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发表于 2022-7-17 08:22:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Phaeohyphomycosis caused by Phialophora americana in a dog


Phaeohyphomycosis was diagnosed in a 6-year-old, male castrated Dachshund on immunosuppressive treatment. The fungus was identified by culture and PCR as Phialophora americana. This is the first reported case of infection with this pathogen in a dog. The infection was successfully managed medically, without surgical intervention.
Dematiaceous fungi, also called melanised fungi or phaeohyphomycetes, are a heterogeneous group of organisms belonging to >60 genera. They are ubiquitous in the environment and typically nonpathogenic. The term “phaeohyphomycosis” describes infections caused by melanised fungi, occurring in immunocompetent or immunosuppressed individuals.

Several clinical syndromes of phaeohyphomycosis are distinguished, with a wide range of organ manifestations (skin, subcutis, cornea, lungs, brain). In addition, allergic and disseminated disease have been described. Current therapeutic recommendations in human and veterinary medicine are based on clinical experience or individual case reports, and involve a combination of surgical and medical treatment. The prognosis usually is guarded.

Phialophora americana has been isolated mainly from the environment, and cases of infection by this pathogen in humans have been reported recently in China and Mexico. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there are to date no reported cases of infection with P. americana in the veterinary literature. Herein we report on clinicopathological features and a successful nonsurgical treatment approach of a case of phaeohyphomycosis caused by P. americana in a dog.

A 6-year-old, male neutered Dachshund was presented with multiple, multifocal and progressive skin lesions. At the time of presentation, the dog had received immunosuppressive therapy for meningoencephalitis of unknown origin. Medications given up to the day of presentation included prednisolone 0.5mg/kg every other day (Prednisolone Streuli, Streuli Pharma AG; Uznach, Switzerland), ciclosporin 5mg/kg once daily (Atopica, Elanco Animal Health; Hook, UK) and amoxicillinclavulanic acid 20mg/kg twice daily (Clavaseptin, Vetoquinol; Paris, France). Prednisolone had been administered for three months and ciclosporin for two months before presentation. Antimicrobial therapy had been started one week before presentation, owing to a suspicion of pyoderma.

On physical examination, multiple intradermal and ulcerated nodules were noted on the scrotum (Figure 1a).Additional lesions also were present on the dorsum, and appeared as focal, circular alopecia with erosive crusts (Figure 1b). The affected skin was thickened and the diameter of lesions ranged from 1 to 2cm. A similar lesion was present on the dorsal aspect of the nose. Cytological examination of an impression smear acquired from an active lesion revealed inflammation with several fungal elements (hyphae; Figure 2). Punch biopsies of the skin lesions on the dorsum were taken for histopathological examination, and a skin scraping was submitted for fungal culture.

Histopathological features included high-grade, multifocal to confluent, pyogranulomatous dermatitis with intralesional evidence of fungal elements (Fig. 3). The fungal elements were spherical, 10–20μm in diameter, sprouting on a broad base (and without endosporulation) and failed to stain with mucicarmine. The fungal culture was positive for Phialophora sp. and DNA sequencing was performed for complete species identification. Fungal genomic DNA was isolated using a DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen AG; Hombrechtikon, Switzerland) according to the manufacturer's protocol, and part of the 28S ribosomal DNA subsequently was amplified by PCR using the universal primers LSU1 (5′-GATAGCGMACAAGTAGAGTG-3′) and LSU2 (5′-GTCCGTGTTTCAAGACGGG-3′). A 300bp amplicon was detected in agarose gels after electrophoresis. The sequences of the PCR product were found by Blast analysis to be 100% identical to the sequence MH870708 deposited for 28S ribosomal DNA of P. americana strain 400.67.
组织病理学特征包括高级别、多灶性、融合性脓性肉芽肿性皮炎,病灶内可见真菌元素(图3)。真菌元素呈球形,直径为10-20μm,在较宽的基底发芽(且无内生孢子),粘蛋白胭脂红染色不着染。真菌培养结果为瓶霉菌属阳性,并进行DNA测序进行完整种鉴定。采用DNeasy Plant Mini试剂盒按说明分离真菌基因组DNA,随后,使用通用引物LSU1 (5′-GATAGCGMACAAGTAGAGTG-3′)和LSU2 (5′-GTCCGTGTTTCAAGACGGG-3′)通过PCR扩增部分28S核糖体DNA。电泳后在琼脂糖凝胶中检测一个300bp的扩增子。经Blast分析,PCR产物序列与美洲甁霉菌400.67株28S核糖体DNA MH870708序列完全一致。

Complete haematology and serum chemistry, chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound were performed to rule out a systemic infection. All results were unremarkable. Treatment with topical clotrimazole ointment (Fungotox Crème, Mepha Pharma AG; Basel, Switzerland) twice daily and systemic itraconazole 10 mg/kg once daily per os (Sporanox, JanssenCilag AG; Zug, Switzerland) was initiated. In order to accelerate the treatment success, immunosuppressive medications were slowly tapered. Surgical removal of the nodules on the scrotum was suggested (castration), yet the owner declined this option.
全血细胞计数和血清生化检查、胸片和腹部超声检查以排除系统性感染。所有结果都未见异常。治疗外用克霉唑软膏,每日2次,全身使用伊曲康唑10 mg/kg,每日1次口服。为了加快治疗的成功,免疫抑制剂逐渐减量。建议手术切除阴囊上的小结节(去势),但宠主拒绝了这个选择。

The dog was presented for the first follow-up examination two weeks after anti-fungal therapy was initiated. The nodules on the scrotum and the lesions on the back were reduced by approximately 50% in size and the crust on the nose had resolved. Fungal elements were no longer visible cytologically. The dog was presented again following an additional four weeks of therapy, and all skin lesions had resolved completely. Itraconazole (10mg/kg) was tapered to every third day and continued for one more month. Prednisolone (0.5mg/kg) and ciclosporin (5mg/kg) also were tapered to every third day. At the time of publication, two years after the diagnosis of phaeohyphomycosis, the dog remained stable with no relapse of fungal skin infection.

To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report of cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by P. americana in a dog. Phialophora sp. are most prevalent in China and other parts of Asia, while in other parts of the world, Alternaria sp. are the most common cause of phaeohyphomycosis. Phialophora americana has been isolated mostly from the environment and causes subcutaneous infections of humans. In veterinary medicine, four reports have described infections by Phialophora sp. in cats with solitary, subcutaneous lesions. These cases were managed by surgical resection alone. One cat experienced a relapse while two others did not, and in the fourth case, no follow-up was available. Cases of phaeohyphomycosis reported in dogs describe mostly systemic infections with poor outcomes. Most of the cases in which remission was achieved involved surgical excisiony and medical treatment over several months.

Cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis typically manifests as single or multifocal nodules that may ulcerate or develop draining tracts. Lesions described for the present case thus are not typical of phaeohyphomycosis. However, two cases with similar lesions, such as alopecia, crusts and papules, have been reported. Another interesting feature of the present case was the presence of fungal elements in the hair follicle. The fungal elements were positive on Fontana–Masson stain (Figure 3), which, together with the fungal culture result, allowed us to exclude the presence of a concomitant dermatophyte infection. Moreover, the presence of intrafollicular pigmented fungal elements in phaeohyphomycosis already has been reported. In these cases, it was hypothesised that the infection originated in the cornified skin layers and that hair follicles were the portal of entry for dermal entry, which also could have been the case herein.

At present, management of cases with infections resulting from dematiaceous fungi is based mainly on data from case reports and textbooks, and larger studies are lacking. The recommended therapy in cases of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis is in fact aggressive surgical excision, followed by systemic antifungal therapy for at least three months. In our case, the owner rejected surgical treatment. Contrary to expectations, however, the lesions healed within a few weeks with medical treatment only. The reduction of immunosuppressive drugs may have played an important role in the resolution of the skin lesions.

Correct identification of the organism is an important aspect in the management of a case of phaeohyphomycosis. An example of this is the fact that some dematiaceous fungi appear to be neurotropic (e.g. Cladophialophora sp.), and thus the treatment plan requires the use of antifungal drugs that reach the central nervous system. All reported cases of Phialophora sp. infections in animals have been located in the skin. One might therefore speculate that in the case of infection by this species, systemic dissemination is less likely and a more conservative therapeutic approach may – as in our case – be effective. Obviously, this observation should be approached with caution, and further large-scale studies are needed.

In conclusion, this case report highlights the importance of fungal species identification for correct treatment and precise case reporting in rare diseases. It could be shown that, contrary to previous reports, medical treatment alone may result in rapid and effective remission of clinical signs in dogs with cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis, without the need for surgical intervention.

FIGURE 1 Lesions caused by opportunistic infection from Phialophora americana in a Dachshund after immunosuppressive therapy (a) Multiple, ulcerated nodules on the scrotum, and (b) crusted and alopecic lesion on the lateral aspect of the thigh

FIGURE 2 Photomicrographs of a cytological specimen from one lesion on a Dachshund presenting with phaeohyphomycosis Hyphae (black arrow) and neutrophils (grey arrow) are visible; DiffQuik, ×1,000

FIGURE 3 Histological sections of skin biopsy specimens from a Dachshund presenting with phaeohyphomycosis
Fungal elements present in the dermal tissue are highlighted by black arrows, and those in the hair follicles by grey arrows: (a) Periodic acid Schiff; 200x (b) Fontana-Masson; 100x. Melanin is visible within the cell walls of the fungi
可见真皮层组织中的真菌元素用黑色箭头指出,毛囊中的真菌元素用灰色箭头指出:(a)PAS染色;200倍 (b)氨银液染色;100倍。在真菌的细胞壁内可以看到黑色素。


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