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Cutaneous lupus erythematosus in dogs: a comprehensive review
作者:Thierry Olivry , Keith E. Linder and Frane Banovic

翻译:辛蕾 校对:王帆

Discoid lupus erythematosus
Historical perspective Among the several variants of human chronic CLE (e.g. discoid LE [DLE], verrucous hyperkeratotic) LE, chilblain LE, lupus tumidus and lupus profundus), DLE represents the most common form: it is divided into a localized variant where skin lesions are confined to the head and neck, and a generalized form, in which skin lesions also occur below the neck .
历史背景 在人类慢性皮肤红斑狼疮的几种变异型中(如:盘状红斑狼疮DLE、疣状(角化过度)红斑狼疮、冻疮型红斑狼疮、肿胀性狼疮和深部狼疮),盘状红斑狼疮是最常见的:它是一种局部病变的变异型,皮肤病变限于头部和颈部,是一种广义的形式,皮肤病变也会出现在颈部以下。
In 1979, Griffin and colleagues reported clinical, histopathological and immunological characteristics of two dogs with localized facial lesions that were diagnosed as being affected with the canine counterpart of human DLE. In these two dogs, the nasal-predominant dermatitis was associated with microscopic focal interface dermatitis, basement membrane thickening and a superficial lymphocytic and plasmacytic dermatitis. Since then, there were three large case series describing dogs with nasal skin-predominant DLE lesions , two of them including some of the same cases. The then-proposed terminology resulted in the widespread acceptance of canine DLEbeing equated mainly to facial localized lesions. In the 2010s, we began reporting dogs with a more widespread phenotype that resembled that of the generalized variant of human DLE; this was followed with the publication of a case series of ten dogs with generalized DLE (GDLE), this article encompassing the three cases already published by the NC State Dermatology group.

Signalment The four largest series of dogs with the classiclocalized facial-predominant DLE (FDLE) allows the analysis of a cohort of 104 dogs. Among these cases, there were 32 German shepherd dogs and their crosses (31%). The age of onset of FDLE skin lesions varied between 1 and 12 years of age (median: 7 years);while the female-to-male ratio was 0.7, there was an equal representation of intact and neutered individuals.
特征 在四个最大的犬“经典”局灶、面部盘状红斑狼疮病例报告里,分析了104只犬。在这些病例中有32只德国牧羊犬及其杂交犬(31%)。面部型盘状红斑狼疮皮肤病变的发病年龄在1岁至12岁间(中位年龄7岁);雌雄比例为0.7,绝育与未绝育的比例相当。
A retrospective study recently evaluated the historical and outcome information in ten dogs with GDLE.Amongst these dogs, there were two Chinese crested dogs and two Labrador retrievers; there was one each of the following pure breeds: miniature pinscher, Leonberger, Shih-Tzu and toy poodle. The age of onset of GDLE skin lesions varied between 5 and 12 years of age (median 9 years). The female-to-male ratio was 1.0 and all dogs were castrated. Interestinglyand surprisinglyGerman shepherd dogs, a breed predisposed to develop several forms of LE, such as SLE, localized FDLE and MCLE, did not seem affected by GDLE. This discrepancy may be explained by the German shepherd breed not being predisposed to this disease, by the small size of the reported cohort or by a possible clinical misdiagnosis of GDLE as one of theidiopathic lichenoid dermatosesas they were diagnosed in the 1980s solely based on the histopathological identification of a lichenoid tissue reactionin dogs.

Incidence and prevalence At this time, there is no usable information to determine the frequency of occurrence of FDLE and GDLE in dogs.
发病率和流行率 目前没有可靠的信息在犬中面部型盘状红斑狼疮和全身型盘状红斑狼疮的发病率和流行率。

Clinical signs The classic skin lesions of human DLE usually consist of early erythematous and variably scaly macules or papules that slowly evolve into a coin-shaped (i.e. discoid), plaques with adherent scales, follicular plugging (i.e. comedones) and peripheral hyperpigmentation presumed to occur secondarily to inflammation. These discoid plaques can coalesce and develop central scarring and depigmentation. Atypical presentations of GDLE have been reported in patients of differing ethnic groups; the morphological appearance of lesions in these patients varies from hyperpigmented macules to hyperkeratotic, hyperpigmented plaques with an erythematous border.
临床症状 人类盘状红斑狼疮的典型皮肤病变通常早期是红斑和各样的鳞状斑点或丘疹,慢慢演变成一个硬币形状(即盘状)、有粘附性皮屑的斑块、毛囊堵塞(即粉刺)和可能继发于炎症的外周色素沉着。这些盘状斑块可合并后发展为中央瘢痕和色素减退。已报道了在不同种族中病患全身型盘状红斑狼疮的非典型表现;这些病患病变的形态外观从色素沉着的斑点到过度角化、具有红斑边缘的色素沉着的斑块。
The early skin lesions in canine FDLE consist of erythema, depigmentation and scaling that progress into erosions and ulcerations with atrophy and loss of the architecture of the nasal planum (Fig. 9a-f); crusting may be present if the epithelial integrity is damaged. Skin lesions usually affect the nasal planum (Fig. 9a-f) and might even involve the nares (Fig. 9c,d,f); several dogs exhibit additional skin lesions on the dorso-proximal muzzle (Fig. 9a,b), lips, periorbital skin and pinnae. Squamous cell carcinoma was reported to develop from chronic DLE nasal lesions in dogs , as in humans. Pruritus has been reported to be variable in dogs with FDLE.
Clinicians should remember that cutaneous (epitheliotropic) T-cell lymphomas can have localized lesions that affect the nose and could mimic those of FDLE. Other differential diagnosis for depigmentation and inflammation on the nasal planum are MCP and the uveodermatological syndrome, which resembles the Vogt-KoyanagiHarada syndrome of humans. One should keep in mind that the "so-called MCP" is a poorly described disease that, if it were to even exist as a primary disease, is likely to occur secondarily to other diseases such as FDLE, MMP and MCLE and other nasal-targeting autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases.
Dogs with GDLE present with generalized or multifocal, annular (discoid) to polycyclic plaques with dyspigmentation, an erythematous margin, adherent scaling, follicular plugging and central alopecia; these predominate on the neck, dorsum and lateral thorax (Fig. 10a,f) . In many of these dogs, the plaques evolved into ulcerations healing with a central atrophic or hypertrophic scar and dyspigmentation(depigmentation and hyperpigmentation) (Fig. 10a,f). Four of ten of the reported dogs (40%) had mucocutaneous regions involved with plaques usually appearing on or around the genitalia. An unusual pattern of reticulated (net-like) hyperpigmentation was visible on the ventral abdomen and lateral thorax in two of these cases, a feature also seen in other CCLE variants such as MCLE. In the largest series of cases, systemic signs were not reported; pruritus and pain at the site of lesions were observed in four (40%) and three of ten dogs (30%), respectively. There are only two canine skin diseases that could closely mimic GDLE: generalized (and often vaccine-induced) ischemic dermatopathies and the very rare hyperkeratotic EM (a.k.a. old dogEM).

Laboratory evaluation In humans affected with the generalized variant of GDLE, a positive ANA titer is frequently found, and it represents a risk factor for development of SLE within five years after the initial diagnosis of skin lesions. So far, out of the 104 dogs with classic FDLE included in the four largest series of cases, there were no reports of progression to SLE . Seven dogs with GDLE had a low positive ANA serum titer, but a progression with acquisition of additional criteria for SLE was not seen in any dog within the median follow up of 2.5 years (ranging 0.5 to 6 years) in the published series.To our knowledge, the progression of a DLE variant toclinicalSLE has been reported only in one dog.
实验室检查 在患有全身型盘状红斑狼疮泛发性变异型的人上,常发现阳性的抗核抗体滴度,它代表了最初诊断皮肤病变的五年内系统性红斑狼疮发展的危险因素。目前为止,自四个最大病例报告104只患有经典性面部型盘状红斑狼疮后,没有系统性红斑狼疮进展的报道。七只患有全身型盘状红斑狼疮的犬具有较低的阳性抗核抗体血清滴度,但在出版的报告里随访的中位年龄为2.5岁(范围0.5岁至6岁)的所有犬中都没有取得系统性红斑狼疮额外标准的进展。据我们所知,盘状红斑狼疮变异型向“临床”系统性红斑狼疮的进展仅在一只犬中有报道。

Histopathology The histology of DLE in dogs is similar to that of humans and is characterized by a lichenoid cell-rich,lymphocytic interface dermatitis reaction pattern with basal keratinocyte vacuolar degeneration, apoptosis, loss of basal cells and basement membrane thickening.
组织病理学 犬盘状红斑狼疮的组织学与人类的相似,其特征是富含细胞的藓样变淋巴细胞界面性皮炎,伴随着基底角质细胞空泡变性、凋亡、基底细胞丢失和基底膜增厚。
In canine FDLE, the interface reaction (vacuolar degeneration, apoptosis and loss of basal cells) is often subtle or mild in biopsy samples (Fig. 11a-c). Only small areas might exhibit an active interface reaction and these lesions are easily missed, as nasal planum biopsies tend to be few and small. Interface changes can involve the follicular infundibula (Fig. 11d), when lesions extend off of the nasal planum; however, folliculitis has not been specifically investigated in canine FDLE. Pigmentary incontinence occurs secondarily to the interface reaction (Fig. 11a,b) but it is not specific to this type of injury and it can be found, persistent, in the nasal planum of dogs without concurrent nasal dermatitis .Thickening of the basement membrane zone is patchy or multifocal but is not specific,as it occurs with other chronic inflammatory disorders of the nasal planum, such as leishmaniosis, where geographically relevant .Superficial dermal fibrosis can be absent or range from mild-to-marked. Secondary bacterial colonization is common in FDLE and often complicates the histological diagnosis. These issues are compounded by the fact that, historically, the diagnosis of nasal-predominantcanine DLEwas given to dogs when microscopic examination of nasal planum skin biopsy specimens revealed a superficial dermal band-likepattern of inflammation rich in lymphocytes and plasma cells (a so-called lichenoid infiltrate), without any emphasis on the presence of an interface reaction. In fact, it is now believed that suchlichenoidlymphocyte and plasma cell rich inflammation is a nonspecific inflammatory pattern seen in and near mucosae or related tissues (oral cavity, nasal planum, eyelids,genitalia, etc.). In a retrospective histological study of nasal dermatitis in dogs, a cell-rich lichenoid infiltrate was common, but only a small subset of subjects with nasal lesions exhibited the interface dermatitis associated with CLE.
In canine GDLE, in contrast to FDLE, the interface reaction is usually well developed, when an adequate number of biopsies are examined from the active margins of lesions(Fig. 12a,b). The epidermis may be atrophic or mildly hyperplastic (Fig. 12a,b) as a consequence of regional variation in severity of the interface reaction. Pigmentary incontinence can be pronounced, especially at the margins of lesions, where the interface reaction extends into zones of secondary hyperpigmentation induced by chronic inflammation (Fig. 12a-d). In chronic lesions, dermal fibrosis occasionally displaces the cell-rich inflammatory infiltrate from the superficial dermis (Fig. 12c,d). Cell-poor zones of lesion occasionally occur but often individual lymphocytes can be found in the basal layer of the epidermis in good numbers, with satellitosis of apoptotic basal keratinocytes. In GDLE, superficial epidermal apoptosis occurs, with or without lymphocytic satellitosis, which can erroneously suggest the diagnosis of erythema multiforme or morphologically related conditions. However, the collection of multiple biopsies reveals apoptosis to be most prominent in the basal epidermal layer in cases of GDLE.
In the recent case series of canine GDLE, alopecia occurred in nearly all patients; lymphocytic interface folliculitis involved the infundibulum and extended into the isthmus. A lymphocytic mural folliculitis was also common, but it was usually milder and involved the infundibulum, isthmus and inferior hair follicle segments,typically sparing the bulbs. This mural pattern mirrors that of human DLE, where it is also called a panfollicular pattern; it is usually minimally severe, but such a pattern is insufficiently described. Sebaceous gland atrophy occurred in GDLE cases, where it was mostly mild and partial in biopsies but sometimes it was complete. It should be noted that diagnostic biopsies typically focus on epidermal changes at the margins of skin lesions where hair follicle and sebaceous gland changes might not be fully developed.

Immunopathology A linear deposition of IgG and IgM at the dermo-epidermal basement membrane zone (i.e. a positive LBT) of lesional skin was found in 90% of dogs with GDLE, and this proportion is similar to what is seen in human DLE lesions.Interestingly, the most commonly detected immunoreactant deposited in one series of dogs with classic FDLE was C3 (90100%), while IgG and IgM were revealed in 4070% of cases, respectively. In contrast, in the second case series, a positive LBT showed immunoglobulins (all classes together) and activated complement (C3) in 8590% of 22 cases. These variable results between canine localized and generalized DLE could be related to differences in tissue fixation techniques (frozen vs. formalin), antigen retrieval methods and/or immunofluorescence staining protocols that were performed 30 years apart. To investigate the value of performing DIF in canine CLE diagnostic work-up, further studies regarding the sensitivity and specificity of a positive LBT for the diagnosis of CLE variants are warranted.
免疫病理学 lgGlgM在皮肤表皮基底膜区域呈线性沉积(即狼疮带试验阳性),在90%患有全身型盘状红斑狼疮犬中发现了这一皮肤病变,这一比例与人类盘状红斑狼疮病变相似。有趣的是,在患有经典面部型盘状红斑狼疮的犬中检测到最多的免疫复合物沉积是C390%100%),而lgGlgM分别在40%70%的病例中显示。相较之下,在第二个病例系列中,狼疮带试验阳性显示免疫球蛋白(所有类型一起)和活化补体(C3)在22例病例中占85%90%。这些在犬局部和全身型盘状红斑狼疮间的各样的结果可能跟30年间进行的组织固定术(冷冻和福尔马林)、抗原修复法和/或免疫荧光染色之间的差异有关。为了探讨这些差异在犬皮肤红斑狼疮诊断中的作用,有必要进一步研究狼疮带试验阳性对皮肤红斑狼疮变异型诊断的敏感性和特异性。
Treatment and outcome Besides the obvious need for photoprotection (sun avoidance), the 2017 update of the Cochrane systematic review of interventions for human DLE reported evidence for the benefit of a potent topical glucocorticoid and the oral drugs hydroxychloroquine and acitretin (a retinoid).Furthermore, there was insufficient evidence for the efficacy of other interventions, such as topical calcineurin inhibitors (e.g. tacrolimus).
治疗和预后 除了明显的需要防光(避光)之外,2017年科克伦系统评价(CSR)更新报道了对人类盘状红斑狼疮治疗有利的强效局部糖皮质激素和口服药物羟氯喹以及维A酸(一种类维生素A)。此外,还有不充分的证据显示其他治疗措施的疗效,如局部钙调磷酸酶抑制剂(如他克莫司)。
Since 1992, antibiotics of the tetracycline family, with or without concurrent niacinamide (a.k.a. nicotinamide),have been suggested to be helpful for the treatment of canine immune-mediated skin diseases including FDLE. An initial report by White and colleagues showed that 14/20(70%) dogs with FDLE had a good-to-excellent response using a tetracycline-niacinamide combination; a recent retrospective study revealed a similar positive response rate in dogs with FDLE. While tetracyclineniacinamide therapy is considered to be safe, tetracycline is no longer available commercially in many countries. Although tetracycline and doxycycline were shown to be relatively similar in their effectiveness to treat the so-called canine lupoid onychodystrophy, a poorlyunderstood onychitis , therapeutic equipotency data for other canine auto-immune and immune-mediated diseases, such as DLE are unavailable; additional studies are necessary to confirm the effectiveness of substituting doxycycline or minocycline for the tetracycline used beforehand to treat dogs with CLE.
Topical tacrolimus ointment has been used successfully for the topical treatment of canine FDLE. At first,Griffies and colleagues evaluated the use of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment applied topically to the lesional (facial)skin of ten dogs with DLE, most of these dogs receiving topical tacrolimus as an adjunctive therapy to oral glucocorticoids. There was a positive response in eight dogs (80%), three of them having had an excellent improvement in skin lesions. Recently, Messinger and colleagues conducted a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled crossover study to evaluate the efficacy of a lower concentration of tacrolimus ointment (0.03%) in 19 dogs with FDLE . Tacrolimus ointment, applied twice daily as monotherapy for up to 10 weeks,appeared safe and effective. A noticeable clinical improvement was seen in 13/18 (72%) of the dogs, whereas only three dogs receiving the placebo had lesions that improved. To summarize, limited outcome data suggest that topical tacrolimus ointment and/or a niacinamidecyclin combination therapy should be considered as potentially effective therapeutic options for canine FDLE.
Skin lesions of canine GDLE appear to respond to a wide range of treatments but half of the patients experienced relapses upon the tapering of drug dosages. In a recent report , a remarkable improvement or a complete remission in GDLE skin lesions followed treatment with oral ciclosporin (mean 4.8 mg/kg once daily) along with a short course of glucocorticoids at treatment onset. Furthermore, oral hydroxychloroquine, in conjunction with topical 0.1% tacrolimus ointment application, helped induce and maintain remission of skin lesions in two dogs with GDLE .

Fig. 9 clinical characteristics of canine facial discoid lupus erythematosus.
a, b: erythematous, depigmented, ulcerated, crusted and scarred nasal lesions of FDLE in a rough collie; a discoid lesion is visible in the proximal dorsal muzzle;
(c, d): during the chronic phase of FDLE, depigmentation and scarring without inflammation are present;
(e): erosions leading to scars in a Labrador with active FDLE;
(f) depigmentation, scarring and crusting in a dog with FDLE. The presence of prominent inflammation often heralds a secondary bacterial colonization, like in the so-called MCP (courtesy of Petra Bizikova, NC State University, Raleigh)

(f):患有面部型盘状红斑狼疮的犬:色素减退、瘢痕和结痂。明显的炎性反应常提示继发的细菌感染,像所谓的黏膜脓皮病(由北卡罗莱纳州立大学罗利市Petra Bizikova提供)

Fig. 10 Clinical characteristics of canine generalized discoid lupus erythematosus.
a, b: disc-shaped, annular and polycyclic plaques with hyperpigmentation, focal depigmentation and scarring on the thorax of a Chinese crested dog with GDLE;
(c): large irregular plaque with dyspigmentation, scarring and erythema on the lateral knee of the same dog as in (a, b);
d: reticulated depigmentation with occasional plaques and focal ulceration on the abdomen;
(e):unusual mask-likebilateral and symmetric hyperpigmentation and dorsal proximal ulceration and scarring in another Chinese crested dog with GDLE;
(f):same dog as in (e) classic disc-shaped dyspigmented plaque with scarring and focal ulceration and crusting;
(g): same dog as in (e) anal and perianal dyspigmentation and scarring with focal ulceration;
(h): large polycyclic hyperpigmented and scaly plaque on the abdomen of a crossbred dog with GDLE


Fig. 11 Histopathology of facial canine discoid lupus erythematosus.
a: in a biopsy from the nasal planum, cell-rich, lymphocytic interface dermatitis is present with a prominent band-like (lichenoid) dermal infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Pigmentary incontinence is moderate. 100×
(b): inset box from image a, a short epidermal segment with well-developed interface change, where lymphocytes infiltrate predominantly the basal layer in conjunction with basal cell vacuolation, apoptosis, and loss. 400X
(c): a similar interface reaction pattern affects the epidermis of haired skin in the dorsal nasal area. 200X
(d): lymphocytic interface folliculitis and mural folliculitis of the hair follicle infundibulum. 200X


Fig. 12 Histopathology of generalized canine discoid lupus erythematosus
(a): in a skin biopsy from the trunk, a cell-rich lymphocytic interface dermatitis is present with prominent pigmentary incontinence. While epidermal atrophy (not shown) is classically seen in areas of prominent interface change, epidermal hyperplasia (shown here) can occur in chronic smoldering areas of lesions. 200X
(b): inset box from image a,lymphocytes infiltrate predominately the basal layer in conjunction with basal cell vacuolation, apoptosis, and loss. 400X
(c): some chronic lesions develop mild subepidermal fibrosis with a paucity of inflammation, while retaining pigmentary incontinence. 100X
(d): inset box from image c,higher magnification image shows mild subepidermal fibrosis, few inflammatory cells and prominent pigmentary incontinence. 400X


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