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Canine ischaemic dermatopathy: a retrospective study of 177 cases (20052016)
Katherine A. Backel*, Charles W. Bradley*, Christine L. Cain*, Daniel O. Morris*, Kyle H. Goldschmidtand Elizabeth A. Mauldin*


背景: 犬缺血性皮肤病包含一些临床和组织学特征相似且机制不明的犬病组群。目前关于种群特性、进展和结果的信息非常少。
假设/目标: 本研究旨在通过组织病理学诊断的病例,报告缺血性皮肤病的临床特征和治疗结果(不包括家族性皮肌炎)
动物: 2005年至2016年期间,177个做过组织病理学分析且符合纳入标准的病例,其中93个病例有完整病历。
方法和材料: 检索信息进行有针对性的调查并记录,创建评分系统去主观评估临床结果与疫苗相关的可能性。
结果: 177例中,玩具贵宾犬、迷你贵宾犬、吉娃娃犬、马耳他犬、约克夏㹴犬和杰克罗素㹴犬的比例明显较多(P <0.001)。在93例历史数据中,皮肤活检的中位年龄为5(0.42-13),中位体重为7.3kg(范围1.32-50.3kg)。从45只犬身上发现(48.3%)病情可能与疫苗接种有关。年龄越小(P = 0.011)和体重越高(P = 0.003),以至于接种疫苗的可能性越大,呈正相关。体重<10 kg(P = 0.0045)和年龄越大(P = 0.0048),以至于预后越差,呈显著相关性。
结论和临床意义: 该研究为品种易感性提供支持,并识别潜在的预后因素。重要的是,超过一半的病例与疫苗无关,这表明有必要调查该病的其他潜在原因。
Background Ischaemic dermatopathy encompasses a poorly understood subset of canine diseases that share similar clinical and histological features. Very little information is currently available regarding population characteristics, progression and outcome.
Hypothesis/objectives This study aimed to describe the clinical features and therapeutic outcomes of ischaemia dermatopathy, excluding familial dermatomyositis, using cases diagnosed by histopathological analysis.
AnimalsOne hundred and seventy-seven cases submitted for histopathological analysis between 2005 and 2016 met inclusion criteria, of which 93 had complete medical records available.
Methods and materials Both records and pointed surveys were used to retrieve information. Scoring systems were created to subjectively evaluate clinical outcomes and likelihood of a vaccine association.
Results Of 177 cases, toy and miniature poodles, Chihuahuas, Maltese, Yorkshire terriers and Jack Russell terriers were signicantly over-represented (P < 0.001). Of the 93 cases for which historical data were obtained, median age at skin biopsy was ve years (0.4213 years) and median body weight was 7.3 kg (range 1.3250.3 kg). The condition in 45 dogs (48.3%) was found likely to be associated with vaccination. Younger ages (P = 0.011) and higher body weights (P = 0.003) were positively correlated with greater likelihood of vaccination. Body weight <10 kg (P = 0.0045) and older ages (P = 0.0048) were signicantly associated with worse outcomes.
Conclusions and clinical importance This study provides support for breed predispositions and identies potential prognostic factors. Importantly, over half of the cases were considered unlikely to be vaccine-associated, demonstrating the need to investigate other underlying causes of this condition.
Ischaemic dermatopathy is a diagnosis that encompasses different clinical syndromes with common features and a wide range of possible aetiologies. Ischaemic diseases previously have been grouped into five subtypes: canine familial dermatomyositis (FDM), juvenile onset dermatomyositis-like disease in atypical breeds, post-rabies vaccine panniculitis, generalized vaccine-associated ischaemic dermatopathy and generalized idiopathic ischaemic dermatopathy.1

Whether generalized or localized, cutaneous signs include alopecia, hyper- or hypopigmentation, scaling, crusts and ulcers. Lesions are found most commonly at vaccine sites and/or generalized areas including the pinnal margin, tip of the tail, head, face and pressure points. An acral distribution also is frequently observed and characterized by lesions on phalanges, paw pads and claws (onychodystrophy and onychomadesis).

Histological features of ischaemic dermatopathy include follicular atrophy, a cell-poor lymphocytic interface dermatitis, dermal oedema/mucin deposition, and eosinophilic tinctorial changes to the dermal collagen and vascular tunics imparting a smudgedappearance to the collagen. These changes are thought to represent a chronic oxygen-/nutrient-decient state of the affected tissue.1,2

Despite being recognized in the mid-1980s, very few primary publications since then have focused on nonfamilial variants of ischaemic dermatopathy.26 Although rabies vaccine-associated cases are relatively well recognized in clinical practice, there is a paucity of information regarding the true patient population, risk factors and clinical outcomes. Additionally, even less is known about idiopathic ischaemic dermatopathies in which an obvious vaccine trigger is not identied. Furthermore, optimal medical management of vaccine-associated and idiopathic cases has not been examined closely. Pentoxifylline has been reported to be effective in cases of FDM and is used for other subtypes of ischaemic dermatopathy, despite few published supportive data.7 Three cases of vaccine-associated disease were reported to respond well to therapy with pentoxifylline combined with vitamin E (and in two of these cases, short courses of prednisone).2 A report of two cases described excellent responses to oclacitinib.6 However, anecdotal reports suggest that these cases can be difcult to manage, with some requiring combination immunosuppressive therapy, and others progressing despite treatment.5,8

The objectives of this study were to develop more accurate descriptions of the population characteristics, clinical presentations, and outcome features of the various subtypes of ischaemic dermatopathy, excluding FDM. Additionally, an effort was made to correlate clinical ndings and treatment data with outcome patterns in order to identify risk factors and prognostic indicators for disease severity and progression. Based on clinical impressions, the authors hypothesized that small breeds would comprise the majority of the patient population, specically of those dogs with vaccine-associated disease. Additionally, the authors hypothesized that dogs with a body weight <10 kg, and those without a strong vaccine association, would have worse outcomes.

Methods and materials
A comprehensive electronic search of a histopathology database at the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pennsilvania for reports generated between 2005 and 2016 containing the key words ischaemicor ischaemic dermatopathy, was performed. Cases were then selected if the histological description and/or written diagnosis was consistent with cutaneous ischaemic disease. Exclusion criteria included a diagnosis of FDM (excluding all currently reported breeds) and ischaemic changes secondary to a primary skin disease (e.g. cutaneous neoplasia, reactive histiocytosis). A total of 282 cases were initially identied. All slides from each case were then examined by two authors.

A diagnosis of ischaemic dermatopathy was conferred by the presence of adnexal atrophy (faded follicles) with one or more of the following histological characteristics: (1) cell-poor interface pattern, (2) collagen smudging, (3) vasculitis or vasculopathy (loss of vascular distinction or endothelial cells) and/or (4) lymphoplasmacytic dermatitis or panniculitis. (Figure 1).

(a)轻度皮肤真皮层炎症反应和水肿,伴有明显的毛囊萎缩(faded follicles)和明显的玻璃膜(箭头所指)(b)高倍镜下明显的玻璃膜(箭头)(c)高倍镜下的真皮表皮交界处。细胞界面改变,伴浅表真皮水肿和真皮胶原纤维的细节缺失。基底角质细胞空泡变性伴细胞凋亡(arrows)和局灶性皮下(arrowhead)。基底层角质细胞凋亡(arrows)HE染色40 (a)400 (b,c)
Figure 1. Photomicrographs showing histopathological features of ischaemic dermatopathy in skin from Case 101.
(a) Mild dermal inammation and oedema with marked follicular atrophy (faded follicles) with a prominent glassy membrane (arrows). (b) Higher magnication highlighting glassy membrane (arrows). (c) Higher magnication of dermoepidermal junction. Cell-poor interface change with supercial dermal oedema and loss of detail in dermal collagen bres. Vacuolar degeneration of basal keratinocytes with apoptosis (arrows) and focal subepidermal cleft (arrowhead). Apoptotic keratinocytes are located in basal layer (arrows). Haematoxylin and eosin, *40 (a) and *400 (b,c).

All cases meeting these histological inclusion criteria were included in the analysis to dene population characteristics. Only cases submitted by veterinarians who were members of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology were analysed for clinical descriptions, treatment and outcome data. This was done because it was assumed that it would provide better consistency in lesion descriptions. For data capture, information was collected from skin biopsy histopathological reports, a written survey and a request for medical records was sent to the submitting clinician for each case (Figure S1).

Case signalment (age, sex, breed), weight, historical or concurrent diseases, current/recent medications, physical examination ndings, location and description of lesions, systemic signs (including fever, lethargy, inappetence, weakness, vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, respiratory effort, lameness, neurological abnormalities, pain, lymphadenopathy and sneezing/nasal discharge), diagnostic tests/ laboratory data (complete blood count, biochemical analysis), vaccine history (timing and type of vaccine given), treatments (drugs and doses used) and outcome data (subjective descriptions) were recorded. When known, all medications used for treatment were recorded as dose per day. For the purposes of this study a vaccination sitewas dened as a discrete, unilateral lesion specically described on the ank/thigh/hip or shoulder/lateral thorax. If a historical or physical examination nding was not noted in the medical record, it was considered to be a missing datum. Cases were excluded from end-point analysis if clinical and historical data were not obtained or if a follow-up period of at least three months was not recorded.

A vaccine scoring rubric was created to evaluate the likelihood of each case being associated with a recent vaccination. (Table 1). Higher numbers indicated higher likelihood of disease being associated with vaccination.

Case outcomes were evaluated using two separate systems (Tables 2 and 3). Both systems were created in an effort to provide the most objective assessment of case severity and to help identify prognostic factors. First, to reect difculty in achieving clinical control in each case, a treatment score was created to evaluate the extent of chosen medical therapy. The scoring system was adapted for retrospective purposes from systems previously reported for atopic dermatitis.911 A few drugs were added to this scheme (azathioprine, leunomide) and all doses were scored as the maximum dose that each dog received (Table 2). Treatment scores were cumulative, meaning a higher treatment score indicated the use of a greater number of medications and more potent immunosuppressive agents. Second, in order to best represent long-term outcomes, an end-point scoring system was created based on recorded death/euthanasia (if related to the ischaemic disease) or last recorded medical therapy if the dog was alive at last contact with the client. Cases that died for reasons unrelated to ischaemic disease were scored based on medications being used at last contact before death (Table 3). A higher number indicated a better outcome.
Statistical analysis
A statistical software program (JMP 14.2, SAS Institute Inc.; Cary, NC, USA) was used to generate descriptive statistics for breed, sex, weight and disease characteristics, and examine relationships between selected variables. A one sample proportion test was conducted for each breed within the 177 cases to determine if the proportion differed from the target proportion calculated for the same breeds included in the histopathology database (81,525 of 125,567 total cases). Relationships between case signalments and scoring metrics were analysed using one-way ANOVA. Bivariate analysis was used to determine an association between case signalment and scoring metrics.
Two hundred and eighty-two cases were initially identied from the histopathology database. Of those, 177 met inclusion criteria and were used for breed and signalment data. This equated to 0.14% (177 of 125,567) of all cases where biopsies were submitted during that time period. Of the 177 cases, records and/or surveys were obtained from 93 cases for historical data and analysis.
177例中,皮肤活检时平均年龄为5(范围为0.33-14)78雌性(44.6%;61例已绝育,17例未绝育),95雄性(54.8%;67例已去势28例未去势)4性别未知。共有43个品种。最多的是交犬(177只中有45;25.4%),其次是吉娃娃犬(177只中有12;6.8%)、杰克罗素㹴(177只中有12;6.8%)、玩具及小型贵宾犬(177只中有12;6.8%)、约克夏(177只中的7;4%)、腊肠(177只中有7;4%马尔济斯犬(177只中有5;2.8%))。表S1列出了所有品种。进行活检的病例种群仅作参考,以下品种更具代表性:吉娃娃犬(P < 0.0001)中国冠毛犬(P < 0.0001)、马尔济斯(P < 0.0001)玩具和迷你贵宾犬(P < 0.0001)、猎鼠犬(P < 0.0001)舒柏奇犬(P < 0.0001)约克(P = 0.0003)玩具猎狐(P = 0.0007)和杰克罗素㹴(P = 0.001)93例中有77例记录了体重,并获得了其他记录。中位体重7.3 (1.32-50.3)kg,其中49例体重 (63.6%)<10 kg
Of the 177 cases, the median age at time of skin biopsy was ve years (range 0.3314 years). There were 78 females (44.6%; 61 spayed, 17 intact) and 95 males (54.8%; 67 neutered and 28 intact), four were unknown sex. There were 43 breeds represented. Mixed breed dogs were the largest group (45 of 177; 25.4%), followed by Chihuahuas (12 of 177; 6.8%), Jack Russell terriers, (12 of 177; 6.8%), toy and miniature poodles, (12 of 177; 6.8%), Yorkshire terriers (seven of 177; 4%), Dachshunds (7 of 177; 4%) and Maltese terriers (ve of 177; 2.8%)). All breeds are listed in Table S1. Using the patient population of the biopsy service as a reference, the following breeds were signicantly over-represented: Chihuahuas (P < 0.0001), Chinese crested dogs (P < 0.0001), Maltese terriers (P < 0.0001), toy and miniature poodles (P < 0.0001), rat terriers (P < 0.0001), schipperkes (P < 0.0001), Yorkshire terriers (P = 0.0003), toy fox terriers (P = 0.0007) and Jack Russell terriers (P = 0.001). Body weight was recorded in 77 of 93 cases for which additional records were obtained. The median weight was 7.3 (1.3250.3) kg, with 49 of 77 (63.6%) being <10 kg.

Clinical presentation
93例犬中,79(85%)最常见病变表现为脱毛。其他常见的病变包括结痂(65.5%)皮屑(57%)、红斑(44.1%)、糜烂/溃疡(38.7%)和色素沉着(36.6%)。瘙痒也很常见,93中有32(34.4%)出现瘙痒。其他病变较少(S2)。病变部位中位数为4(范围1 ~ 13)13只有一个病灶;其中9例为疫苗注射部位病变,2例位于耳廓,1例位于尾部,1例位于躯干。与所有病例相比,不包括只接种疫苗部位的病变,只有一个局病变的体重更重(平均15.4公斤),年龄更大(平均7.3)。总体而言,93例中61(65.59%)的病灶最常见于耳廓43(46.3%)的病灶位于疫苗注射部位,39(41.94%)位于眼周/面部(见表S3和图2)93中有20(21.5%)嗜睡,12(13%)发烧,12(13%)食欲不振,6(6.5%)跛行等全身症状。
Alopecia was the most common lesion noted in 79 of 93 dogs (85%). Other common lesions included crust (65.5%), scale (57%), erythema (44.1%), erosions/ulcers (38.7%) and hyperpigmentation (36.6%). Pruritus also was common, noted in 32 of 93 dogs (34.4%). Other lesions were noted in fewer numbers (Table S2). The median number of lesion sites was four (range one to 13). Thirteen dogs had a single lesion; of these, nine were vaccination site lesions, two were found on pinna, one on the tail and one on the trunk. Excluding vaccine-site-only lesions, dogs with one local lesion had greater body weights (mean = 15.4 kg) and were older (mean = 7.3 years of age) compared to all cases. Overall, lesions were most commonly found on the pinnae in 61 of 93 cases (65.59%), at vaccination sites in 43 (46.3%), and periocular/face in 39 (41.94%) (see Table S3 and Figure 2). Systemic signs were reported in 29 of 93 dogs (31.2%). The most frequently reported were lethargy in 20 of 93 dogs (21.5%), fever in 12 (13%), inappetance in 12 (13%) and lameness in six (6.5%).

Figure 2. Clinical images from two dogs with ischaemic dermatopathy.
(a,b) Case 166: Coalescing foci of scarring alopecia with hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation in the periocular region and temporal region. Scalloped and notched ear margin with thick adherent scale/crust. (b,c) Case 137: Symmetrical ulcers on the concave pinnae. Annular focus of scarring alopecia and hyperpigmentation on the dorsal calvarium. Hyperpigmentation, erythema and alopecia on the phalanges.

Historical data
Of the 93 cases, 35 (38%) had reported concurrent disease(s) at diagnosis. Recently diagnosed or concurrent medical conditions are shown in Table 4. In 80 cases where concurrent medication use was reported, 25 were being administered medication at the reported time of onset. Medications reported were either antiparasitic preventatives or being used for management of concomitant diseases. Medications included levothyroxine (one case), azathioprine (one), chlorambucil (one), prednisone/prednisolone (ve), milk thistle (one), insulin (one), phenobarbital (one), atenolol (one) carprofen (two), meloxicam (one), furosemide (one), hydroxyzine (one), pentoxifylline (one), topical ear medications (four), various antiparasitics [selamectin (one), ivermectin (three), afoxolaner (one), imidacloprid/moxidectin (one) sulfadimethoxine (one)], pain medications [tramadol (one), methocarbamol (one)] and various antibiotics [amoxicillin (one), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (four), cefovecin (one), clindamycin (one), enrooxacin (two), metronidazole (one)]. No clinical suspicion was noted for any medications used. Due to incomplete data, medication scores could not be calculated.

Vaccine scores
疫苗评分平均为2分。为便于分析,认为疫苗评分< 2(10)的病例不太可能与疫苗有关。93(51.6%)中有48例疫苗得分< 2。疫苗评分更高的相应体重也更重(P = 0.0029, r2 = 0.96)和年龄更年轻(P = 0.0110, r2 = 0.07)。两个病变部位——颅骨背侧(33个观察点)趾部(16个观察点)——与疫苗的相关性显著降低(分别为1.39,P = 0.0031.18,P = 0.0151)。较低的疫苗评分对应全身症状表现更多,但这种关系没有统计学意义(P = 0.116)。未评估单个病例全身症状的影响。病例有无同期疾病的疫苗之间也无明显差异疫苗评分与病变部位总数之间无明显相关性。只有玩具贵宾犬(n = 6)的疫苗病例种群中显著升高(平均疫苗得分= 4,P = 0.0005)
The average vaccine score was two. For the purposes of analysis, cases with a vaccine score < 2 (1 or 0) were considered unlikely to have an association with a vaccine. A vaccine score < 2 was calculated for 48 of 93 (51.6%) cases. Higher vaccine scores were positively correlated with higher body weights (P = 0.0029, r2 = 0.96) and younger ages (P = 0.0110, r2 = 0.07). Two lesion sites the dorsal calvarium (33 observations) and digits (16 observations) were signicantly less likely to be associated with vaccination (mean 1.39, P = 0.003 and mean 1.18, P = 0.0151, respectively). A lower vaccine score was associated with a greater number of systemic signs, but this relationship was not statistically signicant (P = 0.116). The effects of individual systemic signs were not evaluated. Vaccine scores were not signicantly different between cases with concurrent disease and those without; nor were vaccine scores signicantly associated with the total number of lesional sites. Only toy poodles (n = 6) had a signicantly higher vaccine score when compared to the case population (mean vaccine score = 4, P = 0.0005).

在报道的80例治疗中,73(91.3%)使用了己酮可可碱。使用的平均剂量为47.12 mg/kg/(范围:18-112.5 mg/kg/)。其次最常用的药物是糖皮质激素(80例中41)。其中,41(44%)中有18人使用的相当于泼尼松的剂量大于1 mg/kg/ day(初始剂量)。其他常用药物包括93例中的33例维生素E(35.5%)和环孢素(平均初始剂量:5.52 mg/kg/d)93例中的16(17.2%)。所有的治疗方法报告见表S4
Of the 80 cases for which treatment use was reported, 73 (91.3%) were treated with pentoxifylline. The mean dose used was 47.12 mg/kg/day (range: 18112.5 mg/ kg/day). The next most common drugs used were corticosteroids (in 41 of 80 cases). Of these, 18 of 41 (44%) used a prednisone-equivalent dose greater than 1 mg/kg/ day (initial dose). Other common medications included vitamin E in 33 of 93 cases (35.5%) and ciclosporin (mean initial dose: 5.52 mg/kg/day), in 16 of 93 cases (17.2%). See Table S4 for all treatments reported.

Treatment scores
大于3个月的复诊病例62例纳入终点评分计算;然而,其中三例患的治疗评分无法计算。在计算的59例患者中,平均治疗分为82.73,中位数为60(范围为0-380)59例中40(67.8%)治疗评<100,16(27.1%)介于100 - 200之间,3(4.8%)>200(240,300,380)。当治疗评分与临床特征比较时,只有胸骨病变(n = 42)与较高的治疗评分显著相关(95.04,P = 0.005)。全身病变部位数量与治疗分呈正相关(P = 0.029, r2 = 0.08)。在所有品种中,只有迷你杜宾(n = 2)的平均治疗分显著高于其他品种(240,P = 0.0008)。治疗分与活检时的体重或年龄无显著差异。
There were 62 cases with follow-up greater than three months which were included in the calculation of endpoint scores; however, treatment scores could not be calculated in three of these cases. Of the 59 calculated, the mean treatment score was 82.73, and the median was 60 (range 0380). Scores of <100 were calculated in 40 of 59 cases (67.8%), whereas 16 cases (27.1%) scored between 100 and 200 and three cases (4.8%) scored >200 (240, 300, 380). When treatment scores were compared to clinical characteristics, only pinnal lesions (n = 42) were signicantly associated with higher treatment scores (95.04, P = 0.005). The number of systemic signs was positively correlated with higher treatment scores (P = 0.029, r2 = 0.08). Of all breeds, only miniature pinschers (n = 2) had a signicantly higher mean treatment score than other breeds (240, P = 0.0008). Treatment scores did not vary signicantly with weight or age at time of biopsy.

End-point scores
End-point scores (16) were designated in 62 cases with greater than three months of follow-up or that were euthanized/died at any point. Higher end-point scores were indicative of better outcomes. The average end-point score was 3.35. Half of the cases (31 of 62) achieved an end-point that was considered goodor better, whereas 21 of these cases (33.9%) were considered fairor worse, and remained on at least one immunosuppressive agent for control. Ten of 62 cases (16.1%) were euthanized for issues related to ischaemic disease and ve of these were euthanized for severe systemic disease contemporaneous with skin lesion onset. Systemic diseases included aspiration pneumonia, lung lobe torsion and polyarthropathy, unspecied hepatopathy, protein losing enteropathy and unclassied central neurological disease, and protein losing nephropathy (euthanized one year later). Three of 10 cases were euthanized due to lack of response to therapy (2.55 months post diagnosis). Two cases died or were euthanized for unknown reasons shortly after diagnosis: one which was euthanized three weeks after starting azathioprine and one which died at home one month after diagnosis.

将终点评分与临床表现进行比较,体重<10 kg的患犬的终点评分(均分= 2.88)明显低于体重为>10 kg的患犬(均分= 4.14,P = 0.0045)体重增加(P = 0.0128, r2 = 0.1)和较高的疫苗(P = 0.037, r2 = 0.07)与终点分呈正相关。年龄增加(r2 = 0.13, P = 0.005),病变部位数量(r2 = 0.14, P = 0.003)全身病变数量标志(r2 = 0.14, P = 0.0034)负相关端点(参见图3)耳廓病变病例有显著更差的终点评分(平均分数= 2.97,P = 0.0033)和更高的治疗评分(分数= 95.04,P = 0.0049)爪垫病变病例的终点评分明显较差(均值= 2.35,P = 0.0005),但治疗明显(P = 0.11)。只有单一疫苗注射部位的病灶倾向于较好的终点评分,但没有统计学意义(平均评分= 4.6,P = 0.073)。所有病例的终点评分均显著低于平均终点评分,所有见表S3
When end-point scores were compared to clinical presentations, cases with a body weight <10 kg had signicantly worse end-point score (mean score = 2.88) than those weighing >10 kg (mean score = 4.14, P = 0.0045). Increasing weight (P = 0.0128, r2 = 0.1) and higher vaccine scores (P = 0.037, r2 = 0.07) were positively correlated with end-point score. Increasing age (r2 = 0.13, P = 0.005), number of lesion sites (r2 = 0.14, P = 0.003) and number of systemic signs (r2 = 0.14, P = 0.0034) were negatively correlated with end-point (see Figure 3). Cases with pinnal lesions had signicantly worse endpoint scores (mean score = 2.97, P = 0.0033) and higher treatment scores (mean score = 95.04, P = 0.0049). Cases with paw pad lesions had signicantly worse endpoint scores (mean score = 2.35, P = 0.0005) but not signicantly higher treatment scores (P = 0.11). Having only a single vaccine-site lesion trended toward a better endpoint score, but was not statistically signicant (mean score = 4.6, P = 0.073). All lesions associated with endpoints signicantly lower than the mean end-point for all cases are reported in Table S3)

使用己酮可可碱(平均终点评分= 3.27)与较高终点评分无显著相关性;然而,只有7例患者没有接受己酮可可碱治疗。此外,接受高剂量(>40 mg/kg/day)或低剂量(<40 mg/kg/day)己酮可可碱治疗的患者的终点评分没有显著差异。使用类固醇与明显较差的终点评分相关(平均得分= 2.72,P = 0.001)
The use of pentoxifylline (mean end-point score = 3.27) was not signicantly associated with greater end-point score; however, only seven cases were not treated with pentoxifylline. Additionally, there was no signicant difference in end-point scores between cases treated with higher (>40 mg/kg/day) or lower (<40 mg/kg/day) doses of pentoxifylline. The use of steroids was associated with a signicantly worse end-point score (mean score = 2.72, P = 0.001).

Breed-specic ndings
约克夏(n = 2)的终点评分显著低于其他所有病例(平均得分= 1,P = 0.036),但与其他所有病例相比,治疗评分无显著差异(平均治疗得分= 80)。迷你杜宾 (n = 2)治疗分显著高于对照组(平均治疗得分= 240,P = 0.0008),但终点分不显著低于对照组(平均得分= 2.5,P = 0.453)
Yorkshire terriers (n = 2) had signicantly worse endpoint scores (mean score = 1, P = 0.036) but not signicantly different treatment scores (mean treatment score = 80) when compared to all other cases. Miniature pinschers (n = 2) had signicantly higher treatment scores (mean treatment score = 240, P = 0.0008) but end-point scores were not signicantly worse (mean score = 2.5, P = 0.453).

虽然已经发表了一些病例分析研究疫苗相关的缺血性皮肤病和一些特发性缺血性疾病的病例报告,这里的数据代表了首次全面描述犬缺血性皮肤病。2 - 5,12,13本研究确定了一些品种倾向性和各种因素,当治疗缺血性皮肤病(不包括FDM)的病例时,被作为预后参考。重要的是,本文提出半数以上病例不认为与疫苗有关,这表明有必要调查造成这种情况的其他潜在因。
Although a few case series have been published examining vaccination-associated ischaemic dermatopathy and a few cases of idiopathic ischaemic disease have been reported, the data presented here represent the rst comprehensive description of canine ischaemic dermatopathy.25,12,13 This study identied a number of breed predispositions and various factors that may be considered prognostic when dealing with cases of ischaemic dermatopathy (exclusive of FDM). Importantly, over half of the cases presented here were considered unlikely to be vaccine-associated, demonstrating the need to investigate other underlying causes for this condition.

The original case series of vaccine-associated ischaemic dermatopathy published in 1986 described 13 dogs (10 of 13 were poodles, two were bichon frises and one was a shih tzu) each with a single lesion at the site of recent rabies vaccination.3 A subsequent case series published in 1999 included three cases of generalized ischaemic lesions following rabies vaccination in a Shetland sheepdog, shih tzu and Pomeranian.2 Four probable cases of vaccine-induced ischaemic disease, with consistent clinical lesions, were included in retrospective analysis of vasculitis in a further study; breeds included two bichon frises, one Maltese terrier and a miniature poodle.12 Altogether, published data, along with clinical experience, suggested that small breed dogs were at increased risk.

在本研究中,包括疫苗相关的和其他亚型的缺血性疾病,小型犬占大多数病例,其中63.6%小于10公斤。与之前的研究一致,吉娃娃犬、玩具贵宾犬、迷你贵宾犬和马尔济斯与普通犬种相比,在统计学上的比例过高。然而,包括约克夏㹴、中国冠毛犬、猎鼠㹴、舒伯齐犬和玩具猎狐㹴在内的其他一些小型犬种也在这一患病种群中占了过多的比例。拉布拉多寻回犬(n = 6)和拳击犬(n = 1)在本研究的背景人群中明显缺乏代表性。体重较轻与疫苗分较低显著相关(P = 0.0029, r2 = 0.96),这一发现似乎与以前发表的报告不一致,在以前的报告中,疫苗相关疾病几乎只在小型犬种中被描述
In the present study, which included both vaccine-associated and other subtypes of ischaemic disease, small breed dogs represented the majority of cases, with 63.6% being <10 kg. Consistent with previous studies, Chihuahuas, toy and miniature poodles, and Maltese terriers were statistically over-represented compared to the general population. However, a number of other small breeds including Yorkshire terriers, Chinese crested dogs, rat terriers, schipperkes and toy fox terriers also were over-represented in this patient population. Labrador retrievers (n = 6) and boxers (n = 1) were signicantly under-represented based on the background population. Smaller body weights were signicantly correlated with lower vaccine scores (P = 0.0029, r2 = 0.96), a nding that appears to be at odds with previously published reports where vaccine-associated disease has been described almost exclusively in small breeds.2,3,12

品种间的差异很大。例如,玩具贵宾犬的疫苗(6只中的5只疫苗≥4)明显高于约克夏(4只均疫苗≤1)。此外,杰克罗素㹴(n = 5)的平均疫苗分为1.33。之前的一份报告描述了5只杰克罗素㹴,它们的临床和组织学特征与本研究中描述的相同。在这个系列中,5中有2只在首次发病时非常年轻(3个月和7个月大)。在这里报道的杰克罗素㹴中,皮肤活检的平均年龄(4.16)与整体组无显著差异;然而,这些病例中有几个在幼犬时期就有病变。这说明显然存在特殊品种易感幼犬发病缺血性疾病/血管炎。考虑到这一点,与大型犬相比较低的疫苗分和较轻的体重之间的联系,可以解释小型犬的缺血性疾病类型具有较大的异质性。
Large differences between breeds were identied. As an example, toy poodles had signicantly higher vaccine scores (ve of six had a vaccine score of 4) when compared to Yorkshire terriers (where all four had a vaccine score of 1). Additionally, Jack Russell terriers (n = 5) had a low mean vaccine score of 1.33. A previous report described ve Jack Russell terriers with identical clinical and histological characteristics to those described in this study. In that series, two of ve dogs were very young (three and seven months of age) at initial presentation.13 In the Jack Russell terriers reported here, the mean age at skin biopsy (4.16 years) was not signicantly different from the group as a whole; however, several of these cases had lesions described since puppyhood. This may represent a signicant breed-specic predisposition to juvenile-onset ischaemic disease/vasculitis. Taking this into account, the association between lower vaccines scores and smaller body weights may be explained by greater heterogeneity in the types of ischaemic disease affecting small-breed dogs as compared to large-breed dogs.

Based on the ndings of this study, along with data published previously, there are clearly breeds at higher risk and lower risk of developing ischaemic disease.2,3,12Two candidate genes (PAN2 and MAP3K7CL) have been identied using whole-genome sequencing in collies and Shetland sheepdogs with FDM. Polymorphisms in these two genes, along with corresponding risk MHC haplotypes, conferred increased susceptibility to disease.14 These ndings also shed some light on the differences in the age of onset in dogs with FDM; collies with a moderate-risk genotype were more likely to develop the disease later in life than individuals with a high-risk genotype. Notably, these polymorphisms were documented in other breeds, some of which were over-represented in the present study. Breeds reported to have of one or more polymorphisms, either in the two new candidate genes or MHC haplotypes associated with FDM, included the following: Chihuahuas, fox terriers, Jack Russell terriers, poodles, Labrador retrievers, Yorkshire terriers, Dachshunds, Cardigan Welsh corgis and cairn terriers. However, moderate-risk genotypes were identied in only two breeds, Jack Russell terriers and Cardigan Welsh corgis.14 These ndings seem to strongly suggest a genetic susceptibility in the development of ischaemic disease. Further studies are needed to correlate these genetic ndings with disease in at-risk breeds to ascertain pathogenesis and heritability, in North America and other regions.

Currently, little is known about the pathogenesis of ischaemic dermatopathy. The most well-studied of ischaemic diseases, FDM, is thought to be driven by an immune-mediated mechanism in genetically susceptible individuals following an environmental trigger. Environmental triggers such as infections, vaccines, drugs, UV exposure and stressful events have been described anecdotally in connection with individual cases.15 In the original series of focal vaccine-associated ischaemic disease, a direct role of the vaccine substance in the development of disease was suspected. Dogs in that study all had lesions located only at the site of rabies vaccination.3 Interestingly, mirroring the population in that publication, the current study found that of nine dogs with a vaccinesite-only lesion, three were toy poodles, one was a bichon frise and one a shih tzu, indicating a possible propensity for these breeds to develop local, but not generalized disease. Additionally, although not statistically signicant, cases in this study with focal lesions only, had lower treatment scores and higher end-point scores than the group as a whole, indicating that localized disease may have a better overall prognosis. A subsequent study examining dogs with vaccine-associated multifocal disease described hypovascularity and complement deposition around microvasculature, suggesting a role for the innate immune response in development of disease.2 Although the pathogenesis remains enigmatic, human research on juvenile dermatomyositis suggests that complement does play a role in damage to small blood vessels in the skin and muscles of affected patients.1618

Although vaccines appear to play a role in some cases, generalized idiopathic ischaemic dermatopathy more likely encompasses a diverse group of diseases with variations in severity and unidentied but wide-ranging triggers. Because the majority of cases (48 of 93) represented in this dataset were likely to be unrelated to vaccination, it is clear that vaccines are only part of the puzzle. This study did not nd any signicant association with underlying disease, nor did it identify other triggers. Consequently, additional studies will be needed to examine specic subsets of the disease with the goal of identifying triggers and understanding the pathogenesis of ischaemic lesions.

The outcome data reported here reveal a number of trends that may be used as prognostic factors and help to guide therapy for patients. In general, half of the cases had high end-point scores, indicating that a large number of cases had a good or better outcome and could be maintained on relatively safe medications long-term. However, the other half of the cases either died, were euthanized, or continued long-term immunosuppressive therapies. Factors associated with lower (worse) end-point scores included weights <10 kg, increasing age, greater number of lesion sites, presence of systemic signs and specic lesion sites including the pinna and paw pad. It is possible that lesions at these sites were perceived as more severe by owners due to pinnal bleeding and/or lameness. This perception may have resulted in increased propensity for owners to continue long-term treatment in dogs with these lesions, whereas alopecic or atrophic lesions at other sites may have been ignored. Older dogs may have had worse outcomes due to the presence of comorbidities or may not have been treated as aggressively due a perception of increased risk for adverse effects and fear that they may have fared worse than younger dogs. Interestingly, because lower vaccine scores were correlated with older ages, this is likely to indicate a difference in pathogenesis for this subgroup.

总体治疗评分相对较低(中位治疗评分= 60)的只有少数异常值。这一发现表明,在没有显著改变药物或联合治疗的情况下,缓解或稳定的疾病可能已经实现。在治疗皮肌炎的基础上,己酮可可碱因其可能的流变学和免疫调节作用,历来被用作治疗的主要药物;然而,很少有报道评估其在犬的作用机制,特别用于缺血性疾病。一项对的药代动力学的研究没有发现任何可测量的血液学变化,这表明免疫效应可能在其中发挥更大的作用。这项研究并没有发现接受己酮可可碱治疗的和没有接受己酮可可碱治疗的在结果上的差异。然而,这一发现的解释是困难的,因为大多数病例(93例中的86)和所有有终点评分的病例(62例中的62)都用药物治疗。此外,使用的己酮可可碱的剂量有很大的差异,使推广困难。因此,需要进一步评价该药物在体内的作用机制及其在前瞻性、对照研究中的应用,以更密切地研究己酮可可碱对疾病预后的影响。
Treatment scores were relatively low overall (median treatment score = 60) with just a few outliers. This nding indicates that remission or stable disease may have been achieved without signicant changes in medications or combination therapy. Based on treatment of dermatomyositis, pentoxifylline historically has been used as the mainstay of therapy for its presumed rheological and immunomodulatory effects; however, few reports have evaluated its mechanism of action in dogs, especially as it pertains to use for ischaemic disease. One study examining pharmacokinetics in dogs did not nd any measurable haematological changes, indicating that the immunological effects may play a larger role in its effect.19 This study did not identify differences in outcome between dogs treated with pentoxifylline and those that were not. However, interpretation of this nding is difcult because the majority of cases (86 of 93) and all cases with an endpoint calculation (62 of 62) were treated with this medication. Additionally, there was a large variation in the dose of pentoxifylline that was employed, making generalizations difcult. Thus, further evaluation of the mechanism of action of this drug in dogs and its use in prospective, controlled studies, are needed to more closely investigate the effect of pentoxifylline on disease outcome.

Due to its retrospective nature, this study has a number of inherent limitations which include variations in medical record reporting, completeness and lack of follow-up. Foremost, because FDM was excluded based on reported histories and breed, it is possible that some cases that could be more consistent with FDM, but in atypical or unreported breeds, were included.Furthermore, although records were reviewed in most included cases, timelines associated with disease onset (e.g. time between vaccination and onset of lesions) and progression were difcult to interpret due to medical record quality and the possibility of subtle lesions being missed at disease onset. Clinical outcomes also were difcult to establish based on records because lesions may be slow to progress and others result in scarring that may never fully resolve. Additionally, many records were not complete in their description of progression or resolution of lesions. For these reasons, the end-point score was created to provide more objective end-point evaluation but it may not reect a “finaloutcome. It should be noted that the treatment scoring system employed does not reect a static time period. Thus, dogs with a longer follow-up have the potential to have a greater treatment score. However, this score depicts difculty in achieving remission in cases that may not have been reected in the nal outcome. Although this report, to the best of the authorsknowledge, contains the largest number of dogs with ischaemic disease to date, there are still relatively few individuals representing various breeds. This complicates interpretation of breed-specic susceptibilities. Lastly, this study, along with the majority of previous publications, was based on canine populations in the USA/ North America, and thus ndings may not be transferrable to other areas of the world.2,3,1214

Future studies are needed to help identify triggers of idiopathic disease and further elucidate disease pathogenesis, including the role of specic vaccine components. Given the newly identied genotypes associated with disease severity in cases of FDM, examination of genetic factors may help to understand why certain breeds are at increased risk.


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