atom composition of ceramide may be as important as the amount of ceramides present in the SC of atopic skin.





Along with lipids, structural proteins such as filaggrin, filaggrin 2, involucrin and corneodesmosin are essential for the formation of the cornified envelope. Filaggrin has attracted much attention in the past two decades for its role in human AD. In people, while not present in all patients, filaggrin gene mutations have been recognised as one of the most reliable genetic factors predisposing to the development of AD. In a subset of dogs with AD, a decrease in or an undetectable expression of epidermal filaggrin has been demonstrated via immunofluorescence. Mutations of the filaggrin gene have not been associated with canine AD in most of the breeds in which this gene has been evaluated. However, a single-nucleotide polymorphism in the filaggrin gene was strongly associated with AD in Labrador retrievers from the UK, suggesting the potential role of filaggrin in specific breeds and geographical locations. Such findings may help explain breed-specific phenotypes in canine AD. Because of these contrasting data, although filaggrin is recognised as an important component of the skin barrier, its involvement in the pathogenesis of AD remains unknown.



In recent years, investigation of the canine filaggrin structure has resulted in the identification of a very similar S100 fused-type protein, called filaggrin 2. Filaggrin 2, like filaggrin, is involved in the production of natural moisturising factors (NMFs), and also is an integral component of the cornified envelope. Because of the poor characterisation of canine filaggrin, it is likely that some of the older studies suggesting an alteration of filaggrin expression in atopic skin were actually investigating filaggrin 2 rather than filaggrin. Controversial results have been published after 2015 on the expression of the enzymes involved in the degradation of filaggrin in atopic dogs. One immunohistochemical study showed decreased caspase-14 in the nonlesional skin of atopic dogs when compared to healthy dogs, while another study showed increased expression of calpain-1, caspase-14 and matriptase in nonlesional skin of atopic dogs compared to healthy breed-matched dogs.



Thus, current data on the involvement of filaggrin and filaggrin 2 in the pathogenesis of canine AD remain controversial. It is still unknown if the demonstrated alterations of these proteins, enzymes and NMFs represent a primary defect or are secondary to an inflammatory state. A very recent study, using experimentally sensitised atopic dogs, indirectly suggested that some of these alterations may be a result of cutaneous allergic inflammation rather than being a primary defect.



Along with filaggrins and NMFs, other structural proteins that have been studied in atopic dogs and humans include the tight junction proteins claudin-1 and occludin. Both proteins have been shown to be significantly decreased in the skin of atopic dogs when compared to healthy canine skin, further highlighting the impaired skin barrier in dogs with AD. Recently, using an experimental model of acute canine AD, authors have shown a decrease in protein expression and distribution of corneodesmosin, another structural protein present in the SC, in atopic skin when compared to healthy skin. The authors were able to demonstrate that, of five structural proteins examined (E-cadherin, desmocollin-1, desmoglein-1, corneodesmosin and claudin-1), the immunoreactivity of both corneodesmosin and claudin-1 was heterogenous and of reduced intensity after a single house dust mite (HDM) epicutaneous challenge.

除了丝聚合蛋白和NMF外,已经在AD患犬和人类中研究过的其他结构蛋白包括紧密连接蛋白-1和闭合蛋白。与健康犬皮肤相比,这两种蛋白在AD患犬的皮肤中均显著降低,进一步突出了AD犬的皮肤屏障受损。最近,作者使用犬急性AD的实验模型发现,与健康皮肤相比,特应性皮肤中另一种结构蛋白角桥粒的蛋白表达和分布减少。作者能够证明,在检测的五种结构蛋白(E-钙黏素,桥粒胶蛋白-1, 桥粒芯蛋白-1, 角桥粒和紧密连接蛋白-1)中,角桥粒和紧密连接蛋白-1 的免疫反应性均为异质性,在单个屋尘螨(HDM)表皮刺激后强度降低。


In summary, much is still left to learn about the involvement of structural proteins in the pathogenesis of canine AD. Filaggrin is the most extensively studied structural protein associated with both human and canine AD. However, other studies have demonstrated the involvement of additional structural components of the SC (and viable epidermis) in the alteration of the skin barrier in AD. Of particular interest are alterations of the tight junctions and corneodesmosomes. More recently, in human AD, the involvement of other junctional structures, such as the gap and adherens junctions, has been proposed as another cause of disrupted skin barrier in AD. Such studies point to more complex structural changes of the skin barrier in AD that go beyond filaggrin and ceramides and warrant a more in-depth investigation.





Mammalian skin is covered by micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and archaeans) that play a significant role in the maintenance and integrity of the skin barrier, as well as constantly interacting with the local immune system. As part of the cutaneous barrier, the skin microbiome and its alterations (cutaneous dysbiosis, defined as an imbalance in the composition of microbial population associated with reduction in microbial diversity and in the number of beneficial bacteria) have been of central interest in the past decades. Multiple studies have demonstrated that both dogs and humans with AD suffer from cutaneous dysbiosis.Whether the dysbiosis is a cause or a consequence of the atopic state remains unclear. However, a recent birth cohort study sampling 109 puppies and 34 parent dogs from Switzerland showed that although the development of skin microbiota (bacterial and fungal) is influenced by both age and environmental factors (e.g. level of hygiene), it is not associated with the development of AD. At the time of the previous edition of this article series, very little was known about cutaneous dysbiosis in dogs with AD. The most common finding was that a decrease in bacterial diversity is present in atopic canine skin when compared with healthy skin. This decreased diversity favours the insurgence and relative predominance of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius above other organisms, with the potential for development of skin infections.



In the past decade, the cutaneous and gastrointestinal microbiome has been intensively studied; thanks to the widespread availability of technology capable of performing high-throughput sequence analysis. With the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, publications on the microbiome (mainly bacterial and fungal) in both dermatological and nondermatological conditions of humans and animals have exponentially increased. In veterinary dermatology, studies have been mainly focused on canine AD.



Previous studies have shown that the cutaneous microbiome in healthy dogs is highly diverse. In the course of AD, the microbial diversity is significantly reduced in favour of staphylococcal organisms, leading to cutaneous dysbiosis. The significant increase in the relative abundance of S.pseudintermedius in AD associated pyoderma also was shown in a very recent study, in which samples were collected from atopic dogs with active bacterial folliculitis. The microbiome analysis showed a significant reduction in microbial diversity in favour of S.pseudintermedius in both pustules and epidermal collarettes. However, the other bacterial components of the ‘normal’ microbiota were still present, albeit in much reduced numbers.



The body of literature on canine cutaneous microbiome has significantly increased in the past 5–10years, yet most of the published data in canines are still more descriptive than mechanistic in nature. Efforts to clarify the role of microbiome in AD have used both experimentally and naturally sensitised atopic dogs. Overall, published studies suggest that dogs with AD have lower relative diversity in bacterial and fungal populations than do healthy dogs. An increased relative abundance of S.pseudintermedius and Malassezia pachydermatis has been reported on the skin of atopic dogs when compared to healthy dogs. Similar results were found in a recent study using an experimental model for canine AD. In this study, the authors experimentally sensitised 14-month-old Beagle dogs (n=6) to Dermatophagoides farinae for 12weeks. At the end of the sensitisation period, relative abundances of Firmicutes followed by Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Tenericutes were detected. However, because it was outside of the scope of work, the authors did not assess any correlation between bacterial dysbiosis and development of clinical signs or immunological alterations developing in this model.



The temporal changes of the cutaneous bacterial and fungal microbiota of dogs with AD were assessed in two recent studies. Meason-Smith et al. assessed the temporal changes in the cutaneous mycobiota of naturally and allergen-induced AD under certain circumstances (e.g. exposure to HDM). Although a change in Malassezia population was not found in atopic dogs exposed to HDM, a difference in Malassezia spp. was seen between atopic (predominance of M.pachydermatis) and healthy (predominance of M.globosa) dogs. Similar findings were reported in another study, by the same group of researchers, assessing temporal changes of the cutaneous bacterial community using atopic dogs experimentally sensitised and challenged with HDM. The authors showed no changes in bacterial richness or diversity during the challenge; yet, there was an increase in the relative abundance of Corynebacteriaceae and Staphylococcaceae in the lesional skin which persisted for twoweeks after the remission of skin lesions.



To date, studies have not been able to determine the exact role of the cutaneous microbiome and its dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of AD, yet it is clear that the alterations of bacterial diversity correlate with skin barrier dysfunction, as measured by TEWL and pH. It also is clear that the loss of cutaneous microbiome diversity is strongly associated with the presence of pyoderma in atopic dogs. In fact, another longitudinal study using privately owned atopic dogs showed that the skin microbiome diversity significantly increased immediately after resolution of a flare and/or of a bacterial infection, becoming more like that of healthy skin. However, by 4–6weeks post-treatment, the diversity had slowly decreased to become, once again, significantly lower when compared to healthy skin. This decrease in microbiome diversity strongly correlated with the increase in relative abundance of S.pseudintermedius, which also correlated with the severity of the clinical signs of AD.





Recently, greater interest has been devoted to aural microbiome and how its dysbiosis relates to canine AD. The results of these studies showed that, in a similar way to the skin, a dysbiosis characterised by a lower species diversity also is present in the external ear canals of dogs with AD. However, as for the skin, is not known if such dysbiosis predisposes atopic dogs to develop otitis. In a recent comparative study, a significant difference was found in the microbiome of the external ear canal in healthy (n = 9) and atopic (n = 11) dogs without signs of otitis externa. The latter had a significantly higher relative abundance of Staphylococcus spp. (Firmicutes) and of Ralstonia spp. (Proteobacteria) organisms. By contrast, a higher relative abundance of Escherichia spp. organisms was found in healthy compared to atopic ears. Although the relative abundance of Firmicutes has been repeatedly found to be altered, this is the first study showing an alteration in the proteobacterium Ralstonia spp. Ralstonia is widely recognised to be an environmental organism, and for this reason, more studies are needed confirming its relevance in canine AD.



A second study from Europe confirmed the results reported by Ngo et al., by simultaneously assessing the aural and cutaneous microbiome of atopic without skin infection (n=12) and healthy (n=12) German shepherd dogs. In this study, Apostolopoulos et al. sampled multiple body regions (left axilla, left front dorsal interdigital region, left side of the groin and left external ear canal). After performing NGS, the authors were able to show no difference in bacterial diversity among the different body sites of healthy dogs. In these dogs, the most abundant bacterial phyla, in descending order, included Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. In atopic dogs, there also was no difference in bacterial diversity among body sites with the most abundant organisms belonging to the phyla Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, followed by Firmicutes and Bacteroides. Finally, when the microbiome of atopic dogs was compared to the microbiome of healthy dogs, there was no difference in bacterial diversity, although bacterial community richness of the former was lower in the axillary region. The authors concluded that atopic German shepherd dogs have a different bacterial community composition and a lower diversity when compared to healthy dogs of the same breed.



In 2020, Tang et al. confirmed the results previously reported for both skin and ear microbiome, using a cohort of 172 healthy and 160 ‘clinically affected’ dogs. In that study, the authors defined as ‘clinically affected’ dogs with AD, with ‘skin allergies’, with nonhealing wounds, with wounds with and without biofilm formation, with pustules/ulcers/erosions or with other not precisely defined skin infections. At the end of the study, the researchers showed a significantly different bacterial microbiome on the skin of ‘clinically affected’ dogs with 16 bacterial species being relatively more abundant compared with healthy skin. The most abundant bacteria and fungi present on the skin of healthy dogs included Cutibacterium acnes, S.pseudintermedius, Porphyromonas cangingivalis, Capnodiales, unclassified fungal species and Alternaria sp. The most abundant species present on the skin of ‘clinically affected’ dogs included S.pseudintermedius and S.schleiferi. Bacteroides pyogenes and Peptoniphilus grossensis also were significantly more abundant in ‘clinically affected’ dogs than healthy dogs. As far the aural microbiome, 19 bacterial species and M.pachydermatis were relatively more abundant in the ears of ‘clinically affected’ dogs than healthy dogs. The top three most dominant bacteria in healthy ear samples included C. acnes, S.pseudintermedius, Streptococcus sp. and the top three most dominant fungi included M.pachydermatis, Capnodiales and Pleosporales. The most common organisms isolated from the ears of ‘clinically affected’ dogs included M.pachydermatis, S.pseudintermedius, S. schleiferi and a few anaerobic bacteria such as Finegoldia magna, Peptostreptococcus canis and P. cangingivalis.





Finally, two studies evaluated the effect of topical antimicrobial therapy and phototherapy on the cutaneous microbiome of dogs with AD. The first study was a very small pilot study assessing the microbiome in three atopic and three healthy dogs over 11weeks. Dogs were sampled fourweeks before (Day 0), then bathed twice weekly with a chlorhexidine-miconazole containing shampoo (Malaseb shampoo; Dermcarevet Pty Ltd) for threeweeks (weeks 4–7), and finally retested fourweeks after the discontinuation of the shampoo therapy (week 11). The authors reported no difference in bacterial microbiome diversity over time in either group. On the contrary, a decrease diversity in fungal microbiome (particularly organisms of the genus Epicoccum and Blumeria) on healthy and atopic skin was seen after the shampoo therapy (week 7) to then increase at the end of the study (week 11).



The second study assessed the effects of a phototherapy protocol, implementing the use of a UVB-light skin therapy system (308nm excimer light) applied weekly for two months, on the cutaneous microbiome of atopic (n=10) dogs. In this study, dogs were allowed to be on other treatments for AD (e.g. lokivetmab, oclacitinib, topical antimicrobials) if initiated at least three months before the study. At the end of the study, phototherapy was associated with a significantly increased relative abundance of Actinobacteria and Cyanobacteria in atopic dogs. In addition, phototherapy resulted in an overall decrease in S.pseudintermedius in atopic dogs.





In summary, in the past 10years, the amount of literature on the cutaneous and aural microbiome in canine AD has significantly increased. Many studies have reported a significant dysbiosis on the skin and in the external ear canals of atopic dogs with a predominance of staphylococcal organisms compared to healthy dogs. However, as mentioned before, if the dysbiosis is a cause or a consequence of the AD status is undetermined at this time. Additionally, researchers have started to look into the effects of topical therapy (shampoo versus phototherapy) on cutaneous microbiome. These studies include a very small number of dogs and the results should be interpreted cautiously. They are an indication that larger studies are needed to assess the effect of the topical antimicrobial therapy on the microbiome of atopic dogs.





Along with the structural changes of the cutaneous barrier described above, alterations of the chemical and immunological barriers also have been investigated in atopic dogs. In particular, the role that host defence peptides (HDPs; also known as antimicrobial peptides) play in AD has been extensively studied in humans and to some extent in dogs as well. Several studies identified altered amounts of HDPs in lesional and nonlesional canine atopic skin. However, studies are needed to assess if these alterations are due to a compromised mechanism of production and secretion or because of structural changes of HDPs in atopic dogs.



HDPs represent one of the most important lines of defence against microbial invasion. Along with their powerful antimicrobial action, HDPs also are potent immunomodulatory molecules acting as a bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. Several HDPs have been identified in the skin of healthy and atopic dogs. As in humans, alterations to the expression and/or structure of HDPs have been hypothesised to increase susceptibility to skin infection in dogs with AD. Over the years, few studies on the expression of HDPs in atopic skin have been published. Such studies have shown increased gene expression of HDPs, mainly of β-defensins and cathelicidin, in the skin of atopic dogs when compared to healthy skin, particularly with active infection. Interestingly, the increased gene expression (mRNA) was not always accompanied by a similar increase at the protein level. These results suggested potential dysregulation in the synthesis of HDPs in atopic skin.



Two recent studies have demonstrated qualitative and quantitative alterations of the secretion of HDPs in the skin of atopic dogs. In particular, one study comparing the skin-surface wash fluid from healthy and atopic dogs showed that, despite a similar amount of HDPs, skin wash fluid from atopic dogs had significantly lower inhibitory activity against S.pseudintermedius. This suggests that HDPs in atopic dogs exhibit poorer antimicrobial activity. More recently, another study analysed HDP expression in skin explants harvested from healthy and atopic dogs via indirect immunofluorescence (intracellular accumulation), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (secretion) and immuno-scanning electron microscopy (iSEM; surface expression). Atopic skin had higher levels of HDPs retained inside the keratinocytes and a lower level secreted in the supernatant compared to healthy skin. Using iSEM, it was evident that canine β-defensin was retained on the outermost layer of the SC and the number of bacteria-adhered peptides was higher in atopic when compared to healthy skin.



As reported above, until recently the amount and function of HDPs has only been investigated in the skin of healthy and atopic dogs. In 2023, Santoro published the first report on the amount and antimicrobial activity of aural HDPs in healthy and atopic dogs. In this report, the author described a decreased amount of cBD3-like and cCath in noninfected ears of atopic dogs when compared with healthy ears. Measurable antimicrobial activity was very variable and considered minimal by the author.



In summary, these studies suggest that atopic skin shows higher HDP gene expression nonassociated with an increase in protein expression. Additionally, there is dysregulation in the secretion (tendency to be retained in the keratinocytes), dispersion (tendency to remain attached on the skin surface), and probably antimicrobial efficacy (lower antibacterial inhibitory effect) of atopic compared to healthy HDPs. Thus, the involvement of HDPs in the pathogenesis of skin infections in dogs with AD may not be related to their levels, and rather to their functionality and secretion.





In conclusion, in the past sevenyears, a moderate amount of research has been published on the effect of skin barrier integrity in the pathogenesis of canine AD. Such research has been focused not only on structural and immunological changes in the skin barrier, but also on the alterations occurring in the cutaneous and aural microbiome of atopic dogs. The results of these studies confirm the extremely complex nature of canine AD. Although the nonhomogeneous results among studies makes their interpretation difficult, it also favours the concept of AD being a syndrome with more than a single entity. In particular, it is evident that there are several subsets of this disease and intrinsic alterations of skin barrier may play a significant role in some dogs, while the imbalance of the immune system may play a larger role in others. Such recognition is essential to design an appropriate treatment plan. In fact, dogs with intrinsic alterations of skin barrier may benefit more from topical therapies aimed to restore it. However, dogs with a predominant imbalance of the immune response may benefit more from anti-inflammatory medications.



Also, newer studies have investigated the role that cutaneous and aural microbiota play in the development and/or worsening of canine AD. Unfortunately, such studies are mainly descriptive and still not able to elucidate the pathogenetic role of dysbiosis in canine AD. Nevertheless, this information is essential to move forward understanding the pathogenesis of this complex disease and to better guide the development of new therapeutic options.




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发表于 2024-2-6 11:54:12 来自手机 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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