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Canine  Cutaneous  Lupus Erythematosus
Newly  Discovered Variants
作者:Frane Banovic, DVM, PhD
翻译:侯宁  校对:王帆

•Autoimmune skin disease •Lupus •Skin •Canine •Dermatology
·Canine cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) variants are heterogeneous.
·In the generalized form of discoid lupus erythematosus (GDLE) in dogs, erythematous disc-like plaques with adherent scaling and dyspigmentation occur below the neck.
·In mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus (MCLE), erythematous erosions and ulcers affect most commonly anal/perianal regions or genital/perigenital areas in dogs.
·German shepherd dogs and their crosses represent approximately half of the dogs in published MCLE cases.
·Canine GDLE and MCLE seem to respond to a wide range of treatments, but a majority of the cases experience relapse on the tapering of drug dosages.

In humans, the Sontheimer-Gilliam classification divides the skin lesions that can be encountered in lupus erythematosus (LE) into those with characteristic microscopic changes of lymphocyte-rich interface dermatitis with basal keratinocyte damage (ie, lupus-specific skin diseases = cutaneous LE [CLE]) and those without such microscopic pattern (ie, LE-nonspecific skin diseases). The LE-specific skin diseases are subdivided into acute CLE, subacute CLE, and chronic CLE (CCLE) types; these designations refer to both the lesional morphology and the average duration of individual skin lesions. Among the several variants of human CCLE (eg, discoid LE [DLE], verrucous (hyperkeratotic) LE, chilblain LE, lupus tumidus, and lupus profundus), DLE represents the most common form.
In 1979, Griffin and colleagues reported 2 dogs with localized nasal-predominant dermatitis diagnosed as affected with the canine counterpart of human DLE. Within the ensuing 4 decades, novel descriptions of canine CLE variants occurred through several case series.  Recently, a proposal of the novel CLE classification in dogs (Fig. 1), derived from the corresponding human CLE diseases, has been published.
In this review, the author presents the historical and clinical features characteristic of 2 recently described CLE variants, GDLE and mucocutaneous LE (MCLE) and, finally, a review of current treatment recommendations for these variants.
Historical andClinicalFinding
Since the first description of nasal-predominant dermatitis as the canine counterpart of  human DLE, 2 large case series of  dogs  with  classic  facial  (nasal) planum-predominant localized DLE followed (Fig. 2A).  This resulted in the widespread acceptance of canine DLE equated mainly with localized lesions affecting nasal planum. In humans, a distinction between localized DLE, where skin lesions are confined to the head and neck, and the GDLE (GDLE) form, in which skin lesions occur below the neck with or without involvement of the head, exists. Recently, a widespread phenotype that resembled that of the generalized variant of human DLE has been described in dogs.
Canine GDLE typically affects adult dogs. In a recent case series of 10 dogs, the age of onset of GDLE skin lesions ranged from 5 years to 12 years, with a median age of 9 years. The female/male ratio was 1.0; all dogs were castrated. Different breeds were affected by GDLE (ie, Chinese crested dogs, Labrador retrievers, miniature pinscher, Leonberger, shih tzu, and toy poodle).German shepherd dogs and their crosses, which are predisposed to develop facial (nasal) planum-predominant localized DLE, were not affected by GDLE.
GDLE的主要病变是伴色素改变(色素减退和色素沉着)的环状(盘状)至多环状斑块,边缘红斑,粘附性皮屑,毛囊管型和中央脱毛(图2B,C)。表现为典型的全身性或多灶性病变,分布在颈部背部胸侧和 胸腹;在一些犬中,病变延伸至黏膜皮肤交界处。临床上病变会进一步发展;在一些犬会表现出不常见的弥散性色素沉着,而在其他犬中出现伴有色素减退或色素沉着的中央萎缩性或增生性瘢痕(图2D-F)。
The primary lesions in GDLE are annular (discoid) to polycyclic plaques with dyspigmentation (depigmentation and hyperpigmentation), an erythematous margin, adherent scaling, follicular plugging, and central alopecia (Fig.  2B, C). The lesions are typically generalized or multifocal and distributed over the neck, dorsum, and lateral and ventral thorax; in some dogs, mucocutaneous junctions are affected. Lesions can advance at clinical presentation; some dogs develop an unusual pattern of diffuse reticulated (netlike) hyperpigmentation whereas in other dogs central atrophic or hypertrophic scars with depigmentation or hyperpigmentation occur (Fig. 2D–F).
The main dermatoses with clinical signs mimicking GDLE are hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme and generalized ischemic dermatopathies.
Fig. 1. VCLE, ECLE, localized  (facial) DLE or GDLE, and MCLE are the currently  recognized subtypes of canine CLE.

Fig. 2. Clinical characteristics of canine facial and GDLE. (A) Erythematous, depigmented, ulcerated, and crusted nasal lesions of facial DLE in a German shepherd dog; complete loss of cobblestone  appearance is visible. (B–D) Disc-shaped, annular,  and polycyclic plaques with hyperpigmentation, focal depigmentation, and scarring on the thorax  of dogs with  GDLE; focal ulcers at margins are present. (E) An unusual pattern of reticulated (netlike)  hyperpigmentation with  alopecia on the ventral abdomen. (F) Hyperpigmented annular macules and patches with  central  loss of  tissue architecture and prominent silver adherent  scales surrounded  by a peripheral erythematous  margin  and focal ulceration.
There are no specific routine laboratory findings in canine GDLE. Some human GDLE patients are at risk for development of systemic LE (SLE) within 5 years after the initial diagnosis of skin lesions.The progression to a clinical SLE was observed in only 1 GDLE dog.  Despite no clinical signs justifying internal involvement in most GDLE dogs, further investigations, such as complete blood cell count, serum chemistry profile and urinalysis, are performed to rule out concurrent SLE. Human SLE patients have high titers of circulating antinuclear antibodies (ANAs); ANAs are autoantibodies against nuclear components,  including double-stranded  and single-stranded DNA and histones.Therefore, to rule out coexisting SLE, the ANA serology should be evaluated in all dogs diagnosed with GDLE. Although the ANA serology was occasionally positive at a 1:40 serum dilution in the recent GDLE case series, based on the lack of systemic signs and negative laboratory results suggesting renal or hematologic involvement, a diagnosis of coexisting SLE was ruled out in all dogs.
Diagnosis of canine GDLE is based on history and clinical presentation supported by characteristic histopathologic findings. Multiple skin biopsies should be collected from affected dogs at the areas of active margin to normal skin. The histology of GDLE in dogs is characterized by a cell-rich, lymphocytic interface dermatitis and folliculitis (Fig. 3A–C). In chronic lesions with scarring, dermal fibrosis occasionally displaces the cell-rich inflammatory infiltrate from the superficial dermis.
Using a direct immunofluorescence method, immunoglobulin deposition at the dermoepidermal junction could be demonstrated in 90% of dogs with GDLE (Fig. 3D); the deposition resembles the lupus-band test observed in humans with CLE variants. A majority of dogs exhibited a linear deposition of IgG and IgM antibodies at the dermoepidermal basement membrane zone of lesional skin, which is similar to what is seen in human DLE lesions.
Fig. 3. Histopathology of GDLE. (A) In a skin biopsy from  the trunk,  a cell-rich lymphocytic interface  dermatitis is present (H&E, original magnification x40). (B, C) Lymphocytes infiltrate the basal layer of epidermis and are associated with  basal cell vacuolation, apoptosis, loss, and disorganization at the cleft margin (H&E, original magnification x40). (D) Continuous and linear IgG deposition along the epidermal  basement membrane zone (ie, positive lupus band test). Magnification of IgG deposition with  fluorescent  round cells in the superficial dermis that  represent IgG-positive plasma cells, a common finding at inflamed mucocutaneous  junctions  (Anti-IgG  fluorescein  with  diamidino phenylindole (DAPI) stain, 109 magnification).
Historical andClinicalFindings
    20世纪90年代中叶, 首次报道2例德国牧羊犬以生殖器病变为主的DLE。表现为生殖器周围糜烂性皮肤病。正如之前描述的,靠近粘膜处的慢性糜烂和溃疡性病变并不是GDLE的典型特点,且面部的DLE主要侵犯鼻面。1998年,Olivry提出诊断术语,皮肤粘膜LE(MCLE)是指,以粘膜周围溃疡病变为主要特征,伴有CLE的典型微观病理改变。(Olivry T: British 兽医皮肤病研究小组, York (United Kingdom),1998)。不幸的是,在过去20年中这种关于犬的皮肤粘膜疾病的术语一直在变化。与之相似的粘膜周围的糜烂性表现型被称为DLE或肛周/外阴周围的LE。2015年,Olivry和其同事把21只患有糜烂性皮肤粘膜糜烂病变的犬的病史、临床表现和组织学特点,与CLE的组织病理学特点相比较。通过这些病例制定了MCLE的诊断方法,并将其作为犬CCLE的另一种分型。
In the mid-1990s, an erosive skin disease affecting perigenital areas in 2 German shepherd dogs was first reported as a genital-predominant DLE. As described previously, chronic juxtamucosal erosive and ulcerative lesions are not a feature of GDLE and facial localized DLE predominantly affects the nasal planum. In 1998, Olivry proposed the diagnosis term, mucocutaneous LE [MCLE], for the canine disease characterized by perimucosal ulcerative lesions areas with a microscopic pathology typical of CLE (Olivry T: British Veterinary Dermatology Study Group, York (United Kingdom),1998). Unfortunately, the terminology of this canine mucocutaneous disease continued to vary in the past 2 decades; additional cases of similar perimucosal erosive phenotype were published as DLE or perianal/perivulvar LE. In 2015, Olivry and colleagues compared the historical, clinical, and histologic features of 21 dogs affected by erosive mucocutaneous erosions and a CLE histopathology; the MCLE diagnosis was coined for these cases and proposed as another variant of canine CCLE.
MCLE is a rare disease that affects adult dogs of various breeds; German shepherd dogs and their crosses represent approximately half of all published cases of canine MCLE. German shepherd dogs are reported to be predisposed to develop SLE and facial localized classic DLE. In a case series of 21 dogs, the age of onset of MCLE skin lesions varied widely and ranged from 3 years to 13 years (median; 6 years).  The female-to-male  ratio  was 1.8; if only all published  data affecting German/Belgian shepherds and their crosses are included, female dogs appear approximately 4 times over-represented.
主人发现MCLE动物大便(大便困难)和/或小便(小便困难)时皮肤粘膜疼痛意思的特 MCLE的典型病变是边界清晰的多灶补丁状分布的红斑糜烂和溃疡(图4);大多数病例出现全身性病变并会继发结痂。色素的改变,如色素沉着,常出现在溃疡性病变周围或在之前病变部位。
One interesting feature of MCLE is that the owners report mucocutaneous sores and pain that manifests while defecating (dyschezia) and/or urinating (dysuria). The characteristic lesions of MCLE are well-demarcated multifocal to patchy erythematous erosions and ulcers (Fig. 4); most cases have symmetric lesions and in some secondary crusting develops. Pigmentary changes, such as hyperpigmentation, often surround ulcerative lesions or develop at the site of previous lesions.
The mucocutaneous lesions of MCLE most commonly occur on the anal/perianal regions (see Fig. 4A) or genital/perigenital (see Fig. 4B, C); in rare cases, lesions have been noted around the lips (see Fig. 4D), eyes, and nasal planum. At the time of presentation to the veterinarian, a majority of dogs had 2 or more perimucosal or mucocutaneous regions involved. There were no systemic signs observed outside of pain when defecating and urinating or at the site of lesions in the majority of dogs.
Differential diagnoses that can mimic MCLE skin lesions in dogs include mucocutaneous pyoderma (MCP) and mucous membrane pemphigoid  (MMP). MCP is a poorly characterized skin disease of dogs with greater tendency to affect the nasal planum or the perioral skin, a less erosive and more crusting phenotype, and complete response of lesions to antibiotic therapy. MMP affects German shepherd dogs commonly and the skin lesions consist of symmetric erosions/ulcers involving several mucosae and mucocutaneous junctions; histopathology reveals microscopic subepidermal clefts without interface dermatitis characteristic of CLE.

Fig. 4. Clinical characteristics of canine MCLE. (A) Anal erosions with  peripheral hyperpigmentation in a German shepherd dog; (B, C) multifocal genital  and perigenital erythematous erosions with  peripheral hyperpigmentation are often  seen in MCLE lesions; and (D) erythematous erosions with  crusting at perilabial areas are also seen in MCLE.
There are no specific routine laboratory findings in canine MCLE. Two of 8 patients in a recent case series exhibited very low positive ANA titers without progression to SLE. At this time, there is a lack of evidence of signs suggesting an association of canine MCLE with SLE, and the performance of extensive laboratory testing (including ANA serology) in MCLE patients to search for the latter is currently not warranted.
Diagnosis of canine MCLE is based on history and clinical presentation supported by characteristic histopathologic findings of cell-rich lymphocytic interface dermatitis with basal keratinocyte damage.7 Interface dermatitis commonly extends to the infundibula of hair follicles. Multiple biopsies at the margin of the erosions and ulcers are recommended because lymphocytic interface dermatitis in MCLE can be limited to small areas. Not surprisingly, perimucosal erosions and ulcers of MCLE lesions are easily colonized by oral, genital, or fecal bacteria; there is presence of bacterial infection, including neutrophilic crusting and folliculitis in some MCLE skin biopsy sections. These findings of secondary surface bacterial colonization or infection may complicate and bias the pathologists because they are suggestive of MCP diagnosis. Therefore, to avoid the presence of infection in MCLE skin biopsies, topical antimicrobials with or without systemic antibiotics are warranted as the first intervention. In MCP cases, complete response to antimicrobial therapy with full remission of lesions is expected to occur.Direct immunofluorescence on paraffin-embedded sections revealed immunoglobulin IgG deposition at the dermoepidermal junction in almost all cases.
The treatment of human CLE variants is divided into nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic approaches; the nonpharmacologic approach is essential and involves photoprotective  practices  (sun avoidance) through  sunprotective  clothing  along  with proper use of sunscreen.  Because canine vesicular CLE (VCLE) skin lesions are induced and/or worsened by UV light (ie, frequent lesional flares in summer), sun avoidance is implemented immediately after a diagnosis of VCLE is made. Although the exact role of sunlight in the pathogenesis of canine CCLE variants, including GDLE and MCLE, is currently unknown, sun avoidance (keep the dogs out of direct sunlight between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM) and the use of sunscreen, where possible, is recommended for affected dogs. The American Academy of Dermatology advises the general public to choose a sunscreen with at least sun protection factor (SPF) 50, which protects against UV-B and UV-A, in humans affected by SLE/CLE.22 Dog sunscreens are available at most pet stores and, similarly to humans, higher SPF is generally recommended.
The pharmacologic therapy approach uses different medications that target some of the key inflammatory pathways involved in the pathogenesis of the CLE disease. The recent 2017 update of the Cochrane systematic review of interventions for human DLE reported evidence for the benefit of a potent topical glucocorticoid; the oral drugs hydroxychloroquine and retinoid acitretin appear to be of equal efficacy in terms of complete resolution in only 50% of patients.24 The investigators concluded overall low quality and level of reliable evidence and finding the appropriate therapy for a human CLE patient remains challenging.24 The next challenge is an in-depth understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of human CLE to be able to predict the response of medications in an individual with CLE. Recent insights into the pathogenesis of human CLE at the cellular and molecular levels revealed predominant type 1 helper T-cell (TH1) lymphocytic inflammatory response with keratinocyte apoptosis and high up regulation of interferon pathway in skin lesions.25,26  Molecular pathogenesis of canine CLE variants is poorly investigated. Recently, we  reported for the first time the lesional skin transcriptome of canine exfoliative CLE (ECLE) variant as well as successful reversal of the skin lesions and associated pathogenic cytokines/chemokines using the oral immunosuppressive medication mycophenolate. The lesional skin of a German shorthaired pointer affected with ECLE expressed strong predominant TH1 lymphocytic inflammatory response with apoptosis and up-regulation of interferon pathway.Future approaches in the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of canine GDLE and MCLE skin lesions are warranted to enable the development of specific biomarkers and to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic strategies at the molecular level.
Skin lesions of canine GDLE and MCLE seem to respond best to immunosuppressive dosages of oral glucocorticoids (1–2 mg/kg prednisone/prednisolone), but a majority of the patients experience relapses on the tapering of drug dosages.  In a recent retrospective study, the best long-term therapeutic outcome in GDLE skin lesions followed treatment with oral cyclosporine (mean 4.8 mg/kg once daily) along with a short course of glucocorticoids  at treatment onset.  The treatment modality of oral hydroxychloroquine, in conjunction with topical 0.1% tacrolimus ointment application, helped induce and maintain remission of skin lesions in 2 dogs with GDLE.
Because the erosions and ulcers of MCLE lesions are most commonly localized in perimucosal areas and prone to secondary bacterial colonization or infection, topical antimicrobials with or without systemic antibiotics should be applied in conjunction with immunomodulating treatments for MCLE patients where skin cytology reveals intracellular bacteria and presence of pus. In a majority of cases, oral glucocorticoids induce complete remission of clinical signs within a month of treatment induction.
Because the tapering of  oral glucocorticoids  commonly  leads to  the relapse of MCLE skin lesions, a long-term beneficial response can be achieved using a combination of a tetracycline antibiotic, with or without niacinamide, in some dogs.7,9  The usefulness of adding topical tacrolimus or additional systemic immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine, cyclosporine,  mycophenolate  mofetil, and so forth) for longterm control of MCLE disease should be evaluated further.
Because the spectrum of canine CLE variants has expanded markedly in the recent 2 decades, veterinarians are encouraged to become familiar with the characteristic clinical features of CLE variants to permit early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Although the presentations of GDLE and MCLE are clinically distinct, a definitive diagnosis relies on the demonstration of a cell-rich interface dermatitis in skin biopsies taken from affected areas. Skin lesions of canine GDLE and MCLE seem to respond to a wide range of treatments, but half of the cases experienced relapse on the tapering of drug dosages. Sun avoidance is also recommended.


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