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一例犬头部局部广泛性毛囊错构瘤伴毛囊囊肿和皮样囊肿 ...










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发表于 2022-11-11 11:18:04 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Locally extensive follicular hamartomas with concurrent follicular cysts and dermoid cysts on the head of a dog



翻译:美联众合动物医院爱康分院 王羽迪




A 5- month- old, male intact Australian shepherd dog was presented with nodular lesions affecting the dorsal head. A locally diffuse form of follicular hamartomas, with concurrent dermoid cysts and follicular cysts, was diagnosed by histopathological examination. Complete surgical excision of the affected skin and closure with a subdermal plexus advancement flap led to long- term resulotion. 





Canine follicular hamartomas (FHs) are considered to be developmental skin lesions. The age, breed, site predilections and recurrence rates have not been reported.  Typically single and occasionally multiple, FHs present as skin nodules with tufts of thick, brush-like hairs arising from dilated follicular ostia.Distinctly large anagen hair follicles with normal orientation may be associated with an increase of dermal collagen.Mildly dysplastic and tortuous folliculosebaceous units may be observed. Follicular hamartomas can expand over time, potentially involving a larger area of skin and sometimes requiring multiple surgical procedures.



In contrast to FHs, follicular cysts (FCs) are fairly common in dogs and can present as solitary or multiple lesions.Rupture of the cysts results in a marked endogenous  foreign body reaction. Presumably of congenital aetiology, clusters of FCs have been reported on the dorsal midline of the head of young dogs.



Dermoid cysts (DCs) are considered to be inherited, congenital dermal and subcutaneous cysts caused by incomplete separation of the skin and neural tube during  embryonic development.The term dermoid sinus  (DS) has been mostly used for lesions which maintain a connection with the vertebral column.Both DCs and DSs are most commonly reported in the Rhodesian ridgeback dog, and have been described in other dog breeds.Cervical and thoracic dorsal midline are predilection sites, while the head and sacrococcygeal region are less often affected. The DC is lined by squamous epithelium from which small folliculosebaceous units,referred to as “folliculettes”,are seen within the wall or radiate into surrounding dense collagen. If DCs open to the skin surface, tufts of very delicate hair shafts emerge. Complete surgical excision is curative if there are no neurological signs associated with cyst extension to the spinal cord.



The current case presented with a locally extensive area affected by a combination of FCs, FHs and cysts with features of DCs.





A 5- month- old, male intact Australian shepherd dog presented with a history of nodular lesions and partial alopecia of the parietal region of the head, present since adoption two months previously. The affected area appeared mildly sensitive on palpation and minimally pruritic.Some nodules were erythematous. Treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and cefpodoxime (see Table S1 in Supporting information) decreased the erythema, yet nodules remained unchanged. Cytologica examination revealed neutrophils and cocci. Complete blood count and blood chemistry were unremarkable.



Upon presentation to the veterinary teaching hospital's dermatology service, the dog was still receiving cefpodoxime, as well as monthly lotilaner (Table S1).  Multifocal, 0.2– 1 cm diameter, firm, raised, dermal nodules affected most of the parietal region of the head. Many nodules had a large, singular, follicular ostium  with numerous emerging hair shafts. Other nodules lacked an obvious skin opening. Mild erythema and crusting were noted within the lesional area. The skin between the nodules was smooth, slightly thin, and alopecic, suggestive of scar tissue (Figure 1a, b).

就诊于兽医教学医院皮肤科时,该犬仍接受头孢泊肟以及每月的洛替拉纳驱虫(表S1)。皮肤病变多灶性,头顶大部分区域可见直径0.2-1厘米,坚硬,凸起的真皮结节。许多结节具大的,单一毛囊开口,并长出许多毛干。其他结节缺乏明显的皮肤开口。病变区域内发现轻度皮肤发红和结痂。结节间皮肤光滑、稍薄、脱毛,提示瘢痕组织 (图1a,b)



FIGURE 1 Locally extensive follicular hartomas (FHs), follicular cysts and dermoid cysts on the dorsal aspect of the head (a) Irregular region of complete alopecia on dorsal head with partial alopecia along cranial portion of lesion. (b) Same area postclipping, revealing several crusted nodules and multiple large follicular ostia with numerous emerging hair shafts within the alopecic, wrinkled skin. (c) Postoperative view of the subdermal plexus advancement flap. (d) Complete hair regrowth with no FH recurrence nine months postoperatively

图1 头部背侧局部广泛性毛囊错构瘤(FHs)、毛囊囊肿和皮样囊肿(a)头部背侧完全脱毛的不规则区域,沿病变的头侧有部分脱毛。(b)同一区域剃毛后表现,在脱毛、褶皱的皮肤中发现几个结痂性结节和多个大的毛囊开口,并有大量毛干出现(c) 真皮下丛推进皮瓣的术后视图。(d) 术后9个月毛发完全再生,无FH复发。


Surface cytological examination revealed a few cocci and occasional inflammatory cells, suggesting superficial pyoderma. Trichoscopic examination of hair shafts  plucked from lesional areas was unremarkable. Under sedation, three 6– 8 mm punch biopsies were collected  for histopathological examination. While obtaining the  skin biopsies, rare, pinpoint draining tracts with a brown exudate were noted, and the same exudate drained  into the open biopsy sites. Cytological examination of  the exudate revealed numerous cocci, and aerobic culture confirmed meticillin-susceptible Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Cefpodoxime was continued as  prescribed previously.



Histopathological examination revealed two types of lesions. Some nodules were composed of large anagen hair follicles accompanied by increased dermal collagen.  Some follicles had an irregular shape (Figure 2a). Another section revealed deep, large compound hair follicles in anagen phase merging into a more superficial  irregular cyst lined by a thin squamous epithelium, surrounded by dense fibrosis and mixed inflammatory cells (Figure 2b); the cyst communicated with the skin  surface and contained keratin flakes, cocci and numerous hair shafts. Mild perivascular lymphoplasmacellular inflammation and occasional small superficial crusts were present.




FIGURE 2 Multifocal follicular hartomas (FHs), follicular cysts (FCs) and dermoid cysts (DCs) (haematoxylin & eosin, ×20) (a) FHs with mild dysplastic changes, (b) DC type IIIb, (c) FCs and (d) ruptured cysts with endogenous foreign body reaction (furunculosis)

图2多灶毛囊错构瘤(FHs)、毛囊囊肿(FCs)和皮样囊肿(DCs) (苏木精和伊红,20倍) (a) FHs伴有轻度发育不良变化,(b) IIIb型DC,(c) FCs (d) 破裂的囊肿伴内源性异物反应 (疖病)


A diagnosis of FHs with mild follicular dysplasia  (Figure 2a), fibrosis and marked atypical cyst formation was given, with the cysts demonstrating features reminiscent  of DCs (Figure 2b).



One month after presentation, the dog underwent general anaesthesia to remove the lesion en bloc to the level of the deep subcutaneous tissue. The skin defect  produced by surgical excision was roughly 9 cm in diameter and was closed with a subdermal plexus advancement flap (SPAF; Appendix S1).

就诊后一个月,犬接受了全麻,手术将病变整体切除,深度到达皮下组织。手术切除产生的皮肤缺损直径大约9厘米,并使用真皮下丛推进皮瓣技术(SPAF; 附录S1)。


The excised skin had dozens of small dermal nodules (<1 cm diameter), some demonstrating numerous  hair shafts protruding from a single follicular ostium. On  cut section, solid nodules and well- demarcated cysts  were noted. The latter contained hair shafts and pasty, tan material. Some cysts communicated with the skin  surface; others were completely enclosed within the  dermis. In addition to histological features seen in the  biopsies submitted previously, intradermal cysts with  no connection to the skin surface were noted. These cysts were lined by thin squamous epithelium with keratohyalin granules and lacked associated hair follicles or adnexa (Figure 2c). Multifocal ruptured cysts resulted in endogenous foreign body reactions centred on free hair  shafts and keratin (Figure  2d). Surgical margins were clean, and narrow.

切除的皮肤有数十个小的真皮结节 (直径<1厘米),其中一些显示出许多毛干从单个毛囊口长出。在切面上,发现了实性结节和边界清晰的囊肿。后者包含毛干和膏状棕褐色物质。一些囊肿与皮肤表面相连,其他的则完全封闭在真皮内。除了在先前提交的活检中看到的组织学特征外,还注意到与皮肤表面不相连的皮内囊肿。这些囊肿内衬有薄的鳞状上皮细胞和透明角质颗粒,缺乏相关的毛囊或附件(图2c)。多灶性囊肿破裂导致以游离毛干和角蛋白为中心的内源性异物反应(图2d)。手术边缘干净,狭窄。


The final diagnosis included locally extensive FHs  and coexisting cysts with and without associated  follicles and adnexa, the former presenting features of DCs while the latter were considered FCs. Some cysts had ruptured, eliciting a secondary foreign body reaction.



Postoperatively, tension from the SPAF led to  mild dorsal bilateral displacement of the superior eyelids, with a normal blink response still present.Displacement of the eyelids partially improved during four days of postoperative hospitalisation. A drain system was in place for two days postoperatively, and the dog was discharged from the hospital on cefpodoxime, trazodone and carprofen (Table S1). Aerobic culture of serous exudate from the surgical site yielded no growth.



A postsurgical seroma was addressed with a Penrose drain and, upon recurrence, with warm compresses. Multiple tension- releasing skin incisions  mildly improved the persistent dorsal displacement of the superior eyelids at three months (Figure S1). The SPAF site fully healed with complete hair regrowth; at the time of writing, there has been no recurrence of lesions 23 months postsurgery (Figure 1d).

术后血清肿用Penrose引流管解决,复发后用热敷。多个释放张力的皮肤切口在三个月时轻微改善了上眼睑的持续背侧移位 (图S1)。SPAF部位完全愈合,毛发完全再生; 在撰写本文时,术后23个月无复发病变(图1d)。




To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of an extensive skin area affected by coexisting FHs and cysts, with the latter presenting features of  either FCs or DCs. Numerous DCs have been reported on the head of a Rottweiler, Saint Bernard and miniature schnauzer.Boxers and ridgebacks have been reported to be predisposed to clusters of FCs on the dorsal head.



The solid nodules had features typical of FHs, including large anagen hair follicles retaining normal orientation and increased associated fibrous tissue with no  evidence of cyst formation.Some follicles displayed areas with irregular shape, suggestive of mild dysplasia, as reported previously.



Cystic lesions with tufts of hair emerging from their ostia affecting the regions of the coronal sutures and squamosal sutures support the diagnosis of DCs in this Australian shepherd dog. Parasagittal DCs on the dorsal head may be associated with defective embryological fusion of the bone synostoses of the cranial vault.The squamous epithelium lining the cyst walls had emerging folliculosebaceous units,  features described with DCs.However, these large, regularly spaced anagen compound hair follicles and associated glands were limited to the deep portion of the cystic space, while follicles described with DCs are typically small, referred to as folliculettes.Typical folliculettes radiate perpendicularly from the cyst wall  and may or may not have adnexa.According to a classification system developed for canine DSs, which includes DCs, these would represent type IIIb DSs, as no fibrous cords extended below the subcutaneous tissue.



The second type of cysts observed had features consistent with infundibular FCs; they were completely enclosed within the dermis with no connection to the skin surface. These cysts were lined by infundibular type epithelium and lacked associated hair follicles and glands.In a previous publication, similar lesions seen in a Saint Bernard were classified as type Vb DSs.



In conclusion, this is the first report of a locally extensive area affected by FHs and cysts with and without associated folliculosebaceous units. Follicular origin was considered for all three different lesions seen in this young dog, and clinical and histological features suggest a more complex process characterised by the coexistence of FHs, FCs and DCs or, alternatively, FHs and DCs previously classified as DSs types IIIb and Vb. After successful management of  seromas and tension- releasing skin incisions to address  dorsal displacement of superior eyelids,the surgical site healed and no recurrence was reported 23 months postoperatively.





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