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猫特应性综合征的临床症状和诊断:正确诊断的详细指南(FASS系列2 ...










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Clinical signs and diagnosis of feline atopic syndrome: detailed guidelines for a correct diagnosis


Domenico Santoro* , Cherie M. Pucheu-Haston† , Christine Prost‡, Ralf S. Mueller§ and Hilary Jackson




Background – Feline atopic syndrome (FAS) describes a spectrum of hypersensitivity disorders characterised by highly diverse clinical presentations including skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. Among these disorders is feline atopic skin syndrome (FASS), in which hypersensitivity is typically associated with environmental allergens, although food allergy may coexist. Involvement of other organ systems (e.g. asthma) also may occur. Because of its highly heterogeneous clinical presentation, diagnosis of FASS can be challenging.

Objectives – A subgroup of the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals was tasked to summarise the most current information on the clinical presentations of FASS and to develop diagnostic guidelines.

Methods and materials – Online citation databases and abstracts from international meetings were searched for publications related to feline allergic conditions. These were combined with expert opinion where necessary.

Results – A total of 107 publications relevant to this review were identified. Compilation of these data enabled development of a detailed description of the clinical features of FASS and development of guidelines focusing on systematic elimination of other skin conditions with similar clinical characteristics. As allergen tests are frequently used by dermatologists to support a clinical diagnosis of FASS, a brief review of these methodologies was also performed.

Conclusions and clinical importance – In a similar way to atopic dermatitis in dogs, FASS is a clinical diagnosis based on the presence of compatible clinical signs and exclusion of other diseases with similar clinical features. Elimination or exclusion of fleas/flea allergy, other parasites, infections and food allergy is mandatory before reaching a diagnosis of FASS.


背景–猫特应性综合征(FAS)涵盖了一系列过敏性疾病, 以高度多样化的临床表现为特征,包括皮肤、胃肠道和呼吸系统。这些疾病包括猫特应性皮肤综合征(FASS), 其中过敏反应通常与环境过敏原相关,但可能同时存在食物过敏。也可能累及其他器官系统(如哮喘)。由于其高度异质性的临床表现, FASS的诊断可能具有挑战性。



结果–共找出107篇与本综述相关的出版物。汇编这些资料能够制定FASS临床特征的详细描述和制定指南, 重点是系统性消除具有相似临床特征的其他皮肤疾病。由于皮肤科医生经常使用过敏原试验来支持FASS的临床诊断, 因此还对这些方法进行了简要综述。

结论和临床重要性–与犬特应性皮炎相似, FASS的临床诊断是基于相符的临床症状,并排除具有相似临床特征的其他疾病。在确诊FASS之前, 必须消除或排除跳蚤/跳蚤过敏、其他寄生虫、感染和食物过敏。




The term “feline atopic syndrome” (FAS) encompasses a variety of allergic diseases in cats. These disorders include allergic dermatitis, asthma/respiratory diseases and gastrointestinal diseases that may be associated with a hypersensitivity to environmental allergens and foods, and which may coexist with flea allergy dermatitis. Unlike dogs, cats may demonstrate a pleomorphic clinical response when sensitised to any of these items. In addition, there has been some lack of consensus regarding the role of immunoglobulin (Ig)E in the development of hypersensitivity to environmental allergens (formerly atopic dermatitis), whereas the role of this antibody is more evident in other species (e.g. dogs and people). Because of these difficulties, there has been some hesitancy to use the term “atopic dermatitis” when describing cats demonstrating hypersensitivity to environmental allergens. Different alternative terminologies have been proposed, including “nonflea, nonfood-induced feline hypersensitivity dermatitis”.1,2 In this series of manuscripts, we propose that this latter nomenclature be changed to “feline atopic skin syndrome” (FASS).



The first manuscript of this series describes the most updated information on the pathogenesis of FAS and the reasons behind the proposed new nomenclature. The primary aim of the current manuscript is to summarise the clinical presentations associated with FASS. This work will focus on cutaneous and noncutaneous manifestations of FASS. However, as many of the conditions that comprise FAS may be tightly and inextricably linked with FASS, some discussion will be devoted to them as well (Table 1).



A secondary aim of this manuscript is to provide information to guide the practitioner towards a correct diagnosis of FASS. This diagnosis may be challenging because of the striking similarities in clinical presentation among feline allergic and nonallergic dermatoses. Thus, we describe a logical diagnostic pathway based upon the evaluation of the patient for the presence of clinical signs consistent with FASS and exclusion of other skin conditions resembling FASS. Finally, similar to published guidelines for canine atopic dermatitis, a subgroup of the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA) reviewed the most up-to-date information on diagnostics to help confirm a clinical presumptive diagnosis of FASS.



Methods and materials


A literature search for studies on feline allergies published between 1950 and 2020 was conducted using Pubmed (pubmed.gov), Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), CAB Abstracts (EBSCOhost Research Databases) and CAB Abstracts Archive (EBSCOhost Research Databases) databases. Restrictions (date or language) were not enforced for the manuscript search. Published abstracts from annual meetings of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology/European College of Veterinary Dermatology, American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology/ American College of Veterinary Dermatology and World Congresses of Veterinary Dermatology between 1995 and 2016 were included. Finally, expert options were reported where necessary to supplement the literature search. A total of 107 manuscripts were selected and summarised below.

我们使用Pubmed、Web of Science、CAB Abstracts和CAB Abstracts Archive 数据库对1950年至2020年间发表的关于猫过敏症的研究进行了文献检索。对手稿搜索的限制(日期或语言)没有强制执行。收录了1995年至2016年欧洲兽医皮肤科学会/欧洲兽医学院、美国兽医学会/美国兽医学院和世界兽医皮肤科大会的年度会议摘要。最后,在必要时报告专家选择以补充文献搜索。共有107份手稿被挑选和总结如下。


Clinical characteristics of FASS


Clinical appearance


By contrast with species such as people and dogs (in which atopic dermatitis typically is associated with a limited range and distribution of clinical signs), the cutaneous lesions of FASS are far more variable in appearance and less predictable in distribution. As is seen in other forms of feline skin disease, the majority of cats with FASS typically present with one or more “cutaneous reaction patterns”. These patterns include miliary dermatitis (MD), self-inflicted alopecia/hypotrichosis (SIAH), head and neck pruritus (HNP) and eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC). Either alone or in combination, and after excluding other possible causes, these patterns are consistent with a diagnosis of FASS.



In its simplest form, MD presents as several small (typically ~ 1–2 mm) papules, generally surrounded by crusts (Figure 1). These lesions may be distributed over relatively small portions of the body or may be present in a more generalised fashion. This condition is usually pruritic and, as a result, excoriations, erosions and varying degrees of hair loss often are superimposed on MD. In some cases, MD may be present without a history of pruritus. Some of these cats may truly be nonpruritic, yet it is likely that many of them may simply not be observed to be pruritic by the owners. Regardless, patients with “nonpruritic” MD may appear clinically normal from a distance, with the presence of lesions becoming obvious only upon handling the cat and close inspection of the skin.

MD最简单的表现为几个小丘疹(典型约1 - 2毫米),通常被结痂包围(图1)。这些病变可能分布在身体小部分,也可能全身出现。这种情况通常是瘙痒的,因此,抓痕、糜烂和不同程度的脱毛与MD同时出现。在某些病例,MD可能没有瘙痒史。这些猫中的一些可能真的不痒,但很可能它们中的许多可能只是没有被主人观察到痒。无论如何,“非瘙痒性”MD的患者从远处看可能是临床正常的,只有在触诊猫和仔细检查皮肤时,病变的存在才会变得明显。


In SIAH, the pruritic cat removes its hairs either by repetitively licking, biting or pulling at the fur, occasionally accompanied by scratching (Figure 2). This behaviour often results in the swallowing of excessive hair and the formation of hairballs, which may cause vomiting. It may be helpful to ask the owners of affected cats whether they have noticed the patient vomiting, or if they have noticed excessive hair being passed in the faeces. These activities may be mistaken for normal grooming by the client and so are not reported. Alternatively, the cat may perform these activities in seclusion. In these cases, the client may believe that the cat is losing hair spontaneously. In other cases, the exuberant overgrooming may be noted, yet misinterpreted by the client or the veterinarian as an aberrant response to some stressful condition rather than a manifestation of pruritus. Although some cats may remove their own hair under real or perceived stressful conditions (“psychogenic alopecia”), primary behaviour-based overgrooming appears to be uncommon in cats. In one study of 21 cats referred for evaluation of psychogenic alopecia, a primary behavioural or psychogenic cause was demonstrated only in two cats. By contrast, 16 of the cats were found to be suffering from pruritic dermatitis alone, with the remaining three cats afflicted by pruritic disease with a superimposed behavioural component.



The third reaction pattern (HNP) is characterised by (often intense) pruritus of the face, head and neck. Patients may claw or scratch frantically at the areas, resulting in varying degrees of excoriation, erosion and ulceration (Figure 3). Blepharitis may be observed, with or without associated corneal ulceration. The pruritus associated with this pattern may be particularly severe and difficult to manage, often requiring physical intervention (in the form of bandages or protective collars) to minimise self-trauma.



The fourth reaction pattern is EGC. This “complex” consists of a loosely grouped (and often confusingly named) set of clinical syndromes. The first is indolent ulcer, also known as “rodent ulcer”. This condition typically affects the upper lip, at or immediately adjacent to the mucocutaneous junction (Figure 4). Lesions initially start as focal ulceration on the lip margin. Unilateral disease is more common than bilateral disease, at least in the beginning. As the condition progresses, the lip can become ulcerated and fibrotic, resulting in the deformation of the entire rostral portion of the lip up to (and occasionally past) the planum nasale. This syndrome is typically not pruritic unless complicated by bacterial infections.



The second syndrome is eosinophilic granuloma, also called “linear granuloma”. Lesions can appear in a variety of locations, each with its own phenotype. Lesions on the rear legs typically appear as linear areas of dermal thickening on the caudal aspect of the thigh and may extend distally past the stifle fold onto the caudal crus. Erosion or ulceration is common. This syndrome also may present as proliferative lesions in the mouth, especially on the tongue or hard palate (Figure 5), or as poorly defined chin swelling (“fat chin”). These lesions may or may not be pruritic.



The third clinical syndrome is eosinophilic plaque. These lesions are most frequent on the ventral abdomen and medial thighs, yet may appear in other locations (Figure 6). These are characterised by raised, frequently eroded or ulcerated areas. Individual lesions range in shape from circular, to oval, to serpiginous. They often are associated with intense pruritus, with self-inflicted damage resulting in a self-perpetuating positive feedback cycle of inflammation. These lesions often are complicated by secondary bacterial infections.



Although any of these reaction patterns may be seen with FASS, some patterns appear to be seen more frequently than others. A review of 10 manuscripts describing 263 cats diagnosed exclusively with FASS suggests the following overall prevalence rates: 31.2% with MD; 60.1% with SIAH; 43.0% with HNP; and 25.9% with one or more forms of EGC. The number of cats demonstrating multiple syndromes was not always specifically stated, yet 37.7% of cats were reported as having at least two syndromes.

虽然这些反应模式中的任何一种都可以在FASS中看到,但有些模式似乎比其他模式更常见。对10份描述263只被诊断为患有FASS的猫的手稿的回顾表明:患有MD的猫的总体患病率为31.2%;SIAH 为60.1%;HNP为43.0%;一种或多种形式EGC为25.9%。出现多综合征患猫的数量并不总是明确说明,但据报道,37.7%的猫至少有两种综合征。


Nonetheless, there is considerable variability in the prevalence values for each of these patterns between the individual manuscripts (Table 2). This is particularly true for MD and HNP, with SIAH being somewhat less variable and EGC the least variable of all. Some of this variability may be related to the small number of cases in some studies. A second reason may be related to differences in pattern characterisation between observers. For example, although one observer might characterise a cat as having MD localised to the neck, another observer might describe that same cat as having HNP. By contrast, there is far less variability in the reported prevalence of EGC, which tends to be distinct in appearance.



Few articles provide specifics regarding the distribution of lesions in cats with FASS. Frequently involved areas appear to include the face, head, neck and pinnae, the ventral abdomen, the legs (especially the medial aspects) and the dorsum. Less common areas of involvement include the lateral thorax/flanks, perineum, axillae and lumbosacral area. “Lesionless” alopecia and generalised or multifocal involvement occasionally are reported. By contrast with dogs, paw involvement appears to be uncommonly involved in FASS.



Otitis is a frequent clinical presentation in dogs with atopic dermatitis. In cats, the presence of otitis, with or without secondary infectious, has been reported in 20.9% (48 of 230) of patients with FASS.



Finally, there also are “atypical” clinical signs that have been attributed (tentatively or definitively) with FASS. These include pododermatitis (with or without plasma cell involvement) and alesional pruritus. In some cases, these signs have been reported as the only manifestation of FASS, whereas in others they accompany more “typical” manifestations of FASS.



Age of onset


Determination of the average age of onset of FASS is somewhat complicated by the fact that many studies either provide only the age at presentation or a range of ages. In many cases, cats have been adopted as adults, and thus the information is not known. Furthermore, approximate ages of onset may have been “back-calculated” by subtracting the estimated duration of disease from the current age. Regardless, the age at which cats first demonstrate signs of FASS appears to vary widely, ranging from cats as young as six months to cats as old as 15 years. However, the majority of reports suggest that most cases have a relatively young age of onset, with reported means ranging from 0.5 to 4.8 years. This pattern is similar to that described in two large-scale retrospective studies. In one of these studies, the median age of onset was two years, with 62% of patients first experiencing signs before three years of age and only 22% developing disease after seven years of age. In the second study, the mean age of onset was three years, with 72% first showing signs before three years and only 12% developing disease after six years of age. These results contrast with those from an older report in which five of 10 cats first developed signs at seven years or older.



Sex predilection


In general, FASS appears to be reported more frequently in female than male cats. Of the 226 cats with confirmed FASS (as a sole diagnosis) reported in the literature reviewed for this study, females represented 58.4% (132 of 226) while males represented only 41.6% (94 of 226).These figures must be viewed with some skepticism, as many of these manuscripts were relatively small case reports and were not compared to the clinical population as a whole. There are only two large reports in which sex specifics were provided for cats diagnosed with FASS (as a sole diagnosis). However, the sex ratios in these studies were similar to those reported above (59.7% female: 40.3% male).



Three studies evaluated the sex proportions of cats with FASS in which flea and/or food allergy was either present as a concurrent problem in some or all of the cats, or in which it could not be ruled out in all cases owing to owner compliance issues.Of these 267 cats, females and males accounted for 58.4% (156 of 267) and 41.6% (111 of 267), respectively.





It must be noted that there is some degree of uncertainty inherent in the determination of whether or not a patient demonstrates seasonal or nonseasonal disease, as this determination often is based upon client assessment. Although astute owners may be able to distinguish between complete remission and partial remission, or between partial remission and no improvement, not all clients are capable of making these observations.



The presence or absence of seasonality was reported for 141 cats diagnosed with FASS, of which 75.2% (106 of 141) demonstrated nonseasonal disease. Two of these cats had initially presented with seasonal disease, and developed nonseasonal signs over time. Of the 35 cats with seasonal disease, further specifics were available for seven. Of these seven cats, one demonstrated signs in spring, one in spring and summer, two in late summer to early autumn, one in both spring and autumn, one in winter and one demonstrated signs corresponding to its oestrus cycle.



Two additional studies evaluated populations of cats with FASS including cats with concurrent flea and/or food allergy. In these 238 cats, 70.2% (167 of 238) demonstrated nonseasonal signs, while 29.8% (71 of 238) of cats demonstrated seasonal signs. In the nonseasonally affected cats, 9.6% (16 of 167) had always demonstrated nonseasonal signs, 72.5% (121 of 167) had nonseasonal signs with seasonal exacerbations, 6% (10 of 167) progressed from seasonal to nonseasonal signs, and 12% (20 of 167) had intermittent or waxing and waning exacerbations. Of seasonally affected cats, 25.4% (18 of 71) demonstrated signs during the spring, 39.4% (28 of 71) during the summer, 33.8% (24 of 71) during the autumn and 46.5% (33 of 71) during the winter. Many of these cats demonstrated clinical signs during two or three seasons (primarily summer and autumn).



Breed predisposition and heritability


By contrast with dogs, in which varying degrees of breed predisposition, heritability and/or predisposing genetic polymorphisms have been demonstrated, relatively little is known of the contribution of heritability to feline allergic diseases. One possible reason for this is the relatively small number of purebred cats in relation to domestic mixed-breed cats (domestic short hair and domestic long hair cats). In addition, the large breeding populations of stray cats in many areas makes any attempt at discerning specific lineages extremely difficult. Finally, although many dog breeds often have very distinctive appearances, many breeds of cat (and their crosses) are difficult to distinguish by the untrained eye.



Nonetheless, there is some evidence that there may be a heritable component to the development of allergic dermatitis in cats. The Abyssinian breed was disproportionately affected by FASS in two large retrospective evaluations of allergic cats. Abyssinians (along with cats of the Somali and Ocicat breeds) were over-represented in cats demonstrating “skin allergy” (Odds Ratio of 2.1 for all three breeds) in a large retrospective study of >8,000 Finnish cats. In another retrospective study of 502 cats with allergic and nonallergic dermatitis, Abyssinians were found exclusively in the “nonflea hypersensitive dermatitis” group. However, the clinical relevance of this finding is difficult to determine, as this breed represented only a small portion of the cats evaluated (10 cats total). Abyssinians and Abyssinian crosses frequently appear in smaller studies as well, although their prevalence typically has not been compared to the general hospital population in most of these studies.



There have been a small number of case reports describing familial dermatitis of allergic origin. One case report described three littermates that developed varying degrees of pruritus and self-inflicted alopecia of the head and neck starting at approximately six months of age. By one year of age, the signs had expanded to include biting at the legs and furious licking of the abdomen. Skin scrapings, faecal flotation, otoscopic examination, ear cytological evaluation and examination of surface debris failed to demonstrate parasites or infectious causes of pruritus. The cats’ pruritus also failed to respond to a flea control trial, ivermectin therapy or an elimination diet trial. Intradermal testing was performed, and the cats were started on immunotherapy based on the results. Two of the cats had an excellent response and were asymptomatic for most of the year, while the signs of the third cat were considerably improved. Interestingly, the dam of these kittens was noted to develop crusting of the head and neck as well as ventral abdominal alopecia during the autumn. Unfortunately, a workup was not permitted in this cat. Another report mentioned that five of 16 cats with atopic dermatitis had first-degree relatives (siblings or parents) affected in a similar way, yet further specifics were not provided.



Two further reports describe cats with lesions and/or clinical signs consistent with allergic dermatitis, for which specific diagnoses were not made. One described three closely related Abyssinians which developed intensely pruritic, crusting dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, peripheral eosinophilia and elevated total serum IgE levels. However, it is unclear whether the affected cats all lived in the same household at the time of the development of disease (between 12 and 18 months of age). Furthermore, there is no mention of the methods used to rule out flea allergy, food allergy or nonallergic causes of dermatitis. The second manuscript described seven Norwegian forest cats that developed indolent ulcers and/or linear granulomas. None of these cats were pruritic. All cats had the same father and were born to either the same cat, or to her daughter. Detailed information was not provided for all cats, and the age of onset was reported to be between five and 15 months, with some lesions possibly present as early as one week of age. None of these cats lived in the same household. Unfortunately, as no attempt was made to identify any associated allergic or nonallergic diseases, definitive attribution of these lesions to FASS (or any other allergic disease) cannot be made.

另外两份报告描述了猫的皮肤病变和/或临床症状,与过敏性皮炎一致,但没有作出具体的诊断。一项研究描述了三名关系近的阿比西尼亚猫,他们出现强烈瘙痒、结痂性皮炎、鼻炎、结膜炎、外周嗜酸性粒细胞增多症和血清总IgE水平升高。然而,尚不清楚患猫在发病时(12至18个月大)是否都生活在同一个家庭。此外,也没有提到用于排除跳蚤过敏、食物过敏或非过敏皮肤病病因的诊断方法。第二份手稿描述了7只挪威森林猫出现无痛性溃疡和/或线性肉芽肿。这些猫都不瘙痒。所有的猫都有同一个父亲,要么是同一只猫或她的女儿生的。没有提供所有猫的详细信息,据报道发病年龄在5 - 15个月之间,有些病变可能早在一周大时就出现。这些猫都不住在同一家。不幸的是,由于没有尝试确定任何相关的过敏性或非过敏性疾病,无法确定这些病变是否与FASS(或任何其他过敏性疾病)有关。


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