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发表于 2024-8-17 01:57:09 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Long-term use of lokivetmab in dogs with atopic dermatits


Bettina Kasper | Yury Zablotski | Ralf S. Mueller






Background: Lokivetmab, a caninised monoclonal antibody against interleukin (IL)-31, is an effective treatment for the pruritus associated with canine atopic dermatitis (cAD). 

Objectives: To investigate the efficacy and safety of lokivetmab during longterm treatment defined as at least three consecutive lokivetmab injections in atopic dogs under field conditions. To assess individual factors influencing treatment outcome and adverse events.

Animals: 150 dogs with cAD.

Materials and Methods: Medical records of dogs treated with lokivetmab were reviewed, and owners and/or veterinarians were contacted as needed for follow-up. A decrease of the pruritus Visual Analog Scale (PVAS) score by ≥2 or a PVAS score≤2 after treatment was considered as treatment success. Logistic regression was used to investigate the influence of a variety of factors on outcome: type of cAD (food versus environment), age at first lokivetmab administration, disease chronicity, dosage and/or secondary infection. Any adverse event that occurred during the study period was recorded.

Results: Lokivetmab reduced the PVAS score with long-term use (p<0.01); the success rate was 53 of 69 total dogs (77%). The probability of treatment failure decreased with increasing treatment duration. None of the factors investigated influenced the treatment outcome. Twelve dogs of 150 (8%) showed adverse events such as gastrointestinal signs or lethargy.

Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: Lokivetmab appears to be an effective and safe long-term anti-itch therapy for dogs with cAD.










canine, cytopoint, IL-31, monoclonal antibody





Canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is a common allergic skin disease, with a reported prevalence of 10%–15%.The chronic skin condition is characterised by pruritus, often associated with cutaneous inflammation, and typically requires life-long therapy.Although the pathogenesis of this multifactorial disease is still not fully understood,there are a number of symptomatic treatment options, which differ in their efficacy and associated adverse events.Broad-spectrum medications such as glucocorticoids and calcineurin inhibitors were the only therapies available in the past decades, yet newer therapeutic approaches provide more targeted treatment options with fewer adverse events.



Lokivetmab (Cytopoint; Zoetis Belgium SA) is a caninised monoclonal antibody which selectively binds to circulating interleukin (IL)-31 in dogs. It was shown to effectively inhibit pruritus and related skin lesions in cAD for >1month, have a fast onset of action and minimal adverse events. In one study, the quality of life (QoL) of owners and their animals suffering from cAD increased as a consequence of the significant reduction of pruritus achieved through treatment with lokivetmab.In another study, the administration of lokivetmab significantly decreased both pruritus Visual Analog Scale (PVAS) scores and serum IL-31 levels in dogs with cAD.



A possible cause for the loss of efficacy during treatment with monoclonal antibodies is development of antidrug antibodies (ADAs). Three studies evaluated ADAs in dogs with cAD treated with lokivetmab.One study detected no treatment-induced immunogenicity after a single dose of lokivetmab,and in two other studies, antibodies were formed in 2.1%–2.5% of treated dogs.In another study, 2.6% of allergic dogs experienced a loss of efficacy after the second lokivetmab injection, yet no ADA levels were measured in those patients.



To the best of the authors' knowledge, there is only one published study from North America that has investigated individual factors predictive of initial treatment success.This prompted us to explore whether similar factors, such as the type of cAD (food- or environmentally induced), the age at which lokivetmab was first administered, the disease chronicity, the dosage used and the presence of secondary infections on the day of the initial lokivetmab injection, have an impact not only on the initial treatment outcome but also on the long-term results in European dogs. The primary objective of the present study was to investigate the long-term use of lokivetmab in atopic dogs under field conditions in Germany. The secondary objective was to assess if concurrent factors affect treatment outcome initially in the long term. The tertiary objective was to report any adverse events observed over the study period.





This retrospective study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/University of Munich under the number 232-26-08-2020.



Study design


Data were collected retrospectively from July 2017 to October 2021 by searching the database of the Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine at LMU Munich. In most cases, the available information was supplemented by telephone and mail contact with the pet owner and/or the primary veterinarian as needed.



Inclusion/exclusion criteria


All medical records of dogs with suspected cAD that received at least one lokivetmab injection at the Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine at LMU Munich during the study period were included. Patients whose treatment was initiated at the Centre, with some of the subsequent injections administered by the referring veterinarians, were intentionally also included. cAD was suspected based on the history and clinical presentation and confirmed by ruling out other differential diagnoses such as flea bite hypersensitivity and/or ectoparasite infestation. Food allergy was ruled out or confirmed by an elimination diet trial for 8weeks with either a commercially available fully hydrolysed protein, or a home-cooked diet consisting of a protein and carbohydrate source to which the animal had not previously been exposed.



Study objects


The following data were collected: signalment, body weight, date of birth, date of onset of cAD clinical signs, elimination diet trial status, previous medications (glucocorticoids, oclacitinib, ciclosporin), exact dates of lokivetmab injections, lokivetmab dosage and any observed adverse events.



Pruritus was measured as a score on a PVAS scale19,20 documented at different time points and included in the data collection of the study: before the first lokivetmab administration and after the first and last lokivetmab injections, respectively.



Any other medication received in the 28day period before and after the first lokivetmab visit also was recorded, and a medication score was calculated using a previously published scoring system adapted to our study purposes (Table 1). Glucocorticoids were evaluated according to the potency of the respective active ingredient.



Secondary infections on the day of the first lokivetmab administration and within 1month after injection were recorded if a cytological sample was available and had been assessed using a previously validated cytological score scale ranging from 0 to 4.26 If the cytological score indicated infection (score≥1), the cytological results were considered positive. If the dog had a negative cytological sample or the clinician decided not to take a cytological sample based on clinical presentation, typically because of the absence of both pruritus and clinical lesions, the dog was considered negative for secondary infection.





Evaluation of treatment efficacy


Long-term treatment was defined as receiving at least three lokivetmab injections. The corresponding longterm efficacy was evaluated after the last injection administered at the time of data collection, and the initial response was assessed after the first lokivetmab administration. Efficacy was measured primarily by improvement in the PVAS score by ≥2 following the lokivetmab injection by comparing the PVAS score recorded immediately before the first lokivetmab injection with the PVAS score after the first and last lokivetmab treatments, respectively. If the dog's pruritus was low before the first injection of lokivetmab owing to prior treatment with other medications, a PVAS score of ≤2 following the corresponding lokivetmab administration was likewise considered a success. All dogs with a PVAS score <2 after lokivetmab treatment were recorded separately, as this was regarded as the normal range. As recommended by the International Committee for Allergic Diseases in Animals, the number of dogs in which the PVAS score was reduced by ≥50% also was calculated.



In addition to pruritus, changes in medication score and the development of secondary infection under the effect of the first lokivetmab dose were assessed.



Loss of treatment effectiveness associated with long-term use

Loss of efficacy was considered when the initial success which had been recorded after the first lokivetmab administration was no longer observed after the last administered lokivetmab injection. The extent of the effect reduction of the treatment was estimated using the following formula:




The calculated percentages of effect reduction of lokivetmab treatment were classified ≤20%, no loss; >20% and ≤40%, low effect reduction; >40% and≤60%, moderate effect reduction; and>60%, severe effect reduction.



Statistical analysis

The normality assumption was assessed by the Shapiro–Wilk normality test. For non-normally distributed data, nonparametric tests were used. 



A Friedman test followed by a Durbin–Conover test was conducted to show the PVAS change over the course of treatment in all included long-term patients with three or more administered lokivetmab injections.



Long-term success was measured by means of a survival analysis. For the analysis, long-term patients with an average interval of injections ≤100days were included.



In order to determine whether the outcome of longterm and initial lokivetmab therapy was affected by individual factors (such as food versus environmentally induced cAD, disease chronicity, dosage and secondary infection on day of first lokivetmab administration for the initial success; and age during first lokivetmab administration and dosage for the long-term success), a logistic regression with both univariate and multivariate analysis was performed with all included dogs receiving initial or long-term treatment, respectively. As the results of both analyses were identical, only the results of the multivariate analysis are presented.



The significance level of all analyses conducted was set at p<0.01.





Study objects


A total of 150 medical records were included in the study of which 69 could be evaluated for long-term analysis. Of these 69 long-term patients, 50 dogs received injections at an average interval of ≤100days. The signalment of included dogs is given in Table 2.



The study included 44 of 150 dogs (29%) diagnosed with cAD sensu lato (no elimination diet performed), 72 of 150 dogs (48%) with cAD sensu stricto (pruritus failed to respond to an elimination diet) and 34 of 150 dogs (23%) presenting with a concurrent food allergy. Before the first treatment with lokivetmab, of 150 dogs, 103 (69%) had received glucocorticoids, 101 (67%) oclacitinib and 15 (10%) ciclosporin. Further data on the course of the disease are presented in Table S1 in the Supporting information, and the total number of lokivetmab injections is listed in Table S2. The dog with the highest number of injections received 35 treatments in total over 36.5months. The lokivetmab dosage administered ranged from 0.8 to 2.5mg/kg (mean 1.3mg/kg). The average injection interval of each dog ranged from 19 to 409days (median 48days). Therapy duration varied from 1 to 48months (average 9.4months).

研究包括150只犬中的44只(29%)被诊断为广义cAD(没有进行食物排查),72只(48%)被诊断为狭义cAD(瘙痒对食物排查没有反应),34只(23%)同时有食物过敏。在首次使用洛基维特单抗治疗前,150只犬中有103只(69%)接受过糖皮质激素治疗,101只(67%)接受过奥拉替尼治疗,15只(10%)接受过环孢素治疗。有关病程的进一步数据见支持信息表S1, 洛基维特单抗注射总次数见表S2。注射次数最多的那只犬在36.5个月的时间里总共接受了35次治疗。洛基维特单抗给药剂量为0.8 ~ 2.5mg/kg(平均1.3mg/kg)。每只犬平均注射时间为19 ~ 409d,中位数为48d。治疗时间1 ~ 48个月,平均9.4个月。


Evaluation of treatment efficacy


The PVAS score over the course of lokivetmab therapy is illustrated in Figure 1. While the median PVAS score was 6 before the first lokivetmab administration, it decreased to 1 after that first injection and to 2 after the last. Pruritus decreased significantly from before in comparison with after therapy with lokivetmab. This was observed both after initial injection (p<0.01) and in association with long-term use (p<0.01). There also was a significant difference between the PVAS score after the first and after the last lokivetmab injections (p<0.01).



Eighty-nine dogs of 150 (59%) had a PVAS score<2 after the first lokivetmab injection; a PVAS score reduction by ≥50% was observed in 119 of 150 dogs (79%) after the first administration of lokivetmab. Thirty-two of 69 dogs (46%) receiving long-term therapy obtained a PVAS score the reduction of ≥50% was seen when comparing the PVAS score before the first with that after the last lokivetmab application.



The efficacy rate after the first lokivetmab injection was 90% (135 of 150 dogs). Comparing the assessed medication score before and after the first lokivetmab injection, it decreased in 67 of 150 dogs (45%). A decrease of the medication score by ≥50% was observed in 34 of 150 dogs (23%). Forty-eight dogs of 150 (32%) were assessed to show no clinical or cytological signs of secondary infections at the first visit: 35 of 48 dogs (73%) maintained this status, while 13 of 48 (27%) developed infections within 4weeks of therapy. Fifty-one of 150 dogs (34%) were identified with an infection at the first visit: 30 of the 51 (59%) responded to concurrent, appropriate antimicrobial therapy and 21 (41%) maintained cytological positivity. Aural haematomas formed in 2 of 150 dogs (1%) and acute moist dermatitis in 4 of 150 (3%) during treatment with lokivetmab.



Long-term efficacy in PVAS reduction was achieved in 77% (53 of 69 dogs). The outcome of long-term use of lokivetmab based on a survival analysis is visualised in Figure 2. Treatment failure was observed in 13 of 50 dogs by Day (D) 740. The last treatment failure was on D749. The longer treatment with lokivetmab was continued, the lower the likelihood of treatment failure.



Loss of treatment effectiveness with long-term use


Overall, 12 of 69 dogs (17%) treated long-term experienced a loss of efficacy; in all 12, the level of effect reduction was severe. The remaining 57 dogs (83%) did not develop any loss of effect over the treatment period.



Influencing factors of the treatment outcome


There was no significant association between the treatment outcome and any of the tested factors in the regression analysis. The initial efficacy was not significantly influenced by the diagnosis of food-induced versus environmentally induced cAD (p=0.88), nor by the disease chronicity (p=0.53), the dosage administered (p=0.079) or the presence of a secondary infection on the day of the first lokivetmab administration (p=0.92). The outcome of long-term efficacy also was not significantly affected by the age during the first lokivetmab administration (p=0.67) or the administered dosage (p=0.061).



Adverse events


A total of 12 of 150 dogs (8%) experienced adverse events during treatment with lokivetmab. Gastrointestinal signs such as diarrhoea, vomiting or nausea were observed in two of these (1.33%), unspecified skin rashes occurred in two others (1.33%), anorexia in two (1.33%) and lethargy in six (4%). More detailed information about the reported adverse events is provided in Table 3. Of particular note is dog 129. This dog developed a multifocal crusting dermatitis following the first lokivetmab injection. Several biopsy samples were obtained 1month after lokivetmab was administered. The histological examination revealed epidermal hyperplasia, multifocal epidermal necrosis, serocellular crusts, moderate parakeratosis with serum lakes and occasional bacteria. Intracorneal and subcorneal neutrophilic as well as mononuclear pustules were observed. Additionally, a chronic, superficial, moderate, perivascular-to-interstitial, mixed mononuclear dermatitis with oedema and mucin, along with some fibroblastic changes, was identified. Small vessel leucocytoclastic vasculitis with haemorrhage and dilated lymphatic vessels also was noted. The morphological diagnosis was hyperplastic, mixed dermatitis characterised by the presence of serocellular crusts, intra- and subcorneal pustules and leucocytoclastic vasculitis withi small vessels. The lesions resolved with oclacitinib. Further injections of lokivetmab were not administered and as such an adverse drug reaction remains a possibility. This dog was included in our analysis. All other listed adverse events were reversible and resolved either spontaneously or with mild symptomatic therapy.





Pruritus of dogs with cAD was effectively reduced by single and long-term administration of lokivetmab.



To the best of the authors' knowledge, no previous study has investigated the efficacy and safety of lokivetmab over a relatively long period of time. In one study, lokivetmab was administered three times in three consecutive months, with a significant decrease in pruritus and Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index (CADESI)-04 score. In another study, the first part of the trial demonstrated that lokivetmab was noninferior to ciclosporin in terms of pruritus reduction in atopic dogs after 3months of treatment. In the second part of the study, some of the dogs from the lokivetmab group were treated with lokivetmab for an additional 6months, allowing efficacy to be monitored for up to 9months, and 76.3% of the dogs were classified as normal at the end of the study. In another publication, a total of 21 dogs were treated with lokivetmab monotherapy according to manufacturer's instructions and followed for up to 1year. One quarter of the dogs did not experience a disease flare during monotherapy with lokivetmab for at least 1year, and half of the treated dogs developed a flare within 2months after discontinuing other anti-allergic medications.



Compared with the initial lokivetmab success rate, a decrease in treatment efficacy was observed. One potential cause for the decrease in efficacy may be the formation of ADAs directed against lokivetmab, even though lokivetmab is a caninised monoclonal antibody. ADAs may bind to the administered monoclonal antibodies and lead to their neutralisation, and consequently result in a reduction of treatment efficacy. ADAs directed against lokivetmab have been measured in two veterinary studies and identified in 2.1%–2.5% of atopic dogs treated with this monoclonal antibody.In a 9-month field study, treatment efficacy was reduced in one of a total of three dogs with ADA levels present against lokivetmab. ADAs were formed only in the first 3 months of treatment, not thereafter. One study did not detect any treatment-induced immunogenicity after a single injection of lokivetmab. The results of the presents study support those findings. The Kaplan–Meier curve illustrates that the probability of treatment failure decreased with treatment duration. In another study, a loss of efficacy was noted in 2.6% of allergic dogs after the second dose of lokivetmab, yet ADA levels were not measured in that study. Interestingly, one of the affected dogs was reported to exhibit lethargy in association with its third injection. We observed this phenomenon in one of our study participants. Dog 102 showed lethargy and loss of efficacy after the twelfth lokivetmab administration. In a laboratory safety evaluation of lokivetmab, in which healthy laboratory beagle dogs received seven consecutive monthly doses of lokivetmab, no evidence of immunogenicity was observed; unfortunately, ADA levels were not measured. Further prospective long-term studies are needed as the clinical relevance of ADAs in dogs treated with lokivetmab is not clear. It would be extremely interesting to measure ADA concentrations not only in treatment failures but also in long-term patients receiving >10 injections.



Pruritus as a result of secondary infections could be another possible cause of treatment failure with long-term use. In previous studies, treatment with lokivetmab was more effective in controlling pruritus than inflammatory skin lesions. In our study, owners were often late for the recommended 4-week follow-up visits for continued treatment with lokivetmab. The average injection intervals of the individual dogs in our study showed a wide range. In addition, skin cytological investigation and subsequent topical therapy was only infrequently conducted at the primary care veterinarian during the course of lokivetmab therapy. Consequently, skin lesions and secondary infections possibly occurred during allergy flares. Nevertheless, this delay in treatment is not necessarily detrimental. The duration of action of lokivetmab varies slightly by patient and time of year, and in one study, an injection of lokivetmab at 2 mg/ kg inhibited pruritus for ≤42 days.

继发性感染引起的瘙痒可能是长期用药治疗失败的另一个可能原因。在之前的研究中,洛基维特单抗治疗在控制瘙痒方面比炎症性皮肤病变更有效。在我们的研究中,宠主经常迟到,未能按照建议的4周随访访视,以继续接受洛基维特单抗治疗。在我们的研究中,每只犬的平均注射间隔时间范围很广。此外,在洛基维特单抗治疗期间,在初级保健兽医处进行皮肤细胞学检查和后续外部治疗的情况很少。因此,过敏发作时可能出现皮肤病变和继发感染。然而,这种治疗延迟并不一定是有害的。洛基维特单抗的作用持续时间因患犬和季节而略有变化,在一项研究中,2 mg/kg的洛基维特单抗注射可抑制瘙痒≤42日。


Our criteria defining treatment success were chosen to be comparable to the results of previous studies with similar study designs investigating the initial success of lokivetmab. Based on these criteria, our observed initial success rate of 90% is consistent with both of the previous studies, in which initial success rates of 87.8% and 98% were reported in dogs with allergic dermatitis after 1month of treatment. A PVAS score reduction by ≥50% after initial treatment with lokivetmab occurred in 79% of our patients, which is in line with other reports in other studies of 73%–77%.



Treatment failure in the small proportion of dogs not responding to lokivetmab could result from the fact that these dogs may have less circulating IL-31 and/or other cytokines more prominently involved in the pruritus cascade. cAD is a complex, multifactorial disease and accordingly demands a multifaceted treatment spectrum. Breed-associated variations in the clinical phenotypes of cAD have been detected, suggesting differences in the underlying pathomechanisms. Likewise, study results from human medicine on the use of monoclonal antibodies confirmed that some patients did not respond to these specifically targeted treatment options.



No significant association was found in our study between treatment outcome and any of the factors tested, including the type of cAD, age at first administration of lokivetmab, disease chronicity, dosage and the presence of secondary infections on the day of the first lokivetmab injection. Those results are consistent with a previous study that also reported no significant association between treatment success and similar parameters. There appeared to be a subtle and not statistically significant association between dosage of lokivetmab and treatment efficacy: the higher the dose of lokivetmab, the lower the treatment success. In a previous study, the administration of higher doses of lokivetmab also did not increase the likelihood of treatment success.Therefore, administration of higher doses of lokivetmab does not seem to offer any additional benefit for atopic patients. Additional and larger prospective studies are needed to verify this.



The absence of a statistically significant impact of secondary infections on the day of the initial lokivetmab injection on treatment outcome may be a consequence of the strong antipruritic action of the antibody. Alternatively or additionally, the topical antimicrobial therapy prescribed in those dogs may have sufficiently treated the infection to render it insignificant.

首次注射洛基维特单抗当日的继发性感染对治疗结局无统计学显著影响,这可能是抗体的强止痒作用的结果。另外,在这些犬中 外部用抗生素治疗可能已经充分治疗了感染,使其变得无关紧要。


The type of cAD did not seem to influence treatment outcome. Lokivetmab may be a viable long-term treatment option for any dog with suspected cAD whose owners are hesitant to pursue a comprehensive work-up. Likewise, neither age at the time of first administration of lokivetmab nor chronicity of disease affected treatment outcome. Additional prospective studies are necessary to elucidate this.



Lokivetmab appears to be a safe and effective pruritus treatment for long-term use in cAD. Most of the adverse events that we recorded throughout the entire study period, including gastrointestinal signs, anorexia and lethargy, were very mild and consistent with previous publications. Lokivetmab proved safe not only when administered once within 28days but also in a clinical trial with monthly injections for up to 9months. In a laboratory study of the safety of lokivetmab, in which a dose of ≤10mg/kg was administered to 24 healthy laboratory beagle dogs for 7 consecutive months, lokivetmab also was observed to be well-tolerated. Two of our study patients developed unspecified skin rashes that had not been previously reported. In the dog with multifocal crusting dermatitis resulting from a suspected drug reaction, treatment with lokivetmab resulted in a significant decrease in PVAS score from 9 to 2, yet the owners still chose to discontinue the therapy. Instead, oclacitinib was administered, resulting not only in the disappearance of the multifocal crusts but also in the continued reduction of pruritus. A second dog exhibited a pustular rash within 30min of receiving lokivetmab from the primary care veterinarian. Whether this was an acute medication reaction or detection of a previously unobserved bacterial infection is unclear, as unfortunately no cytological samples were obtained. Peracute development would be atypical for bacterial pyoderma. As the primary veterinarian successfully treated the pustular rash with prednisolone, a drug reaction seems possible. More studies are needed to further evaluate rare adverse events with lokivetmab.



The major limitation of this study is its retrospective nature. Owners and primary veterinarians were actively contacted, yet information was recalled from medication records and owner statements related to the past, which limits reliability compared to prospectively collected and standardised data. For the same reason, injection intervals and medication intake were not standardised, complicating the comparability of the data. 



In conclusion, the current study demonstrates that lokivetmab is an effective and safe pruritus treatment option for long-term use in cAD under field conditions. Additional prospective studies conducted under standardised settings are necessary to validate our findings. Regular follow-up visits conducted by specialists utilising validated scoring systems can corroborate owners' statements and facilitate sample collection for cytological investigation and the measurement of ADAs.








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 楼主| 发表于 2024-8-17 21:38:36 来自手机 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2024-8-17 21:40:18 来自手机 | 只看该作者
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王帆 发表于 2024-8-17 21:38

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-9-11 22:24:40 | 只看该作者
沐汐 发表于 2024-8-24 23:41
请问老师文中提到的单克隆抗体治疗期间药效丧失的一个可能原因是抗药物抗体(ADA)的产生,特别是刚开始使用 ...

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发表于 2024-9-12 14:59:56 来自手机 | 只看该作者
王帆 发表于 2024-9-11 22:24
真正这个方面没有办法检测,就是关注症状,但总之就是理论上有这种情况,因为单抗90%都是犬源,纯犬源部 ...

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