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Autoimmune diseases affecting skin melanocytes in dogs, cats and horses: vitiligo and the uveodermatological syndrome: a comprehensive review

作者:Heng L. Tham, Keith E. Linder and Thierry Olivry

翻译:侯宁 校对:王帆
Autoimmune dermatoses targeting melanocytes have gained attention in human medicine due to their progressive nature and the social impact suffered by affected individuals. In veterinary medicine, vitiligo and the uveodermatological syndrome are the two autoimmune diseases that are known to affect skin melanocytes. In the first part of this article, we will review the signalment, clinical signs, histopathology and the treatment outcome of vitiligo in dogs, cats and horses; where pertinent, we compare the animal diseases to their human homologue. In a similar fashion, the information on the uveodermatological syndrome in dogs is reviewed and, where relevant, it is compared to the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome in humans. Canine, feline and equine vitiligo have many features that mirror their human counterparts. The most effective treatment and outcome of vitiligo in animals remain unclear. The canine uveodermatological syndrome resembles the incomplete VKH variant in humans; for affected individuals, an immediate diagnosis and aggressive treatment are crucial to prevent the development of blindness.
Keywords: Autoimmune skin diseases, Vitiligo, Uveodermatological, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada, Leukoderma, Depigmentation, Melanocytes, Canine, Feline, Equine, Dermatology


Melanocytes possess the unique ability to synthesize melanin pigments, which contribute to the skin and hair color of humans and animals. Other than the skin and skin appendages of domesticated mammals, melanocytes are found in the oral mucosa, eye, cochlea and less consistently the meninges . In the eyes, melanocytes are abundant in the uvea (i.e., the iris, ciliary body and choroid); the uveal pigment is thought to protect the retina from an overexposure to solar radiation and its resulting damaging affects. In the ear, melanocytes are found in the stria vascularis of the cochlea and contribute to endolymph formation.

Autoimmune diseases of melanocytes have gained attention in human medicine due to their often-progressive nature and the negative social impact suffered by affected individuals. These diseases are due to the specific destruction of melanocytes, which results in a variety of clinical presentations, depending on the organ(s) in which the melanocytes are targeted. In vitiligo, signs associated with the destruction of melanocytes are limited to the skin, lips and/or oral cavity. In contrast, in the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome, they are more diverse because of involvement of the skin, lips, oral cavity, eyes, meninges and/or auditory system.

In this review, we will focus on the two recognized autoimmune disease of melanocytes in animals: vitiligo and the uveodermatological syndrome, the canine homologue of the VKH disease of humans.

Vitiligo is defined as an acquired, chronic, depigmentation disorder characterized by white patches, often symmetrical in humans, corresponding to a substantial loss of functional epidermal and sometimes hair follicle melanocytes. The term vitiligo was first used in the Latin medical classic ‘De Medicina’ during the second century (cited in). There are different opinions on the origin of the word vitiligo: while some state that the depigmentation resembles the white glistening of the flesh of calves (in Latin, calf is ‘vitulus’ with ‘vituli’ its plural), others believed that the term vitiligo is derived from the Latin word ‘vitium’, meaning defect or blemish.
白癜风定义为一种以白色斑片为特征的获得性、慢性、色素减退性疾病,在人类中通常表现为对称性,相当于表皮层和一些毛囊内黑色素细胞的功能严重丧失。白癜风一词最早出现在二世纪拉丁医学经典著作“De Medicina”。关于白癜风这个词的起源有着不同的意见:有些人认为这种色素减退类似于新鲜牛犊肉的的白色反光(拉丁语中,小牛是“vitulus”,“vitui”是复数形式),其他人认为白癜风一词来源于拉丁语词汇“vitium”,意思是缺陷或污点。

Herein, we review the relevant information published to date on the canine, feline and equine vitiligo and we compare it with that published on the human disease homologue, where appropriate.

Historical perspective
Vitiligo in humans was first described more than 1500 years BC. In ancient times, vitiligo was confused with leprosy and other depigmenting disorders, and it resulted in a discrimination and social stigma that, unfortunately, still persists today. It is only in the last century that vitiligo has gained more interest in the field of medical research.

The first case series of vitiligo in dogs was reported in 1971. Seven years later, two articles were published: one as a case report in the proceedings from a human dermatology meeting in Geneva, and the other as a prospective study that collected data via a questionnaire and reported three clinical cases; the latter article was the first to detail the clinical, histological and electron microscopic features of vitiligo in 38 dogs.

Reports on feline vitiligo are even rarer than those of the canine disease: the first published case reports of feline vitiligo were both in 1986, although this disease was likely recognized earlier. The most detailed report on feline vitiligo (in a Siamese cat) was published in 1994.

In the horse, Duerst was cited to have first mentioned the term vitiligo in 1931 (cited in), but it was not until the 1960s when Meijer, a Dutch veterinarian, reported equine vitiligo in three separate papers; of note is that the horses in the 1965 report might be the same as those included in the papers published in 1961 and 1962.

Incidence and prevalence
Vitiligo is the most common depigmenting disorder in humans, with a prevalence estimated at approximately 0.5–2.0% of the world population; it has been reported to be as high as 8.8% in India. The disparity between prevalence and incidence could be due to the demographics from which the data originated (e.g., it might be estimated to be higher in dark skinned populations in whom lesions are more prominent).

There are no available data to estimate the global or regional incidence and prevalence of vitiligo in dogs, cats or horses. However, at Cornell University, Scott and Miller reported that vitiligo accounted for 0.7% of equine dermatoses examined at the veterinary teaching hospital. The prevalence of vitiligo in animals may be much higher than that reported, however, because this disease is a primarily cosmetic issue in animals, and it might not motivate owners to seek any veterinary care.

Most of the information available about the etiopathogenesis of vitiligo derives from results of studies performed using human samples. The three main hypotheses are biochemical, neural and autoimmune. Other review papers suggested the adhesion defect and oxidative theories, even though the latter overlaps with the biochemical hypothesis. Of these theories, the autoimmune hypothesis is the leading one, as it is derived from studies that showed that antibodies directed against melanocytes were more prevalent in animals and humans with vitiligo. Other studies also showed the involvement of the innate immune system (natural killer cells and inflammatory dendritic cells) and cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes. This explains why most interventions for the treatment of vitiligo in humans are centered around immunosuppressive therapies. In a recent review, the convergence theory posits that a combination of various pathways is involved in the development and progression of vitiligo. These mechanisms, in addition to the aforementioned, included genetic susceptibility, mechanical stress and associated Koebnerization (i.e., trauma-induced lesions), psychological stress, reduced melanocytes antioxidant defenses, microbial dysbiosis and aberrant melanocytes-keratinocyte intercellular communication, which all intertwined in a yet-unknown mechanism leading to the loss of melanocytes from the skin. A recent theory attempts to explain this convergence mechanistically: an oxidative cellular stress would not only injure melanocytes but also induce novel autoantigens, or expose cryptic cellular antigens, which would then activate an immune response against melanocytes to promote lesion development. Additional factors, (e.g., genetic, environmental, etc.) could then influence both mechanisms of oxidative injury and immunological responses, thus explaining the multifactorial nature of the disease.

In 1986, Naughton and colleagues reported the detection of antibodies to surface antigens of pigmented cells in 24 animals with vitiligo. In that study, serum was collected from 28 Belgian Tervueren (17 with vitiligo), seven Siamese cat (four with vitiligo) and six Arabian horses (three with vitiligo). Using immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence assays and human pigmented melanoma cells previously shown to express vitiligo antigens, all animals with vitiligo had circulating antibodies to a surface antigen of pigmented cells, whereas none of those from normal animals had such antibodies. The authors suggested that the pathogenesis of vitiligo in man and animals was similar because both appeared to have a similar abnormal antibody response to pigmented cells. However, since then, to the authors’ knowledge, there have been no new studies on the pathogenesis of vitiligo in animals, thus limiting the advancement of mechanisticbased treatment and outcome assessment.

In humans, vitiligo affects both genders equally. It can develop at any age, but 70–80% of cases arise before the age of 30 with an onset before the age of 12 years being common (up to 37% of patients in one study).

In the dog, rottweiler and doberman pinscher dogs (in the USA) as well as collies are thought to be predisposed to vitiligo. In the present review, the breeds reported with canine vitiligo are derived from 12 publications including 74 dogs. Among these cases, there were 38 Belgian Tervuerens (51%), 15 rottweilers (20%), seven Labrador retrievers (9%), three German shepherd dogs (4%), two old English sheepdogs (3%) and Beauceron shepherd dogs (3%) and one each (1%) of the following breeds: giant schnauzer, miniature dachshund, Newfoundland, Bernese mountain dog, Collie and a mixed breed dog. From the nine case reports in which information on the sex was available, the female-to-male ratio was 1.0. The mean and median ages of onset were 26months and 24 months, respectively (range: 2 months to 11 years).

There are four reports of feline vitiligo including seven cats. Of these, six were Siamese, and one was a European mixed breed. The sex was only reported for three cats: two females and one male. The age of onset was only reported in one Siamese, and it was 21 months.

The breeds of horses affected with vitiligo can be inferred from five reports including 32 horses. Among these cases, there were 12 Gelderlands (38%), nine Spanish thoroughbreds (28%), four Arabians (13%) and Belgians (13%) and one each (3%) of the following breeds: Oldenburg, Mecklenburg and quarter horse. The breeds that were reported by Meijer in two reports published in 1961 and 1962 were not considered because we are unsure if the reported horses were the same reported in the 1965 paper. The sex of the affected horses was available from three reports with 28 horses of which the female-to-male ratio was 2.1. Vitiligo is reported to be common in Arabian horses(the so-called “Arabian fading syndrome” and “pinky Arab”) and there are numerous references listing this breed in review papers, equine text books and the lay literature. The published information is however limited and thus it may not completely represent the commonality of equine breeds affected by vitiligo, which are different in the literature and appear to vary by geographical location. The age of onset was only reported in seven horses with a median of 48 months (range: 1 to 18 years).

Clinical signs
In humans, vitiligo is classified clinically into segmental (SV) and non-segmental variants (NSV), with the latter including three major subsets: generalized, acrofacial and universal vitiligos. Other variants are mixed and unclassified vitiligo (focal and mucosal vitiligo). The initial lesions of NSV in humans usually arise on areas exposed to chronic traumas, especially on the hands or the arms, a feature attributed to the Koebner phenomenon . According to a recent international consensus conference, NSV is characterized by depigmented macules of varying sizes, which usually spare the scalp and haired regions, although hair depigmentation may occur with disease progression. The loss of hair pigmentation can follow the depigmentation of the skin but rarely precedes it; there is one case series of follicular vitiligo described in humans. Depigmentation of the iris and retina are seen in a minority of patients with vitiligo (reviewed in).

In dogs, information on the location of the first lesion(s) of vitiligo was available from seven reports including 55 patients. In most dogs, depigmented macules and/or patches initially developed on the face and were more often multifocal than focal. The gingiva and lips were the two most commonly affected regions and the depigmentation sometimes progressed from multifocal to complete oral depigmentation. As the disease progressed, depigmented lesions were confined to the face and/or head in most dogs and involved one or more of the following regions: eyelids, eyelashes, nasal planum, oral cavity (hard palate and buccal mucosa), pinnae and muzzle (Fig. 1). However, the depigmentation also developed at other locations such as the footpads, scrotum, nails/claws, paws/limbs and the neck/trunk/ rump region. Generalized depigmentation (Fig. 2) was reported in two dogs, with the former case only affecting black hair. Bilaterally symmetrical lesions were only reported in three dogs in one case report.

The rare form of follicular vitiligo resembles the case reported by White and Batch, where all seven Labrador retriever puppies only exhibited leukotrichia without leukoderma.

Fig. 1 Canine vitiligo. a 5-year-old Airedale terrier with a 2-month history of fairly-symmetrical depigmented patches on the nasal planum (courtesy of Dr. F. Banovic, case material NCSU). b 4-year-old Australian shepherd with a 3-month history of rapidly-progressing depigmentation (leukoderma) of the nasal planum and lips; hair depigmentation (leukotrichia) was also present on the head (courtesy of Dr. HL Tham, case material NCSU). c 4-year-old Bernese Mountain dog with periocular depigmentation; this dog also had leukotrichia that progressed to generalized poliosis (courtesy of Dr. L. Beco). d 2-year-old Rottweiler with periocular leukoderma and leukotrichia (courtesy of Dr. E. Guaguère). e same dog as in (a); depigmentation of the footpad (courtesy of Dr. F. Banovic, case material NCSU). f same dogs as in (d): partial depigmentation of the claw (courtesy of Dr. E. Guaguère)
1 犬白癜风。a::5岁的万能㹴2个月鼻平面对称性色素减退病史。b:4岁澳大利亚牧羊犬,3个月鼻平面和嘴唇快速渐进性色素减退(白皮症),同时也可见于头部毛发色素减退(白毛症)。c:4岁伯恩山犬,眼周色素减退;也存在白毛症并发展为全身性白毛症。d: 2岁罗威纳犬,眼周白皮症和白毛症。e:a为同一只犬;爪垫色素减退。f:d为同一只犬:爪部局部色素减退。
Fig. 2 Canine vitiligo. a Australian shepherd with a normal coat color. b Eight months later, there was generalized skin, hair and iris depigmentation due to vitiligo; the owner confirmed the iris depigmenting as the coat color changed (courtesy of Dr. K. Pantenburg )
2 犬白癜风。a:一只毛色正常的澳洲牧羊犬。b:8个月后,因为白癜风导致全身皮肤、被毛和虹膜色素减退,主人称虹膜随着被毛颜色改变而改变。

Interestingly, Mahaffey and colleagues reported that four dogs had focal depigmentation of the outer surface of the lower lip at the point contacted by the maxillary canine tooth. Whether this clinical feature was associated with a Koebner phenomenon or trauma-induced hypopigmentation is not known but the adhesion defect theory (“melanocytorrhagy theory”) has been postulated as one of the pathogenesis of nonsegmental vitiligo in humans. Based on the clinical distribution of lesions in dogs, most cases of canine vitiligo resemble those of the acrofacial subset of NSV, which is the most common form of vitiligo in humans, at least during the initial course of the disease.

Human vitiligo has been associated with autoimmune thyroid disease, systemic lupus erythematosus and Addison disease, among others. These are autoimmune diseases, that may have affected the melanocytes as “innocent bystanders”. Sunitinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor is associated with skin depigmentation and leukotrichia in humans. Vitiligo is also reported in humans with the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. The association of canine vitiligo with the canine uveodermatological syndrome (Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like syndrome) is discussed below in this review.

Interestingly, out of 12 canine case reports of vitiligo, two were reported to have a concurrent systemic disease (diabetes mellitus and primary hypoadrenocorticism). One additional case was linked to the administration of toceranib phosphate. In the study by Mahaffey and colleagues, one dog developed hypopigmentation shortly after dexamethasone treatment for demodicosis, another was reported to have irregular estrus cycle and a third dog had a history of pancreatitis. In the dogs of the remaining reports, systemic illnesses were not described.

In cats, only one report described the locations of the first skin lesions and depigmentation occurred on the nasal planum, periocular area and footpads (Fig. 3). In three cats, the distribution of lesions were available and the nasal planum/nose was affected in three cats and the footpad(s) in two. Although there are few case reports, this facial-predominant depigmentation in feline vitiligo is similar to what has been reported in dogs. In one cat, depigmentation (both leukoderma and leukotrichia) was localized before progressing toward generalization. Systemic illness was not reported in any of these cats.

Information of the first skin lesion(s) were available for six horses, all of which initially having developed depigmentation on the head/face region. The lesion distribution was reported in 11 horses, of which eight (73%) involved the head/face region (Fig. 4). Again, this facial-predominant distribution is similar to that of dogs and cats with vitiligo. However, interestingly, three out of 11 horses (27%) had leukotrichia and leukoderma on the neck, trunk and limbs without involvement of the face or head. Other than vitiligo, an acquired idiopathic leukotrichia, also known as spotted leukotrichia has been reported in horses, especially in thoroughbred, and Arabians. Horses with the so-called “spotted leukotrichia” have multifocal, well-circumscribed, small circular areas of near complete leukotrichia on otherwise normal skin on the neck, trunk and rump. However, to the authors’ knowledge, there are only sparse histologic details on this condition. It is plausible that this spotted leukotrichia is a variant of vitiligo in horses that tends to spare the face and head.

The key histological feature of vitiligo (Fig. 5) in all animal species is the loss of melanocytes from the epidermis and/ or hair follicle. The epidermal architecture is normally retained but keratinocytes lack melanosomes (pigment granules) in fully developed areas. Melanosomes are spilled to the superficial dermis (pigmentary incontinence), and sometimes the hair follicle peribulbar area, where they are incorporated in melanophages. Minimal-to-mild numbers of lymphocytes are often present in the basal epidermal layer, especially near the junction of pigmented and nonpigmented epidermis; here lymphocytes are rarely observed adjacent to apoptotic melanocytes (“satellitosis”). Lymphocytes are thought to indicate an active disease state with the cell-mediated destruction of melanocytes. Dermal infiltrates of inflammatory cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes are minimal or inflammation can be completely absent, then suggesting an inactive disease stage. In the latter situation, histology does not easily differentiate vitiligo from normal white “spots”, but this dilemma can be resolved with the clinical history. Due to the cosmetic nature of the disease, the diagnosis is often made clinically without any need for skin biopsies. If biopsies are to be taken, then multiple samples are ideally collected from the depigmented margins of recently active lesions, especially if erythema were present and indicative of dermal inflammation.

Fig. 3 Feline vitiligo. a and b Siamese cat with vitiligo affecting the nasal planum and footpads (courtesy of Dr. Z. Alhaidari)
3.猫白癜风。a 和b 暹罗猫白癜风感染鼻平面和脚垫(Dr. Z. Alhaidari提供)
Fig. 4 Equine vitiligo. a and c Quarterhorse with multifocal depigmented macules on the lips, muzzle, face and peri-ocular area (courtesy of Dr. J. Davis). b Horse with only a large, unilateral, depigmented patch below the right eye (courtesy of Dr. J. Davis). d 1-year-old Swedish warmblood stallion with coalescing leukodermic macules and patches of the lips (courtesy of Dr. K. Bergvall)
4.马白癜风。a 和c 夸特马嘴唇黏膜、嘴周、面部和眼周多灶性色素减退。b 只有右眼下方一处大的、单侧的脱色性斑片。d .1岁的瑞典温血种马,嘴唇有连成片的白色斑点和斑片。
Fig. 5 Histopathology of canine vitiligo. In a skin biopsy from the face, lymphocytes infiltrate the basal layer of the epidermis (arrow heads) in very low numbers at the junction of depigmented and non-depigmented epidermis. Melanin containing macrophages are present in low numbers in the superficial dermis (arrow) and are accompanied by a very mild, mononuclear, perivascular, inflammatory cell infiltrate. The epidermal architecture is not significantly altered. Hematoxylin and eosin. 200X

Treatment and outcome
In humans, due to the heterogeneity in the designs of clinical trials and often-small numbers of participants, there is no firm clinical recommendation for the treatment of vitiligo. This disease has a devastating psychological impact on the quality of human life, as do psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. This may explain why treatment of widespread, facial or recalcitrant vitiligo in humans can be aggressive.

The Vitiligo Guideline Subcommittee of the European Dermatology Forum outlined the management of NSV based on four levels. The first-line therapy involves narrow band UVB (NB-UVB) radiation whereas treatment escalation involves the use of systemic glucocorticoids (GCs). In non-responding areas, especially those with high cosmetic impact, surgical grafting with the aim to replace the melanocytes with those from a normally pigmented autologous donor site is recommended as the third-line therapy. Finally, in patients with extensive and refractory vitiligo, depigmentation techniques (hydroquinone monobenzyl ether or 4-methoxyphenol) is proposed as the fourth-level treatment. In limited NSV (less than 2–3% of body surface), topical GCs or calcineurin inhibitors and localized NB-UVB radiation are proposed as the first- and second-line therapies, respectively. In humans, acrofacial vitiligo (‘lip-tip’ vitiligo) is resistant to treatment, as does a appear the canine disease homologue. Oral and topical JAKinibs, such as tofacitinib, are currently under investigation as mono- or adjuvant therapy for this disease.

In dogs, reports detail a variety of treatments for vitiligo with variable outcomes. These treatments included ammoidin (xanthotoxin) with solar exposure, psoralens with ultraviolet light, systemic glucocorticoids, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) injections, doxycycline-niacinamide and thyroid supplementation, L-phenylalanine, vitamin and mineral supplementation, and diet change. Treatments that resulted in the complete or almost complete repigmentation were psoralens and ultraviolet light, as well as ammoidin and solar exposure, respectively. In another report, L-phenylalanine (a tyrosine precursor) for 6 months resulted in 75% clinical improvement in four dogs. Vitamin and mineral supplementation and diet change resulted in partial repigmentation in some dogs but not others. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone injections over a 3-month period only resulted in a temporary slight improvement in one dog but the depigmentation relapsed when the ACTH injections were stopped. In another dog, a change of environment was suspected to lead to partial repigmentation of the nasal planum and gingiva over several months. Spontaneous remission was reported in two Belgian Tervuerens, a litter of seven Labrador retrievers, and a Bernese mountain dog. In the latter breed, a spontaneous remission occurred 3 weeks after treatment with toceranib phosphate for mast cell tumour was stopped.

In cats, there are no reports detailing the treatment and outcome of vitiligo. Spontaneous repigmentation, albeit only partial, on the concave and convex surfaces of the pinnae, was reported in one case 40 months after initial onset.

Treatment and outcome data for 11 horses were available from three reports indicating it took between one to 12 months for significant repigmentation to occur. Complete repigmentation occurred in one horse treated with oral nutritional supplements containing, among others, vitamin A, D, B12 and E. In another report, partial repigmentation occurred after supplementation with high levels of chelated copper. A relapse of depigmentation occurred approximately 5 months after the copper supplementation was reduced and then a noticeable clinical improvement occurred when the daily intake of copper was re-increased. It is plausible that the depigmentation in this horse was associated with a copper deficiency and not vitiligo. Nine horses from one case report had complete repigmentation after 1 year of dietary supplementation with carrots (4–5 kg/animal/day). The author suspected that the administration of high levels of thyroprotein-based product might have caused a relative vitamin A deficiency and depigmentation. However, to the authors’ knowledge, there is no evidence that vitamin A deficiency leads to depigmentation in horses but, in humans, several studies have shown that deficiencies of D and B12 vitamins are associated with vitiligo. Therefore, the outcome of these nine horses of this report should be interpreted cautiously. A plausible cause could have been an idiosyncratic reaction to high levels of a thyroprotein-based product, or any of its ingredients, as the cessation of this diet led to spontaneous resolution.

Information on the long-term treatment and outcome of vitiligo in animals is rather sparse, unfortunately, as there are only few published case reports to date.

Implications for practice
Vitiligo is a cosmetic issue in animals. Therefore, any treatment for this disease should always be discussed with the owners to avoid interventions of dubious efficacy and those with possible adverse effects. However, vitiligo could have a significant and negative impact for the owners of show animals. In these, the application of topical GCs of high potency (i.e., 0.1% bethamethasone or 0.05% clobetasol) may be attempted on the affected skin, which would only be practical for areas with sparse or no hair; this recommendation is based on the assumption that the pathogenesis of vitiligo in humans and animals is similar and involves an autoimmune mechanism. For areas that have both leukoderma and leukotrichia, the hairs can be clipped to facilitate the penetration of topical GCs into the skin. To avoid localized side-effects of this drug class (e.g., skin atrophy, telangiectasias), the frequency of their application should be tapered to the lowest possible effective one. Topical GCs are still the mainstay of treatment for localized forms of vitiligo in humans. Topical calcineurin inhibitors, such as tacrolimus, offer an alternative to GCs, and, in humans, topical tacrolimus is recommended to be applied twice daily for the first 6 months.

Systemic therapy, such as oral or parenteral GCs, is not normally recommended for treatment of vitiligo because the adverse effects outweigh the clinical benefits in animals. If topical therapy were to fail, oral supplementation with L-phenylalanine could be attempted for 6 months, although the clinical remission could be only partial. This supplementation might be tried in addition to the use of topical GCs.

It is important to emphasize to the owners that these treatments, if effective, may prevent the progression of depigmentation but they do not guarantee the partial or full repigmentation.
Implications for research
Only two reports of vitiligo in animals had information on their pedigree. In humans, the incidence of vitiligo is higher in those with family history of such disease. It may be worthwhile to perform another study similar to that of Mahaffey and colleagues but at a larger scale (i.e., multicentric study), involving more breeds around different continents to gather more information on the genetic predisposition to vitiligo in animals. This could be followed by a genomic wide-associated study to assess if any variant of vitiligo in some breeds is associated with a single trait. In humans, DDR1, XBP1, NLRP1 and PTPN22 genes have been linked to vitiligo and these genes could be a starting point to investigate if animals with vitiligo are linked to the genes and mutations reported in humans.

Phototherapy with NB-UVB is considered one of the most effective and safest treatment for vitiligo in humans, as it results in better repigmentation rates, between 40 and 100%. Interestingly, the dogs that had a complete or an almost complete remission of signs had received a form of phototherapy. Therefore, phototherapy treatment, either alone or in combination with other drugs, warrants further clinical trials in animals.

In humans, the autoimmunity of vitiligo is driven by the interferon-gamma-CXCL10 cytokine signaling pathway, which involves the activation of Janus kinases (JAK) 1 and 2. Oral ruxolitinib, a JAK inhibitor with JAK 1 and 2 inhibitory effect, resulted in rapid repigmentation in one man with coexistent vitiligo and alopecia areata. This led to an open-label, phase 2, proof-of-concept clinical trial to investigate the efficacy of topical ruxolitinib 1.5% as a treatment of vitiligo. Should this clinical trial report a noticeable degree of efficacy, it may be worthwhile performing a pilot study with JAK inhibitors in animals with vitiligo. A recent study of topical tofacitinib application in dogs reported anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and therefore, topical JAK inhibitors could potentially be an emerging treatment for various inflammatory diseases in animals. The use of oral JAK inhibitors deserves further investigation, at least in dogs with vitiligo.

Lastly, clinical and histological features of spotted leukotrichia in horses should be gathered and examined to determine if this condition is a variant of vitiligo, or a separate disease condition.


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