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发表于 2023-1-8 13:07:02 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Generalised pustular onychopathy of unknown aetiology in a domestic cat


Luca Luciani | Sara Legnani | Chiara Brachelente




Claw diseases are rare in cats and often associated with cutaneous lesions in other regions of the body. This case report describes an atypical manifestation of a generalised onychopathy of unknown origin in a domestic short hair cat.




cat, claws, onychodystrophy, onychopathy, pustular






Claw diseases in cats are rare and commonly associated with paronychia and lesions in other regions of the skin. In cats, paronychia is typically associated with bacterial infection or pemphigus foliaceus. Other claw disorders have rarely been reported, and in one of the few reviews which describe idiopathic onychodystrophy in cats, this term was applied to single claw growth abnormalities where the claws were thickened or curved. The aetiology was suspected to be prior traumatic injury. To the best of the authors' knowledge, conditions causing diffuse deformity of multiple claws have not been reported in cats.





A nine-year-old male, neutered, domestic short hair cat was presented for a generalised, progressive onychopathy of five months duration. The condition had not responded to 0.05% sodium hypochlorite foot baths performed daily for two weeks and two subcutaneous injections of cefovecin (Convenia; Zoetis, Belgium) at a dose of 8 mg/kg. The cat was kept indoors, fed a complete commercial diet and was otherwise in good general health. It was not receiving any treatment for external parasites and had not been vaccinated in the last eight years. On dermatological examination, the claws of all four feet showed varying degrees of onychodystrophy, onychorrexis, onycholysis and onychoclasis without apparent involvement of the nail bed (Figure 1).No pain or discomfort upon manipulation was noted. No other skin lesions were observed, and the cat was reported to be nonpruritic.



Cytological evaluation of the periungual skin did not reveal any micro-organisms. Wood's lamp examination and a fungal culture were negative for dermatophytes.



Complete blood count, biochemical results and thyroid profile were within normal limits, and the cat was negative for feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) (SNAP FIV/FeLV Combo Test; IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.). Thoracic radiography and abdominal ultrasonography were unremarkable.



The third phalanx of the fourth digit of the left pelvic limb was surgically removed, and the sample was routinely processed for histological examination. Microscopically, multifocal pustular lesions affecting the nail matrix were observed (Figure 2). Pustules were of variable size and depth, from the more superficial layers (subcorneal) to full epidermal thickness, and contained neutrophils and rare acantholytic cells. The epidermis was spongiotic, with mild lymphocytic exocytosis. In the nail plate, multifocal and occasionally stratified pustules were observed, containing cellular debris and numerous round, hypereosinophilic cells interpreted as degenerated acantholytic cells. Hyperkeratosis of the nail fold and perivascular lymphoplasmacytic and neutrophilic inflammation also were observed in the superficial dermis, below the matrix and the nailbed. Periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and Gram stains were negative. Although the histopathological findings were not consistent with Leishmania infection, a PCR and immunohistochemical staining performed on the paraffin-embedded tissue were negative for L. infantum. A diagnosis of idiopathic neutrophilic pustular dermatitis of the nail matrix with acantholytic cells was made.

手术切除左后肢体第四趾的第三趾骨,并常规处理样本进行组织学检查。显微镜下,观察到甲基质患多灶性脓疱病变(图2)。脓疱大小和深度不等,厚度从表皮更浅层(角质层下)到表皮全层不等,含有中性粒细胞和罕见棘层松懈细胞。表皮呈海绵状水肿,伴轻度淋巴细胞外排。甲板(nail plate)内可见多灶且偶见分层的脓疱,包含细胞碎片和大量圆形高嗜酸性染色细胞,即为退行性棘层松懈细胞。甲襞(nail fold)角化过度、血管周围淋巴细胞浆细胞和中性粒细胞炎性反应,也见于真皮浅层、基质和甲床下方。周期性酸性希夫染色和革兰氏染色均为阴性。虽然组织病理学结果与利什曼原虫感染不一致,但对石蜡包包组织进行PCR和免疫组化染色均为阴性。诊断为伴有棘层松懈细胞的,特发性中性粒细胞性脓疱性甲基质皮肤病。


Based on the clinical presentation and the results of laboratory tests, an infectious cause was considered to be unlikely and the suspicion of an autoimmune or immune-mediated sterile pustular dermatitis was raised. Oral prednisolone (Prednicortone; Dechra Veterinary products Srl) at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg once daily was prescribed. At a three month recheck, lack of improvement was evident and treatment was tapered and then discontinued. The owner did not consent to further diagnostic investigations or therapeutic attempts, and 14months after the initial diagnosis, claw lesions remained unchanged.





The histological lesions affecting the nail matrix in this case closely resemble those affecting the skin in cases of feline pemphigus foliaceus (fPF). However, fPF usually is characterised by more prominent acantholysis and, clinically, by pustules and crusting on other areas such as head, ears, feet and periareolar skin, which were not present in our case. Furthermore, the typical fPF changes are characterised by paronychia with no reported involvement of the nail itself. In the case reported here, lesions were restricted to the nail matrix and the acantholytic keratinocytes were scarce. Moreover, fPF tends to respond well to immunosuppressive therapy, with 90% of cases achieving disease control in less than a month and 97% in eight weeks, with prednisolone monotherapy being one of the most common therapeutic choices.



The clinical features of this case closely resemble those of canine symmetrical lupoid onychomadesis (SLO). However, the histopathological pattern of this canine disease is characterised by interface dermatitis with a lichenoid infiltrate and pigmentary incontinence that is clearly distinct from the pustular dermatitis reported here. Once again, response to immunosuppressive treatment in affected dogs usually is seen. A single case of canine pemphigus foliaceus with exclusive nail involvement has been reported. The affected dog, however, presented with paronychia, periungual yellowish exudation, and pain, with good response to corticosteroid treatment–features of pemphigus foliaceus that were absent in the present case.



In human medicine, acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau (ACH) can resemble this clinical appearance even though it is often associated with cutaneous lesions at other body sites. Lesions usually begin with the tip of one digit becoming erythematous and developing painful pustules that migrate under the nail bed and matrix, leading to onychodystrophy and, in severe cases, onychomadesis. In the acute phase, the pustules rupture and coalesce to form lakes of pus that dislodge the nail. Histologically, intraepidermal spongiform pustules filled with neutrophils are described.



A bacterial culture was not performed in our feline case, yet a bacterial aetiology was unlikely given the negative bacterial cytological results, a negative Gram stain of biopsy tissue, the absence of paronychia and pain, failure to respond to a four-week course on a systemic antibacterial drug and the generalised distribution of the lesions. The use of prednisolone as the sole therapy for an autoimmune or immune-mediated process could be deemed insufficient, yet in cats it represents the most widely used drug providing the best results, at least in the acute phase, for these types of disorders. Although complete healing of the feline claw may take up to six months, with a growth rate of about 1.9mm per week, the three month course of therapy in our case should have allowed at least a partial improvement of the clinical picture.



An underlying neoplastic or endocrine trigger also was considered to be unlikely given the results of diagnostic imaging and blood tests, and a follow-up period of over 18months without a change in gross lesions. Likewise, an adverse drug reaction was deemed improbable as no history of drug or vaccine administration was reported. Finally, trauma has been speculated to cause asymmetrical onychodystrophy, yet the generalised presentation with involvement of all claws and the lack of any history of trauma, especially in an indoor cat, make this differential highly unlikely in our case.



To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a chronic idiopathic generalised onychopathy of suspected autoimmune or immune-mediated origin unresponsive to first-line immunosuppressive treatment in a cat.












FIGURE 1 Hind left foot: Abnormal claws with onychorrhexis and onychodystrophy




FIGURE 2 Histological features of the biopsy of the affected cat. (a) In the epidermis of the nailbed, multifocal pustules are noted (asterisks), together with severe hyperkeratosis and multilayered crusts (arrows). Haematoxylin & eosin, ×1.25. (b) Pustules are of variable size and depth, from subcorneal to intraepidermal. H&E, ×10. (c) Severe hyperkeratosis and multilayered crusts are present on the surface with alternating layers of hyperkeratosis (asterisks) and degenerated neutrophils and cellular debris (arrows). H&E, ×10. (d) Pustules contained neutrophils and rare acantholytic cells (arrows). H&E, ×40.





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