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发表于 2022-7-1 16:58:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 王帆 于 2022-7-1 16:58 编辑

AlterationsincirculatingconcentrationsofIL-17,IL-31 andtotalIgEindogswithatopicdermatitis

翻译:李远奎 校对:王帆

Background – The pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis (AD) is complex. Dysregulation of the cutaneous immune system is considered to be an important part of the allergic response. Exploration of association of interleukin-17 (IL-17), IL-31, IgE and leukogram attributes with canine AD could provide novel insights into its immunopathology.
Hypothesis/Objectives – To investigate possible associations of IL-17, IL-3, IgE and leukogram attributes of canine AD.
Animals – 17 dogs diagnosed with AD and six healthy dogs.
Methods and materials – Circulating concentrations of IL-17, IL-31 and total IgE from sera samples were determined using commercial canine-specific quantitative immunoassay kits. Complete blood cell counts were analysed by an automated haematology analyser. Statistical differences between the two groups were determined using an unpaired t-test. The degree of relationship between the IL-17, IL-31, IgE, total leukocyte count (TLC) values and clinical signs scores (Canine Atopic Dermatitis Lesion Index and pruritus Visual Analog Scale pVAS) was determined by Pearson’s r correlation statistic.
Results – Dogs with AD had significantly(P<0.0001) higher circulating concentrations of IL-17, IL-31 and total IgE compared with healthy dogs. Dogs with AD also had significantly higher TLC (P < 0.0002), absolute neutrophils (P < 0.0001) and absolute eosinophils (P <0.0001) counts, and percentage of neutrophils (P < 0.03) and eosinophils (P <0.0001)  compared  with  healthy  controls.  A  significant  positive  correlation (r2 = 0.396; P <0.007) between the pVAS and IL-31 was observed in dogs with AD.
Conclusions and clinical importance – Marked elevation in circulating IL-17, IL-31 and total IgE along with the abnormalities in leukogram may be associated with canine AD and could be possible targets in the therapeutic management of canine AD.
方法与材料-用商业犬用定量免疫分析试剂盒测定血清中IL-17、IL-31和总IgE的循环浓度。用自动血液分析仪分析全血细胞计数。两组间的统计差异用未配对t检验确定。用Pearson's r相关分析法测定IL-17、IL-31、IgE、总白细胞计数(TLC)值与临床症状评分(犬特应性皮炎病变指数和瘙痒视觉模拟评分)的关系程度。

Canine atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common skin disease with a complex pathogenesis. It has been reported that interleukin-31 (IL-31) is a potent pruritogenic cytokine that plays a key role in pruritic skin conditions in humans and animals.In one study the administration of anti-IL-31 receptor antibody was reported to significantly alleviate pruritus in human patients with AD. In addition to cytokines produced from Th1 and Th2 cells, IL-17, produced from Th17 cells, has been reported to have proinflammatory properties.Interleukin-17 stimulates the production of IL-6 and IL-8 in human keratinocytes and results in increased T-cell migration to the skin.The association of IL-17 with canine AD has not been investigated.

The study of the possible association of IL-17 with IL- 31 and immunoglobulin-E (IgE) may provide insights into canine AD. It also may identify new therapeutic targets for the management of canine AD. Inflammatory cells are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of canine AD. Concurrent investigation of changes in leukograms along- side proinflammatory cytokines may reveal helpful information. The goals of this study were to evaluate circulating concentrations of IL-17, IL-31 and IgE, and leukograms in dogs with clinical AD.

Methods and materials
Ethical approval
The study was conducted in accordance with ethical standards of the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee of UP Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu-Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anu- sandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura (UP), India.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria of dogs
Dogs were client-owned dogs and presented to Kothari Hospital of College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, DUVASU, Mathura, and fulfilled five of eight published criteria for a diagnosis of AD. In addition, dogs were free from flea infestations, none had any skin lesion in the dorsolumbar area and all had a history of receiving regular flea preventative with fipronil and s-methoprene at monthly intervals. Skin scrapings did not detect Demodex or Sarcoptes mites. There also was no response to treatment for mite infestations using amitraz, ivermectin or doramectin. None of the dogs had received glucocorticoids, ciclosporin, oclacitinib, lokivetmab, antihistamines, essential fatty acids or ear products containing glucocorticoids during the last 30 days before the clinical examination. None of the enrolled dogs were receiving allergen-specific immunotherapy.

All of the dogs were screened for bacterial pyoderma or yeast overgrowth by cytological examination of skin impression smears. The dogs confirmed to have pyoderma and or yeast overgrowth infections were not included. At the time of the first clinical examination, a Canine Atopic Dermatitis Lesion Index (CADLI) and pruritus Visual Analog Scale (pVAS) based on owner-derived data,were recorded for each atopic dog.

Apparently healthy dogs were recruited from dogs presented for routine annual vaccination or wellness examinations. These dogs were free of skin lesions, parasites, bacterial and yeast skin infections and haemo-parasites, as determined by routine diagnostic methods which also included routine analysis of complete blood count and serum biochemistry.

Collection of blood samples
Approximately 5 mL of blood was collected from each dog before the start of any therapy. Two millilitres of blood were collected for routine haematological examination. The remaining 3 mL of blood was transferred into vials containing a clot activator and used for harvesting serum. Harvested serum samples were transferred into cryovials and kept at —20°C until use for evaluation of cytokines and total IgE concentration.

Assessment of cytokines and total IgE
Circulating concentrations of canine IL-17, IL-31 and total IgE were estimated using commercial quantitative immunoassay ELISA kits that were reported to be canine-specific (E0208Ca-IgE, E0007Ca-IL- 17, E0191Ca-IL-31, Bioassay Technology Laboratory; Shanghai, China) following the procedures as described by the manufacturer. The circulating IL-17 and IL-31 concentrations were expressed as ng/ L and total IgE concentration was expressed as lg/mL. The manufacturer reported  the same inter  and intra assay reproducibility  coefficients of <8% and <10% for IL-17, IL-31 and IgE.

Haematological examination
Complete blood cell counts of dogs with AD and the healthy group were analysed by an automated haematology Analyser (BC-2800 Vet Haematology Analyser, Mindray Electronic Co. Ltd; Shenzhen, China).

analysis Normality of data distribution was tested using the Shapiro–Wilk test. The data were found to be distributed normally. Statistical differences between the two groups were evaluated using the unpaired t- test on GraphPad Prism 8 (San Diego, CA, USA). Moreover, to deter- mine the degree of relationship between the IL-17, IL-31, IgE and total leukocyte count (TLC) values, and clinical signs scores (CADLI and pVAS), Pearson’s r-correlation statistic was used. Data are presented as mean T standard error (TSE); P-values < 0.05 were con- sidered statistically significant.
数据分布的分析正态性用Shapiro-Wilk检验进行检验。发现数据分布正常。用GraphPad Prism 8的未配对t检验评估两组之间的统计差异。此外,为了确定IL-17、IL-31、IgE和总白细胞计数(TLC)值与临床症状评分(CADLI和pVAS)之间的关系程度,采用Pearson的r相关统计。数据以平均T标准差(TSE)表示,P值<0.05有统计学意义。

Seventeen dogs ranging in age from one to four years of age met the inclusion criteria for canine AD. Six apparently healthy dogs were included in the study. Data on circulating concentrations of IL-31, IL-17 and total IgE in dogs with AD, and healthy control groups are summarized in Figures 1 and 2. Circulating concentrations of IL-17 and IL-31 were found to be significantly (P < 0.0001) elevated in dogs with AD compared to the healthy dogs (Figure 1 and Table 1). Serum concentrations of total IgE also were found to be significantly (P < 0.0001) elevated in dogs with AD compared to that in the healthy dog group (Figure 2 and Table 1).

The CADLI and pVAS scores (mean T SE) in dogs with AD were calculated to be 22.18±1.37 and 6.47±0.26, respectively. A significant positive correlation (r2 = 0.396; P < 0.007) between IL-31 concentrations and pVAS was present in dogs with AD (Table 2), whereas significant correlation between other parameters was not found (Table 2). Significant alterations in leukogram values were observed between the dogs with AD and healthy controls (Table 1). Data analysis revealed that the dogs with AD had significantly higher TLC (P < 0.0002), absolute neutrophil counts (P < 0.0001), absolute eosinophil counts (P < 0.0001), neutrophils percentage (P < 0.03) and eosinophils percentage (P < 0.0001) compared to healthy dogs.
计算AD犬的CADLI和pVAS评分(平均T SE)分别为22.18±1.37和6.47±0.26。AD犬IL-31浓度与pVAS呈显著正相关(r2=0.396;P<0.007),而其他参数间无显著相关(表2)。在AD犬和健康犬对照组之间,观察到白细胞计数显著变化(表1)。资料分析显示,AD组的TLC(P<0.0002)、中性粒细胞绝对计数(P<0.0001)、嗜酸性粒细胞绝对计数(P<0.0001)、中性粒细胞百分率(P<0.03)、嗜酸性粒细胞百分率(P<0.0001)均显著高于健康组。

In the present study, an elevated circulating total IgE concentration in dogs with AD suggests the possible association of type-1 hypersensitivity with canine AD. Mast cells, upon activation, produce or downregulate secretion of various cytokines, chemokines and arachidonic acid derivatives. Our observation of significant elevation in total circulating IgE concentration in dogs with AD is similar to that observed in clinically affected atopic human patients. Contrary to our findings, no significant difference between the total serum IgE concentrations of dogs with AD and healthy ones has been reported.Although IgE is considered a component in AD, some studies have shown that AD is not always IgE-mediated. Higher production of IgE could be due to percutaneous absorption of allergens into the body resulting in degranulation of mast cells and excessive production of histamine.

Figure 1. Circulatory concentrations  of pro-inflammatory cytokines of dogs with atopic dermatitis (n = 17) and healthy dogs (n = 6).*Significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than the healthy dogs. Data presented are mean T SE.
1. 特应性皮炎(n=17)和健康犬(n=6)促炎细胞因子的循环浓度。显著高于健康犬(P<0.0001)。 所提供的数据是平均TSE。

Figure 2. Circulatory total IgE concentration in dogs with atopic der- matitis (n = 17) and healthy dogs(n = 6).*Significant (P < 0.0001) higher than the healthy dogs. Data presented are mean T SE.
2. 特应性皮炎(n=17)和健康犬(n=6)循环总IgE浓度。*显著(P<0.0001)高于健康犬。 所提供的数据是平均TSE。

An elevated circulating concentration of IL-17 in dogs with AD was observed in the present study and this may support the possible association of IL-17 with AD in dogs. A previous study reported that the production of IL-17A in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of dogs was associated with adverse food reaction (AFR). It was suggested that the possible association of IL-17 with concurrent bacterial infection was because IL-17 was not correlated with clinical improvement but rather with the bacterial count. However, in our study, none of the dogs with AD was suffering from concurrent microbial infection. The best-known function of IL-17 is protection against bacterial and fungal infections. Even though we found higher concentrations of IL-17 in dogs with AD than in healthy dogs, the lack of correlation between this interleukin and clinical scores (CADLI and pVAS) leads us to speculate that IL-17 may have a role in the initiation of AD in dogs, rather than in its progression. In line with our observations, an elevated concentration of IL-17 in acute AD lesions and increased percentage of Th17 cells in the peripheral blood and skin tissues of human patients with AD and psoriasis have been reported. The differences between our data in dogs with AD and human patients or dogs with AFR could be due to different inclusion criteria or different population included in the present study. Therefore, further studies are required to explore the possible association of IL-17 with the pathogenesis of canine AD.

Interleukin-31 and its receptor are considered to play key roles in pruritic skin conditions of humans. Marked elevation in IL-31 in pruritic versus nonpruritic human skin conditions and correlation of serum IL-31 concentrations with the severity of disease in adult humans and children with AD has been documented. Similarly, a positive correlation between the severity of canine AD and circulating IL-31 concentrations has been reported.The administration of canine IL-31 to dogs resulted in a significant increase in pruritic behaviour.Therefore, IL-31 seems to play a crucial role in inducing pruritus and may be dysregulated in dogs with AD. Our finding of elevated circulating IL-31 concentration in dogs with AD supports the potential association of IL-31 with canine AD. It also adds support to the observation of IL-31-mediated AD development in dogs.

A significant positive correlation between the pVAS and IL-31 concentrations observed in the present study supports a role for IL-31 in canine AD. Estimation of serum IL-31 concentration is considered more informative than the quantification of IL-31 mRNA gene expression because one study failed to detect IL-31 mRNA in the skin of dogs with AD. Our observation of an elevated serum IL-31 concentration in dogs with AD is in agreement with a previous report. Moreover, another study also demonstrated a significant upregulation of the IL-31 cytokine gene in acute canine AD skin lesions.

The dogs with AD in the present study revealed significant alterations in leukograms with significant elevations in TLC, absolute neutrophil and eosinophil counts, and percentage of neutrophils and eosinophils. Environmental antigens stimulate peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Therefore, the possibility of the antigen-induced inflammatory response in dogs with AD cannot be ruled out. Elevated values of leukogram attributes in dogs with AD suggest the possible association of AD with the marked inflammatory process. Our observations on altered leukograms support previous reports of significant elevation in neutrophils, eosinophils and TLC in dogs with AD. Elevation in TLC could be due to the cellular and humoral immune response in allergic dermatitis and/or toxins released from tissue damage following inflammation. Significantly elevated eosinophils count and percentage observed in atopic dogs might be attributed to the hypersensitivity reaction which incites release of eosinophils in blood circulation. The atopic dogs participated in the present study were client-owned; therefore, it was not possible to keep all the participating dogs in similar environmental conditions. Furthermore, the numbers of atopic dogs participated in the study are small; hence, studies on a large number of dogs suffering from clinical AD or experimentally induced AD are needed to elucidate the association of IL-17 in the development or pathogenesis of canine AD.

It can be concluded that dogs with AD manifest inflammatory response along with eosinophilia. Marked elevation in circulating IL-17 along with IL-31, IgE and altered leukogram attributes may be associated with canine AD. Therefore, IL-17 along with IL-31 can be considered as the potential targets in the therapeutic management of canine AD.


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