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32nd European Veterinary Dermatology Congress (online) 16–16 September 2021 Abstracts

翻译:王帆 校对:刘欣

The middle ear microbiota in healthy dogs is similar to that of the external ear canal

C. LEONARD*, S. CLAEYS*, P. PICAVET*, B. TAMINIAU† , G. DAUBE† and J. FONTAINE* *Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, † Fundamental and Applied Research for Animal & Health (FARAH), University of Liege, Liege, Belgium

Otitis media can be a consequence of chronic otitis externa and could represent a perpetuating factor. Only sparse information is available concerning the normal microbiota of the middle ear. The objective of the study was to characterise the microbiota of the tympanic bullae (TB) and to compare it with that of the external ear canal (EEC) in healthy dogs. Six healthy beagle dogs euthanised for reasons unrelated to the study were selected based on the absence of signs of ear canal inflammation, and negative direct cytological evaluation and bacterial aerobic culture from the TB. Swab samples were collected bilaterally within 6–12 h after death from the EEC and the TB, using an aseptic surgical technique (total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy). For each sample, the hypervariable segment V1–V3 of 16S rDNA was amplified and sequenced with a MiSeq Illumina sequence carried out using MOTHUR software using the SILVA database. A significant difference (P = 0.009) was noted (Kruskall– Wallis test) for Chao1 richness index between the right and left EEC. No significant differences were observed between the EEC and TB microbiota (Kruskal–Wallis test) for Chao1 richness index (P = 0.6544), Simpson evenness index (P = 0.4328) and reciprocal Simpson alpha diversity index (P = 0.4313). The most abundant genera in the EEC and TB were Lactobacillus and Turicibacter. Based on these results, it appears that the middle ear microbiota is similar to that of the EEC in healthy dogs.
中耳炎可能是慢性外耳炎的结果,并可能代表持久因素。有关中耳正常微生物群的资料很少。本研究的目的是对健康犬的鼓室大(TB)的微生物区系进行特征分析,并与外耳道(EEC)的微生物区系进行比较。6只健康的比格犬因与研究无关的原因被安乐死,这是基于没有耳道炎症,TB的直接细胞学评估和细菌需氧培养阴性。在死亡后6-12小时内,采用无菌手术技术(全耳道消融和外侧鼓泡截),棉签从EEC和TB采集两侧样本。每个样本均扩增16S rDNA高变段V1 V3,并在SILVA数据库中使用MOTHUR软件进行MiSeq Illumina序列测序。经Kruskall Wallis检验,左、右EEC的Chao1丰富度指数差异有统计学意义(P = 0.009)。经Kruskal Wallis检验,在Chao1丰富度指数(P = 0.6544)、Simpson均匀度指数(P = 0.4328)和交互Simpson alpha多样性指数(P = 0.4313)上,EEC与TB菌群间差异不显著。在EEC和TB中最丰富的是乳杆菌属和Turicibacter属。基于这些结果,健康犬的中耳微生物群似乎与EEC相似。

Source of funding: Self-funded through “Clinique Vet  erinaire Universitaire”, University of Li  ege, Bel-  gium. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

The efficacy of subcutaneous slow-release melatonin implants in the prevention of canine flank alopecia recurrence: a double-blind, randomised, placebocontrolled study

M.U.M.Y. VERSCHUUREN*, Y.M. SCHLOTTER† , I.M. VAN GEIJLSWIJK‡ , R. GEHRING‡ and J.J. van der LUGT† *Dierenartsen Combinatie ZuidOost, Beek en Donk, the Netherlands † IDEXX Europe BV, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands ‡ Department Population Health Sciences – Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Canine flank alopecia (CFA) is characterised by seasonally recurring (November to April) noninflammatory alopecia, predominantly in the thoracolumbar area. Previous research suggests that melatonin plays a role in CFA pathogenesis, and placebo-controlled studies on the efficacy of melatonin treatment are lacking. We evaluated the efficacy of subcutaneous slow-release melatonin implants (Melovine, CEVA Sante Animale; Libourne,  France) in the prevention of CFA recurrence in 21 clientowned dogs who suffered two or more consecutive CFA episodes. A general physical and dermatological examination, a histological evaluation of two skin biopsies, and a serum biochemistry analysis, to exclude comorbidities, were performed at baseline. Four dogs (19%) developed permanent CFA before time point (T)1 (10 months after baseline), and were excluded. At T1, 17 dogs were randomly assigned to receive placebo (n = 9) or 18 mg subcutaneous melatonin (n = 8). The investigator scored CFA recurrence (one- or two-sided) qualitatively as complete, ≤50%, or no recurrence at five (T2) and seven (T3) months after intervention. The percentages for complete recurrence, ≤50 recurrence and no recurrence in placebotreated dogs at T3 were 44% (4/9), 0% (0/9) and 56% (5/ 9), respectively; in dogs treated with melatonin, these percentages were 25% (2/8), 50% (4/8) and 25% (2/8), respectively. In 3/8 melatonin-treated dogs, we observed mild transient swelling at the injection site. There was no statistically significant difference in the scores between melatonin- and placebo-treated dogs (Pearson’s chi square test, P = 0.4). In conclusion, this study did not provide evidence that melatonin implant treatment is efficacious in preventing CFA recurrence.
犬复发性协腹脱毛(CFA)的特点是季节性复发(11月至4月)非炎症性脱毛,主要发生在胸腰椎区。既往研究表明褪黑激素在CFA发病机制中发挥作用,但缺乏关于褪黑激素治疗效果的安慰剂对照研究。我们评估皮下缓释褪黑素植入物(Melovine, CEVA Sante Animale;法国利伯恩),对21只连续两次或两次以上发生CFA症状的犬进行预防。基线时进行了全身性体格和皮肤检查,两次皮肤活检的组织学评估,以及血清生化分析,以排除并发症。4只犬(19%)在时间点(T)1前(基线后10个月)出现永久性CFA,并被排除。在T1, 17只犬被随机分配到接受安慰剂(n = 9)或18 mg皮下褪黑素(n = 8)。研究者对干预后5个月(T2)和7个月(T3)的CFA复发(单侧或双侧)定性评分为完全、50%或无复发。T3期安慰剂治疗犬完全复发、50例复发和未复发的比例分别为44%(4/9)、0%(0/9)和56% (5/ 9);在褪黑素治疗犬中,这一比例分别为25%(2/8)、50%(4/8)和25%(2/8)。在3/8的褪黑素治疗犬,我们观察到轻度短暂肿胀的注射部位。褪黑素治疗犬和安慰剂犬在得分上没有显著差异(Pearson s卡方检验,P = 0.4)。总之,本研究没有提供褪黑素植入治疗对预防CFA复发有效的证据。

Source of funding: ESVD Practitioners Grant. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

The role of early life exposures to house dust mite allergens and endotoxins in the development of canine atopy: a birth cohort study from West Highland white terriers

A. ROSTAHER*, L. ZWICKL*, C. AKDIS† , E. WEST§ , S. AUDERGON*, N. FISCHER* and C. FAVROT* *Clinic for Small Animal Internal Medicine, Vetsuisse Faculty Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland † Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, Davos Wolfgang, Switzerland § Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, Zurich, Switzerland

Early life exposures to bacterial endotoxins and house dust mite (HDM) allergens appear to be critical for developing atopy in humans; however, not much is known in veterinary allergology. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of endotoxin and HDM allergen exposure in early life and their influence on the development of atopy in a high-risk dog breed, West Highland white terrier (atopic, n = 48; healthy, n = 44), followed up to 3 years of age. Bacterial endotoxin and HDM Der p 1 and Der f 1 allergen concentrations in bedding were measured at three months of age and environmental factors recorded. Serum allergen-specific and total immunoglobulin (Ig)E concentrations were evaluated using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Bivariate odds ratios (OR) and Pearson correlation coefficients (r) were calculated. Endotoxin and HDM allergen concentrations correlated positively (r = 0.36, P = 0.0005). HDM allergen concentrations were negatively correlated with serum IgE concentrations to any environmental allergen (r = – 0.22, P = 0.031). Environmental endotoxin concentrations of ≥16.6 IU/m2 were associated with a significant risk reduction to be sensitised to any allergen and to the development of AD in dogs (for both OR 0.12, CI 0.01– 0.098). The endotoxin or HDM allergen concentrations were negatively associated with disinfectant use (r = – 0.46, P = 0.00001) or altitude (r = –0.30, P = 0.0035), and positively with time spent outside (r = 0.35, P = 0.0006) or air humidifier usage (r = 0.24, P = 0.021), respectively. The negative influence of early life HDM and bacterial endotoxin concentrations in the beddings of dogs on the development of atopy may shed some light on the pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis.
早期生活暴露于细菌内毒素和屋尘螨(HDM)过敏原似乎是发展人类的过敏性疾病的关键;然而,在兽医过敏学方面所知甚少。本研究的目的是确定内毒素和HDM过敏原暴露在一个高危犬种生命早期的关系,及其对特应性疾病发展的影响,西高地白㹴(特应性犬n = 48;健康犬n = 44),随访至3岁。在3个月大时测定床上用品中细菌内毒素、HDM Der p1和Der f 1过敏原浓度,并记录环境因素。使用商业酶联免疫吸附剂测定血清过敏原特异性和总免疫球蛋白(Ig)E浓度。计算双变量比值比(OR)和Pearson相关系数(r)。内毒素与HDM过敏原浓度呈正相关(r = 0.36, P = 0.0005)。HDM过敏原浓度与血清IgE浓度呈显著负相关(r = 0.22, P = 0.031)。环境内毒素浓度为16.6 IU/m2与犬对任何过敏原敏感和AD发展的风险显著降低相关(OR 0.12, CI 0.01 0.098)。内毒素或HDM过敏原浓度与消毒剂使用(r = 0.46, P = 0.00001)或海拔高度(r = 0.30, P = 0.0035)呈负相关,与户外活动(r = 0.35, P = 0.0006)或使用空气加湿器(r = 0.24, P = 0.021)呈正相关。犬床上的细菌内毒素浓度及早期HDM浓度对特应性皮炎发生发展的负面影响可能对犬特应性皮炎的发病机制有一定的指导意义。

Source of funding: Swiss National Funding. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

A case of environmental allergy and classical Ehlers– Danlos syndrome in a domestic short hair cat caused by a heterozygous COL5A1 frameshift deletion
N. APOSTOLOPOULOS*, S. KIENER† , V. JAGANNATHAN† , M. WELLE‡ , S. SOTO‡ , T. LEEB† and U. MAYER* *Dermatology Service, Anicura Kleintierspezialisten Augsburg GmbH, Augsburg, Germany † Vetsuisse Faculty, Institute of Genetics, Bern, Switzerland ‡ Vetsuisse Faculty, Institute of Animal Pathology, Bern, Switzerland

Ehlers–Danlos syndromes are rare in domestic animals and poorly described. In many cases, they cannot be unequivocally confirmed by examining skin biopsies. Concomitant pruritic skin disease makes diagnosis and clinical management challenging. A 2-year-old male castrated domestic short hair cat, living only indoors and with another cat, was referred for repeated laceration wounds on the neck and shoulder, observed by the owner since adoption at 10 months old. Haematological and biochemical results including basal cortisol were within reference ranges when tested initially. At the time of referral, the owner reported moderate head and neck pruritus. The skin extensibility index was 22%. Neither ecto- nor endoparasite treatment of both cats, nor an eight week elimination diet improved the pruritus, which was observed year-round with exacerbation in June and August. In four (total) skin biopsies, thin, wispy and irregularly arranged collagen fibres were observed in two biopsies, whereas collagen appeared normal in the other two biopsies. In addition, a mild-to-moderate superficial perivascular to interstitial mastocytic and lymphocytic infiltrate, and a focally extensive subepidermal fibrosis consistent with a recently healed ulcer was present. Genetic analysis of the cat revealed a heterozygous de novo frameshift variant in the COL5A1 gene encoding the collagen a1(V) chain. The variant is a single base deletion (c.3,066del). This analysis enabled the precise diagnosis of classical Ehlers–Danlos syndrome. Self-trauma as a consequence of allergic pruritus, fighting with the other cat and crawling under a bed were identified as sources for lacerations, and managed accordingly to prevent further skin wounding.
埃勒斯-丹洛斯综合征在家养动物中很少见,而且描述得很差。在许多情况下,不能通过检查皮肤活检明确确认。伴发瘙痒性皮肤病使诊断和临床管理具有挑战性。一只被阉割的两岁雄性家养短毛猫,与另一只猫一起在室内生活,主人在10个月大时观察到它的颈部和肩部有多次撕裂伤。血液学和生化结果包括基础皮质醇在最初测试范围内。在转诊时,宠主报告中度头颈部瘙痒。皮肤可伸展指数为22%。对这两种猫的体外或内寄生虫治疗,八周的食物排查,都没有改善瘙痒,全年观察到瘙痒,并在6月和8月加剧。在4例(全部)皮肤活检中,在2例活检中观察到胶原纤维薄而细且排列不规则,而在另外2例活检中胶原纤维表现正常。此外,轻度至中度浅表血管周围至间质肥大细胞和淋巴细胞浸润,以及与近期愈合的溃疡一致的局灶性广泛表皮下纤维化。对猫的遗传分析显示,编码胶原蛋白a1(V)链的COL5A1基因中存在一种杂合的从头移码变异。该变异是一个单碱基缺失(c. 3066del)。这一分析使经典的埃勒斯-当洛斯综合征得以准确诊断。由过敏性瘙痒引起的自我创伤、与另一只猫打架以及在床下爬行被认为是造成撕裂伤的原因,并采取相应措施以防止进一步的皮肤伤害。

Source of funding: Swiss National Science Foundation grant no. 310030_200354. Conflicts of interest: None declared.
Epicutaneous immunotherapy as a novel route of allergen administration in dogs with atopic dermatitis: a proof-of-concept study

M. PINTO*, J. MARTO† , L. RAMINO-LLUCH‡ , B. FERNANDES*, A. BIZARRO*, H. PEREIRA*, V. SCHMIDT¶ , M. MORAIS-ALMEIDA¶ , B. BRAZ* and A. MAFALDA LOURENCO* *Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Animal Health (CIISA), Lisbon, Portugal † Research Institute for Medicine (iMed.ULisboa), Lisbon, Portugal ‡ LETI Pharma S.L.U., Barcelona, Spain § School of Veterinary Science, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK ¶ Allergy Centre, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal

Allergen immunotherapy is a well-established treatment for canine atopic dermatitis (cAD), yet new noninvasive, safe, effective, painless and at-home easy-to-use vaccine-delivery routes that promote compliance are needed. Epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT) is a promising alternative that takes advantage of the skin’s unique immunological features and high accessibility. Our goal was to assess the feasibility, efficacy and safety of EPIT in cAD. Sixteen dogs [French bulldogs (FB, n = 9) and Labrador retrievers (LR, n = 7)] with spontaneous nonseasonal cAD were enrolled for a three month, weekly 12 h patch application. A 3D-printed delivery system was developed to incorporate a 150 HEP (histamine equivalent in prick testing) allergen-based formulation. Primary outcomes included the owner-assessed pruritus Visual Analog Score (PVAS10), veterinarian-assessed skin lesions (2DIGA) and owner’s perceived treatment efficacy (OGATE). Secondary outcomes were the quality-of-life (QoL), allergen-specific (s)immunoglobulin (Ig)E, interleukin (IL)-10 and adverse effects. Efficacy was defined by the primary outcome measures’ success, according to ICADA’s COSCAD’18 recommendations. EPIT was deemed safe if no severe local/systemic adverse effects occurred. One LR dog dropped out of follow-up. All dogs improved their pruritus score and 13/15 dogs (86.67%) achieved success [FB, 8/9 (88.89%); LR, 5/6 (83.33%)]. Lesion score was successfully improved in 8/12 dogs [66.67%; FB, 5/8 (62.5%); LR, 3/4 (75%)]. A good-to-excellent response to therapy and improved QoL, with a percentage mean improvement of 54.58%, were reported by 13/15 owners (86.67%). No severe adverse events were recorded. sIgE decreased in 10/15 dogs (66.67%) and nonconclusive IL-10 results were obtained. This pilot study emphasises EPIT’s great potential as an effective, well-tolerated and safe cAD treatment, supporting further investigation on this novel therapy.
过敏原免疫疗法是一种成熟的治疗犬特应性皮炎(cAD)的方法,但需要新的无创、安全、有效、无痛和在家易于使用的疫苗给药途径,以促进依从性。皮肤免疫疗法(EPIT)是一种很有前途的替代疗法,它利用皮肤独特的免疫特性和高可及性。我们的目标是评估EPIT在cAD中的可行性、有效性和安全性。16只患有自发性非季节性cAD的犬[法国斗牛犬(FB, n = 9)和拉布拉多寻回犬(LR, n = 7)]接受为期3个月、每周12小时的贴片治疗。一种3d打印递送系统被开发,以包含150 HEP(在单点试验中的组胺当量)过敏原为基础的配方。主要结果包括犬主瘙痒视觉模拟评分(PVAS10)、兽医评估的皮肤病变(2DIGA)和犬主感知的治疗效果(OGATE)。次要结果是生活质量(QoL)、过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白(Ig)E、白细胞介素(IL)-10和不良反应。根据ICADA的COSCAD 18建议,疗效的定义是通过主要结局指标的成功。如果没有发生严重的局部/全身不良反应,则认为EPIT是安全的。一只LR犬退出了随访。所有犬的瘙痒评分均有所改善,其中13/15犬(86.67%)获得成功[FB, 8/9 (88.89%);LR, 5/6(83.33%)。8/12只犬病变评分成功改善[66.67%;FB, 5/8 (62.5%);LR, 3/4(75%)]。13/15名(86.67%)病患对治疗反应良好至良好,生活质量改善,平均改善百分比为54.58%。无严重不良事件记录。10/15只犬sIgE下降(66.67%),IL-10结果不确定。这项初步研究强调了EPIT作为一种有效、耐受性良好、安全的cAD治疗方法的巨大潜力,支持对这种新疗法的进一步研究。

Source of funding: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Animal Health (CIISA) – project CIISA MSC SET 20 – 14. Conflicts of interest: None declared

Evaluation of in vitro antimicrobial activity of cannabidiol oil solution against staphylococcal isolates from pyoderma and otitis

A. STATELLI*, A. TROTTA† , M. BECCATI‡ , F. SOGARI† and M. CORRENTE† *Centro Veterinario Ragusa, Ragusa, Italy † Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Bari, Italy ‡ Centro Medico Veterinario Adda, Capriate San Gervasio Bergamo, Italy

Antimicrobial resistance is an emerging problem in therapy of bacterial infections and there is a urgent need of new antimicrobials or alternative treatments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of cannabidiol oils (CBD) against bacteria isolated from otitis and pyoderma in dogs and cats. A collection of 33 staphylococcal isolates were tested. Previously, the isolates were identified by means of biochemical and biomolecular tests. Staphylocococcus aureus and S. pseudintermedius isolates were tested with PCR for the detection of methicillin resistance, and for antimicrobial susceptibility to oxacillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, clindamycin, cefoxitin, cephalexin, cefovecin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, enrofloxacin, gentamycin, rifampicin, vancomycin and linezolid by means of disk diffusion tests. Three different CBD oil solutions were analysed: two oil solutions of pure commercial CBD oil (99.99%) and a galenic preparation of CBD-based oil 30% extracted from Cannabis sativa. Antimicrobial activities of the extracts were evaluated by using the agar well diffusion method evaluating the diameter of inhibition zone. None of the isolates were inhibited at 5% and 10% commercial CBD oil concentrations, while the 30% galenic CBD oil showed an in vitro antimicrobial activity on all isolates, methicillinresistant S. aureus included. Our preliminary results highlight the importance of alternative substances such as CBD as an alternative topical treatment for pyoderma and otitis in dogs and cats.
抗菌素耐药性是治疗细菌感染的一个新问题,迫切需要新的抗菌素或替代治疗方法。本研究的目的是评价大麻二酚油(CBD)对犬、猫中耳炎和脓皮病分离菌的体外抗菌活性。采集33株葡萄球菌进行检测。以前,分离物是通过生化和生物分子试验鉴定的。采用PCR方法检测金黄色葡萄球菌和假中间型葡萄球菌对甲氧西林的耐药情况,对苯唑西林、红霉素、四环素、克林霉素、头孢西丁、头孢维星、阿莫西林/克拉维酸、恩诺沙星、庆大霉素、利福平、万古霉素和利奈唑胺的圆盘扩散试验。分析了三种不同的CBD油溶液:两种纯商用CBD油溶液(99.99%)和从大麻中提取30% CBD油的galenic制剂。采用琼脂扩散法测定抑菌带直径,评价提取物的抑菌活性。5%和10% CBD油浓度对菌株均无抑制作用,而30% galenic CBD精油对所有菌株均有体外抑菌活性,包括耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。我们的初步结果强调了替代物质的重要性,如CBD作为犬和猫的脓皮病和耳炎的替代外部治疗。

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Urticarial vasculitis in dogs: a report of four cases

E. GUAGUERE*, A. MULLER*, C. MULLER*, F. DEGORCE-RUBIALES† and CATHY MEGE‡ *Clinique vet  erinaire Saint Bernard, Lomme, France  † LAPVSO, Toulouse, France ‡ Clinique vet  erinaire des Ducs de Bourgogne, Chenove,  France

Urticarial vasculitis (UV) is a subtype of vasculitis, clinically defined by urticarial and purpuric lesions and histopathologically characterised by leucocytoclastic vasculitis. Four cases of UV were observed: 10-year-old spayed female Labrador retriever, 5-year-old spayed female American Staffordshire terrier, 4-year-old female whippet and 6- year-old male Boxer dog. Dogs were referred with a one to four day history of acute onset of pruritic and/or painful skin lesions. General signs were constant (fever, depression, pain) and more severe in three cases. Dermatological signs were generalised in three cases and localised (ventrum) in one. They included multifocal (≤30 foci) sudden, persistent, well-delimited purpuric wheals or purpuric annular and arciform coalescent lesions. Facial and pedal oedema was noted in two cases. Histopathological features demonstrated neutrophilic leucocytoclastic vasculitis with severe oedema and haemorrhage in the surrounding dermis. In one case, a perivascular infiltrate rich in eosinophils and mast cells was observed. Abdominal ultrasound revealed severe abnormalities (bowel, kidney, liver) in one case. One dog was treated with oclacitinib (0.6 mg/kg twice daily for three weeks, then once daily for three weeks) with a progressive clinical improvement within three weeks. A spontaneous resolution was observed in one case within five days. Two dogs died after four days of medical resuscitation. In one case, postmortem examination revealed hepatic, renal and intestinal leucocytoclastic vasculitis. The cause of the disease was identified in 2/4cases [cold urticarial vasculitis and drug (amoxicillin/clavulanic acid)]. No infectious cause was identified in these cases.
荨麻疹血管炎(UV)是一种血管炎亚型,临床定义为荨麻疹和紫癜性病变,组织病理学特征为白细胞破碎性血管炎。观察到4例紫外线感染病例:10岁绝育的拉布拉多母犬、5岁绝育的美国斯塔福郡母犬、4岁绝育的惠比特母犬和6岁雄性拳师犬。犬有1-4天的急性瘙痒和/或疼痛性皮肤病变病史。症状常见性(发热、抑郁、疼痛),3例症状较重。3例出现全身皮肤症状,1例出现局部皮肤症状。包括多灶性(30个灶)突发性、持续性、界限分明的紫癜性气团或紫癜性环状和弧状合并病变。2例出现面部和爪部水肿。组织病理学表现为中性粒细胞分裂性血管炎,真皮周围有严重的水肿和出血。在一个病例中,观察到富含嗜酸性粒细胞和肥大细胞的血管周围浸润。腹部超音波显示严重异常(肠,肾,肝)1例。其中一只犬接受奥拉替尼治疗(0.6 mg/kg,每日两次,连续三周,然后每日一次,连续三周),三周内临床症状逐步改善。有一例病患在5天内自行痊愈。两只犬在经过四天的医疗复苏后死亡。1例死后检查发现肝脏、肾脏和肠道白细胞分裂性血管炎。2/4的病例确定了疾病的原因[感冒荨麻疹血管炎和药物(阿莫西林/克拉维酸)]。在这些病例中未发现感染原因。

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

First description of a toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS) in a cat

E. GUAGUERE† , F. DEGORCE-RUBIALES‡ and A. MULLER† *Clinique vet  erinaire Saint Bernard, Lomme, France  † LAPVSO, Toulouse, France

Toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS) is a rare dermatological condition in veterinary medicine. A 3-year-old, five-week pregnant Sphynx cat was presented for a sudden onset of painful skin lesions. General signs revealed depression, hypothermia and dehydration. Cutaneous signs included generalised erythematous rash and superficial epidermal detachment. Abdominal ultrasound showed three dead kittens in the uterine lumen. Haematological and biochemical tests showed neutrophilia, hypoalbuminemia, hypernatremia, hyperuremia and hypercreatininemia. Histopathological features consistent with TSLS included superficial dermatitis with superficial epidermal splitting, neutrophilic exocytosis and apoptotic keratinocytes. Bacteriological culture (from skin biopsies and dead fetus) revealed colonies of a coagulase-positive Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Despite treatments to fight pain and the risk of sepsis, the cat died 24 h later. The tentative diagnosis of TSLS was based on history, clinical presentation and histopathological findings. Human toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare and life-threatening condition caused by bacteria getting into the body and releasing harmful toxins. TSS results from toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus or group A Streptococcus bacteria. This syndrome can affect anyone, including men, children and postmenopausal women. Risk factors include skin wounds, surgery and the use of tampons or other devices. In dogs, one case was reported in a female with a closed-cervix pyometra. To our knowledge, this present case is the first description of TSLS in cats and seems to be associated with a genital cause, as has been described in humans and dogs.

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Indirect immunofluorescence reveals circulating antikeratinocyte immunoglobulin G autoantibodies in equine pemphigus foliaceus

M. MOSCA, N. MILHAU, A. IDEE and D. PIN VetAgro Sup, Marcy l’etoile, France  

Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the most common auto-immune disease in horses with unknown pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to reveal the presence of circulating antikeratinocyte autoantibodies with indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). PF was diagnosed by history, clinical signs, cytological and histopathological examinations, and direct immunofluorescence (DIF). DIF was performed with a rabbit anti-horse immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibody (Rabbit anti-horse IgG H&L, ab6700, Abcam; Paris, France) and compared to that of two healthy horses and three horses with a nonautoimmune inflammatory dermatosis. IIF was performed on rat bladder with the same antibody and compared with two heathy horses. IgG dosage was recorded and clinical severity [extension score (0 to 3) and absence (0) or presence (1) of general signs] was scored. Nine horses were included, four males and five females with a mean age of 4.5 years (range two months to 23 years). Several breeds were included: French trotter (n = 3), Shetland ponies (n = 2), thoroughbred (n = 1), Breton (n = 1), Appaloosa (n = 1) and Camargue (n = 1). Clinical severity scores varied between 2 and 4. Circulating antikeratinocyte IgG was observed in all PF cases with a granular interkeratinocyte staining. IIF with sera of healthy horses was negative. There was no significant difference in total IgG blood concentrations between affected and healthy horses (Student’s t-test, P = 0.1963). No correlation between clinical severity scores and total IgG blood concentrations (Pearson test, P = 0.2149, r 2 =0.3515) was seen. IIF reveals the presence of circulating IgG antikeratinocyte autoantibodies in equine PF.
落叶型天疱疮(PF)是马最常见的自身免疫性疾病,其发病机制尚不清楚。本研究的目的是通过间接免疫荧光(IIF)揭示循环中的抗角化细胞自身抗体的存在。经病史、临床体征、细胞学及组织病理学检查及直接免疫荧光(DIF)诊断为PF。用兔抗马免疫球蛋白(Ig)G抗体(rabbit anti-horse IgG H&L, ab6700, Abcam;并与两匹健康的马和三匹患有非自身免疫性炎性皮肤病的马进行了比较。用相同抗体对大鼠膀胱进行IIF,并与2匹健康马进行比较。记录IgG剂量,并对临床严重程度[延伸评分(0 ~ 3)和一般体征的有无(0)或存在(1)]进行评分。共有9匹马,4匹公马和5匹母马,平均年龄4.5岁(从2个月到23岁不等)。其中包括几个品种:法国蹄马(n = 3)、设得兰矮种马(n = 2)、纯种马(n = 1)、布雷顿马(n = 1)、阿帕卢萨马(n = 1)和卡马格马(n = 1)。临床严重程度评分在2到4之间。在所有PF病例中均观察到循环中的抗角化细胞IgG,呈颗粒状的角化细胞间染色。健康马血清IIF为阴性。病马与健康马的血总IgG浓度差异无统计学意义(学生t检验,P = 0.1963)。临床严重程度评分与总IgG血药浓度之间无相关性(Pearson检验,P = 0.2149, r2 =0.3515)。IIF显示在马PF中存在循环中的抗角化细胞自身抗体IgG。

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Human skin tolerance to dog hygiene products: evaluation of two hypoallergenic, irritant-free formulations

M. DE LUCIA*, A. BELLONI FORTINA† , G. BARATTO‡ , P. BARATTO‡ , M. MORETTI§ , E. PESERICO¶ and A. PESERICO† *San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Laboratory, Dermatology Unit, Veggiano, Italy † Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine (DIMED) – University of Padua, Padova, Italy ‡ Mundavet s.r.l., Padova, Italy § Unifarco s.p.a., Santa Giustina, Italy ¶ Department of Information Engineering (DEI) – University of Padua, Padova, Italy

Contact dermatitis caused by skin-cleaning agents is common in humans. We investigated human skin tolerance to a dog shampoo (Mundavet Skerma 23 shampoo) and a dog cleanser (Mundavet Skerma 23 cleanser), both lipid-enriched, hypoallergenic and irritant-free. First, the products were patch-tested to rule out irritancy or allergenicity, as usually done for human cosmetics, in 20 adult human volunteers. Then, 49 other volunteers were asked to wash their hands at least twice daily for five consecutive days; 27 with the shampoo and 22 with the cleanser. Shampoo volunteers were six males and 21 females (mean age 38 years); 21 had no pre-existing conditions, three had seborrheic dermatitis and three contact dermatitis. Cleanser volunteers were nine males and 13 females (mean age 39 years); 14 had no pre-existing conditions, four had contact dermatitis, two skin dryness, one pityriasis rosea and one seborrheic dermatitis. No restrictions regarding regular cleaning or topicals were imposed. At the end, each participant completed a questionnaire reporting presence or absence of skin softness, dryness, pruritus, burning and erythema, and 45/49 volunteers (92%) reported soft clean skin and no adverse effects. One participant in the shampoo group and three (one with pre-existing seborrheic dermatitis) in the cleanser group reported dryness. High-quality formulation of pet-cleaning products and patch-tested absence of human irritancy/allergenicity would then appear predictive of human skin tolerability after repeated use. We believe our approach should become standard in the pet-care industry, given how often pets are hand-washed without gloves (89% of owners in a preliminary survey).
皮肤清洁剂引起的接触性皮炎在人类中很常见。我们研究了人类皮肤对一种犬用洗发水(Mundavet Skerma 23洗发水)和一种犬用清洁剂(Mundavet Skerma 23清洁剂)的耐受性,这两种洗发水都富含脂质、低过敏性和无刺激性。首先,像通常对人类化妆品所做的那样,这些产品在20名成年人类志愿者中进行了贴片测试,以排除其刺激性或过敏性。然后,另外49名志愿者被要求连续五天每天至少洗手两次;27号用洗发水,22号用洗面奶。使用洗发水的志愿者为6名男性和21名女性(平均年龄38岁);21人没有既往病史,3人有脂溢性皮炎,3人有接触性皮炎。洗面奶志愿者有9名男性和13名女性(平均年龄39岁);14人无既往病史,4人有接触性皮炎,2人皮肤干燥,1人有玫瑰糠疹,1人有脂溢性皮炎。没有关于定期清洁或局部使用的限制。最后,每个参与者都完成了一份问卷,报告是否存在皮肤柔软、干燥、瘙痒、灼烧和红斑,45/49名志愿者(92%)报告皮肤柔软干净,没有不良反应。使用洗发水组的1名参与者和使用洁面剂组的3名参与者(其中1人患有脂溢性皮炎)报告了自己的干燥。高质量的宠物清洁产品配方和经过斑片测试的人类刺激性/过敏原性,在重复使用后将显示人类皮肤耐受性的预测。我们认为我们的方法应该成为宠物护理行业的标准,考虑到洗宠物不戴手套的频率(在初步调查中,89%的主人不戴手套)。

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: ABF, MDL, GB, PB, EP and AP share ownership of Mundavet S.r.l. MM is an employee of Unifarco S.p.a.

Concerns about human contact allergens in skin-andcoat care veterinary products

A. BELLONI FORTINA*, M. DE LUCIA† , G. BARATTO‡ , P. BARATTO‡ , M. MORETTI§ , E. PESERICO¶ and A. PESERICO† *Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine (DIMED) – University of Padua, Padova, Italy † San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Laboratory, Dermatology Unit, Veggiano, Italy ‡ Mundavet S.r.l., Padova, Italy § Unifarco S.p.a., Santa Giustina, Italy ¶ Department of Information Engineering (DEI) – University of Padua, Padova, Italy

It should be possible to rule out the presence of allergens in a veterinary skin-and-coat care product by inspecting its label. This is particularly true because most owners wash their pets without gloves (89% according to a preliminary survey). Unfortunately, veterinary products do not always provide the complete ingredient list on the label, as is compulsory for human skincare products. We examined the ingredients reported on the labels of the 30 top-selling products in the “dog shampoos & conditioners” category of Amazon.com. Only 1/30 products provided the full ingredient list, and only 20 more provided a somewhat comprehensive list. Even if the full ingredient list was mostly unavailable, all of the products reported the presence of at least one human allergen (and in some cases ≥10) including fragrances, betaine, lanolin, chlorhexidine, oat proteins, cocamide DEA, vitamin E, alkyl glucosides, acrylates, preservatives, menthol, plant and leaf extracts. We stress that the allergens above are only those reported on the label. We believe that for greater safety of both pets and caregivers, and to improve the accuracy of dermatological diagnostics, the full ingredient list in veterinary skin-and-coat care products should always be provided according to the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) rules.

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: ABF, MDL, GB, PB, EP and AP share ownership of Mundavet S.r.l. MM is an employee of Unifarco S.p.a.

Pyoderma gangrenosum in dogs: a retrospective, single-centre analysis of 13 cases

M. DE LUCIA *† , P. ORLANDINI*, D. DENTI*, A. BELLONI FORTINA‡ , A. PESERICO‡ and G. MEZZALIRA† *San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Laboratory, Dermatology Unit, Veggiano, Italy † San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Laboratory, Dermatopathology Unit, Veggiano, Italy ‡ Dermatology Unit, Department of Medicine (DIMED) – University of Padua, Padova, Italy

Pyoderma gangrenosum in dogs is an uncommon, poorly described condition. Thirteen cases of pyoderma gangrenosum were diagnosed between 2017 and 2021. Various breeds were included; mixed-breed dogs (four) and American Staffordshire terriers (three) were over-represented. There were six females and seven males, ranging from 24 to 174 months of age (median 92 months). At the time of the visit, the median duration of disease was 4.5 months. Painful undermined ulcers (13/13) were the most common lesions, followed by pustules, haemorrhagic bullae, sinus tracts, erythematous papules, oedema and alopecia. Pathergy was observed in three cases. Lesions were almost always multiple (12/13) involving dorsal and ventral trunk (7/13), limbs (5/13), paws (5/13), eyelids (2/ 13), perioral (2/13) and perianal areas (1/13). Lameness (7/ 13), gastrointestinal signs (5/13), inflammatory arthropathy (4/13) and fever (4/13) were additional clinical features. Mild-to-severe anaemia, neutrophilia, increased Creactive protein and hypoalbuminemia were the most relevant laboratory abnormalities. In all cases, histopathological results showed diffuse, dermal to subcutaneous, neutrophilic to pyogranulomatous inflammation with haemorrhages. Luminal neutrophilic folliculitis, furunculosis, fistulation, vasculitis, hair follicle atrophy and ulcers were variably present. Antibiotic treatment based on susceptibility test led to no (11/13) or partial (2/13) improvement. Complete (11/13) or partial (2/13) remission of the skin lesions was achieved with ciclosporin (5 mg/kg twice daily) (7/13), glucocorticoids (3/13) or a combination of both (3/13). The study provides additional information to better characterise pyoderma gangrenosum in dogs.
坏疽性脓皮病在犬是一种罕见的,很少描述的情况。2017年至2021年期间,确诊了13例坏疽性脓皮病。研究包括了不同的品种;混血犬(4只)和美国斯塔福德犬(3只)的数量过多。6例母犬7例公犬,年龄24 - 174个月(中位数92个月)。访问时,疾病的中位持续时间为4.5个月。疼痛性破坏溃疡(13/13)是最常见的病变,其次是脓疱、出血性大疱、窦道、红斑性丘疹、水肿和脱毛3例出现病理改变。病变多为多发(12/13),累及背、躯干腹侧(7/13)、四肢(5/13)、爪垫(5/13)、眼睑(2/13)、口周(2/13)和肛周(1/13)。跛行(7/ 13)、胃肠道症状(5/13)、炎症性关节病(4/13)和发热(4/13)是其他临床特征。轻度至重度贫血、中性粒细胞增多、创造性蛋白增加和低白蛋白血症是最相关的实验室异常。所有病例的组织病理学结果均显示弥漫性、真皮至皮下、中性粒细胞至化脓性肉芽肿性炎症伴出血。腔内中性粒细胞性毛囊炎、疖病、瘘管炎、血管炎、毛囊萎缩和溃疡均有不同的表现。基于药敏试验的抗生素治疗没有(11/13)或部分(2/13)改善。使用环孢素(5 mg/kg,每日2次)(7/13)、糖皮质激素(3/13)或两者联合(3/13)可使皮肤病变完全缓解(11/13)或部分缓解(2/13)。该研究为更好地鉴别犬坏疽性脓皮病提供了额外的信息。

Source of funding: Funded by San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Laboratory, Italy. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Comparison of scratching severity between ownercompleted pruritus Visual Analog Scale and Whistle canine collar

A. CARSON*, A. WRIGHT† , R. HOLLAND‡ , N. CERNICCHIARO§ , C. KRESNYE and S. LYLE¶ *Kinship Partners Inc., Portland, OR, USA † Zoetis Inc., Parsippany, NJ, USA ‡ Holland Management Services Inc., Lexington, KY, USA § Center for Outcomes Research and Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan, KS, USA ¶ Kinship Partners Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA

Monitoring severity of pruritus is a challenge for dog owners yet important in communicating with veterinarians and evaluating response to therapy. Pruritus Visual Analog Scoring (pVAS) is effective and requires pet owner recording. This study compares scratching severity recorded using Whistle canine activity monitors (Mars Petcare; McLean, VA, USA), in a 24 h period preceding the owner recorded pVAS scores. Of 1,000 owners (with their dogs classified previously as presenting low and high levels of scratching) invited to participate, 358 filled in an online questionnaire including a digital pVAS and confirmation that dog owner was in contact to monitor the dog in the past 24 h. Any dog owner that logged into the App to see the scores was eliminated. The association between Whistle scratching categories and pVAS scores was modelled using a logistic regression model with a beta distribution and logit link. As scratching severity increased, as measured by the Whistle canine collar, pVAS scores significantly (P < 0.01) increased. On average, dogs experiencing infrequent scratching (0 to 52 s) were described as having mild itching based on pVAS [mean score 30.4 (95%CI 26.1–35.1)], while dogs experiencing occasional (53–119 s), elevated (120–299 s) or severe (>300 s) scratching as per Whistle measurements, were assigned a moderate pVAS itching score [mean scores 42.2 (95%CI 38.3–46.3), 48.9 (44.5–53.3) and 52.8 (43.4– 62.0), respectively] by pet owners. Whistle provides a practical tool to objectively evaluate pruritus severity.
对犬主人来说,监测瘙痒的严重程度是一个挑战,但在与兽医沟通和评估治疗反应方面也很重要。瘙痒视觉模拟评分(pVAS)是有效的,需要宠物主人记录。这项研究比较了使用Whistle犬活动监测器(Mars Petcare;McLean, VA, USA),病患记录pVAS评分前24 h。1000名宠主(他们的犬根据之前出现的低和高程度的抓挠分类)邀请参与,358在线填写问卷,包括pVAS评分和确认联系的犬主人在过去的24 h在监控犬。登录到应用app的任何犬主人看成绩即被淘汰。Whistle抓挠分类pVAS评分之间的关联使用beta分布和logit链接的逻辑回归模型进行建模。通过Whistle犬项圈测量,随着抓挠严重程度的增加,pVAS评分显著提高(P <0.01)增加。平均而言,根据pVAS[平均评分30.4 (95%CI 26.1 35.1)],犬经历不频繁的抓痒(0到52秒)被描述为轻度瘙痒,而根据Whistle的测量,犬偶尔(53 119秒),升高(120 299秒)或严重(>300秒)抓痒。宠物主人给予中度pVAS瘙痒评分[平均评分分别为42.2 (95%CI 38.3 46.3)、48.9(44.5 53.3)和52.8(43.4 62.0)]。Whistle提供了一个实用的工具,客观评估瘙痒的严重程度。

Source of funding: Zoetis Inc., and Kinship Partners Inc. Conflicts of interest: Authors are employed or funded by Zoetis Inc., or Kinship Partners Inc.

Adverse effects in cats treated with subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy: results of a worldwide survey of 116 veterinarians

A.-M. ZUZZI-KREBITZ*, I. HERRMANN† , N. SKALOVA*, A.TICHY* and L. PANAKOVA* *University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria † NC State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC, USA

The use of allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) in cats has been reported for over 30 years, yet data on adverse effects (AE) of subcutaneous AIT (SCIT) are limited. The aim of this study was to survey veterinarians on their use of SCIT in cats and to summarise specific AE of SCIT. A link for an online questionnaire was sent to veterinarians specialised and/or interested in veterinary dermatology.The questionnaire was completed anonymously by 116 veterinarians [78 (67.2%) referral specialists and 38 (32.8%) general practitioners] from 22 countries in five continents. Seventy-eight (67.2%) participants used SCIT only in Feline Allergic Skin Syndrome (FASS) and 38 (32.8%) used SCIT only in FASS and/or feline asthma. Known adjuvants used were aluminium hydroxide (by 25%), distilled water (25%) and glycerol (6.9%) were used as adjuvants; the remainder (43%) were unknown. Fortythree (37%) participants reported AE related to SCIT. No feline injection-site sarcoma (FISS) was confirmed histopathologically, although it was suspected by one veterinarian. Mild reported AE were increase in pruritus by 33, vomiting/diarrhoea by 12 and local injection reaction by 10 survey participants. Interestingly, subsequent severe AE were observed: sudden death in three, collapse in four, dyspnoe in two and anaphylaxis in four cats. Appearance of the acute AE after SCIT was within 24 h in 38.8%, within 48 h in 38.8%, between one day and one week in 16.3%, and in two weeks to two months in 6.1% of questionnaires. In conclusion, although confirmed FISS after SCIT was not reported, veterinarians reported severe AE including anaphylaxis, sudden collapse and even death of cats after the administration of AIT.
在猫身上使用过敏原特异性免疫治疗(AIT)的报道已经超过30年,但关于皮下过敏原特异性免疫治疗(SCIT)的不良反应(AE)的数据有限。本研究的目的是调查兽医对猫使用SCIT的情况,并总结SCIT的具体AE。一个在线问卷的链接被发送给兽医皮肤科专业和/或感兴趣的兽医。问卷由来自五大洲22个国家的116名兽医(78名(67.2%)转诊专家和38名(32.8%)全科医生)匿名填写。78名(67.2%)参与者仅在猫过敏皮肤综合征(FASS)中使用了SCIT, 38名(32.8%)参与者仅在FASS和/或猫哮喘中使用了SCIT。已知的佐剂有氢氧化铝(25%)、蒸馏水(25%)和甘油(6.9%)作为佐剂;其余的(43%)是未知的。43名(37%)参与者报告了与SCIT相关的AE。没有猫注射部位肉瘤(FISS)被组织病理学证实,尽管一名兽医怀疑此事。轻度AE报告瘙痒增加33例,呕吐/腹泻增加12例,局部注射反应增加10例。值得思考的是,随后观察到严重的AE: 3只猫突然死亡,4只猫晕厥2只猫呼吸困难,4只猫发生过敏反应。SCIT后出现急性AE的时间分别为24 h内(38.8%)、48 h内(38.8%)、1天至1周(16.3%)、2周至2个月(6.1%)。综上所述,虽然没有证实SCIT后出现FISS的报道,但兽医报告了在给予AIT后出现严重的AE,包括过敏反应、突然晕倒甚至死亡。

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Development of a quantitative PCR for the detection of Chorioptes spp. in equine skin scrapings

M. ISAKSSON*, K. BERGVALL† and G. GRANDI* *Swedish Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden † Swedish University of Agriculture, Uppsala, Sweden

Equine leg mange caused by Chorioptes bovis, often associated with pruritic pastern dermatitis, is a recognised welfare problem in horses. Diagnosis by direct microscopy can be a challenge in field practice. Our aim was to develop a reliable, molecular tool for detection of C. bovis DNA in skin scrapings. A new set of primers and Taqman probe were designed within the mitochondrial COI-gene sequence of C. bovis. DNA was extracted from four C. bovis-positive and eight C. bovis-negative microscopy samples. PCR analysis was run using 400 nM each primer and 133 nM hydrolysis probe labelled with FAMMGBNFQ (2 min initial denaturation at 95°C followed by 45 cycles of 95°C for 5 s and 60°C for 30 s). Samples were considered positive if the reaction curve exhibited a characteristic exponential shape and reached above the selected threshold based on the baselines for samples and controls. To test the specificity of the assay, nine species of environmental mites were tested, all with negative results. The results from the microscopy of the samples used for optimisation of sampling were in general congruent with the PCR results, except in one case, when after acaricidal treatment a horse was still positive at PCR and negative at microscopy. While our PCR method showed a good specificity and sensitivity, it should be tested on larger sample batches and the optimal timing for post-treatment follow-up established.
由牛足螨引起的马腿疥螨,常与瘙痒性皮肤炎有关,是公认的马福利问题。直接显微镜诊断在田野临床中可能是一个挑战。我们的目的是开发一种可靠的分子工具,用于检测牛足螨的皮肤划痕DNA。根据牛足螨线粒体coi基因序列设计了一套新的引物和Taqman探针。从4个牛足螨阳性和8个牛足螨阴性的显微镜样本中提取DNA。PCR分析运行使用每个引物400 nM和133 nM水解与FAMMGBNFQ探针标记(2分钟初始变性在95 C紧随其后的是45 95 C周期为5 s和60 C 30 s)。样本被认为是阳性,如果反应曲线表现出特征指数的形状和达到上面所选阈值的基础上样品和对照的基线。为检测该方法的特异性,共检测了9种环境螨虫,均为阴性。优化取样的样本在显微镜下的结果与PCR结果全等,除了一种情况,即杀螨处理后,一匹马在PCR上仍然呈阳性,而在显微镜下呈阴性。我们的PCR方法具有良好的特异性和敏感性,需要在较大的样本批次上进行检测,并确定最佳的治疗后随访时间。

Source of funding: Swedish-Norwegian Foundation for Equine Research. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Characterisation of the pro-inflammatory and pruritogenic transcriptome in equine insect bite hypersensitivity

F. BANOVIC*, A. BLUBAUGH*, T. DENLEY* and A. GONZALES† *University Of Georgia College Of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, GA, USA † Global Therapeutics Research, Zoetis Inc., Kalamazoo, MI, USA

A recent RNA-sequencing skin transcriptome of equine insect bite hypersensitivity revealed only a significant mild upregulation of interleukin (IL)-13 among the T-helper 2 (Th2) cytokines; no changes in itch-related mediators were observed. The objectives of this large-scale study of IBH were to characterise the skin inflammatory and pruritogenic transcriptome using deep sequencing with long, 150 bp paired-end reads. Biopsies collected from IBH lesional skin in 13 horses (n = 21 samples) and healthy site-matched skin in seven horses (n = 13 samples) were subjected to RNA sequencing. Lesional IBH skin displayed substantial transcriptomic difference compared to healthy controls with 2,744 upregulated and 2,417 downregulated genes (1.5-fold change, P-adjusted value < 0.05). Lesional IBH skin showed a significant upregulation of proinflammatory (e.g. IL-1B, PTX3, CCL2, IL-8) and Th2 (e.g. IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IL-33, TSLP, POSTN) genes, as well as Th2 chemokines (CCL17) and eotaxins (CCL11, CCL24, CCL26). IL-13 was the most distinct Th2 marker with a 310-fold upregulation. There were no changes in the expression of IL-17A and IL-22 cytokines. The Th1 signal (e.g. STAT-1, OASL, MX-1, CXCL10, IL-12A) as well as the T-cell trafficking chemokine (CCR7) and its ligand (CCL19) were upregulated. Among the itch-related mediators and receptors, a significant upregulation of known pruritogenic genes [e.g. chymase 1, cathepsin S (CTSS), CTSC, histamine-synthesis enzyme HDC, HNMT, histamine receptors HRH1, HRH4] was observed. Gene NTRK1, encoding a receptor for NGF, was the highest upregulated itch receptor. The lesional IBH signature exhibits upregulation of itch-signalling, innate and adaptive immune genes with a dominance of IL-13 pathways.
最近马的昆虫叮咬过敏的RNA测序皮肤转录组显示,T辅助2 (Th2)细胞因子中只有白细胞介素(IL)-13显著轻微上调;未观察到瘙痒相关介质的变化。这项大规模IBH研究的目的是利用长150 bp配对末端序列的深度测序来描述皮肤炎症和致痒的转录组特征。从13匹马(n = 21个样本)的IBH病变皮肤和7匹马(n = 13个样本)的健康部位匹配皮肤采集活检,并进行RNA测序。与健康对照组相比,病变性IBH皮肤显示出显著的转录组差异,2744个基因上调,2417个基因下调(1.5倍的变化,p调整值<0.05). 病变性IBH皮肤促炎基因(如IL-1B、PTX3、CCL2、IL-8)和Th2基因(如IL-4、IL-5、IL-13、IL-33、TSLP、POSTN)以及Th2趋化因子(CCL17)和eotaxins基因(CCL11、CCL24、CCL26)显著上调。IL-13是Th2最明显的标志物,其表达上调了310倍。IL-17A和IL-22细胞因子表达无变化。Th1信号(如STAT-1、OASL、MX-1、CXCL10、IL-12A)以及T细胞转运趋化因子(CCR7)及其配体(CCL19)上调。在瘙痒相关的介质和受体中,已知的致痒基因(如:糜酶1、组织蛋白酶S (CTSS)、CTSC、组胺合成酶HDC、HNMT、组胺受体HRH1、HRH4)显著上调。编码NGF受体的基因NTRK1是瘙痒受体上调最高的基因。病变性IBH特征显示瘙痒信号、先天和适应性免疫基因的上调,IL-13通路占主导地位。

Source of funding: Zoetis Inc. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Oclacitinib alternative, off-label protocol for canine atopic dermatitis: can cost be reduced?

A. BIZARRO*, B. FERNANDES*, H. PEREIRA*, M. PINTO*, V. SCHMIDT† , A. MARTINS† , B. BRAZ† and A. LOURENCO† *Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Animal Health (CIISA), Lisbon, Portugal † School of Veterinary Science, The University of Liverpool, Leahurst, UK

Despite the high level of owner satisfaction with oclacitinib treatment, the drug’s cost represents a concern for 75% of them, with 42.5% stating that they had to limit other expenses to afford their dog’s treatment. This study aims to evaluate the possibility of using an alternative therapeutic protocol with oclacitinib on alternate days and whether there is an advantage in administering oral glucocorticoids at the beginning. In this prospective, randomised, double-blinded clinical trial, atopic dogs were assigned randomly to either the placebo (P) or the glucocorticoid group (G). Dogs were evaluated for skin lesions (Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index, 4th iteration, CADESI-04) and pruritus (Visual Analog Scale, pVAS) at day (D)30 (beginning of oclacitinib standard protocol), D0 (beginning of the alternate days’ protocol), and end-point (disease relapse or D30). This study comprised two distinct and successive phases. In the first phase, oclacitinib was given orally to both groups, following its standard protocol for 30 days. To D7, group G was given oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg once daily), and group P was given a placebo following the same regimen. In the second phase, all animals underwent the same protocol with oclacitinib administered every other day until the endpoint. It was possible to use the alternate days’ protocol for ≥30 days in 71.43% (10/14) of the dogs, while 4/14 had the treatment maintained for five months. Prednisolone had no impact on CADESI-04, pVAS nor treatment length. The alternate days’ treatment protocol can allow monthly costs to be reduced by half, giving greater access to this therapeutic tool.
尽管犬主人对奥拉替尼治疗的满意度很高,但75%的犬主人担心药物的费用,42.5%的人表示他们不得不限制其他费用来支付犬的治疗费用。本研究的目的是评估交替使用奥拉替尼的替代治疗方案的可能性,以及在开始时口服糖皮质激素是否有优势。在这项前瞻性、随机、双盲的临床试验中,特应性皮炎犬被随机分配到安慰剂组(P)或糖皮质激素组(G)。对犬的皮肤病变(犬特应性皮炎严重程度指数第4版CADESI-04)和瘙痒(视觉模拟量表,第(D)30天(奥拉替尼标准方案开始)、第0天(隔日方案开始)和终点(疾病复发或第30天)时的pVAS。这项研究包括两个不同的和连续的阶段。在第一阶段,两组病患均按其标准方案口服奥拉替尼30天。至第7日,G组给予泼尼松龙口服(1 mg/kg, 1次/ d), P组给予相同方案的安慰剂。在第二阶段,所有动物都采用相同的方案,每隔一天给予奥拉替尼,直到终点。71.43%(10/14)的犬可以使用30天交替治疗方案,而4/14的犬维持治疗5个月。泼尼松龙对CADESI-04、pVAS和治疗时间均无影响。隔日治疗方案可使每月费用减少一半,使人们更容易接受这种治疗方法。

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Transcriptome profiling of spontaneous canine atopic dermatitis lesional and nonlesional skin using deep RNA sequencing
BLUBAUGH, T. DENLEY and F. BANOVIC University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, GA, USA

Large-scale transcriptomic studies evaluating global patterns of gene expression and inflammatory pathways in lesional and nonlesional canine atopic dermatitis (AD) skin have not been reported. Our objectives were to characterise the skin atopic lesional (AL, 62 samples) and nonlesional (ANL, 29 samples) transcriptome in 33 dogs with AD (13 breeds); 20 site-matched healthy skin samples from 12 dogs (nine breeds) served as controls. We extracted total RNA from skin biopsies and analysed the transcriptome using 150 bp paired-end RNA sequencing. Comparison of the mRNA expression of spontaneous canine AL and ANL skin with that of healthy skin identified 5,259 and 1,711 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) at1.5-fold change (P-adjusted value <0.05). The top upregulated DEGs in AL and ANL skin were antimicrobial calcium-binding proteins S100A12 and S100A9, keratinocyte gene KRT2, matrix metalloprotease MMP12, chemokines (CCL5, CCL17, CCL22, CXCL10) and interleukins (IL)-8, IL-13, IL-26 and IL-36G; these genes expressed higher fold-changes in AL skin in addition to significantly upregulated IL-9, IL-17A, IL-17C, IL-22 and IL-24. There also was significant upregulation of genes encoding known pruritogenic proteins and pathways, such as cathepsin S (CTSS) and CTSC, mast cell chymase (CMA1), nerve growth factor (NGF), neuromedin B (NMB), periostin (POSTN) and substance P (TAC1). Gene set variation analysis for phenotypically unbiased analysis of T-helper (Th) gene sets (Th1, Th2, Th17, Th22) revealed significant upregulation of all multipolar immunological axes in AL skin. In conclusion, spontaneous canine AD skin exhibits a multipolar immunological axis upregulation resembling changes in spontaneous human AD.
大规模的转录组研究评估了在皮肤病变和非皮肤病变犬特应性皮炎(AD)皮肤中基因表达和炎症途径的整体模式,目前尚未报道。我们的目标是描述33只AD犬(13个品种)的皮肤特应性病变(AL, 62个样本)和非病变(ANL, 29个样本)的转录组特征;来自12只犬(9个品种)的20个现场匹配的健康皮肤样本作为对照。我们从皮肤活检中提取总RNA,并使用150 bp成对端RNA测序分析转录组。犬自发皮肤AL和ANL mRNA表达量与正常皮肤的差异表达基因(DEGs)分别为5259和1711个,差异表达量为1.5倍(p调整值<0.05)。AL和ANL皮肤中表达量最高的DEGs为抗菌钙结合蛋白S100A12和S100A9、角质细胞基因KRT2、基质金属蛋白酶MMP12、趋化因子(CCL5、CCL17、CCL22、CXCL10)和白细胞介素(IL)-8、IL-13、IL-26和IL- 36g;除IL-9、IL-17A、IL-17C、IL-22和IL-24显著上调外,这些基因在AL皮肤中表达更高的倍数变化。组织蛋白酶S (cathepsin S, CTSS)、CTSC、肥大细胞糜酶(mast cell chymase, CMA1)、神经生长因子(nerve growth factor, NGF)、神经素B (neuromedin B, NMB)、骨膜蛋白(stin, POSTN)、P物质(substance P, TAC1)等已知致痒蛋白和途径的基因也有显著上调。T-helper (Th)基因组(Th1、Th2、Th17、Th22)表型无偏倚分析的基因组变异分析显示,AL皮肤中所有多极免疫轴均显著上调。综上所述,犬自发性AD皮肤表现出与人类自发性AD相似的多极免疫轴上调。

Source of funding: This study was partially funded by AKC Health Foundation. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Effect of using textiles containing copper and zinc in dogs with superficial pyoderma

C. ROMERO*, I. ASTEINZA† , R. HEREDIA‡ and L. REYES† *DERMAVET Veterinary Hospital, Mexico † Veterinary Hospital Animal Home, Mexico ‡ Integral Veterinary Center, Animal Health and Welfare CIVET, Mexico

The use of metallic particles is one of the promising therapies to avoid the use of antimicrobials and a new therapeutic alternative for the control of cutaneous infections in dogs. Copper and zinc have shown antimicrobial activity against several strains of fungi and bacteria, through inhibition of protein synthesis, altering the cell membrane, inducing oxidative damage and the lysis of nucleic acids, and eliminating the microbes in contact with the particles. The aim was to evaluate the effect of using textiles containing particles of copper and zinc in dogs with superficial pyoderma. Dogs were included in the study if they had a diagnosis of superficial pyoderma and no ongoing treatments. Fifteen dogs were enrolled and each wore a pet-suit containing copper and zinc for 15 days, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. No topical or systemic treatment were administered. Cytological evaluation was performed on day (D)1, D3, D5, D10 and D15 to detect the presence of polymorphonuclear leucocytes, bacteria and yeast. The polymorphonuclear cells and extracellular cocci showed a statistically significant constant decrease (P ≤ 0.001) among D1, D3, D5, D10 and D15, the number of yeasts gradually decreased during the study. The use of textiles containing copper and zinc particles resulted in a decrease in polymorphonuclear cells, cocci and yeast present in dogs with superficial pyoderma.

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Topical application of a combination of piperonyl butoxide with permethrin and prednisolone acetate for the treatment of Psoroptes cuniculi in naturally infected rabbits

E. ALVAREZ*,† , R. HEREDIA*,† , M. GUILLOT† and M. ROJAS*,† *Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca, Estado de Mexico, Mexico † Centro Integral Veterinario CIVET, Estado de Mexico, Mexico

The Psoroptes cuniculi mite is the most common ear ectoparasite of rabbits. Parasitised rabbits show skin lesions on the pinna and ear canal, and are susceptible to secondary infections. Seventeen rabbits naturally infested with P. cuniculi were assigned consecutive numbers and using the index/random formulas in a spreadsheet, were divided into five completely random groups. Otic swabs from both ears were collected in all animals, placing a drop of mineral oil on a sterile cotton swab to facilitate adherence of mites and crusts, to evaluate the acaricidal effect of a single application of 0.25 mL piperonyl butoxide with permethrin and topical prednisolone acetate (Scabisin Suspension, CHINOIN Veterinaria; Mexico City, Mexico). Samples were collected on day (D)1, D2, D3, D4, D5 D10 and D20 postapplication. The presence or absence of mites in both ears was evaluated, as well as the quantity, viability and stage of the mites, and severity of lesions. The number of mitepositive rabbits decreased to 52% at D4, 82% at D5, 94.1% at D10 and 100% at D20. On D3, one live adult mite was found and from D4 there were no live adult mites found in the ears of the rabbits, from D2 no live nymphs were found in the samples. From D5 no severe lesions were observed in the ears of the treated rabbits, and from D10 until D20 all rabbits were free of lesions. A single topical application was able to eliminate P. cuniculi mites in the ears of all rabbits and reduced the lesions, without concurrent topical or systemic treatments.
兔耳螨是家兔最常见的耳外寄生虫。被寄生的家兔在耳廓和耳道出现皮肤病变,易继发感染。17只自然感染兔疟原虫的兔子被分配了连续的数字,并使用电子表格中的指数/随机公式,将其分为5个完全随机的组。耳拭子从耳朵都收集到所有的动物,把一滴矿物油放在无菌棉拭子促进螨虫的依从性和外壳,评估一个应用程序的杀螨效果为0.25毫升胡椒基丁醚与氯菊酯和外用醋酸强的松(Scabisin混悬液,CHINOIN Veterinaria;墨西哥城,墨西哥)。分别于用药后第(D)1天、D2天、D3天、D4天、D5天、D10天、D20天采集样品。评估双耳内螨的存在与否,以及螨的数量、生存能力、阶段和病变的严重程度。在D4、D5、D10和D20时,螨阳性家兔数量分别为52%、82%、94.1%和100%。D4时兔耳内未见活螨,D2时兔耳内未见活若虫。D5至D10至D20兔耳未见严重病变。单次局部应用能够消除兔耳内所有兔耳螨,减少病变,而无需同时外部或全身治疗。

Source of funding: Self-funded. Conflicts of interest: None declared


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