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发表于 2022-6-7 20:37:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Advances in our understanding of canine atopic dermatitis
作者:Rosanna Marsella
Canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is a genetically inherited clinical syndrome that encompasses a diversity of mechanisms and can have a variety of triggers. Development of clinical disease is the result of genetic factors and environmental conditions, which shape the resulting immunological response.
Clinical disease becomes evident once a threshold of inflammatory response is achieved. Skin barrier impairment plays a role in promoting cutaneous dysbiosis and increased allergen penetration. Keratinocytes shape the response of dendritic cells and subsequent lymphocytic response. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin is one of the links between the damaged skin barrier and the modulation of a T-helper (Th)2 response. It is still unclear whether mutations in skin barrier genes exist in atopic dogs, as they do in humans, or whether the observed alterations are purely secondary to inflammation.
A dysregulated immune response with increased Th2, Th17 and CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells has been reported. A variety of cytokines [interleukin(IL)-31, IL-34, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor] are proposed as potential biomarkers and treatment targets because they are increased in the serum of atopic dogs when compared to controls, although a correlation between serum levels of these factors and severity of disease is not always present.
The main issue with many published studies is that atopic dogs are always only compared to normal controls. Thus, it is unclear whether the changes that we find are truly a signature of cAD or merely a manifestation of nonspecific broad inflammatory responses. Studies considering comparison with other inflammatory diseases different from cAD are urgently needed to correctly identify what is specific to this complicated syndrome.
犬特应性皮炎(cAD)是一种基因遗传性临床综合征, 包括多种机制, 可能有多种触发因素。临床疾病的发生是遗传因素和环境条件的共同结果, 这些因素塑造了产生的免疫反应。
一旦达到炎症反应的阈值, 临床疾病就变得明显。皮肤屏障损伤能加重皮肤微生态失调和增加过敏原渗透作用。角质形成细胞造成树突状细胞的反应和随后的淋巴细胞反应。胸腺基质淋巴生成素是受损的皮肤屏障与辅助性T细胞(Th)2反应调节之间的联系之一。目前尚不清楚特应性皮炎犬是否存在皮肤屏障基因突变, 就像人类一样, 或者观察到的改变是否纯粹继发于炎症。
已报告Th2、Th17和CD4 + CD25 + 调节性T细胞增加的免疫应答失调。拟定多种细胞因子[白细胞介素(IL)-31、IL-34、巨噬细胞移动抑制因子]作为潜在的生物标志物和治疗靶点, 因为与对照组相比, 其在特应性皮炎犬血清中增加, 但这些因子的血清水平与疾病严重程度之间的相关性并不总是存在。
许多已发表研究的主要问题是, 特应性皮炎犬始终仅与正常的对照组进行比较。因此, 目前尚不清楚我们发现的变化是真正的cAD的特征还是仅仅是非特异性广泛炎症反应的表现。迫切需要考虑与不同于cAD的其他炎性疾病进行比较的研究, 以正确识别这种复杂综合征的特异性。

It is becoming increasingly clear that canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is a clinical syndrome and not a single disease. What was once simply presented as a type I hypersensitivity to inhaled environmental allergens is now viewed as a multifactorial and complex inflammatory syndrome that may or may not be associated with a demonstrable allergic response, and in which the skin is the main avenue of allergen exposure. The realization that cAD is not simply a hypersensitivity response to environmental allergens has greatly complicated our understanding of this disease. Under this umbrella, we now have atopic dogs in which the trigger can include foods and dogs in which we cannot demonstrate a clear allergen-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)E response.

Canine atopic dermatitis results from the complex interaction of genetics and environmental factors that shape the immune response and skin barrier function. In our deepening of the understanding of cAD, we now have an awareness of the role of skin barrier dysfunction and realize the complex and vital role of keratinocytes in orchestrating the immune response. Skin barrier dysfunction and aberrant immune responses are interrelated and not separate, or opposing, aspects of this disease. The keratinocyte, once considered more like an “inert physical cover”, is now understood to give key signals that can have impactful effects on the type of immune response generated by cutaneous contact with allergens. Keratinocyte-derived cytokines shape how dendritic cells process antigens and the type of lymphocytic response that is generated from the interaction. Thus, cytokines and chemokines produced by keratinocytes [thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC), interleukin (IL)-33, Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)], are being closely considered as potential therapeutic targets although a clear indication of which one is optimal is still lacking.Atopic individuals have an increased exposure and different response to environmental allergens compared to healthy controls as a consequence of an impaired skin barrier. This, in turn, shapes the microbial flora of the skin. We understand that all of these factors, from the changes in the skin barrier to the immune response and the microbiome, are interconnected, making it very difficult to pin-point the initial event which initiated the cascade. It is clear that there are vicious cycles wherein these factors aggravate each other. Thus, our treatments need to target various areas concurrently to correct or decrease the negative effects of an excessive self-perpetuating inflammatory response.

We are still struggling to identify truly specific markers for cAD; as in humans, it is possible that multiple biomarkers may exist owing to the heterogeneity of this condition. In dogs, many candidates have been proposed yet the reality is that many of them may not be specific and simply be the manifestation of a generalized inflammatory response. Some do not appear to change with treatment (e.g. IL-34), which would defeat the very concept of a biomarker of disease severity which could be used in formulating a long-term treatment plan. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the advances in our understanding of cAD and propose directions for future studies.

The importance of the skin barrier
Several studies have focused on skin barrier function and ultrastructure in cAD. It is commonly accepted that some form of skin barrier dysfunction is present in this disease although it is difficult to determine whether this is a primary defect, secondary to inflammation or a combination of the two. Additionally skin barrier function has not been studied in dogs affected with other inflammatory skin conditions and, thus, we cannot say how specific our findings are to cAD.

We lack conclusive evidence of a causative effect of skin barrier dysfunction in the actual development of cAD, although in vitro studies using atopic keratinocytes showed that the behaviour of the keratinocytes between normal and atopic dogs is different in terms of growth and ability to establish connections. Many of the initial studies in veterinary medicine have been observational studies of associations. Associations are not the same as causation and it is necessary to work out how critical skin barrier impairment is per se in the actual causation of the canine disease.

To some degree the same applies to human medicine, even for the case of filaggrin. Mutations in this protein are considered a powerful risk factor for the development of AD, yet there is still some debate as to their “causative” role; some people with AD do not have evidence of mutations and some individuals with filaggrin mutations do not develop disease. Clearly, other mutations may be important in some patients and a “threshold of disease development” needs to be reached to manifest clinical signs. Ultimately, a combination of genetic and epigenetic factors contributes to shaping the immune response and to triggering disease development.

Assessment of skin barrier function can be done in vivo with noninvasive strategies or by invasive methodologies requiring skin biopsy. The measurement of trans epidermal water loss (TEWL) is frequently included in clinical studies as it is noninvasive, yet the repeatability of this methodology has been questioned. In a pilot study evaluating five different methodologies (skin hydration, TEWL, pH, skin absorbance and erythema) for skin barrier function assessment done in both normal and atopic dogs it was determined that measurement of pH was the most repeatable assessment, while the measurement of TEWL was the least reliable.This finding is consistent with a study published previously which reported the variability of TEWL measurements.

Indeed, correlation between TEWL and the severity of clinical signs in atopic dogs has been reported to be variable and inconsistent.This could possibly be a consequence of technical issues. The lack of reliability makes it difficult to use this parameter when evaluating the effect of treatment options for skin barrier improvement.Interestingly, although decreased hydration is a demonstrated finding for human atopic patients, currently we do not have evidence that this is the case in atopic dogs. Examination of biopsies is useful to observe the organization of the skin and particularly the structure of lipid lamellae. Transmission electron microscopy has shown that the organization of the lipid lamellae in atopic dogs is abnormal even in nonlesional atopic skin, and further derangement of lipid lamellae occurs after exposure to allergen and development of clinical lesions of AD. Nonlesional atopic skin is not equivalent to normal skin due to low-grade inflammatory response or, potentially, some intrinsic ultrastructural differences. Lipid alterations have been described widely in dogs with decreased free fatty acid levels and decreased ceramides. As a consequence of these differences, the packing of the lipids and the ultrastructure of the skin are affected.

When keratinocytes harvested from canine skin biopsies are grown in cell culture, the behaviour of keratinocytes from normal and atopic individuals is different. Atopic keratinocytes in cell culture are prone to form little isolated “domes” and have more irregular shapes in comparison to normal keratinocytes that grow flatter and connect more evenly with each other.Whether this behaviour in vitro has implications for what we observe with the clinical disease is unknown at this time. The abnormal appearance of filaggrin staining in cell cultures may indicate abnormal processing of this protein. This may have an effect on the shape and differentiation, and explain why atopic keratinocytes grow differently in cell culture.

When keratinocytes are grown to confluence and the permeability of the monolayer is assessed, differences exist between the normal and the atopic keratinocytes in terms of trans epithelial electrical resistance (TEER). TEER is commonly used as an in vitro assessment of epithelial permeability. The higher the TEER, the less permeable the epithelial layer. The TEER of a monolayer made of canine keratinocytes from an atopic dog is lower than that of a normal individual, suggesting an increased permeability for the atopic monolayer. This can be linked to decreased tight junction proteins expression or linked to the morphology of the atopic keratinocytes themselves.

Tight junctions have attracted a lot of attention for their role in regulating permeability of the skin and it is clear that different aberrations may be important in different subsets of patients. Several proteins within tight junctions such as claudin, occludin and Zonula Occludens 1 (ZO-1) have been investigated in dogs with AD. Decreased claudin 1 expression has been reported in samples from atopic dog skin (nonlesional skin) and in atopy patch test sites. Decreased intensity of staining for ZO-1 on immunohistochemical analysis also has been reported in atopic dogs. It is interesting to point out that the abnormalities observed so far in samples from dogs with cAD, using immunohistochemical findings and immunofluorescence patterns to visualize tight junction proteins and filaggrins, always describe a “patchy” or noncontinuous expression. Thus, the issues in atopic keratinocytes may not be something that can simply be proven by changes in quantity, and rather by their irregular and discontinuous expression patterns.

By contrast with human studies, filaggrin mutations have not been clearly associated with cAD or decreased expression has not been consistently reported in dogs. Increased gene expression for filaggrin in atopic skin and increased expression of enzymes responsible for its metabolism have been reported in samples from atopic dogs, possibly as a result of the skin compensating for a defective barrier with increased degradation. In dogs and humans, two filaggrin-type proteins have been described with similar location within the epidermis and possibly overlapping functions. The exact difference in function between the two filaggrins is not known at this time. It is important to point out that some of the first publications in veterinary medicine actually referred to what is now known to be filaggrin 2 rather than filaggrin. This may cause some confusion when reading the veterinary literature.

The role of the microbial composition of atopic skin
When talking about skin barrier we do not simply refer to the structural organization of the keratinocytes. The skin barrier is chemical and microbiological as well as physical. For this reason, the type of microbes that are present on the skin are of critical importance in shaping the immune response of the individual and in determining the protection from outside influences. The increased pH characteristics of canine atopic skin may be the result of abnormal metabolism of filaggrin and may be linked to aberrant bacterial growth. Decreased biodiversity of the microbiome and an increased presence of Staphylococcus has been reported in atopic dogs and associated with clinical flares of the disease. Longitudinal studies in dogs with cAD showed that antipruritic treatments restored biodiversity and normalized skin barrier parameters such as TEWL and pH, demonstrating the inter-relationship between the skin barrier and microbiome.

Allergen challenge in previously sensitized dogs leads to dysbiosis with increased amounts of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Topical antimicrobial therapy has been reported to increase biodiversity on the skin in atopic dogs. Although historically we have viewed staphylococcal over-colonization as a consequence of the inflammation in the skin of atopics, it is increasingly clear that Staphylococcus and its cell wall proteins and toxins can by themselves induce AD-like inflammatory responses and affect the skin barrier function. More specifically, a cell wall component of Staphylococcus can induce transcription of TSLP via TLR2 in canine keratinocytes and this could be a link to explain Th2 responses precipitated by Staphylococcus. It is now known that difference in strains of Staphylococcus are important in the type of inflammation triggered and expansion of Th2 and Th17 cells.

The aberrant immune responses
Much progress has been made since the time in which AD was believed to be simply linked to mast cell degranulation and histamine release. Our knowledge has expanded to include an appreciation of the role of the various lymphocytic populations. Although for the longest time emphasis was placed primarily on Th2 cells, we now appreciate the intricacy and the importance of other populations, which play a role in various phases.

In humans, it is believed that involvement of Th2, Th22 and Th17 cells occurs in the acute stage, and the involvement of Th2, Th22 and Th1 cells occurs in the chronic phase. A dysregulated immune response in cAD includes increased Th2, Th17 and CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. Treg cells are significantly increased in atopic dogs compared to normal and correlate with disease severity. Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 are overexpressed in atopic skin and clinical tolerance in healthy dogs is associated with TGF-beta. In chronic lesions a combination of Th2, Th1 and Treg cells are present. Acute patch test reactions show activation of Th2/Th22 pathways and increased gene expression for IL-31, which is believed to play a role in the mediation of pruritus. IL-31 has been successfully identified as a therapeutic target to relieve pruritus in affected atopic dogs. Positive correlation was detected in active disease between severity of dermatitis and circulating levels of IL-31 in a colony of research atopic beagles and in privately owned atopic dogs. Although IL-31 has been traditionally considered for its role in pruritus it is clear that more complex functions are linked to IL-31 including epidermal differentiation and immune responses. Keratinocytes express the receptor for IL-31 and this cytokine can greatly suppress differentiation markers such as filaggrin and cornified cell envelope formation. In humans keratinocytes from atopic patients have higher expression of the receptor for IL-31 when compared to healthy controls, making them very sensitive to the effect of this cytokine.
在人类中,据认为Th2、Th22和Th17细胞的参与发生在急性期,Th2、Th22和Th1细胞的参与发生在慢性期。cAD中免疫反应失调包括Th2、Th17和CD4+ CD25+调节性T (Treg)细胞的增加。与正常犬相比,特应性皮炎犬体内Treg细胞显著增加,并与疾病严重程度相关。Th2细胞因子如IL-4在特应性皮炎皮肤中过表达,健康犬的临床耐受性与TGF- β相关。在慢性病变中存在Th2、Th1和Treg细胞的结合。急性斑贴试验反应显示Th2/Th22通路激活,IL-31基因表达增加,被认为在瘙痒的调节中发挥作用。IL-31已经被成功地确定为一种治疗靶点,以缓解特应性皮炎患犬的瘙痒。在活跃性疾病中,皮炎的严重程度与IL-31循环水平呈正相关,在一群研究特应性皮炎比格犬和家养特应性皮炎犬中。虽然传统上认为IL-31在瘙痒症中发挥作用,但很明显,IL-31与包括表皮分化和免疫反应在内的更复杂的功能有关。角质形成细胞表达IL-31受体,IL-31能显著抑制丝聚合蛋白和角质形成细胞包膜形成等分化标志物的形成。与健康对照组相比,特应性皮炎患犬的角质形成细胞IL-31受体表达更高,使他们对这种细胞因子的影响非常敏感。

Discriminating between what is specific for AD and what is an indicator of generalized inflammation has been a limitation of many of the studies published, as the vast majority of them have compared normal and atopic individuals and not always AD with another inflammatory disease. In human medicine, psoriasis often is used for disease comparison; yet we do not have an equivalent canine inflammatory disease. Nevertheless, it is important to have a sense of how much of what we report is actually relevant to the pathogenesis of AD and how much is secondary “background noise”.

Interleukin-17, a pro-inflammatory cytokine that links Tcell activation to neutrophil activation, also is increased in atopic dogs and could be another target for treatment. IL-17 activates canine keratinocytes to produce several pro-inflammatory cytokines and currently it is speculated to have an important role in the development of a Th2 response.

The link between keratinocyte-derived cytokines is demonstrated by increased expression of TSLP and IL-33 in canine atopic skin.Increased expression of IL-33 can have negative consequences on the function of tight junction proteins such as claudin. Thus inflammatory cytokines can modulate skin barrier function and exacerbate existing deficiencies.

The production of one newly described cytokine, IL-34, in the skin is largely the responsibility of keratinocytes. IL-34 is believed to play a role in the differentiation and proliferation of Langerhans cells during steady states. Studies in humans have shown that IL-34 is largely expressed in the epidermis of normal individuals and nonlesional atopic skin, and decreased in the epidermis of lesional atopic skin. Instead, it is localized in the dermis, associated with myeloid dendritic cells and macrophages. Thus, IL-34 is believed to have a function in negatively influencing expansion of inflammation and current research is considering the possibility of boosting this cytokine as a possible way to prevent development of atopic lesions in people and mice. Other studies have reported on the correlation of increased serum levels of IL-34 with inflammatory states and autoimmune diseases.

A recent study in atopic dogs reported an increased expression of IL-34 in the serum as compared with healthy controls and furthermore that this correlated with disease severity. However, concentrations did not decrease after glucocorticoid or oclacitinib therapy. The authors postulated that this may be linked to IL-34 being produced by damaged keratinocytes rather than immune cells. No evaluation of IL-34 expression in the skin of atopic dogs has been published so far. Thus, the relevance of elevated serum IL-34 and whether it correlates with cutaneous expression is unknown at this time.

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) also has been investigated as it is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that could be considered as target for therapy. It has been shown to play a role in human AD. MIF levels were found to be increased in atopic dogs, apparently not correlated with clinical scores nor pruritus, and thus the clinical relevance of these findings is unknown.

Another recent study evaluating potentially useful peripheral markers showed decrease expression of micro-RNA gene markers (PIAS1, RORA and SH2B1) and an increased expression of the phosphodiesterase 4D gene in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in addition to differential expression of cytokines in dogs with AD in comparison to healthy controls. Again, the clinical relevance of these findings needs to be further evaluated to see how relevant these changes are for AD and how much they simply reflect a state of inflammation.
另一个最近的研究评估,与健康对照组相比,在AD犬外周血单核细胞除细胞因子以外的差异表达潜在作用,即使用外周标记显示微核糖核酸基因标记表达下降(PIAS1 RORA基因和SH2B1)和磷酸二酯酶4 d基因的表达增加。同样,需要进一步评估这些发现的临床相关性,以了解这些变化与AD的相关性,以及它们在多大程度上只是反映了炎症状态。

Summary and directions for the future
Our understanding of AD has greatly advanced in the last few years. Our view has expanded from considering cAD as a histamine-driven Type I hypersensitivity triggered by inhalant allergens to a very complex multifaceted syndrome in which the skin barrier is key. In this syndrome, multiple factors play a role and the skin itself seems to play a crucial role in orchestrating the immune response to epicutaneously absorbed allergens. Keratinocytes shape the immune response and affect the type of lymphocytic response that is promoted. Skin barrier impairments have been described in atopic dogs, yet more work is needed to understand what is a primary and what is a secondary consequence. Many cytokines have been explored as potential targets for future therapies in the hope of providing customized medicine to address the specific mediators that are relevant for specific subsets of patients.

Future studies should include control groups with nonatopic inflammatory diseases in addition to healthy controls to discriminate which changes are simply the consequence of nonspecific inflammation or which ones are specific signatures of atopic disease. Owing to the complexity of this syndrome, it is clear that our approach needs to be multimodal and customized to each patient as different pathways may be relevant to various patients. As our treatments may become more targeted, it is conceivable that one approach would work very well for some patients and not for all. Importantly, we need to be mindful about the modulation of the microbiome. Restoring microbial biodiversity is crucial for proper immune system and barrier function, and to minimize repeating cycles of new sensitizations and further disruption of the skin barrier.


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