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猫特应性综合征的临床症状和诊断:正确诊断的详细指南(FASS系列2 ...










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Clinical signs and diagnosis of feline atopic syndrome: detailed guidelines for a correct diagnosis


Domenico Santoro* , Cherie M. Pucheu-Haston† , Christine Prost‡, Ralf S. Mueller§ and Hilary Jackson



Specific differential diagnoses to consider and eliminate to ensure a correct diagnosis of FASS


Because of the incredible variability in the clinical presentation of FASS, many differential diagnoses should be considered when approaching a cat with potential FASS (Table 4). Many other cutaneous and noncutaneous diseases also may present with encrusted papules, alopecia, head/neck pruritus and cutaneous eroded plaques.





In addition to fleas, cats also may harbour other ectoparasites that can cause pruritus and/or dermatitis, and these parasites must be identified or ruled out before embarking upon a workup for allergic skin disease. These include lice, Demodex mites (especially D. gatoi), Notoedres, Cheyletiella, Otodectes, Trombiculid mites (chiggers; Neotrombicula/Eutrombicula, and Walbachia) and Lynxacarus. Although all of these mites can affect almost any area of the body, some tend to favour particular body areas, which may assist the practitioner in formulating a list of differential diagnoses. Notoedres, Otodectes and Trombiculid mites tend to be associated with clinical signs localised on the face, head and ears/pinnae.Cheyletiella and Lynxacarus are more likely to affect the dorsum and (in the case of Lynxacarus) perineum, caudolateral thighs and tail base.



Diagnostic tests which may prove useful in identifying these mites include superficial skin scrapings (D. gatoi, Notoedres, Cheyletiella, ectopic Otodectes and trombiculid mites), deep skin scrapings (D. cati), direct examination of epilated hairs (D. gatoi, Lynxacarus, and the asyet-unnamed third species of feline Demodex mite), collection and examination of surface debris (Cheyletiella and ectopic Otodectes), acetate tape impressions of affected skin (Notoedres, D. gatoi, ectopic Otodectes, Cheyletiella and trombiculid mites), ear swabbings or collection of material using Volkmann curettes (Otodectes and D. cati), and direct examination of the affected area using a magnifying lens or otoscope (Otodectes, Trombiculid mites and Cheyletiella). Faecal examination is occasionally useful for identification of mites. Because many of these mites are contagious to other cats, sampling in-contact animals (which if asymptomatic may be less prone to dislodging/ingesting the mites on their own) may be useful.Finally, for mites that are very difficult to find (especially D. gatoi), symptomatic therapy and post-treatment observation may be required.

证明螨虫存在的诊断性检查很有意义,包括皮肤浅刮(戈托伊蠕形螨、疥螨、 姬螯螨、耳道外耳螨和恙螨),皮肤深刮(猫蠕形螨),毛发镜检(戈托伊蠕形螨、毛螨和尚未命名的第三种猫蠕形螨),收集和检查皮肤碎片(姬螯螨和耳道外耳螨),皮肤病变处醋酸胶带粘贴(疥螨、戈托伊蠕形螨、耳道外耳螨、姬螯螨和恙螨),用耳拭子或Volkmann刮勺采样(耳螨和猫蠕形螨),用放大镜或耳镜直接检查病变处(耳螨、恙螨和姬螯螨)。粪便检查有时对螨虫的鉴定有用。因为许多这些螨虫会传染给其他猫,对有接触动物进行采样(如果没有症状,可能不太容易脱落/吃自己的螨虫)可能是有用的。最后,对于很难找到的螨虫(尤其是戈托伊蠕形螨),可能需要对症治疗和治疗后观察。


Flea allergy dermatitis


One of the most important differentials for FASS is flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). The prevalence of fleas (and associated allergies) varies between different geographical areas. For example, fleas tend to flourish in hot, humid climates, and do less well in arid areas or at high altitudes. The most common flea parasitising cats worldwide is Ctenocephalides felis subsp. felis, although other flea genera also may be present in some areas.



The true prevalence of flea infestation and FAD is difficult to ascertain in cats, as many cases are identified and treated at the general practitioner level. Indeed, in one large single-centre retrospective study of 1,407 cats with dermatological disease, flea infestation was identified in only 7.0% (99 of 1,407) of the total feline dermatology case population, and FAD was identified in only 4.9% (70 of 1,407) of the cats. By contrast, FAD was identified in 29% of 502 cats in a large multicentre retrospective study.1 Part of the variability may be related to geographical differences in flea distribution. The singlecentre study area referenced above is located in the upper northeastern United States, where long, harsh winters may limit flea numbers. By contrast, the cases evaluated in the multicentre study came from a wide variety of geographical locations including France, Germany, Switzerland, southeastern United States, Belgium, Sweden, Estonia and the UK. Many of these areas have a temperate or even subtropical climate, in which fleas might be expected to flourish.



Clinical criteria have not yet been developed specifically for the diagnosis of FAD in cats. By contrast with dogs, in which the signs of flea allergy tend to be very distinctive, FAD in cats may manifest in any of the four major clinical reaction patterns: MD, SIAH, FHDP and EGC. Cats also may demonstrate generalised, localised or focal pruritus, with or without associated excoriation and other signs of self-trauma. Flea allergy also may present in association with other forms of allergic dermatitis. For these reasons, identification and elimination of FAD represents a critical step in the workup of any cat suspected of having FASS.

目前还没有专门针对猫FAD的临床诊断标准。与犬相比,犬的跳蚤过敏症状往往非常独特,猫的FAD可能表现在四个主要的临床反应模式中的任何一个:MD, SIAH, FHDP和EGC。猫也可能表现出全身性、局域性或局灶性瘙痒,有或没有相关的抓痕和其他自我损伤的症状。跳蚤过敏也可能出现在与其他形式的过敏性皮肤病。由于这些原因,识别和排除FAD代表了对任何怀疑有FASS的猫进行检查的关键步骤。


Historically, several methods have been proposed for confirming the diagnosis of FAD, including intradermal injection with either whole-body flea extract or extract of flea salivary antigens; serological testing to identify IgE specific for either fleas or flea saliva; evaluation of basophil activation after challenge with flea extracts; and live flea challenge exposures. Of these, live flea challenge most closely mimics the clinical scenario and thus would be expected to be the most “specific” method of supporting a diagnosis of FAD. However, this method requires some skill and infrastructure to be performed successfully, and a live flea challenge would not be practical or ethical in clinical practice.



Although these methodologies may still be of use to convince the client in “flea denial”, the recent availability of effective and easily administered flea control agents has rendered most of these procedures obsolete, except perhaps for research purposes. As a result, the diagnosis of FAD is now often made by the institution of total flea control for a period of nine to 12 weeks. Aggressive flea control typically involves the use of multiple agents simultaneously to target both adult and juvenile life stages. This may be accomplished by the addition of an insect growth regulator (typically a juvenile hormone analogue or chitin synthesis inhibitor) to an adulticidal product. Alternatively, some adulticidal products have effects on multiple life stages on their own or may kill quickly enough that the flea dies before eggs can be laid.



Effective flea control programmes also should incorporate some degree of environmental flea control. Both indoor and outdoor environments may be treated with insect growth regulators (particularly pyriproxifen, which is stable in ultraviolet light) to decrease the viability of any immature fleas in the environment. Frequent vacuuming may help to remove flea eggs and some larvae.



Common causes of “flea control failure” include failure to treat all in-contact animals (including dogs and small mammals); allowing the patient (or other animals in the household) to roam freely during the treatment trial; washing the patient after the application of some forms of topical flea control products; and failure to address potential other sources of fleas (e.g. continual “seeding” of flea eggs into areas such as sheds and crawl spaces by infested wildlife).



The complete resolution of signs generally supports a diagnosis of FAD as a sole entity, although the acaricidal effects of some of the newer flea control agents (e.g. isoxazolines) complicates this interpretation somehow. Partial resolution suggests the presence of one (or more) concurrent causes of pruritus/dermatitis. A complete failure to respond suggests that either the cat is not flea-allergic, or that there is a significant flaw in the flea control regimen.



Staphylococcal infection and Malassezia overgrowth


Staphylococcal and Malassezia overgrowth/infection is very common in allergic cats. They generally present with signs varying from erythema to pustules to seborrhoea. Because of the clinical similarity between such infections and some clinical presentations of FASS (head and neck pruritus, eosinophilic plaques, erythema and scaling), it is important to rule out such infections in order to have a better picture of the severity of the allergic disease.



The prevalence of superficial pyoderma, secondary to allergies, caused by staphylococci is relatively unknown in cats. However, in a retrospective study 22 of 45 (48.9%) cats harboured staphylococcal organisms on the skin surface.15 That study confirmed that when present, the infections are generally caused by coagulasepositive and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. Among others, S. pseudintermedius and S. aureus are the species most often isolated from healthy cats and cats with skin lesions.Studies in atopic people and dogs have shown an increased adherence and colonisation of Staphylococcus on corneocytes; however, it is not known whether this is the case in cats with FASS. Only three studies have been published evaluating feline Malassezia overgrowth/infection. In one study of 18 allergic cats, Malassezia spp. overgrowth was diagnosed cytologically on most of the cats on more than one cutaneous site: facial skin (61.1%; 11 of 18), ventral neck (33.3%; six of 18), abdomen (33.3%; six of 18), ear canal (22.2%; four of 18), chin (11.1%; two of 18), ear pinnae (11.1%; two of 18), interdigital (5.6%; one of 18) and claw-fold skin (5%; one of 18). This study was followed by a second one comparing the aural microflora of healthy, allergic and systemically ill cats. This showed a significantly higher count of Malassezia organisms and bacteria in the ears of allergic and systemically ill cats as compared with healthy cats. In addition, allergic cats had a significantly higher number of bacteria, not yeast when compared to systemically ill cats. Finally, a much lower prevalence (three of 45 cats; 6.7%) of Malassezia dermatitis was reported in a retrospective study on 45 cats with FASS.



Because of the high variability (6.7–61.1%) in the prevalence of yeast (and potentially bacterial) overgrowth/infections in allergic cats, the performance of otic and skin cytological evaluation is mandatory in cats with FASS to identify the presence of such infections. As in other species, the cytological findings have to be correlated with the clinical picture and history. When such infections are present, they may contribute to pruritus. It is advisable to treat the infected cat with topical and/or systemic antimicrobials before a workup for allergic skin disease to better assess the true severity of the FASS. In addition, the assessment of skin infections is essential to ensure a better management of FASS and optimise the response to anti-inflammatory/antipruritic medications.



Diagnosis of FASS


Because of the great variability in clinical appearance of FASS, attempts have been made to provide a set or sets of criteria to guide the practitioner in making a clinical diagnosis of FASS as have been described for canine atopic dermatitis. However, to date, no equivalent set of criteria has yet been devised for the cat. A large retrospective analysis was unable to demonstrate any clear difference between the clinical appearance of cats with FASS and cats with food allergy, with the exception of a significantly higher prevalence of seborrhoea in cats with FASS. Although facial involvement was more consistently observed in cats with food allergy, this difference was not statistically significant.



Although no criteria have yet been developed to distinguish FASS from feline food allergy, two criteria sets have been developed to help distinguish between cats with nonflea-induced hypersensitivity dermatitis (NFHD; most commonly FASS, food allergy or both) from dermatitis owing to other causes, including flea allergy and infectious causes of pruritus (Table 5). The first set of criteria is intended to help distinguish cases of NFHD from all other common causes of pruritus or dermatitis. The presence of at least five of the provided criteria is moderately sensitive and specific for NFHD. The second set of criteria is to be used if flea allergy has been ruled out. In this case, the presence of at least six of the criteria is both highly sensitive and moderately to highly specific for NFHD. Neither set of criteria is intended to substitute for a thorough search for infectious, parasitic or other forms of pruritus. However, complete exclusion of some differentials (e.g. D. gatoi) may be difficult to achieve. Thus, the use of the clinical criteria can help confirming a diagnosis of FASS. Indeed, if other diseases are excluded and the patient fits one or both sets of criteria, the diagnosis of food allergy or FASS is very likely. In this case, the practitioner may feel reasonably reassured that proceeding with one or more dietary elimination trial(s) to distinguish the two disorders is appropriate.



Allergen testing and FASS


Allergen testing should only be performed once the diagnosis of FASS has been reached by ruling out other disorders. Allergen tests are not diagnostic. Rather, they support a clinical diagnosis of FASS and are used to indicate which allergens may be triggering the disease and should be selected for allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) if this is the preferred treatment. ASIT in cats can be based on either intradermal testing (IDT) or allergenspecific IgE serology (ASIS) testing. Unfortunately, very few studies have critically evaluated IDT and ASIS in cats, and although the former is the preferred method used by clinicians, ASIS is the most commonly used technique by practitioners. This is not only because the cost associated with storage of allergens makes IDT impractical for the general practitioner, but also because IDT results are more difficult to interpret in cats as compared with other species (dog and horse).



Apart from the technical differences between the two tests, it is worth remembering that an IDT detects the presence of allergen-specific IgE bound to cutaneous mast cells, whereas ASIS assesses the presence of circulating allergen-specific IgE. As in dogs, neither IDT nor ASIS are standardised methodologies and both false positive and false negative reactions may be common. It has been shown that in dogs the incidence of false negative intradermal reactions is approximately 10–30%;such high percentages could derive from testing atopic-like dogs or testing at less appropriate times of the year (e.g. too far away from the peak season or in the peak season) yet such data are not available for cats. Likewise, it is not known whether cross-reactivity between related allergens [e.g. house dust mites (HDM) and storage mites] occurs in cats. Positive reactions must ultimately be interpreted alongside the history and clinical signs. For these reasons, the interpretation of allergen testing can be challenging and a consultation with or a referral to a clinician is recommended.



Intradermal testing


As in dogs and people, the decision of which allergens to test is based on geographical location and data on the prevalence of allergens in the immediate environment of the patient. The assistance of local referral clinicians, veterinary and medical schools, allergy laboratories, textbooks, local human allergists or weather bureaus as well, in the USA, of the National Allergy Bureau (https:// www.aaaai.org/global/nab-pollen-counts?ipb=1) may be helpful.



As in dogs, IDT is still considered the “gold standard” in feline allergy medicine; IDT gives immediate results and is thought to be biologically relevant, yet lacks standardisation. In addition, IDT is considered difficult to perform and to interpret in cats as a consequence of the weak reactions often observed in this species for which there are a number of possible causes. One possibility is the increased stress levels that cats show during a veterinary visit. Stress induces a rise in serum cortisol, which may interfere with the reactivity of the test. To reduce stress and false negative responses, cats should be quickly sedated for IDT. Other possibilities may include low levels of reactive IgE or use of the wrong allergen concentrations. Use of the correct allergen concentration is essential, although the same allergen concentrations used in dogs generally have been used for cats. However, a few feline studies have shown that for ≤15 allergens (grass, weed and tree pollens), the concentrations currently used for dogs would be suboptimal, partially explaining the low reactivity in cats. Likewise, using healthy cats, the optimal concentration of histamine was determined to be 1:50,000 w/v instead of 1:10,000 w/v or 1:100,000 w/v used in dogs.

和犬一样,IDT仍被认为是猫过敏症医学的“金标准”。IDT能立即产生结果,并被认为与生物学相关,但缺乏标准化。此外,IDT被认为很难在猫上进行和解释,因为在这个物种中经常观察到的弱反应有许多可能的原因。一种可能是猫在兽医检查时表现出的应激水平增加。应激导致血清皮质醇升高,这可能会干扰测试的反应性。为了减少应激和假阴性反应,猫应迅速镇静进行IDT。其他可能包括低反应性IgE或使用了错误的过敏原浓度。必须使用正确的过敏原浓度,但在犬上使用的过敏原浓度通常也被用于猫上。然而,一些对猫的研究表明,对于≤15种过敏原(草、杂草和树花粉),目前用于犬的浓度是次理想的,这部分解释了猫的低反应性。同样,在健康猫上,组胺的最佳浓度被确定为1:50000 w/v,而不是在犬上使用的1:10000 w/v或1:100000 w/v。


Because cats typically demonstrate weak (transient, small) reactions to IDT, the use of intravenously injected dye solutions (Evans blue and fluorescein) has been suggested. Fluorescein dye administered intravenously at 5 mg/kg, before or immediately after the IDT, enhances and clarifies the results at 15–20 min postIDT, and reactions can be visualised with the aid of Wood’s lamp examination.

因为猫对IDT的反应通常很弱(短暂的,小的),所以建议使用静脉注射染料溶液(伊文思蓝和荧光素)。在IDT前或即刻静脉给予荧光素染料5mg /kg,在IDT后15-20分钟使结果增强或变清晰,并可借助伍德灯检查显示反应。


As in dogs, intradermal injections are commonly performed on the lateral thorax, after the hair is gently clipped and the injection sites are marked. A volume of 0.05–0.1 mL is injected intradermally and the reactions evaluated after 15–20 min (by Wood’s lamp examination if fluorescein is used). The reactions (diameter, turgidity, erythema and size of the wheal or simply diameter of the fluorescence) are compared to those of the positive (histamine phosphate) and negative (allergen diluent) controls. Conventionally, as in dogs, the histamine reaction is graded as 4 and the saline as 0. Subjective reactions with a score of ≥ 2 are considered positive. If intravenous dye solutions are used, positive reactions will show as blue or fluorescent. In that case, the diameter of the positive reaction is considered to be more important than the intensity.

与犬一样,在轻轻地修剪毛发并标记注射部位后,通常在胸侧进行皮内注射。皮下注射0.05-0.1 mL, 15-20分钟后评估反应(如果使用荧光素,通过伍德灯检查)。与阳性对照(磷酸组胺)和阴性对照(过敏原稀释剂)的反应(直径、肿胀、红斑和风疹的大小或单纯荧光的直径)进行比较。按照惯例,与犬一样,组胺反应为4级,生理盐水为0级。检测反应得分≥2分被认为是阳性。如果使用静脉染料溶液,阳性反应将显示为蓝色或荧光。在这种情况下,阳性反应的直径被认为比强度更重要。


Percutaneous prick testing


An alternative to the IDT is the percutaneous prick test (PPT). This technique is substantially different from the IDT; in the IDT, the allergens are injected intradermally, whereas in the PPT the allergens are put on the skin surface, the skin is subsequently punctured using a specific tool or a needle and the allergen is passively absorbed. This method is associated with very low risk of adverse reactions. The PPT is widely used in human allergology to test for allergic rhinitis, eczema, asthma and food allergy.



In small animal dermatology, very few studies have assessed the usefulness of PPT in dogs and cats with environmental allergies. In dogs, the first study99 comparing IDT and PPT showed that IDT was much easier to interpret than PPT, and thus for more than two decades the PPT was abandoned. New tools have been patented to administer the allergens in a more consistent and standardised fashion, and the PPT has been rediscovered first in cats and subsequently in dogs. In particular, reliable controls (6 mg/mL glycerinated histamine and 50% glycerosaline solution) have been identified in cats.

在小动物皮肤科,很少有研究评估PPT对环境过敏的犬和猫的有效性。在犬上,第一项比较IDT和PPT的研究表明,IDT比PPT更容易解释,因此在二十多年间PPT被抛弃。新的工具已经获得专利,以更一致和标准化的方式管理过敏原,PPT首先在猫中被重新发现,随后在犬中。特别是在猫上发现了可靠的对照(6 mg/mL甘油组胺和50%甘油盐水溶液)。


In dogs and cats, PPT is administered using allergens at a dilution of 1:20 w/v (i.e. undiluted).Once the patient is sedated, the lateral thorax is clipped and the sites for the “pricks” are marked. Then, a drop (0.05 mL) of the allergen (or control) is applied and introduced into the skin via the prick device. In cats, two devices have been tested, the Duotip-test (Lincoln Diagnostics Inc.; Decatur, IL, USA) and the Greer Pick (Greer Laboratories; Lenoir, NC, USA). These devices have prongs at their end (two for the DuoTip and six for the Greer Pick) that are used to prick the skin surface. The skin reactions are read at 15–20 min. A scoring scale similar to that used for the IDT is used for the PPT. Generally, intravenous dyes are not necessary for the PPT. In a comparative study, the Greer Pick gave greater reactions than did the Duo-Tip.

在犬和猫中,使用过敏原稀释1:20 w/v(即未稀释)给药PPT。一旦患猫被麻醉,就胸侧剃毛并标记出“点刺”的位置。然后,一滴(0.05 mL)过敏原(或对照品)通过针刺装置进入皮肤。在猫上测试了两种设备:Duotip测试和Greer Pick 。这些设备的末端有两个尖刺(DuoTip有两个尖刺,Greer Pick有六个尖刺),用于刺破皮肤表面。在15-20分钟读取皮肤反应。PPT使用与IDT类似的评分量表。一般情况下,PPT不需要静脉染色。在一项比较研究中,Greer Pick比Duo-Tip反应更强烈。


ASIS testing


Allergen-specific IgE serology testing is used widely in general practice because it offers many advantages over the IDT. In particular, ASIS may not require sedation (reducing the patient risk), is less traumatic (no repeated injections), more convenient (no clipping, less time consuming) and less prone to drug interference with test results (e.g. concurrent anti-inflammatory/antipruritic therapy). However, ASIS only measures circulating allergenspecific IgE and does not take into account cutaneous histaminergic and nonhistaminergic pathways. Test reliability also may be an issue, as positive reactions have been shown in nonallergic healthy cats and specific pathogenfree cats. Unfortunately, overall, few studies have been published on the use of ASIS in cats.



Most techniques use a solid phase anti-IgE enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to evaluate the amount of circulating allergen-specific IgE. Detection may be performed using either monoclonal (more often) or polyclonal antibodies. As in dogs, one of the assays commercially available utilises a unique recombinant fragment of the extracellular portion of the human high-affinity IgE receptor alpha-subunit (FceRIa).



An alternative or complement to the ELISA assay is offered by a rapid in-clinic immunodot assay (Allercept Escreen 2nd generation, Heska Corp.; Ft Collins, CO, USA).The E-screen assay has been designed for use as screening test to enable the clinician to decide whether running a full allergen test (either ASIS or IDT) is appropriate. The assay simultaneously tests for three groups of allergens (a mixture of individual tree allergens, grass⁄ weed allergens and indoor allergens) as well as a control spot (purified IgE). The Allercept E-screen assay was tested and validated comparing it to a classic ASIS panel in one recent study in which the authors tested 62 feline serum samples (31 from healthy and 31 from atopic cats). In addition, 49 of 62 (18 healthy, 31 atopic) samples also were tested with a full panel ELISA assay and the results compared. The overall agreement between the two assays was 88% with a strong agreement between the two assays when individual allergen groups were compared. However, there was no difference in the number of positive reactions in the healthy and atopic cats using either assay (E-screen: 61.3% versus 51.6%;ELISA: 66.7% versus 64.5%). Although a strong correlation was seen between the two assays, it is important to remember that the E-screen only tests for groups of allergens and does not allow the identification of the individual offending allergens.

一种快速的临床免疫斑点检测被用于替代和补充ELISA试验。E-screen评估被设计用于筛选试验,使临床医生能够决定是否进行全面的过敏原试验(ASIS或IDT)是合适的。该试验同时测试了三组过敏原(单一树木过敏原、草/杂草过敏原和室内过敏原的混合物)以及一个对照点(纯化的IgE)。在最近的一项研究中,作者测试了62份猫血清样本(31份来自健康猫,31份来自特应性疾病猫),并将Allercept E-screen试验与经典的ASIS小组进行了对比。此外,62个样本中的49个(18个健康,31个特应性疾病)也用全面板ELISA检测并比较结果。两种试验之间的总体一致性为88%,当单一过敏原组进行比较时,两种试验之间的一致性很强。然而,使用这两种方法对健康猫和特应性疾病猫的阳性反应数没有差异(E-screen: 61.3% vs 51.6%;ELISA: 66.7% vs 64.5%)。虽然两种检测方法之间存在很强的相关性,但重要的是要记住,E-screen只检测过敏原套组,不允许识别单一过敏原过敏原。


Another study, using 179 pruritic cats (FASS, food allergy, flea allergy, undetermined hypersensitivity dermatitis and nonallergic pruritic cats) and 20 healthy cats, showed a positive correlation between levels of allergenspecific IgE and age, outdoor life style, absence of deworming and absence of flea control measures. The same study reaffirmed the unreliable nature of serology testing in making a diagnosis of FASS because no difference was seen among the different groups of pruritic cats.



A study using an experimental model of feline asthma with known sensitising allergens compared IDT with ASIS offered by two commercial laboratories. The detection of allergen-specific IgE using a liquid phase enzymoimmunometric assay showed unreliable results. However, although the FceRIa-based ELISA test had good specificity, it had lower sensitivity than IDT. This suggests that IDT might be a better screening test yet either can be used to guide selection of allergens for ASIT. It is important to remember that the accuracy of these tests is unknown and response to treatment (ASIT) may be the best measure with which to evaluate their accuracy.



Allergens implicated in FASS


By contrast with dogs, in which multiple studies have identified HDM as the most common allergen involved in AD, few studies describing the relative frequencies of allergen reactivity have been published on cats. One Australian study of 45 cats diagnosed with FASS showed that strong (≥3) IDT reactions were evident in 63.3% of tested cats (19 of 30 cats). Amongst the reactors, pollens (grass, weed and/or tree) and insects (flea, mosquito, ant, moth, horsefly and housefly) were the most common in 89.5% and 68.4% of cats, respectively. Those were followed by strong reactions to HDM (Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus) and flea in 47.4% and 42% of cats, respectively. Strong reactions to moulds (15.8%), storage mites (5.3%), mixed feathers (5.3%) and grain mill dust (5.3%) were present in a minority of the cats. Most of the cats in the study had multiple positive reactions mainly to pollens and insects.In another study of 20 cats with spontaneous asthma, IDTs were performed in 18 cats with positive results to aeroallergens in 15. The allergens identified were HDM D. farinae (eight of 15) and D. pteronyssinus (four of 15), storage mites Acarus siro (six of 15), Glyciphagus domesticus (four of 15) and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (four of 15), cockroach (two of 15) and pollens (eight of 15). As far as allergens commonly identified via ASIS, one study14 reported the presence of positive reactions in 63.3% (19 of 30) of sera from atopic cats; of those, 23.3% had positive reactions to indoor allergens alone. Although in another study reactivity to HDM was similar in normal and FASS cat groups, 30% of cats had reactions to a combination of indoor allergens, grass/weed and tree. Very few cats had positive reactions to either grass/weed and tree (6.7%) or indoor allergens and grass/ weed combinations (3.4%).



Do any drugs interfere with IDT, PPT and/or ASIS?

是否有药物干扰IDT, PPT和/或ASIS?

A possible influence of anti-inflammatory medications on the results of allergen tests in cats has been hypothesised based on canine studies.However, such studies have not been undertaken in cats and detailed withdrawal guidelines are not available. Thus, the same guidelines used for dogs105 have been generally adopted for cats; for IDT, the withdrawal time for antihistamines is seven days, 14 days for short-acting oral and topical glucocorticoids, and at least 28 days for long-acting injectable glucocorticoids. Short-term (six weeks or less) ciclosporin does not require withdrawal for IDT. Although very few studies have been published on the effects of anti-inflammatory drugs and ASIS, it is generally thought that the results of ASIS are not influenced by anti-inflammatory drugs. Currently no studies have analysed the influence of drugs on PPT in dogs or cats.



In an experimental model, asthma was induced in 18 cats using Bermuda grass allergen (BGA). Cats (n = 6/ group) were randomised to receive oral GCs (10 mg prednisolone once daily), inhaled GCs (600 μg budesonide once daily) or oral placebo (once daily) for one month. Intradermal testing and serum BGA-specific IgE were measured before, during and after treatment. A two week withdrawal for glucocorticoid therapy (both oral and inhaled) was adequate to restore IDT reactivity.

在实验模型中,采用百慕大草过敏原(BGA)诱导18只猫发生哮喘。猫(n = 6/组)被随机分为口服GCs (10 mg泼尼松龙,每日1次)、吸入GCs (600 μg布地奈德,每日1次)或口服安慰剂(每日1次),为期1个月。分别于治疗前、治疗中、治疗后进行皮内试验及血清BGA特异性IgE测定。停用糖皮质激素治疗两周(口服和吸入)足以恢复IDT反应。


The effects of sedatives on IDT in cats are unknown, too, yet clinicians typically use the same drug selection as is used for dogs.





This review highlights the complexity of the FAS and how this syndrome involves multiple organs including skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. It is essential to remember that contrary to dogs (in which the atopic disease manifests mainly with cutaneous signs), asthma may play an important role in atopic cats, and this is often underestimated by dermatologists and general practitioners. This review emphasises the strong connection between cutaneous, gastrointestinal and respiratory systems in allergic cats. Because of the strong clinical similarities between cats with food allergy and cats with FASS, if perennial clinical signs are present, food allergy has to be excluded via one or more strict food trial(s). In particular, it is worth remembering that in cats, extracutaneous clinical signs can occur in both FASS and food allergy: respiratory signs 8.3% versus 11.5%,ocular signs 4.8% versus 12% and gastrointestinal signs 3.9% versus 18.1%, respectively.



Likewise, in order to rule out flea allergy dermatitis, it is critical to perform very strict flea control, typically by increasing the frequency of the flea prevention medications for nine to 12 weeks.



Furthermore, it is important to remember that the diagnosis of FASS is both clinical (compatible history and clinical signs) and by exclusion of diseases with similar clinical features. Because similar clinical signs and reaction patterns characterise several skin diseases in cats, the presence of compatible clinical signs or reaction patterns alone should not justify the diagnosis of FASS.



Finally, in this review we want to emphasise how little research has been done in cats with allergic conditions and remind the reader that much of what we do and know in feline allergies is extrapolated from dogs and humans. More studies are required in order to better assess the phenotypical variations of FAS and how different clinical manifestations respond to different treatments. This is an absolute prerequisite to enable the design of better tailored treatments.




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