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一只犬耳廓病毒性斑块中检测到一种新的乳头瘤病毒序列 ...










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发表于 2023-10-13 14:17:12 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Detection of a novel papillomaviral sequence in viral plaques confined to the pinna of a dog


作者:John S. Munday | Geoff Orbell | Lynne Robinson

翻译:王思权 校对:王帆




A raised plaque that contained histological evidence of papillomavirus infection and sequences from a novel papillomavirus type developed close to the ear canal of a 14- year- old West Highland white terrier. The plaque was excised, and further plaques developed within the same area of pinna.




aural plaques, canine papillomavirus, dog, papillomaviruses, pigmented plaques, viral oncogenesis, warts





Plaques resulting from papillomavirus (PV) infection are uncommon cutaneous lesions of dogs. Canine cutaneous plaques typically appear as slightly raised pigmented lesions that are most common on the ventrum and medial surfaces of the limbs, although plaques can become more widespread over the body. Unlike the commonly observed cutaneous or oral viral papillomas (warts) that are caused by PV types within either the Lambdapapillomavirus or Taupapillomavirus genera, plaques are caused by a number of closely related Chipapillomavirus PV types. It is thought that immune dysfunction could play a significant role in lesion development by allowing increased PV replication. Some breeds of dog, notably pugs, are predisposed to viral plaques, suggesting these breeds may have an inherited inability to mount an effective immune response against Chipapillomavirus infection.The development of plaques also may be influenced by immunosuppressive diseases or treatments.The present report describes plaques that were confined to one pinna of a dog. In addition to the unique location, the plaques also had unusual histological features and contained PV sequences from a putative novel Chipapillomavirus type.





A 14- year- old female spayed West Highland white terrier developed a small flat plaque close to the opening of the right external ear canal. The dog had a history of chronic otitis affecting this ear for the previous two years. Although the dog had undergone a bulla osteotomy approximately one year previously, she had continued to develop episodes of bacterial otitis which had been treated by flushing the ear and administering topical antimicrobials. The dog also previously had been diagnosed with allergic bronchitis and had been treated with 0.5 mg/kg prednisolone per os, once daily (Redipred; Aspen Pharmacare Australia) for approximately a year before presentation. An excisional biopsy of the lesion was taken for histological evaluation.



Histological results revealed a well- demarcated area of variable epidermal hyperplasia that resulted in multiple raised plaques of marked hyperplasia separated by narrow areas with more mild changes. The epidermis was not folded. Cells within basilar areas appeared crowded; however, the majority of the thickening resulted from expansion of the granular layer due to the presence of keratocytes that had large quantities of clear or faintly granular basophilic cytoplasm. These cells also contained large central nuclei that occasionally were darkened and surrounded by a clear halo (koilocytes). While nucleoli often were prominent, intranuclear viral inclusions were not identified. The plaques were covered by a thick layer of parakeratosis. Increased lymphocytes and plasma cells were visible within the dermis underlying the plaque.



The lesion was diagnosed as a probable viral hyperplastic plaque although, as a consequence of the orientation of the sample within the histological block, an early squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) could not definitively be excluded. Recurrence was observed in the same location around two weeks after the first surgery with a larger (0.5 cm diameter) central mass surrounded by smaller, less raised, plaques. The large mass continued to grow and three months after the initial surgery, this lesion was 2 cm in diameter and raised 0.5 cm from the surrounding skin of the pinna. The masses remained confined to the skin surrounding the opening of the external ear canal (Figure 1) and no additional plaques were visible elsewhere on the body. Owing to the possibility that the lesion could be an SCC, an additional sample was taken. Histological results revealed similar lesions as before (Figure 2), although clear visualisation of the basement membrane allowed exclusion of an SCC.

尽管病变被诊断为拟病毒性增生性斑块,但由于这是样本在组织学倾向的改变结果(orientation),不能明确排除早期鳞状细胞癌(SCC)。首次手术后约两周,斑块在同一部位复发,中心肿块较大(直径0.5 cm),周围斑块较小,凸起程度较小。首次术后的3个月,肿物继续增大,直径2cm,距耳廓周围皮肤隆起0.5 cm。肿块仍局限于外耳道开口处周围的皮肤(图1),身体其他部位未见其他斑块。由于病变可能是鳞状细胞癌,因此又取了一个样本。尽管这次基底膜清晰可见可以排除SCC,但组织学上仍显示了与之前相似的病变(图2)。





FIGURE 1 Cutaneous viral plaques. The plaques appear as multiple raised lesions on the inside surface of the pinna (arrows). Plaques were restricted to the skin adjacent to the opening of the external ear canal.

图1. 皮肤病毒斑块。斑块表现为耳廓内表面的多个凸起病变(箭头)。斑块局限于外耳道开口处附近的皮肤。





FIGURE 2 Cutaneous viral plaque, histological results. (a) The plaque consists of irregularly thickened epidermis covered by parakeratosis. Expansion of the epidermis is most marked within the stratum spinosum with keratinocytes enlarged by increased cytoplasm. (b) Keratinocytes within the plaques have increased qualities of vacuolated or granular grey-blue or clear cytoplasm. Cell nuclei are enlarged, central and prominent. Some cells contain darkened nuclei surrounded by a clear halo (koilocytes). Mitotic figures are visible within the hyperplastic epidermis (arrows).

图2. 皮肤病毒斑块,组织学结果。 (a) 斑块包含被角化不全细胞覆盖的不规则增厚表皮。表皮的扩张在棘层内最为明显,角质形成细胞因细胞质增多而增大。 (b) 斑块内的角质形成细胞具有更多的空泡化或颗粒状灰蓝色或透明的细胞质。细胞核增大、居中且突出。一些细胞含有被透明光晕包围的深色细胞核(空泡细胞)。增生表皮内可见有丝分裂(箭头)。


As a consequence of the histological evidence of PV infection, total DNA was extracted from formalin- fixed, paraffin- embedded samples of both excised plaques and the MY09/11 and CP4/5 consensus PCR primers were used to amplify PV DNA.6Both primer sets amplified PV DNA from both plaques. When the DNA that had been amplified by the MY09/11 primers was sequenced, the PV DNA sequences were identical from the initial plaque and the recurrent lesion. This sequence was compared to other sequences in the GenBank database using the Blast tool. This revealed that the 271 bp sequence amplified from both plaques had the greatest (85.9%) similarity to CPV15, and second highest similarity to CPV8 (71.9%). The novel sequence was deposited in GenBank under accession number OP645388.

根据PV感染的组织学证据,从福尔马林固定的和石蜡包埋的两种斑块标本中提取总DNA,并使用MY09/11和CP4/5共有PCR 引物从两个斑块组织中扩增PV DNA。两个引物均在两个斑块病变组织中扩增PV DNA。当对MY09/11引物扩增的DNA进行测序时,发现来自初始斑块病变和复发斑块病变的PV DNA序列相同。使用Blast工具将该序列与GenBank数据库中的其他序列进行比对。结果显示,从两个斑块中扩增出的271 bp序列与CPV15的相似性最高(85.9%),与CPV8的相似性第二高(71.9%)。该新序列保存在GenBank中,登录号为OP645388。


The plaques continued to grow slowly in the four months since the last sample was taken, and, although the large central mass was around 3 cm in diameter at the time of writing, the masses did not appear to cause irritation to the dog.





The cutaneous plaques in the present case contained a DNA sequence from a novel PV type. Detection of a PV sequence in a lesion does not confirm that the PV caused the lesion. However, the plaques contained histological evidence supporting a PV aetiology. Additionally, the same novel PV DNA sequence was detected in samples of both the initial and the recurrent plaques. Furthermore, no other PV type was amplified from the plaques in this case. Therefore, while additional cases are required, the putative novel PV type appears likely to be the cause of the plaques described herein. Definitive classification of a new PV type is only possible when the complete L1 sequence is known; however, the putative novel PV type amplified from the plaques appears most likely to be within the Chipapillomavirus genus with the sequence much less similar to PV types of other PV genera.

本病例的皮肤斑块含有一种新型PV型的DNA序列。在病变中检测到PV序列不能确定是PV引起病变。但是,斑块病变的组织学包含了支持PV是病因的证据。并且,在初始斑块和复发斑块的样本中均检测到相同的新型PV DNA序列。此外,在本病例中,没有从斑块中扩增出其他PV类型。因此,即使需要更多的病例来完善确诊,但拟定的新型PV类型似乎可能是本文所述斑块形成的原因。只有在完整的L1序列已知的情况下,才能明确分类新的PV类型。然而,从斑块中扩增出的拟新型PV型似乎最有可能属于乳头瘤病毒-22型,其序列与其他PV属的PV型不太相似。


Cutaneous viral plaques are well- recognised in dogs, the present case is unique as plaques have not previously been reported to be confined to the ear of a dog. Why the plaques developed at this location cannot be determined. However, the chipapillomaviruses are thought to cause viral plaques as a result of the immune system being unable to inhibit viral replication.In the present case, the dog had otitis which resulted in chronic discharge from the affected ear. This discharge, along with the probable self- trauma to the ear, could have damaged the skin in this area, and may therefore have reduced the normal skin defences against PV infection. This reduced skin defence then could have allowed more rapid PV replication, resulting in the development of a visible plaque. Supporting a link between otitis and plaque development in this dog was the restriction of plaques to the skin surrounding the opening of the affected ear canal. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, areas of chronic inflammation have not previously been reported to be predisposed to plaque formation in dogs or other species.



In humans, the development of cutaneous plaques is a well- recognised risk of immunosuppressive medications such as those used after organ transplantation. Likewise in dogs, there are rare reports of plaques developing in association with immunosuppressive treatments or diseases. Therefore, in addition to the local skin inflammation, the development of the plaques in the present case also could have been influenced by the chronic administration of low doses of corticosteroids. However, as many dogs are treated with corticosteroids without developing PV- induced lesions, the significance of the corticosteroids in the present case is uncertain.



The lesions in the present case were classified as plaques rather than warts owing to the clinical presentation, histological appearance of the lesions and the presumptive aetiology.9The clinical features supporting a viral plaque rather than wart included the recurrence after excision, the slow progression of the lesions and the failure to spontaneous resolve. Additionally, the lesions were only mildly exophytic in the present case rather than being filiform or papillary as is more often seen with warts. Histologically, the lesions were formed as a result of moderate epidermal expansion. This is in contrast to the massive epidermal thickening and folding typically present in a viral wart. However, the presently described lesions did not contain pigment within the underlying dermis or the typical ‘scalloped appearance’ that usually is present within a cutaneous viral plaque. Additionally, the aural lesions contained marked PV- induced cytological changes. Such changes are to the result of PV replication in the lesion and are observed only rarely in cutaneous viral plaques in dogs, although they typically are visible in warts. Finally, a diagnosis of viral plaque was supported by the detection of a putative Chipapillomavirus PV type within the lesion. Viral plaques are associated with Chipapillomavirus PV types while warts are caused by PV types within the Lambdapapillomavirus or Taupapillomavirus genera.



Although 13 different Chipapillomavirus types have been detected in previous studies of canine viral plaques, the putative novel PV type amplified from the pinnal plaques has not been reported previously. This could suggest that the novel PV type is a very uncommon cause of viral plaques in dogs. Alternatively, some PV types have been shown to have a strong tropism for specific areas of the body. As this is the first report of plaques being confined to the pinna of a dog, it is possible that the novel PV type may preferentially infect skin in this area and so be more likely to cause plaques close to the ear than elsewhere on the body. Overall, the results from this case add to the clinical manifestations of PV- induced skin disease of dogs, as well as adding to the number of different PV types that can cause disease in dogs.





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