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治疗犬猫自体免疫性皮肤病药物的药理学:一个叙述性的回顾 ...










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Pharmacology of drugs used in autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs: A narrative review



作者:Heng L. Tham | Jennifer L. Davis






Immunosuppressive drugs are the mainstay of treatment for many feline and canine autoimmune skin diseases, either as monotherapy or in combination with other drugs. Treatment with these drugs is often lifelong and may have long-term consequences on the affected animal's overall quality-of-life.Clinicians need to understand the pharmacology of immunosuppressants in planning and executing the treatment regimen for the best possible clinical outcome, as well as reducing the risk of adverse effects. This review paper will focus on the mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, clinical uses and adverse effects of immunosuppressive drugs used to treat autoimmune dermatoses in cats and dogs. These include glucocorticoids, ciclosporin A, azathioprine, chlorambucil, mycophenolate mofetil, oclacitinib and Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitors.





Autoimmune dermatoses, cats, dogs, immunosuppressants, mechanism of action, pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic





Autoimmune dermatoses are uncommon-to-rare in cats and dogs. For instance, pemphigus foliaceus (PF) was diagnosed in 26 of 9750 dogs between 1975 and 1984 in one institution. Autoimmune dermatopathies pose a challenge regarding the choice of treatment for induction and maintenance of clinical remission (CR).This requires the usage of immunosuppressive drugs, either as monotherapy or combination therapy, and lifelong treatment is often required. Clinicians need to understand the pharmacology of immunosuppressants to help with decision-making associated with treatment efficacy and adverse effects. This review will focus on the mechanism of action (MoA), pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of immunosuppressive drugs used to treat feline and canine autoimmune skin diseases, including extra-label uses. Information in this review is based on the published supporting evidence.





Glucocorticoids (GC) are synthesised from cholesterol through steroidogenesis. predominantly in the adrenal cortex, although local GC production also has been reported in the lungs, intestine and skin. The production of adrenal GCs are controlled by the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis which is activated by physiological (e.g. circadian cycles), physical (e.g. inflammation) and/or psychological (e.g. stress) signals.



Synthetic GCs (i.e. prednisone, triamcinolone and dexamethasone) are more potent immunosuppressive and immunoregulatory agents than endogenous cortisol with the synthetic GCs having relatively minimal mineralocorticoid activity.



Mechanism of action


Glucocorticoids are lipophilic and diffuse easily through the cell membranes. Once in the cell cytosol, GCs bind to glucocorticoid receptors (GR) and translocate into the nucleus as GC–GR complexes via binding to proteins known as importins. In the nucleus, the GR interacts with DNA and proteins to alter gene expression (Figure 1).




FIGURE 1 Schematic drawing of the mechanism of action of glucocorticoids and ciclosporin A. AP-1, activator protein-1; Cp, cyclophilin; CsA, ciclosporin; GC, glucocorticoid; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; IL-2, interleukin-2; NFAT, nuclear factor of activated T cells; NFκB, nuclear factor-κB.

图1糖皮质激素与环孢素A的作用机制示意图AP-1:激活蛋白-1;Cp:亲环蛋白;CsA,:环孢素;GC:糖皮质激素;GR:糖皮质激素受体;IL-2:白介素-2;NFAT:活化T细胞核因子;NFκB:核因子-κ b。


The genomic effects of GCs occur via several mechanisms: direct binding of the ligand-bound GR to DNA via positive glucocorticoid response elements(+GREs) or negative GREs (nGREs) and physical interaction with another transcription factor without direct contact with DNA (called ‘tethering’). Direct binding to +GREs induces transcription of genes that have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties such as annexin-A1 (ANAX1, also known as lipocortin 1), GC-induced leucine zipper (GLIZ) and mitogenactivated protein kinase phosphatase 1 (MPK1). By contrast, binding to nGREs inhibits the transcription of genes such as those associated with corticotropinreleasing hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone and β-endorphin.

GC的基因组效应通过几种机制发生:通过糖皮质激素阳性反应元件(+GREs)或负性GRE(nGREs)将与配体结合的GR与DNA直接结合,以及与另一种转录因子的物理相互作用,而不与DNA直接接触(称为“拴系”)。与+GRE直接结合,可诱导具有抗炎和免疫调节特性的基因转录,如膜联蛋白a1 (ANAX1,也称为脂皮质蛋白1)、GC诱导亮氨酸拉链(GLIZ)和有丝分裂原激活的蛋白激酶磷酸酶1 (MPK1)。相反,与nGRE结合会抑制与促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素、黑色素细胞刺激激素和β-内啡肽相关的基因的转录。


Tethering interferes with NF-κB and activator protein-1 (AP-1)—two transcriptional activators that produce a repertoire of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules involved in most, if not all, of the inflammatory and autoimmune dermatoses. It also interferes with key proinflammatory transcription factors from members of the signal transducer and activator (STAT) and nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). Finally, GR may also bind to both DNA and protein (composite GRE binding), resulting in the aforementioned anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects.

拴系干扰NF-κB和激活蛋白-1 (AP-1),这两种转录激活因子产生一系列炎症细胞因子、趋化因子和黏附分子,参与大多数(如果不是全部的话)炎症性和自体免疫性皮肤病。它还干扰来自信号传导和激活因子(STAT)和活化T细胞核因子(NFAT)成员的关键促炎转录因子。最后,GR还可能与DNA和蛋白质结合(复合GRE结合),从而产生上述抗炎和免疫抑制作用。


Our understanding of the effects of GCs on B cells and antibody production remain incomplete. It has been suggested that GCs have effects on B-cell selection as B cells express the GR throughout development and immature B cells are more sensitive to apoptosis. Chronic use of GC is also associated with the inhibition of antibody production in B cells.



Glucocorticoids can also exert their effects via a nongenomic mechanism that occurs more rapidly (within minutes) than the genomic mechanism, which may take hours to days. In the nongenomic pathway,interaction of GCs with membrane-specific GR, cytosolic GR (resulting in the release of a variety of proteins without the need to translocate into the nucleus) and nonspecific interactions with cell membranes leads to alteration of transmembrane currents, signal transduction and intracellular calcium levels—all of which have anti-inflammatory effects.



Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics


The pharmacokinetics (PK) of GCs in dogs and cats are sparsely reported, possibly because the effects of GCs do not necessarily correlate to the time they are detectable in plasma. Doses are therefore often derived from human use, or based on the pharmacodynamic (clinical) response in the individual animal.Current literature on prednisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone is summarised below, with an emphasis on their use as immunosuppressive agents.There are no relevant publications on triamcinolone PK currently in the literature.



Prednisone is used clinically in dogs owing to their ability to rapidly absorb the drug and efficiently metabolise it to prednisolone. Following oral administration of prednisone, prednisolone concentrations in the plasma of healthy dogs are approximately sixfold higher than the concentrations of prednisone. Over a dose range of 0.5–4.0mg/kg, the kinetics of prednisone and prednisolone were not linear based on a disproportionate increase in drug exposure at the 1mg/kg dose using the area under the curve (AUC), which is a measure of overall drug exposure. Relatively proportional increases in maximum concentrations were seen, and the half-life remained consistent. This finding is consistent with data in other species and is thought to be due to concentration-dependent protein binding.

泼尼松在临床上用于犬,因为犬能够迅速吸收药物并有效地将其代谢为泼尼松龙。口服泼尼松后,健康犬血浆中的泼尼松龙浓度约为泼尼松浓度的六倍。在0.5-4.0mg /kg的剂量范围内,泼尼松和泼尼松龙的动力学不是线性的,基于1mg/kg剂量下使用曲线下面积(AUC)的药物暴露不成比例地增加,这是总体药物暴露的度量。最大浓度相对成比例地增加,半衰期保持一致。这一发现与其他物种的数据一致,被认为是由于浓度依赖性蛋白质结合。


In man and laboratory animals, prednisone is converted to prednisolone in the liver via the hepatic enzyme 11-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1. Studies in cats show that this enzyme, while present to a certain degree in the liver, is not capable of dehydrogenase activity when evaluated in the context of the ability to convert cortisol to cortisone. This may explain the low conversion of prednisone to prednisolone in cats. Following administration of prednisone, only approximately 20% of drug is converted to prednisolone. The prednisolone AUC following administration of prednisolone is reported as 3230.6ng/mL/h versus 672.63ng/mL/h following administration of prednisone. These differences may represent an inability to convert the drug to prednisolone in the liver, yet could also be a result of lower oral absorption of prednisone.Because of this, prednisolone is recommended for use in cats over prednisone.



Prednisolone has excellent oral absorption in both dogs and cats and can be used for long-term administration in either species. As discussed, it is preferred over prednisone in cats, and should be used in dogs with altered hepatic function, where metabolism of prednisone to prednisolone may be diminished. In over-conditioned cats [body condition score (BCS) of 4–5 of 5], plasma concentrations of prednisolone were, on average, twofold higher than the concentrations in normal cats (BCS 3–3.5 of 5), suggesting that the drug may be better dosed on lean body mass.

泼尼松龙在犬和猫都能很好的口服吸收,可以长期使用。如前所述,泼尼松龙比泼尼松更适合用于猫,也应该用于肝功能改变的犬,在肝功能改变时,泼尼松到泼尼松龙的代谢可能会减少。在肥胖猫[体况评分(BCS)为4-5 / 5]中,泼尼松龙的血浆浓度平均比正常猫(BCS为3-3.5 / 5)的浓度高两倍,这表明该药物可能更适合瘦体重猫服用。


Data on dexamethasone PK in dogs and cats are even scarcer. Dogs administered 1mg/kg of dexamethasone in alcohol (intravenously) or as isonicotinate (intramuscularly) had drug detectable for 10h postadministration. Using a very sensitive assay, dexamethasone was detected in the plasma of Greyhound dogs for ≤96h post-administration of approximately 0.05mg/kg dexamethasone sodium. Despite the long detection time, dexamethasone suppression of endogenous cortisol production was not significant after 24h.The PK of oral dexamethasone in dogs is not published.There are studies available that report the PK of oral dexamethasone in cats following a single dose of injectable dexamethasone sodium phosphate administered at 0.05 or 0.2mg/kg. Oral absorption is adequate, although variable in cats. Willis-Goulet et al (2003) also examined transdermal absorption of dexamethasone in cats. Following transdermal administration, plasma concentrations were low to undetectable; this route should not be used.



In general, immunosuppressive doses of GCs are higher and require more frequent administration than anti-inflammatory doses. For example, in dogs, prednisolone plasma concentrations necessary to suppress cortisol, neutrophil and lymphocyte responses are 0.04, 10 and 22.5ng/mL, respectively. At 1mg/kg prednisolone i.v., plasma neutrophil counts increased and lymphocyte counts decreased, and had returned to baseline within the suggested 24-hour dosing interval.



Species differences in responsiveness to GCs also need to be taken into account. Cats are less responsive to the anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and adverse effects of GCs compared to dogs. This is due to a reduced number of GR in the skin and liver of cats compared to dogs. Those receptors present are also lower-affinity receptors in cats. Therefore, doses of GCs used in cats are higher than those used in dogs.



Glucocorticoid resistance (i.e. absence of clinical response to optimal dosage of GCs) has been reported in humans with conditions such as asthma, nephrotic syndrome and ulcerative colitis. In animals, GC resistance has been recognised in several diseases such as canine mast cell tumour, feline lymphoma and canine protein-losing enteropathy. The exact pathomechanism of GC resistance in animals is not wellunderstood, yet low expression of GR and alterations in the metabolic pathways have been suggested. Although GC resistance in feline and canine autoimmune dermatoses has not been reported, the possibility exists, especially if there is poor response to GC therapy during the induction phase.



Use for autoimmune dermatopathies in dogs and cats


Immunosuppressive doses of systemic GCs, either as monotherapy or in combination with other immunosuppressants/immunomodulators, are the mainstay and often first-line therapy for many autoimmune dermatoses in cats and dogs. GC is considered as the standard first-line treatment for the induction phase of therapy in all untreated patients with active disease, except for those patients for whom GCs are contraindicated. Pemphigus foliaceus, autoimmune subepidermal blistering dermatoses (AISBD) [e.g. mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA)], cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) and pemphigus vulgaris (PV) are examples of autoimmune dermatoses that are treated with systemic GCs. Dosing regimens vary and are likely need to be tailored to individual patients. In one comparative study, dogs with PF treated with oral GC pulse therapy (10mg/kg once daily for threedays, consecutively, followed by a dose of <2mg/kg/day between pulses) had higher proportions of clinical remission (CR) during the first threemonths and a lower average maximal oral GC dosage given between pulses.The benefit of pulse therapy over conventional daily GC dosing was not apparent in a small case series of 12 cats with PF. In a critically appraised topic on the dosage of prednisone or prednisolone for the treatment of canine PF, there was no compelling evidence that oral prednisone or prednisolone at the dose of 2mg/kg/day was effective in induction and/or maintenance of CR, and the authors suggested that a higher dose is more likely to be associated with CR. Likewise, high doses of oral GCs (≥3mg/kg/day for dogs and ≤3mg/kg twice daily for cats)—often in combination with another immunosuppressant—have been recommended for the treatment of canine and feline PV, and canine uveodermatological syndrome (UDS). In cats with PF, GC monotherapy was the most common treatment administered at the time of CR.



Adverse effects


Owing to the wide distribution of GR in all nucleated cells, the chronic use of GC results in many systemic adverse effects. These include iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism, gastrointestinal ulceration, cutaneous atrophy, diabetes mellitus resulting from insulin resistance, opportunistic infections and delayed wound healing.Chronic dosing of GCs in cats can result in different dermatological adverse effects to those in dogs; cats tend to develop extreme thinning of the skin with possible tearing and curling of the pinna caused by attenuation of the cartilage, whereas dogs uniquely develop calcinosis cutis. Long-acting methylprednisolone acetate has been associated with the induction of congestive heart failure in cats. This is believed to be the consequence of a shift in fluids resulting in an increased plasma volume secondary to glucocorticoid-induced hyperglycaemia; it is noteworthy that this conclusion was from a study that was conducted over 24days and, therefore, the aforementioned pathomechanism could be a short-term adverse effect. Although the anti-inflammatory dose of the intermediate-acting steroid prednisolone (1–2mg/kg/day, p.o.) given to healthy cats with allergic dermatitis for 14days did not result in significant haemodynamic and echocardiographic changes, these results should not be extrapolated to cats requiring immunosuppressive doses of GC for the long-term treatment of autoimmune dermatoses.

由于GR在所有有核细胞中广泛分布,长期使用GC会导致许多全身副作用。这些包括医源性肾上腺皮质亢进、胃肠道溃疡、皮肤萎缩、胰岛素抵抗引起的糖尿病、条件致病性感染和伤口愈合延迟。猫长期服用GC会导致与犬不同的皮肤副作用;猫往往会出现皮肤极度变薄,并可能因软骨的衰减而导致耳廓撕裂和卷曲,而犬则会出现皮肤钙质沉着症。长效醋酸甲基泼尼松龙与猫的充血性心力衰竭的诱导有关。这被认为是继发于糖皮质激素诱导的高血糖的液体变化导致血浆容量增加的结果;值得注意的是,这一结论来自于一项为期24天的研究,因此,上述病理机制可能是一种短期副作用。虽然给患有过敏性皮肤病的健康猫服用抗炎剂量的中效类固醇泼尼松龙(1-2mg /kg/天,p.o) 14天没有导致明显的血流动力学和超声心动图变化,但这些结果不应推断出需要免疫抑制剂量的GC来长期治疗自体免疫性皮肤病的猫。


Adverse effects of GCs are related to both the dose used and the duration of therapy. In humans, the cumulative dose administered is often calculated to determine the risk for adverse effects developing. One study of patients being treated with steroids showed that the risk for complications developing increased by 3%–8% for each 1 g of cumulative steroid dosed (most frequently prednisone or prednisolone). To the best of the author's knowledge, similar data are not available in veterinary species, yet chronicity of dosing should be considered when determining risk for adverse effects. One strategy to potentially decrease risk for adverse effects is to dose on a mg/m2  basis, rather than a mg/kg basis. Large-breed dogs had higher Cmax and AUC when dosed with prednisolone at 2mg/kg compared to 40mg/m2 , and to small dogs dosed at 2mg/kg. Optimal dosing regimens still require further study.

GC的副作用与使用的剂量和治疗时间有关。在人体中,通常计算给药的累积剂量,以确定发生副作用的风险。一项对接受类固醇治疗的患者的研究表明,每累积1克类固醇剂量(最常见的是泼尼松或泼尼松龙),并发症发生的风险增加3%-8%。据作者所知,在兽医物种中没有类似的数据,但在确定副作用风险时应考虑给药的慢性。可能降低副作用风险的一种策略是以mg/m2为基础而不是以mg/kg为基础给药。泼尼松龙剂量为2mg/kg时,大型犬的Cmax和AUC高于40mg/ kg,小型犬的Cmax和AUC也高于2mg/kg。最佳给药方案仍需进一步研究。




Ciclosporin A (CsA) is derived from the soil fungus Beauveria nivea. In veterinary medicine, oral ciclosporin is formulated into an ultramicronised (microemulsified) preparation, in which absorption is more consistent and predictable. Although microemulsified oral ciclosporin is only approved for the treatment of canine atopic dermatitis (AD) and feline atopic skin syndrome, it has been used to treat many autoimmune and immune-mediated dermatoses. This is a result of its immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive effects.

环孢素A (CsA)是由土壤真菌白僵菌(Beauveria nivea)衍生而来。在兽医学中,口服环孢素被配制成一种超微(微乳化)制剂,在这种制剂中吸收更加一致和可预测。虽然微乳化口服环孢素仅被批准用于治疗犬特应性皮炎(AD)和猫特应性皮肤综合征,但它已被用于治疗许多自体免疫性和免疫介导性皮肤病。这是其免疫调节和免疫抑制作用的结果。


Mechanism of action


Ciclosporin A is classified as a calcineurin inhibitor; its primary immunosuppressive effect is the inhibition of T-lymphocyte function. Calcineurin is an intracellular protein that activates gene transcription factors by dephosphorylation. When an antigen (e.g. self-antigen) binds to the T cell receptor (TCR), it triggers calcium ion release from the endoplasmic reticulum. The increase of intracellular calcium ions causes the activation of several downstream signalling effectors such as mitogenactivated protein (MAP) kinases, protein kinase C (PKC) and calcineurin. Activated calcineurin dephosphorylates nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), thereby allowing its translocation into the nucleus, which subsequently upregulates transcription of genes important for innate and adaptive immunity such as interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and TNFγ.Interleukin-2 in particular, is a potent T-lymphocyte stimulator: it induces proliferation and differentiation of naïve CD8+ T cells into effector T cells by promoting secretion of granzyme B and perforins; it stimulates the proinflammatory activity of T helper (Th)-dependent B cells, antigen-presenting cells, mast cells, basophils and eosinophils; and it influences the differentiation of CD4+ T cells into Th1 or Th2, and subsequently affects the proliferation and differentiation of natural killer (NK) cells and B cells.

环孢素被归类为钙调磷酸酶抑制剂;其主要免疫抑制作用是抑制T淋巴细胞功能。钙调磷酸酶是一种细胞内蛋白,通过去磷酸化激活基因转录因子。当抗原(如自身抗原)与T细胞受体(TCR)结合时,它触发钙离子从内质网释放。细胞内钙离子的增加导致下游几种信号效应物的激活,如有丝分裂原激活蛋白(MAP)激酶、蛋白激酶C (PKC)和钙调神经磷酸酶。活化的钙调磷酸酶使活化T细胞(NFAT)的核因子去磷酸化,从而使其易位到细胞核中,随后上调对先天和适应性免疫重要基因的转录,如白细胞介素(IL)-2、IL-4、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)-α和TNFγ。特别是白细胞介素-2,是一种有效的T淋巴细胞刺激剂:它通过促进颗粒酶B和穿孔素的分泌,诱导naïve CD8+ T细胞增殖和分化为效应T细胞;它刺激辅助性T (Th)依赖性B的促炎活性细胞、抗原呈递细胞、肥大细胞、嗜碱性细胞和嗜酸性细胞;影响CD4+ T细胞向Th1或Th2分化,进而影响自然杀伤细胞(NK)和B细胞的增殖和分化。


Ciclosporin A acts by binding to intracellular cyclophilin, which creates a complex that has a high affinity for calcineurin. The binding of the ciclosporin–cyclophilin complex with calcineurin inhibits its function of dephosphorylating NFAT and thus prevents the translocation of NFAT into the nucleus. Without NFAT in the nucleus, the aforementioned inflammatory cytokines are not transcribed and full T-lymphocyte activation is impaired (Figure 1).



Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics


The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of CsA have been explored extensively in dogs, and to a lesser degree, cats. Formulation is important and the FDA-approved formulations for dogs and cats should be used. The use of generic human formulations in dogs has been shown to result in a threefold variability in drug absorption between formulations; likewise compounded formulations are not recommended. With a microemulsified formulation (Atopica), the bioavailability of CsA in cats and dogs when administered per os was reported to be 25%–29% and 35%, respectively. An oral solution (Cyclavance) is also available and has been shown to be bioequivalent to Atopica in dogs with a relative bioequivalence of approximately 101%. Administration of food along with CsA reduces the mean bioavailability by 22% in dogs,although this did not affect the clinical outcome in 15 dogs treated for AD. However, this result cannot be extrapolated when treating cats or dogs with autoimmune dermatoses as no data are currently available. Other routes of administration of CsA include transdermal and subcutaneous. A study involving six healthy cats reported that the absorption of transdermal CsA in the majority of the cats is poor.Median concentrations in that study following sevendays of oral administration were 2208ng/mL at twohours post-dosing, compared to 37ng/mL at twohours after transdermal applications of equivalent doses.



Ciclosporin is primarily metabolised in the liver by the cytochrome P450 3A (CPY3A) family of metabolising enzymes. Several drugs that also are metabolised by this enzyme will affect the blood concentration of CsA if given concurrently. Of these drugs, azole antifungals (e.g. ketoconazole and fluconazole) are often used along with CsA (especially in large dogs) because they decrease the metabolism of CsA, and therefore increase blood and skin CsA concentrations. This enables a CsA dose reduction of 50%–70%, which reduces the overall cost of therapy. The interaction of CsA with other drugs is reviewed elsewhere. Ciclosporin is also a substrate for p-glycoprotein efflux pumps, which may result in other significant drug–drug interactions. This also implies that caution must be used when dosing CsA in dogs with the MDR1 (ABCB1-1Δ) mutation. Animals heterozygous for this mutation may develop excessive immunosuppression at lower-thanexpected doses, potentially resulting in severe infections. Because a similar mutation has been identified in cats, this caution may apply to affected feline patients as well.

环孢素主要在肝脏中由细胞色素P450 3A (CPY3A)代谢酶家族代谢。几种同样由该酶代谢的药物如果同时给予,也会影响CsA的血药浓度。在这些药物中,唑类抗真菌药物(如酮康唑和氟康唑)通常与CsA一起使用(特别是在大型犬中),因为它们会降低CsA的代谢,从而增加血液和皮肤的CsA浓度。这使得CsA剂量减少50%-70%,从而降低了治疗的总成本。CsA与其他药物的相互作用在其他地方进行了综述。环孢素也是p-糖蛋白外排泵的底物,这可能导致其他重要的药物-药物相互作用。这也意味着在MDR1 (ABCB1-1Δ)突变犬中给药CsA时必须谨慎。这种突变的杂合动物在低于预期剂量时可能产生过度的免疫抑制,可能导致严重感染。因为在猫上发现了类似的突变,所以这种谨慎也适用于患猫。


Disease states also may affect CsA PK. In an experimental model of diabetic dogs, overall drug exposure (as measured by AUC) was decreased by 52%, clearance was significantly increased and, subsequently, half-life was significantly decreased (9.32h vs. 22.56h) compared to healthy dogs.55 The mechanism for this is not fully understood, although it was speculated to be caused by increased clearance secondary to hyperglycaemia or alterations in the lipid profile of these dogs.Similar changes in PK were reported in human diabetic transplant patients placed on CsA,5and it would be assumed that a similar phenomenon be seen in diabetic cats.

疾病状态也可能影响CsA PK。在糖尿病犬的实验模型中,与健康犬相比,总药物暴露(以AUC测量)减少了52%,清除率显著增加,随后半衰期显著缩短(9.32h对22.56h)其机制尚不完全清楚,但推测是由高血糖引起的清除率增加或这些犬的脂质谱改变引起的。在接受CsA治疗的人类糖尿病移植患者中也报道了类似的PK变化,并且可以假设在糖尿病猫中也可以看到类似的现象。


In order to determine the effectiveness of CsA in dogs, there are two types of tests; therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). However, there is a poor correlation between CsA blood concentration and the clinical response in dogs with AD, and therefore TDM should only be interpreted in conjunction with clinical assessment of skin lesions and signs.Although data on this correlation in dogs or cats with autoimmune dermatoses are lacking, it is reasonable to suggest that clinical response plus TDM is superior to TDM alone when using oral CsA as a treatment. An alternative way to determine the effect of CsA dosing in a particular animal is through a pharmacodynamic assay that measures cytokine (IL-2) gene expression using qRT-PCR technology to detect the percentage suppression in the animal.



Use for autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs


Ciclosporin A is used to treat many autoimmune dermatoses in cats and dogs; these include, and are not limited to, PF, CLE, PV, UDS, perianal fistula, sebaceous adenitis and ischaemic dermatopathies. The efficacy of oral CsA for the treatment of generalised discoid and vesicular variants of CLE has been reported in a comprehensive review. In a recent retrospective study, CR of PF was achieved in nine of 11 dogs treated with oral CsA along with oral GC; of these, in five dogs, the disease was maintained in CR with tapered oral CsA monotherapy. The authors of that study proposed that the efficacy of CsA in these cases may be associated with inhibition of B-cell activation (via inhibition of Th cell function), reduction in metalloproteinase-9 expression and blocking of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 signalling pathways that are involved in the pathogenesis of pemphigus. Ciclosporin A may be effective as monotherapy for cell-mediated autoimmune dermatoses such as chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus and sebaceous adenitis as studies showed that they are associated with cell-mediated autoimmunity involving high expression of T lymphocytes in the epidermis and dermis, and sebaceous glands, respectively. However, for canine and feline PF, the usage of CsA as the sole immunosuppressant for maintenance therapy may not be sufficient for all patients, yet it is valuable as a steroid-sparing agent. Tables 1 and 2 summarise the response to CsA in selected autoimmune dermatoses in cats and dogs.Clinicians need to be aware that treatment of autoimmune dermatoses with CsA is considered an extra-label use in cats and dogs.

环孢素用于治疗猫和犬的许多自体免疫性皮肤病;这些包括但不限于PF、CLE、PV、UDS、肛周瘘、皮脂腺炎和缺血性皮肤病。口服CsA治疗全身性盘状CLE和水疱型CLE的疗效已在一项综合综述中报道。在最近的一项回顾性研究中,在口服CsA和口服GC治疗的11只犬中,有9只实现了PF的CR;其中,在5只犬中,通过口服CsA减量单药治疗,疾病在CR中得以维持。该研究的作者提出,CsA在这些病例中的疗效可能与抑制B细胞活化(通过抑制Th细胞功能),降低金属蛋白酶-9表达以及阻断参与天疱疮发病的c-Jun n -末端激酶(JNK)和p38信号通路有关。环孢素作为细胞介导的自体免疫性皮肤病(如慢性皮肤红斑狼疮和皮脂腺炎)的单药治疗可能有效,因为研究表明它们与细胞介导的自体免疫有关,分别涉及表皮和真皮和皮脂腺中T淋巴细胞的高表达相关。然而,对于犬和猫的PF,使用CsA作为维持治疗的唯一免疫抑制剂可能并不足以适用于所有患病动物,但它作为类固醇节省剂是有价值的。表1和表2总结了选定的猫和犬的自体免疫性皮肤病对CsA的反应。临床医生需要意识到,用CsA治疗自体免疫性皮肤病被认为是在猫和犬的标签外使用。




TABLE 1 Response to ciclosporin A in dogs with autoimmune dermatoses.



TABLE 2 Response to ciclosporin A in cats with autoimmune dermatoses.




Owing to the difference in the MoAs, the combination of CsA and azathioprine (AZA) as immunosuppressive agents has been used successfully to treat dogs diagnosed with PF, PF with concurrent immune-mediated thrombocytopaenia and idiopathic aplastic pancytopenia. Because CsA and AZA target different pathways, the risk of myelosuppression from the combination can be expected to be no higher than that from AZA monotherapy, yet there are still no data available to make this conclusion and severe immunosuppression may still occur.Therefore, administration of these combinations should be carefully considered.



Adverse effects


The most common adverse effect reported with CsA is gastrointestinal (GI) upset, with vomiting (28%) and diarrhoea (14%) the most frequently reported clinical signs in dogs. Gastrointestinal upset is usually transient and resolves with dose reduction. Anecdotally, storing CsA capsules (Atopica) in the freezer for 30–60min before oral administration reduces the incidence of vomiting, and the author has found this beneficial in preventing vomiting in some dogs. When stored in a –20°C freezer for onemonth, the stability and absorption of CsA in dogs is not impacted. Other adverse effects include gingival hyperplasia, cutaneous papillomatosis and opportunistic infections. Opportunistic bacterial (Nocardia spp., Burkholderia cepacian complex) and fungal (Alternaria spp., Curvularia spp. and Aspergillus spp.) infections have been reported in dogs treated with CsA, particularly when used in combination with GC.

CsA最常见的副作用是胃肠道(GI)不适,呕吐(28%)和腹泻(14%)是犬最常见的临床症状。胃肠道不适通常是短暂的,随剂量减少而消退。有趣的是,在口服给药前将CsA胶囊(Atopica)在冰箱中储存30 - 60分钟可减少呕吐的发生率,并且作者发现这有助于预防某些犬的呕吐。在-20°C的冰箱中储存一个月,不影响CsA在犬体内的稳定性和吸收。其他副作用包括牙龈增生、皮肤乳头状瘤病和条件致病性感染。据报道,在接受CsA治疗的犬中,特别是与GC联合使用时,出现了条件致病性细菌(诺卡菌属、伯克霍尔德菌)和真菌(链格孢属、弯孢霉属和曲霉属)感染。


Similar to dogs, the most common adverse effects of oral CsA in cats are diarrhoea and vomiting. In cats that were previously infected with feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1), administration of oral CsA at the dose of 7mg/ kg/day for 42days could result in reactivation of FHV-1 yet the clinical signs were mild and self-limiting. Acute fatal toxoplasmosis secondary to CsA therapy has been reported in cats yet is still considered rare. In a study by Lappin et al, cats receiving oral CsA 42days after experimental infection with Toxoplasma gondii did not show reactivation of toxoplasmosis and oocyst shedding. It is unlikely that toxoplasma-naïve cats would develop clinical toxoplasmosis induced by oral CsA at 7mg/kg/day, yet measures to reduce the risk of exposure (e.g. prevent hunting and consuming raw meat) should be emphasised to cat owners. Finally, subcutaneous administration of CsA (50mg/mL injection USP; Sandimmune, Novartis) was administered to 11 cats with nonseasonal allergic dermatitis; although all cats showed a significant decrease in Feline Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index (FeDESI) and pruritus Visual Analog Scale (PVAS) scores, five cats were withdrawn from the study; reasons for withdrawal include behavioural changes and owner-perceived lack of efficacy (n=1), injection site adverse reaction (n=2) and owner discomfort in the administration of the subcutaneous injections (n=2). Cats receiving chronic, high-dose CsA following renal transplants had a higher incidence of neoplasia compared to control populations of cats that did not receive transplants.

与犬一样,口服CsA对猫最常见的副作用是腹泻和呕吐。在先前感染过猫疱疹病毒-1 (FHV-1)的猫中,以7mg/ kg/天的剂量口服CsA 42天可导致FHV-1再激活,但临床症状轻微且自限性。急性致死性弓形虫病继发于猫的CsA治疗已被报道,但仍被认为是罕见的。在Lappin等人的一项研究中,猫在实验感染弓形虫42天后口服CsA后,没有出现弓形虫病的再激活和卵囊脱落。弓形虫-naïve猫不太可能因口服7mg/kg/天的CsA而患上临床弓形虫病,但应向猫主人强调减少暴露风险的措施(例如防止狩猎和食用生肉)。最后皮下给药CsA (50mg/mL注射USP;给11只患有非季节性过敏性皮炎的猫服用山地明(诺华公司);虽然所有猫在猫皮炎程度和严重程度指数(FeDESI)和瘙痒视觉模拟量表(PVAS)得分上都有显著下降,但有5只猫被退出了研究;停药的原因包括行为改变和饲主认为缺乏疗效(n=1)、注射部位副作用(n=2)和皮下注射时的宠主不适(n=2)。肾移植后接受慢性高剂量CsA治疗的猫与未接受肾移植的对照组相比,肿瘤的发病率更高。




Azathioprine is a drug that was first used to reduce the risk of organ transplant rejection. It is a pro-drug of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) that exerts its immunosuppressive effects by interfering with nucleotide synthesis. In addition to its use as a drug to prevent transplant rejection, AZA is used to treat Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and AD in humans; the latter as an extra-label use for moderate to severe AD that is nonresponsive to CsA. In dogs, a pilot study on the usage of AZA for canine AD concluded that this drug has insufficient efficacy and carries too high a risk for adverse effects (compared to CsA) to be recommended as a treatment.



Mechanism of action


After oral ingestion, AZA is absorbed in the intestinal tract. In the intestinal wall, liver and red blood cells (RBCs), AZA is converted to 6-MP. Thereafter, 6-MP undergoes further conversion via three different metabolic pathways associated with three different enzymes: xanthine oxidase (XO), thiopurine-S-methyltransferase (TPMT) and hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT). The metabolic pathways associated with XO and TPMT result in the formation of 6-thiouric acid and 6-merthymecaptopurine (6-MMP), respectively. These two metabolites have minimal to no immunosuppressive effects. However, the metabolic pathway involving HPRT converts 6-MP to 6-thioguanine nucleotide (6-TGN) which has cytotoxic effects (Figure 2).

口服后,AZA在肠道被吸收。在肠壁、肝脏和红细胞中,AZA转化为6-MP。此后,6-MP通过三种不同的代谢途径进一步转化,这些途径与三种不同的酶有关:黄嘌呤氧化酶(XO)、硫嘌呤- s -甲基转移酶(TPMT)和次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸化核糖基转移酶(HPRT)。与XO和TPMT相关的代谢途径分别导致6-硫醛酸和6-甲基甲巯嘌呤(6-MMP)的形成。这两种代谢物对无免疫抑制作用。然而,涉及HPRT的代谢途径将6-MP转化为具有细胞毒性作用的6-硫鸟嘌呤核苷酸(6-TGN)(图2)。


FIGURE 2 Schematic drawing of the mechanism of action of azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil and chlorambucil. 6-MMP, 6-methylmercaptopurine; 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; 6-TA, 6-thiouric acid; 6-TGN, 6-thioguanine; AZA, azathioprine; HPRT, hypoxanthineguanine phosphoribosyltransferase; IMPDH, inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MPA, mycophenolic acid; TIMP, 6-thioinosine monophosphate; TPMT, thiopurine S-methyltransferase; XO, xanthine oxidase.

图2硫唑嘌呤、霉酚酸酯和苯丁酸氮芥的作用机理示意图。6-MMP 6-甲巯基嘌呤;6-MP-巯基嘌呤;6-TA, 6-硫脲酸;6-TGN 6-硫代鸟嘌呤AZA:硫唑嘌呤;HPRT,次黄嘌呤鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶;IMPDH:磷酸肌苷脱氢酶;MMF,霉酚酸酯;MPA,霉酚酸;TIMP, 6-硫代氨基甘氨酸单磷酸;TPMT:硫嘌呤s -甲基转移酶;XO,黄嘌呤氧化酶。



6-TGNs can be considered ‘false’ nucleotides (e.g. nonfunctioning purines). During the normal cell cycle, in the S phase, DNA is synthesised from the pairing of nucleotides. The generation of 6-TGNs ‘provides’ a pool of nonfunctioning purine, which when incorporated into DNA, results in mutation and subsequent cessation of the cell cycle. This effect is most profound in cells that are actively dividing such as lymphocytes (B and T cells) and thrombocytes.Amidotransferase enzymes and purine ribonucleotide interconversion are also inhibited by 6-TGNs, therefore reducing the formation of purine nucleotides. Finally, AZA and its toxic (active) metabolites affect T cell migration and adhesion, and reduce survival and proliferation of T cells through inhibition of RASrelated C3 botulinum toxin substrate-1 (RAC1) and/ or B-cell lymphoma-extra large (BCL-XL). The antiinflammatory effects of the metabolites from AZA also expand to nonimmune cells such as endothelial cells. 6-MP is also shown to inhibit the function of RAC1, which is important for the formation of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. As such, leucocyte adhesion to endothelial cells is impaired.

6- TGN可以被认为是“假”核苷酸(例如无功能嘌呤)。在正常的细胞周期中,在S期,DNA由核苷酸配对合成。6- TGN的产生“提供”了一个无功能嘌呤库,当这些嘌呤与DNA结合时,会导致突变和随后的细胞周期停止。这种效应在活跃分裂的细胞中最为显著,如淋巴细胞(B细胞和T细胞)和血小板。氨基转移酶和嘌呤核糖核苷酸的相互转化也被6- TGN抑制,从而减少嘌呤核苷酸的形成。最后,AZA及其毒性(活性)代谢物通过抑制RAS相关的C3肉毒毒素底物-1 (RAC1)和/或B细胞淋巴瘤-特大型(BCL-XL),影响T细胞的迁移和黏附,降低T细胞的存活和增殖。AZA代谢物的抗炎作用也扩展到非免疫细胞,如内皮细胞。6-MP还抑制了RAC1的功能,这对ICAM-1和VCAM-1的形成很重要。因此,白细胞黏附内皮细胞受损。


Because AZA is a cytotoxic drug, it should be used with caution with other alkylating agents that interfere with DNA synthesis (e.g. cyclophosphamide) as it may lead to profound myelosuppression. There is some evidence that concurrent use of GC and AZA may increase the risk of acute pancreatitis. Concurrent administration of allopurinol with AZA is not recommended because the antagonism of xanthine oxidase may interfere with the metabolism of AZA.



Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics


Despite a relatively long history of use of AZA in veterinary medicine, there are no published PK studies in either dogs or cats. In humans, the beneficial effects of azathioprine may take weeks to months to occur.



Use for autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs


In dogs, AZA is used to treat several autoimmune skin diseases such as PF, PV, pemphigus vegetans, vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus (VCLE) and several variants of autoimmune subepidermal dermatoses (Table 3) owing to its effect on both B and T cells. It is often used as a steroid-sparing agent. Interestingly, AZA along with oral GC is the most common therapy at the time of optimal disease control in canine PF, UDS and canine PV. The use of AZA in cats is not recommended owing to the high risk of myelosuppression (see Adverse effects section below).



TABLE 3 Response to azathioprine in dogs with autoimmune dermatoses.





Adverse effects


In humans, TPMT activity is variable and correlates with clinical outcomes and therefore, the measurement of TPMT activity is used to assess therapeutic efficacy and toxicity. Low activity of TMPT increases the risk of myelosuppression in people. Likewise, TPMT activity is detected in RBCs of dogs, cats and horses, and is highly variable in dogs. One study reported that Giant Schnauzers had much lower TPMT activity, whereas Alaskan Malamutes had higher TPMT activity when compared to the other dog breeds. Although lower TPMT activity may influence the development of myelosuppression in some dogs, there could be other pathways involved in AZA-induced myelosuppression because some dogs that experience marked myelosuppression did not have a deficiency of TPMT activity. More importantly, the measurement of TPMT activity in dogs thus far were from RBCs and therefore it is necessary to investigate further correlation (if any) between the activity of canine RBC TPMT and other organs that are more involved in the metabolism of AZA, such as the liver.



Compared to dogs, blood TPMT activity in cats is much lower. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the risk of myelosuppression in cats is significantly higher if treated with AZA and this drug should be avoided in cats.



Hepatotoxicity [defined as a twofold increase in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) above the upper limit of the reference interval] is another adverse effect of AZA in dogs; this may be idiosyncratic or dose-dependent.In one study that included 34 dogs, the prevalence of hepatotoxicity was 15%, with the median time to onset of 14days (range 13–22days). However, in a more recent study, the prevalence of AZA-induced hepatotoxicity was 5% when AZA was administered every other day with tapering doses of GC. Therefore, it is recommended that liver enzymes are routinely monitored within 2–3weeks of initiation of AZA therapy.

肝毒性(定义为谷丙转氨酶(ALT)高于参考区间上限增加两倍)是AZA对犬的另一个副作用;这可能是特异性的,也可能是剂量依赖性的。在一项包括34只犬的研究中,肝毒性患病率为15%,中位发病时间为14天(范围为13 - 22天)。然而,在最近的一项研究中,当每隔一天给药AZA并逐渐减少GC剂量时,AZA引起的肝毒性发生率为5%。因此,建议在AZA治疗开始后2 - 3周内常规监测肝酶。




Chlorambucil is an anticancer drug from the nitrogen mustard group. Other anticancer drugs in this group include melphalan, cyclophosphamide and ifosphamide. In humans, chlorambucil is widely used as a chemotherapy for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Hodgkin's lymphoma. Likewise, chlorambucil is most commonly used to treat low-grade T-cell lymphoma in cats. However, certain immune-mediated and autoimmune diseases have been treated with chlorambucil, more often in cats than dogs. One example is inflammatory bowel disease in cats.



Mechanism of action


Chlorambucil is classified as an alkylating agent. In the liver, chlorambucil is converted into its active metabolite, phenylacetic and its cytotoxic effects are based on its ability to alkylate the nucleophilic portion of a DNA molecule through the formation of covalent bonds. Chlorambucil causes ‘unwanted’ crosslinking of DNA, by forming adducts at the guanine-N7 position. These ‘unwanted’ cross-linkages can occur within the same DNA strand (i.e. intrastrand crosslinks) or with the opposite DNA strand (i.e. interstrand cross-links). This results in a defect of the DNA (e.g.mutation) which will then lead to cell death. Interstrand cross-links are most cytotoxic as they generate doublestrand breaks. Chlorambucil has high activity against lymphoid cells (e.g. B cells) and is considered a slowacting drug (it may take ≤2weeks for its therapeutic effects).

苯丁酸氮芥是一种烷基化剂。在肝脏中,苯丁酸氮芥被转化为其活性代谢物苯乙酸,其细胞毒性作用是基于其通过形成共价键使DNA分子的亲核部分烷基化的能力。苯丁酸氮芥通过在鸟嘌呤- N7位置形成加合物,引起“不必要的”DNA交联。这些“不需要的”交联可以发生在相同的DNA链内(即链内交联)或相反的DNA链上(即链间交联)。这就导致了DNA的缺陷(例如:突变),然后导致细胞死亡。链间交联是最具细胞毒性的,因为它们会产生双链断裂。苯丁酸氮芥对淋巴样细胞(如B细胞)具有高活性,被认为是一种慢效药物(可能需要≤2周才能达到治疗效果)。


Chlorambucil is a cytotoxic agent and therefore will potentiate other immunosuppressive drugs such as vincristine, doxorubicin and cisplatin. This may lead to severe myelosuppression if used together.



Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics


In the literature, there are no PK studies for chlorambucil in dogs, and only one population PK study published for cats. In cats, it is rapidly absorbed from the GI tract, reaching a peak plasma concentration of 170ng/mL within 15min of oral administration, although a small secondary peak also was noted at fourhours. At a dose of 2mg/cat (0.28–0.74mg/kg), the terminal half-life was 1.8h, with no drug accumulation following twoweeks of every-other-day dosing. The PK of chlorambucil in cats with immune-mediated dermatoses may differ from those reported in this study, however, as the cats in the population PK analysis were being treated for lymphoproliferative malignancies, including GI involvement, which may have affected absorption. The therapeutic concentration of chlorambucil in cats is unknown and additional information is needed on this drug.

在文献中,没有关于苯丁酸氮芥在犬上的PK研究,只有一篇关于猫的PK研究发表。在猫体内,它从胃肠道被迅速吸收,在口服给药后15分钟内血药浓度达到170ng/mL的峰值,但在4小时时也出现了一个小的二次峰。剂量为2mg/cat (0.28-0.74mg /kg)时,终末半衰期为1.8h,每隔一天给药2周后无药物积累。然而,患有免疫介导性皮肤病的猫对苯丁酸氮芥的PK可能与本研究中报道的不同,因为人群PK分析中的猫正在接受淋巴增生性恶性肿瘤治疗,包括胃肠道患病,这可能影响了吸收。苯丁酸氮芥对猫的治疗浓度尚不清楚,需要进一步了解这种药物。


Use for autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs


In the cat, similar to CsA, chlorambucil is most often used as an adjunct or steroid-sparing agent for the treatment of PF. Indeed, in two retrospective studies, combination therapy of chlorambucil with GC is often required for maintenance of CR. Chlorambucil is less frequently used in dogs for the treatment of autoimmune dermatoses. There are two case reports of the usage of chlorambucil in dogs for the treatment of vaccine-induced ischaemic dermatopathy and canine eosinophilic granuloma, both of which required concurrent therapy with ciclosporin and oral prednisolone.Table 4 summarises the usefulness of chlorambucil for selected autoimmune dermatoses in cats and dogs.



TABLE 4 Response to chlorambucil in cats and dogs with autoimmune dermatoses.




Adverse effect


Chlorambucil is generally well-tolerated in cats and dogs, although GI effects such as inappetence, vomiting and diarrhoea may be seen. However, cytotoxic myelosuppression can occur 7–14days after initiation of treatment. Other less common adverse effects include reversible myoclonus and Fanconi syndrome, both of which were reported only in cats.

猫和犬对苯丁酸氮芥的耐受性一般良好,但可能会出现食欲不振、呕吐和腹泻等胃肠道影响。然而,细胞毒性骨髓抑制可在治疗开始后7 - 14天发生。其他不太常见的副作用包括可逆性肌阵挛和范可尼综合征,这两种情况都只在猫上报道过。




Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is a pro-drug that is converted to mycophenolic acid (MPA), where it exerts its pharmacological activity. Interestingly, MPA was first isolated from Penicillium stonoliferum in 1913 where it was discovered to possess antibiotic, antiviral and antiinflammatory properties. In the early 1970s, MPA's anti-inflammatory properties were utilised to treat moderate-to-severe psoriasis in humans, although it causes undesirable GI upset. This led to the creation of MMF which has higher oral bioavailability and fewer GI adverse effects. In veterinary medicine, the use of MMF as an immunosuppressive drug for the treatment of various autoimmune diseases in dogs (and to a lesser extent in cats) has gained momentum for the past decade. Examples of these diseases include immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and polyarthritis, immune-complex glomerulonephritis,meningoencephalitis and several autoimmune/ immune-mediated dermatoses.



Mechanism of action


Mycophenolate mofetil exerts its immunosuppressive effect by inhibiting the formation of guanine nucleotides Guanine is one of the four nucleotide bases that is needed for the formation of DNA. Guanine nucleotide is generated through two distinct pathways: the de novo pathway and the salvage pathway. In the de novo pathway, the generation of guanine nucleotides requires the enzyme inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH). Mycophenolate mofetil, via its active metabolite MPA, inhibits the function of IMPDH, thereby reducing the number of guanine nucleotide formations available for DNA replication.99 Lymphocytes are particularly affected by this drug because they rely solely on the de novo pathway for guanine nucleotide synthesis. The result is decreased DNA production and cessation of the proliferation of both activated T and B lymphocytes, which subsequently stop autoantibody production.



Mycophenolate mofetil also affects other nonlymphocytic cells. It has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of fibroblasts, expression of cytokines and co-stimulatory receptors, and various adhesion molecules required for leucocyte chemotaxis and mobilisation to the target cells.



Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics


The pharmacokinetics of MPA in dogs has been reported and show that oral absorption is highly variable, with maximum concentrations ranging from 380 to 5040 ng/mL and occurring at 45 min following a dose of 10 mg/kg MMF per os. Plasma concentrations of MPA decreased by 80% within eight hours of administration, suggesting a relatively high clearance and short half-life. In humans and, presumably, dogs, the elimination of MPA is mainly as the glucuronide conjugate. As cats are deficient in the glucuronyl transferase enzymes responsible for this reaction, there was concern that the drug could not safely be used in this species. However, there are several reports of MPA PK following MMF administration now published in cats. As with dogs, oral absorption is variable, yet as opposed to other species, the main metabolic route appears to be glucosidation.Using a two-hour intravenous infusion model, conversion of MMF to MPA appears to be relatively slow in cats, and peak MPA concentrations do not occur until 0.75–1.5 h after stopping the MMF infusion. This is suggested as a potential reason for the high intraand interindividual variability of MPA PK seen in cats, even with intravenous administration.

据报道,MPA在犬体内的药代动力学表明,口服吸收变化很大,最大浓度在380至5040纳克/毫升之间,在每次口服10毫克/千克MMF,后45分钟发生。在给药8小时内,MPA的血浆浓度下降了80%,表明清除率较高,半衰期短。在人类中,可能还有犬,MPA的消除主要是葡萄糖醛酸缀合物。由于猫缺乏导致这种反应的葡萄糖醛酸转移酶,因此有人担心这种药物在猫上使用不安全。然而,现在有几篇关于猫在服用MMF后MPA PK的报道。与犬一样,口服吸收是可变的,但与其他物种相反,主要的代谢途径似乎是葡萄糖苷化。在两小时静脉输注模型中,猫体内MMF向MPA的转化似乎相对较慢,直到停止MMF输注0.75-1.5小时后MPA浓度才出现峰值。这被认为是猫体内和个体间MPA PK高变异性的潜在原因,即使是静脉给药。


Using an ex vivo mitogen stimulation assay in dogs, a proposed target therapeutic concentration of between 600 and 1000ng/mL would result in a 50% inhibition in T-cell proliferation. These effects are not linearly increased at higher plasma MPA concentrations, yet chronic dosing (>14days) does seem to cause a cumulative effect, with a more prolonged duration of inhibition during the dosing interval. Chronic dosing (every 8–12h for eightdays per os or two-hour infusion i.v. every 12h for threedays) in cats did not alter total peripheral blood mononuclear cell counts, nor alter CD4+ or CD8+ cell counts. More information is still needed on the pharmacodynamics of this drug in cats, including the safety and efficacy of long-term dosing. TDM is available at the time of this writing for MMF, MPA and other metabolites using an immunoassay. Recommended sampling times include peak (1–2h post-dosing) and trough concentrations.

通过对犬进行体外有丝分裂原刺激试验,建议的目标治疗浓度在600至1000ng/mL之间将导致T细胞增殖抑制50%。这些效应在较高的血浆MPA浓度下不会线性增加,但长期给药(>14天)似乎确实会产生累积效应,在给药间隔期间抑制持续时间更长。猫的慢性给药(每8 - 12小时一次,连续8天,每12小时静脉输注2小时,连续3天)没有改变总外周血单个核细胞计数,也没有改变CD4+或CD8+细胞计数。关于这种药物在猫体内的药效学,包括长期给药的安全性和有效性,还需要更多的信息。在撰写本文时,TDM可用于MMF, MPA和其他代谢物的免疫测定。建议取样时间包括峰值(给药后1-2h)和谷浓度。


In humans, concurrent administration of CsA, antacid drugs (e.g. omeprazole) and certain antibiotics (e.g.ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid) with MMF reduces the oral bioavailability of MMF, yet this has not been recognised in animals.




Use for autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs


Mycophenolate mofetil has been used to treat canine PF, exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus (ECLE), epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, VCLE and MCLE. In all but the dog with ECLE, MMF was used as an adjunct therapy with GC, CsA and GC combined with topical tacrolimus. Of these autoimmune dermatoses, by far, most dogs that were treated with MMF were dogs with PF. In an earlier retrospective study, six and two of nine dogs with PF achieved a CR and PR, respectively. However, in a more recent retrospective study, the treatment outcome utilising combination therapy of MMF with GC for canine PF was not as favourable, as CR and PR were only achieved in two and four of eleven dogs, respectively, and none of the eleven dogs were successfully maintained in CR with MMF monotherapy. In the dog with ECLE, monotherapy with MMF resulted in marked improvement within threeweeks. The variable response to oral MMF in dogs is due to a narrow therapeutic index and high inter- and intrapharmacokinetic variability. This further complicates the use of oral MMF to treat dogs with immune-mediated diseases because of the lack of data to define the therapeutic MFF levels in dogs. There are too few data available to make any conclusion on the usefulness of MMF, compared to other immunosuppressants, for the treatment of various autoimmune dermatoses. However, based on the information available (Table 5), MMF may produce a better clinical outcome as a steroid-sparing agent compared to being utilised as a sole therapy.



TABLE 5 Response to mycophenolate mofetil in dogs with autoimmune dermatoses.




Adverse effects


The most common adverse effect reported in dogs receiving MMF is GI upset, particularly diarrhoea. In one recent retrospective study that included 127 dogs, 24% of dogs (n=31) experienced GI adverse effects, of which diarrhoea was reported in 23 dogs. In most dogs, these GI adverse effects resolve with discontinuation or dose reduction of MMF. In cats, doses of 10mg/kg given orally every 12h were well-tolerated, yet 15mg/kg per os every 12h caused mild and self-limiting diarrhoea in some cats, while 15mg/kg given orally every eighthours caused more severe GI upset in all cats treated.





Oclacitinib is a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor (JAKi) that was approved for the treatment of allergic dermatitis in dogs. At the approved dose for allergic dermatitis, oclacitinib has a high affinity for JAK1, which is involved in the pathogenesis of the allergic pathway. The human counterpart drug, ruxolitinib, was the first JAKi approved for the treatment of myelofibrosis and polycythaemia vera. Since then, many other JAKis have been approved in humans, mainly for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA); these include tofacitinib, baricitinib, fedratinib and upadacitinib.



Mechanism of action


Janus kinases are intracellular, nonreceptor tyrosine kinases. They reside in the cytoplasm of cells and are attached to the intracellular/proximal portion of Type I and Type II cytokine receptors. There are four family members of the JAKs—JAK1, JAK2, JAK3 and TYK2— and they play an important role in the transduction of cytokine-mediated signals through the JAK–signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK–STAT) pathway. Upon binding of a ligand (e.g. cytokines and growth factors) to the receptor, the JAKs are activated and phosphorylate the intracellular domain of the receptor, thereby creating docking sites for the STAT molecules, which are signalling proteins. Once docked, the STAT molecules are further phosphorylated by the JAKs and then released back into the cytoplasm, where they form dimers with other phosphorylated STAT molecules. The dimerised STAT molecules translocate into the nucleus and bind with the DNA to transcript genes that regulate immunity, inflammation and haematopoiesis (Figure 3).

Janus激酶是细胞内的非受体酪氨酸激酶。它们存在于细胞的细胞质中,附着在I型和II型细胞因子受体的细胞内/近端部分。JAKs有四个家族成员-JAK1、JAK2、JAK3和TYK2 ,它们通过JAK-信号转导和转录激活因子(JAK-STAT)途径在细胞因子介导的信号转导中发挥重要作用。当配体(如细胞因子和生长因子)与受体结合时,JAK被激活并磷酸化受体的细胞内结构域,从而为STAT分子(信号蛋白)创建对接位点。一旦停靠,STAT分子被JAK进一步磷酸化,然后释放回细胞质中,在那里它们与其他磷酸化的STAT分子形成二聚体。二聚的STAT分子转移到细胞核中,并与DNA结合,转录调节免疫、炎症和造血的基因(图3)。



FIGURE 3 Schematic drawing of the mechanism of action of oclacitinib and Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Ab, antibody; AP-1, activator protein-1; BTKi, Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor; DAG, diacylglycerol; IL, interleukin; IP3, inositol triphosphate; JAK, Janus kinase; NFAT, nuclear factor of activated T cells; NFκB, nuclear factor-κB; STAT, signal transducers and activators of transcription.





Cytokine receptors can be grouped based on which JAKs are associated with the receptor complex. While cytokines involved in allergy, inflammation and pruritus bind receptor complexes that utilise JAK1, the binding of other cytokines or growth factors involved in haematopoiesis (e.g. erythropoietin) and innate immunity (e.g.IL-12) activate receptors which are associated with the pairing of JAK2/JAK2 or JAK2/TYK2.



Higher extra-label doses of oclacitinib are associated with immunosuppressive activity. Lymphocyteenriched cells treated with 10μM of oclacitinib (equivalent to 3–4mg/kg twice daily) resulted in reduced secretion of IL-2, IL-15, IL-18 and IFN-γ, which inhibits the proliferation of T cells. Higher doses of oclacitinib also have been shown to induce apoptosis of canine CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vitro. In a more recent study, oclacitinib prevented the generation (rather than inducing depletion) of regulatory T cells and the production of IL-10, which are important to maintain immune tolerance.Taken together, higher doses of oclacitinib or doses used concurrently with another immunosuppressive drug can have immunosuppressive effects on the immune system.

较高的标签外剂量的奥拉替尼与免疫抑制活性相关。10μM奥拉替尼(相当于3-4mg /kg,每日2次)处理淋巴细胞素丰富的细胞可减少IL-2、IL-15、IL-18和IFN-γ的分泌,从而抑制T细胞的增殖。在体外实验中,高剂量的奥拉替尼也可诱导犬CD4+和CD8+ T细胞凋亡。在最近的一项研究中,奥拉替尼阻止了调节性T细胞的产生(而不是诱导消耗)和IL-10的产生,这对维持免疫耐受很重要。综上所述,较高剂量的奥拉替尼或与另一种免疫抑制药物同时使用可对免疫系统产生免疫抑制作用。


Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics


The pharmacokinetics of oclacitinib in the dog have been published. It is rapidly absorbed following oral administration with 89% bioavailability, reaching a peak concentration of 259ng/mL within onehour of administration of label doses (0.4–0.6mg/kg once daily). There are no significant effects of feeding, sex or breed (Beagles versus cross-breeds) on oral absorption. Importantly, PK were linear over a range of 0.6–3.0mg/kg, with dose-proportional increases in Cmax and AUC being reported. Twice-daily dosing of 0.6mg/kg or once-daily dosing of 1.8mg/kg, as used in the treatment of immune-mediated disease noted above, resulted in maximum concentrations of 328 and 1030ng/mL, respectively, after 21days of dosing.There is one small PK study in cats, which confirmed values similar to those found in the dog, with excellent bioavailability (87%). Absorption and elimination were faster in cats, compared to dogs, however, and the concentrations were more variable.

奥拉替尼在犬体内的药代动力学已经发表。口服后吸收迅速,生物利用度89%,在给药后一小时内达到259ng/mL的峰值浓度(0.4-0.6mg /kg每日一次)。喂养、性别或品种(比格犬与杂交犬)对口服吸收没有显著影响。重要的是,PK在0.6-3.0mg /kg范围内呈线性,Cmax和AUC呈剂量比例增加。每日两次给药0.6mg/kg或每日一次给药1.8mg/kg在上述免疫介导性疾病的治疗中,在给药21天后,其最大浓度分别为328和1030ng/mL。有一项针对猫的小型PK研究,证实了与犬相似的值,具有出色的生物利用度(87%)。然而,与犬相比,猫的吸收和消除速度更快,而且浓度变化更大。


Use for autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs


The first reported use of oclacitinib for the treatment of autoimmune dermatosis in veterinary medicine was in 2017 when a dog with autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease was successfully treated with oclacitinib monotherapy at the dosage of 0.5 mg/kg twice daily; a relapse occurred when the dose was tapered to once daily and resolved when it was increased to twice daily. Other autoimmune skin diseases that have been treated successfully with oclacitinib include PF in a cat, a dog with PV, and several variants of CLE (ECLE, MCLE and facial DLE) in seven dogs. Interestingly, in all of these cases, oclacitinib monotherapy (dosages between 0.5 mg/kg twice daily and 1.8 mg/kg once daily in dogs; 1 mg/ kg twice daily in a cat) was successful in inducing and maintaining CR; time-to-CR or significant improvement also was relatively short at between one and three weeks. Oclacitinib was also used successfully to treat immune-mediated dermatoses such as hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme, ear tip ulcerative dermatitis and ischaemic dermatopathy; the latter required a combination of oclacitinib (0.4– 0.7 mg/kg twice daily) with oral GC.

首次报道使用奥拉替尼治疗兽医学中的自体免疫性皮肤病是在2017年,当时使用奥拉替尼单药治疗一只患有自体免疫性表皮下大疱病的犬,剂量为0.5 mg/kg,每天两次;当剂量逐渐减少到每天一次时发生复发,当剂量增加到每天两次时缓解。奥拉替尼成功治疗的其他自体免疫性皮肤病包括一只猫的PF,一只患有PV的犬,以及7只犬的几种CLE亚型(ECLE, MCLE和面部DLE)。有趣的是,在所有这些病例中,奥拉替尼单药治疗(剂量在0.5 mg/kg之间,每天两次,1.8 mg/kg,每天一次,犬;1 mg/ kg(猫,每日2次)能成功诱导和维持CR;达到CR或显著改善的时间也相对较短,在一到三周之间。奥拉替尼也成功用于治疗免疫介导的皮肤病,如角化过度型多形红斑、耳尖溃疡性皮炎和缺血性皮肤病;后者需要将奥拉替尼(0.4 - 0.7 mg/kg,每日两次)与口服GC联合使用。


Recent studies in canine CLE involving skin lesions transcriptomes showed strongly activated IFNαβ signalling via JAK–STAT with upregulation of CXCL10, ISG15 and S100, suggesting that these CLE variants represent a form of interferonopathy. Thus, treatment with oclacitinib could be an effective therapeutic option either as monotherapy or as a steroidsparing agent. It is important to point out that the usage of oclacitinib for the treatment of autoimmune dermatopathies is considered as extra-label use in animals.Table 6 summarises the response to oclacitinib in dogs with selected autoimmune dermatopathies.



TABLE 6 Response to oclacitinib in cats and dogs with autoimmune dermatoses.a



Adverse effects


Owing to the MoA, higher doses of oclacitinib could lead to impaired T-cell proliferation and increased risk of infection. Indeed, during the initial animal safety study, oclacitinib induced papillomas in 12-month-old dogs, and led to the development of bacterial pneumonia and generalized demodicosis in 6-month-old dogs (package insert; Apoquel, Zoetis). In a retrospective study of 53 dogs with AD treated with prolonged twice-daily administration of oclacitinib (0.4–0.6mg/kg twice daily), pyoderma, gastrointestinal signs and otitis externa were the most common adverse effect reported; only three dogs developed mild neutropaenia. In an feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-positive cat, treatment with oclacitinib (1mg/ kg twice daily) for feline atopic skin syndrome resulted in fatal disseminated toxoplasmosis; the clinical signs developed fivemonths after initiation of this therapy. In cats, doses of 1–2mg/kg every 12h for 28days were shown to be safe and well-tolerated, although the higher doses did result in gastrointestinal signs in two of 10 cats. Long-term studies with a large number of cats have not been performed and therefore, the long-term safety of oclacitinib in cats is as yet unknown. At present, oclacitinib is not licensed for use in cats.

由于MoA,高剂量的奥拉替尼可能导致T细胞增殖受损和感染风险增加。事实上,在最初的动物安全性研究中,奥拉替尼在12个月大的犬中诱发了乳头状瘤,并导致6月龄大的犬发生细菌性肺炎和全身性蠕形螨病(包装说明;爱波克;硕腾)。在一项回顾性研究中,53只AD犬长期每日两次服用奥拉替尼(0.4-0.6mg /kg,每日两次),报告的副作用中最常见的是脓皮病、胃肠道症状和外耳炎;只有三只犬患上了轻度中性粒细胞减少症。在猫的免疫缺陷病毒(FIV)阳性的猫,用奥拉替尼(1mg/ kg,每日两次)治疗猫特应性皮肤综合征导致致命的弥散性弓形虫病;临床症状出现在治疗开始5个月后。在猫中,每12小时1-2mg /kg的剂量连续28天被证明是安全且耐受性良好的,但较高的剂量确实导致10只猫中的2只出现胃肠道症状。目前还没有对大量猫进行长期研究,因此,奥拉替尼对猫的长期安全性尚不清楚。目前,奥拉替尼未获准用于猫。




Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) is an important signalling protein that serves as a link between the B-cell receptor (BCR) and B-cell proliferation and survival. BTK is a Tec family tyrosine kinase that also is expressed in many other cells of haematopoietic origin, including monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, mast cells, eosinophils and platelets and not in T cells. The role of BTK in B-cell proliferation and survival has been associated with several B-cell malignancies in humans such as chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia. More recently, there is evidence that BTK plays a critical role in autoimmunity in animal models and human studies. For instance, transgenic mice overexpress BTK in B cells, which leads to the generation of antinuclear antibodies and results in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like autoimmune pathological results. In humans, enhanced BTK activity is found in peripheral blood B lymphocytes from patients with RA and Sjögren's syndrome. Therefore, small-molecule BTK inhibitors (BTKi) have gained greater attention as a therapy for several B-cell malignancies and autoimmune diseases. Ibrutinib is the first class of BTKi that is approved for the treatment of CLL. More recently, the first noncovalent (reversible) BTKi, pirtobrutinib, was approved for the treatment of patients with relapsing or refractory MCL. Many other BTKi are still being studied in clinical trials; these include acalabrutinib (for RA), fenebrutinib (for RA) and rilzabrutinib (for PV).



Mechanism of action


BTKi can be classified into two types: reversible inhibitors and irreversible inhibitors. Irreversible BTKi have been associated with more adverse effects as they may bind to off-target sites (e.g. endogenous thiols, which are important to protect cells from ionising radiation), while reversible BTKi may be safer yet less efficacious, depending on the degree of selectivity, clearance and maintenance of target inhibition. More recently, a new hybrid BTKi that can reversibly bind to BTK in a covalent manner (i.e. reversible covalent BTKi) has been developed with increased potency, prolonged duration of action and fewer off-targets effects (and, thus, fewer adverse effects). One example of this new hybrid BTKi is rilzabrutinib (PRN1008).

BTKi可分为可逆抑制剂和不可逆抑制剂两类。不可逆的BTKi与更多的副作用相关,因为它们可能结合到非靶标位点(例如内源性硫醇,这对保护细胞免受电离辐射很重要),而可逆的BTKi可能更安全,但效果较差,这取决于选择性、清除和维持靶标抑制的程度。最近,一种能够以共价方式可逆结合BTK的新型杂交BTKi(即可逆共价BTKi)已经开发出来,其效力增强,作用持续时间延长,脱靶效应更少(因此,副作用更少)。这种新的混合BTKi的一个例子是rilzabrutinib (PRN1008)。


Receptors that activate BTK are antigen receptors that include BCRs, growth factor and cytokines receptors, chemokine receptors and integrins. In B cells, attachment of ligands to BCR leads to activation of BTK, which triggers several downstream signalling cascades, including the PI3K-ALT pathway, PLC, PKC and NFκB, which are important for B-cell survival, proliferation and differentiation to plasma cells that produce autoantibodies. BTK is also involved in downstream signalling vital for neutrophil recruitment such as macrophage antigen-1 (MAC-1).

激活BTK的受体是抗原受体,包括BCR、生长因子和细胞因子受体、趋化因子受体和整合素。在B细胞中,配体附着在BCR上导致BTK的激活,从而触发几个下游信号级联反应,包括PI3K-ALT途径、PLC、PKC和NFκB,这对于B细胞的存活、增殖和向产生自身抗体的浆细胞分化至关重要。BTK还参与对中性粒细胞募集至关重要的下游信号传导,如巨噬细胞抗原-1 (MAC-1)。


Altogether, BTK inhibition causes a blockade of different downstream signalling pathways related to the development of autoimmunity and B-cell malignancies (Figure 3).



Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics


The PK/PD of these drugs are not available in dogs and cats at the time of writing.



Use for autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs


The use of BTKi for the treatment of autoimmune dermatoses in veterinary medicine is still in its infancy and off-label. In 2020, two studies involving a total of 13 dogs investigated the efficacy and safety of two BTKis, PRN473 and PRN1008 (rilzabrutinib), for the treatment of PF. Treatment outcomes were evaluated based on a modified canine version of a validated human pemphigus disease activity index (cPDAI) and classified as good, fair or poor response. At the end of the study period (20weeks), five, three and two dogs had a good, fair and poor response, respectively. In all dogs, lesions reduction could be seen within 2weeks. Interestingly, in both studies, there was no sustained depletion of B-cell counts over the 20-week period and the authors commented that this does not mean that the studied BTKi does not induce pan-B-cell deficiency.There were only two dogs where the frequency of administration of BTKi was able to be reduced to every other day without resulting in a relapse.

使用BTKi治疗自体免疫性皮肤病在兽医学中仍处于起步阶段和标签外。2020年,两项涉及13只犬的研究调查了两种BTKis, PRN473和PRN1008 (rilzabrutinib)治疗PF的有效性和安全性,治疗结果基于经过验证的人类天疱疮疾病活动指数(cPDAI)的改良犬版本进行评估,并将其分为良好,一般或差反应。在研究期(20周)结束时,分别有5只、3只和2只犬的反应良好、一般和较差。在所有的犬中,病变在2周内都可以看到缩小。有趣的是,在这两项研究中,在20周的时间内,B细胞计数没有持续减少,作者评论说,这并不意味着所研究的BTKi不会诱导泛B细胞缺乏。只有两只犬服用BTKi的频率能够减少到每隔一天,而不会导致复发。


Adverse effects


Adverse effects reported from the study involving dogs with PF treated with PRN473 included immune-mediated polyarthritis (n = 1; Week 12), mast cell tumour (n = 1; Week 4), peripheral lymphadenopathy (n = 2) and pancreatitis (n = 1). Of the four dogs that received PRN1008 for canine PF, only one dog had pyometra, and increased ALT and aspartate aminotransferase. In tolerability studies using an unrelated BTKi (G278), hepatotoxicity was reported in dogs.

用PRN473治疗PF犬的研究中报告的副作用包括免疫介导的多关节炎(n = 1;12周),肥大细胞瘤(n = 1;4周),外周淋巴结病变(n = 2)和胰腺炎(n = 1)。在接受PRN1008治疗犬PF的4只犬中,只有1只犬有子宫蓄脓,ALT和AST升高。在使用不相关的BTKi (G278)的耐受性研究中,犬报告了肝毒性。


It is clear that more studies are needed to gather data on the safety profiles of BTKis in dogs, yet it is very important to be aware that the sample sizes for both studies in canine PF were small and it cannot be concluded that all of the adverse effects were a direct result of the BTKis administered. For instance, peripheral lymphadenopathy in two dogs resolved spontaneously while still receiving PRN472, while the one dog that developed pyometra was also an eight-yearold intact female dog.





Topical GCs are effective adjunct therapy for many autoimmune dermatoses. Topical GCs can be used as the first-line adjunct therapy for the induction of disease remission along with other systemic immunosuppressants. They are also a valuable therapy to treat localised relapses of skin lesions without the need to increase the existing dose of systemic immunosuppressive drugs. Although the adverse effects of topical GC are less severe than systemic GC, prolonged use of topical GC could lead to cutaneous atrophy. Adrenocortical suppression as a result of chronic use of topical GC has been reported in the veterinary literature and involved the usage of potent GC such as dexamethasone, betamethasone, fluocinonide and triamcinolone. It is reasonable to use a high-potency topical GC (e.g. dexamethasone) for a short period to rapidly induce CR, after which the topical GC should either be used sparingly (e.g. twice weekly) or a nonsteroidal immunosuppressant (e.g. topical tacrolimus) can be considered. If long-term usage of topical GC is needed as an adjunct therapy to maintain CR, topical mometasone furoate may be a safer long-term option as it has minimal effect on the adrenocortical function and low systemic availability.



Tacrolimus is a calcineurin inhibitor that inhibits Tcell activation. However, unlike CsA, tacrolimus binds to FK506 binding protein, which then suppresses the activation of the NFAT pathway and inhibits early activation of T cells. This results in a broad range of antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory effects similar to CsA. Topical tacrolimus is poorly absorbed into the systemic circulation and therefore, the risk of systemic immunosuppression is low. It also does not cause cutaneous atrophy. In dogs, topical tacrolimus has been effectively used as an adjunct therapy for variants of CCLE, pemphigus erythematosus and canine immune-mediated perianal fistula; most of the cases used a 0.1% concentration. In humans, the most common adverse effect of topical tacrolimus is a localised burning sensation at the site of application. Although localised adverse effects have not been proven in animals, it is safe to assume that this may occur and the pet owner should be informed.





The use of immunosuppressants for the treatment of canine and feline autoimmune dermatoses requires an understanding of the MoA of these drugs and where they will be beneficial in relation to the disease pathogeneses. Glucocorticoids are almost always used as the first-line therapy to induce clinical remission.Ciclosporin and oclacitinib may be effective as monotherapy for cell-mediated autoimmune dermatoses and interferonopathic dermatopathies, respectively.Azathioprine and chlorambucil are often used as a steroid-sparing agent. Compared to the human counterparts, data on the optimum treatment and outcome for autoimmune skin diseases in cats and dogs are lacking, and therefore, treatment algorithms, consensus or guidelines remain unavailable in veterinary medicine.As such, it is important that clinicians evaluate their patients frequently and tailor the treatment regimen based on the clinical response. Finally, the usefulness of immune checkpoint inhibitors for autoimmune dermatoses warrants further studies.






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