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ChroniC otitis in Cats Clinical management of primary, predisposing and perpetuating factors

作者:Bailey Brame and Christine Cain

翻译:郑江涛 校对:王帆

Perpetuating factors for otitis
Secondary infection with yeast or bacteria
Malassezia otitis
Malassezia species are commonly isolated from the ears of cats with otitis externa, though the exact prevalence varies by report. Malassezia species have been cultured from 58–95% of cats with otitis externa, meanwhile Malasa species were identified on cytology in 51% of stray cats with cytological otitis externa in Italy. A greater density Malassezia species are expected in patients with otitis externa than in normal cats, with a mean density 24 Malassezia organisms per HPF on cytology compared with ⩽2 per HPF in normal cat ears in one study.

Bacterial otitis
Cocci and rods were identified in 72% and 29%, respectively, of stray Italian cats with otitis externa, and mixed infections were common. Cocci were commonly seen on cytology in cats with allergy (87% of ear canals). Cocci in cases of feline otitis externa usually belong to Staphylococcus species. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pasteurella multocida have been reported as the most common bacterial rods isolated from cats with otitis externa. Other organisms isolated from bacterial otitis in multiple cats have included Streptococcus canis, Escherichia coli, Mycoplasma species, Klebsiella species and Corynebacterium species.

The authors recommend that cytology be performed in all cases of otitis to guide therapy and track progress.

Treatment of secondary infection
Systemic antimicrobials should be reserved for cases with otitis media or where topical treatment is not feasible due to patient temperament.
Some dermatologists may prefer the use of oral antimicrobials to treat feline otitis owing to concern for the risk of a contact reaction. However, it is the experience of the authors that aural infections are difficult to resolve without topical treatment, which allows for the local delivery of concentrated therapeutics. The authors recommend that the use of systemic antimicrobials be reserved for cases with otitis media or where topical treatment is not feasible due to patient temperament. Culturing the ear canal is rarely indicated in otitis externa because topical therapies can greatly exceed the breakpoint concentrations used to determine susceptibility. The authors recommend that cytology be performed in all cases of otitis to guide therapy and track progress.
Most otic preparations include a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation. Because inflammation is what allows infection to develop, this is a necessary component of a successful treatment approach. Among topical steroids, mometasone furoate has superior anti-inflammatory activity and is unlikely to result in systemic glucocorticoid effects because very little (<1% in humans) is absorbed. Hydrocortisone aceponate is also unlikely to be systemically absorbed, though less potent than mometasone.
Ear cleansing can allow for the removal of a proportion of the infectious burden from the canal. Some practitioners recommend the use of plain saline to reduce the risk of a contact reaction. In the experience of the authors, using a product with mild ceruminolytic properties can be helpful in cats owing to their abundant ceruminous debris. Clients should be clearly educated on appropriate cleansing technique to avoid mechanical trauma to the canal.
If the patient fails to respond to appropriate topical treatment, otic lavage under general anesthesia could be considered. Patients should be intubated to reduce the risk of aspiration during lavage. CT is recommended prior to otic lavage to allow for assessment of the middle ear. Lavage is performed with warm saline, ideally under direct visualization with a video-otoscope.

Contact reactions and other complications of treatment
Ototoxicity is a potential risk with many topical medications, particularly if they are permitted to make contact with the inner ear. There are few data regarding the incidence of ototoxicity in cats. Aminoglycosides have induced deafness when administered systemically to cats, and a combination of chlorhexidine and cetrimide was associated with acute vestibular signs in three cats when applied to an ear with a ruptured tympanum.

Some veterinary dermatologists consider cats to be especially susceptible to contact reactions with otic preparations, with one veterinary teaching hospital diagnosing contact reactions in 1.4% of patients presenting to its dermatology service. Contact reactions should be suspected when a patient seems to deteriorate clinically after therapy is implemented, and especially if infection is resolved on cytology while the degree of suppurative inflammation worsens.

Topical glucocorticoids cause cutaneous atrophy, which can affect the auricular cartilage in cats, resulting in a potentially permanent drooping appearance to the pinna.

Ceruminoliths can form in the ears of cats with chronic otitis externa and are thought to be concretions of debris and possibly ear medication and cleanser. The ceruminolith tends to be hard with irregular margins, so it can act as a foreign body, perpetuating inflammation and acting as a nidus of infection. True aural foreign bodies are not common in the cat, though they remain a possibility and should be considered in cases of unilateral otitis externa. Ceruminoliths typically require removal under general anesthesia, often with otic lavage.

Otitis media
While, in dogs, otitis media typically results from otitis externa, cats may have otitis media without otitis externa. Among cats undergoing necropsy, 2–10% had evidence of otitis media on gross evaluation, but 56% had histologic evidence of otitis media.

Affected cats may display head shaking or otic pruritus, or their signs may be exclusively neurologic. Neurologic manifestations of otitis media include vestibular signs (head tilt, ataxia), Horner’s syndrome and facial nerve paralysis. On otoscopic examination, cats with otitis media may have an opaque or bulging tympanic membrane, or fluid may be visible through the tympanic membrane. If fluid is present, it may be clear, purulent or hemorrhagic. Otitis media may occur either unilaterally or bilaterally.

In cases of suspected or confirmed otitis media, a myringotomy should be performed under general anesthesia to sample fluid from the middle ear.

In cases of suspected or confirmed otitis media, fluid from the middle ear should be sampled under general anesthesia via a myringotomy procedure. Otic lavage can be performed if indicated. Advanced imaging (CT) is ideal and should be undertaken prior to myringotomy or otic lavage because lavage adds fluid to the ear canal, which can shadow soft tissue structures.

Aerobic culture is always recommended, and in many cases antimicrobial therapy can wait for culture results. In severe cases, empiric antibiotics can be considered while the culture is pending. Cytology of the fluid from the middle ear can help to guide the selection of an appropriate empiric antibiotic.

Progressive pathologic changes
As a result of chronic otitis externa, patients may develop epidermal hyperplasia, hypertrophy of ceruminous glands and inflammatory infiltrates that result in proliferative tissue filling the ear canal. Though progressive pathologic changes are less commonly reported in cats relative to dogs, ceruminous gland hyperplasia is common in cats with chronic otitis externa and, in one study, was the indication for 30% of cats undergoing TECABO. Ceruminous gland tumors are thought to develop from malignant transformation of glandular hyperplasia, so controlling otic inflammation may serve as a preventive measure.

The presence of irregular tissue narrows the canal and can lead to pockets where microorganisms are protected from otic treatments, as well as increased susceptibility to infections due to changes in the skin barrier, disruption of the normal cleaning mechanism in the ear and discomfort for the patient. With chronicity, mineralization and ossification of the canal may occur. In patients with end-stage ear changes, TECABO is recommended; this removes the site of infection and improves patient comfort.

In patients with end-stage ear changes, TECABO is recommended to remove the site of infection and improve patient comfort.

Prognosis and sequelae
The overall prognosis for cats with chronic otitis depends broadly on the ability to identify and control the primary, predisposing and perpetuating factors. It is therefore highly patient-dependent.
In cats with severe chronic otitis, intracranial abscess (IA), intracranial empyema (IE) or meningoencephalomyelitis (ME) may occur. Though these sequelae are rare, the prognosis is guarded, which makes early identification and treatment crucial. Cats presenting with IA, IE or ME may have multifocal neurologic signs, with the most common deficits noted including dull mentation, absent menace response, Horner’s syndrome or anisocoria, proprioceptive deficits or ataxia, circling, tetraparesis and head tilt. On general physical examination, tachycardia, pyrexia, tachypnea and nasal discharge may be noted. Even in cases that occur secondarily to otitis, aural discharge may not be noted, and otoscopic examination may be normal. Only 37% of cases that occur secondarily to otitis have a known history of ear disease.
If any of these neurologic sequelae are suspected, advanced imaging (MRI or CT) is recommended with cerebrospinal fluid sampling for analysis and culture. Though surgery is recommended in cases of IA or IE, two recent retrospective case series suggest that medical management may be effective in some cases. Selection of an antibiotic based on culture and sensitivity is recommended; however, empiric antibiotics should be started pre-emptively in these cases. Pasteurella multocida was the most commonly cultured organism in one case series, being isolated from four cats with IA or ME, so ideally a broad-spectrum antibiotic should be selected that is effective against this organism. Amoxicillin trihydrate and clavulanate potassium (Clavamox; Zoetis) was commonly used in both case series and is a reasonable empiric choice for IA, IE or ME in the cat.

KEY points
< Chronic otitis is multifactorial; the factors that contribute to the development and persistence of otitis can be categorized as primary, predisposing and perpetuating.
< A successful diagnostic approach involves a combination of history, physical examination with otoscopy, evaluation for Otodectes cynotis and cytology. When appropriate, advanced imaging can be considered.
< Because most causes of chronic otitis tend to affect both ears, the presence of unilateral disease should prompt the clinician to evaluate for an inflammatory polyp or mass.
< Cytology is vital to identify perpetuating bacterial and yeast infections and guide therapy.
< To manage chronic otitis, it is necessary to identify and control as many primary, predisposing and perpetuating factors as possible.


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